Restore International Holiday Guide

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2014 Restore Int’L and Love Does Holiday Catalogue This year, we lined up a collection of goods and donations as a fun way to celebrate the holidays and give gifts that change lives around the world! Choose to donate directly to programs in one of the five countries we’re working in, or buy a product which also benefits these programs. Be sure to check out our pre-made packs for discounted gifts, and our donation sets as an easy way to contribute in a meaningful way. Either way, you’ll light up someone’s day! Prefer to give a specific amount as a regular donation? This is always a hugely helpful way to contribute to our work. We will use the funds in one of our international programs where we have the biggest current need.

Click Links Throughout Catalogue to Buy or Donate Questions? Email or call 619-885-1507.

FEATURED Intro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Iraq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Somalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nepal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Uganda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


We’ve created a series of products which support our international programs. Not only will you bring a smile to whoever you’re buying it for, but you’ll also impact someone’s life across the world!

Books Check out our selection of Love Does items. We have softcovers, hardcovers, signed and unsigned, DVDs and Study Guides. There are lots of places to buy Love Does, but buying them directly from Restore means we get a higher percentage to support our international projects! Buy book / Buy Study Guides + DVD


Coffee We teamed up with the awesome folks at Provision Coffee to offer a delicious roast from Guatemala. It is a medium/bold roast with notes of chocolate and fruity sweetness. Buy a bag or two on their own, or pair it with a mug and a book for a great gift set! Buy Coffee


Coffee Cups We have a ceramic style mug for enjoying at home, or a travel mug/tumbler for taking it on the road. Make sure to check out our coffee as well! Buy Ceramic Love Does Mug / Buy Restore Travel Tumbler


T-Shirts We have two Love Does t-shirt styles to choose from. A light blue with the Love Does logo and a map of Africa, or a balloon style Love Does t-shirt. Both are unisex and sizes range from small to extra large. Buy Blue Love Does T-shirt / Buy Balloon Love Does T-shirt


Love Does Bands These bands make an awesome gift for anyone who has enjoyed Love Does or wants to live it out on a daily basis. They come in a variety of colors, are comfortable to wear, and are waterproof. Buy Love Does Bands


Backpacks Our good friends at Vessel golf bags generously donated enough backpacks for all the kids at Restore Leadership Academy! We got a few extra so that you can represent Restore and support the kids at the Academy in Gulu! All the proceeds will go towards school expenses like meals, supplies and books. Buy Backpack


Stationery We’ve collected some of our favorite photos into a stationery pack. There are 5 different photos and 10 cards total. These cards are a great alternative to normal holiday greeting cards. Each set comes decoratively wrapped. Buy Stationery


Gift Packages Ready-made gifts for the holidays! We’ve packaged together a few combinations of awesome products. Save by buying a set and get more shopping done at the same time!



2 Bags of Coffee, 1 Ceramic Mug, 1 Travel Mug Buy Gift Set rAINY DAY GIFt SET

1 Bag of Coffee, 1 Ceramic Mug, 1 Love Does Book Buy Gift Set RESTORE ACADEMY GIFT SET

1 Backpack, 1 Stationery Set, 1 Travel Mug Buy Gift Set Love does gift set

1 Love Does Book, 1 Ceramic Love Does Mug, 1 Love Does Bracelet, Love Does Balloon Style T-Shirt Buy Gift Set


eduCatIon In IRaQ Our school in Iraq is for orphans and kids from impoverished areas of Northern Iraq. Our goal is to meet those needs in a loving and caring family-like environment, while giving kids opportunities to learn useful special skills to supplement their regular education. A variety of classes such as English, art, music, sewing, hair-dressing, etc. are made available. Join us in providing for their needs of textbooks, paper, pens, and other school supplies, teacher funding, school rent and special course materials or if you are interested in providing all these expenses for one student for the entire year please see below for our Engage program.

NEEDS: Textbooks Paper/Pens

Desks and Chairs Teacher Funding

School Rent Special Course Materials

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $25/mth per student One Time Donations or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donations or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donations or Monthly Pledge / $100


ENGAGE A STUDENT IN IRAQ Our Engage program provides for the needs of our student for the entire year. This covers costs of textbooks, paper, pens, and other school supplies, teacher funding, school rent and special course materials. You’ll then be sent a picture of a student who has benefited from our school programs in Iraq this year. Engage Iraq Monthly Pledge / $25 Engage Iraq Full Year Donation / $300


REfugee camp in northern iraq In the same town as our school, there is a refugee camp made up of 20 families who recently fled their village just hours before ISIS took over. They traveled for six weeks to another city, and set up in camp on the property of our friends who have a local community center. We have committed to helping them prepare for winter by providing stoves to heat their tents as well as blankets and warm clothes. We’d love to have your help in making sure these amazing people are cared for throughout the cold winter months!

NEEDS: One time donations or monthly pledges for providing stoves to heat their tents as well as blankets and warm clothes. TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $25/mth per student Refugee Donation / $25 Refugee Donation / $75 Winterize One Tent / $350


somaLIa safe House This year we opened a safe house in Somalia for women who have been victims of sexual violence. The heartbreaking stories of abuse these women have suffered has motivated us to do something to help, and the safe house is that answer. We opened the home for these women where they can come for safety, medical attention, counseling, therapy, and community. After a period of recovery, they transition to another home with our partners, where they are able to live, continue to recover, and learn practical skills like weaving and sewing, reading, writing, math and accounting, so that they are equipped to run their own business and provide an income for themselves.

NEEDS: Medical Care Food

Security Clothing

Rent for the Home

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $2900/mth One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $75


Somalia primary school We started working with a primary school in Somalia this year and are specifically focusing on providing education and support for 100 little girls. Reaching out to the youth in Somalia is one of the most important ways we can make a lasting impact for good on this country which has been through so much turmoil. NEEDS: Textbooks School Supplies

Rent for the Building Teacher Salaries

Meals for the Children

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $33/mth for Education; $25/mth for Food One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $75


ENGAGE A STUDENT IN SOMALIA Our Engage program provides for the needs of our student for the entire year. This covers costs of textbooks, paper, pens, and other school supplies, teacher funding, and school rent. You’ll be matched with a specific student at our school and receive information about them and updates from them throughout the year.

NEEDS: Pens/Paper Textbooks

Desks Tables

Teacher Funding School Rent

Engage Somalia Monthly Pledge / $33 Engage Somalia One Year Donation / $396


nepaL This year we opened a girls orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal. We now have five little girls living there and being cared for by a wonderful couple and two aunties. The girls attend a nearby private school and receive medical attention, care, food, shelter, and more importantly, they are welcomed into a loving family. In the future, we hope to rent a nearby field and focus on sports as a way to build community, team spirit, and also as a healthy way to get exercise and build confidence. Want to be a part of these girls’ lives? We have committed to care for them for years and years to come, and we can’t do this without help!

NEEDS: Food each Month Rent for the Home

Bunk Beds Clothing

School Fees Medical Expenses

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $2000/mth One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $100


justICe Uganda Safe Houses: We have two safe houses in Kampala. These safe houses are for girls who have been sexually exploited and are looking to transform their lives. We reach out to them while they are working in the sex industry and seek to bring them into the home for safety, medical attention, therapy, counseling, community, and education. We provide for all their needs and work to rehabilitate them so they are ready to take back their freedom and their destiny. The work we are doing in these girls lives is transformational and of the utmost importance, and we need help to continue the work.

NEEDS: Meals Clothing

Textbooks Counseling

Therapy/Medical Expenses Rent for the Home

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $5000/mth for Both Safe Houses One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $100


anti-trafficking work in northern uganda For almost ten years, we have been working to promote human rights and prevent trafficking in Northern Uganda. In the past few years we have focused on educating communities about the laws in place to prevent human trafficking and punish perpetrators. In particular we are focusing on preventing child abductions, child sacrifice, and organ trafficking. We do this by working specifically with communities of traditional healers and witch doctors. We teach them to read and write, and about human rights, anti-trafficking laws, and how to report and prevent crimes. We now have a “mobile witch doctor school” which travels to villages in Northern Uganda to teach each day at five locations. The coolest part? It’s working! We now have witch doctors (who in the past have been the perpetrators) reporting crimes and fighting to prevent child sacrifice. This work is hugely important. NEEDS: Teacher Salary Fuel for Transportation

Lunch for Students School Supplies

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $900/mth One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $100


high court cases for juveniles: remand home cases One of the justice issues in Uganda is a lack of resources to allow individuals swift access to trial after they are accused. The result is that in prisons for adults and remand homes for juveniles, the accused can wait for years, just to go to trial. Often, by the time they receive their trials, if they are proved guilty, they have already served their time and then some. Or, if they are acquitted, they have meaninglessly served time for years for a crime they did not commit. While we do not take the accusations lightly, we do believe that everyone deserves an equal and swift access to justice so that their crimes may be tried and justice may be administered. We have been able to help speed up the process by providing the resources and organization to facilitate trial sessions so that the court can process more cases. Sometimes, the needs are incredibly simple: fuel for the transportation from the remand home to the courthouse, or hiring an extra clerk, paying for copies of documents, or paying to transport the witnesses to the court. The cost per child works out to only $295 each, and many of these children are finally able to go home after being in prison after only being accused of a crime. We believe all individuals should at least have access to justice. We need your support to finish these cases and continue the process of giving these children a chance to return to their normal lives. If you’d like to help, please consider supporting one case or even part of one. One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $295


engage a student in uganda Our Engage program provides for the needs of our student for the entire year. This covers costs of textbooks, paper, pens, and other school supplies, teacher funding, meals, housing, and more. You’ll be matched with a specific student at our school and receive information about them and updates from them throughout the year. Engage Uganda Monthly Pledge / $30 Engage Uganda Full Year Donation / $360

Education projects In 2007 we started a school in Northern Uganda with hopes to make a long lasting impact on the community there. Seven years later we are still going strong and are in the midst of building a campus which we hope will be there forever. We have over 300 students spanning 13 grade levels and are now launching our graduates off into Universities across the country. The school has a huge and lasting impact on all the students who attend. We are now ranked as one of the best schools in Northern Uganda and students who graduate from RLA are well equipped to be leaders in their communities. NEEDS: Teachers School Supplies

Meals Classrooms

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $900/mth One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $100 Restore Leadership Academy Wish List / $5 and Up 28

Medical Care Various Other Items

GUlu prison school This year we opened a secondary school in the Gulu Prison. Built for around 300 inmates, the prison usually houses about 1000 men. Unfortunately, many of them have only been accused, yet they will wait in the prison for sometimes years until they can get their cases tried. In the meantime, their lives are put on hold. They have a primary school, but once the men finished primary 7, their education concluded. We decided this year to open a small school so that those who finished primary school didn’t have to finish their studies but could continue on. We now have 30 students in S1 class level, eagerly learning as much as they can. The school is taught by one of our own teachers from the Academy, and he travels to the prison each day to put on the classes in the courtyard. NEEDS: Textbooks School Supplies

Chairs Tent for Shade

Transportation from Prison

TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $150/mth for 30 Students One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $50 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $100


IndIa antI-tRaffICkIng woRk India was the starting point for Restore’s efforts to combat human trafficking over 10 years ago. We continue to work in the slums to fight the trafficking and sexual slavery of underage girls. Each month we investigate possible locations where brothels enslave these girls, then work with local law enforcement to raid the brothel, rescue the children, and arrest the perpetrators. These projects are extremely difficult and also costly, but they are worth every penny we can spend to possibly save even one life. On average, we have found that it costs about $150 to rescue one little girl and arrest a perpetrator. Join us in supporting the work of investigations, research, raids, and prosecution!

NEEDS: One-time donations and monthly pledges to support the work of investigations, research, raids, and prosecution. TOTAL MONTHLY COST: $400/mth One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $25 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $75 One Time Donation or Monthly Pledge / $150


ABOUT RESTORE INTERNATIONAL Restore International challenges people throughout the world to live out Love Does, by demonstrating their love for others in meaningful, whimsical, and life-giving ways. Founded in 2003 by New York Times Bestselling Author of Love Does, Restore helps create a world in which each and every one of us has an opportunity to remind others that they are loved, cherished, and welcomed. Restore does this by shining light, beauty, and truth into the world. Our focus is on those who need our help the most. We’ve built much-needed schools and safe houses in Uganda and Somalia, a school and refugee support efforts in Northern Iraq, anti-trafficking projects in India, an orphanage in Nepal, and other justice projects in Uganda. Our goal in all that we do is to build a family: the biggest, happiest, and most loving family in the world! And in the process of doing so, we’re changing the lives of those who most desperately need to be reminded that they are loved. The more people who can help, the bigger our impact will be. So please join the party, and become a part of the Restore family today! There are a million ways you can put Love Does into action, and this Christmas, supporting Restore through this catalog is one of them. Thanks for all you do to spread joy!


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