Irish Packaging & Print 2015

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Leaders in the design and supply of transit and industrial packaging solutions


a winner


IPACKAGING 3 Minister’s Foreword



Alan Kelly TD, Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government, introduces the Irish Packaging & Print Directory 2015.

4 Sector Overview

8 Packaging Design

Whether you’re developing a new brand for launch to market or rebranding an existing one, the right packaging design can give your brand the edge, writes Lorraine Carter, Persona Branding & Design.




12 Cover Story

DonPack have been designing and manufacturing packaging solutions to order for 25 years, and the company is now stronger than ever.

14 Aluminium Foil

The Alufoil Trophy 2015 produced an outstanding selection of winners, with aluminium foil and closure concepts for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors.

18 Cartonboard


Jennifer Buhaenko, Pro Carton, Association of European Cartonboard and Carton Manufacturers, reports on the Carton of the Year award winners and highlights the sustainability of cartonboard as a packaging material.

23 Envelopes, Print & Mail-Media

Trimfold Envelopes Limited is one of Ireland’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of envelopes, print and mail-media solutions.

24 Packaging Solutions

Limerick Packaging have built up an enviable customer base, thanks to the quality of their product range and their ability to deliver “on time, every time”.

26 Material Handling

Toyota is at the forefront of material handling, thanks to its constantly evolving range, including the new Toyota Traigo series of electric forklifts, with load capacities of up to 8.5 tonnes.

29 Legislation

Ita White, Food Industry Development, Teagasc, discusses the forthcoming update to the official feed and food control regulation and what it could mean for packaging suppliers to the food industry.

lead the way in transit and industrial packaging solutions


PUBLISHED BY Tara Publishing, 14 Upper Fitzwilliam St., Dublin 2 Tel: 01 678 5165 Fax: 01 678 5191 PUBLISHER Patrick Aylward EDITORIAL & MARKETING DIRECTOR Kathleen Belton EDITOR John Walshe SALES Brian Clark DESIGN/PRODUCTION Tony Hunt PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Ciara Conway PRINTED BY W&G Baird Ltd. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions.

CONTENTS 32 Listings


Product & Service Index.........................................................................32 Alphabetical Listings of Packaging, Processing & Logistics Companies..........43 Three-Year Calendar..............................................................................56


The future for Ireland’s print and packaging sector looks far brighter than it did just a few short years ago, according to Enterprise Ireland’s Susan Byrne, Development Advisor, Print & Packaging, and Declan Black, Senior Scientific Officer.











Reviewing the Producer Responsibility Initiative Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government. Alan Kelly TD, discusses the review of the producer responsibility initiative for packaging.


am delighted to be introducing the Irish Packaging & Print Yearbook and Directory 2015, as this is my first time to do so. My Department is responsible for the implementation of the EC Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste in Ireland via the European Union (Packaging) Regulations 2014. The purpose of the Regulations is to ensure that packaging is managed in an environmentally friendly manner by minimising the production of packaging waste and ensuring that as much as possible is recovered, recycled and reused. Ireland continues to exceed our EU targets thanks to the help of industry. 2012 was the sixth straight year that Repak has exceeded Ireland’s EU targets, with some 669,000 tonnes of packaging waste recovered.

Review of the Producer Responsibility Initiative Model in Ireland

Alan Kelly TD, Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government.

The final Report of the Review of the Producer Responsibility Initiative (PRI) Model in Ireland was published in July 2014 and contains approximately 175 recommendations across all waste streams. The overall purpose of this review was to assess the nature and level of the challenges which are currently facing the existing Producer Responsibility Agreements, as well as the forthcoming challenges that are expected to arise in the management of various waste streams. The findings and recommendations from the review will form the basis for the development of robust producer responsibility initiatives that will enable Ireland to operate successfully in meeting our domestic and EU environmental obligations in the medium to long term. The main conclusion of the PRI

Review report is that the majority of the PRIs have operated very successfully. However, the report also cites examples of where the PRI model is not delivering the required environmental outcomes. In particular, it describes the waste tyre and ELV sectors as particular areas for concern and requiring immediate action. My Department is currently working with stakeholders in both waste streams to address these issues.

SHARED Responsibility APPROACH Ireland has achieved great success in recent years in recovering and recycling packaging waste. One of the key reasons for success was the shared responsibility approach to the packaging PRI. Repak and its members are largely responsible for the achievement of the national targets. The main recommendations in the Review for the packaging PRI are in the areas of self-compliance and enforcement. The Report did not recommend the introduction of a packaging levy as it would generate a large number of costs, without resulting in significant environmental benefits or the removal of the ‘De Minimis’ thresholds.

Conclusion I know that, as always, the Irish Packaging & Print Yearbook and Directory continues to be a much sought after reference guide for anyone in the packaging sector and I look forward to reading this year’s edition.

Alan Kelly TD, Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government.



Sector Overview

Bright Future for Print & Packaging Sectors


he future for Ireland’s print and packaging sector looks far brighter than it did just a few short years ago. The overall economic recovery has helped, of course, but it is not just that. Irish print and packaging companies have displayed the business skills, innovation and flexibility to thrive in what was a challenging few years and now look set to really reap the rewards.

The Print Sector Ireland’s print industry has been hardpressed in recent years, thanks not just to the economic downturn but also the explosion in online presence and the development of new technology, which has all impacted on the traditional print sector. “The traditional print media have been challenged and continue to be challenged by the development of web and online, but there are still substantial niches, where Irish companies can excel,” notes Declan Black, Senior Scientific Officer at Enterprise Ireland. “The print sector has been squeezed on price, but the most successful print companies, who have sustained and grown their presence in the market, have been those who have developed other offers, be they around design services, logistics, IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

Enterprise Ireland’s Susan Byrne, Development Advisor, Print & Packaging, and Declan Black, Senior Scientific Officer, discuss the opportunities that exist for Irish print and packaging companies. translation services, data management, web marketing etc.” “There certainly has been a lot of consolidation in the market,” admits Susan Byrne, Development Advisor, Print & Packaging, Enterprise Ireland. “From an Enterprise Ireland perspective, we’re trying to get companies to engage in the public procurement agenda.” Enterprise Ireland’s public procurement team is working across public sector organisations to raise awareness of the innovative capabilities and solutions of Irish small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and how they can deliver value to public sector contracts. The Government is the largest purchaser of goods and services in the economy. Public Procurement accounts for 16% of GDP. In turn €8.5 billion is spent on supplies and service. Initiatives to increase the engagement between public sector bodies and SMEs will focus on the construction, health, justice, education, transport, utilities and

software sectors. How this operates is a number of companies who operate in different but complementary sectors combine their resources and work together towards a public procurement solution. Susan cites the example of Enterprise Ireland’s work with the State Examinations Commission (SEC): “This was all about bringing companies with different competencies together within the Enterprise Ireland client base,” she notes, “which included print companies, to see if they could come up with a solution for SEC that would meet all their needs, from paper examinations to online exams etc.” “There is a very tight timescale between the examinations and the results, so the SEC wanted a better quality control system in place,” adds Declan. “A print company alone couldn’t provide this new system, nor could a software company nor a scanning company, but working together

Sector Overview

Maximising Contract Opportunities Enterprise Ireland is committed to working with Irish SMEs to facilitate and maximise the contract opportunities available through the public sector. The key focus of the public procurement team is to raise awareness of the innovative solutions provided by indigenous SMEs to the public sector in Ireland, connecting with local subcontractor and sub suppliers in the supply chain to shortlisted bidders in flagship public sector projects through “meet the buyer events” A key goal of Enterprise Ireland is also to encourage indigenous companies to look outwards, beyond our shores, as Susan explains. “Obviously, the domestic market has gone through quite a tough period, where consolidation was probably the key word around the print sector. But those companies who have developed a total solution for their customers, have seen their market share grow by offering a value proposition to their customers. From an Enterprise Ireland point of view, these improved offerings are transferable off the island. The ability to internationalise is key.”

The pharma and med-tech sectors represent a huge market for Irish packaging companies.

“The current currency rates, with a weakened euro, is giving Irish companies the opportunity to open doors in the UK and the US by offering an extremely competitive price point, and then delivering on service and quality,” Declan maintains. Another reason for the relative success of Irish packaging is the fact that so many packaging companies service growing sectors, particularly food, pharma and med-tech. “Eight of the world’s top 10 pharma companies are present in Ireland, thanks to the sterling work of our colleagues


Eight of the world’s top 10 pharma companies are present in Ireland and a lot of indigenous Irish pharma companies have sprung up alongside them, created and staffed by Irish graduates, who are looking to source packaging solutions here in Ireland.

in a cluster approach, they could.” Susan describes the clustering of resources as “hugely important to the print sector. The companies that we work with recognise that they need to develop their offering: while print is a key part of that, there have to be other facets as well.” “Traditionally, we have been quite reticent to collaborate, but we are a small island and there are definite opportunities,” adds Declan. “When you see collaboration working, it is very powerful in terms of increasing your offer and attractiveness.”


Ireland’s packaging sector has fared much better than many traditional industrial sectors, even during the economic downturn of the last few years.

Packaging & Labelling The packaging and labelling sector hasn’t been immune to the recession, but according to Susan, it has “fared much better than the print sector and other traditional industrial sectors”. While admitting that Irish packaging companies have had to adjust their cost base in recent years, Declan feels that “the worst of that is probably over at this stage”. Allied to the fact that there is more price stability in the paper market than there was a few years ago, and the strong performance of Sterling and the US Dollar against the euro, and the immediate future looks bright for Irish packaging companies, particularly in terms of exports. IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT


Sector Overview

in the IDA,” Susan states, “and a lot of indigenous Irish pharma companies have sprung up alongside them, created and staffed by Irish graduates, who are looking to source packaging solutions here in Ireland.” Indeed, the Irish pharmaceutical industry is in growth again, following a few years of uncertainty when many blockbuster drugs came off patent. “A lot of the pharma plants have adapted to become smaller, more flexible plants,” Declan notes. “But the pharma industry is on the way up again: the product mix is changing and we are seeing more investment in the sector.” This is good news for packaging companies, with developments in security and anti-counterfeiting packaging and printing technologies to the forefront. As part of the Government Action Plan for Jobs 2015, Enterprise Ireland and the IDA are now working together to roll out a strategy for an increase in the level of engagement between global companies based in Ireland and indigenous Irish companies. The goal of this IDA and Enterprise Ireland initiative is to deepen the penetration by Irish companies of the multinational sector in Ireland – sales, technology partnerships, investment or other collaborative engagements. “We’d love to get the various pharma procurement teams to sit down with Irish sub-supply companies in a one-day event, to explain their needs and how Irish companies can meet those needs,” Declan enthuses. “We’d love to open those doors.”

Innovation Innovation remains key to growth across the packaging sector, with Irish companies at the forefront of R&D, developing new packaging solutions which fuel growth, from tamper-evident packaging for the medical/pharma sector to folding rigid packaging, which can be flat-packed when not in use. Light-weighting of packaging remains key within the food sector in particular, according to Declan, providing rigidity and barrier properties can be maintained. Recent years saw many industry commentators predicting a rise in smart packaging, including packagIRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

When asked if any Irish print or packaging product has really displayed the ‘wow’ factor in the last year, both Susan and Declan are agreed that the new Irish passport, delivered by DLRS Smurfit Kappa, is nothing short of ground-breaking.

RFID remains a costly solution for most individual items but is being used at atch level and for high value items.


ing that changes colour when the food contained within passes its use by date. This hasn’t proved hugely successful, however, as Declan explains: “In France, Carrefour carried out a number of trials with shelf-ready packaging that had the colour change feature and they found that perfectly good food products were being avoided because there was a marginal change in the colour, so it was producing more waste in the food chain.” Smart packaging solutions are being used throughout the supply chain, however, primarily at batch level, to ensure, for example, that product temperature has been maintained throughout the delivery process from plant to store. For example, Marks & Spencer use RFID at item level in the UK and are considering implementing it here in Ireland. However, one of the criticisms of RFID over the years has been the high cost, which continues to be prohibitive for the food sector. “It is being used at batch level or maybe for high value items but it is still probably too costly for widespread use,” admits Declan.

The Wow Factor When asked if any Irish print or packaging product has really displayed the ‘wow’ factor in the last year, both Susan and Declan are agreed that the new Irish passport, delivered by DLRS Smurfit Kappa, is nothing short of ground-breaking. “It is an amazing piece of print, with an incredible array of secure features, which makes it a really impressive innovation,” Susan enthuses. The passport book was designed and produced in Ireland by a consortium led by DLRS of Bray, HID Ireland of Baile na hAbhainn, Absolute Graphics of Bray, and the Central Bank on foot of a competitive tender process. It won the Regional ID Document of the Year 2014 Award at last year’s High Security Printing Conference in Milan. “From a pure design perspective, it’s a fantastic piece of work,” agrees Declan. “From a technical perspective, there are significant security features built into it. DLRS Smurfit Kappa have changed from a traditional printer into a very advanced space and are now looking at the international passport market, including

Sector Overview



elements like the inclusion of chip & pin technology, biometric data etc. in passports and other security documents like drivers’ licences, national security cards etc.”

Sustainability No discussion of the packaging sector would be complete without mentioning the sustainability agenda. Indeed, sustainability remains a key driver of change within packaging. “Within the food sector, the multiple retailers are driving the sustainability agenda with areas like flexible packaging,” Susan notes. In the UK, a new recycling directive has come into force, with a host of best practice guidelines and recycling targets in place for 2017. A number of stakeholders and policy makers are reviewing the UK legislation to see if a similar system would work here. “One of the problems in Ireland is that volumes are relatively small and outside the main urban centres, the cost of gathering recycling can be prohibitive,” Declan warns. He does point out certain areas where recycling can work extremely well, such as PET milk cartons, which can be gathered, washed, pelletised and re-used.

The Future The future for both print and packaging is a lot brighter than it was perhaps just a few years ago, with both Susan and Declan optimistic that Irish companies can really compete internationally. Susan points out that some Irish companies have been bought over by international outfits in recent years (“not just vulnerable companies, but well-established firms that are performing well”) as these international players seek a footprint in Europe and view Ireland as a good place to do business. Similarly, a number of Irish labelling companies have successfully entered markets right across Europe, including Eastern Europe, with specialist, niche products, and have done well. “Ireland is a small market, internationally speaking, and there are a lot of opportunities off the island, providing the logistics costs can be kept low,” Declan advises. “There are definite signs of growth on the island and in the UK market, in particular. In Europe, things are starting to improve and there is much more stability for companies. The uncertainty is beginning to lessen.” Susan’s advice is very succinct: “If you are a manufacturing print or packaging company, employing more than 10, with an export agenda, come and talk to us.”

The new Irish passport, delivered by DLRS Smurfit Kappa, is nothing short of ground-breaking.

Enterprise Ireland Supports Enterprise Ireland offers a range of funding and capability-building activities that will help prepare and enhance companies’ ability to successfully bid and win public contracts. • Go2Tender: Managed by InterTradeIreland, this programme aims to give you the confidence, knowledge and skills to tender successfully for public sector contracts particularly on a cross-border basis. Details can be found at • Build Export Selling Capabilities: Enterprise Ireland programmes and grant supports designed to assist companies to develop their selling capabilities. Initiatives such as the Mentor Programme and Excel at Export Selling may be of interest to companies targeting the public sector. For further details see website http:// Export-Assistance/Building-Export/

Building-Export-Selling-Capabilities-Overview.html • Horizon 2020: Running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of €79 billion, Horizon 2020 is the EU’s new programme for research and innovation and is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe. to find out how to make a proposal to Horizon 2020 and find the contact details for the European Advisors who can help you • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR): SBIR is a mechanism which enables public sector bodies to connect with innovative ideas and technology businesses to provide innovative solutions to specific Public Sector challenges and needs. Details of Ireland’s first SBIR competition can be found on IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




How Design T Can Make or Break Your Brand Whether you’re developing a new brand for launch to market or rebranding an existing one, the right packaging design can give your brand the edge, writes Lorraine Carter, Persona Branding & Design.


oday’s retail environment is a highly competitive place. Recent data reveals that 70% of purchase decisions are made in store, while 10% of shoppers switch brand inside a store. The most effective and profitable brands are those that stand out distinctively, and packaging design is a critical element for effective brand stand-out. In fact, research shows that you have less than nine seconds to engage your customer and close the sale! Whether you’re developing a new brand for launch to market or rebranding an existing one, the right packaging design can give your brand crucial visibility, helping your products stand out on retail shelves in markets where there is more competition than ever before, and attract more customers who will buy and remain loyal to your brand. Make no mistake, great packaging design is a critical part of any successful brand strategy if you want to grow your business and increase your profitability.

Powerful Impact Successful packaging is a combination of powerful shelf impact and a strong visual aesthetic. The best packaging engages customers at a multi-sensory level that includes a visual and tactile experience of your brand, which communicates your brand promise and evokes an emotional response, coupled with other triggers,


such as additional sensory memorability through its feel, sound, or sometimes even smell and taste. Effective packaging design should deliver the following: • An immediate sense of your brand story, promise and values; • Trigger a positive emotional response in your primary customer through the expression of your brand’s personality in the design created (e.g. simplicity, elegance, a sense of fun, or whatever sensory experience your brand represents); • Your brand’s primary characterisations whether your products offer luxury, security, environmental awareness, corporate social responsibility, reliability, tradition, or pure indulgent pleasure etc.; • Impactful brand differentiation that separates your products from competitors on retail shelves or displays, coupled with strong brand design hooks that attract your core target audience. Here are our Top 16 Brand Packaging Design Tips to Help You Ensure Your Brand is Successful

1. Treat your brand packaging design as an investment Many brands fail to ascribe enough signif-

icance to their packaging design, and this is a mistake that will ultimately undermine your brand and compromise your profitability in multiple ways. An investment in high quality package design signifies to customers that your brand has value. When you increase the perceived value of your brand through distinctive, creative, carefully evaluated and well-executed packaging design, you’re able to compete with other products in your range and charge a premium price.

2. Packaging Packed with Brand Personality Zig when others zag! If you do things differently and develop a really compelling personality for your brand, using a system like our Personality Profile Performer, and then bring it to life visually through all your brand collateral, in this case your brand packaging, it can have massive shelf impact. Assuming you’ve thoroughly developed your brand’s personality and what it stands for etc., you should pick out key characteristics of your brand’s character, tone of voice, story, humour, language and leverage them to maximum effect in your packaging design in a way that’s relevant to your primary customer. It’s these kinds of details that capture attention, create distinction, engender engagement and provoke emotional engagement, all of which helps build a long term loyal and profitable customer base.


Fundamentally, people buy with emotion and justify with rational thinking, regardless of gender, age or cultural background. You must engage your customers positively and emotionally if you want to avoid being caught up in price wars and retail dog fights!

3. Study the Competition While it’s definitely important for your packaging to stand apart, you also need to consider the known ‘lingo’ of product category packaging: the aspects that signify what the product is, in a way your customers are already familiar with. Look to other successful brands in your space and consider what their package design has in common. This does not necessarily refer just to packaging colours, but also the physical or structural design, materials used, on-pack messaging and so forth. Your packaging must be distinctively different but your customers must still be able to relate to it in a way that’s relevant to them and their needs within that product category. A confused customer doesn’t buy!

4. Opt for Clarity and Simplicity The most successful brand packaging is iconic and easily recognisable, and when it comes to package design, often less is more. Your product packaging should convey your brand at a glance, and instantly tell the customer what your product is for. Developing a clear and





uncluttered package design, with well developed information hierarchy, will go a long way towards giving your brand increased visibility on busy store shelves.

5. Keep it Honest Packaging design should make your product look attractive, but not at the expense of honesty. A misleading package design that promises something not contained in the package will damage your reputation and your brand: for example, depicting a chocolate-drenched dessert on a tin of simple chocolate-flavoured biscuits is not an accurate representation of the product inside!

6. Be Authentic Authenticity can be a difficult characteristic to define, but your customers know it when they see it and it has become an increasingly important factor amongst consumers. Strive to develop packaging that is authentic to your brand’s values, promise, story, alignments, platforms, and positioning statements etc. A sense of character and originality infused with your pack design can help you build a memorable brand that engages customers, while also enhancing brand perceptions in terms of being seen as a brand that is real and authentic – true to its purpose.

7. Differentiate Visually A twist on the standard design styles for your product categories can help your brand enjoy increased visibility, allowing

O’Egg uses bright pink as its signature colour in its white egg packaging for increased shelf stand-out.

you to stand out from a sea of similar products. For instance, if most of your competitors use a horizontal layout, design along the vertical in your packaging. If the majority of similar items feature product photography, consider typebased designs, icons, or illustrations. The choice of signature brand colours is another great way to differentiate. One striking example is Rachel’s Organic products, which use primarily black packaging for products such as butter and yogurt to jump out on retail shelves or O’Egg, which uses bright pink as its signature colour in its white egg packaging.

8. Pay Attention to On-Pack Messaging and Typography The words used on your package design matter: not just what they are, but how they look and what they say, the style and tone of language used and the brand story conveyed. Stunning typography is an eye-catching differentiator for your packaging. Choose distinctive, premium fonts with high readability, and pay attention to spacing (kerning), the size of the text, and the colour in comparison to the rest of the package design. Dutch private label brand HEMA is a striking example of the effect of great typography. The company’s line of ready-to-eat lunch items features a chalkboard-style design label with a very distinctive font, and simple colour bands that help to quickly categorize items in a visual nature.

9. Embrace Green With more customers increasingly conscious of environmental issues, investing in eco-friendly, sustainable packaging design is a smart move for any brand, not to mention helping improve your brand’s carbon footprint. Whether the packaging is limited to reduce the amount of waste, or made from recycled, biodegradable, or reusable materials, going green with your packaging can make your products more attractive and premium to customers. Sustainability is an increasingly important issue to consumers and ‘responsible’ or ‘caring’ brands are seen to be more desirable.

10. Design for Durability Depending on the supply chain process and the shelf life of your products, your packaging may require extended durability. Long-lasting packaging is especially important for slower moving, high value, consumer goods, but FMCG products will also require a high degree of durability. The average retail store, particularly supermarkets and discounters, are demanding environments, requiring robust packaging. Damaged packaging at the point of sale or post-sale can have a very negative effect on your brand, as customers will view it as ‘cheap’ or substandard quality.

11. Production and Manufacturing Constraints It’s important to consider production line requirements: how your product will fill the packaging. Is it hand packed or on an automated production line? What are the specific packing needs of both those environments? When designing a pack, it’s also really important to take into account the final appearance of the product inside the package, to ensure an attractive overall presentation. Make sure the packaging is not too loose or too tight, and that it displays the product in an appealing way and that the colours or textures etc. of the actual product are enhanced through the design of your packaging. If something tastes incredible but visually doesn’t look too appealing, then maybe you should not make it visible within your packaging design. On the other hand, if yours is the kind of product that visually sells very well, particularly when enhanced with great packaging,


like a lot of bakery goods or confectionery, or consumers really need to see it to make their purchasing decision, such as with certain perishables like meat, fish or vegetables, then you need to take this into account within your packaging design. If consumers need to see what’s inside and you don’t provide a way for them to view the contents, they will open and pull your packaging apart to take a look, meaning that you will end up with a lot of damaged goods and returns.

12. Choose an Unusual Shape Package design with an unusual shape can be a very challenging process, but very worthwhile for the right idea. A uniquely shaped package truly stands out on retail shelves and can become a trademark protectable and uniquely valuable asset of your brand. Other important design choices here include display considerations, such as allowing the package to stand or stack on shelves appropriately too. It also can’t be too tall to fit on the average retail shelf of the relevant store your product sells in, like a supermarket, hardware or children’s toy store. Make sure you know the maximum shelf height of all your retailers and then ensure your pack is slightly under that for a sure fit. Gloji uses a unique package design to fantastic effect with its light bulbshaped juice bottles, which are meant to represent the healthy properties of the beverage that ‘light you up’ from the inside. It makes the brand very memorable and distinctive, when compared to its competitors.

13. Think Beyond the Shelf Your package design should continue to work effectively, even after purchase. A package that’s too difficult to open will turn off customers, making them less likely to make a repeat purchase or stay loyal to your brand. Another consideration is product use. If all of the product won’t be used immediately, you’ll need a way for customers to reclose the package and store unused contents or portions. It also needs to look attractive in the home or out of the retail environment so it continues to sell itself and reaffirm important, asset building brand values.

14. Special Materials Giving your package design a luxurious detail or two can help your brand stand out. Consider invoking the customer’s sense of touch through materials like

Gloji uses a unique package design to fantastic effect with its light bulb-shaped juice bottles, representing the healthy properties of the beverage that ‘light you up’ from the inside.

velvet, wood veneer, or higher quality paper. Details with embossing, wax seals, hot foil stamping, and letterpress seals can also add a premium touch to your pack design.

15. The Personal Touch Handmade, hand-crafted, or otherwise personal details can deliver a stand-out appearance to your brand packaging. Details that appear handwritten, handcrafted, hand-tied, or individually applied can add to a really premium sense of personalisation for your products. You can even create an overall handmade look for your products with creative use of production techniques.

16. Focus on Shelf Impact Shelf impact is a retail term that describes the way a product actually looks on store shelves, whether it blends in or stands out. Even the most unique and distinctive package designs may not be effective if they don’t have shelf impact. This is a really important aspect of your packaging design to test before launching a new product or package redesign. Physically arrange your products on shelves, next to competitors’ items in the same product category, just as they would appear in stores. The more distinctive your product appears from



the surrounding items, the better it will sell. Achieving shelf impact can take some experimentation, but it’s critically important and worth all the effort. In fact, you may be surprised to find that often overly elaborate designs tend to vanish or blend in on shelves, while less cluttered designs ‘pop’ and stand out in amongst the visual barrage. Consumers are overloaded with information from the moment they wake: successful brands simplify things for them, remove problems, enhance people’s lives and make the decision-making process easier. You need to ensure your brand exceeds on all those fronts to be more successful. Effective package design that reflects your brand story and conveys your brand promise and values can help you strengthen your brand, increase customer loyalty, and grow your bottom line. You should place as much emphasis and care on your packaging design as you do on your products themselves to ensure a consistent and memorable brand experience for your customers and most importantly, so you can increase your profitability.

About the Author Lorraine Carter is founder and principal of Persona Branding & Design, an award winning, multi-disciplinary branding and design company, helping their clients become number one in their target market. A winner of numerous awards over 20-plus years, Lorraine has worked with brands from a multitude of sectors for both the national and international markets, many of which are household names. As a professional branding expert, designer, writer, speaker and trainer, her skill lies in helping you define and articulate your brand’s position and purpose, be that a company, product or service, and bringing it to life in a way that’s relevant to your primary target audience, so that you command the lead position, increase your success, and most importantly, grow your profitability. A regular speaker at conferences and seminars, Lorraine also delivers programmes in effective brand creation, building and management, is Winner of Best Blog Ireland of an SME and is also a former winner of Business Woman of the Year, Dublin. For more information, email or call (01) 8322724.




DonPack: Boxing Clever for 25 Years DonPack have been designing and manufacturing packaging solutions to order for 25 years, and the company is now stronger than ever.


ONPACK is celebrating 25 years in business that has seen tremendous growth for the Corkbased independent corrugated case and transit packaging manufacturer. According to Managing Director, Ray Donoghue, “DonPack have grown through a strategy of building sustainable long term customer partnerships.” This policy has seen the company develop strong working relationships with blue chip customers in the electronics, pharmaceutical, medical devices, aerospace and the food and drinks industries. “We are leaders in the design, manufacture and assembly of bespoke packaging solutions for our customers in these industries,” Ray notes. “Our goal is to give each customer the best solution possible. Indeed, our over-reaching goal is to find a more efficient and cost effective solution for our customers.” DonPack have an unlimited ability to create customised solutions for their customers, in corrugated, foam and wood combinations, to deliver products with enhanced levels of protection during IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

DonPack is an independent corrugated box converting and finishing manufacturer, with cases custom made to customers’ specifications in a wide variety of sizes, styles and board grades.

transport and storage. “We are a designled business and the in-house bespoke design and development facilities we offer our customers allow us to produce a broad range of innovative packaging solutions, which are competitively priced,” Ray Donoghue notes.

“At DonPack, we aim to exceed our customer’s expectations every time,” the MD stresses. The company has a wealth of experience in bringing concepts to fruition and a passion for creating sustainable packaging solutions. We are totally committed to continuous improvement and investment to achieve manufacturing excellence in our industry.” To that end, DonPack operate a lean manufacturing operation, which enables them to provide highly competitively priced corrugated and bespoke packaging solutions to their broad customer base.

Just-In-Time Storage & Delivery

Ray Donoghue, Managing Director, DonPack.

DonPack operate from a modern 85,000 square feet manufacturing facility, with a 45,000 square feet finished goods warehouse, based in Bandon, Co. Cork. They also have two distribution hubs, based in Dublin and Belfast, to satisfy customers’ Just-In-Time (JIT) requirements. DonPack deliver their orders from all three depots via a fleet of vehicles managed in-house, all of which use Adblue for selective


catalytic reduction. The team at DonPack is driven to provide superior service. “In the ever changing market, lean manufacturing practices, customer focus and cost management have never been more important,” Ray stresses. “We believe the essential requirements to satisfied customers are the three ‘c’s: competence, communication and commitment. Our customers’ success is our business.” They provide customers with the security of: • Just in time delivery; • A 24/7, 365-day turn-key service; • Dedicated warehouse space; • Managed electronic inventory control. With a quarterly purchase order, DonPack can build your packaging requirements ahead and hold inventory in stock in their dedicated warehouse. “We take the risk out of long lead times and production fluctuations by having your boxes, crates and pallets in stock, ready to be delivered to your facility 24/7, 365 days a year,” Ray boasts. “Your inventory is available for your inspection at any time prior to delivery.”

Product Range DonPack’s product range includes: • Corrugated Packaging; • Wooden Crates & Pallets; • Foam Protective Packaging; • Packaging Accessories. DonPack is an independent corrugated box converting and finishing manufacturer, with cases custom made to customers’ specifications in a wide variety of sizes, styles and board grades. All DonPack corrugated products are 100% recyclable and biodegradable. The company’s wooden crate and pallet facility has the versatility to manufacture any size and volume of crates/pallets that include metal fittings, foam and wood combinations. All their wooden products conform to ISPM 15 Regulations. They also fabricate and convert polyurethane and polyethylene foams for the protection of products during distribution and storage. “Our cushioning systems are designed to reduce the severity of shock that can be experienced during product shipment in demanding distribution environments,” Ray maintains. “All our foam packs have been designed and tested to pass industry drop test standards. In fact, we are industry leaders in composite packaging solutions involving foam cushioning combined with advanced corrugated conversion techniques.” DonPack’s range of accessories includes



Pictured are (l-r): David Donoghue, Global Sales Director, Ray Donoghue, founder & Managing Director; and Ray Donoghue Jnr, Operations Director.

• Paper & Polythene Bags; • Printed & Plain Carrier Bags; • Palletwrap & Machinery; • Adhesive Tapes; • Plastic Strapping; • Edge Protecters; • Bubblewrap; • Corrugated Paper; • Plastic Pallets; • Loose Fill.

25 Years A Growing DonPack was founded by Ray Donoghue in 1990, with just one major multinational customer, Apple Computers in Cork. At that time, it manufactured a niche packaging product, a large corrugated case with internal foam (Instapac) to protect Apple’s first computer manufactured in Ireland, the Apple iMac. As volumes grew rapidly for Apple, so did DonPack’s business and customers. By 1995, it was working and supplying bespoke packaging products to over 20 global multinational companies in the biotech, electronic, pharmaceutical and food industries, including household names

like Pfizer, Heineken, Schlumberger, EMC, SmithKline Beecham, Schering Plough and Dell. The company quickly built up a reputation for being able to deliver within these industries. “By 1998, we were doing well enough to build our own manufacturing facility at Bandon in Cork. Since then, we have expanded to over 85,000 square feet and invested over €8m in equipment,” Ray recalls. Today, DonPack supplies its blue chip multinational customers worldwide, in Europe, Asia, Pacific and North America with its global strategic partner, Rand-Whitney, one of the largest suppliers of paperboard products in North America. It has maintained its relationship with Apple over its quarter of a century in business, while also adding other global giants, like EMC, Dell, Honeywell, Pfizer and Novartis. “Over the last 25 years, our continuous investment in world class manufacturing and management practice has enabled DonPack to grow by meeting and exceeding our customers’ needs and requirements,” concludes Ray Donoghue.

DonPack deliver their orders from all three depots via a fleet of vehicles managed in-house, all of which use Adblue for selective catalytic reduction. IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT


Aluminium Foil

Foiled Again!

The Alufoil Trophy 2015 produced an outstanding selection of winners, with aluminium foil and closure concepts for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors.

Top: Alufoil Troiphy 2015 Winners Right: The Ampac Flexibles Marinade Pouch is an innovative, 3-sided seal pouch, with a special zipper solution, designed for consumers who like fresh meat marinated in an organic marinade. IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT


ompanies from every part of the aluminium foil industry have embraced the opportunity presented by the Alufoil Trophy 2015. Indeed, given the diversity of the 57 entries, covering a wide range of products across all the entry categories, the judges had a demanding task but finally selected 12 worthy winners.

Consumer Convenience The winners in this category helped to formulate simple solutions to a common problem in a sophisticated pack, making a potentially messy job easier, and demonstrating just how convenient aluminium foil can be. For simplicity, the recloseable aluminium foil bag from Di Mauro Flexible Packaging solves the problem of leaks or spills of frozen food from multi-portion bags, while being quick and easy to open and reclose when required. The TwistPack, developed for a major frozen food brand owner for products such as 1kg of vegetables, takes advantage of the dead fold properties of aluminium foil, once twisted. Benefits for the consumer are that they can use, then easily reclose the bags as many times as they want and do not have to look for other closing devices.

Cleaning up a messy job in some style, the Ampac Flexibles Marinade Pouch, made for client JANS, is an innovative, three-sided seal pouch, with a special zipper solution, designed for consumers who like fresh meat marinated in an organic marinade. Up to 1kg of fresh meat is placed into the marinade pouch, which contains 200ml of sauce, to marinate within 30 minutes. The pouch combines a three-layer laminate with aluminium foil in the middle, backed by a high barrier transparent material. The product has a

Aluminium Foil

shelf life of 12 months and is not subject to cold chain requirements.

Marketing & Design Opening up new markets or expanding and enhancing existing ones is a key element of this category. The three winners ably demonstrate how aluminium foil can succeed in both. Ampac Flexibles’ Pull Tab T-Shirt pouch for beverages combines innovative packaging with technology to enhance brand marketing, allowing food manufacturers to deliver products in a very attractive, T-Shirt shape pouch. The shape is perfect as a football club or sports club drink container and can be custom-printed to match the colours of the team in up to 10 colours. The high barrier stand-up pouch also provides hygienic protection of the straw hole with a tear away, customised Ampac Pull Tab label, so is ideal for a sporting environment. A complete makeover for Diageo’s new Tanqueray No. Ten bottle features a stunning aluminium closure designed and made by Guala Closures. The closure is perfectly integrated, both to support the premium positioning and enhance the design. It is a perfect example of what aluminium can achieve as both a practical item and as a part of a total marketing concept. The closure, made with

The recloseable aluminium foil bag from Di Mauro Flexible Packaging solves the problem of leaks or spills of frozen food from multi-portion bags, while being quick and easy to open and reclose when required.



THE WINNERS Consumer Convenience • Ampac Flexibles: Marinade Pouch – “JANS Bio Marinade” • Di Mauro Flexible Packaging: TwistPack Marketing + Design • Ampac Flexibles: Pull Tab T-Shirt Pouch • Guala Closures: TANQUERAY 10 • Mechanotools – ICONT and Hydro Aluminium Slim: ICONT / 3D-Series trays Product Preservation • Amcor Flexibles and Sandoz International: AirFluSal® Forspiro® Resource Efficiency • Amcor Flexibles: Canseal Pro • Constantia Haendler & Natermann: Chang Beer

8011 aluminium alloy, is thicker than average. Cutting-edge processes have been used to achieve its shape, while more grip was obtained with a knurling process. A range of attractive ‘boat shaped’ aluminium platters from Mechanotools, ICONT and Hydro Aluminium Slim, enhances the wide range of dinner trays available by offering smooth contouring, created by a new 3D process. In traditional aluminium trays, the top edge is on a flat level. In this 3D series of trays, the top profile is built on 3-axis, outlining a double-curvature surface, the first of its

Technical Innovation • Amcor Flexibles: Stelvin® Inside • Constantia Flexibles: Aluminium foil < 5 µm • Guala Closures: Guala Closures Design Studio (GCDS) technologies

Cross-category Award • Bayer Health Care and Berndt+Partner Creality: Aspirin Next Generation – The first shaped pouch for tablets Left: Working with converter Constantia Flexibles and machinery supplier Romaco Pharmatechnik, Bayer Health Care has created a shamrock shaped pouch pack, containing four single Aspirin Next Generation tablets. Below; Guala Closures has launched a range of customised aluminium closures, offering wineries in-house artwork creation and on-site production to any size of order for Guala’s patented screwcaps.




Aluminium Foil

Stelvin Inside is a new range of aluminium closures and liners from Amcor Flexibles, which can double wine makers’ Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR) choices.

kind applied in moulding technology for aluminium containers, say the companies. The trays come in three sizes 35, 45 and 55cm in gauges 105µm to 160µm.

Product Protection Aluminium foil has a five star reputation for product protection. This winner shows the material can work well to make a highly innovative medical device even better. A new respiratory inhaler from Sandoz International, for people suffering with asthma/COPD, uses a specially designed alufoil blister strip developed by Amcor Flexibles, to ensure a longer shelf life of the powder in the AirFluSal Forspiro device. The strip protects the inhalation powder from moisture ingress and also improves performance during transportation and release of the powder from the cavity. The protection of the active ingredient, a hygroscopic powder, is entirely due to the innovative use of the alufoil blister strip.

Constantia Haendler & Natermann has created a remarkably thin neck foil label for Chang Beer, which offers material savings and downstream advantages during the recycling/reuse process.

Resource Efficiency Making the most out of the material, whatever the use, is now top of every packaging agenda. The winners in resource efficiency show aluminium foil to its best advantage for very diverse purposes. Canseal Pro, a direct-seal aluminium membrane for can ends, from Amcor Flexibles, eliminates the need for an additional metal ring and so reduces total packaging material and cost. The coextruded sealing structure of Canseal Pro, made specifically for a newly developed

Constantia Flexibles has developed a 5µm aluminium converter foil, specifically designed for pouch and confectionery laminates.

direct sealing technology, offers excellent seal integrity, easy peelability and efficient processability. One thousand conventional steel EOE lids, for a typical 73mm diameter can, weigh around eight times more than the equivalent Canseal Pro lids, says Amcor. Constantia Haendler & Natermann has created a remarkably thin neck foil label for Chang Beer, which uses an 8.8µm, soft tampered, aluminium foil alloy. This not only offers material savings, but also downstream advantages during the recycling/reuse process. In addition to material savings of 8%, the new neck foil has a positive impact on wastewater used during the returned bottle cleaning process. The thinner foil completely dissolves in the caustic bath, extending the caustic wash efficiency by up to 10%, leading to lower emissions of hydrocarbon and thus less heat dissipation from the washer, says the company.

Technical Innovation A trio of technical innovation winners show that aluminium foil can rise to very different technical challenges and adapt successfully with other technological developments. Constantia Flexibles has developed a 5µm aluminium converter foil, specifically designed for pouch and confectionery laminates. Improved process parameters allow the thinner foil to be processed on a high performance laminator. The new thickness has been achieved thanks to advances in rolling mill technologies which have enabled enhanced parameters in each of the steps: rolling, doubling, separating and annealing, to obtain the thinning to below 5µm, compared with the current standard of 6 - 7µm. Envisaged applications include the wrapping of chocolate, confectionery bars and the inner wrappers for gum, where a typical lamination would be Alu/wax or adhesive/paper. For the wine sector, Stelvin Inside is a new range of aluminium closures and liners from Amcor Flexibles, which can double wine maker’s Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR) choices, giving them more tools to help craft and perfect their wine. The four new liners each have a different OTR target, which, through technical developments in combination with other materials that make up the liner, ensures a controlled level of oxygen dispersion. Two of the four new liners also contain layers of aluminium foil. The films used in the liners are produced by Amcor, are

Aluminium Foil ı 17

Left: Mechanotools’ ‘boat shaped’ aluminium platters from Mechanotools, ICONT and Hydro Aluminium Slim, offers smooth contouring, created by a new 3D process.

PVDCFree and offer OTRs between 1O2 and 7O2. Also in the wine sector, but addressing a very different issue Guala Closures has launched a range of customised aluminium closures. Prior to their introduction, smaller wineries had to use standard ranges and colours for their closures, because of minimum order numbers required for bespoke printing, usually as high as 50,000 pieces. Guala Closures Design Studio (GCDS) technologies offer wineries in-house artwork creation and on-site production to any size of order for Guala’s patented screwcaps. The facility boasts state-ofthe-art, fast output printing techniques, combining digital printing, embossing and plasma technologies to allow the application of colour, logos and artwork.

Cross-Category Award The winner of the Cross-Category Award can claim to have used aluminium foil to the highest standards and achieved a result which works at every level of performance. A project led by Bayer Health Care, with the support of design company Berndt+Partner Creality, has created the first shaped pouch for packing a solid form tablet. The Aspirin Next Generation has a new formulation which is more moisture

Below: A new respiratory inhaler from Sandoz International, for people suffering with asthma/COPD, uses a specially designed alufoil blister strip developed by Amcor Flexibles, to ensure a longer shelf life of the powder in the AirFluSal Forspiro device.

sensitive, so packing it in aluminium foil was essential, according to Bayer. Working with converter Constantia Flexibles and machinery supplier Romaco Pharmatechnik, the group has created a shamrock shaped pouch pack, containing four single tablets. By using a paper-aluminium laminate, the pouches can be opened easily and individual tablets can be separated and taken for ‘on the go’ occasions, meeting contemporary consumer needs.

Ampac Flexibles’ Pull Tab T-Shirt pouch for beverages allows product delivery in a very attractive, T-Shirt shape pouch.

Above: Canseal Pro, a direct-seal aluminium membrane for can ends, from Amcor Flexibles, eliminates the need for an additional metal ring and so reduces total packaging material and cost. Below: Diageo’s new Tanqueray No. Ten bottle features a stunning aluminium closure designed and made by Guala Closures.




Cartons of the Future Jennifer Buhaenko, Pro Carton, Association of European Cartonboard and Carton Manufacturers, reports on the Carton of the Year award winners and highlights the sustainability of cartonboard as a packaging material.


t a glittering award ceremony in Sorrento, Italy, in September 2014, the Pro Carton ECMA Award competition celebrated its continuing popularity. A record number of companies from across the supply chain participated in 2014 and with 120 entries, it was the second highest number of entries in the 18-year history of the competition. The expertise of the judges, covering all aspects of the supply chain, provides a solid foundation for the Awards: Satkar Gidda (Chairman of the judging panel) was the design expert, Stan Akkermans (Mars) and Martin Luh (Nestlé) represented the brands, and Marco Atzberger (EHI Retail Institute) supplied a perspective from the retailers. The judges were pleased to see that the entrants had responded to the challenge of providing coherent overall concepts combining products, packaging and marketing. New approaches were also apparent in terms of handling solutions as more and more packaging is being filled in-store. The Chairman particularly noted the level of attention to detail: the fact that the carton inners are now rightly considered as part of the design communication, and that die cutting now adds to the brand character and the in-hand feel for the consumer – all of which adds to and aids brand communication. IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

Carton of the Year: Fernanda Brandao eau de parfum won praise for the superb print quality of the carton and the clever use of holographics.

The stars of the awards ceremony were the highly sought-after special awards. The coveted Carton of the Year was awarded to a pack which blended content and packaging perfectly and communicated the product promise brilliantly: Fernanda Brandao eau de parfum. The carton converter’s task was as simple as it was difficult: the carton was to reflect the shape of the perfume bottle and provide maximum focus and dynamics, using the same prism shape, corners and angles. The resulting carton exceeded expectations, with the shape reminiscent of an uncut

amethyst. The judges praised the superb print quality of the carton and the clever use of holographics. The special asymmetric design allows for flat delivery and automatic erecting and filling of the carton and the detailed fit of the carton with the bottle provides optimal product protection. The Most Innovative Design or New Use of Cartonboard prize was given to the Artelac Splash Dispenser/Display. Hydrating eye drops are susceptible to dust and UV light, so the carton’s task was to be self-closing after removal of one of the capsules, in order to protect the rest

The Most Innovative Design or New Use of Cartonboard prize was given to the Artelac Splash Dispenser/Display, with a unique dispensing carton in a tapered form with self-closing drawers, which also won in the Pharmaceutical category.




of the contents. The solution was a unique dispensing carton in a tapered form with self-closing drawers. The judges were impressed by this cleverly designed carton, which looked deceptively simple from the outside but included a unique innovation which they had not seen before in this sector. This also won the Pharmaceutical Award.

Sustainability Award Confiserie Reber won the Sustainability Award for their Advent Calendar with Innovative Carton Inlay. The original challenge had been to replace the styrofoam used in the positioning trays of the advent calendars, with cartonboard.

Confiserie Reber won the Sustainability Award for their Advent Calendar with Innovative Carton Inlay.

Substituting the plastic was easily achieved, but other advances were also incorporated: the backing in the slots where the sweets were placed used spirally cut cartonboard to hold the sweet firmly in position and then after removal of the sweet, the section popped up so that the overall look of the box was not compromised. Easy handling, the use of the “Twister” coiling technique and optimal protection of the contents was all achieved through using cartonboard, which resulted in a single material product which would be easy to recycle after use.

Jim Beam Honey Promotional Packaging was the winner of the Beverages award.

that the carton achieved a clearly defined brand message and styling, with elegance and sophistication. The bottle is wrapped in a pleated bag and the top of the bottle is designed as pleats. This is reflected in the carton, which has intricate embossing of pleats and also gives the feel of pleats in-hand. The application of multi-level embossing and a matt lacquer requires considerable technical precision. The winner of the Beverages award was Jim Beam Honey Promotional Packaging. The characteristic shape of the honeycomb inspired the carton’s design and reflected its contents: a bottle of whisky with honey. The clever application of bold colour and varnish made the structure of the honeycomb visible and gave a pleasing tactile feel. The honeycomb design also facilitated the incorporation of windows, allowing for the exclusive product to be seen. The packaging concept Multiflex, a cartonboard packaging system for

attractively presenting chocolate, biscuits or confectionery in separate compartments, won the Confectionery award. It is a sustainable and innovative solution which dispenses with plastic and provides an attractive, natural appearance to complement the chocolates. Designed to be used in stores where the consumer selects their own choice of chocolates, it is made up of different sizes and shapes of cartons and inserts that are designed to hold the chocolates securely.

Shelf Ready & Display Packaging A display strip, Peppersmith Clipstrip, won the Shelf Ready & Display Packaging category. Peppersmith makes premium mints and in such an impulse-led category, it is imperative to provide perfect placement of the product. A bespoke display concept made of cartonboard was able to meet the requirements: designed to hold

Elegance and Sophisticaton A record number of entries were submitted in all eight categories of the Pro Carton/ ECMA Carton Awards competition 2014. In the Beauty & Cosmetics category, the winner was Pleats Please L’Élixir, a perfume by Issy Miyake. The name and the signature pleats are the brand image of an Issy Miyake fashion line. The judges felt

Multiflex, a cartonboard packaging system for attractively presenting chocolate, biscuits or confectionery in separate compartments, won the Confectionery award. IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




The minimal design holds a bottle safely and a hanging tab at the top allows for effective display at the point of sale. The winner of the Volume market cartons category was Hofer Goldland/ Freiland 10 egg box. The box presents a new carton construction for eggs, which provides a high level of protection for the fragile contents. The lid is easy to open to allow for easy checking of the eggs and a large printable surface allows high brand recognition. For further details on all the entries, please visit: http://www.procarton Peppersmith’s Clipstrip won the Shelf Ready & Display Packaging category.

small boxes of peppermints, the display strip can be attached to the metal shelf and consumers can easily remove individual boxes. The winner of the Food category was Gelato Box, a carton for packing ice cream snacks. The packaging perfectly presents the products: the opening and closing system is easy to use and when opened, the carton spreads out and so remains useful right to the end, when it is opened on the table. The original idea of presenting the products in a wicker basket has been successfully transferred to cartonboard, as the basket shape is kept and the wicker structure represented by micro cutting and a lasered surface. VIVA Bottle Hanger won the Non Food award. The cartonboard packaging system securely holds and displays a difficult shaped product – a bottle.

The VIVA Bottle Hanger was the winner of the Non Food award.

The winner of the Food category was Gelato Box, a carton for packing ice cream snacks. IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

The winner of the Volume market cartons category, was Hofer Goldland/Freiland’s 10 egg box.

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Pro Carton has produced a series of eye-catching Infographics to tell the story of carton’s sustainability.

Cartons and Sustainability S

ustainability plays an increasingly important role in the design of packaging. Consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental effects of the packed products when they make their shopping choices. Cartonboard packaging in Europe has a good story to tell on sustainability, and in order to illustrate this, Pro Carton has produced a series of eye-catching Infographics. Six environmental topics are addressed: ‘The Carbon Cycle’ describes the role of cartonboard’s raw material - wood fibres from sustainable European forests – in the environment’s carbon cycle. Growing forests that are sustainably managed are effective carbon stores. This carbon is ‘locked’ within the tree and the products, which are subsequently made from wood fibre. Recycling extends this even further. At the end of the cartons’ useful life, when carbon is released, it can be absorbed and stored in sustainably managed forests. ‘Forests and Cartonboard’ highlights


facts about the European forests which are the original resource for the cartonboard packaging industry. They are a sustainable, renewable resource and the forested area in Europe is increasing. They have grown by over 30% since 1950. ‘Carbon Footprint – fossil and biogenic carbon’ shows the average fossil carbon footprint of the European cartonboard and carton industries: currently 915 kg CO2eq / tonne cartonboard produced and converted. This figure has been improving over time and shows that cartonboard packaging’s environmental performance continues to be among the best of all packaging materials. Alongside this, a study of biogenic carbon in cartons shows a significant amount is ‘locked up’ away from the environment, in the carton’s raw material – wood fibre. ‘Leaders in Renewable Energy’ – the use of wood as a raw material by paper based industries, including cartonboard, has given them a unique advantage: the

wood by-products can provide bio-energy for the manufacturing process. This use of biomass for primary energy has made the pulp and paper based industries leaders in renewable energy in Europe. ‘Use of Water’ shows that water is an essential element for paper and board production, but although a primary ingredient, only a small part of this water is ‘consumed’: 92% of water used is returned to the environment. ‘Recovery and Recycling’ illustrates that around 50% of the fibre used to make cartonboard in Europe comes from used paper and board, through recovery and recycling of household and industrial collections. Thanks to well established systems, paper and board, including cartons, is the most recycled packaging type in Europe. For more information on each of these Infographics, please visit the Sustainability section of Pro Carton’s website:

Envelopes, Print & Mail-Media



Trimfold On Top Trimfold Envelopes Limited is one of Ireland’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of envelopes, print and mail-media solutions.


ince establishing the business in 1971, Trimfold have built an outstanding reputation for providing customers with creative solutions, superior products, on-time deliveries and a continuing commitment to provide first class customer service. “Our devotion to customer satisfaction is second to none,” notes a company spokesperson. “To ensure we maintain our enviable levels of service and exceed our customers’ expectations, we operate with an experienced team of dedicated account managers who, supported by the very latest IT systems and with their vast product knowledge, ensure Trimfold remains in a

position to advise its customers with all of their envelope and printing needs.”

Meeting Customer Requirements Their modern plant, which employs over 40 experienced production staff, has state of the art equipment, ensuring Trimfold have the capability to meet any customer requirements, ranging from a few hundred envelopes to several million at a time. Based in the heritage town of Trim, Co. Meath, their plant specialises in high volume production of stock products and bespoke items. In addition to the manufacturing facility, Trimfold also have a dedi-

cated envelope printing department on site, servicing the whole of the island of Ireland with extremely fast turnaround times. In 2006, Trimfold Envelopes Limited became part of the Mayer Kuvert network, Europe’s largest independently owned envelope manufacturing group. With over 50 plants throughout Europe, the Mayer-Kuvert-network produces over 45m envelopes per day and continues to be at the cutting edge of envelope manufacture in Europe. For more information, see or contact their sales team on 046-9431584.

Ireland’s leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Envelopes, Print and Mail-Media Solutions Trimfold Envelopes Limited

Duggan Industrial Estate, Athboy Road, Trim, Co. Meath. Tel: (046) 9431584 Fax: (046) 9436049 Email:

• We specialise in high volume mailing wallet manufacture • Stock Envelopes - both wallets and pockets • Bespoke Envelope Manufacture • Printed Envelopes including four colour overprint • Specialist Coloured Envelopes • Padded Bags





Service That’s Second To None

Limerick Packaging have built up an enviable customer base, thanks to the quality of their product range and their ability to deliver “on time, every time”.


hen professionals speak of marketing, they talk about the four ‘P’s: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. When real estate agents discuss houses, they speak of ‘Location, Location, Location’. Similarly, the new way to consider packaging and to select a packaging supplier is based on ‘Service, Service, Service’. This is evident from the unique selling proposition of Limerick Packaging, a nationwide supplier of corrugated boxes in all formats, along with protective foam packs, industrial polythene bags, sleeves, sheets, pallet edgeguards, pallet stretchwrap, strapping, accessories and tapes.

Corrugated Packaging When it comes to corrugated packaging, Limerick Packaging stock conventional corrugated boxes printed up to four colours, but they specialise in high-quality printed shelf-ready boxes specifically designed to double as a transit pack, as well as the shelfready display pack for supermarkets. Printing can be in Litho print, up to eight colours, high quality post-print flexo up to six colours and the litho printed sheet can be laminated onto corrugated board and then converted into a super-strong IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

shipping case, because it has the added strength of the corrugated board. Limerick Packaging are delighted to count some of the biggest names in the food industry from Ireland and Northern Ireland among their customers, while the company is also a specialist packaging supplier to the medical and pharmaceutical industry. It is no surprise that Limerick Packaging has excelled in serving both the food and pharma sectors, as their factory on the Ballysimon Road in Limerick City is maintained to a very high standard of cleanliness. Indeed, it is racked, barcoded and incredibly well organised, down to the point that the barcode system will only allow shipment on the basis of FIFO (First In, First Out).

On Time, Every Time The company’s motto is “On Time, Every Time”, a boast that Sales Director, Mike Boland is extremely proud of, particularly given the nature of the business. “We spend a lot of time and effort getting to know and understand our customers’ usage patterns,” Mike explains. “We then order in packaging materials in advance of that requirement, based on a Purchase Order from our customer, and once the material is in stock, we guarantee next day delivery, provided we receive a call-off by noon the previous day. We also communicate regularly with our custom-


ers in regard to the stocks we hold, what Purchase Orders we need for replenishment and what spikes or dips in demand our customer can see on the horizon. You could say we act as another department of our customer’s company.” The Sales Director describes delivery on time, every time as their “over-riding goal”. It also makes superb business sense, however, as Limerick Packaging have enjoyed hugely impressive growth rates, far beyond the company’s initial expectations. “When we started out, we believed we would develop to about 70 customers, who we would spoil with service like they had never seen before,” Mike admits. “We reached that number very quickly and raced on to the point where we now have in excess of 350 customers who we continue to spoil. Along the way, we achieved ISO9001:2008 certification and all our production units are certified to both ISO9001:2008 and BRC/IOP.”

Experienced Management Team The company is about to celebrate its 13th birthday, but its management team have in excess of 120 years’ combined experience at the coal-face of the packaging sector. “Within that group, we have two Packaging Technologists, Connie Ryan our Managing Director and Mark Tierney our Quality Manager,” Mike notes. “These have proven to be a major asset to us and our customers as their packaging auditing skills and value engineering skills have meant fast, accurate problem solving and many cost saving initiatives, which is also another important string to our bow.” Mike is very keen to point out that Limerick Packaging doesn’t just supply packaging materials. They are packaging designers who can bring a project from inception all the way through to the supply of the boxes, foam packs, or bags, including print reproduction, and whatever tooling is required. They will also audit existing packaging, if required, suggest alternatives that will bring cost savings, provide prototypes and run trials.



(Replacement for Moulded EPS); • Protective Foams (EPE,EPU, EPS, EPP); • Solid Board Leak-Proof Bases and Lids; • Litho Printed Cartons and Litho- Laminated Outers; • Bubble-Wrap, Rolls and Bubble Bags; • Labels; • High Quality Post Printed Corrugated Boxes; • Pallet Wrap/Strapping/Strapping Accessories/Tapes; • Shelf-Ready/Retail-Ready Packs; • Industrial Polyethylene Bags, Sleeves and Sheets; • Pallet Edgeguards; • POS/POP Stands,Bins and Signage; • Packaging Assembly Machinery. “As you can see from our product range and our way of operation, we are trying all the time to make it as easy as possible for our customers to deal with us,” Mike summarises. “One phone call per day to call-off product and it’s done. There’s no need to chase us for delivery: it just happens.” Downtime because of poor delivery performance by a packaging supplier can cost thousands of euros for each hour that a factory is down, but with Limerick Packaging that is not a risk. “Why take that chance?” the Sales Director asks. “Instead, place your trust in Limerick Packaging and we’ll reward that trust with products to the highest possible quality delivered ‘On Time, Every Time’.” Limerick Packaging certainly deliver on Service, Service, Service or as Mike puts it, “a nice easy life for our customers.” For more information, see

Impressive Product Range Their range of products is quite impressive, and includes: • Corrugated Boxes (RSC, Die-Cut, Sheets, Pads, Divs. etc.); • Foam/Corrugated Composite Packs; • Eco-Friendly Thermal Packaging IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




Toyota on Top in Material Handling Toyota is at the forefront of material handling, thanks to its constantly evolving range, including the new Toyota Traigo series of electric forklifts, with load capacities of up to 8.5 tonnes. Toyota Material Handling Ireland has recently completed the launch of the brand new Toyota Traigo series of electric forklifts, delivering more productivity and offering safer and more energy-efficient operation than ever before.


uring the past 41 years, Toyota Ireland has firmly established the Toyota brand as a household name in Ireland and continues to be a market leader today. Toyota Material Handling Ireland now brings to the market the full range of Toyota and BT products, offering the customer a one stop shop for all material handling needs. From hand trucks, pallet trucks and reach trucks to stacker and gas, diesel and electric counterbalance trucks, they offer their customers the widest product range in the business.

The Ideal Partner All the benefits, peace of mind and value for money that Toyota provide to make it the number one seller of motor cars in Ireland are also available in its material handling range, making Toyota Material Toyota offers the customer a one stop shop for all material handling needs.


Handling Ireland the ideal partner for your business, whatever it is. “What we pride ourselves on, first and foremost, is our wonderful products,” states Terry O’Reilly, Managing Director of Toyota Material Handling Ireland, who has worked with Toyota Ireland for the past 34 years.

Toyota Traigo Electric Forklifts Toyota Material Handling Ireland has recently completed the launch of the brand new Toyota Traigo series of electric forklifts, a truck designed to deliver more productivity and offering safer and more energy-efficient operation than ever before. With load capacities ranging from 1.0 tonnes up to 8.5 tonnes, the Traigo range is the result of an intense and continuous

collaboration between Toyota and its customers, whose feedback contributed to the parameters of the new design. The Traigo features a range of qualities to optimise driver comfort and increase performance, both indoors and outdoors. It also benefits from Toyota’s world-leading features and technologies to protect both driver and goods, including the company’s unique SAS safety feature, an exclusive technology designed to actively enhance forklift stability and safety. “During the course of the past couple of years, we have successfully introduced a lot of new products to the market and they have all been very well received by dealers and customers alike,” Terry O’Reilly explains. “It’s the most up-to-date and complete range there has ever been in our history, renowned for their reliability, efficiency and durability.”

Global Packaging Specialists

We help M

Atlas Box and Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. t/a Atlas Global Solutions “Your Partner in Packaging Solutions”

ISO9001:2008 • ISO14001:2004 ISPM15 •ISTA Test Laboratory Design, Testing, Manufacture & Delivery of custom-built packaging in Corrugated board, PU/PE Foam, AirPaq & Wood as well as eco-friendly materials such as Fibre/ core, Bamboo & Enviro-Ply. On/Off-site crating. Export Packaging. Shipping Supplies. Inventory Management. Kanban supply.

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67E Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18 Ph: +353 1 294 0600 Fax: +353 1 294 0602 Email: Website:

NevPak PACKAGING and DESIGN offers an exciting range of Retail Ready Packaging from food production to product display. Based in Ireland working exclusively with nine manufacturers and inventors we supply stock products, bespoke designs and patent protected packaging all over the world. We offer full product and graphic design, packaging consultancy, product trials and troubleshooting to aid product sales, environmental responsibility and brand identity. Our customers quote a 15-25 percent increase in sales after working with us, OUR PRODUCTS CAN WORK FOR YOU.


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New Food Laws to Impact on THE Packaging Sector?

Ita White, Food Industry Development, Teagasc, discusses the forthcoming update to the official feed and food control regulation and what it could mean for packaging suppliers to the food industry.


he official feed and food control regulation (OFFCR) 1 deals with how official controls are performed to check for compliance with feed and food law, and animal health and welfare rules. The main aim is to: • Prevent, eliminate or reduce risks to humans and animals; • Guarantee fair practices in feed and food trade; • Protect consumer interests. These checks are performed by regulatory officials such as environmental health officers (EHO) or veterinary officials from Local Authorities or the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). While you will not find a reference to quality management systems (QMS) in the OFFCR, it does include many of the elements that you would expect in an effective QMS, such as: requirements for risk-based planning, defined and documented procedures on how to carry out official control checks; requirements for competent staff and methods for their supervision; internal audit, analysis and review amongst other requirements.

Why Update OFFCR? The OFFCR was published in 2004 and in light of experience and a number of high

profile food fraud incidents, a review is probably appropriate at this time. Some of the aims of the update are to: modernise the system of official controls and create a single framework for all controls along the food chain; to simplify and clarify the system and create an integrated and uniform approach to official controls. The update put forward by the European Commission proposes to cover the whole agri-food chain and extends the scope of the regulation from feed, food, animal health and welfare to also include plant health, animal by-products and plant protection products and official control activities such as surveying, monitoring and disease control tasks. There has been much debate since the proposals were tabled, particularly in relation to the inclusion of plant products and the debate looks set to continue among member states. Some aspects relating to plant products such as plant reproductive material (e.g. seeds) and forestry may be excluded or regulated slightly differently. In the past, the focus on much of food law and animal health rules has been to ensure food safety but in light of more recent issues relating to food fraud, such as the “horsemeat scandal”, there has been an increased focus on protecting other consumer interests also. IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




What Will be Subject to Checks?

Animals and goods at all stages of production, processing, marketing and distribution will be subject to checks by officials. As will substances, materials or other objects that may influence the characteristics or health of the above. Operators, their activities, premises, land, crops, processes, storage, transport, use of goods and keeping of animals and all related documentation will also be covered. This means that associated businesses supplying the feed and food sectors, such as the packaging industry, would also be included. Previously, some of these areas were not included under the OFFCR or were regulated separately. With the update, the idea is to integrate all official checks into one regulation to improve efficiency, transparency and consistency. Some of the key changes proposed relate to: • Financing of official controls; • Consolidation of sectoral import controls; • Improvements in transparency, efficiencies and flexibility; • Strengthened cross-border co-operation; • Integrated information management system. There are also some changes to the designation of laboratories and sampling proposed. Some changes to enforcement measures are also proposed, including penalties if a business fails to co-operate, and additional measures in cases of non-compliances e.g. closure of websites.

Financing of Official Controls Proposed changes to the way official controls are financed is perhaps one of the most controversial measures under debate. The idea being that there should be some means for rewarding compliant businesses and penalising those who are not compliant. Currently, fees are paid by businesses such as large meat, fisheries or dairy processors and for border controls; the proposal is to extend mandatory fees to all food businesses, with the exception of micro-enterprises. Adequate financial resources need to be available and the “user pays” principle should apply, while rewarding compliant businesses. This needs to be balanced against the aim of minimising the regulatory burden for SME’s, hence the proposed exemption for micro-enterprises. Equity, IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

fairness and transparency are other important principles at play. The definition of an SME is one area of debate, issues such as turnover (<€2m/ annum), employee numbers (<10) being typical criteria proposed. The challenge for businesses located in geographically remote areas is another aspect that has been put forward for discussion. It may be worth noting that related industries such as the packaging industry will also be subject to mandatory fees based on the criteria that will be finally agreed.

Consolidation of Import Controls Current import controls are fragmented and it is proposed to have one common set of rules applicable to all imports, including actions to be taken in the event of non-compliance. There will be one common health entry document and alignment with modernised customs codes. This should prove to be more business-friendly, with common terminology and codes being used across customs and agri-food control. There will be additional specific rules for imports of animals, animal prod-

The update to the OFFCR put forward by the European Commission proposes to cover the whole agri-food chain.

ucts and by-products, plants, plant and germinal products (seeds), and food and feed with specific associated risk.

Improvements in Transparency, Efficiencies and Flexibility Member state competent authorities will be obliged to ensure a high level of transparency of control activities by, for example, publication of information, although flexibility will remain as to the extent of information a member state decides to publish. A high degree of transparency will also be required in relation to financing of controls and fees charged. It is foreseen that this should be a key driver of accountability and efficiency of the system. Consolidation of current rules, especially in relation to imports, should also contribute to increased transparency of the official control system.

On-Going Negotiations There have been discussions around the role of vets versus other qualified staff which may have cost implications. Also around cross-border assistance, right of appeal, disclosure to the public and finan-



cial penalties. The latter relates to cases of intentional infringements (fraud), where the penalty should offset the economic advantage sought; while this principle seems reasonable, there may be difficulty in establishing the appropriate figure. Discussions will continue on the subject of plant reproductive material, plant protective products and fees for official controls. Negotiations are continuing amongst member state representatives and it is hoped to have an agreed text by the end of 2015, so there may still be some opportunity for representation by trade groups and other interested parties. Depending on having an agreed text, the update of the OFFCR may be in force in 2018.

Possible Implications for the Packaging Industry At present, the decision as to what controls to carry out and the frequency is based on risk and this will continue to be the case. The regulatory authorities will need to perform a risk assessment in relation to the packaging industry under their responsibility and decide if any changes are warranted. Things that may influence this risk assessment could include research on the types of food safety related incidents that have occurred and may have been caused by print/packaging materials, breaches of test limits for certain packaging materials, the scale and types of materials being imported, etc. Regulators may continue to focus on assessing packaging compliance at the point of use by the food industry and/or at import. The changes in the emphasis of the official control regulation may increase the focus on supply chain management, including traceability and authentication of materials used by the food industry. Documentation to demonstrate the authenticity and traceability of packaging material will be required by both customers and regulatory officials. Some regulatory requests may arrive indirectly via customers as officials will check packaging supplies as part of their audits of food businesses. Ultimately, regulators will want to know that the food industry is buying from reputable suppliers and that packaging materials are compliant with the relevant legislation and are fit for purpose. Remember, there are several legal documents applicable to the packaging industry. If you need to check you are up-to-date, the following links to the FSAI website will provide information on current

legal requirements for packaging (a category of food contact material). legislation/materials_articles/introduction.html specific_materials.html The changes to import controls may require some change in terms of documentation and procedures but in the long term, this should benefit business as it becomes more transparent and ties in with customs better. There may possibly be more contact with regulatory officials, especially for importers initially. Anyone importing materials would need to ensure they have appropriate documentation to show compliance with the relevant legislation e.g. declarations of compliance or certificates of analysis. There may be changes to the way

official controls (e.g. registration, audits/ inspections, sampling, imports checks) are funded, including the possibility of charges depending on scale of business, but it is too early to speculate as to how these charges will be calculated at this stage.

Reference: 1Regulation (EC) No 882/2004on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules. Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and cannot be construed as reflecting Teagasc views. Reference to any commercial product or service is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Teagasc is implied.


A comprehensive index of product and services listings, followed by alphabetical listings of packaging, processing and logistical companies. If you would like to to be included in next year’s guide contact Brian Clark at







AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Interpac LINPAC Allibert Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd

Dollard Packaging Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd

Gem Plastics Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Novostrat Ltd SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

AGV systems

Barcoding / Traceability


All Plastic Silos & IBC’s

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd


Fischbein Saxon Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Obeeco Ltd Security Pak Systems

Bag Gluing

Fischbein Saxon Ltd NevPak

Bag Sealing

Carabay Packaging Products Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions NevPak Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Security Pak Systems T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Bag Sowing

Dollard Packaging Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak

Bakery Cake Containers Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Diamond Corrugated JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Versatile Packaging Ltd

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd ALS Labelling Solutions Codico Distributors Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd GS1 Ireland Heavey Technology JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions PCS Industries Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd

Barcode Printing & Quality Verification

JMC Packaging Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd Biodegradable Material AB Converters Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd NevPak Novostrat Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Thorn Environmental Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd

Carabay Packaging Products Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Checkweighers Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Obeeco Ltd P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Brand Development

Coding & Marking

GS1 Ireland


BLINK DESIGN Irish Papers Ltd NevPak Neworld Associates

Bulk Packaging

Barry Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging

Carton Erectors/Closers Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Obeeco Ltd

Case Sealing (Taping)

ALS Labelling Solutions Codico Distributors Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd GS1 Ireland Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd PCS Industries Ltd QPM Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




Cold Chain Packaging Carabay Packaging Products NevPak

Compostable Bags, Films & Shrink Sleeves

Carabay Packaging Products Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Security Pak Systems Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Enviropak Supplies Ltd GS1 Ireland Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak Obeeco Ltd QPM Ltd Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Containers Bags Fabric

Barry Packaging Consort Case Company Fischbein Saxon Ltd Irish Papers Ltd NevPak Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Thorn Environmental Ltd Van Der Windt Packaging


JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (


AB Converters Ltd Alert Packaging Ltd Barry Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Fischbein Saxon Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak NPP Group Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Thorn Environmental Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT


AB Converters Ltd Alert Packaging Ltd Alpack Ltd Barry Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Diamond Corrugated Enviropak Supplies Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Thorn Environmental Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd Van Der Windt Packaging


AB Converters Ltd Aerobord Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Gem Plastics Industrial Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak NPP Group Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( The Packaging Centre Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd Van Der Windt Packaging Versatile Packaging Ltd

Pre-Made Bags - Plain/Printed NPP Group Ltd

Barrels/Drums Fibreboard

Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Dollard Packaging Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac Smurfit Kappa


Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac


AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Consort Case Company Gem Plastics Greiner Packaging Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd The Packaging Centre Ltd


Donoghue Packaging Interpac

Bottles Glass

Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Alpack Ltd Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Multiprint Labels The Packaging Centre Ltd


Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Charles Tennant & Co (Ireland) Ltd Gem Plastics Greiner Packaging Ltd Mergon International Multiprint Labels NevPak The Packaging Centre Ltd

Boxes Cake

Alpack Ltd Barry Packaging Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( The Packaging Centre Ltd


Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa


Alpack Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Barry Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd SAICA Packaging Ireland SAICA Pack Lurgan SAICA Pack Warrenpoint Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (


Dollard Packaging Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging SCA Foam Products



Interpac Irish Papers Ltd


Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Van Der Windt Packaging


Aerobord Ltd AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Consort Case Company Dollard Packaging Ltd Greiner Packaging Ltd Heavey Technology Interpac JJ O’Toole Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Measom Freer Smurfit Kappa

Rigid Presentation Boxes Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak

Snack Boxes

Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak Smurfit Kappa


AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Interpac Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa

Buckets/Tubs Plastic

AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Alpack Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Charles Tennant & Co (Ireland) Ltd Consort Case Company

Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Greiner Packaging Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Mergon International NevPak PrimePac Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd The Packaging Centre Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd


Charles Tennant & Co (Ireland) Ltd Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Interpac JMC Packaging Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd

Cartons Cardboard


Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Consort Case Company Interpac JJ O’Toole Ltd


AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Consort Case Company Donoghue Packaging Interpac Irish Papers Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Smurfit Kappa


AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Consort Case Company Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Interpac JJ O’Toole Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa



Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Alpack Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Com-Plas Packaging Ltd

33 35

Consort Case Company Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Enviropak Supplies Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SAICA Packaging Ireland SAICA Pack Lurgan SAICA Pack Warrenpoint Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (

Alpack Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Consort Case Company Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Mergon International NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa


Polystyrene Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Consort Case Company Dollard Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd Interpac JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd SCA Foam Products


Closures Metal

Alpack Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( The Packaging Centre Ltd


Alpack Ltd Charles Tennant & Co (Ireland) Ltd Consort Case Company IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




Fischbein Saxon Ltd Gem Plastics Industrial Packaging Ltd Measom Freer T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( The Packaging Centre Ltd Van Der Windt Packaging


Gem Plastics Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd The Packaging Centre Ltd

Crates Plastic

AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa


AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa

Jars Glass

Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Alpack Ltd Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd The Packaging Centre Ltd


Carabay Packaging Products Charles Tennant & Co (Ireland) Ltd Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Greiner Packaging Ltd Measom Freer Mergon International NevPak PrimePac Ltd The Packaging Centre Ltd

Paper Carriers

Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd


Alpack Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd SteriPack


Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd NevPak

Sacks Heavy Duty NevPak NPP Group Ltd




Carabay Packaging Products Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (


AIP Thermoform Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Celtic Sales Company (Cork) Ltd Consort Case Company Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Greiner Packaging Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Medical Pack Solutions NevPak QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Thorn Environmental Ltd The Packaging Centre Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd



Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa


Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd NevPak


Carabay Packaging Products Greiner Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd Measom Freer Mergon International NPP Group Ltd PrimePac Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging The Packaging Centre Ltd

Vials Glass

Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions The Packaging Centre Ltd


Carabay Packaging Products Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Interpac Mergon International The Packaging Centre Ltd Contract Packaging Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Canpak Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Gem Plastics Irish Papers Ltd Mergon International NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SteriPack Thorn Environmental Ltd

Contract Packing Carabay Packaging Products JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd SteriPack


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Diamond Corrugated EuroFoil Teo HeaveyTechnology NevPak Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Dangerous Goods Packaging

Interpac Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd

Dangerous Goods Packaging Testing

Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Interpac Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd



Artefact Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak Neworld Associates Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Drum & Keg Washers Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd

eCommerce Fulfilment Carabay Packaging Products NevPak Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd


Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd

Forklift/Pallet Trucks Irish Lift Trucks

Fibre One-Trip IBC’s

Interpac Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd

Flow Wrappers

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Obeeco Ltd Odenberg Engineering Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Security Pak Systems

Flow Wrapping

Canpak Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Security Pak Systems Thorn Environmental Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd

FMCG Packaging Canpak Ltd

Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak Neworld Associates Smurfit Kappa Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Foam in Place

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Donoghue Packaging PS Packaging Systems Ltd

Form Fill & Seal JMC Packaging Ltd NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd Security Pak Systems

Freezer Space Addition/ Removal Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Fulfilment Canpak Ltd Donoghue Packaging JMC Packaging Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Graphic Design Blink Design JJ O’Toole Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak

Hand Assembly

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Canpak Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa

Industrial Washing Systems Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd

Inspection Systems

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd PCS Industries Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Irish Pre-Stretch Film Manufacturers Carabay Packaging Products Thorn Environmental Ltd

Kan Ban

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd


33 37

Label Bureau

Heavey Technology Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Litho Lam Packaging

Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Smurfit Kappa


Auto Cartoning Systems Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Obeeco Ltd

Bag Closing Machinery Fischbein Saxon Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd Security Pak Systems


Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Case Packing Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Obeeco Ltd


ALS Labelling Solutions Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd Odenberg Engineering Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Drum Lifting/Reel Lifting Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd


Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Multiprint Labels Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd


ALS Labelling Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Gem Plastics Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd Logopak International Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Multiprint Labels New Era Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

MAP Machinery

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd

Metal Detectors/X-Ray Machines Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd

Nailing & Stapling Equipment

Carabay Packaging Products Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd

Packaging Machinery

Abco Kovex Ltd Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd ALS Labelling Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd ITW Packaging Systems JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd Odenberg Engineering Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Security Pak Systems Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Process Equipment JMC Packaging Ltd P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Obeeco Ltd Odenberg Engineering Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd


AIP Thermoform Packaging NevPak Obeeco Ltd Security Pak Systems

Shrink Wrappers

Carabay Packaging Products Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd ITW Packaging Systems JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Security Pak Systems IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT


Marketing Roadmaps

Strapping Machines

Materials Handling

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Abco Kovex Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Donoghue Packaging Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd ITW Packaging Systems JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NPP Group Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Obeeco Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Security Pak Systems


AIP Thermoform Packaging JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Obeeco Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Security Pak Systems Versatile Packaging Ltd

Tipping/Tilting Equipment Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd

Neworld Associates

Carabay Packaging Products Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Irish Lift Trucks Irish Papers Ltd Interpac LINPAC Allibert Ltd QPM Ltd SCA Foam Products Toyota Material Handling Ireland

Medical/ Pharmaceutical

Carabay Packaging Products Interpac Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd

Medical Pack Solutions

Obeeco Ltd SteriPack Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd


Enviropak Supplies Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd

Gem Plastics Mergon International Nested Trays, Cans, Tubes Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd

Vacuum Packers

Non-Woven PP

Tray Sealers

Carabay Packaging Products Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Security Pak Systems Versatile Packaging Ltd

Weighing & Checking

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd QPM Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Envelopes & Mail Packaging Trimfold Envelopes Ltd

Mail Order Bags AB Converters Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd

Fischbein Saxon Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (

Over Wrapping

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd Security Pak Systems

Packaging Design Specialists

Artefact Ltd Blink Design JJ O’Toole Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak

Packaging Materials Adhesives

Airpaq Endcaps Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd Irish Papers Ltd


Bamboo Pulp

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd NevPak

Bespoke Promotional Labels ALS Labelling Solutions New Era Packaging Ltd

Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging New Era Packaging Ltd

Multiprint Labels

Obeeco Ltd Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (


Dollard Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak Smurfit Kappa UniBoard Ltd

AB Converters Ltd Alert Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd EuroFoil Teo Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions New Era Packaging Ltd Novostrat Ltd Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Convoluted Foam


Multiprint Labels

T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging

Digital Labels

ALS Labelling Solutions Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging New Era Packaging Ltd

Foam Underlay

Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Novostrat Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa


Codico Distributors Ltd Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd

L Sealing

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd Security Pak Systems


Alpack Ltd ALS Labelling Solutions Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Codico Distributors Ltd Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Logopak International Ltd Medical Pack Solutions

AB Converters Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd EuroFoil Teo Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa SteriPack T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Trimfold Envelopes Ltd UniBoard Ltd


Donoghue Packaging Heavey Technology New Era Packaging Ltd

Linerless Labels

Polyethylene Foam

Leaflet Labels

ALS Labelling Solutions Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd New Era Packaging Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging

Litho Laminated Board/Flute

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging New Era Packaging Ltd NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd SCA Foam Products Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (

Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Irish Papers Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak Smurfit Kappa

Metal Foils

Alert Packaging Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd New Era Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd SteriPack Versatile Packaging Ltd


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd SCA Foam Products Security Pak Systems Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (

33 39


AB Converters Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd NevPak NPP Group Ltd QPM Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SCA Foam Products Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Donoghue Packaging Irish Papers Ltd New Era Packaging Ltd




Abco Kovex Ltd AB Converters Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd ITW Packaging Systems JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Novostrat Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




Security Pak Systems Smurfit Kappa Obeeco Ltd

Packaging Integrity Testing

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging JMC Packaging Ltd SteriPack Packaging Testing Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions

Diamond Corrugated

Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Smurfit Kappa SteriPack


AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Packaging Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Enviropak Supplies Ltd Interpac LINPAC Allibert Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SCA Foam Products Smurfit Kappa

Pallet Wrapping

Abco Kovex Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NPP Group Ltd PC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Security Pak Systems Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Fibre/Core Pallets

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd

Plastic Cups

Carabay Packaging Products Greiner Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Thorn Environmental Ltd

Plastic Glasses

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd

Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (

Pallet Labelling

Plastic IBC

Pallet Liners


Pallet Inverting & Exchange

ALS Labelling Solutions Codico Disributors Ltd Donoghue Packaging Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Logopak International Ltd PC Packaging Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

AIC Plastic Pallets Ltd Industrial Packaging Ltd Interpac Irish Papers Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd

T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( UniBoard Ltd

Carabay Packaging Products Fischbein Saxon Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd Security Pak Systems Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (

Pallet Stacking/ De-Stacking

Polyester Reel/Sheet Material

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Diamond Corrugated Donoghue Packaging NPP Group Ltd UniBoard Ltd

Pallet Liners (Waterproof)

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

Carabay Packaging Products JMC Packaging Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd

Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd | Versatile Packaging Ltd

Polyurethane Foam

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging PS Packaging Systems Ltd


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Heavey Technology JJ O’Toole Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak Smurfit Kappa

Print & Apply Labelling

ALS Labelling Solutions Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Codico Disributors Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Logopak International Ltd Obeeco Ltd


AB Converters Ltd ALS Labelling Solutions Alert Packaging Ltd Benson Box Co. (Irl) Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Codico Disributors Ltd Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Diamond Corrugated Dollard Packaging Ltd EuroFoil Teo Fischbein Saxon Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd Measom Freer Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Multiprint Labels NevPak NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd PrimePac Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Trimfold Envelopes Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Product Collation Canpak Ltd QPM Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Obeeco Ltd

Product Screening

Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd Heavey Technology Obeeco Ltd


Qualifications Medical Pack Solutions Smurfit Kappa

Relationship Building

Carabay Packaging Products Heavey Technology NevPak Obeeco Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd

Research & Development Alert Packaging Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd Obeeco Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SteriPack


Alert Packaging Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Irish Papers Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd (

Retail Ready Packaging

AB Converters Ltd Alert Packaging Ltd Barry Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Dollard Packaging Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NevPak QPM Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Trimfold Envelopes Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Reusable Bags

AB Converters Ltd Abco Kovex Ltd Barry Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak NPP Group Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Robotics/ Palletisers

ABB Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Odenberg Engineering Ltd

Robotic Pick & Place

ABB Ltd Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Odenberg Engineering Ltd QPM Ltd

Product Collation Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd Scissors & Vacuum Lifting Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd

Security Tapes

Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd NPP Group Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd


Advanced Packaging Machinery Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd QPM Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd

Ship to Supplier

Carabay Packaging Products Gem Plastics JJ O’Toole Ltd NevPak Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd

Shrink Sleeves

Carabay Packaging Products Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NPP Group Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd

Shrink Tubing Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NPP Group Ltd

Shrink Wrapping

Abco Kovex Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Canpak Ltd


33 41

Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd PC Packaging Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Security Pak Systems Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Single Source Vendor Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Sterile Barrier Packaging Medical Pack Solutions


Canpak Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd NPP Group Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd


Abco Kovex Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Fischbein Saxon Ltd Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd ITW Packaging Systems JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NPP Group Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd

Stretch Film

Abco Kovex Ltd Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT




Irish Papers Ltd ITW Packaging System JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd Mikcon Ltd T/A Limerick Packaging NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Security Pak Systems Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Stretch Tubing NPP Group Ltd

Supplier to the Trade AB Converters Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Com Plas Packaging Ltd Enviropak Supplies Ltd Gem Plastics GS1 Ireland Heavey Technology JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Novostrat Ltd NPP Group Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd QPM Ltd SCA Foam Products Smurfit Kappa Thorn Environmental Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd

Supplier of Flexible Plastic & Packaging AB Converters Ltd Carabay Packaging Products Consort Case Company Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Heavey Technology Interpac JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Novostrat Ltd NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd QPM Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd Smurfit Kappa SteriPack Thorn Environmental Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Versatile Packaging Ltd

Special Cases/Boxes for Transportation, Stacking, Storage, Presentation and Assorting & Organising Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Carabay Packaging Products


Consort Case Company Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Enviropak Supplies Ltd Interpac JJ O’Toole Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Quinn Packaging Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa

Trade Manufacturers



Dollard Packaging Ltd Heavey Technology Obeeco Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd

Tamper Evident Packaging ALS Labelling Solutions Carabay Packaging Products Charles Tennant & Co (Ireland) Ltd Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Dollard Packaging Ltd Gem Plastics Heavey Technology Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd JMC Packaging Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd NevPak NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd QPM Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd ( Trimfold Envelopes Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd

Testing Facility (ISTA Lab)

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd Smurfit Kappa

Thermoformable Sheet Consort Case Company Donoghue Packaging Versatile Packaging Ltd

Thermoformed Packaging AIP Thermoform Packaging Carabay Packaging Products Consort Case Company Corcoran Products (Ire) Ltd Donoghue Packaging Enviropak Supplies Ltd Greiner Packaging Ltd Medical Pack Solutions Obeeco Ltd Rand-Whitney IRL

Track & Trace Solutions ALS Labelling Solutions Codico Distributors Ltd GS1 Ireland Heavey Technology NPP Group Ltd Obeeco Ltd Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd Packaging Consort Case Company Heavey Technology Industrial Packaging Ltd NevPak Novostrat Ltd PS Packaging Systems Ltd Smurfit Kappa Trimfold Envelopes Ltd GS1 Ireland Heavey Technology Medical Pack Solutions

Transport/Logistics/ Warehousing

Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland Ltd. T/A Atlas Global Solutions Dollard Packaging Ltd Donoghue Packaging Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd Heavey Technology Irish Lift Trucks Irish Papers Ltd JJ O’Toole Ltd Johnston Logistics NPP Group Ltd SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd Smurfit Kappa SteriPack

Tray Pallet IBC Washers Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd LINPAC Allibert Ltd Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd

Turnkey Projects Carabay Packaging Products Heavey Technology JMC Packaging Ltd NevPak Obeeco Ltd QPM Ltd Smurfit Kappa SteriPack

Vacuum Formed Packaging

Carabay Packaging Products Consort Case Company Irish Papers Ltd Medical Pack Solutions QPM Ltd Versatile Packaging Ltd

Vacuum Lift Aids

Goliath Packaging Systems Ltd

Waste Management/ Recycling Carabay Packaging Products Donoghue Packaging LINPAC Allibert Ltd NevPak Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Ltd Repak Ltd Thorn Environmental Ltd Trimfold Envelopes Ltd






COMPANY LISTINGS ACE Corrugated Address: Glabolie, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan. Tel: (042) 966 5544 Fax: (042) 966 6677 Email: Web:

ABB Ltd (Robotics Business) Address: Auriga House, Precedent Drive, Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8PQ, UK. Tel: (0044)1908 350 300 Fax: (0044) 1908 350 301 Email: Web: Contact: Marketing Communications Manager: Michelle Jocelyn

AB Converters Ltd Address: Blessington Industrial Estate, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (045) 865 611 Fax: (045) 865 026 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of printed bags for the food industry Contact: Sales Manager: John McGinn

Abco Kovex Ltd Address: Swords Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 807 7600 Fax: (01) 807 7650 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer and distributor of end-of-line packaging, materials and machinery. Contact: Brian Fitzsimons

ADVANCE PACKAGING MACHINERY LTD Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Unit 718, Kilshane Drive, Northwest Business Park (4), Ballycoolin, Dublin 15. (01) 861 2141 (01) 861 2142 Technical Director: Stephen Dallas

AIC PLASTIC PALLETS LTD Address: The Woodslands, Carrigmore, Ballineen, Co. Cork Tel: (023) 884 7333 Fax: (023) 884 7671 Email: Web: Contact: Joe O’Flynn

aip thermoform packaging Ltd. Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Unit 1, Ballymaley Business Park, Barefield, Ennis, Co. Clare. (065) 686 4486 (065) 689 6479 John Mulleady, Managing Director

Air Sea Containers Ireland Ltd Address:

Newcourt House, Strandville Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3.

Tel: (01) 833 2281 Fax: (01) 833 1370 Email: Web: Contact: Director: David McQuaid

Alert Packaging Ltd Address: IDA Bray Business Park, Kilruddery, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 286 0300 Fax: (01) 286 3755 Email: Web: Business: Printers and laminators of flexible packaging, active packaging and barrier/ lidding films.

alpack ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Unit A2, Three Rock Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Sandyford, Dublin 18. (01) 295 7137 (01) 295 0780 General Manager: Liam Moore

ALS Labelling Solutions Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Unit 18,Westpoint Business Park Mulhuddart, Dublin 15. (01) 824 2643 (01) 815 7497 General Manager: Pat Phibbs IRISHPACKAGING PACKAGING&&PRINT PRINT IRISH




Amcor Flexibles Sligo Address: Finisklin Industrial Estate, Sligo. Tel: (071) 916 1354 Fax: (071) 916 1343 Web:


Atlas Box & Crating Co. Ireland LTD. T/A ATLAS Global Solutions

Address: Mullaghboy Industrial Estate, Athboy Road, Navan, Meath. Tel: (046) 902 8611 Fax: (046) 902 8710 Web:

AR O’ Hare & Co Ltd Address: Unit 106, Baldoyle Ind Est, Baldoyle, Dublin 13. Tel: (01) 839 1276 Fax: (01) 839 1804 Web:

ARTEFACT LTD Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Barry Packaging

Sky Business Centre, 57 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3. (01) 853 7308 (01) 833 0722 Packaging Design, Brand Consultants, Web Design & Digital Marketing.

Ashtown Packaging Address: 38 Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 864 2414 Fax: (01) 864 6727 Email: Web: Business: Packaging Material Supplier.

Address: IDA Business and Technology Park, Carrigtohill, Co. Cork. Tel: (021) 466 9009 Fax: (021) 488 3644 CustomerServiceIreland@ Email: Web: Business: Atlas Global Solutions is a complete protective packaging manufacturing company, providing innovative and cost effective solutions for all your packaging needs. We design, test and manufacture best-in-class products, including corrugated cases, customised wooden crates and pallets, PE & PU foam assemblies, bamboo & paper pulp trays and airpaq cushioning. We also have the ony ISTA lab in Irelanddedicated to packaging. Contact: Customer Service Team

Atlas Print & Packaging Ltd Address: IDA Business Park, Southern Cross, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 286 0477 Fax: (01) 282 8245 Email:

Avery Dennison Materials (Ireland) Ltd Address: Unit 35, Fonthill Business Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 642 6500 Fax: (01) 623 5551 Web:

Avoncourt Packaging Ltd Address: Unit 2, Ballycurreen Ind Estate, Airport Road, Co. Cork. Tel: (021) 496 5691 Fax: (021) 496 5501 Email: Web: Business: Vacuum and pressure formed plastic packaging IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

Address: Monavalley Industrial Estate, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Tel: (066) 711 8200 Fax: (066) 718 0640 Email: Web: Contact: Business Development Manager: Eileen Browne

BENSON BOX CO. (IRL) LTD. Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Contact:

Killaloe, Co. Clare. (061) 376 119 (061) 376 169 Managing Director: Roy Benson Sales: Keith Benson

Blink Design Address: Raheen, Limerick. Tel: (061) 300111 Email: Web: Skype: louiseblinkdesign

P.J. Boner & Co. Ltd Address: Unit 35, Western Parkway Business Centre, Ballymount Drive, Ballymount, Dublin 12. Tel: (01) 450 5050 Fax: (01) 450 5183 Email: Web: Business: Weighing equipment Contact: Managing Director: Patrick M. Boner Business Development Executive: Leonard O’Sullivan Internal Sales Engineer: Thomas McDonnell

Boran Plastic Packaging Ltd Address: Johnstown, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel: (045) 876 601 Fax: (045) 875 710 Web: Business: Flexible packaging


Boxpak Ltd Address: 65 Church Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT36 7LR, UK. Tel: (0044) 28 903 65421 Fax: (0044) 28 908 66731 Email: Web: Business: Printed folded cartons and aluminium foil containers.

Boylan Label & Print Group Ltd Address: Termonfeckin Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Tel: (041) 983 9905 Fax: (041) 983 4827 Email: Web: Business: Heat Set Web, sheet litho printing and flexo roll labels.

Bunzl O’Mahony Address: Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Dublin 17. Tel: (01) 816 4800 Fax: (01) 816 4900 Email: Web: Business: Food Service Disposables

Burex Manufacturing Ltd Address: Innovation & Design House, Dunleer Business Park, Dunleer, Co. Louth. Tel: (041) 685 1032 Fax: (041) 685 1117 Email: Web: Manufacturer of computer Business: accessories: computer sound cards, computer mouse pads, graphic design services.


45 Packaging

CANPAK LTD Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

Merrywell Business Park, Ballymount Road, Dublin 12. (01) 450 1724 (01) 450 2727

Campbell Packaging Ltd Address: 1 Whitechurch Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. Tel: (01) 493 2216 Fax: (01) 494 2312 Email: Web:

Address: Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan. Tel: (049) 854 4788 Fax: (049) 854 4787 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of primary and secondary corrugated fibreboard packaging. Mention this ad (ref: PYB 2014) for a €100 discount, on any initial order in excess of Ä1000. Contact: Managing Director: Anselm Lovett

Celtic Sales Co (Cork) Ltd. Address: Unit 3b, Waterfront Business Park, Little Island, Cork. Tel: (021) 429 7984 Fax: (021) 429 7990 Email: Contact: Mary O’Brien

CARABAY PACKAGING PRODUCTS Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Unit 3, 4, 5, Liosban Industrial Estate, Tuam Road, Co. Galway. (091) 773 370 (091) 773 371 Sales Director: Kenneth Casburn

Cashin Print Ltd

Address: Breaffy Road Business Park, Breaffy Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Tel: (094) 902 6622 Fax: (094) 902 4078 Email: Web: Business: Printing - digital, litho and personalisation.

Castle Printing (Galway) Ltd Address: Liosban Industrial Estate, Tuam Road, Co. Galway. Tel: (091) 757 799 Fax: (091) 752 670 Web: Business: Litho and digital printers.

Charles Tennant & Co. (Ireland) Ltd. Address: 71 Cookstown Industrial Estate, Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: (01) 451 4099 Fax: (01) 451 4702 Email: Web: Business: Chemical and Packaging supplier. Contact: Packaging Division: Edward Greer

Chesapeake Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Packaging Address: Unit 3-4, Fairway Industrial Estate, Long Drive, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 8PW, UK. Tel: (0044) 2085 759 119 Fax: (0044) 2085 666 174 Email: Web: IRISHPACKAGING PACKAGING&&PRINT PRINT IRISH



Clondalkin Pharma & Healthcare (Glasnevin) Limited Address: 129 Slaney Road, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Tel: (01) 806 2200 Fax: (01) 806 2299 Web: pharma-healthcare


Diamond Corrugated Corcoran Products (Irl) Ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Business:

Kingsbridge House 17-22 Parkgate Street Dublin 8. 01 6330400 01 6793521 Large stockists and suppliers of a wide range of packaging containers from 120ml up to 60 litres.

Coding & Marking Solutions

Codico Distributors Ltd Address: Cleaboy Business Park, Old Kilmeaden Road, Co. Waterford. Tel: (051) 379933 Fax: (051) 372352 Email: Web: Business: Printers for the packaging industry. Web: Myles Ogle, National Sales Manager

Colorman (Ireland) Ltd Address: 1-7 Broombridge Industrial Estate, Broombridge, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Tel: (01) 882 1100 Fax: (01) 830 1171 Web: Business: General printing

Corrugated Containers Ireland Ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

Beechmount Industrial Estate, Navan, Co. Meath. (046) 902 7726 (046) 902 2380

Address: 12-13, Pennyburn Industrial Estate, Derry, Northern Ireland, BT48 OLU. Tel: (048) 7126 2957 Fax: (048) 7126 7094 Email: Web: Business: Clare Dallas

Dollard Packaging Ltd Address: Tel: Email: Web: Business: Contact:

Unit 6-11 Eklad Park, Malahide Road Industrial Park, Malahide Road, Dublin 17. (01) 847 0044 Manufacturers of printed Folding Cartons. Sales Director: David Hilliard

Cullen & Bohan Address: Unit 7 The Courtyard, Fonthill Business Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 626 0534 Email: Web:

Donoghue packaging Address: Donpack Business Park, Bandon, Co. Cork. Tel: (023) 884 2111 Fax: (023) 884 1211 Email: Web: Business: Heavy duty packaging products. Contact: Managing Director: Ray Donoghue

Com-Plas Packaging Ltd Address: Naas Industrial Estate, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel: (045) 874 088 Fax: (045) 874 090 Web: Packaging products for Business: food, pharma and chemical industries.

Consort Case Company Address: Mooncoin, Kilkenny Tel: (051) 895 191 Fax: (051) 895 488 Email: Web: Business: Carrying case manufacturers and contract vacuum formers Contact: Project Manager: Richard Kimpton


DC Kavanagh Ltd Address: Unit E1, Ballymount Industrial Estate, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. Tel: (01) 419 6700 Fax: (01) 450 6167 Email: Web: Business: Provider of direct mailing and personalised commercial print.

Dakota Packaging Ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Web: Business:

Unit 8, Airways Industrial Estate, Santry, Dublin 17. (01) 830 0000 (01) 862 1244 Manufacturer of cartons.

Easiwrap Ltd Address: 120 Broombridge Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Tel: (01) 882 1306 Fax: (01) 830 5660 Web: Business: Pre-stretched film wrap

Embankment Plastics Ltd Address: Burgage M贸r, Blessington, Celbridge, Co. Wicklow.


Tel: (045) 858090 Fax: (045) 858 095 Email: Web:

ENVIROPAK SUPPLIES LTD. Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Contact:

Killyneil, Silverstream, Co. Monaghan (047) 82 699 (047) 82 396 Bernard Mulligan

Eurofoil Teo Address: Ballyvourney, Macroom, Co. Cork. Tel: (026) 456 00 Fax: (026) 456 56 Email: Web:

Europaks Corrugated Cases Address: Galvone Business Park, Galvone, Co. Limerick. Email: (061) 415 833 Fax: (061) 410 633 Email: Web:


Fischbein Saxon Ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

274 Alma Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7RS. (0044) 2083 446 608 (0044) 2083 446 625 Sales & Services Manager: Barry Cox

Fispak Ltd

Address: Leamore Warehouse, 39 Park West, Dublin 12. Tel: (01) 620 4494 Fax: (01) 620 4495 Email: Web:

Flint Print Group Ire. Ltd Address: Unit 6B, Broomhill Business Complex, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: (01) 403 1222 Fax: (01) 403 1223 Web:

Food Processing Technology (IRL) Ltd Address: Unit 72, Cookstown Industrial Estate, Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: (01) 451 3110 Fax: (01) 451 3338 Email: Web:

GOLIATH PACKAGING SYSTEMS LTD Address: 92 Silver Street, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Tel: (067) 37893 Fax: (067) 34794 Email: Web: Business: Supply & installation of End of Line Packaging Equipment, Materials Handling Systems & Industrial Washing Systems. Contact: Director: George O’Leary

Gosheron Packaging Address: Bellinstown, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 843 3732 Fax: (01) 843 3790 Email: Web:


Faulkner Export Packaging Ltd Address: Unit 2, Cloverhill Industrial Estate, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 464 7300 Fax: (01) 464 7399 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturers of paper packaging materials. Targeting construction, electronics and consumer sectors.

FESTO Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:


gem plastics LTD Address: Regaskin, Cavan, Co. Cavan. Tel: (049) 433 1077 Fax: (049) 436 1157 Email: Web: Business: Manufacture of plastic containers. Contact: Sales Manager: James King Mobile: 00 353 872759095

Address: Killyman Road Industrial Estate, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, BT 71 6LN. Northern Ireland. Tel: (0044) 28 8772 3131 Fax: (0044) 28 8772 7318 Email: Web: Contact: Sales Director: Kim Mackay Sales Manager: Philip Hogan

Unit 5, Sandyford Park, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. (01) 295 4955 (01) 295 5680 Internal Sales Department IRISHPACKAGING PACKAGING&&PRINT PRINT IRISH




Industrial Polythene Solutions Ltd

GS1 Ireland Address: Second Floor, The Merrion Centre, Nutley Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. Tel: (01) 208 0660 Fax: (01) 208 0670 Email: Web: Business: Global Supply Chain Standards Body. Contact: Chairman: John O’Callaghan Chief Executive Officer: Mike Byrne Helpdesk Manager: Karen Murphy

ID Technology Ltd Address: Unit 4 Newgrange Business Park, Donore Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Tel: (041) 983 3816 Fax: (041) 983 3817 Web: Business: High-tech manufacturer of adhesive and non-adhesive materials.

IMS Labels Address: 53 Bracken Road, Sandyford Business Park, Dublin 18. Tel: (01) 295 4544 Fax: (01) 295 4705 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of labels, distributor of printing and application label systems.

Heavey Technology Address: Tel: Web:

Ballyowen Lane, Lucan, Co. Dublin. (01) 626 1458

Hebre Packaging Ltd Address: Tel: Contact:

Doughcloyne Industrial Estate, Sarsfield Road, Wilton, Co. Cork. (021) 454 1177


Interpac Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

67E Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Sandyford, Dublin 18. (01) 294 0600 (01) 294 0602

Irish Flexible Packaging Ltd Address: Carnew, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (053) 942 6574 Fax: (053) 942 6577 Email: Web: Business: Packaging, printing and converting.

indaver Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

4th Floor, Block 1, West Pier Business Campus, Old Dunleary Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. (01) 280 4534 (01) 280 7865

Holfeld Plastics Ltd Address: Avoca River Park, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (040) 241 234 Fax: (040) 232 553 Email: Web: Business: Plastic sheeting and containers.

Address: Annacotty Industrial Estate, Annacotty, Co. Limerick. Tel: (061) 508 980 Fax: (061) 508 984 Email: Web:

Industrial Packaging Ltd Address: Killarney Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 286 4010 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of fibre drums and cardboard tubes and cores. Supplier of UN industrial containers, including IBCs, plastic and steel drums. Contact: Sales: Mark Fleming / Rob Lee

Irish International Corp Ltd Print IRISH LIFT TRUCKS

Address: Top Tech Building, Address: Clonlara Avenue, Baldonnell Poppintree Business Park, Industrial Estate, Baldonnell, Poppintree, Dublin 22 Dublin 11. Tel: (01) 403 4100 Tel: (01) 652 0699 Fax: (01) 403 4183 (01) 879 0444 Fax: Email: Email: Web: Web: Contact: General Manager: Business: Printing, direct mailing. Conal McCourt

Irish Papers Ltd Address: Unit 74, Baldoyle Industrail Estate, Dublin 13. Tel: (01) 839 3144 Fax: (01) 839 3057 Email: Web: Business: Paper and Packaging goods.


ITW Crop Packaging Systems Address: IDA Industrial Estate, Courtown Rd, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Tel: (053) 942 2990 Fax: (053) 942 2493 Web:

ITW Packaging Systems Address: Unit W6, Togher Industrial Estate, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel: (045) 440 622 Fax: (045) 440 623 Email: Web:

JFC Manufacturing Co. Ltd Address: Weir Road, Tuam, Co. Galway. Tel: (093) 240 66 Fax: (093) 249 23 Email: Web:

JJ O’Toole Ltd. Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Business: Contact:

Raheen Business Park Raheen Limerick (061) 229333 (061) 301960 Paper and Plastic Packaging Managing Director, Vicki O’Toole


Killarney Printing Ltd

Packaging Ltd JMC PACKAGING LTD Address: 37 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon, Co. Armagh, BT63 5QE. Tel: (028) 3839 1723 Fax: (028) 3885 1224 Email: Web: Contact: Jason Govender

Address: Blackchurch Business Park, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 401 3333 Email: Web: Business: Warehousing & Logistics (Complete Supply Chain Management) Contact: Sales Manager: Niall Hickey

Address: IDA Industrial Estate, Tiernaboul, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Tel: (064) 663 1891 Fax: (064) 663 4244 Email: Web: Business: Specialists in the production of tourist literature and goods.

Koverto Envelopes (Ireland) Ltd Address: Purcellsinch, Dublin Road, Co. Kilkenny. Tel: (056) 776 1839 Fax: (056) 776 5468 Email: Web: Business: Manufacture and printing of bespoke envelopes.

Label Art Ltd

JFK Disposables Ltd Address: Unit 4, Ballinaskea Yard, Dublin Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (040) 223 578 Fax: (040) 223 580 Email: Web:


Kempis Sales Ltd Address: Jamestown Business Park, Jamestown Road, Finglas, Dublin 11. Tel: (01) 864 1900 Fax: (01) 864 1907 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of paper rolls, specialist paper and stationery.

Kenilworth Products Ltd Address: Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Tel: (01) 806 2200 Fax: (01) 806 2299 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturers of self-adhesive labels, targeting pharmaceutical sector.

Address: 70-74 Broomhill Road, Tallaght Industrial Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: (01) 451 3555 Fax: (01) 451 0424 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of self adhesive labels, both short run and long run, together with short run sleeve decoration and blister cards.

Label Craft Address: 10 Dublin Business Park, Dundrum, Dublin 14. Tel: (01) 295 1855 Fax: (01) 295 1949 Email: Web:

Label Tech Ltd Address: Unit A2 - A3, IDA Industrial Estate, Santry Avenue, Dublin 9. Tel: (01) 842 1700 Fax: (01) 842 1827 Email: Web: Business: Manufacture of labels. IRISHPACKAGING PACKAGING&&PRINT PRINT IRISH



Label World Ltd Address: Tel: Fax:

Unit 2 Feltrim Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin. (01) 890 0244 (01) 890 0344

Email: Web: Business: Label printer, thermal transfer and foil, barcode, consecutive numbering, adhesives.

Lawco Packaging Systems Ltd Address: Unit 8, 151 Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Baldoyle, Dublin 13. Tel: (01) 832 6632 Contact: Web:

Letter-Tec Ireland Ltd Address: Springhill House, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork. Tel: (021) 488 3370 Fax: (021) 488 3423 Web: Business: Printing and binding

LINPAC Allibert Ltd Address: 17 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham B32 1AF, UK Tel: (0044) 121 506 0100 Fax: (0044) 121 422 1771 Email: Web: Contact: Country Sales Manager: Brendan McGarry

Logopak International Ltd Address: George Caley Drive, Clifton Moor Industrial Estate, York, YO30 4XE. Tel: (0044) 1904 692 333 Fax: (0044) 1904 690 728 Email: Web: Contact: General Manager: Wilson Clark

Fax: (01) 281 9503 Email:

Measom Freer M & J McGowans Ltd Address: 3 Poppintree Industrial Estate, Dublin 11. Tel: (01) 410 6700 Web: Business: Printing: letterheads, business cards, outdoor advertising, exhibitions.

Macfarlane Labels (Irl) Ltd

Address: Unit 110 Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Baldoyle, Dublin 13. Tel: (01) 832 0220 Fax: (01) 832 6834 Email: Web:

Maple Marketing Address: Ballycurreen Industrial Estate, Airport Road, Cork City, Co. Cork. Tel: (021) 496 8388 Fax: (021) 496 8454 Email: Web: http://homepage.eircom. net/~maple/maplem home.html

Marchmont Packaging Ltd Address: Unit E40, Cloverhill Industrial Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 413 0200 Fax: (01) 413 0299 Email: Web: Business: Paper carton packaging

Medical Pack Solutions Address: Pinewood Lodge, 16, Tullyvarraga Hill, Shannon, Co. Clare. Tel: (061) 364 837 Fax: (061) 364 837 Email: Web: Business: Medical Packaging Consultancy. Contact: Rolande Hall (086 828 1141)

Mergon International Address: Water Street, Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath. Tel: (044) 966 2000 Fax: (044) 966 1397 Web: Business: Plastic technical moulding solutions

Mid-Cork Pallets & Packaging Ltd Address: Clondrohid, Macroom, Co. Cork. Tel: (026) 413 11 Fax: (026) 422 78 Email: Web:

Martin Packaging Ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

Unit 7, Lee Road, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. (01) 830 6888 (01) 830 4848

McCoy Packaging Ltd Address: Tel: IRISH PACKAGING & PRINT

Address: 37-41 Chartwell Drive, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2FL, UK. Tel: (0044) 1162 881 588 Fax: (0044) 1162 813 000 Email: Web: Contact: Director: Mark Freer

F 16 Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow. (01) 281 9475

Mikcon Ltd. t/a LIMERICK PACKAGING Address: Eastlink Business Park, Ballysimon Rd. Limerick Tel: 061-400035 Fax: 061-400036 Email: Web: Contact: Mike Boland, Sales Director


miller graphics corniche ltd Address: Icon Business Centre, 4100 Park Approach, Thorpe Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS15 8GB, UK. Tel: 087 9086 123 Email: Web: Contact: Sales Manager Ireland: David Little

Millmount Healthcare Ltd Address: Block 7, CityNorth Business Campus, Stamullen, Co. Meath. Tel: (01) 841 8300 Fax: (01) 841 8039 Email: Web: Business: Contract packers for the pharmaceutical industry

MLS Ltd Address: Mullingar Business Park, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Tel: (044) 934 3746 Fax: (044) 934 8943 Email: Web: Business: Self-adhesive labels

Multiprint Labels Address: Unit 2, Swords Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 813 8900 Fax: (01) 813 8950 Email: Web: Business: Self-adhesive label manufacturer.




Packaging Innovation Group

NevPak Address:

41 Avondale Square, Dunboyne, Co Meath, Ireland Tel: (01) 533 4275 Email: Web: Business: Packaging Innovation Group. Contact: Sales: James Neville

OBEECO LTD Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Annaville Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. 353 1 278 2323 353 1 278 2374 Olive Walker, Managing Director Richard Burke, Sales Director

New Era Packaging Ltd Address: Drogheda Industrial Estate, Donore Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Tel: (041) 987 5600 (041) 983 4481 Fax: Web: Business: Print converters of self-adhesive label products.

Neworld Associates Address: 9 Greenmount Avenue, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 12. Tel: (01) 416 5600 Fax: (01) 416 5621 Email: Web: Business: Brand consultancy.

Novostrat Ltd Address: Unit 3, Annacotty Business Park, Co. Limerick. Tel: (061) 339 287 Fax: (061) 339 288 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of PE foam insulation packaging.

NPP Group Ltd

Address: Unit 509, Mitchelstown Road, North West Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15. Tel: (01) 880 9299 Fax: (01) 880 9288 Email: Web: Business: Specialists in Flexible

Packaging Components Ltd Address: B3 Oldcourt Industrial Estate, Boghall Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 286 2928 Fax: (01) 286 1453 Email: Web:

Paramount Packaging Ltd Address: Croghan Industrial Estate, Emoclew Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (040) 231 919 Fax: (040) 231 910 Email: Web:

PC Packaging Ltd Address: Derrynane House, Eadestown, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel: (045) 883 510 Fax: (045) 880 934 Email: Web: Contact: Managing Director: Philip Cleary





PCS Industries Ltd Address: Johnstown Business Centre, Johnstown House, Johnstown, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel: (045) 844 224 Fax: (045) 844 051 Email: Web: Contact: Business Development Manager: Brendan Dunne

Perigord Premedia Ltd Address: Perigord House, Damastown Industrial Park, Dublin 15. Tel: (01) 440 3222 Web: Business: Localisation services and artwork management solutions to the pharmaceutical and IT sectors.

Philip Warwick & Co Ltd Address: Unit 9, Industrial Yarns Complex, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 276 5794 Web: Business: Printed products on paper, board, fabric, leather and plastic

Photovalue Ltd Address: 13 Crag Crescent, Clondalkin Industrial Estate, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 457 0244 Fax: (01) 457 1509 Email: Web: Business: Hot foil blocking, photo-folders and mounts

Playprint Ltd Address: 80 St. Ignatius Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Tel: (01) 899 77 00 Fax: (01) 830 9524 Email: Web: Business: Specialist printers of lottery tickets, bingo, scratch cards, parking discs, telephone cards, loyalty cards.


PPI Adhesive Products Ltd Address: Waterford Industrial Estate, Co. Waterford. Tel: (051) 590 400 Fax: (051) 377 687 Email: Web: Business: Manufacturer of self-adhesive tapes and products.

Presentation Packaging Specialists Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

Melbourn Road, Bishopstown, Co. Cork. (021) 434 6020 (021) 434 6016

PrimePac Ltd Address: 2 Caulside Drive, Newpark Industrial Estate, Antrim, BT41 2DU. Tel: (048) 9442 8188 Fax: (048) 9442 8177 Email: Web: Contact: Joint Managing Director: John McGahon

Print & Display Ltd Address: Unit 80 Cookstown Industrial Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: (01) 413 1400 Fax: (01) 451 3624 Email: Web: Business: Screen printing of posters and point-of-sale material

QPM Ltd Address: Unit 12, Robinhood Business Park, Robinhood Road, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 450 2421 Fax: (01) 450 2311 Email: Web:

Qualpack Ltd Address: Unit 3, St. Nicholas House, Crossagalla Ind Est, Ballysimon Road, Co. Limerick. Tel: (061) 440 241 Fax: (061) 315 774 Email: Web:

Quinn Packaging Ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Business:

Rakeelan, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan. (049) 952 5650 (049) 952 5651 Manufacturer of plastic dairy spread containers.

Quitmann O’Neill Packaging Address: St Brendans Road, Portumna, Co. Galway. Tel: (090) 974 1148 Fax: (090) 974 1459 Email: Web:

Procap Wicklow Plastics Ltd Address: Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 281 0234 Fax: (01) 281 0133 Web:

PS Packaging Systems Ltd Address: Unit 6 Willsboro, Clonshaugh Industrial Estate, Coolock, Dublin 17. Tel: (01) 848 2288 Fax: (01) 816 4728 Web:

Rand-Whitney Irl Address: Donpack Business Park, Ballylangley, Bandon, Co. Cork. Tel: (023) 8842112 Email: Web: Contact: Marie Lucey, Account Manager.


R.A. Pacáistí Teo

SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd

Address: Gweedore Business Park, Derrybeg, Co. Donegal. Tel: (074) 953 2790 Fax: (074) 953 2791 Web:

Address: Townaghmore, Killala, Co. Mayo. Tel: (096) 330 44 Fax: (096) 330 45 Web:

REPAK LTD Address: Red Cow Interchange Estate, 1 Ballymount Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 467 0190 Fax: (01) 403 0929 Email: Web: Business: Repak was established through a voluntary agreement between industry and the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government as industry’s response to the producer responsibility obligations placed on Ireland by the EU Directive on Packaging Waste (94/62/EC). Operating on a not-for-profit basis, Repak gives producers legal compliance with their obligation to fund the recovery and recycling of their used packaging. The fees our members pay us are used to fund the recovery and recycling of the packaging on the goods or services they provide to their customers. Repak is the only government approved packaging compliance scheme under the Waste Management Packaging Regulations 2007.

RGR Ltd Address: 15 Southern Cross Business Park, Boghall Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (01) 282 8243 Fax: (01) 282 9391 Email: Web:

Robert Horne Group Address: Unit 10, Fonthill Business Park, Fonthill Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 456 5620 Fax: (01) 460 0287 Email: Web:

saica pack ireland Address: Ashbourne Industrial Estate, Ashbourne, Co. Meath. Tel: (01) 801 0400 Fax: (01) 835 1249 Email: Web: Contact: Regional Sales Director, Ireland: Michael Shaw

saica pack lurgan Address: 16 Robert Street, Lurgan Co. Armagh, BT66 8BE. Tel: (0044) 28 3832 4222 Fax: (0044) 28 3832 1788 Email: Web: Contact: Plant Co-ordinator, David Nelson

saica pack warrenpoint Address: Newry Road, Warrenpoint, Newry, BT34 3LB. Tel: (0044) 28 4175 2671 Fax: (0044) 28 4175 3103 Email: Web: Contact: Regional Sales Director Ireland:Michael Shaw

Sam Mc Lernon Dublin Ltd Address: Fox and Geese House, Naas Road, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 450 4121 Fax: (01) 456 9217 Web:

SCA Foam Products Address: Harbour View Road, Hollymount Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Co. Cork. Tel: (021) 439 2622 Fax: (021) 439 3515 Web:



Sealpack Ltd Address: Jamestown Industrial Centre, Inchicore, Dublin 8. Tel: (01) 453 4387 Fax: (01) 453 2051 Email: Web: Business: Specialists in labelling solutions for hospital laboratories and medical device sectors.

Security Pak Systems Ltd Address: 5 Portside Business Centre, East Wall Road, Dublin 3, Ireland Tel: (01) 855 2377 Fax: (01) 836 5391 Email: Web: Contact: Director: John Martin

SF Engineering Address: Grange, Co. Sligo. Tel: (071) 9163334 Fax: (071) 9163553 Email: Web: Contact: Managing Director: Seamus Farrell

Sherpack Ltd Address: Templemichael Business Park, Ballinalee Road, Longford, Co. Longford. Tel: (043) 334 2130 Fax: (043) 334 2131 Email: Web:

Smartply Europe Ltd Address: Belview, Slieve Rue, Co. Waterford. Tel: (051) 851 233 Fax: (051) 851 130 Email: Web:





Southern Tapes & Packaging Ltd Address: Unit 17 & 18, City Link Park, Forge Hill, Kinsale Rd, Co. Cork. Tel: 1890 757 757 Fax: (021) 431 1869 Email: Web:

steripaCk Address: Kilbeggan Road, Clara, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Tel: (057) 933 1888 Fax: (057) 933 1887 Email: Web: Sterile Packaging Business: Solutions, ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Services , Contract Manufacturing Solutions, Pharmaceutical Packaging.

Stewart Foil Ltd Address: Unit A1, Gateway, Rosemount Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. Tel: (01) 885 3881 Fax: (01) 882 9389 Email: Web:

Swan Paper Address: 108 Baldoyle Ind. Estate, Baldoyle, Dublin 13. (01) 839 3932 Tel: Fax: (01) 839 1107

Synthetic Packaging Ltd Web: Clara, Co. Offaly Tel: (057) 933 1282 Fax: (057) 933 1224 Email: Web:


The PrintWorks Group

T Q Paper Limited Address: Unit 18, Baldoyle Ind. Estate, Baldoyle, Dublin 13. Tel: (01) 832 4744 Fax: (01) 832 5180 Web: T/A T.S. O’Connor & Son Ltd Address: Unit C, 67 Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Sandyford, Dublin 18. Tel: (01) 295 5696 Fax: (01) 295 5741 Email: Web: Contact: Managing Director: James O’Connor Sales Manager: Andrew Haughton

Tetra Pak Ireland Ltd Address: 5th Floor, 1 Tuansgate, Belgard Square East, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: (01) 467 8000 Fax: (01) 467 8088 Web:

The Packaging Centre Ltd For all your packaging needs

the irish packaging & Geese House, Naas Road, Dublin 22. TPC FoxTel: society 01 450 8759 ~ Fax: 01 450 7567 Address: Tel: Email: Contact:

PO Box IOP 2002, Stradbally, Co. Laois. 087 1954 125 Chairman: David Little

The Packaging Centre Ltd For all your packaging needs


Fox & Geese House, Naas Road, Dublin 22. Tel: 01 450 8759 ~ Fax: 01 450 7567

the packaging centre ltd Address: Tel: Tel: Email: Web: Contact:

Fox & Geese House, Naas Road, Dublin 22. (01) 450 8759 (01) 450 7567 Managing Director, Ivan Powell

Address: Touchdown Business Park, Airport Road, Co. Cork. Tel: (021) 431 1991 Fax: (021) 431 1883 Web: Business: Labels and flexible packaging.

The Printed Image Ltd Address: Font House, Fonthill Industrial Park, Dublin 22. Tel: (01) 408 9222 Contact: Web: Business: Lithographic and silk screen printers.

Thermosafe Brands Europe Ltd Address: Quartertown Industrial Estate, Mallow, Co. Cork. Tel: (022) 551 12 Fax: (022) 551 14 Web:

Thorn Environmental Ltd Address: 104 Patrick Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 280 8612 Fax: (01) 280 4830 Email: Web:

Pantone 2935

toyota material CMYK handLing ireland Cyan: 100

Address: Magenta: 50Killeen Road, Dublin 12. Tel: (01) 419 0200 Fax: (01) 419 0325 Email: Web:


Web: Business: Providing vehicle liveries, signage, printed graphics and other design services

Trimfold Envelopes Limited Address: Duggan Industrial Estate, Athboy Road, Trim, Co. Meath. Tel: (046) 9431584 Fax: (046) 9436049 Email: Web: Contact: Internal Sales Supervisor: Michelle Farrell

Twil Ltd Address: 76 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 677 9410 Fax: (01) 855 7045 Email:

van der windt Packaging ltd Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Contact:

Unit 4, 5 & 6, Boland Industrial Estate, Mallow Road, Co. Cork. (021) 430 5844 (021) 430 5845 Managing Director: P. Whelan

Versatile Packaging Ltd

uniboard ltd Address: Unit L 15-20, Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 401 0008 Fax: (01) 401 0009 Email: Web: Contact: Managing Director: Myles Fitzpatrick

Unicelt Packaging Ltd Address: 6 Castle Street, Cork, Co. Cork. Tel: (087) 990 1643 Contact: Web: Business: Supplier of flexible packaging, films and bags

Universal Graphics Ltd Address: Drummully, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan. Tel: (047) 861 00 Fax: (047) 860 93 Email:

Address: Silverstream Business Park, Silverstream, Co. Monaghan. Tel: (047) 851 77 Fax: (047) 851 99 Email: Web: Contact: Managing Directors: Richard Mulligan, Michael O’Reilly



Wavin Ireland Ltd Web: Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 802 0200 Fax: (01) 841 5664 Email: Web:

Weber Packaging Solutions Ltd Address: Kilcannon Industrial Estate, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy,Co. Wexford. Tel: (053) 923 3778 Fax: (053) 923 3284 Email: Web: Contact: General Manager UK & Ireland: Patrick Hughes

Western Plastics Ltd Address: Ballybrit Ind. Estate Upper, Ballybrit, Co. Galway. Tel: (091) 771 588 Fax: (091) 752 877 Email: Web:

Wood-Pal (Clondrohid) Ltd Address: Clondrohid, Macroom, Co. Cork. Tel: (026) 418 53 Fax: (026) 422 78 Email:

Watershed Co. Ltd Address: Unit A1 Hume Avenue, Park West Industrial Park, Nangor Road, Dublin 12. Tel: (01) 620 5006 Fax: (01) 620 5010 Email: Web: Business: Label and tape producers

Zeus Packaging Address: Unit 500 Grants Row, Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin. Tel: (01) 401 8900 Fax: (01) 401 8166 Email: Web: IRISHPACKAGING PACKAGING&&PRINT PRINT IRISH



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