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Stakeholders meet to consider Deposit Return Scheme; Musgrave appoints Ian Allen as MD of SuperValu and Centra

Vincent Jennings, CEO, CSNA.

the phone to a member who is dealing with a customer who is insistent they have an exemption from wearing a mask but won’t provide proof. When the staff refused this customer at the door, they threatened legal action. The owner knew the customer and phoned them. The customer said they won’t show the exemption under GDPR.” RGDATA is seeking legal advice as to whether there is a way to reveal evidence of an exemption from wearing a mask without revealing any personal details. In their letter to RGDATA, the HSE claimed that the current “key constraint” to mass vaccination is a limited amount of vaccines: “so it is not possible to reach everyone as quickly as we would like... Although any grouping or list has limitations and cannot take account of each individual workplace/person, the HSE must adhere to this Government policy in rolling out the vaccination programme.” The most immediate priority, according to Arnold Dillon, Director of Retail Ireland, “is to get vulnerable groups vaccinated and then roll it out to the rest of the population as quickly as possible. We are awaiting clarity as to where retail workers will sit in order of prioritisation.”

INDEPENDENT retailers, government officials, and environmental groups have begun brainstorming around plans to introduce a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for PET plastic drinks bottles and aluminium cans in Ireland. The scheme, which is part of the Programme for Government and the Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy, may be introduced as early as autumn 2022. Retail representatives told Retail News they are committed to introducing the scheme, which aims to improve the environment by reducing litter and promoting recycling, as long as retailers are “front and centre” of the scheme. Retail Ireland has signed up to the Circular Economy. “A clean environment and resilient and resource efficient economy are vital for continued sustainable development of Irish society,” said Arnold Dillon, Director. “The introduction of a DRS scheme is a significant aspect of the Programme for Government - in that vein, we are committed as a sector to working constructively with Government on the most effective way to introduce a scheme.” Under the proposals, customers will pay a €0.20 deposit per container. Retailers insist they should be remunerated for any costs incurred in setting up the mechanisms for DRS. “The department [of Environment, Climate and Communications] indicates that it is impossible to do this on a shoestring budget,” said Vincent Jennings, CEO of the CSNA. “It’s going to cost tens of millions of euro. Whether or not there is a quantifiable benefit is another matter. You’re diverting money from a [Repak] collection scheme that is already working efficiently.” Dillon called for “uniformity” in relation to DRS pricing: “A set price for returns is preferable. If prices vary per size, it could create issues. It would be preferable that a minimum and maximum size limit be placed on containers and that certain lines such as glass and dairy be excluded altogether.” Ireland’s scheme follows a move to introduce DRS in Scotland from July 1, 2022, where retailers in Scotland will be required to charge a 20p deposit for drinks in single-use cans, plastic or glass bottles. The retailer must then take back the empty bottle, when given to them by the consumer, refund the deposit, and submit the bottle for recycling. The department for the Environment, Climate and Communications has set up a working group to progress plans and discuss further details with retailers. MUSGRAVE has announced the appointment of Ian Allen as Managing Director of SuperValu and Centra. A 23-year Musgrave veteran, Ian has over 30 years’ experience in the grocery industry and a proven track record of delivering significant brand growth. He has served in a variety of roles including SuperValu Sales Director, Centra Sales Director, Head of Trading Strategy & Planning, and Director of Frank and Honest Coffee, which is now the number one on-the-go coffee brand in the country. “We are delighted to appoint Ian as Managing Director of SuperValu and Centra,” revealed Musgrave CEO Noel Keeley. “His appointment reflects the success he has had across multiple roles, most recently as Sales Director of SuperValu, which has performed strongly this year.” Noel also paid special tribute to Ray Kelly who served as Interim Managing Director over the past number of months, “stepping into the role in the midst of a global pandemic and steering our retail brands through Covid-19.”

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