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Editor's Picks - Crystals & Meditation Supplies
[ Editor's Picks ]
“The ultimate healing experience"
Help your customers maximize the good energy at their home, meditation room or anywhere they go by sharing products that can help clean the air, promote peace, and bring harmony and balance to their daily routine.
Hindu Deity Krishna Wooden Frame by The Indian Weave www.theindianweave.com
50 July/August 2019 | retailinginsight.com
To Promote Peace: Paper Pray Flag by DZi Handmade www.dzi.comWhen You’re On-The-Go: Golden Bodhi Travel Altar Box by DZi Handmade www.dzi.com
To Share Positive Messages: Summer Lotus Greeting Card by Keeping Vigil Press www.keepingvigilpress.com
To Clean Your Mind: Blessed Herbal Candle by Coventry Creations www.coventrywholesale.com
To Infuse Your Practice: Tigers Eye Will & Strength 108 Mala by Open Heart Warrior www.openheartwarrior.com
Time to Awake: Wooden Seated Buddha by Benjamin International www.benjamininternational.com
To Help Cleanse The Air: Frankincense Incense Sticks by Sun’s Eye www.sunseyestore.com
To Use During Meditation: Hand-Painted Stone Incense Holder by Windrose Trading Co. www.windrosetrading.com
To Reduce Stress & Anxiety: Singing Bowl by Kheops International www.kheopsinternational.com
To Help You Relax: Buddha Hand Candle Holder by Culture Spot www.culturespot.com
For Insight Meditation:
Chakra Balance music by Sequoia Records www.sequoiarecords.com
To Help Align Your Body: Kiwi Ikat Oval Yoga Bolster by chattra www.chattra.com
For Guidance All Year Round: Yoga Through the Year, A Seasonal Approach to Your Practice by Llewellyn www.llewellyn.com
Conscious Living | retailinginsight.com 51
Explore Your Spiritual Journey: Mandala Crystal Grid No.16 by Zen and Meow www.shopzenandmeow.com
Providing You Balance: Kyanite moon necklace by Broad Street www.broadstreetjewelry.com
Say goodbye to Negative Energy in the Room:
Small Brushed Gold Jewel Box with Amethyst Pyramids by Mapleton Drive www.mapletondrive.com
Stimulate Your Mind: Aquamarine and Heliodor Crystal by Hiouchi Jewels www.hiouchijewels.com
Let the Harmony, Energy, and Peace
Flow into the House: Agate Watercolor
Art Print by Watercolor Paperie www.etsy.com/shop/
Getting You Connected: Healing Ritual Kit by The Ritual Store www.theritualstore.com
Bring the ‘Good Energy’ to the Table: Mixed Mineral Napkin Rings by Mapleton Drive www.mapletondrive.com
Re-energize Your Body: Spirit of Eternity Clear Crystal Bar Soap by Crystal Bar Soap www.crystalbarsoap.com
52 July/August 2019 | retailinginsight.com