AREEA Workforce Wellbeing Capability Statement

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Capability Statement


This document outlines AREEA’s commitment to workforce mental health and wellbeing. The Australian Resources and Energy Industry Employer Association (AREEA) and AREEA’s Workforce Wellbeing Advisory Board (WWAB) are introduced, and their vision and mission stated. The document provides an overview of recent and current workforce mental health and wellbeing projects and AREEA’s workforce mental health and wellbeing related service offerings for the resources and energy industry.


AREEA Australian Resources and Energy Industry Employer Association

WWAB AREEA’s Workforce Wellbeing Advisory Board


The information contained in this publication, including data, representations, advice, statements and opinions, expressly or implied set out in this publication, is guidance material only and does not constitute advice. It is provided in good faith and believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of publication. To ensure you understand and comply with your legal obligations, this information must be read in conjunction with the appropriate Acts and Regulations.

The Australian Resources and Energy Employer Association (AREEA), including every department, committee, statutory body corporate and instrumentality thereof and each employee or contractor of any of them, disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs liability, cost, expense, illness and injury (including death) you might incur as a result of the information contained in this publication, including data, representations, advice, statements and opinions, expressly or implied set out in this publication, being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason.

This document is a general guide and does not constitute advice. Members should obtain tailored advice to manage their legislative obligations.


Australian Resources and Energy Industry Employer Association

Australian Resources and Energy Industry Employer Association (AREEA) is the national representative for Australia’s resources, energy and supply industry employers. Founded in 1918 as Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA), for over a century our organisation has worked to ensure Australia’s resources and energy industry is an attractive place to invest, employ and contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity.

AREEA’s vision is to assist the resources and energy industry to create a brighter future for all Australians. To achieve this vision, we work to support resources and energy industry employers to improve mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

In line with this vision, AREEA is deeply involved in improving workforce mental health and wellbeing in the resources and energy sector and helping our member companies become employers of choice.

Resources and Energy Workforce Wellbeing Advisory Board

AREEA’s activities and initiatives in the space of workforce mental health and wellbeing are primarily guided by AREEA’s Resources and Energy Workforce Wellbeing Advisory Board (WWAB).

The WWAB comprises senior and experienced mental health and wellbeing, human factors, and health and safety practitioners drawn from a broad range of AREEA members.

WWAB members guide AREEA’s programs and policies with relevant updates and insights from within their organisations; assisting in program design and improvement; identifying new priorities; and facilitating engagement between AREEA and the wider resources and energy community.

The founding members of the WWAB (then called Mental Health Advisory Board or MHAB) were Ausdrill, Bristow Helicopters, ConocoPhillips, Newcrest Mining, New Hope Group, Sodexo, and St Barbara. Information about current membership of the WWAB can be found at

The objectives of the WWAB include:

• Providing information on relevant updates within their organisations and in the industry;

• Assisting in program development;

• Assisting in setting priorities for the WWAB, including participating in ongoing planning activities;

• Advocating for the WWAB in public; and

• Facilitating cooperation and communication between the WWAB and their employer.


AREEA and the WWAB are using their resources, expertise and enthusiasm to progress workforce mental health and wellbeing in the Australian resources and energy industries. Their vision and mission are shown below.


Build employers’ capacity and transform industry culture to ensure optimal mental health and wellbeing outcomes for all working in the resources and energy industry.


Provide employers with the tools to ensure excellent mental health and wellbeing practice, policies and programs in the Australian resources and energy industry.

Advocate for (Support) and champion good mental health and wellbeing practice, policies and programs.

Advocate for good mental health and wellbeing in the Australian resources and energy industry.

Provide a community of interest to drive mental health and wellbeing outcomes.


AREEA under the oversight of the WWAB facilitates programs and provides support and guidance materials that help employers improve workforce mental health and wellbeing and realise the advantages of a psychologically safe and healthy workforce.

Recently delivered and ongoing workforce mental health and wellbeing projects include:

• AREEA Resources and Energy Industry Mental Health Research Phase 2

• Second Edition on the Resources & Energy Industry Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool

• Knowledge Library

• Initiatives related to the Eradication of Workplace Sexual Harassment

These initiatives are part of AREEA’s wider portfolio of programs, as illustrated below.


• Respectful SafetyAudits



• First Woman Campaign

• Early Reader for STEM

• Webinars


• Culture Leadership

• Megatrends

• Evolution of Workforce

• Mental Health and Wellbeing Training

• IR Advice


• Mental Health and Wellbeing Research Phase II

• Mental Health and Wellbeing Maturity Assessment Tool

• Webinars

• Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Training

• Respectful Safety Audits

• Behavioural Intervention Campaign

• National Benchmarking Initiative

• Annual Taskforce Report

• Workplace Behaviour Guide Series

• Webinars

Founded in 1918, AREEA works to ensure our industry is an attractive place to invest, employ
contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity for a brighter future

AREEA Resources and Energy Industry Mental Health Research

In 2021 AREEA conducted Phase One and in 2023 Phase Two of the National Resources and Energy Industry Mental Health Research was undertaken. The 2023 Survey covered the following topics:

• The Participant Information Statement

• Statement of Consent

• Employee Demographics

• Work Role Factors

• Quality of Life

• Impact of life events

• Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Distress

• Coping Strategies

• Available support

• Sleep

• Alcohol Use

• Psychosocial Risks

• Participant Debriefing

• Services Sheet

In light of the increased focus on psychosocial risk factors, Phase Two integrated a psychosocial risk assessment. This provided action targets for companies to improve their psychosocial risk profile and decrease inappropriate workplace behaviours.

Individual company reports were provided to the participating companies in 2023, and a combined (aggregated and deidentified) industry report was published in early 2024.

Mental Health Framework

Working alongside leading specialists including Safe Work Australia and state and territory authorities, the resources and energy industry is continuously building upon its workforce mental health and wellbeing policies and initiatives.

In 2020, AREEA, the Australian Resources and Energy Employer Association, published the Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Mental Health Framework – the first of its kind assisting employers to build and maintain mentally healthy workplaces.

AREEA acknowledges and thanks the work of its WWAB in helping develop the Framework and the new Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool. Comprising professionals across multiple roles and different parts of the industry, their collective passion and knowledge is second to none.








Leaders: Mental health and wellness is recognised but not a business priority.


Organisation: Programs and initiatives based on drive and passion of workforce and leaders. Little metrics or strategy alignment across work teams.

Leaders: Mental wellness of employees is important but fits around other priorities.


Organisation: Is proactive and recognises benefits of a strategic approach. Policies, programs, interventions and implementation all coordinated and aligned to metrics.

Leaders: Strive to be role models and lead mental health and wellness within their organisation.



Organisation: Mental health and wellness is an integral part of the workforce strategy, business planning and cultural norms. Mental health and wellness pervasive through strategy, business planning and culture. Is considered within every decision. Unrelenting focus maintained through internal and external benchmarking.

Leaders: Recognise mental health and wellness as integral to organisational success and aspirations. Continually evolve the organisation’s mental health approach and drive cultures that accept, support and enable people.

Resources & Energy Industry Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool

AREEA published the first edition of the Resources and Energy Mental Health Maturity Assessment Tool (the Tool), together with a suite of accessories in October 2022, building upon the foundations of AREEA’s Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Mental Health Framework.

This industry-first Tool provides AREEA members with an easily accessible platform for assessing their mental health actions and initiatives against industry best practice and measuring progress over many years.

Accessories for the Tool include an example of the assessment Tool filled with mock data, an example of an executive presentation made from the above mock assessment, a training video and a booklet with supplementary resources.

The first edition of the Tool was so well received, that a second edition of the Tool was published in 2024, containing additional functionalities and updates, based on member suggestions, including custom items to allow tracking of initiatives not listed in the Framework, functionality to encourage sharing areas highlighted in the heatmap as needs (red) and proficiencies (green), an expanded resources booklet with additional sources and guidance on evidence-based practice and how to evaluate quality of evidence.

AREEA acknowledges and thanks all who contributed to piloting, reviewing and/or endorsing the updated

Knowledge Library

This initiative was focused on developing a suite of resources and recommendations mapped on the Resources and Energy Industry Mental Health Framework (the Framework).

Members have requested AREEA focus on the biggest challenges faced by organisations in regard to improving workforce mental health and wellbeing. As a result, AREEA has developed a suite of resources and recommendations mapped onto the Resources and Energy Industry Mental Health Framework.

Desired information to be included in the library might include what providers and initiatives to engage/implement, and what providers/products are used by members.

The Workforce Wellbeing Knowledge Library will be published on the Member Portal, to be regularly updated.




Employers are increasingly aware of the importance of appropriate workplace behaviours and eradicating workplace sexual harassment in order to foster psychologically safe and healthy workplaces. Accordingly, many employers have invested significantly in education and awareness campaigns which identify sexual harassment in the workplace as a key focus area.

AREEA and the WWAB have worked closely together with AREEA’s National Resources and Energy Industry Taskforce on Workplace Sexual Harassment. In November 2021 AREEA hosted a National Summit on Workplace Sexual Harassment, bringing the industry together to share best practice and determine employer and industry response initiatives.

The Summit culminated in AREEA forming the National Industry Taskforce on Workplace Sexual Harassment –comprising 16 resources and energy employer representatives with a range of professional disciplines and expertise – to take the response initiatives forward.

As part of the taskforce’s mission to drive meaningful change, it prioritised several areas for its flagship initiatives, namely:

• Industry-wide Behavioural Intervention

• Measuring: Transparency, Metrics, Benchmarking

AREEA will continue to work with members on stamping out workplace cultures that enable gender inequality, harassment and assault.

More details on the two flagship initiatives follow.

Industry-wide Behavioural Intervention Campaign

AREEA’s That’s why I speak up campaign was launched in November 2022. Following on from that, the campaign was continuously promoted to AREEA members and to the wider industry throughout 2023.

The purpose of this campaign is to reinforce a clear understanding of behavioural standards and leverage the importance of ‘upstanders’ in the workplace as a powerful tool for eliminating sexual harassment.

This campaign is designed to offer a wide array of practical options to deploy, including a variety of creative themes, formats and options to customise campaign materials.

The campaign was downloaded by 91 individuals from 60 companies. In September 2023, a poll was conducted to gauge responses to the campaign. Although participation in the poll was low at only 4.4%, the responses were largely positive: 75% of respondents used the campaign. Of those who used it, the response was either positive or not measured. The results are graphed below.

Campaign Use

Campaign use d

Campaign not use d

Positive Respons e Negative or Neutral Response Response not mea sured Campaign Success

Ongoing plans for this campaign include an update of the campaign with refreshed imagery and promotion materials.

Measuring: Transparency, Metrics, Benchmarking

AREEA has partnered with REMSMART to produce the inaugural edition of AREEA’s Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Insights Survey covering sexual harassment and bullying –incidence as well as policies and procedures for prevention and response.

Inaugural Edition of AREEA’s Workforce Insights Survey

The inaugural edition of AREEA’s Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Insights Survey was published in February 2023, was well received and involved around 115 companies, underscoring the sector’s thirst for an array of remuneration and other workforce information.

The ‘Workforce Insights’ section of the survey provides insights on a variety of topical workforce issues for AREEA members, including workplace behaviours (sexual harassment, bullying and harassment and related policies and procedures for prevention and response).

The survey results confirm resources and energy employers have been actively tackling inappropriate workplace behaviours, aiming to eradicate sexual harassment from their workplaces.

74% of respondents have a variety of programs to support appropriate workplace behaviours. These include workforce surveys and audits, training and development, awareness campaigns, behaviour change campaigns, sharing sessions, zero or moderate alcohol policies and formal risk management processes.

There were 62 separate cases of psychosocial safety incident investigations undertaken amongst 12% of responding companies. The average timeframe for psychosocial safety incident investigation and resolution was 21 days.

There were 26 separate cases of sexual harassment investigations undertaken amongst 18% of responding

Second Edition of AREEA’s Workforce Insights Survey

The second edition of AREEA’s Resources and Energy Industry Workforce Insights Survey was published in July 2023 and found the following improvements.

The proportion of respondents having programs to support appropriate workplace behaviours rose to 97%. These included similar initiatives as listed above (e.g., surveys, audits, training, awareness and behaviour change campaigns, sharing sessions, alcohol policies and risk management).

In this edition there were 80 separate cases of psychosocial safety incident investigations undertaken amongst 45% of responding companies, indicating that reporting increased. The average timeframe for psychological safety incident investigation and resolution decreased to 11 days.

There were 35 separate cases of sexual harassment investigations undertaken among 39% of responding companies, indicating that reporting increased. The average timeframe for sexual harassment incident investigation and resolution decreased to 14 days.

The Taskforce has utilised the insights from the surveys and leveraged these to develop guidance material, namely a four-part workplace behaviours guide series.

Member Support Series on Appropriate Workplace Behaviours

The Taskforce has used the insights from its flagship measuring initiative and leveraged these to develop support material, namely a four-part Appropriate Workplace Behaviours Support Series, consisting of the below publications:


The first part, Appropriate Workplace Behaviours – Foundations, contains the following topics:

2.Legislative background

3.Duty of Care and penalties

4.Definitions and examples

5.Respect@Work framework

6.Integrated approach to inappropriate workplace behaviours


The second part, Appropriate Workplace Behaviours – Prevention, contains the following topics:

7.Leadership and commitment

8.Risk management and workplace consultation

9.Work design

10. Recruiting and situational challenges at remote sites

11.Monitoring and review


The third part, Appropriate Workplace Behaviours – Response, contains the following topics:

12. Responding to complaints and reports (including practical examples)

13. Outcomes of the complaint process

14. Workplace investigations

15. Mandatory reporting and notification, record keeping

16. Post-incident follow-up and support


The final part, Appropriate Workplace Behaviours – Factsheet, contains the following:

17. Brief overview of IR issues related to inappropriate behaviour


In addition to the programs and initiatives showcased on the previous pages, AREEA provides the following services related to workforce mental health and wellbeing:

• Appropriate workplace behaviours training

• Respectful safety audits

• Workforce mental health and wellbeing related advocacy

• Workforce mental health and wellbeing guidance materials

• Workforce mental health and wellbeing lunchtime webinars

Resources and Energy Mental Health and Related Training

Resources & Energy industry employers across Australia have a shared commitment to physical and psychological safety. Mental health and wellbeing of our industry’s people plays a very large part of this commitment. In addition, because of recent advances against workplace sexual harassment (and bullying in general), member demand has risen for training to educate and raise awareness amongst executive leaders, managers, supervisors and all other employees of appropriate workplace behaviours. AREEA provides several bespoke training programs in this space.

AREEA’s Resources and Energy Mental Health Training is online, interactive, group-based and facilitated by AREEA and an esteemed workforce mental health and wellbeing subject matter expert. It provides awareness and practical application of workforce mental health and wellbeing specific to Australia’s resources and energy industry, enabling understanding of mental health and wellbeing theory and concepts and providing practical applications to increase awareness, remove bias and contribute to a mentally healthy workplace. Ensure your people understand mental health and wellbeing theory and concepts as well as practical applications to increase awareness, remove bias and support their colleagues to contribute to a mentally healthy workplace. Gain insight into key mental health concepts as they relate to resources and energy industry workplaces and situations. Put learning into action through activities and case studies.

AREEA’s Appropriate Workplace Behaviours Training is designed to educate employees about legislative and policy requirements relating to appropriate workplace behaviour and the steps to take if they are subject to or become aware of inappropriate behaviour. Managers and leaders are also provided with knowledge relevant to preventing inappropriate behaviour and managing any breaches that may occur.

AREEA’s Supervisor Training develops key leadership skills such as communication, time management, performance management, conflict resolution and effective decision making, to equip frontline supervisors to provide leadership and facilitate respectful workplace behaviours.

AREEA’s Workplace Investigations Training combines both theoretical and practical aspects in order to equip managers and HR professionals with the knowledge and skills required to conduct an effective and fair workplace investigation, including workplace sexual harassment, bullying and anti-discrimination.

Respectful Safety Audits

Psychosocial safety is an integral part of workforce mental health and wellbeing. Consequently, AREEA members have shown a rising desire for AREEA to undertake Respectful Safety Audits (also called Inclusive Safety Audits or Gender Safety Audits) within their organisations, examining psychological safety in resources and energy operations.

The purpose of conducting a respectful safety audit is to examine the actual and perceived physical and psychological safety of employees, whether it is all employees, employees from a specific work location or employees in a minority group such as female employees.

The audit was developed by AREEA’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board with guidance from Professor Bob Wood. The design of the audit considers the range and variety of work practices and locations in the resources and energy industry to accommodate a range of employer specific purposes to conduct components or the full audit. The audits can be conducted at all types and sizes of companies, including contractor companies.

Each component of the audit serves a somewhat different purpose, and when combined, they give a multidimensional view of safe, respectful and inclusive behaviour.

Typically, the audits of workplace facilities, policies and practices are accompanied by a survey completed anonymously by employees. The survey asks if employees feel safe in certain areas, raising a number of practical matters including workplace cultures, reporting processes, alcohol consumption, social areas and activities, lighting and other facilities considerations.

This approach allows organisations to have a better understanding of the issues facing their employees on-site and subsequently to create safer working environments. It also provides an avenue for employees to anonymously provide information about their work environment without feeling intimidated or pressured to not speak out.

Respectful Safety Leadership Walk
Respectful Safety Survey
Respectful Safety Leader Interviews
Respectful Safety Focus Groups

Workforce Mental Health and Wellbeing Related Advocacy

AREEA engaged and advocated on a number of workforce mental health and wellbeing related topics.

For instance AREEA engaged with the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins in response to the Respect@Work report, and how AREEA’s expertise can support education and training, industry wide initiatives and engagement in forums.

AREEA is a member of the industry expert panel for the Western Australian Government’s MARS Program industry mental health landmark research and also collaborates on policy submissions in the area of workforce mental health and wellbeing.

Member Portal:

The above and other materials mentioned throughout this document can be found on the member portal on the

Mental Health Lunchtime Webinars

AREEA runs practical Mental Health Webinars for members throughout the year to help members build their capability from leading organisations. These webinars can be watched and interacted with in real-time or viewed later at a time that suits the user. These one-hour informative sessions will keep members up to date on the pertinent issues surrounding diversity and inclusion in the industry.

The webinar series seeks to provide specific industry and non-industry case studies to interested attendees from our industry. The program features industry speakers, research and case studies, support organisations and practical advice for practitioners.

AREEA has been conducting these regular lunchtime webinars since 2014. Topics are guided by member interest and priorities and are catered to executive leaders, human resources managers and mental health, human factors and health and safety practitioners, with learning including how to foster psychologically safe and healthy workplaces.

Below are some examples of recent mental health lunchtime webinars. Recordings of these and many other webinars are available for AREEA members to use as a reference resource.

1. David Watson, Head of Enterprise, & Dr Jamie Phillips, Chief Medical Officer, from Sonder talked about why workplace mental health support uptake is low and how traditional models like Employee Assistance Programs are no longer enough in today’s dynamic landscape.

2. Kath Jones, Inspector at the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety covered the compliance standards expected of employers in managing psychosocial hazards at work, focusing on common risks associated with mining and FIFO work.

3. Dr David Lawrence, Professor of Mental Health in the School of Population Health at Curtin University talked about his recent project, ‘Answering the Call’, the first national study of police and emergency services mental health and largest study of this area undertaken in the world.

4. L. Casey Chosewood, MD MPH, Director, Office for Total Worker Health® at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the CDC, spoke about the Total Worker Health® program, with a focus on psychosocial risk factors and good work design.

5. Rachael McMahon, Principal Psychologist and Unit Director, and Connie Galati, Senior Clinical Psychologist at the Australian Public Service Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Unit talked about Compassionate Foundations, a suicide prevention capability suite.

6. Sharon Rudderham (Director Delivery and Operations, FIFOFocus), a registered psychologist with experience in remote residential and FIFO lifestyles, talked about trauma informed considerations when responding to sensitive incidents.

7. Sandra Lam (Managing Director and Founder of FIFO Focus), an endorsed organisational psychologist and organisational development professional, spoke about how employers can move from mental health to mentally healthy workplaces.

8. Sam Lee (Inspector of Mines) and Justine McGillivray (Principal Inspector) at WorkSafe discussed the work health and safety obligations for industry, reviewed available guidance on work design and provided some examples of good industry practice.


Workplace Relations Advice and Support

Your AREEA team is available to provide advice and undertake training. For advice, support or training tailored to your workplace priorities, please contact AREEA’s Workplace Relations Advisory Team: or phone your local AREEA office. For any practical support relating to workplace and employment issues get in touch via For information on government policy and AREEA’s advocacy, contact

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