Spring 2016
The Virginia Retail Federation (VRF) was present for the entire 2016 Virginia General Assembly Session, which adjourned one-day early on March 11, 2016. The 60-day Session included the introduction of 3,286 pieces of legislation. During the 2016 Session, Virginia Retail Federation monitored over 100 bills to ensure the retail industry’s needs were represented. VRF’s mission is to proactively present the legislative interests of the retail industry to enable businesses to successfully support themselves, remain responsible for their employees, and contribute to their community.
4,300 retailers accountable for this advanced payment. In a great WIN for retail this year, the Governor’s budget will include an increase in the AST threshold to $10 million in annual sales beginning in 2017, and $25 million in 2018.
Franchise Employees:
VRF Legislative Update
Letter to Members
The RMA Scene
Think. Shop. Buy. Local’s "Loyal to Local" Campaign
TSBL Advertising with the Richmond Flying Squirrels
RMA Members in the News
Specific issues which impacted the retail industry include:
Accelerated Sales Tax (AST):
RMA Endorsed Vendors
Member-Only Benefits
VRF worked with the Governor’s Administration this past year to emphasize the difficulties the AST placed upon retailers. If you remember, last year’s budget from the Governor decreased the tax threshold and required retailers with annual sales above $2.5 million to submit the AST, making an additional
10 Welcome New Members 11 Member Testimonial
RMA Events Calendar
Felony Larceny Threshold: Several bills were introduced to increase the threshold for larceny conviction from the current $200 level to $500 and in some bills all the way up to $1500. VRF helped to defeat these bills and maintain the current $200 threshold.
House Bill 18 clarifies the definition of employee in regard to franchises. It states the employee is an employee of the franchisee and not the franchisor. This allows the business owner to maintain the positive business relationship with their employees. The bill was vetoed by the Governor on Friday, April 8th. We are disappointed by (continued on page 3...) the Governor's
STAFF CORNER Dear RMA Member, The Virginia Retail Federation (VRF) team has been busy this spring. We’re just coming off of a high energy General Assembly Session, which adjourned one day earlier than scheduled, on Friday, March 11th. VRF was present the entire 60-day Session to represent the retail business interests with legislators and decisionmakers. We monitored legislation (followed over 100 bills specific to retail), communicated with legislators, and presented positions before legislative committees. We want to thank members in particular who joined us at the Capitol for testimony. Advocacy is our priority, and we appreciate your efforts to share the retail perspective with the representatives who vote on issues which affect your business every day. Your emails, letters, and telephone calls are the most impactful messages for legislators. The “real world” result of their votes on legislation and how it affects your business is the most significant message we can send. VRF also represents retail at the Federal level in partnership with National Retail Federation (NRF), www.NRF.com. Ongoing issues at the Federal level include the challenges of predictive scheduling, as well as the internet sales tax issue. VRF representatives will attend the annual “Retail Advocates Summit”, hosted by NRF, at the Capitol in Washington, DC, May 23-25, 2016. This provides VRF the opportunity to visit Federal representatives in support of retail issues. As we celebrate the successes of the 2016 General Assembly, we shift gears for another important Virginia Retail Federation event, the VRF Silent Auction happening on May 11, 2016. The VRF Auction, held in conjunction with Retail Merchants Association’s Member Appreciation Picnic, benefits the VRF Political Action Committee (PAC). PAC funds support pro-business elected officials who align with VRF legislative policies fostering Virginia’s economic growth, specifically in the retail industry. So, your support is greatly appreciated! You can participate by donating items to the auction or by attending and bidding on auction items as a form of donation. We look forward to seeing you there! Sincerely, The VRF Team Kate Baker, Mary Huffard Kegley and Jodi Roth
Creating vibrant retail communities, together.
Core Values We are committed to our members and the retail industry. We are passionate about our community. We are open,
honest and direct communicators.
We are professional and accountable.
We help local retailers thrive.
We are collaborators who promote connectivity, change and creativity. We are a resource for our members. We expect
excellence in ourselves and in our work.
2 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
"2016 General Assembly Update" continued...
action and will work to override the Governor's veto. In addition, VRF worked to defeat many bills detrimental to the retail industry, including:
• Attempts to raise the minimum wage
• Efforts to impose mandatory paid sick leave for employees
• Prohibition and taxes upon the use of plastic bags
• Expiration of gift certificates/cards
• Separate deep-frying stations in restaurants
• Public access to employer restrooms
• School calendar issues
• Airbnb regulations
The “Veto Session” is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20th, where Senators and Delegates will reconvene at the Capitol to review the Governor’s proposed amendments and vetoes. Stay tuned for any updates later this month! The Retail Partners Newsletter is published four times annually.
Editorial Offices
This is just a brief recap of the legislation tracked by VRF - the entire list of bills tracked during the 2016 General Assembly Session is available at VirginiaRetailFederation.com. Please contact the VRF team for any additional information.
Retail Merchants Association 5101 Monument Ave | Richmond, VA 23230 804.726.5043
Diana Kent | dkent@retailmerchants.com
Danni Neal | dneal@retailmerchants.com
Kate Baker
757.406.9424 kbaker@virginiaretailfederation.com
Contributing Writers Bill Foster Danni Neal Diana Kent Kate Baker Mary Huffard Kegley Jodi Roth
Mary Huffard Kegley
434.760.1142 mhkegley@virginiaretailfederation.com
Ad Sales
Danni Neal | 804.662.5508 dneal@retailmerchants.com
© 2016 Retail Merchants Association, Richmond Virginia. All rights reserved.
Jodi Roth
804.690.4940 jroth@virginiaretailfederation.com
3 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
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Grand Opening Celebration at Urban Farmhouse's new location in Manchester Ray Mattes (Retail Alliance) and Nancy Thomas (RMA) address the 2016 VRF Legislative Reception attendees Megan Way (RMA), Laurie Brand (Richmond Figure Skating Club), Bruce Miller (DVL Race), and Julie Hill (EVB) mingle at RMA & RRT's joint event, Connect It Up Katherine Wintsch (The Mom Complex) speaking at our February First Friday Forum Luncheon at University of Richmond Kate Baker and Jodi Roth (VRF) with Lieutentant Governor Ralph Northam at this year's Annual VRF Legislative Reception
Ken & Marilyn Wayland (Free Agents Marketing) sandwich Preston Perrin (RMA) at Connect@ Ellwood Thompson's Tamera Harris (RRT) and Peter Larsen (Cobb Technologies) at the Connect It Up event Gretchen Nurnberger, Megan Way and Diana Kent (RMA) at Connect@ Ellwood Thompson's Chef Jason Alley (Pasture & Comfort Restaurants), Jennifer Hendren (RRT), Maureen Egan (Real Richmond Food Tours) and Stephanie Breijo (Richmond Magazine) before their panel discussion at our January First Friday Forum
Kate Baker and Mary Huffard Kegley (VRF) with Governor Terry McAuliffe at the 2016 VRF Legislative Reception Michelle Hastings Simon (EVB), Taylor Richardson (Ellwood Thompson's Local Market), and Lauren Portlock (EVB) at the Connect@ Ellwood Thompson's Local Market event Kittygayle McMoon (Tax Solutions Alliance) and Elaine Peele (Ball Office Products) at January's First Friday Forum Grand Opening Celebration of RVA Antiques on the Avenue John Jay Schwartz (Have Site Will Travel) and Lisa Schaffner (United Network for Organ Sharing) enjoying the 2016 Legislative Reception
Nancy Thomas (RMA) and Lisa Schaffner (United Network for Organ Sharing) promoting Retailers4Life at our April First Friday Forum Rick Hood (Ellwood Thompson's Local Market), Nancy Thomas (RMA), Donnie Caffery (Good Foods Grocery) and John Whitlock (Whitlock) at VRF's Annual Legislative Reception at the Hilton Richmond Downtown
4 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
5 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
"Loyal to Local" Campaign Continues Launching the "Loyal to Local" series We remain completely blown away by the overwhelming support we received from the RVA community since the launch of our #LoyaltoLocal campaign back in November. We were honored to be able to share the underlying sentiment of why Richmonders support their community through spending locally. In the video promoted throughout the holiday season, Kelli Lemon from Mama J’s expressed that “the story behind shopping and supporting local is what a lot of people take to heart.” Your participation validated her statement and illustrated that Richmonders aren’t just about trends and man-buns, but that we are a community that fully embraces artisanship, craftsmanship, friendship, neighbors, community, and living a life that puts our money where our mouth is. And for that, we thank you!
Because of the positive feedback this campaign received, we expanded the "Loyal to Local" campaign into a video series in which we share the inspiring stories of some of our very own local businesses. In this series, we sit down with local businesses who work with their hands, pursue their passions, and cultivate support for Richmond as a whole every day. During these intimate interviews we have found ourselves laughing, constantly inspired, and (we’ll admit) have even shed a tear or two. But above all else, we stood in awe as we witnessed the unfailing passion of Richmond’s local entrepreneurs. You can find these stories, being released once a month, on the TSBL website. Get involved in the movement by helping us share these local stories. For more information, please visit ThinkShopBuyLocal.com/Local-Stories.
6 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
Look who we spotted in the latest issue of R•Home magazine! VENDORS Appliances
#1 Appliances on Lakeside
Art Gallery
#1 Crossroads Art Center
Bargain Finds #1 Goodwill
Garden Tools & Supplies
Midcentury Furniture Dealers #3 LaDiff
Modern Furniture #1 LaDiff
Outdoor Furniture
#2 Jo-Pa Company #3 LaDiff
#1 Great Big Greenhouse #1 Strange's Florist #2 Strange's Florist #2 Pleasants Hardware #3 Cross Creek Nursery #3 Great Big Greenhouse
#1 Pleasants Hardware
Home Accessories #3 Tweed
SERVICES A.C. & Heating Contractor #2 Woodfin
Landscape Maintenance Services #2 Cross Creek Nursery
#3 Woodfin
Swimming Pool Installer #2 Jo-Pa Company
Traditional Furniture
#1 Virginia Wayside Furniture
Windows & Doors
#1 Siewers Lumber & Millwork #3 Richmond Window Corp.
Congrats to all of our members who were recognized & all of those who continue to provide excellent products & services!
SHRINKAGE? Protect your valuables with Richmond Security. If inventory shrinkage is a challenge for your business, count on Richmond Security. We have over 40 years of experience helping local clients control inventory through state-of-the-art electronic security and video surveillance. Let our experts design a system that’s right for your business and budget. Call or come by our offices today to learn more about how we can protect you.
RichmondSecurity.com Southport Corporate Center 491 Southlake Blvd. | Richmond, VA 23236
7 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
Working Together to Save Lives April is National Donate Life Month!
Since 2008, Retail Merchants Association and UNOS have teamed up to bring awareness to organ donation with our Retailers4Life campaign. This campaign marries retail and organ donation to educate consumers about the benefits of organ donation and to encourage people to register to become organ donors themselves.
One organ donor can save eight lives, restore sight to two people & enhance the lives of more than 50 others.
Retailers4Life runs throughout the month of April in conjunction with National Donate Life Month as a local movement alongside a national cause. RMA members are encouraged to participate in the campaign by promoting the program and encouraging organ donation registration in their stores. This is just one of the many ways the RVA community is working together to save lives.
Here's how to get involved... Visit Retailers4Life.com for resources to help promote the campaign, including printable donor applications, FAQs, a PowerPoint training presentation and logos. To sign up as an organ donor in Virginia, visit DonateLifeVirginia.org. Questions? Please contact Gretchen Nurnberger at gnurnberger@retailmerchants.com for more details.
- Lisa Schaffner (left) and Mandy Ames (right), from UNOS United Network for Organ Sharing, pose together at the April First Friday Forum 8 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
MEMBER-ONLY BENEFITS RTD continues to offer great benefits for our members! As an RMA Endorsed Vendor, Richmond.com continues to offer RMA members a free Enhanced Directory Listing on their Find Local platform, valued at $600 per year! With an average of 1.4 million visitors and 9 million page views a month, Richmond.com is Central Virginia's number one local media website! Please visit RetailMerchants.com/Find-Local for more information on the Enhanced Directory Benefit.
In addition to the free Enhanced Directory Listing, Richmond TimesDispatch exclusively offers RMA members the following items:
• 15% discount to further upgrade their listing or purchase additional packages through the Find Local platform • FREE Online Reputation Intelligence Report • FREE Consultation with a Digital Media Specialist, providing valuable insight on how to improve online visibility, social media presence and the online reputation of your business
Endorsed Vendors RMA’s Endorsed Vendors offer free consultations and reduced pricing to RMA members.
Joe LaBella 804.355.3430 jlabella@dominionpayroll.com
Brooke Barnes 804.290.1124 brooke.barnes@vafb.com Meagan Vickery 804.382.1274 meagan.vickery@vafb.com
To learn more about these great RMA member-only offers and discounts, please contact Doris Ann Kane, our RTD representative, at 804.649.6291 or dkane@timesdispatch.com.
Exclusive Marketing & Advertising Are you taking advantage of your Think. Shop. Buy. Local benefits?
Doris Ann Kane 804.649.6291 dkane@timesdispatch.com
As an RMA member, you can increase your online visibility by posting on the Think. Shop. Buy. Local (TSBL) website. Here's how to get involved...
Visit ThinkShopBuyLocal.com. >> Enter your upcoming events, grand openings, community fundraisers & more onto the Local Events Calendar.
Allison Cherry 804.317.3432 allisoncherry@ups.com
>> Tweet & use the hashtag #LocalDealsRVA to automatically show up on the Local Deals page! It's that easy! These posts are then shared through our TSBL social media platforms & emails to expand your business' reach. Questions? Please contact Megan Way at mway@retailmerchants.com. 9 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
Scott Johnston 804.836.6798 scott.johnston@worldpay.us
Look who has joined since our last issue... Affinity Funeral Service
HassleFree LED
Hyatt Place Airport
Aloft Richmond West
Hilton Garden Inn Airport
Mama J's
Comfort Suites Innsbrook
Hilton Garden Inn Southpark
Community College Workforce Alliance
Holiday Inn Airport
Courtyard by Marriott
Holiday Inn Express Airport
Hampton Inn Airport
Holiday Inn Express Ashland
Hampton Inn Bells Road
Holiday Inn Express Chester
Hampton Inn Brandermill Hull Street
Holiday Inn Express Mechanicsville
Hampton Inn Downtown
Homewood Suites Airport
Hampton Inn Hopewell
Event Title Sponsor
Hampton Inn Midlothian
New Member Sponsor
PGA Tour Quality Inn Hopewell Residence Inn Chester Ronnie's BBQ RVA Antiques on the Avenue Sandler Training SAP America Shamin Hotel Properties Stratford University
Hampton Mechanicsville
New Members at the February First Friday Forum
New Members at the April First Friday Forum
Left to Right: Alison LaMour (Organization Management Group, Inc.), Casey Green (SAP America), Tyler Snidow (Viva-la-Local)
Left to Right: Patrick Carroll (Sandler Training), Kelli Lemon (Mama J's), David Moss (Community College Workforce Alliance)
10 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
Member Testimonial
Bill Foster, President of Village Bank and long-time member, shares his thoughts on his experience and partnership with RMA.
"Village Bank has had a long and productive involvement in the Retail Merchants Association. Nancy Thomas and her team are incredibly professional, creative and enthusiastic in serving the needs of their members, whether you are a retailer or a retail partner like Village Bank. They are the kind of people with whom we want to be associated. They produce high quality events and high impact advocacy on behalf of their members. Do yourself a favor and become a member, get involved and invite someone else to join you."
First Friday Forum
Local Goes Global with Chris Bossola, Founder & CEO of Need Supply Co.
Annual Member Appreciation Picnic & VRF Auction
Key Session
- Bill Foster, President/CEO of Village Bank & Trust Financial Corporation
First Friday Forum
The Changing Face of the Hourly Job Seeker with Scott Hicks, Senior Director of Data Strategy at Snagajob
First Day of Summer!
Urban Farmhouse in Scott's Addition
Register for these events online at RetailMerchants.com. 11 | Retail Partners | RetailMerchants.com | ThinkShopBuyLocal.com | Spring 2016
PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RICHMOND, VA PERMIT #2254 Retail Merchants Association | 5101 Monument Avenue | Richmond, VA 23230 Phone (804) 662-5500 | Toll free (866) 750-2532 | www.RetailMerchants.com Facebook.com/RetailMerchants Facebook.com/ThinkShopBuyLocal Facebook.com/VirginiaRetailFederation Twitter.com/RetailMerchants Twitter.com/ShopLocalRVA Twitter.com/VARetailFed Instagram.com/ShopLocalRVA
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We help local retailers thrive.