Retail News January / February 2017

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Retail News|January/February 2017||3



Retail hangover from Alcohol Bill?


Drive-offs driving retailers around the bend; Feeding Ireland’s Future 2017.


Food and drink exports reach record high; Applegreen named Corporate Philanthropist of the Year.

Facing the Future THE only thing certain is uncertainty. This seems to be the over-riding message as we venture forth, with Brexit the UK-shaped elephant in the room. It has already wrought havoc in some sectors thanks to the currency volatility that has prevailed since the UK voted to leave the EU last June, but that could prove just the tip of the iceberg as British Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to trigger Article 50 by March 31, when Britain will formally initiate the process of leaving the EU. As our closest trading partner, such a move will undoubtedly have a huge effect on Ireland, particularly our agri-food business, which exports so much produce across the Irish Sea, with massive amounts of food and drink travelling to our shores in the opposite direction. Thankfully, we are not quite as dependent on the UK market as we once were, according to the latest export figures from Bord Bia (Page 6), but the impact of Brexit is still the biggest concern for the Irish economy, including the FMCG market, in 2017. Imposing the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill on retailers at such a time could be a retrograde step, argues Ciaran Fitzgerald, Agri-Food Economist and author of ‘The Impact of Brexit on the Drinks Industry’ (Page 4), while the National Off Licence Association has called for its immediate implementation (Page 20). Whatever the coming months and years bring, Retail News will help you to make sense of the changing FMCG landscape, as we have done for six decades. 2017 sees Retail News celebrating its 60th birthday, making us by far Ireland’s longest established grocery trade magazine. Kathleen Belton, Editorial & Marketing Director.



Grocery growth dips following bumper Christmas; Industrial action at Tesco. Bord Bia host small business open day; RGDATA Advice Column.



Centra recorded sales of €1.59 billion in 2016, a 3% increase on the previous year’s performance, it was announced at the group’s recent National Conference. Venkatesham Juluri’s XL store in Dundrum has performed extremely well since opening its doors in 2015, a tribute to the hard work and entrepreneurship of the store owner.

Off Licence of the Year Awards

The National Off Licence Association Off Licence of the Year Awards saw the country’s finest independent off trade retailers rewarded for excellence.


A new study into the impact of marketing revealed that every €1 invested in advertising in Ireland typically delivers a net return on investment of €5.44. Mackle launch Brandy Grain Free Dog Food.

Pride of Centra Awards 40

The Pride of Centra Awards ceremony saw 17 Centra employees honoured for their passion and the commitment they have shown in the workplace.


Human Resources 43

Shop Profile


Retailers can boost biscuit sales with Maryland, the nation’s favourite cookie brand.

Mackle Petfoods

Centra National Conference



Maryland Cookies

Marketing & Advertising

Appointments at Barry Group; BIM Advice Column.


Caroline McEnery, MD, The HR Suite, provides a timely update of the various legislative changes that will affect retailers in 2017.

Retail Ireland: Monthly Update 54

Christmas shopping patterns shift; Preparations continue for new €50 note; Retail Ireland Skillnet blends academia and practice.

Supply Chain 56

Cold Move, one of Ireland’s leading supply chain solutions providers, invested heavily in technology and expertise in 2016 and is all set to reap the rewards this year as it delivers value-added service for retail clients.



Managing Director: Patrick Aylward Editorial & Sales Director:

Published by: Tara Publishing Ltd,

Kathleen Belton

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Chief News Reporter: Pavel Barter Production: Ciara Conway Printed by: W&G Baird

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Industry News Drinks News Easter Treats Paper Products What’s New Forecourt Focus: News Shelf Life

4|Retail News|January/February 2017|


Retail Hangover from Alcohol Bill A proposed bill to combat misuse of alcohol in Ireland will damage the retail sector, tourism and business. That’s the message from a new report into the effects of Brexit and the proposed Public Health (Alcohol) Bill (PHAB). Ciaran Fitzgerald, Agri-Food Economist and author of ‘The Impact of Brexit on the Drinks Industry’, said that smaller retailers will be amongst the biggest victims of the bill. “This will impose huge costs,” he told Retail News. “While the larger supermarkets might lobby against it, they will be able to handle the cost, but the smaller business will suffer.” Chief amongst concerns is the issue of structural separation, whereby some grocers will not have the budget or space to redesign segregated sections for alcohol. The Bill is unclear about retailer obligations, pointed out Ross Mac Mathúna, Director of the Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland (ABFI). “It’s not clear whether customers will be able to open cabinet doors, or if a member of staff will have to do it. From a security perspective, high value products that would previously have been behind the counter may now have to go somewhere else.” The legislation’s proposed restrictions on advertising, packaging and labelling may harm smaller suppliers to the trade, including Ireland’s craft beer sector. “While it would appear some of the intention behind the bill is to give the drinks industry a bloody nose, what they’re probably going to end up doing is give the smaller, newer entrants the bloodiest nose of all,” continued ABFI’s Director. Fitzgerald added: “When you’re trying to promote a new product and you don’t have an advertising budget, your ability to merchandise it in smaller retail shops is crucial. That will be strangled by this bill.” Another potentially negative side effect will be on branded merchandise. The bill could restrict promotion of attractions such as the Guinness Storehouse. ABFI has lobbied for an amendment to ensure visitor experiences would be excluded from the legislation. Meanwhile, PHAB’s proposal for an evening watershed, banning alcohol advertising on television before 9pm, fails to consider that most television consumption in Ireland is broadcast outside the state or watched on demand. Mac Mathúna was in no doubt about the bill’s effectiveness: “It sounds like bad legislation that isn’t going to have its intended impact.” Until now, alcohol retailers in Ireland have been governed by the Responsible Retailing of Alcohol Code, a voluntary practice. While most retailers appeared to abide by the code, it provided no sanction or penalty for those who broke its rules. In his report, Fitzgerald called for a reinstatement of a ban on below cost selling, similar to that which previously existed

in Ireland under the Groceries Order, which was repealed in 2006. At the time, the industry lobbied that the Order’s repeal would lead to supermarkets selling alcohol as a loss leader. With a ban on below cost selling, the retail price cannot be lower than tax payable on the product. The PHAB, on the other hand, proposes minimum unit pricing (MEP), whereby the price is calculated according to alcohol strength. MEP opponents worry that consumers using alcohol in a low risk manner will be punished by higher prices. Advocates argue it will target high-risk drinkers. “Irish consumers drink 25% less than we did 15 years ago,” said Mac Mathúna. “There is a large body of people in Ireland who drink moderately and they are going to be impacted by the legislation. If you misuse or abuse alcohol, I’m not sure hiding it behind a curtain in a shop or putting the price up will have any impact.” The attorney general is currently examining legal difficulties in the Bill. Campaigners have accused the drinks sector of lobbying the government with vested interests. Mac Mathúna, however, insisted Ross Mac Mathúna, Director of the the industry has Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland the expertise (ABFI). to address the problem. “It’s in nobody’s interests that people misuse the product,” he said. “My board of directors represent large [drinks] companies. They are of a view that whatever needs to be done, should be done. If that means we sell less alcohol that’s fine, but let’s not sell less and not address the problem [of alcohol misuse].” PHAB and Brexit has created a perfect storm, argued Fitzgerald. “There was a huge effort to exclude industry from the development of this legislation, so you have a completely unbalanced approach as to how you deal with people who abuse alcohol. The measures are scattergun. It’s a big sledgehammer and there’s a lot of collateral damage.”

Retail News|January/February 2017||5


Driving Retailers Around the Bend! A REPRESENTATIVE for Irish petrol retailers has denied reports that forecourt owners dock staff wages in the event of driveoffs. Recent press reports in the UK suggested some forecourt owners deduct the cost of stolen fuel from the wages of negligent staff. Brian Madderson, Chairman of the UK’s Petrol Retailers Association, was quoted in Sunday People newspaper defending the practice, which he said was only used in a handful of cases. “Every fuel purchase has to be visualised and authorised. If not, it may well be after one warning, the cashier could be liable to pay it back,” said Madderson. An Irish forecourt owner we spoke to claimed he heard, anecdotally, that the practice was employed on occasion in Ireland. However, David Blevings, spokesperson for the Irish Petrol Retailers Association (IPRA), said the IPRA was “unaware of any incidents of staff having wages docked and this is something we would not condone as it is counterproductive in terms of tackling the root cause of the problem.” According to Blevings, “The drive-off is still a regular feature at retail stations in Ireland and despite the best attention of the Gardaí, this is clearly not a priority for them.” One manager of a busy Dublin forecourt told Retail News that €10 or €20 drive-offs are particularly common and sometimes he doesn’t even bother contacting the Gardaí because the hassle just isn’t worth it. According to the manager, people who fill up their cars then drive off without approaching the counter, constitute the smallest amount of drive-offs. “The biggest issue is people who come into the shop, go to the counter, and staff forget to ask them if they want petrol or diesel,” he said. “If you are a customer, you should say ‘I

want to pay for petrol’, but some people don’t declare it. 80% of drive-offs occur because the staff do not ask. Should staff pay for that or not? We don’t take money from their wages, that’s our policy.” The IPRA has lobbied the government with proposals to enable the association to send letters to the registered car owners, whose vehicles are involved in forecourt drive-offs, offering them a chance of restitution. “Our trade body believes there is an obvious opportunity here to reduce the number of drive-offs which plague retailers,” Blevings explained. “In a time of scarce resources, it would also enable An Garda Síochána to focus on other issues.”

Feeding Ireland’s Future 2017 FEEDING Ireland’s Future is back this year. An initiative whereby retailers, suppliers and service providers to the Irish food and grocery sector give free preemployment skills to young unemployed people, Feeding Ireland’s Future is promoted by ECR Ireland and is conducted in association with the Department of Social Protection’s Intreo service and the Department of Education and Skills and its Youthreach service. This is the fourth year of the initiative, which last year saw more than 1,000 young people taking the opportunity to gain the skills they need to get back to work when they visited 30 participating companies in 43 locations during Skills for Work Week. Skills for Work Week 2017 takes place from March 20-31, when participating companies will provide a range of initiatives, including free on-site skills workshops and site visits for young people at locations across Ireland. For more information, to download the company guide & registration form, visit

6|Retail News|January/February 2017|

News Food and Drink Exports Reach Record High of approximately €3.5 billion, THE value of Irish agriwas particularly remarkable,” food and drink exports had exceeded €11 billion added Minister Creed. for the first time ever in Meanwhile, a welcome recovery was also seen in 2016, it was revealed at continental EU markets the launch of Bord Bia’s (+3% to reach €3.53 billion) Export Performance as improving economic and Prospects 2016-17 report. conditions led to stronger “2016 marked the demand in key categories. Bord Bia Chairman 7th successive year of growth of Irish food Michael Carey welcomed the export results and and drink exports, with a further 2% increase commended the sector on recorded to reach a its performance: “Despite difficult trading conditions, record high of €11.15 billion, an expansion it is encouraging to see this industry continuing to of 41% or €3.3 billion since 2010,” noted grow business and extend Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Mr. Michael Creed Minister for Agriculture, TD. its global footprint to more than 180 markets around the Food and the Marine, world.” Michael Creed TD. “The The strongest performers in terms of export growth in strongest performing sectors last year were prepared foods 2016 were prepared foods, sheepmeat, beverages, pigmeat and (€1.92 billion, +9%), beverages (€1.4 billion, +4%) and dairy to a lesser extent, dairy. product and ingredients (€3.38 billion, +2%).” Meanwhile, a new Bord Bia report has revealed that 220 One of the notable features of this achievement is the major players in the Irish food, drink and horticulture sector, impact of market diversification in the year in which the UK representing 90% of total exports, committed to more than decided to leave the European Union, noted the Minister. 1,600 sustainability targets during 2016, a 100% increase on While trade with the UK fell by 8%, triggered by challenging 2015 figures. exchange rates, uncertainty arising from Brexit and further Set in areas such as raw material sourcing, energy usage competitive pressures, this was offset by increased exports to and emissions, water and waste management, and social international and emerging markets such as North America sustainability, the ambitious targets have been established as (+€200m to reach €1.1 billion), China (+35% to reach €845m) part of the industry’s participation in Bord Bia’s Origin Green and the rest of Asia (+6% to reach €330m). “An overall increase of 13% in shipments to international markets, to reach a value sustainability programme.

Applegreen Named Corporate Philanthropist of the Year THE Community Foundation for Ireland, one of the country’s leading philanthropic organisations named Applegreen as Corporate Philanthropist of the Year as they have generated over €1.8m in support for a number of children’s charities, including Barnardos, ISPCC and Debra Ireland. “We are thrilled to win this accolade and I share this with all Applegreen staff, in all our sites across Ireland and at our head office,” noted Bob Etchingham, CEO, Applegreen. “Applegreen’s commitment to charity connects all of the people in our organisation, from till operator to head office, and from company to customer, we all get involved. Our €1.8m fundraising achievement to date is our way of giving back and saying ‘thank you’ to our loyal customers.” “The funds raised by Applegreen staff and customers will have a life changing impact on the children and families we work with,” explained Fergus Finlay, CEO, Barnardos, who nominated Applegreen for the award.

Pictured are (l-r): Joe Barrett, COO; Bob Etchingham, CEO; Adrian Giffney, Head of Charity, Applegreen; and Tina Roche, CEO of The Community Foundation for Ireland.

Retail News|January/February 2017||7

News Appointments at Barry Group BARRY Group has announced a number of appointments. Kieran O’Farrell has been appointed to the position of Head of Buying. Kieran will bring his vast experience to the role, having previously served as Head of Trading with ADM Londis Ltd as well as Head of Grocery with Tesco Ireland. “Kieran brings a wealth of relevant experience with him and is exceptionally well known and respected across our Kieran O’Farrell, Head of business,” noted Barry Buying, Barry Group. Group MD, Jim Barry. “His work ethic and credentials are second to none and I know he’ll play a major role in continuing to drive Barry Group forward.” Ciara Meany has been named as Marketing Manager, joining Barry Group from BWG Foods, where she held the position of Brand Manager for EuroSpar. Previously, Ciara held the role of Marketing and Communications Executive with Munster Rugby and also worked with Musgrave Retail Partners as Assistant Brand Manager for Centra. Ciara will be responsible for drafting and implementing marketing campaigns across Barry Group’s Ciara Meany, Marketing three retail brands: Costcutter, Manager, Barry Group. Carry Out and Quik Pick. Finally, Pat Bourke has been appointed as Business Development Representative. Pat will focus on developing on-trade business for Barry Group in Cork city and county, which includes pubs, hotels, restaurants and clubs. Pat will also be concentrating on Barry Group’s full beverage range, which includes exclusive on-trade wine offerings, soft drinks, beers,ciders and spirits, Pat Bourke, Business including high end gins Development Representative, and whiskeys. Pat has Barry Group. extensive expertise in the industry, having previously worked with Beamish and Crawford and C&C Gleeson group.

BIM Advice Column Award Winning Advice STEPHEN Hurley, from the Fish Shop in Union Hall, is the proud winner of the BIM Young Fishmonger 2017, in the Independent Seafood Specialist Category. Located within view of the pier, Stephen knows many of the fishermen who deliver into the shop on a daily basis. He has a wide range of customers, from local residents to holiday makers during the summer months. Asked about his favourite ways to serve fish, Stephen says, “The possibilities with seafood are endless; depending on what fish is being landed, we would have a wide range of species on the counter. I always chat to my customers and aim to help them with their choices. “They often ask about recipes or how to cook the fish, and I tend to tell them to keep it simple. The fish we get is straight off the boats and is as fresh as you can get.

“So I think the best ways to serve are those that really bring out the natural flavour of the fish. Sometimes this is as simple as dusting a nice piece of hake in seasoned flour, pan frying in a little flour and butter and serving with lemon or a simple tartare sauce. “For kids, we sell lovely goujons of plaice, which have no bones: these are perfect for coating in a light breadcrumb and serving with a light dip or ketchup; it’s a great way to get children interested in eating fish. They love to come into the shop to see all the different fish we have, especially the big monkfish!” As part of his prize Stephen will soon visit the world famous Rick Stein Cookery School in Padstow, Cornwall. Stephen says, “I’m really looking forward to the trip, and I think all the seafood cookery skills I gain there will be great when chatting to customers and helping them choose and prepare the best of Irish seafood.”

8|Retail News|January/February 2017|

News Grocery Growth Dips Following Bumper Christmas THE latest supermarket share figures from Kantar Total Take Home Grocery - Ireland Consumer Spend Worldpanel in Ireland, for the 12 Weeks to 29 Jan 2017 change** 12 Weeks to 31 Jan 2016 %* %* % 12 weeks ending January 29, Total Grocers 100.0% 100.0% 3.0 2017, reveal that Total Multiples 89.5% 88.7% 2.1 retailers have SuperValu 23.3% 22.5% -0.4 not sustained Tesco 22.9% 22.4% 0.8 the same level of strong growth Dunnes 22.6% 22.7% 3.6 achieved over Lidl 10.4% 10.3% 2.8 the Christmas Aldi 10.3% 10.6% 6.3 period. Grocery Other Outlets** 10.5% 11.3% 11.1 sales growth fell to 3.0%, down *= Percentage Share of Total Grocers from 4.6% last **= Includes stores such as M&S, Boots, Spar, Centra, Greengrocers, Butchers And Cross Border shops month. “Dunnes Stores has returned to first place, capturing 22.7% share, only Meanwhile, almost three quarters of Irish shoppers visited the second time it has managed to reach the top, having first a Lidl store in the past 12 weeks. Having encouraged another held this position in November last year,” reveals David Berry, 26,000 new consumers through its doors, the retailer has Director at Kantar Worldpanel. “This will be welcome news for posted positive sales growth of 2.8%. the retailer but there should be some concern that its sales Over the preceding period, the vital Christmas season growth has dipped to 3.6%, the lowest level seen in more than (12 weeks ending January 1), shoppers spent an additional a year.” €92m, 3.8% more than last year. With Christmas Day falling The slowdown in overall market growth has led to even on a Sunday, shoppers had two extra days to tick off all the stronger competition between the major supermarkets and it’s items on their Christmas shopping lists. Having the whole tight at the top of the market share table, Berry notes, with only week to prepare meant that the average household spent €193 0.3 percentage points separating Dunnes Stores, SuperValu on the big day, €35 more than last year. Despite the extra and Tesco. “This points to a good year for consumers as the shopping days, 55% of the population still chose to brave the retailers battle each other fiercely for their all-important supermarkets on Friday, December 23, making it the busiest grocery spend, keeping price inflation low,” he explains. day for retailers. “Grocery prices are only 0.7% higher than they were this time However, Retail Ireland described overall retail last year, which for the average shopper only amounts to an performance over the festive period (all retailers and not just extra 17 cents per trip.” grocery) as disappointing, with total sales down by 0.1% when The supply issues affecting fresh produce in the last few compared with the festive season the previous year. weeks have contributed to the dampening of the overall market. “There are a number of reasons behind this,” noted “Southern Europe might be suffering from continuing rainfall Retail Ireland Director, Thomas Burke. “A weaker sterling has but it’s having a substantial impact on Irish shopping baskets,” resulted in shoppers increasingly turning to UK online retailers, Berry comments. “Courgettes, cauliflower and spinach have all with a larger number of consumers also crossing the border to seen volume sales drop by at least 20%, while a host of other shop. Consumer confidence, on which the the retail sector is categories, including lettuce and cabbage, have been affected so reliant, has dipped significantly over recent months, partly to a lesser degree.” due to Brexit concerns. This was particularly evident over Elsewhere, Aldi continues to set the pace as the fastest Christmas, where sales were far below expected levels. Many growing retailer. Shoppers are now visiting the retailer 8.7 retailers reported only marginal growth, or in some cases a times every 12 weeks, compared to 8.1 times for the same decline on Christmas 2015.” period last year, and this has helped to increase sales by 6.3%. Burke called on the Government to aid domestic retailers Aldi now captures 10.6% of the grocery market, ahead of the by taking “urgent and decisive steps to address the high cost of 10.3% from last year. doing business, particularly labour taxes, insurance, and rates”.

Industrial Action at Tesco A NUMBER of Tesco stores around the country have engaged in industrial action in a disagreement over employment contracts. According to Mandate trade union, Tesco is attempting to change the contracts of employment of over 250 of their longest serving workers without agreement and imposing new contracts, which include cuts to pay and conditions at work. John Douglas, Mandate General Secretary, said, “Tesco is a hugely profitable multinational

retailer making enormous profits in Ireland, buying up distribution companies for billions of euro and paying out dividends to shareholders. Yet they are threatening their most loyal workers into taking cuts to their incomes. These are already low-paid workers and it simply isn’t fair. The solution to this dispute is simple. Tesco should commit that they will not change any workers terms and conditions at work without agreement.”


Giving you control !

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• Pharmacy ! Music Licence Ad 180X131mm ART.indd 1 Tuesday • Web Portal Thursday Giving you control • Butchers ! ! ! wednes • Loyalty Software Friday ! !Giving ! • Webyou Portal control A Market Thursda ! News|January/February 2017||9 Giving you control Giving you control saturday Leader inLo EPOS Call 1890 924 914 • Loyalty Software Giving you control ! ! Friday Giving you you control controlA Market Giving !! Unit Systems 25-26, N17 Business Park, Tuam, Co. Galway ! sunday ! Leader in EPOS A Market A Marketsaturda Tel: 093 23900 Fax: 093 1890 70108924 914 A Market Lo - Call A Market Market A Leader inEmail: EPOS Leader in EPOS Unit Systems 25-26, N17 Business Park, Tuam, Co. Galway • Grocery Monday EPOS Leader in EPOS EPOS Leader in ! Leader insunday Systems Tel: 093 23900 Fax: 093 70108 Systems Systems Systems Systems Tuesday • Forecourt • Grocery



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• Forecourt


2013 Tuesday • Forecourt 201 Thursday • Forecourt wednes Monday 2013 2014 FEBRUARY • Fashion Friday • FashionThursda 2013 2015 Monday Tuesday • Grocery wednesday • Grocery

Forecourt ••Forecourt Forecourt Hardware • Fashion • Forecourt • Fashion • Hardware Fashion • •Fashion Pharmacy Fashion Hardware • Pharmacy Hardware saturday • Hardware • Hardware Friday •••Hardware Butchers Monday •Monday Hardware Tuesday wednesday Monday sunday Pharmacy Monday Pharmacy • Butchers • Pharmacy saturda • Pharmacy •••Pharmacy Tuesday Web Portal 1 New year’s day wednes •Tuesday Pharmacy Thursday Tuesday Monday ••Supermarkets Tuesday sunday Butchers • Butchers • Butchers • Web Portal • •Supermarkets wednesday Wednesday wednesday 2 Public Holiday Thursda Loyalty Software Butchers Friday ! wednesday Stores Tuesday ••Department Wednesday Monday Web Portal • Web Portal • Web Portal !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6 • Department • Loyalty Software Stores Thursday Friday 3 ! saturday •Thursday Web Portal Lo - Call 1890 924 !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+",,'7$89-':* 914 Thursday wednesday Thursday Tuesday • Loyalty Software Unit 25-26, N17 Business Park, Tuam, Co. Galway 1!• Loyalty Loyalty Software • Loyalty Software 1 Software !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,' • •Loyalty Friday Friday saturda Software 4 ! ! Lo - Call 1890 !924 914 sunday • Loyalty Software !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,% Friday ! Friday wednes Thursday Tel: 093 23900 Fax: 093 70108

• Forecourt



Bord Bia Small Business Open Day • Fashion

• Hardware

• Pharmacy

Advice Column

• Butchers

• Web Portal TWO thirds of Irish consumers believe it is “important to buy local food”, according to a new Bord Bia study. •The results Loyalty Software 25-26, N17 Business Galway of Bord Bia’s research into consumer attitudes to local food LoUnit - Call 1890 914 Park, Tuam, Co. Saturday saturday 5924 2! saturday 218 Lo - Call Lo - Call 1890 924 914 Lo - Call 1890 924 914 Lo -sunday Call 1890 Unit 25-26,Email: N17 Business Park, Tuam, Co. Galway Tel: 093 23900 Fax: 093 70108 Monday Thursda Saturday Friday Unit 25-26, N17 Busines were presented to over 200 small food and drink producers ! Galway Unitsaturday Unit 25-26, Lo N17 Business Park, Tuam, - Call 1890 924 914Co. Unit 25-26, N17 Business Park, Tuam, Co. Galway 25-26, N17Monday Business Email: Tel: 093 23900 093 70108 Sunday sunday 6 3Pa ! Unit 25-26, N17 BusinessFax: Park, Tuam, Co.! Galway 3 sunday Tuesday 093 23900 Tel:Email: 093 23900 Fax: 093 70108! Tel: Meath. 093 23900 Fax: 093 70108 Tel: Tel: 093Friday 23900 Fax sunday at Bord Bia’s Small Business Open Day in Enfield, Co. Sunday saturday Email: info@r Email: 093 23900 Fax: Email: Tips from Tuesday Email: info@retai Monday theTel: RGDATA Helpline on Intermittent 7 093 70108 4 Monday 4 wednesday Email: Bord Bia also revealed that the number of small food and Monday saturda Monday sunday www.retai wednes Short-Term Absences www.retailso Tuesday Tuesday 8 5 5 Thursday drink businesses it works with has grown by over 40% (42%) sunday Tuesday Tuesday Monday The problem of employees who are repeatedly going Thursda wednesday Wednesday wednesday 9 6 6 from 400 to 700 in just under four years. Bord Bia estimates Friday Monday wednesday Tuesday on uncertified sick leave for10two days at a time isWednesday not Friday Thursday 7 Thursday 7 that the small food and drink business sector is worth some saturday Tuesday Thursday Thursday wednesday one which can be easily solved, particularly when the saturda €400m. Friday 11 8 Friday 8 For all your Corporate and sunday wednes Friday ailments areFor varied and,Corporate as the leave For more information call Friday sunday Thursday all your and never exceeds Contract Publishing Needs saturday Saturday saturday 12 9 9 Monday For more information call Thursda 01 4046438 or 086 3894276 two days, noContract doctor’s certificate is required. saturday Saturday Publishing Needs Friday Monday Highlights from the study include: sunday Sunday sunday 13 10 Tuesday Call the01 4046438 or 086 3894276 Experts Friday 10 sunday SundayTuesday !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6 saturday • Irish people claim to buy local food at least once a week; Call the Experts Monday Monday 14 11 11 !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,' !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+",,'7$89-':* • Keep a detailed record of absences,!"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,% informing wednesday saturda !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+ Monday Monday • One in three consumers say they are purchasing more sunday wednes !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+",,'7$89-':*$; Tuesday Tuesday 15 12 the employee that they are being monitored and Thursday sunday12 !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6 !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+",,'7$89-':*$;-'<)='>$&?$@'A'???=8"#$%&,)&*#%)+,=%"'A'4B today than they did 12 months ago; Tuesday Tuesday Monday Thursda !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6 !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+",,'7$89-':* !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+",,'7$89-':*$;-'<)='>$&?$@'A'???=8"#$%&,)&*#%)+,=%"'A'4BCD'C/E'C4E' that their absences are on file. wednesday Wednesday wednesday 16 13 asH wedNesday 13 Friday Monday • Two thirds of consumers perceive local food to be of high !"#$%&'()&*#%)+,-'.+%#,'/01/2-'345'6*,%+",,'7$89-':* wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Friday • Keep a record of the effect these absences Thursday Thursday 17 14 sT. ValeNTiNe’s day 14 Tuesday quality with natural and 100% ingredients, rendering it saturday Thursday Thursday wednesday saturda have on the business, such as low staff morale, Friday Friday 18 15 15 better quality than mass produced food; wednes sunday Friday sunday Thursday inability to plan ahead, extra pressure etc. Friday • Nearly four in five people believe they are supporting the Saturday saturday 19 16 saturday 16 Thursda Monday Saturday Monday • Implement a change in the company sick saturday Friday community when purchasing local foods; Sunday sunday 20 17 sunday Friday 17 Tuesday SundayTuesday policy to incorporate a limit to the amount sunday of saturday • Three in four believe that this food is fresher, having Monday Monday 21 18 18 saturda wednesday uncertified sick days allowed in the year. This Monday Monday wednes sunday been produced locally; Tuesday Tuesday 22 19 Thursday sunday19 For more information call must be fair and reasonable: a guide would be For more information call Tuesday Thursda Tuesday • Local food has become more widely available and Monday wednesday Wednesday wednesday Monday 01 4046438 or 086 3894276 23 20the to take the number of uncertified days for Friday 01 4046438 or 086 3894276 For more inf Wednesday Friday 20 there is a growing association with gifting and special wednesday Tuesday For more information call For more information call Tuesday Thursday Thursday For more inform employee the worst record and divide by 2. 24 21 21 01 4046438 o saturday occasions. saturda Thursday For more information call Thursday consumeradhesives.i 01 4046438 or 086 3894276 01 4046438 or 086 3894276 • A visit 01 4046438 or 08 to 01 4046438 or 086 3894276 the company 25 doctor can be requested, Friday Friday 22 sunday Friday sunday22 Friday consumeradhesives.irela in cases where the Saturday saturday 26 health issues differ 23 saturday 23 Monday Monday Saturday saturday with each absence. 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Retail Solutions.indd 1

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OctOber 2012

Savings of 6% with new Centralised Chill facility! Because we are ‘owned by retailers for retailers’ our focus savings of 6% with new centr is on passing savings back to our retailers. The introduction of our Centralised Chill facility brings with it big savings, big brand availability, store efficiencies and extra margin to Londis retailers. No wonder it’s scored unanimous satisfaction with the most chilled out retailers in the country!

Because we are ‘owned by retailers for retailers’ our focus is on passing savings back to our retailers. The introduction of our Centralised Chill facility brings with it big savings, big brand availability, store efficiencies and extra margin to Londis retailers. No wonder it’s scored unanimous satisfactio with the most chilled out retailers in the country!

Retail Cover Oct12.indd 1

22/10/2012 14:23

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OctOber 2012

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Savings of 6% with new Centralised Chill facility! of our Centralised Chill facility brings with it big savings, Because we are ‘owned by retailers for retailers’ our focus is on passing savings back to our retailers. The introduction of our Centralised Chill facility brings with it big savings, big brand availability, store efficiencies and extra margin to Londis retailers. No wonder it’s scored unanimous satisfaction with the most chilled out retailers in the country!

Retail Cover Oct12.indd 1

Savings of 6% with new Centralised Chill facility!

Savings of 6% with new Centralised Chill facility!

HELPLINE 01 283 4188

Pictured at the Bord Bia Small Business Open Day are Bord Bia’s Mary Morrissey, Andrew Doyle TD, Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture, and Grainne Walsh, Metalman Brewing. The Open Day, themed ‘Disruption – paving a new path for success’, provided an opportunity to share valuable insights into the current market, changing consumer attitudes and new innovative ways of doing business. The conference presentations focused on how small businesses can interpret changing environmental trends and use them to grow their business.

big brand availability, store efficiencies and extra margin to Londis retailers. No wonder it’s scored unanimous satisfactio with the most chilled out retailers in the country!

Retail Cover Oct12.indd 1

Because we are ‘owned by retailers for retailers’ our focus is on passing savings back to our retailers. The introduction of our Centralised Chill facility brings with it big savings,

Because we are ‘owned by retailers for retailers’ our focus is on passing savings back to our retailers. The introduction of our Centralised Chill facility brings with it big savings, big brand availability, store efficiencies and extra margin to Londis retailers. No wonder it’s scored unanimous satisfaction with the most chilled out retailers in the country!

Retail Cover Oct12.indd 1

big brand availability, store efficiencies extra margin to savings of 6% with and new centralised chill facility! Londis retailers. No wonder it’s scored unanimous satisfaction

22/10/2012 14:23

Because we are ‘owned retailers for country! retailers’ our focus with the most chilled out by retailers in the is on passing savings back to our retailers. The introduction of our Centralised Chill facility brings with it big savings, big brand availability, store efficiencies and extra margin to Londis retailers. No wonder it’s scored unanimous satisfaction with the most chilled out retailers in the country!

22/10/2012 14:23

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Retail Cover Oct12.indd 1

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Retail Cover Oct12.indd 1

22/10/2012 14:23

For further information on this, go the Members’ Only section at If you need your members’ username and/or password, email us at rgdata@ or call the Helpline on 01-2834188. If you are interested in joining RGDATA, please contact us on 01-2834188.

10|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Industry News

Countdown to IFE 2017 THE International Food & Drink Event 2017 (IFE 2017) runs from March 19-22 at ExCeL London, offering an unparalleled opportunity to discover a world of culinary innovation. Bursting with vibrant, new products from more than 1,350 global food & drink manufacturers and trend-led talks from industry experts, visiting buyers are certain to leave motivated, educated and inspired. Products as diverse as date nectar, tree water, BBQ jams and even the latest botanical food trend, kola nuts, will make IFE 2017 the place to be for the latest menu inspiration and new shelf fillers. IFE’s ever-popular seminar and debate programme will be enhanced for 2017, with the introduction of several new speaker stages including the Talking Trends stage, with inspirational talks on the latest international NPD and food trends. The Big Picture theatre hosts IFE 2017’s keynote speakers, giving insight on a range of hard hitting industry issues such as Brexit, the sugar debate and millennial consumers. Completing the line-up is The Staff Canteen Live, The World Food Innovation Awards presented by FoodBev Media and two dedicated networking hubs. For more information, see

Ireland Legends Line Out for Spar REPUBLIC of Ireland football manager Martin O’Neill and his assistant Roy Keane were at the Spar National Retailer Guild at the Aviva Stadium, Dublin, attended by over 400 Spar retailers from across the country. Spar and the FAI have forged strong links through working together on the Spar FAI Primary School 5s Programme, which has been in place since 2015, and has seen participation figures grow year on year by 24% to become the largest primary schools competition in the country. Also pictured is Leo Crawford, Group Chief Executive, BWG Group, with Kian Gleeson, age 11, Abbie Tucker, age 12, Aoife Farrell, age 11, and Conor Shanahan, age 11, from St Bernadette’s SNS, Quarryvale, Clondalkin.

Search for Food and Drink Industry Leaders BORD Bia and the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School have commenced a search for 30 talented professionals who can demonstrate the aptitude, ambition and drive to become future leaders in Ireland’s thriving food industry. Successful applicants will work alongside leading Irish and international food, drink and horticultural brands in overseas markets while honing their strategic business development, marketing and business sustainability skills. For more information, see Pictured are Kate O’Driscoll, Origin Green Ambassador, Amsterdam; Diarmuid Greene, Bord Bia Marketing Fellow, Dubai; and Aoife Carr, Bord Bia Marketing Fellow, Dusseldorf.

Aldi Make Rugby Punditry Child’s Play ALDI is giving seven lucky kids the chance to put their punditry skills to the test on all Ireland RBS 6 Nations matches! The Aldi Kids Rugby Panel, part of the retailer’s partnership with the IRFU, has teamed up with RTE to offer viewers a match analysis, before, during and after each of the RBS 6 Nations games. Sure to be seen by hundreds of thousands and something that has yet to be done in Ireland before, The Aldi Kids Rugby Panel broadcasts live during ad breaks with energetic and enthusiastic kids aged between 7-11 adding their magic to the hotly anticipated tournament. “With the Aldi Kids Rugby Panel we’re hoping to add something extra special to the RBS 6 Nations that all the family can get involved in,” said Group Buying Director of Aldi Stores Ireland, Finbar McCarthy.

Free Small Food Business Start-Up Seminar THE Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) recently held a free ‘Small Food Business Start-Up Seminar’ in Dublin to assist those working in small food businesses or those who may be thinking of setting up a food business. “We have been running these events for a number of years and there is a clear appetite for information amongst people wishing to pursue new food businesses,” said Dr Pamela Byrne, Chief Executive, FSAI. “Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for people to get all the information and advice they need in order to set up their food business. We also provide information for those already in business who may wish to expand their business or want to keep up-to-date with changes in food legislation. This seminar is one of a number of free supports we provide on an ongoing basis to food entrepreneurs. We have a free Advice Line service at info@fsai. ie and a dedicated online resource to assist anyone who is interested in setting up a new food business or who is already established.” Pictured are chef Ellen Kenny, baker Angelina Ryder and butcher Jack Porter.










East Coast Bakehouse is a Registered Trademark

12|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Industry News

Danone Actimel Embraces Winter

Crowds flock to Manor Farm Event MORE than 400 ICA guild members were among the audience who attended Manor Farm’s Healthier Eating event in Cavan recently. Now in its second year, the Irish chicken producer’s Healthier Eating roadshow has been touring Ireland to spread the message of good nutrition and how to make healthier meals at home. The event also emphasises the importance of buying Irish. National President of ICA, Marie O’Toole, welcomed “the continued support of Manor Farm to highlight the simple steps people can take to make their meals more nutritious. This event demystifies a lot of confusion that exists when it comes to good nutrition and eating a healthy, balanced diet.” In total, more than 3,000 ICA members have attended Manor Farm’s Healthier Eating events to date. The informative, fun and interactive roadshow is continuing in 2017.

KINETIC and Mindshare have teamed up with Danone Actimel to promote its new campaign, ‘Embrace Winter’, which aims to connect with commuters and educate them on the benefits of starting each day with an Actimel. To reach the commuter audience, the Danone team worked closely with Mindshare and Kinetic to plan and deliver an engaging and informative OOH campaign. The result of this planning process is a full Luas takeover campaign. An external tram wrap and internal Luas domination has been strategically placed on the Red Line, which features messages of encouragement, including #staystrong and ‘Embrace Winter’. To help commuters get each day off to a great start, eye-catching Danone Actimel branded kiosks were set-up at major Luas stations and brand ambassadors were on hand each morning to help consumers start their day with a tasty sample of Danone Actimel. Pictured are (l-r): Sinead Brennan, Mixtape; Jane Ahlstrom, Mindshare; Severine McCarthy, JCDecaux; Shauna Barry, Kinetic; and Oisin Fahy, Mindshare.

Flahavan’s Supports Free Porridge Day OVER 200,000 free packs, which equates to 3m healthy servings of porridge, were made available nationwide by Irish oat producer, Flahavan’s, in partnership with RTÉ and Operation Transformation’s Free Porridge Day on Saturday, January 28. Operation Transformation Free Porridge Day saw a specially-produced, limited edition RTÉ Operation Transformation Flahavan’s 500g porridge pack made available free nationwide in SuperValu, Tesco, EuroSpar and Dunnes Stores. “There are many reasons why porridge is the best breakfast food especially if you wish to control weight,” said Professor Donal O’Shea, an Operation Transformation expert, pictured with Ellen Flahavan, Brand Manager, Flahavan’s; and Aoife Hearne, Operation Transformation dietician.

Fyffes Supporting Starcamp BANANA importers Fyffes is to renew its support for Starcamp, Ireland’s nationwide children’s performing arts network, which plans to host summer camps in over 180 towns across 32 counties next July and August. Now in its 10th year, the concept of the week-long camp is to build self-esteem in boys and girls aged 4-12 through song, dance, drama and games in a safe and non-competitive environment. Praising the success it has become, Fyffes Sales and Marketing Manager, Emma Hunt-Duffy described Starcamp as “a commendable venture, perfectly in line with Fyffes’ commitment to promoting healthy eating and an active lifestyle across all ages.”

Mushroom Movers WALSH Mushrooms Group has acquired the business and assets of Golden Mushrooms, one of Ireland’s top mushroom growers. Walsh Mushrooms Group is the second largest mushroom supplier to the UK marketplace, with operations in Ireland and the UK in compost manufacture, mushroom growing, marketing and distribution. The move, which comes amid on-going volatility in the sector in the wake of Brexit, can be seen as a significant show of confidence in the future of the Irish mushroom industry. Pictured are Padraic O’Leary, MD, Walsh Mushrooms, and Vitali Shastak, Production Manager, Walsh Mushrooms Golden Ltd.


20 May 2016 Introduction of new packaging regulations

Tobacco products that were produced before 20 May 2016 remain compliant with the law and can continue to be sold at retail until 19 May 2017

20 May 2017

Only tobacco products that comply with the new packaging rules can be sold from this date*

*For full details, please visit Alternatively, speak to your JTI contact, call 01 404 0240 or email

14|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Industry News

Spar Invests Over €1m in Better Choices Campaign SPAR has made an investment of over €1m in a new advertising campaign to showcase its healthy eating initiative, Spar Better Choices. The campaign includes the launch of two separate ads, one featuring Republic of Ireland football captain, Seamus Coleman, and the other featuring model and mumof-two Claudine Keane. The core theme of the Spar Better Choices initiative is about having the power to make the right choices in order to stay healthy, depicted in the ads by focusing on the two stars growing up in Ireland and the choices they made. “We have invested very heavily in our latest ad campaign in order to demonstrate our focus on the Spar Better Choices programme,” explains Willie O’Byrne, Managing Director, BWG Foods. “At Spar, we are committed to providing our customers with the best product offerings across our stores. We feel passionate that eating well should be a priority and that with the Spar Better Choices offering our customers can expect to find the right choice for them under the tree at Spar.” Dietitian Ellen Roche has spent many months working with Spar on the Better Choices range, which sees all products highlighted in stores to offer customers guidance on choosing the best foods for their lifestyle while on the move. The Spar Better Choices ad campaign is on TV since February 1 and is supported by a strong digital and social media campaign. Seamus Coleman and Claudine Keane are pictured with Leo Crawford, CEO, BWG Group (left), and Willie O’ Byrne, Managing Director of BWG Foods (right).

SuperValu Partners with Win|Win

SUPERVALU has signed a new contract with Win|Win, the Irish rewards and loyalty programme provider, which will deliver €10m in direct revenue to Irish hotels in 2017 through SuperValu’s Getaway Breaks. As part of the newly revamped Real Rewards programme, SuperValu’s Getaway Breaks offer customers an average of 30% savings on hotel and holiday home breaks at Ireland’s leading destinations. Through the new and improved Getaway Breaks, SuperValu is adding an additional 100 hotels to the programme, over 25 of which will be added to the Inspired collection, an exclusive selection of Ireland’s finest premium four and five star hotels. Pictured at the launch in the exclusive Maryborough Hotel & Spa in Cork are James Lenehan, CEO of Win|Win, and Evelyn Moynihan, Head of Loyalty, SuperValu.

A Growing Concern GIY and innocent drinks have teamed up to launch the sixth annual Sow & Grow initiative, a project that will enable 45,000 primary school children across the country to learn how to grow their own food this spring. Primary schools across Ireland can apply for a free Sow & Grow pack to be delivered to their school via This year, the pupils will learn how to grow cress, baby carrots and runner beans. Helping to launch the national Sow & Grow project at Scoil Thomáis in Castleknock in Dublin are 2nd class students Georgia Moran (8), Brian Buie (8), Kayla O’Gorman (7) Callum O’Keeffe (8), Matthew Ryan (8) and Niamh Race (7) with Michael Kelly, Founder of GIY, and Blathnaid Mckenna, Brand Manager, innocent drinks Ireland.

Good Win for Bad Luck Cookie A BAD Luck Cookie from Hamburgbased company, Pechkeks GmbH had the good luck to win the ISM New Product Showcase Award at ISM 2017, which took place in Cologne in January. In contrast to its counterpart, the fortune cookie, the Bad Luck Cookie doesn’t offer comfort, nor does it predict strokes of good fortune. Instead, its messages are “blunt, honest and direct”. The pitch-black cookie is designed for people who don’t take themselves too seriously and who can take a joke. This went down very well with the visitors of ISM, who voted the Bad Luck Cookie into first place. Other winners included an Organic Veggie Box by My ChipsBox GmbH and Pralibel Dômes by Pralibel NV. Approximately 1,650 exhibitors from 68 countries presented at ISM, the world’s largest trade fair for sweets and snacks.

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The World is Coming to IFE 2017 Register online at

16|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Centra National Conference

Centra Reports Record Sales Centra continues to lead the Irish convenience market, with record sales of €1.59 billion in 2016. Pictured at the Centra National Conference are Ian Allen, Centra Sales Director; Donal O’Mahony, Centra Council Chair; and Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, Centra. CENTRA has recorded sales of €1.59 billion in 2016, a 3% increase on the previous year’s performance, which further cements Centra’s position as the market leader in the Irish convenience sector, it was announced at the group’s recent National Conference. Underpinned by its strategy to redefine convenience, Centra will build on this momentum in 2017, with plans to open 20 new stores, adding a total of 460 new jobs to the Centra network as part of a €20m investment. “Centra’s performance in 2016, reaching record sales of €1.59 billion, underlines our position as the market leader in Irish convenience retail,” notes Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of Centra. “The fact that our sales figures have increased by 3% is reflective of our consumers’ positive response to our efforts in providing them with a new level of convenience shopping. It is a further testament to the success of Centra’s unique retail model, whereby Centra stores are independently owned and operated by 450 local retailers across Ireland. Our committed retailers are the driving force behind the brand’s

continued growth.” Live Every Day Centra’s continued growth was driven by the implementation of the retailer’s transformative ‘Live Every Day’ programme. Through ‘Live Every Day’, Centra is redefining convenience in response to changing consumer shopping habits, with the introduction of healthier convenient food ranges and new in-store experiences providing shoppers with extensive choice and a leading food offering. The new brand positioning comes in response to a growing consumer trend towards healthy alternatives, which has so far seen Centra increase sales of salad boxes by 80%, along with a 46% rise in sales of raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, and a 22% increase in water sales. By reducing shelf space for carbonates and promoting healthier alternatives instead, Centra sales of water have grown by over five times that of carbonates in the last year alone. “As part of our strategy to redefine convenience, we have already invested €10m in the introduction of a radical

new Centra in-store experience,” Kelleher explains. “In 2017, we will continue to invest heavily to maintain our position as the leader in healthy convenience, refurbishing over 100 stores, adding 20 new stores to the Centra network and creating 460 new jobs as a result.” International Awards The innovative ‘Live Every Day’ store look and feel has received international acclaim, with the convenience brand winning Gold at the A.R.E (Association for Retail Environments) Design Awards in Las Vegas: Centra clinched gold alongside other world-renowned brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Lego and Under Armour. As well as radically evolving the in-store look and feel, Centra ranges are also undergoing a major transformation with the introduction of new healthier bakery ranges and a gourmet deli, as well as an innovative coffee offering, Frank and Honest. The success of Frank and Honest is underlined by growth in Centra’s hot beverages sales of over €5m in 2016. With over 450 stores, Centra employs almost 11,000 people and serves over three million customers per week.














In Part 1 and 2 of our Leading Through Change programme we outlined what is happening around the new EUTPD II legislation, and the timeline involved.

WHAT IS HAPPENING? In 2014 the European Union adopted the revised Tobacco Products Directive – or ‘EUTPD II’. This new legislation will affect everybody involved in the tobacco category, including you.

WHEN IS IT HAPPENING? • From 20 May 2017 retailers will legally only be able to sell EUTPD II compliant packs. All RYO pouches will now be 30g or more. • In 2020 menthol products will be banned.

SPOTLIGHT ON ROLL YOUR OWN (RYO): Between now and 20 May 2017, retailers are still allowed to sell all current formats, including small weight Roll Your Own packs like 9g, 12.5g and 20g. During this period, EUTPD II compliant 30g packs will continue to appear in market and can be sold alongside current packs. The illustration below outlines the next phase of RYO transitions taking place within the John Player Portfolio. This shows each brand’s transition from current to EUTPD II compliant packaging and weights, which will take place prior to 20 May 2017. 12.5g Combi

Golden Virginia


12.5g Pouch 25g Pouch

9g Combi

gv Modern


12.5g Pouch 25g Pouch 12.5g Pouch


12.5g Combi


12.5g Bright Blue Pouch


25g Pouch


John Player Blue

30g 10g Pouch

For any queries regarding this new legislation please contact your John Player Sales Representative, call our Customer Services team on 01-2434900 or check out the EUTPD II section of

18|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Shop Profile

XL Excels in Dundrum Venkatesham Juluri’s XL store in Dundrum has performed extremely well since opening its doors in 2015, a tribute to the hard work and entrepreneurship of the store owner. THE XL store in Dundrum, on the southside of Dublin, represented both a challenge and an opportunity for new owner Venkatesham Juluri, known as VJ for short. The original shop had ceased trading in 2014 after 18 years in business. For XL, the shop offered a chance to expand its presence in Dublin, while for VJ, it offered the chance to enter the Irish grocery market and open his first shop. The store owner grew up working in retail with his parents in India. Having cut his professional teeth in the retail business, he has a spirit of entrepreneurship that meant that while he was completing his MA in business, VJ always thought of running his own business rather than running someone else’s. When he took over the shop on Main Street in Dundrum, it had been closed for some months. Competition in the area was very strong, with Dundrum Town Centre nearby and a Lidl and Dealz in very close proximity to the shop. “I heard about this shop from a friend of mine who had worked here before it closed,” VJ tells Retail News. “I knew it had been open for 18 years, but had unfortunately closed down. I knew it might be a challenge to open a shop where one had just closed, but I had a feeling I could make it work, especially if I was very conscious of costs and my customers.” XL: The Perfect Partner VJ spoke to a number of symbol groups, seeking a strong partner for this venture. Although the XL Group does not have a large number of outlets in Dublin, it is one of the fastest growing symbol

Store owner VJ Juluri and manager Aman Sharma, pictured outside the busy Dundrum store. groups nationwide and it is backed by the strength and expertise of BWG and the Value Centre network. Having met with the team, VJ felt he had found the people he wanted to work with. “I was not familiar with all the groups before I started looking and I had not heard of XL, but when I saw the format, met the team and learned about BWG and Value Centre, I knew this was the team I wanted to work with,” he enthuses. “Because the previous shop had closed, the first thing I wanted to do was catch the pulse of my customers.

When it came to the initial layout of the shop, XL had fantastic advice and support. The group has a huge amount of data from hundreds of shops around the country and they know how a community shop like this functions.” Getting to know his potential customers was key, as VJ explains: “This is the Main Street, but there are far more office workers than householders in the immediate area. We knew before opening that Food To Go was going to be a high turnover area, with a good margin. We had only

Retail News|January / February 2017||19

Shop Profile

around 950 square feet of retail space in the shop to work with and we need it performing in order to make a success of the shop. So it was critical for us not only to get our Food To Go offering right, but also to make sure that any and all grocery on the shelves was stock that has a high sales volume.” Fantastic Team The shop opened in February 2015 and from the very beginning, VJ and the XL team kept an extremely close eye on sales from every category and line in the shop. With the back office technology that XL provides, it was easy for VJ and his staff to monitor sales volume and margin on every product. VJ has a fantastic team supporting him, store manager, Aman Sharma and people like John Byrne in XL work relentlessly to ensure that every inch of space in the shop is used to maximum

profitability. This highly proactive team regularly refines and reviews stock selection, moving offerings around the shop, depending on seasonal demand, while the deli deals are also frequently updated to keep customers coming back. “Although I did not have any experience of retail in Ireland before opening the shop, I did grow up around retail in India and the secret of success is the same,” VJ reveals. “You have to keep your customers happy to keep them coming back.” Impressive Lotto Win It is a truism that you make your own luck, and there is no doubt that VJ, his staff and the XL team have worked extremely hard on this venture, but a piece of genuine luck boosted the business not long after it opened when the shop sold a €500,000 winning Lotto ticket. That win gained the shop a lot of local attention and proved a real advantage to the business. In 2015, the shop won Best Newcomer in the XL Store of the Year awards, lifting the Best Deli Award in 2016, and on the morning of our meeting, the shop was visited

for an audit for its next possible award. “We all work very hard to make this shop a success and the staff feel really good when we do well in the Store of the Year awards,” explains store manager, Aman Sharma. “Audits, such as the one that happened this morning, give us an opportunity to look at the shop with a fresh set of eyes and make sure that everything is presented properly and working well. It’s a very useful process that helps us keep the shop performing at the best possible level.” In closing, VJ is keen to thank “all my staff and all the people in XL and Value Centre for all the hard work and support that has made this venture a success.” VJ has already secured a second premises in Gorey, Co. Wexford, which will open soon and given his track record of hard work and energy, we expect this to prove just as successful as his first retail venture in Dundrum.

FACT FILE: Owner: Venkatesham ‘VJ’ Juluri Location: 14 Main Street, Dundrum, Dublin Size: 950 square feet retail space No. of staff: 9 full time & part time Opening Hours: 07:00-21:00, Monday-Saturday; 08:00-20:00, Sunday

20|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Off Licence of the Year Awards

NOffLA Rewards Retailing Excellence

THE National Off licence Association’s (NOffLA) annual Off licence of the Year Awards 2017 took place at the Honorable Society of King’s Inns, Dublin, recently. Now in their 21st year, the awards recognise and showcase excellence in the off licence sector, highlighting retailers who offer exceptional service to customers and demonstrate excellence in retail standards. The awards, which included 38 finalists, saw Blackrock Cellar awarded ‘National Off licence of the Year 2017’, McHugh’s Off licence, Kilbarrack won ‘Responsible Retailer of the Year 2017’ and Gerard Higgins, Kelly’s Off licence, Clontarf, won ‘RTC Online Trainee of the Year 2017’. All 38 finalists were awarded certificates of either ‘Merit’ or ‘Excellence’ and a Customer The winners celebrate at the NOffLA Off Licence of the Year Awards. Service Award based on their performance. Other awards on the night included:

The National Off Licence Association Off Licence of the Year Awards saw the country’s finest independent off trade retailers rewarded for excellence.

The Montes Specialist Off Licence Group of the Year 2017: O’Donovan’s Cork The NOffLA Best First Time Entrant 2017: Donnybrook Fair, Malahide The Tipperary Water Food Retailer Off Licence of the Year 2017: Donnybrook Fair, Dublin 4 The El Coto Customer Service Award of the Year 2017: Mitchell’s Wine Shop, Glasthule The Redbreast Spirit Specialist of the Year 2017: James Redmond & Sons, Ranelagh The Hop House 13 Beer Specialist of the Year 2017: McHugh’s Off licence, Malahide Road The Dona Paula Wine Specialist of the Year 2017: Jus de Vine, Portmarnock The Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin Connaught/Ulster Off Licence of the Year 2017: McCambridges of Galway The Orchard Thieves Leinster Off Licence of the Year 2017: The Wine Centre, Kilkenny

The Jack Daniels Dublin Off Licence of the Year 2017: Baggot Street Wines The Hennessy Munster Off Licence of the Year 2017: O’Donovan’s, Midleton The RTC Online Trainee of the Year 2017: Gerard Higgins, Kelly’s Off Licence, Clontarf The NOffLA Responsible Retailer of the Year 2017: McHugh’s Off Licence, Kilbarrack The NOffLA National Off Licence of the Year 2017: Blackrock Cellar Judging for the awards began in June 2016, with the ongoing judging process culminating in a blind wine tasting which involved participants answering questions about the unidentified wines. Final awards were allocated following this process.

Life Threatening Disease Joel Durand, owner and manager of Blackrock Cellar, was thrilled to be named Off Licence of the Year. “We were absolutely delighted to win the award, which meant a lot to me and my family after the last few years we have had,” Joel told Retail News. The extremely affable store owner isn’t just referring to how tough it has been in business in recent times. Only two months after opening the shop in March 2012, Joel contracted a rare and potentially deadly flesh-eating bug which saw him in a coma for six weeks, threatening not just his livelihood but his life. Thanks to the care and attention of the staff at St Vincent’s Hospital in Dublin, he survived and, 40 operations

Retail News|January/February 2017||21

Off Licence of the Year Awards award will have a positive effect on his business and has already noticed an increase in footfall into the shop, with plenty of new faces eager to browse his shelves. “We are definitely on their map now,” he says.

Joel Durand and Stephen Masterson from Blackrock Cellar, NOffLA Off Licence of the Year 2017. later, is healthy again. “Luckily I had just hired an assistant manager when I got ill, and he saved the business while I was sick,” he reveals. Prior to opening his own off licence, Joel had been employed in the same premises, which previously traded as an OddBins. However, Joel lost his job with the collapse of that group’s Irish operation in 2011. He was sure, however, that there was a market for a quality off licence in Blackrock and took over the site, which has been a “rollercoaster”, he smiles. “Working in the OddBins store had been my favourite job ever and I knew the customers here in Blackrock. That is why I opened in the same place.” People may have thought him crazy for reopening on the site of a shop that had closed just a year previously, but Joel and his staff have proved them wrong. “We’re not out of the woods yet,” he admits. “I pay suppliers properly, pay my staff properly but I am not becoming rich. High rents are always an issue and we are renegotiating at the moment on rent. So on one side, we are winning awards but on the other side, you can never get too comfortable because the high costs of rent make it risky for any business, which is quite stressful.” Expanding Customer Base The store owner is cognisant of the need to increase his customer base to attract new shoppers through his doors. To that end, he has put a lot of work into expanding his craft beer offering

Public Health (Alcohol) Bill Speaking at the awards presentation, NOffLA Chairman, Gary O’Donovan, said that the awards “highlight the expertise of the independent off licence sector, showcasing the benchmark of personal service and top quality products offered by our highly trained members”. The NOffLA Chairman went on to note how the organisation welcomes the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill “as it ensures the highest standards around the purchase, and thus consumption, of alcohol”. However, he noted how the Bill “is well past due” and called for its immediate implementation. “The Government has waited long enough and we are looking for decisive action that will ensure the public is safe from reckless alcohol retailing practices,” Gary argued. “We believe that the Government should go one step further in its commitment, and realise the true benefits of Minimum Unit Pricing by introducing a ban on the below invoice cost selling of alcohol,” he continued. “The repealing of the Groceries Order in 2008 has resulted in the promotion of irresponsibly discounted branded alcoholic products, driving footfall in multiples where the losses are recouped through the sale of other goods. He claimed that the Government “has come under sustained pressure from multinational retailers and supermarkets, seeking a prioritisation of sectoral revenues over public health. Government must dismiss such interests and fully implement the Public Health Alcohol Bill in order to ensure responsible retailing and consumption of alcohol.”

in recent years, to the point where it makes up a significant proportion of his turnover. “Since craft beer really took off, the supermarkets have started selling it, but they also sell a lot of ‘crafty beer’, which is not really craft beer,” he laughs. “We have to stay ahead of them and keep finding new products.” That is the case in each category instore, especially wine, where Joel feels that product expertise and knowledge really counts for a lot: “The people who come here trust us and are ready to spend an extra two or three euro to get a great wine.” While admitting that Blackrock Cellar competes on quality and knowledge rather than price, Joel is quick to point out that he enjoys a very good relationship with his local SuperValu store: “We send customers to them and they send customers to us.” Indeed, the off licence owner explains that the revamped SuperValu in Blackrock, allied to the conclusion of long-term roadworks and a raft of new shop and restaurant openings, has brought added footfall to the village, which is good news for every business. Joel is confident NOffLA Chairman, Gary O’Donovan, addresses the audience. that winning the

22|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Drinks News Diageo to Launch Premium Blended Whiskey

SuperValu’s Double Wine Win

DIAGEO is to launch a new premium Blended Irish Whiskey, Roe & Co, on March 1. The move by Diageo into the premium Irish whiskey category comes as the company announced plans for investment in a whiskey distillery in the once Power Station at St James’ Gate. The total project investment comes to €25m over three years. Roe & Co has been created to reflect modern, contemporary luxury, in everything from pack to liquid, and with a focus of making Irish whiskey more prominent in Europe’s booming cocktail culture. Roe & Co is made from the finest hand-selected stocks of Irish malt and grain whiskies and aged in bourbon casks. It has the signature smoothness of Irish whiskey with remarkable depth of flavour - a luxuriously smooth blend, with a perfect harmony between the intense fruitiness of the malt and the mellow creaminess of the grain whiskies. Roe & Co is named in honour of George Roe, the once world-famous whiskey maker who helped build the golden era of Irish whiskey in the 19th century.

SuperValu got 2017 off to a winning start after receiving two awards in the prestigious Sunday Business Post Annual Gold Star Awards. The first and most notable award was for Best Retail Wine Innovation, specifically for SuperValu’s excellence of Display and Structure within the stunning off licence set-ups nationwide. For the second year in a row, SuperValu was awarded with the title of Best Supermarket Wine Outlet, with notable nods to the refurbishment and upgrading of off licences areas in stores around the country in 2016, greatly improving customer experience and offering. Alongside the beautiful wooden and copper fit-outs, SuperValu was noted for superb tasting facilities, fine wine displays and banks of wooden cases of fine wines, accompanied by Enotech single tasting machines, allowing customers to sample wines before buying, as well as dedicated and knowledgeable wine staff. “We’re absolutely thrilled to receive these two prestigious awards and to be crowned Best Supermarket Wine Outlet is the cherry on top for all the hard work in 2016,” noted SuperValu’s Expert Wine Buyer Kevin O’Callaghan.

Irish Distillers to Invest Over €10m in Midleton Distillery

Drinks Industry Exports Worth €1.4 Billion

IRISH Distillers has announced plans for a €10.5m investment at Midleton Distillery, Cork, which will see the company increase its single pot still Irish whiskey production capacity by over 30%. Three new copper pot stills will be installed at Midleton Distillery, ensuring that Irish Distillers continues to lead the global Irish whiskey renaissance and supporting the Irish Whiskey Association’s target of global growth of 300% by 2030. The three copper pot stills (pictured), handmade by master coppersmiths Forsyth’s of Scotland and weighing a combined 24 tonnes, were delivered to Midleton Distillery on the night of January 18. Each still has a capacity of over 75,000 litres. Installation has now commenced and the stills will be operational by June 2017.

NEW data from Bord Bia shows that the Irish drinks industry is the jewel in the crown in terms of agrifood and drinks exports. In 2016, beverage exports increased by 4% to €1.4 billion. Whiskey exports were a key driver of growth and jumped by 8% to reach €505m in 2016 and are predicted to double by 2020. Ross MacMathúna, Director of Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland (ABFI), described the drinks industry as “the export powerhouse delivering growth for our food and drinks sector, and is wholly committed to making a valuable contribution to Ireland’s exciting agri-food sector despite the political and economic uncertainty in the wake of Brexit.” Our drinks industry continues to drive economic growth, exporting drinks to 139 markets worldwide, Mac Mathúna said: “It supports over 200,000 jobs in the drinks and related hospitality sectors, with an annual wage bill of €4 billion and purchases over 300m litres of milk and over 200,000 tonnes of Irish grains every year.”

Wolf Blass Rugby Limited Edition WOLF Blass has teamed up with famous rugby pundit Brent Pope to launch the new Wolf Blass Rugby Limited Edition in Ireland. Throughout February and March, each bottle of Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay will feature one of the fifteen rugby positions, from Loosehead Prop (1) to Full Back (15). The launch is timed to coincide with Ireland’s European rugby internationals, and the campaign will be heavily supported by in-store POS and online advertising. The 2017 release features a refreshed look, based on the new Wolf Blass packaging that came on-stream in the final quarter of last year.


9g CPB

12.5g CPB

€5.00 €6.80 RRP RRP

*Nielsen Extended Scan Track, 69.7% RYO SOM, YTD to 25th December 2016. This advertisement is for tobacco retailers only and should not be made available to the public nor should it be displayed in any area where it is visible to the public.

Toradh caithimh tobac – bás. Smoking kills.

24|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Maryland Cookies

The Magic of Maryland Retailers can boost biscuit sales with Maryland, the nation’s favourite cookie brand, which continues to innovate and drive market growth. WITH people leading busier lifestyles and an increasing number of consumers looking to entertain at home, treatier biscuits have seen significant growth in comparison with everyday biscuits and chocolate biscuit bars. Sales show that biscuit shoppers are on the lookout for more indulgent biscuits that can be enjoyed as a treat. “Biscuits shoppers are highly impulsive and are increasingly looking for an indulgent evening treat that can be shared with family or friends at home,” reveals Vicky Beresford, Burton’s Biscuit Company’s Category

and Shopper Manager. “Burton’s Biscuit Company is introducing Ireland’s €1.4m number one cookie brand (Source: Kantar Total Biscuits, 52 w/e September 11, 2016) into the fast-growing sharing sector with the launch of Maryland Cookie Bites – an indulgent innovation in a new pack format.” Available from mid-February, the two new SKUs, Choc Chip and Choc Chip Caramel, are being made available in a pouch format with an RRP of €2.85 (120g x 7 SRP), featuring bite-size chocolate chip cookies coated in milk chocolate. “With the launch of Maryland Cookie

New Maryland Cookie Bites – an indulgent innovation in a new pack format.

Maryland Mini Choc Chip Cookies are available in packs of 6 x 25g, offering value and choice for those shoppers looking for their favourite biscuits to enjoy as a permissible snack.

Bites, we’re meeting the growth in consumer demand for treatier biscuits that can be enjoyed as part of a night in,” Beresford explains. “We’ve all heard of ‘Big Night In’, but ‘Not Going Out’ occasions, when everyone is at home together and looking for something a little more indulgent or treaty, are a far bigger occasion and one that is in major growth.” The launch marks the latest innovation from Maryland, which experienced a +25.9% growth in 2016 (Source: Kantar Total Biscuits YTD, September 11, 2016), successfully recruiting new shoppers, whilst also encouraging shoppers to purchase the brand more frequently. “We’re confident that Maryland Cookie Bites will help to drive the growth of in-home biscuit consumption,” adds Beresford.

Retail News|January /February 2017||25

Maryland Cookies

Ideal as a mid-morning snack or during an afternoon tea break, the hugely popular Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies. Biscuits for Every Occasion With the latest addition of Maryland Bites, the Maryland brand offers a biscuit for every occasion, and prides itself on being the cookie expert with over 60 years’ experience of baking chocolate chip cookies. Ideal as a mid-morning snack or during an afternoon tea break, Maryland Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate and Chocolate Chip Hazelnut variants (available in 200g, 230g Single Packs and 400g Twinpack) offer shoppers great value. Meanwhile, children’s biscuits have seen strong growth of +8% yearon-year, growing ahead of the market and bringing new shoppers into this segment (Source: Kantar Total Biscuits, 52 w/e September 11, 2016). Burton’s Biscuit Company offers a range of family favourites in miniature, ideal for the lunchbox and as an after school snack. Maryland Mini Choc Chip Cookies and Mini Double Choc Chip are available in packs of 6 x 25g, which offer value and choice for those shoppers looking for their favourite biscuits to enjoy as a permissible snack. Permissibility and portion control

continue to be high on the shopper agenda, and there can be no doubt that this represents a great opportunity for the biscuit category. Maryland Creations Last year, Burton’s Biscuit Company tapped into the trend for treatier biscuits (to enjoy at home as an evening indulgence) when a new look was unveiled for Maryland, combining its special treat products into a single premium range, Maryland Creations. The Maryland Creations range simplifies the treatier biscuit offering for shoppers and is more distinctive, driving stand-out on shelf. The Maryland Creations range features six indulgent variants, including Maryland Soft Baked Caramel Choc Chunk and Fudge Choc Brownie, as well as Maryland Soft Centres, the next development in filled cookies, which uses Burton’s industry leading technology

The Maryland Creations range simplifies the treatier biscuit offering for shoppers and is more distinctive, driving stand-out on shelf.

to create large crunchy cookies, filled with a smooth milk chocolate cream. Maryland Creations Choc Dipped, a first for the Maryland brand, features a milk and dark chocolate chunk cookie halfcoated in milk chocolate. Maryland Big & Chunky completes the line-up with its leading Milk & Dark and Hazelnut Crunch variants. “In the main, shoppers are buying biscuits as a top-up because they’ve run out, they’re looking for a family treat, or they’re buying for a special occasion,” Beresford explains. “It’s important for retailers to remember that customers shop by mission, so it’s crucial that retailers recognise this to ensure they’re getting the best return from their biscuit fixture.”

Jammie Dodgers Snack Packs offer treat size 13g biscuits in 8 twin-biscuit portions, individually wrapped, in carton format for strong visibility on shelf.

Innovation at the Heart of Maryland In addition to the market-leading Maryland brand, Burtons Biscuit Company continues to innovate across its household favourites (consumed by four in 10 households), to create additional sales opportunities for retailers. Last year, Burton’s Biscuit Company launched its iconic Jammie Dodgers in a new, contemporary portion pack format, following the brand’s strong +33.1% growth (Source: Kantar YTD, September 11, 2016). Jammie Dodgers Snack Packs offer treat size 13g biscuits in 8 twinbiscuit portions, individually wrapped, in carton format for strong visibility on shelf. “Jammie Dodgers is one of the most loved and recognised kids biscuit brands, purchased by one in 10 households,” Beresford notes. “Portion control is a growing priority for shoppers, especially among parents looking for more convenient and permissible biscuit treats for children in and out of the home.”

26|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Marketing & Advertising A new study into the impact of marketing revealed that every €1 invested in advertising in Ireland typically delivers a net return on investment of €5.44.

The Real Power of


MARKETING Multiplied - The Macroeconomic & Microeconomic Impact of Marketing Communications is the title of a new report by economists Chris Johns and Jim Power and Core Media CEO, Alan Cox, which was launched recently at a full house at the Conventional Centre, Dublin. The first ever large scale study that reviews the impact of marketing communications from both a macroeconomic and micro-economic basis, the report from Core Media and the Association of Advertisers in Ireland found that every €1 invested in advertising in Ireland typically delivers a gross sales return of €8.26 and a net return on investment of €5.44 for brands operating here. It also demonstrates the significant contribution that marketing makes to national economies and individual businesses. “Since the 19th century, economists have analysed and argued about advertising,” admitted Jim Power. “But from both a theoretical and empirical perspective, the position is clear: advertising is good for growth, promotes competition, helps innovation and leads to lower prices.” Advertising, Power noted, “oils the wheels of economies,

provides jobs and boosts growth in an unambiguously positive way”. The findings of the report echo international research undertaken by Deloitte and the World Federation of Advertisers that found advertising is a major economic engine that contributes €643 billion to GDP across Europe, which constitutes 4.6% of the overall GDP of the entire Alan Cox, CEO of Core Media and Barry Dooley, CEO of the EU. A whopping AAI, at the launch of Marketing Multiplied. $542 billion was spent on global the event by revealing how marketing advertising during 2016. was one of the most misunderstood factors driving corporate performance Why Must I Be Misunderstood? and consumer spending. Introducing a busy morning of Coveney specifically cited the presentations and talks, Patrick problematic absence of marketing Coveney, CEO of Greencore Group plc personnel from company boards, and Chairman of Core Media, kicked off

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28|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Marketing & Advertising interest all retailers is that recruiting new customers actually proves to be more profitable than trying to increase frequency of purchase. Compelling evidence supports the contention that loyalty schemes have little effect, and when they work, they recruit new customers rather Jim Power, co-author of Marketing Multiplied. than extract a bigger spend from existing plus the commercial tendency to view ones. Alan Cox, CEO of Core Media, marketing as an expense rather than quoted the interesting statistic that only an investment. “Boards tend to be 9% of loyalty campaigns significantly dominated by people with financial or increase loyalty. engineering backgrounds, who are not “The role and practice of marketing necessarily trained to understand the is changing and the ultimate destination consumer, the competitor landscape is to get to a stage where marketing and external environment,” Coveney insights, and creative ideas, are devised opined. using data analytics as a core ingredient in the decision-making process,” Cox Creativity: The X Factor said. “The advances in data science will In the series of sessions that followed, bring us to a point where marketers will creativity was repeatedly cited as a be able to predict outcomes for brands crucial factor for effective marketing. based on thousands of case histories Evidence suggests creatively awarded and billions of rows of data.” and successful campaigns are six times more efficient than non-awarded Emotionally Based Campaigns campaigns in terms of increasing Emotionally-based brand awareness market share. campaigns have been proven to The famous John Lewis ad ‘Man on consistently outperform “rationallythe Moon’, which also became a viral based activation” campaigns on every hit, was cited as a classic example of level. They tend to be significantly more a creative campaign that engaged with profitable, and are far more successful viewers and consumers, and on a deeper and effective at generating brand level, struck an emotional chord and awareness. It is important for marketers fostered a stronger attachment with both and retailers to realise that emotionallyexisting and potential customers. Until based campaigns will drive long-term John Lewis invested in these campaigns, brand preference over short-term its performance as a brand was flatsales that are achieved through a more lining, but creative and emotional-based rational form of messaging. marketing methods worked wonders in Brands that use the opportunities rejuvenating performance. of paid media typically tend to grow Another pertinent point that will three times faster than

Patrick Coveney, Chairman of Core Media, and Professor Mary Lambkin (UCD) at the Marketing Multiplied panel discussion.

those who constrict themselves to owned and earned media. It is recommended that marketers should allocate 60% of their budget to long-term brand-building activities with a wide audience reach and emotional connection, and 40% on sales activation essentially short-term, intensely targeted and information rich campaigns.

Underinvestment in one or the other can damage the growth and development of a given brand or business. To compete with larger, iconic and established brands, smaller and emergent products and services need to over invest relative to their market share, and devise clever campaigns with above average effectiveness from a creative viewpoint. The evidence gathered by Marketing Multiplied also illustrates that shortterm marketing is on the rise. Since 2006, the proportion of short-term campaigns has at least quadrupled. Long-term campaigns, which are measured and assessed over long periods of time (i.e. - at least longer than six months) are roughly three times more effective than short-term campaigns. The key for businesses is to use the correct proportion of both. During the panel discussion, which was moderated by Dearbhail McDonald, Group Business Editor, Independent News & Media, marketing effectiveness expert John Field noted that shorttermism is not unique to marketing, as John Kay of the Financial Times has documented this in the stock market in recent years, where trading is now lightning fast. Mary Lambkin, Professor of Marketing at the UCD School of Business, spoke about the phenomenal rise of small artisan producers. Catherine Bent of CB Consultancy cited the highly successful example of Keeling’s Fruit, and the challenge of creating a band for one’s grandchildren. The Dangers of Short Termism Barry Dooley, CEO of the Association of the Advertisers in Ireland, closed the conference, arguing that the recent trend towards short-termism in marketing is damaging the effectiveness of creativity and the return on investment it generates. “This shift has been caused by recession-driven urgency, which is damaging to the profitability of marketing,” Dooley said. “Now, more than ever, there is a requirement to ensure that the marketing ethos informs the boardroom agenda. It’s time for marketers to regain control. Marketing should be seen as the engine room and not as a service function. Marketing really matters. It’s an economic catalyst, driving competition and innovation. It enriches the brands that people enjoy and trust. It contributes to society, not least by funding an independent, varied media and, fundamentally, it facilitates choice.”

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Retail News|January/February 2017||31

Easter Treats

Eggciting Season Ahead With three weeks more than last year, the Easter 2017 season should prove extremely lucrative for retailers.

EASTER confectionery is worth a massive €35.4m and has been in long term growth. Despite the shorter season in 2016, the market still grew by +4.9% (Source: Nielsen 12 weeks to Easter 2016 versus 12 weeks to Easter 2015), and the 2017 season is three weeks longer, meaning that this growth is set to continue this year. The fact that Easter falls relatively late this year, with Easter Sunday landing on April 16, means there is more time for retailers to maximise sales, according to Levi Boorer, Customer Development Director at Ferrero: “We expect to see shoppers planning in advance and preparing their purchases earlier, so would encourage retailers to stock up early to make sure they meet the demand for shoppers looking to purchase in advance once again.” Full season sales success will result from focusing on the right range at the right time, exploiting the full length of the season (early / mid and late). The early season is important for retailers, according to a spokesperson from Nestlé Ireland, with impulse lines proving a draw for consumers as soon as the Christmas season is over. “However, over half of all sales are still made in Easter week,” revealed the spokesperson, “highlighting the importance of stocking the right packs

at the right times, and ensuring availability right up to Easter Sunday.” All market segments grew in 2016 but the main driver of Easter growth were adult and premium eggs, which were up by 6.5% year-on-year (Source: Nielsen 12 weeks to Easter 2016 versus 12 weeks to Easter 2015). Ferrero’s Customer Development Director recommends that retailers utilise the POS solutions that are made available to maximise sales and capture shoppers’ attention with eyecatching theatre in-store. Retailers should keep their Easter range simple to avoid confusion and allow shoppers to buy with confidence. Shoppers are looking to trade up at spring so offer a good display dedicated to your spring offering which is dedicated to premium brands to encourage shoppers. You should stock up early to make the most of the whole spring season, and keep in mind that some shoppers like to purchase early, whilst others will be looking for a last minute purchase. Boorer also advises that providing cross-category promotions, such as Raffaello Hearts and flowers, increases basket spend for retailers and offers shoppers the chance to purchase multiple items, in a convenient way.

Ferrero Ferrero can help retailers win during spring 2017. By offering new products across its portfolio, a combined marketing investment of €5.8m and stand-out merchandising solutions, retailers will be able to fully capitalise on the lucrative opportunity that is presented during the three spring occasions; Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day (March 26) and Easter (April 14-16). “Chocolate remains hugely popular during the spring season, with many shoppers buying for all ages to gift and share (Source: HPI Thorntons Brand Tracker Easter 2016),” notes Levi Boorer, Customer Development Director. “When it comes to choosing what to buy, shoppers have begun to look at how special and unique the products are and to show the thought that has gone into each purchase. With the Thorntons brand now firmly under our roof, we will be able to offer retailers something for all of their shoppers’ needs this spring.” For the first time in six years, Thorntons will be on the nations’ screens in the lead up to the spring occasions. Following sales doubling during Easter 2016 (Source: AC Nielsen: Total Coverage - Data to 26/03/16), Thorntons will be bringing its Dessert Eggs range; Lemon Meringue, Pecan Pie and Chocolate Fudge Brownie. Thorntons is

32|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Easter Treats

Now part of the Ferrero stable, Thorntons Chocolate Fudge Brownie is a decadent Easter treat. set to inspire shoppers further with the launch of new Thorntons Collection Eggs available in Nuts & Praline, Fruit, Toffee, Fudge & Caramel and Mint. Grand Ferrero Rocher has continued to show strong momentum and growth within the novelties category, gaining double digit growth during spring 2016 (+32% value and +46% volume, Nielsen, MAT to 26/03/16). To ensure the brand is completely unmissable in 2017, Ferrero Rocher will be back with its ‘Magic Tree’ TV creative in the run up to Easter. Ferrero will also hero its popular

As part of the 2017 Easter line up, Thorntons’ popular Gruffalo Milk Egg, based on the hugely popular children’s book by Julia Donaldson, is a real winner.

Raffaello brand with a €995k media investment this spring and two brand new SKUs for Valentine’s and Mother’s Day – 140g and 40g Raffaello Hearts. The campaign for Raffaello focuses on the unique personalities of its different ingredients, designed to encourage trial and connect with a younger audience through its tongue-in-cheek script. The campaign was launched in the UK on October 22 after the huge success in Ireland. The combination of both the Kinder and Thorntons brands has made Ferrero the second biggest manufacturer in kids Easter confectionery (Source: AC Nielsen: Total Coverage - Data to 26/03/16). To capitalise on the popularity of the products, both brands will receive new launches and a strong support plan for spring 2017. As part of the 2017 Easter line up, Thorntons will bring back Butterfly Milk Egg, Cupcake Milk Egg and Football Milk Egg. Alongside this, popular favourites; Gruffalo Milk Egg, Harry Hopalot Milk Egg and the Harry Hopalot White Egg will all return to shelves, showcasing the famous intricate detail and well-known familiar characters. Kinder Joy will make a return in 2017, following a hugely successful introduction to the market last year. The award winning product, which experienced exceptional sales exceeding €6.2m last Easter (Source Nielsen, MAT to 26/03/16), will be supported with heavyweight shopper marketing and instore displays. Launching for spring 2017, Kinder Surprise will be partnering with two new licenses, My Little Pony and Transformers, available in 100g format. The new large eggs will be available in individual boxes, perfect for gifting. “Whether it is for gifting or sharing or simply to be enjoyed at home with loved ones, we encourage retailers to plan and to start stocking up to meet shoppers’ needs for spring,” notes Boorer. “We would always recommend that retailers utilise the POS solutions that are made available to maximise sales and capture shoppers’ attention with eye-catching theatre in-store. “As well as being the perfect time for buying gifts for others to enjoy, treating yourself and others with single serve items during this period is also popular and with Thorntons joining the Ferrero stable, we are able to offer products to suit every need.” Boorer has specific advice for convenience stores: “It is important that convenience retailers create as much excitement within their local community,

Launching for spring 2017, Kinder Surprise will be partnering with two new licenses, My Little Pony and Transformers, available in 100g format. which will not only help translate into sales but bring in new shoppers. Last Easter, Kinder launched its very own Easter Egg Hunt, to introduce Kinder Joy into the seasonal confectionery market. The activity encouraged retailers to offer their local communities their very own Easter Egg Hunts in-store, increasing footfall and driving excitement around the Easter occasion. “As a result, retailers saw an increase in their Easter sales compared to 2015, as well as increased basket spend compared to the previous week of trading. Ferrero encourages retailers to inspire their local communities with family activities, particularly during spring occasions, where shoppers are looking to gift.” Lindt On the back of the success of some of Lindt’s biggest brands, the Lindt Easter Egg range proves a key sales driver for retailers at springtime. Growing +17% year on year and delivering over €1.38m RSV in 2016, Lindt Easter Eggs are proving a must stock item for retailers as consumers look to trade up and give a premium Easter gift (Source: AC Nielsen Total Lindt Shell Eggs Sales, 14 weeks to w/e March 27, versus prior year). From the blissful and smooth melting Lindor egg range to the iconic and magical Lindt Gold Bunny eggs and the intensely dark and satisfying Excellence dark chocolate egg, Lindt guarantees to delight both shoppers and those lucky enough to receive a Lindt egg as a gift this season. This spring sees the iconic Lindt Gold Bunny hop back into stores nationwide. Growing at a rate of +17.4% the Lindt Gold Bunny continues its success as the number one Easter novelty in the Irish market (Source: AC Nielsen Total Lindt Gold Bunny Brand 14 weeks to w/e March 27, versus prior year).

34|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Easter Treats premium POS, the Lindt Gold Bunny brand is set to go from strength to strength. As the ultimate symbol of Easter, watch the Lindt Gold Bunny hop off your shelves this season. The Lindt Gold Bunny is available in a variety of sizes and is available in all good Lindt’s Easter egg range includes a host of popular retailers nationwide. brands, from the blissful and smooth melting Lindor egg Lindt Lindor range to the iconic and magical Lindt Gold Bunny eggs continues its position and the intensely dark and satisfying Excellence dark as the number one chocolate egg. premium boxed chocolate brand in Lovingly created by the Lindt master the Irish market. Boasting double digit chocolatiers, the adorable Lindt Gold market share of 10.3% and +16.5% year Bunny will help consumers to create on year growth, Lindt Lindor is a must magical family moments. Made from stock for retailers in 2017 (Source: AC the finest Lindt chocolate, wrapped Nielsen 52 weeks to November 27, 2016, in endearing gold foil packaging and MAT). finished with the iconic red ribbon and Providing a wide range of exciting ringing bell, the Lindt Gold Bunny is and delectable flavours, Lindt Lindor is guaranteed to bring a smile to the face the perfect premium chocolate gift for of loved ones. any occasion. While the Lindt Lindor This Easter, retailers can expect Milk recipe remains a true classic, this to see a comprehensive support plan spring sees the return of the Limited behind the Gold Bunny brand, both above Edition Lindor Strawberries and Cream. and below the line. Boasting engaging Lovingly crafted by the Lindt master events, in and out of store activity and chocolatiers, each Lindor Strawberries and Cream truffle is surrounded by a shell of luxurious premium white chocolate that once broken, releases an irresistibly smooth melting strawberry filling. Lindor Strawberries and Cream 200g retails at €6.99 and is available in all leading retailers. Supported by a strong national campaign, Lindt Lindor TV advertising will return to screens this spring with increased activity both in and out of store.

Nestlé This spring, Nestlé Confectionery is set to excite shoppers with a range that includes innovative new launches as well as proven successes from its range of well-loved brands. The Nestlé range enjoyed a tremendous Easter 2016, growing ahead of the market at 5.8% (Source: Nielsen 12 weeks to Easter 2016 versus 12 weeks to Easter 2015). Nestlé Confectionery’s 2017 range will ensure retailers can capitalise on the Easter opportunity by delighting consumers and shoppers with an innovative collection from its market leading brands. Their 2017 range capitalises on heritage brands and includes exciting new launches, including a category first combining traditional play & digital technology, as well as traditional bestselling lines. Seasonal impulse products offer retailers an incremental sales opportunity on top of existing singles confectionery sales. Returning to the range in 2017 are two Nestlé Confectionery favourites: Smarties Little Choc Chick and Milkybar Bunny (both RRP €1).

The Smarties Medium Egg, a big brand with broad appeal.

This spring sees the iconic Lindt Gold Bunny hop back into stores nationwide.

Providing a wide range of exciting and delectable flavours, Lindt Lindor is the perfect premium chocolate gift for any occasion.

Sales of mini eggs continue to grow, with Smarties Mini Eggs and Milkybar Mini Eggs growing 39% and 37% respectively. Both packs will return to the range this Easter. Known and trusted brands are the best-sellers in the kids added value category and Milkybar and Smarties fit the bill perfectly. Returning in 2017 is the Smarties Chick in Egg (RRP €3.99). This eye-catching pack is a foil wrapped milk chocolate egg featuring inside a cute chick with the words “I’m in here”, thus inviting consumers to break open their egg and discover the mini Smarties in both the egg and the milk chocolate

Make your sales blissful with Lindor

Number 1 informal boxed brand*

STOCK UP NOW! *Source AC Nielsen 52 Weeks to 27th November 2016

36|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Easter Treats chick inside. consumers with their Milkybar and Smarties favourite treat in an Egg Hunt packs (RRP innovative new format. €6) delivered exceptional The designs on the growth in 2016 and return front of packs have in 2017, adding fun to the been updated to ensure category, along with the the unique nature of popular Smarties and the eggs stands out to Milkybar Farmyard fun shoppers even more. eggs (RRP €7.69). For 2017, Nestlé Milkybar is a must Confectionery will stock small egg, offering once again have a shoppers the heritage range of large eggs and trust those buying for from favourite brands younger kids look for in a complete with the gift. treats inside the egg, Medium eggs make just like they used to up a huge part of the be, including Quality Easter category, with over Street, After Eight, €15m sales in 2016. Big Nestlé’s hugely popular Quality Rowntree’s Randoms brands with broad appeal Street Insider Egg: a large egg and Munchies (all RRP are therefore important with the treats inside, just like €8.59). and Nestlé’s 2016 range Nestlé they used to be. includes offerings from Confectionery’s range KitKat Chunky, Smarties, Aero Bubbles of adult added value eggs has proven (redesigned in 2016) and Rolo. a huge success with shoppers, and Adult eggs are the main gift bought includes KitKat Chunky, Yorkie and for adults during Easter and were the Toffee Crisp mug eggs (all RRP €9.39), strongest growing segment in 2016. as well as the Yorkie Digger egg (RRP With limited space on shelves, ensuring €8.65), which contains a hollow milk favourite brands as well as a variety chocolate egg and two Yorkie Milk bars of products are on offer is key to sales in an eye-catching digger presentation success. box. The Lion Bar Egg (RRP €8.65) Taking inspiration from its portfolio comes complete with 3D packaging. of much-loved brands, new Quality Giant eggs make ideal big gesture Street Honeycomb Crunch will sit gifts for shoppers to give to special alongside existing strong sellers in people in their lives. The Nestlé Caramel the Quality Street Matchmakers and Collection comes with new design Milkybar Milk & Cookies range (all RRP for 2017, and includes a selection of €5.54). Each egg has the same crispy caramel favourites, including Rolo, and crunchy filling within its chocolate Caramac and Munchies. The KitKat shell as the core product, thus providing Chunky giant egg will remain a priority pack for retailers with limited shelf space, and the range also includes the Aero Selection giant egg and Yorkie giant egg (all RRP €11.59), the latter attracting the hard-to-reach younger male demographic. Premium eggs are a key growth segment in the market and Nestlé recorded double digit growth across its premium range in 2016. Black Magic and Dairy Box premium eggs (RRP €15.45) launched in 2015, targeted the gap in the market for older, more affluent shoppers. Both return for this spring. This year’s range also sees the return of the popular After Eight Premium Egg (RRP €15.45); a large mint flavoured dark chocolate egg complete with a 300g box of the nation’s favourite After Dinner mints. On the back of new, more premium packaging, it grew 18% in 2016 (all figures from Nielsen 12 weeks to Easter 2016 versus 12 weeks to Easter KitKat Chunky, always a popular 2015). choice for Easter.

Marks & Spencer’s Hot Options MARKS & Spencer have a delicious selection of hot cross buns this year – including a savoury take on the seasonal favourite with their Cheese & Onion Hot Cross Bun. The range includes brand new products, like 9 Mini Chocolate Orange Hot Cross Buns, with dark chocolate chips and candied orange peel; 4 Cheese & Onion Hot Cross Buns, with mature cheddar cheese, spices and sultanas with a Brewers paste cross, and two Carrot Cake Hot Cross Buns, filled with a cream cheese frosting. The range also includes some favourite hot cross bun flavours, such as Toffee Fudge & Belgian Chocolate, Cranberry & Orange, and Kentish Bramley Apple, as well as a Hot Cross Bun Loaf and 9 Mini Hot Cross Buns.

38|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Mackle Petfoods Mackle Petfoods are proud to strengthen their existing canned dog food offering with Brandy Grain Free, created for dogs with sensitive digestion, using only 100% Irish meat.

Mackle Launch Brandy Grain Free Dog Food MACKLE Petfoods is a local, familyowned company from Co. Armagh with 45 years’ experience working with specialist pet nutritionists to produce only the finest quality pet food products. Its brand portfolio includes Brandy dog food, the number one Irish made dog food brand and the second largest branded dog food in the Irish market. Brandy has a strong local heritage dating back to 1972. Brandy is made using only 100% Irish meat, sourced from across the island of Ireland and is fully traceable from farm to can. Irish consumers are concerned about the provenance and quality of the product they feed their dogs. Dog owners view their dog as a key member of the family so they want to feed them the best. Consumers are also looking for value but not at the expense of quality. Brandy offers customers high quality products at a value price. In recent years, the ‘humanisation’ factor has been driving the pet food category. Consumers are also becoming more health conscious and this in turn is reflected in their pet food purchasing decisions. Meeting Market Demand With this in mind and following research and development, Mackle Petfoods is

delighted to announce the launch of Brandy Grain Free dog food. With 38% of pet buyers reporting an interest in grain or gluten free pet food (Source: Mintel 2016), Mackle Petfoods identified an opportunity to meet demand and extend their popular Brandy dog food range with the introduction of a Grain Free six-pack offering. Grain Free dog food has numerous health benefits for dogs, particularly those with an allergy to grain and sensitive digestion. Brandy Grain Free dog food has been developed especially for digestive and cereal sensitive dogs to help promote easier digestion, improve skin and coat and reduce itching. Mackle Petfoods are proud to strengthen their existing canned dog food offering with Brandy Grain Free. It gives current Brandy customers an additional option within the range, along with attracting new customers with an interest in canned grain free pet food. Brandy Grain Free has just hit the shelves across Ireland and is available in a Chunks in Gravy Variety Six-Pack with Chicken, Beef and Lamb with vegetables. Adding Value to the Category Feeding trials have confirmed that

Brandy Grain Free is feeding extremely well. How a product feeds is always a concern for dog owners. Brandy Grain Free is uniquely positioned in the pet food category and extremely competitively priced. Mackle Petfoods are confident it will add value to the category and bring new consumers into the canned dog food segment, in particular those looking for a high quality Grain Free offering at a value price, which Brandy Grain Free offers. The launch is being supported by an all-Ireland radio campaign throughout February, focusing on local radio stations across Ireland, combined with a supporting social media campaign and strong promotional activity throughout 2017. Brandy Grain Free dog food is made especially for dogs with sensitive digestion, using only 100% Irish meat, so pet owners know they’re giving them the best. After all, they’re more than just a dog - they’re 100% family. For more information, see or



Our family just got a little bigger with the launch of NEW Brandy Grain Free. It’s been developed especially for digestive and cereal sensitive dogs to help promote easier digestion, improve their skin and coat and reduce itching. Stock up today and be prepared to keep your customers 100% satisfied.

Because they’re 100% family Tel: +44(0)28 8778 4641



40|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Pride of Centra Awards

Centra Honours Employees at National Awards Ceremony The Pride of Centra Awards ceremony saw 17 Centra employees honoured for their passion and the commitment they have shown in the workplace. THE third annual Pride Kilkenny and Galway. All shortlisted of Centra Awards took candidates were recognised for their place in Killashee Hotel ongoing commitment to their work in Co. Kildare recently, with community initiatives, charity where 17 employees organisations, customer service and were rewarded engaging activities in-store. for outstanding commitment and Outstanding Contribution passion in the “It has been a really exciting year for workplace. Centra with our new ‘Live Every Day’ The Pride of brand positioning, which encourages Centra Awards people to make the most of every day were established to and the finalists here today have been acknowledge staff who key in bringing this to life,” noted Luke demonstrate passion Hanlon, HR Director of Centra. “We and enthusiasm in are extremely proud of the 11,000 cementing Centra staff members who represent the as the number one Centra brand and these awards are Elaine Kirwan from Centra Charleville (Limerick Rd) in convenience retailer important in recognising outstanding Co. Cork, overall Pride of Centra 2016 Winner. at the heart of staff members’ commitment to their communities across the country. customers and their local community. The four category winners were: The winning 17 Centra employees Their dedication is very important to • Pride of Centra Employee were selected as finalists out of us as we understand the strength they Award: Sean O’Shea from Centra 11,000 staff employed in Centra stores bring to the Centra brand and today we Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick; across the country, demonstrating the show our appreciation of that. I would • Pride of Centra Department significance of their achievement. like to congratulate all our finalists, Manager Award: Celine Cassidy in particular Elaine, on this wonderful from Centra Bridgetown, Co. Positive Impact achievement.” Wexford; The overall Pride of Centra 2016 winner • Pride of Centra Store was named as Elaine Kirwan from Manager Award: Elaine Centra Charleville (Limerick Rd) in Co. Kirwan from Centra Cork. Elaine, who is a Store Manager, Charleville (Limerick took home top honours for the positive Rd), Co. Cork; impact she has on the store and her • Pride of Centra colleagues, her optimistic outlook at Outstanding everything she does and her passion for Contribution Award: the job. Elaine has always encouraged Eileen Lynch from the store to be actively involved in the Centra Carnmore, Co. community and has helped cement the Galway. store’s reputation in the local area. “I am delighted and honoured to The 17 finalists represented have won the award,” Elaine told Retail nine counties; Donegal, The Pride of Centra Awards saw 17 employees News. “The competition is tough as there Cork, Dublin, Limerick, honoured at a special ceremony in Killashee Hotel, are so many fantastic people working all Waterford, Sligo, Wexford, Co. Kildare. around the country in Centra.”

42|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Moy Park

Moy Park ‘Good to Go’ with New Snacking Range IRELAND’S number one poultry brand, Moy Park has created a new branded ready-to-eat snacking range, Moy Park ‘Good to Go’. The range was developed to address changes in consumer eating habits in the snacking market, with shoppers seeking nutritious, convenient snacking solutions tailored for busy lifestyles. Made with 100% chicken breast and high in protein, the four-strong range includes two Moy Park ‘Good to Go’ chicken breast fillet chunks, each with a dip, BBQ and sweet chilli, and two flavoured chicken breast fillet chunk options, flame grilled and piri piri. Maximum Shelf Impact “As a market leader, we recognise the importance of new product development in line with consumer trends,” explains Aisling Graham, Interim Brand Marketing Manager. “Consumer

priorities for 2017 are focused on convenience and health, and this has translated into the snacking market. The range is individually portioned, and high in protein, making it an ideal option for snacking throughout the day. “In a competitive market place, we’ve designed the packaging to ensure maximum shelf impact in the food to go fixtures, using bright colours and unique branding to engage consumers.” For more information on products and distribution please contact Moy Park on +44 (0) 28 38 352 233.

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Retail News|January/February 2017||43

Human Resources

Your Annual HR Review

Caroline McEnery, MD, The HR Suite, provides a timely update of the various legislative changes that will affect retailers in 2017.

THIS is the perfect time to refresh your memory of the 2016 changes that will impact your business in 2017. National Minimum Wage A new minimum wage of €9.25 per hour is effective since January 1, 2017. For employers, it is important to note that rates for those under 18 will increase pro-rata also. The new rates will be as follows: • • • •

Experienced adult worker: €9.25 per hour Over 19 and less than 2 years since first job: €8.33 Over 18 and less than 1 years since began first job: €7.40 Aged under 18: €6.48

NERA inspectors are now known as Workplace Relations Commission Inspectors and have heightened powers under the legislation. An inspector may on occasion be accompanied by other inspectors from the WRC, the Department of Social Protection, Revenue Commissioners or by An Garda Síochána. The inspectors have powers to examine and take copies of documents, records etc., as well as to require any person they believe to be an employee or an employer in the place or premises of inspection to answer questions relating to matters of employment law.

An inspector may serve a compliance notice on an employer and failure to comply with a compliance notice is a criminal offence. Fixed payment notices (i.e. fines) can be issued by an inspector for non-compliance with certain legislation. The HR Suite have recognised an increase in both local and nationwide inspections during 2016: therefore, employers should be ready and prepared for a possible inspection in 2017. Retirement The Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015 commenced on January

Paternity Leave As part of Budget 2016, the Public Expenditure Minister said, “to recognise the needs of modern families and the role of fathers in the household, I am happy to announce that we will legislate for statutory paternity leave of two weeks.” The Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016 was introduced and provides for statutory paternity leave of 2 weeks for a relevant parent. This came into effect and applies to births and adoptions on or after September 1, 2016. Workplace Inspections The Workplace Relations Act 2015 came into law on October 1, 2015.

The uncertainty around Brexit will continue into 2017.

44|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Human Resources including additional annual leave based on service and a sick pay scheme in circumstances where it was noted that it was not the common practice of the employer to engage in collective bargaining. This is President Donald Trump has left the Irish business world relevant to wondering what impact he will have on business here. all employers going forward 1, 2016. This amended the rules who do not recognise unions. This is on mandatory retirement and age a big decision with potential knock-on discrimination, which brought Irish implications for all industries in 2017. legislation into line with European legislation. There is no set retirement Employment Permits (Amendment) age in Ireland. The state pension has Regulations 2016 increased to 66 and will ultimately rise The new Employment Permits but this does not imply that employers Regulations commenced on August 2 have an obligation to match retirement and 3, 2016. The Regulations set out age to pension age. These are separate an up-to-date table of employments as issues under Irish legislation. eligible for a critical skills employment In setting a retirement age, permit and includes occupations employers must objectively and such as Paramedics and Respiratory reasonably justify the age with a Physiologists. The Regulations also legitimate aim and the means of provided for the roll-out of the new achieving the aim must be appropriate Employment Permits Online Application and necessary. System, which became available during Before the introduction of this September 2016. legislation, many companies offered fixed term contracts to those who had Brexit reached the mandatory age of retirement Since the referendum took place in within the contract of employment. This Britain in mid-2016, many questions method can still apply now: however, the have been raised about the effect this FT contract must now be objectively and move will have on Ireland but very reasonably justified by a legitimate aim. few answers have been found. This As more employers are being faced uncertainly will continue in 2017: it with requests from employees to remain has been suggested that Britain will in employment beyond the mandatory make the initial move towards an exit contractual retirement date, it is obvious by implementing Article 50 in March. It that the volume and frequency of these is expected that Britain should be fully requests is likely to continue to grow in exited by the summer of 2019. 2017 and coming years. The Budget Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act During Budget 2016, the Government did 2015 put some safety measures in place for This legislation allows for trade unions Irish business: to refer to the Labour Court and 2016 saw the first test case under this • Enterprise Ireland and the IDA are amended legislation involving Freshway to get an additional €3m in funding; Foods and SIPTU. This case was the first • Extending income tax relief to be processed by the Labour Court and schemes such as Special Assignee it has provided a substantial increase Relief Programme (SARP) and the in pay and conditions for a group of low Foreign Earnings Deduction until paid workers. The recommendation the end of 2020, as well as a slight from the Labour Court provided for easing on the requirements of those binding increases in pay and conditions, schemes;

About the Author THE HR Suite are based in Tralee, Co. Kerry, and provide human resources consultancy, employment law advice, training and recruitment services to businesses throughout Ireland. MD Caroline McEnery has over 20 years’ experience in providing HR services to Irish companies. She is a member on the Low Pay Commission and is also an adjudicator in the new Work Place Relations Commission. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact our office on (066) 7102887 or (01) 9014335 or email Website:

Extending the Start Your Own Business scheme for another two years. The scheme aims to assist people with a business idea, assess their plan’s viability and to decide if they should proceed with it or not; Reducing Capital Gains Tax from 20% to 10% on disposals of qualifying assets up to a limit of €1m in chargeable gains; Assurances were given that Ireland’s corporation tax rate of 12.5% will not be changed.

President Trump While the reality of Donald Trump as the American president presents a lot of uncertainties, in Ireland we have been left wondering what impact he will have on business here. He has proposed big tax cuts for companies like Apple that keep billions of profits offshore from the US. His economic plans called for a reduction in US corporation tax rates from 35% to 15%, very close to the Irish rate of 12.5%. Such moves could have an effect on multinationals remaining here or choosing to come here in the first place. The Irish Government have suggested that there are many factors which influence why multinationals locate in Ireland, with our educated workforce and our access to the European market being just two such possible factors. Keep in mind that the HR Suite can advise you and your organisation how to be proactive in managing the new changes that are expected in 2017 that will impact on your business. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 066 7102887.

Truly Irish Country Foods Ltd. Newcastlewest, Co. Limerick, V42 K207, Ireland. Tel: +353 69 78334 Email: Website:

46|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Paper Products

The Paper Race Value sales of paper products have picked up as consumers grow in confidence.

Retail tissue in Ireland, indicative of a mature product within a developed Western European market, continues to exhibit near complete penetration and high per capita usage across all categories, according to the latest report into the sector by Euromonitor International. While underlying demand for tissue products remains high due to markedly improved consumer confidence, volume growth was moderate and value growth negligible in 2015, with increased competition and downward pressure on prices significant factors. Manufacturers positioned as “green” or as part of the sustainable segment of tissue and hygiene continued to experience strong retail value growth, according to Euromonitor, who warn that the high relative costs of sustainable raw materials have slowed this segment from growing its share, as consumers have proven unlikely to switch over from traditional to green products, as the latter retained a significant price premium over the former. Irish consumers have retained a high degree of sensitivity to movements within tissue and hygiene’s unit prices, despite an upturn in economic conditions. In the coming years, Euromonitor

expect value sales of retail tissue to continue to improve gradually, as greater numbers of Irish consumers are expected to purchase from a wider portfolio of different tissue products for different tasks. This will likely result in increased volume sales, which will gradually produce an improved trend in value sales across most of the category. Volume growth and an eventual return to positive value growth will be supported by an ongoing increase in Irish consumer confidence.

In 2017, Cushelle will continue to invest in TV, digital and cinema advertising which will continue to keep the brand top of mind for quality with shoppers.

SCA SCA is a leading global hygiene and forest products company, with operations in Ireland based in Dublin. The group develops and produces sustainable personal care, tissue and forest products. Sales are conducted in about 100 countries under many strong brands, including the leading global brands Tena and Tork, and regional

brands such as Cushelle, Plenty, Velvet, Bodyform and Demak’Up. SCA’s tissue brands, Cushelle and Velvet, along with their household towel brand, Plenty, will continue in 2017 to drive strong brand awareness and rate of sale through investing in television, radio, digital and cinema advertising, as

48|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Paper Products consumers and customers as it is uses through air dried technology. This results in a superior quality offering with a strong consumer base. Velvet toilet tissue is a must stock brand, with seven out of 10 consumers agreeing that Velvet Comfort has the perfect balance of softness and strength (Source: Home Usage Test, Jan 2017). With value sales of €3.5m, shoppers are purchasing velvet +1.1 times more than Seven out of 10 consumers agree that Velvet they did last year Comfort has the perfect balance of softness and (Source: Kantar WPO strength. 52-week data w/e 01/01/17). Radio adverts, voiced well as below the line merchandising by award winning comedian and shopper marketing campaigns. Deirdre O Kane, will run again in Cushelle was the fastest growing 2017 and will be complemented toilet tissue brand up to Christmas with investment through shopper growing 20.8% share. The brand marketing activity and digital currently holds over 11% share in the marketing. category over 12 weeks (Kantar WPO Velvet has a range of pack 12-week data w/e 01/01/17). Cushelle sizes to suit all shoppers, with a had an exciting 2016, with the launch of a core range that includes both 4 new TVC across a number of platforms, and 9 roll pack sizes, appealing including TV, digital & cinema, on top of to basket shoppers. For those a strong promotional retailer support shopping for larger sized packs, programme. As a result, Cushelle is Velvet is available in 16, 18 and now the clear number two in the market 24 roll packs, encouraging larger in unaided advertising awareness value big pack purchases. terms – recording its highest ever level Plenty claims over 25% of of spontaneous ad recall measured the branded household market (Source: Red C Brand Tracking data to in Ireland. With sales circa €5m, September 2016). it really is Ireland’s In number one 2017, the household towel brand will brand (Kantar WPO continue 52-week data w/e to invest 01/01/17). The focus in TV, for the brand in digital and 2017 is to continue cinema to drive category advertising innovation and which will increase shopper continue awareness of the to keep brand message that Cushelle ‘Plenty Does More top of mind Than You Think’. for quality Whatever the with job, Plenty has a shoppers. range of products Cushelle for every occasion. offers a Strong when unique wet and super point of Strong when wet and super absorbent, Plenty absorbent, it’s no difference wonder Plenty is has a range of products for every occasion. to

Ireland’s favourite household towel. Plenty is also Ireland’s biggest advertiser in the category (Source: Nielsen Ad Spend data to November 2016) and remains the most recognised brand in the household towel category amongst grocery buyers in terms of Aided Brand Awareness (Source: Red C Brand Tracking data to December 2016). Kimberly Clark Andrex and Kleenex have both delivered strong growth in terms of year-on-year sales. Andrex Dry Toilet Tissue has grown by +0.3% in value sales in the last 52 weeks. Andrex Washlets has also delivered a strong performance in the moist toilet tissue category, seeing a growth of +2.4% in value sales. This is an underpenetrated part of the category that offers huge retailer opportunities as consumers continue to adopt ‘The Clean Routine’ of using both dry and moist toilet tissue in tandem.

Available in a 16-roll format, Andrex Classic Clean Compressed offers the same quantity and quality as the standard Classic Clean variant, with each roll simply being compressed to make the pack 25% smaller. The facial tissue category, meanwhile, is currently worth €7m and Kleenex has maintained its position as market leader, accounting for 59.2% of the category. Although the category had been in decline for a number of years, Kleenex has reversed the declining market trend, growing by +8.4% in value sales versus the total category which has grown by +2.4% in value sales. When it comes to NPD, Andrex Gentle Clean (previously known as Andrex Puppies on a roll) in particular saw a huge value increase of 35.6% in the last year, following the launch of the new proposition in January 2016 and is now worth €2.4m, selling 1m rolls more

With a touch of



Throughout 2017

Our mark of a better clean† Classic Clean Toilet Tissue - Winner Toilet Tissue Category. Survey yo off 11,647 people by TNS. † A d ® Classic Cl i White. Wh t Whi †vs. Andrex® Registered Trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide Inc. ©KCWW


50|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Paper Products than the previous year (All figures from Nielsen Scantrack, Multiples ROI 52wks w/e 25/12/16). Andrex is launching a compressed version of its newly improved Classic Clean variant in February, with a new innovation to the UK & Irish toilet tissue categories. Available in a 16-roll format, Andrex Classic Clean Compressed offers the same quantity and quality as the standard Classic Clean variant, with each roll simply being compressed to make the pack 25% smaller. Consumers simply squeeze the roll to reshape and use as normal. It offers a great spacesaving opportunity; allowing spaceconscious consumers and families to purchase a larger pack size.

together on fixture and ensuring they are co-featured during promotions to make it easier for the shopper to adopt the routine. In facial tissue, Kleenex recommends merchandising the category with two guiding principles. Firstly, shoppers navigate the fixture by recognisable brands first, so vertical brand blocking is key. Tissue type is also a key decision for shoppers, so within the brand block, merchandising variants horizontally addresses shoppers’ specific needs; for example, Balsam to soothe the nose or Ultra Soft to use as part of their beauty routine. With a wide range of different products on the fixture, this is the best way to ensure that it is simple to navigate and to shop. In-store positioning is also key to driving high visibility of products and maximising sales opportunities. In-store fixtures should be interesting, engaging, clearly signposted and easy to navigate. This not only makes the shopping experience more Kleenex has maintained its position as market leader in enjoyable for the facial tissues, growing by +8.4% in value sales versus the consumer but total category, which has grown by +2.4% in value sales. enables them to find the product they need quickly to Compressed also offers retailers drive sales. This in-store positioning effective utilisation of their shelf space; should also help retailers to boost with the pack being dual-faced, it can be impulse purchases. merchandised to be either front-facing, While most consumers will state or side-facing. that they buy facial tissues when they In toilet tissue, Andrex is driving the have a cold, this accounts for just 8% of intimate care routine of using dry and people’s tissue usage occasions (Source: moist toilet tissue across all channels. A Kleenex UK Tissue U&A Study, 2013). In central part of the intimate care vision is fact, people use tissues all the time, they providing a simpler and more engaging just don’t think about it. And when they experience for shoppers. Easierto-shop fixtures, clear signage in the aisle, and a more consistent packaging design all help, as does siting The microfine layer of calendula in Kleenex Balsam tissues provides a dry and moist toilet soothing, protective balm to help prevent your nose becoming red or drying out. tissue

consciously start to think about the role tissues play in their day to day lives, they begin to realise the value they hold. It’s, therefore, important to stock a range of products that meets all the needs of your shoppers. To develop this emotional connection people have with tissues, Kleenex has developed a product for every usage occasion within its ‘core range’. Typically, smaller stores should focus on stocking single packs, whilst bigger stores can also include a range of twin packs and eight-pack pocket packs. Stocking a range of products is important to ensure that you are meeting the everyday needs of your shoppers. For those moments of vulnerability when consumers need a little extra love, particularly when struggling with hay fever or cold & flu, the microfine layer of calendula in Kleenex Balsam tissues provides a soothing, protective balm to help prevent your nose becoming red or drying out. They’re dermatologically tested for even the most sensitive skin. Whenever consumers need a little gentleness or to help deal with any make-up mishaps, Kleenex Ultra Soft tissues offer extra softness against the skin. When they need extra-large, extra strong tissues, Kleenex Mansize tissues are ready for anything, including the worst case of man flu. For those everyday life moments and occasional mishaps, Kleenex The Original ensures consumers are prepared for whatever is around the corner. Intertissue Regina has spent much of last year talking with consumers, as they know that every shopper is different in their kitchen roll needs. All consumers seek category leading value for money; most look for great absorbency; some seek added strength reassurance and a many opt to buy more than one product to suit their variety of needs. Starting from their in-depth consumer and shopper knowledge and standing by their promise that ‘Regina Gives You More’, the brand has built upon its very successful Regina XXL and Regina Blitz ranges, to complete a product portfolio that meets all consumers’ needs. Regina XXL maintains its extra-large sheets and extra-strong characteristics, providing outstanding value for money to consumers. With value being top of mind in the shopper decision-making process, Regina XXL certainly delivers performance that is right at the heart of the shopper’s needs. Regina Blitz continues with its super-sized sheets and unique blue, checker-plate pattern, giving shoppers

52|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Paper Products designed with handy sized sheets, Homestead providing greater versatility, which The Homestead paper range continues allows the user to choose only to be one of the strongest categories what they need, to waste less. within the Homestead portfolio. All Regina products are made 2016 was an extremely competitive using the very best production year in this category and the sales of techniques; maximising efficiency, Homestead tissue continue year on year minimising wastage and to be extremely positive. keeping environmental impact The paper range, which includes to a minimum. All products are a variety of toilet rolls, kitchen towels manufactured using certified and mansize tissues, is produced to paper from well managed sources the highest quality using 100% virgin for even greater care for the pulp paper sourced from well managed planet. forests. The selection rivals any market Regina’s constant pursuit to leader, while remaining well priced in perfect their product quality and order to compete successfully in the performance, has seen the brand private label market. invest further, delivering unique The continuation of Homestead’s technology for both Regina XXL price marked packs into 2017 will and Regina Blitz. These ranges are now being made using a patented new production technique which increases the roll quality, particularly in the early stages of the production process. This gives the Regina rolls a quality level that is not only improved but also consistent from the first Regina Blitz continues with its super-sized sheet to the last. sheets and unique blue, checker-plate Regina are pattern, giving shoppers the versatility and confident that their performance needed to clean all around new product family not their home with confidence. only meets the needs of all shoppers, but still the versatility and performance needed Homestead will donate €0.30 from continues to deliver best in to clean all around their home with participating packs of their Comfort 16 Roll class range, quality and value confidence. to Marie Keating Foundation’s Comfort Fund, for money; proving once again Further to these two outstanding supporting families affected by cancer in that there’s more to love about products, Regina has now adopted the communities all around Ireland. Regina. Thirst Pockets brand into their portfolio, creating a new range of products with classensure continued day to day value for the leading absorption. consumer, across the whole Homestead This, coupled with the paper range. larger than standard This year, Homestead has become sheets and double a Proud Partner with the Marie length rolls, means Keating Foundation. Homestead will that the new Regina donate €0.30 from participating packs Thirst Pockets range of their Comfort 16 Roll to Marie now gives unparalleled Keating Foundation’s Comfort Fund, performance for kitchen supporting families affected by cancer in spills and working with communities all around Ireland. food. “We are delighted to become a Last, but certainly proud partner of the Marie Keating not least, comes the Foundation,” explains Homestead Brand brand’s new Regina Wish Manager, Janice Gibney. “With so many product. The idea behind of us touched by the devastating effects Regina Wish is simple: of cancer, we are honoured to give our shoppers are looking for support to their Comfort Fund and be value for money but are involved in helping families affected by increasingly concerned cancer all over Ireland.” Regina Wish is uniquely designed with handy sized about their impact For further details on the Marie sheets, providing greater versatility, which allows the on the environment. Keating Foundation or the Comfort Fund Regina Wish is uniquely user to choose only what they need, to waste less. please go to

Give Comfort

by buying Homestead Comfort Toilet Tissue.

When you buy Homestead Comfort Toilet Tissue,

â‚Ź0.30 will go to

Marie Keating Foundation’s Comfort Fund,

supporting families affected by cancer in communities all around Ireland. For further details on the Marie Keating Foundation or the Comfort Fund, please go to

54|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Retail Ireland: Monthly Update

CHRISTMAS SHOPPING PATTERNS SHIFT NOVEMBER’S official retail statistics from the CSO showed the total value of retail sales (excluding sales of cars and sales in bars) rising by 1.9% when compared to November of 2015, with the volume of sales up by 5.1% over the same period. These figures indicate a shift in pre-Christmas consumer spending patterns. Traditionally the Christmas shopping season would have begun in earnest in early December. However, an increasing proportion of Irish consumers now make a significant number of their Christmas purchases in November in order to take advantage of the deep discounts available through promotional activity around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This is particularly evident in categories such as electronics,

furniture and cosmetics, where a lot of the promotional activity is concentrated. Throughout 2016, Irish consumers continued to be strongly motivated by price and value. November’s CSO data reports that deep discounting is continuing as sales volume growth runs at over two and a half times sales value growth across all major retail categories. Initial indications would suggest that this trend continued over the festive season. Despite global political and economic uncertainty, disposable income was up again in 2016. Employment levels continue to rise and in 2017, all tax payers will benefit from the reduced USC rate.

Preparations Continue for New €50 Note AT the latest meeting of the National Cash Forum, the Central Bank’s quarterly cash and payments stakeholder working group, on which Retail Ireland retains a permanent seat, there was a reminder that the new €50 banknote will begin circulation on April 4, 2017. Retailers are being urged to ensure that software, payment terminals and staff are prepared in advance. As always, the Central Bank is facilitating training and awareness and has stocks of new notes available for on-site familiarisation exercises. Please address all questions to

Retail Ireland Skillnet: Blending Academia and Practice RETAIL Ireland Skillnet was recently joined by the Chair of the Joint Committee on Education and Skills, Fiona O’Loughlin TD, at an event in the Westbury Hotel in Dublin to celebrate the presentation of Certificates of Retail Customer Service to over 80 employees of Woodie’s who completed the QQI Level 5 Certificate in Retail Customer Service in 2016. Offered by Retail Ireland Skillnet, Ireland’s leading body for retail education and training, customer service is one of the most important parts of a sales assistant’s job and the only way to ensure that the service delivered is of the required standard is through effective training and on-going assessment. Certified on the job training, delivered by Retail Ireland Skillnet, allows employees to build their knowledge and develop skills and competencies in a wide range of areas such as retail communications, retail selling, retail security and safety and health at work. In October, 82 students graduated from the Letterkenny Institute of Technology through Retail Ireland Skillnet’s ever successful Degree in Retail Management Practice and Masters of Business in Innovation and Leadership programmes (pictured). Both of these courses Successful Retail Ireland Skillnet blend the world of academia with the practicalities of the graduates celebrating Degrees in modern day workforce. Retail Management Practice and Since 2000, Retail Ireland Skillnet has delivered Masters of Business in Innovation. certified work based learning programmes to over 14,000 people working in the retail sector. To find out how Retail Ireland Skillnet can help upskill your teams and deliver for your business, see or email

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56|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Supply Chain

Cold Move’s

Hot Plans for Success Cold Move, one of Ireland’s leading supply chain solutions providers, invested heavily in technology and expertise in 2016 and is all set to reap the rewards this year as it delivers valueadded service for retail clients. SUPPLY chain solutions provider Cold Move is forecasting another year of impressive growth as it builds on the success of a major investment in technology and expertise during 2016. The company’s turnover grew substantially last year, with the creation of 30 new roles bringing the total number of employees to 150 by the end of December. “The growth in our business is coming from growth within our customers’ businesses,” notes Cold Move’s Chief Executive, Jason Mallon. “Our key customers are continuing to grow within the retail market and consequently Cold Move is growing. At More than 25% of the contents of the average household fridge and freezer comprise of products the same time, our that have come through an element of Cold Move’s supply chain network. capability needs to grow alongside our into supplier orders; the system also substantially and bringing a new depth customers’ changing requirements. validates supplier invoices, streamlining of knowledge into the business to offer “The hard work in terms of systems, back office administration.” a unique technology led service to our expertise and management took place The new system removes the retail clients.” last year,” he adds. “We feel we’re going forecasting element from Cold Move’s One of the strategies Cold Move in the correct direction to fully utilise the retail clients, Mallon reveals: “Once our employed was the development of new platforms during 2017 and extend system is integrated with our customers’ a new software system. “Our salesthe value-added service we deliver to POS systems, our system triggers a based ordering platform integrates our customers.” notification to our clients, indicating the with our partners’ point of sale (POS) peak times at which individual products infrastructure,” Mallon explains. “It pulls Technology Led Service are required. We use that information all the sales data from the retailers into According to the CEO, “Last year, we to ensure that stock is on the shelves at our systems and converts that sales data concentrated on growing the business

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Supply Chain and cost focused supply-chain function, inclusive of supplier order placement, factory gate collection, warehouse and value added services, such as date coding and final mile deliveries to our retailers’ shelves” In spite of Cold Move’s high growth in turnover, Mallon admits that 2016 was quite a challenging year in terms of pressure on profit margins, as a result of the company’s investment in building its organisational capabilities. Cold Move took over its current site in Dublin Port in 2015 and spent nine months redeveloping the facility to the highest industry standard. “We redeveloped our Dublin Port site to bring it up to the highest standards,” he explains. “It is now accredited to British Retail Consortium (BRC) Grade A standard for storage and distribution.”

Cold Move delivers supply chain services to several leading brands across food retail, food service and food manufacturing. peak demand time and where possible, utilise the shelf space to maximise sales.” Highly Integrated Systems Cold Move’s systems are now very highly integrated with those of their clients. “Our process is no longer around holding stock but about driving stock through the supply chain as quickly and cost effectively as possible,” Mallon stresses. “Stock that is going to be bought in-store tomorrow is delivered into Cold Move 14 hours in advance: it only goes onto the shelf hours in advance of sales. All the purchasing data comes back to Cold Move and allows us to order directly from suppliers via EDI on behalf of our clients.” Growing Relationships with Leading Brands Cold Move delivers supply chain services to several leading brands across food retail, food service and food manufacturing.

“More than 25% of the contents of the average household fridge and freezer comprise of products that have come through an element of Cold Move’s supply chain network,” explains Mallon proudly. “Our continuing focus is going to be on growing our relationships with our food retail clients by delivering a flexible

Retailer-Centric Approach Cold Move continues to deliver a flexible retailer centric approach to supply-chain which is growing market share amongst clients who require an adaptive and scaleable supply network. “Last year, we focused on driving the intelligence within our systems and within our senior management team,” Mallon concludes. “We increased our revenue base and our customer base by targeting specific customers where we felt we could add a lot of value through a combination of our facilities, management expertise and newly designed systems. 2017 will see both Cold Move and our retail clients reap the rewards as we grow the value-added service we deliver to our customers.”

Cold Move continues to deliver a flexible retailer centric approach to the supply-chain which is growing their market share amongst clients who require an adaptive and scaleable supply network.

58|Retail News|January/February 2017|

What’s New CARR’S CIABATTA CRACKERS NEW from Carr’s, Ciabatta Crackers combine the Mediterranean taste of a ciabatta bread with the lightness and crunch of a cracker. Available in three delicious variants, Original, Sundried Tomato & Basil and Caramelised Onion, Carr’s Ciabatta Crackers are a modern, versatile and tasty alternative to bread, giving consumers the chance to opt for a lighter option at lunch with a delicious Mediterranean hint. Carr’s new range will be available in a handy format of five packs of three crackers in each box and the launch is supported with outdoor, digital and social media advertising, and a bespoke shopper marketing campaign.

MCVITIE’S HOBNOBS NIBBLES McVITIE’S has launched an extension to its popular McVitie’s Nibbles range: new McVitie’s Milk Chocolate Hobnobs Nibbles. Available in a re-sealable pouch, new McVitie’s Hobnobs Nibbles allow those who love the oaty texture and syrupy taste of a McVitie’s Hobnob to enjoy their favourite chocolately treat in a bitesize format. Rolled out this January across grocery and convenience stores, the 120g pouch is ideal for sharing at home with friends and family. The launch is supported by a marketing campaign, including TV, digital, social media and bespoke in-store activation.


FREE’IST TO CARRY SUGARWISE LOGO FREE’IST, the Northern Ireland-based specialist in ‘free-from’ foods, is the first snack company in Ireland to join Sugarwise, the organisation that promotes low sugar products. The company, which is based in Belfast, has developed a portfolio of sugar-free/no added sugar snacks that will now use the Sugarwise Kitemark certification in its packaging. “The decision to join Sugarwise is a further demonstration of our commitment to products which are free from sugar,” notes Gerard McAdorey, founder and Managing Director of Free’ist, “Our products were rigorously tested to ensure they met the Sugarwise requirements for certification. This means that consumers can be assured that our products are fully certified as sugar free/low in sugar.”

PEPERAMI has announced a sixfigure marketing campaign to support the recent launches of its Tex-Mex flavour and Snack Pack format, while increasing awareness and driving sales. The campaign is comprised of three main elements: a TV sponsorship and branded partnership deal with Comedy Central UK, which sees Peperami sponsoring a number of late peak programmes and the whole of the channels’ stand up offering; a dedicated ad campaign; and the return of the Pork Tour sampling campaign. All elements are linked by the concept of “When hunger strikes, snack back” and will feature the ever-popular Peperami Animal and his mission of helping consumers defeat their hunger.

SEEING DOUBLE BORDER collie Daisy from Gort in Co. Galway admires herself on the pack of the country’s biggest home-grown dog food brand after being crowned the Face of Brandy 2016. Daisy was chosen from hundreds of entries to have her portrait on thousands of dog food packs across Ireland as part of an all-Ireland competition run by Brandy. Having been revealed as the regional winner for Connacht at the start of October, Daisy was selected ahead of three other provincial winners to appear on selected packs of Brandy Dog Food for three months. Brandy is made by Mackle Petfoods using only 100% Irish meat sourced from across the Island of Ireland, all traceable from farm to bowl.

Wild About Whiskey THE Wild Geese Irish Whiskey has welcomed the Bord Bia ‘2016-17 Export Performance and Prospects’ report, which shows continued growth in the exports of Irish Whiskey internationally. However, Andre Levy, Chairman of Protégé International, warned that “the current market structure favours the large dominant players and actively inhibits the development of new brands.” Levy argued that all of the major distilleries on the island of Ireland are owned by multinationals. “This dominance limits access to stocks of mature Irish whiskey which is needed by developing brands to survive and grow. While new distilleries are planned, they are either too small or will not have stocks of mature whiskey for sale for a number of years, by which time many viable whiskey brands will be hampered or may even cease to exist. Without viable Irish whiskey brands, the market cannot grow.”

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What’s New TIC TAC MIXES to UPSurprise SUGAR CATEGORY Kinder Continues KINDER is continuing to blaze a trail by launching its latest range of Kinder Surprise Pink and Blue eggs, containing Barbie and Justice League toys, under license from Mattel and Warner Bros. Rolling out from February and accessible in all channels, the eggs will be available until mid-April and aim to capitalise on the popularity of Barbie and the animated characters in Justice League. The new Pink and Blue eggs will be supported with a €1.6m media spend across the UK and Ireland, kicking off in March for six weeks, to ensure the new licenses receive a shining launch. The new Kinder Surprise Pink and Blue eggs will carry an RSP of €1.20 (20g). Retailers will be able to get their hands on a range of PoS materials suitable for all store sizes, by visiting

GUM SALES TO SOAR WITH CAR BOTTLE CAMPAIGN MONDAY, February 6, saw the return of the biggest ever activation in the gum category, Car Bottle Campaign. The award winning campaign is led by Extra, the number eight grocery brand in Ireland, and Bottle, the biggest growth driver in the gum category (Source: ACNielsen Total Scantrack Inc Discounters, December 4, 2016). The massive nationwide campaign aims to get a gum bottle into every car in Ireland. It is being supported with heavyweight TV, outdoor, press and digital, a free gum bottle holder for your car, high impact in-store activation and an amazing €2 price promotion.

KITKAT PERSONALISED PACKS NESTLÉ Confectionery’s flagship brand, KitKat kicked off 2017 by giving consumers the chance to win their very own personalised KitKat pack as part of an innovative new promotion. The promotion features across a range of favourite KitKat packs, including 4 Finger and Chunky singles, multipacks and 2 Finger biscuit packs. There are 1,000 winning packs up for grabs every day until March 29, with 56,000 packs in total over the course of the promotion. The lucky winners upload their own photo as well as personalise text to say whose break it is, for example, Siobhan’s Break. This will then be printed onto a KitKat wrapper and their very own KitKat 4 Finger Milk will be produced in the KitKat factory in York and posted out in a gift box to the recipient.

TRULY IRISH CHEDDAR CHEESES TRULY Irish have launched a new range of cheddar cheeses. Made with milk from grass fed cows, the cheeses boast flavour and signature quality. Truly Irish supply a Red and White Cheddar with a minimum ageing of seven months maturity and Vintage Cheddar with a minimum ageing of 16 months maturity. The minimum ageing ensures consistently high quality cheese. As well as a minimum maturity, each cheese has a specific taste profile. These unique profiles guarantee smooth and creamy red cheddar, a firm white cheddar with sharper notes and a flavoursome vintage cheddar with a slight crumble. Currently, the cheeses are available in 200g and 2kg blocks. During 2017, Truly Irish will be expanding the current range to include grated and sliced varieties of the red and white cheddars. For more information, email

EAST COAST BAKES A WINNER EAST Coast Bakehouse has launched four new biscuit SKUs to join their cookie range, which launched in September 2016. Bringing innovation to the plain sweet biscuits segment, East Coast Bakehouse is launching two SKUs, Crunch’ems Coconut Crunch and Crunch’ems Ginger Crunch (12 x 215g, RRP €1.90). While in the half-coated segment, Crunch’ems Milk Chocolate Enrobed Golden Crunch (12 x 225g €2.60) and Oat’ems Milk Chocolate Enrobed Oat Biscuit (12 x 230g, RRP €2.60) are distinctly different to what’s currently in the market. All four SKUs are baked using pure Irish butter and Irish oats. East Coast Bakehouse will support the brand with a high-profile media and sampling campaign throughout the year and the range is distributed by Primeline Sales and Marketing (01) 835 3000.

SUSTAINABLE BAMBOO TOOTHBRUSH IRISH ‘ecopreneur’ Dylan Regan has developed a new sustainable toothbrush featuring a 100% Moso bamboo handle and soft bristles enhanced with activated bamboo charcoal. The smooth bamboo handle is intrinsically antibacterial, while the charcoal infused bristles are naturally effective at fighting plaque and can help whiten teeth by absorbing tannins – the compounds found in coffee, tea and wine. VirtueBrush bamboo toothbrushes are a sustainable alternative to plastic toothbrushes. VirtueBrush is partnering with Trees for the Future, with the result that every VirtueBrush sold will result in three trees being planted. VirtueBrush is currently stocked in a number of retailers, including SuperValu Churchtown in Dublin and a number of Meagher’s Pharmacies. For more information, see

60|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Forecourt Focus: News Topaz Appoints Retail Directors TOPAZ has announced the appointment of Derek Nolan and Joanne D’Arcy as Retail Directors with responsibility for Company Owned Company Operated (COCO) business. Derek Nolan joins Topaz with over 20 years’ experience working at a senior level within the retail and entertainment sectors for Tesco Ireland and most recently, Odeon cinemas. At Tesco Ireland, Derek held a host of senior positions, culminating in his appointment as Head of Trading Support Office and Head of Food Operations. Most recently, Derek led Odeon cinemas in Ireland as Country Director and also led the entire Odeon UK/ Ireland retail business as Retail Director. Joanne D’Arcy joins Topaz from Lidl Ireland where she was Head of Sales Organisation. Joanne has a vast amount of people management experience in the retail industry across diverse markets internationally, including time spent working in Germany and was recently involved in the preparation for the upcoming opening of Lidl USA. An expert in efficient retail operations, Joanne led large sales teams in various roles within Lidl.

Maxol Announces New Recipes for Moreish MAXOL has announced its 2017 plans for Moreish, the company’s fresh food offering, based on growing trends in the food industry and consumer feedback. This includes the launch of a new Moreish signature sandwich range with a greater focus on healthier foods, gluten-free options, and the introduction of a new range of pre-packed sandwiches. “In this world of hyper-convenience, food to go is one of the key food trends in Aoife Kearney, Food Concepts the marketplace,” says Aoife Kearney, Food Manager at Maxol. Concepts Manager at Maxol. “As consumers navigate their everyday demanding busy lives, they are looking for quick and easy food solutions. At Maxol, we believe that just because a customer’s day is busy, it doesn’t mean they should have to compromise on quality, choice or flavour. To cater for the growing needs of our customers, we are introducing a new made-to-order signature sandwich offer and a high quality pre-packed Moreish sandwich and salad range in 2017. A new gluten free choice is a further addition to the Moreish range, with more and more people choosing to lead a gluten free lifestyle whether by necessity or by choice.”

Top Oil Opens Cobh Forecourt TOP Oil has officially opened its latest company operated forecourt, Junction 3 at Cobh Cross, County Cork. The new forecourt station will employ 17 people from the surrounding Glounthaune and Carrigtwohill areas, and aims to bring a significant boost to the local Pictured at the official opening Top Oil’s economy. Junction 3 at Cobh Cobh Cross forecourt are (l-r): Bobby Kerr, Cross marks the first in a series entrepreneur, businessman and Chairman of planned investments by Top Oil of Insomnia Coffee; Trevor O’Reilly, Sirio in County Cork and across Ireland Retail Holdings; Gerard Boylan, Group Chief which will take place in 2017. The new 3,000 square feet site Executive, Top Oil; and Martin Daly, Sales & Marketing Director, Top Oil. in Cobh Cross Industrial Estate is the latest company operated location for Top Oil to open since the acquisition of Sirio Holdings in April 2016, which included the acquisition of Sirio Retail’s 10 sites. Since then, Top Oil has added six new company operated sites to its portfolio, the most recent being Cobh Cross in Cork. The forecourt at Cobh Cross offers a variety of services to its customers, including; a Spar convenience store with great quality food and beverage offerings, including a Spar Tasty Deli and Insomnia Coffee dock. Junction 3 at Cobh Cross expects to see over 6,000 customers per week pass through the forecourt in the coming year.


and the SAME BEANS as our coffee shops

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Forecourt Focus: News Cantina Takes Flight at Dublin Airport CANTINA, the authentic Mexican street food experience, has landed at Topaz Dublin Airport, following a €100,000 investment. The first food outlet of its kind on a forecourt in Ireland, commuters and employees of Dublin Airport will now have the opportunity to take a bite out of Mexico right on their doorstep at Cantina and experience flavour and quality like no other.

Seat to Fuel Play or Park PICTURED are Topaz’s Head of Loyalty, Paul Guy, and Seat’s Head of Marketing and Product, Neil Dalton, at George Corbett’s Motors, Waterford, where it was announced that Seat Ireland will once again fuel the Topaz Play or Park programme in 2017, where three lucky winners will drive away from a Topaz forecourt in brand new Seat models. For more information, see

Maxol Opens Auto 24 in Galway

MAXOL recently celebrated the official launch of Auto 24 Westside, Galway. The city’s first unmanned fuel station, it’s a 24 hour fully automated operation that provides local motorists with all day, every day low fuel prices and pay at pump convenience services. The Maxol team had plenty of activities in store at the launch, including a live broadcast by iRadio and great fuel and car wash giveaways. Pictured at the official opening of Auto 24 Westside Galway are Maxol’s customer service team, with Tom Meehan; Pauline McCarthy,and the iRadio team. Pictured is Topaz Head of Marketing MJ Tierney, along with Cantina Ambassadors Michelle Kinsella and Lars Jager at the launch of Cantina at Topaz Dublin Airport. “This is a really exciting time for Topaz and I am delighted to be here to launch our newest Cantina, which is bringing four new jobs to our service station here at Dublin Airport,” noted MJ Tierney, Head of Marketing at Topaz. “With Cantina, we set out to deliver an experience that holds true to a country renowned for some of the best food in the world.” In just over a year since the first Cantina launched in Galway, the brand has transformed the landscape of local Mexican food experiences for Irish consumers.

Top Oil Partners with Portway Trailers TOP Oil has announced details of a new logistics partnership with haulage company, Portway Trailers Ltd, which will see Portway Trailers Ltd support Top Oil in delivering its fuel across specific locations around Ireland. Portway Trailers Ltd, based in Dundalk, County Louth, was appointed following a competitive tender process, and join Reynolds Logistics as haulage partners for Top Oil in Ireland. Gerard Boylan, Chief Executive “Portway Trailers has been in business in of Top Oil, and Robert Larkin Ireland for over 30 years and has significant of Portway Trailers Ltd are experience in the fuel distribution business. We pictured announcing their are delighted to appoint Portway Trailers and look partnership. forward to working with them to grow our delivery capacity for Top Oil,” said Gerard Boylan, Chief Executive of Top Oil. “In addition to our current haulage contractors, we believe Portway Trailers will allow for greater flexibility in delivering fuel to our business and to our customers.”

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62|Retail News|January/February 2017|

Shelf Life DALCASSIAN Wines & Spirits has announced three senior appointments. Co. Down native Frank O’Hanlon takes up the role of Commercial Sales Manager, following 30 years working in the licensed trade, both North and South of the country, including 27 years with Diageo Ireland. Julie McMahon has been appointed Wine Trade Marketing Manager representing in excess of 40 premium wine ranges in both the on and off-trade. Lisa Deveney has been announced as Marketing Manager for Dalcassian Wines & Spirits, co-ordinating all marketing activity across the company, working directly on activation and execution with the sales team. Lisa joins from PepsiCo, where she spent over seven years on the trade marketing team. Dalcassian’s Managing Director, John Dillon is pictured with the new appointees.

NEWSPREAD has announced a partnership with online logistics marketplace The partnership will allow Newspread, with its extensive transport network of over 300 contracted drivers and many years of logistics experience, to assist in growing the volume of traffic through the Logideals website. The platform allows consumers to outline their delivery requirements and receive quotes back from registered courier companies. Using a reverse auction bidding system, courier companies underbid each other to provide consumers with the best price for the job. The platform has been used to arrange for the transport of a diverse range of items and routes, from transporting a car to the UK to vending machines, motorbikes, sofas, laptops, fridge freezers, reclining arm chairs, fireplaces, mattresses, and pianos across Ireland and Europe. BOLLINGER Champagne has been announced as sponsor of the Best Dressed Lady competition at the 2017 Punchestown Festival. The social and sporting highlight of the Irish calendar takes place from April 25-29 at Punchestown Racecourse, Co. Kildare. The association between Bollinger and Punchestown has been ongoing for some time: Bollinger has been a key partner for the Kildare venue for a number of years and the Bollinger Champagne Bar is a firm favourite with racegoers at the five-day festival each season. Galway sisters, Dr Jane Mulrooney and Dr Katherine Mulrooney are photographed celebrating after Jane was selected as the Bollinger Best Dress Lady at Punchestown in 2016.

JUST Live a Little, the Northern Irish producer of luxury breakfast cereals, has signed a new deal to supply a range of breakfast cereals to 30 of the biggest Dunnes Stores supermarkets in key centres, including Dublin, Cork and Galway. Based at Portaferry in County Down, Just Live a Little is a family business run by husband and wife team David and Jill Crawford, whose product range includes gluten-free cereals, Oatyberry granolas and snack pots.

MAXOL has launched a special savings promotion offering customers savings of 5 cents per litre in ROI or 3p per litre in Northern Ireland. Run in partnership with Independent News and Media (INM), the promotion is now live and runs until March 11. The promotion is supported by an extensive media campaign across print, online and radio as well as in-store point of sale and news stands across the Maxol network. Customers can avail of these fuel discounts by presenting special discount vouchers, available exclusively across the INM publication range, which includes the Irish Independent, Sunday Independent, The Herald, Sunday World and Belfast Telegraph and Sunday Life in Northern Ireland. KEELINGS helped banish the blues on Blue Monday, January 16, known to many as the gloomiest day of the year, with their Januberry celebrations in-store and online, equating to thousands of euro in prizes. Keelings gave shoppers the chance to win a shopping voucher worth €100 in-store every hour of every day throughout the month of January, while visitors to Keelings’ Facebook page had another chance to win a €100 shopping voucher every day during the month. Meanwhile, the Irish Grocers Benevolent Fund’s President of Appeals for 2017 is Conor Kilduff, Keelings’ Sales & Marketing Manager, and not Caroline Keeling, as was erroneously reported in our December issue. See next month’s issue for an exclusive interview with Conor about his tenure at the IGBF. SOPHIE O’Toole (4) Eabha Scully (7) and Kyle Doyle (7) are dressed for all weather to celebrate the launch of Avonmore Super Milk’s new advertising and marketing campaign. The new creative focuses on the fact that the Irish weather isn’t super, so we need to get our essential Vitamin D from somewhere other than the sun. It goes on to highlight that Avonmore Super Milk contains all the daily sunshine Vitamin D you need, in just one glass. The heavyweight campaign includes extensive TV, radio, online and outdoor advertising and is reinforced by digital and social activity, as well as in-store activity. The Avonmore weatherline sponsorship on RTE will also be used to highlight the campaign.

SPAR’S annual #underthetree Twitter campaign raised €20,000 for The National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght, last Christmas. With every #underthetree tweet received, a light on the tree was turned on, and once all the lights were illuminated, Spar made the substantial donation of €20,000 to The National Children’s Hospital, celebrating its third successful year as the official charity partner.




*AC Nielsen, Extended Scantrack, Value Sector Volume Share, 52 WE 25/12/2016 ** Original, Sky Blue and Green variants This advertisement is for tobacco retailers only and should not be made available to the public nor should it be displayed in any area where it is visible to the public.


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