RN May 2014

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MAY 2014

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News 4

When Can We Expect the Retail Recovery? RETAIL Ireland’s Conference, held on May 6, proved a hugely inspiring and informative event, where delegates were left absolutely no doubt that Ireland is in firm recovery mode. We managed to put an incredible 60,000 people back to work in 2013 and this year, that number is predicted to reach at least 50,000. Consumer sentiment is currently at its highest point since 2007. Unfortunately for retailers, however, these green shoots have not translated into improved turnover and more profits. Why? Because we are still stuck in a “paradox of thrift”. That was the message from IBEC CEO, Danny McCoy at the Conference, while IBEC’s Chief Economist, Fergal O’Brien called on the Government to put cash into the pockets of consumers so they can become part of a “virtuous circle”, their increased spending in turn feeding the greater economy, including the retail trade. Throughout the day, there were repeated calls for the State to reduce the tax burden on workers in this year’s Budget, thus increasing disposable income in one fell swoop. See our full report on Page 26. In this month’s Retail News Interview, Kathryn D’Arcy, Director of the Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland, is outspoken in her criticism of Government’s handling of Ireland’s problem with alcohol misuse, and calls for a “whole of society” approach to the issue (Page 16). Also inside, JTI Ireland’s Illicit Tobacco Trade Review 2013 reveals that criminals in the illicit tobacco trade are earning profits equal to 1,000 times the fines imposed by Irish courts. The review, which examines the illegal trade in the current economic environment, estimates that non-duty paid tobacco is costing the exchequer €250m and the retail trade €450m annually (Page 60). Barrister Arran Dowling-Hussey argues that Alternative Dispute Resolution, including arbitration and mediation, can a viable, effective and efficient alternative to court proceedings, thereby reducing legal costs and speeding up the resolution of disputes (Page 62). Kathleen Belton Editorial Director kathleenbelton@retailnews.ie


The Irish consumer is changed forever.



The Retail News Interview 16

SuperValu named most reputable Irish brand. In the annual Ireland RepTrak 2014 study, SuperValu scored higher than any other Irish firm.


Kathryn D’Arcy, Director of the Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland, talks us through Ireland’s declining alcohol consumption, its prohibitively high excise duties and the contribution the drinks industry makes to Ireland Inc.


Londis celebrates 60 years with €60k charity donation.

Following significant success in the US and UK, Starbucks chilled coffees are set to take the Irish market by storm.


Ireland’s top retailers gathered in Dublin for the Retail Ireland MasterCard Annual Conference, which highlighted the country’s economic recovery and future prospects, and included a presentation from An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD.

26 Musgrave Group annual results reveal sales of €4.8 billion; Bloom returns to Phoenix Park.

Published by: Tara Publishing Ltd, 14 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2. Managing Director: Patrick Aylward

Tel: (01) 6785165 Fax: (01) 6477127

Editorial Director: Kathleen Belton kathleenbelton@retailnews.ie

Web: www.retailnews.ie Email: kathleenbelton@retailnews.ie

Editor: John Walshe

Subscription to Retail News: e95 plus VAT Email: ciara@tarapublications.ie

Advertising: Brian Clark

johnwalshe@tarapublications.ie brian@tarapublications.ie

Chief News Reporter: Pavel Barter Wine Correspondent: Jean Smullen

Production: Jim Heron

Printed by: W&G Baird

Reproduction without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Ireland’s illegal tobacco trade is flourishing despite efforts to combat it, according to JTI Ireland’s Illicit Tobacco Trade Review 2013.

Legal Matters 62

Retail Ireland Conference




Starbucks Launch

Dunnes workers.

We profile the products guaranteed to fly off your shelves this summer season, across everything from summer dining to soft drinks, beers, spirits and wine in our 30-page Summer Stocking special report.






Grocery market returns to growth; Decent proposal for Dunnes workers.


Summer Stocking

Mediation can be a far more attractive and less expensive dispute resolution method for business owners than going to court, writes barrister Arran Dowling-Hussey.

Retail Ireland: Monthly Update 65

Latest retails sales figures disappointing; Retail Ireland responds to Competition & Consumer Protection Bill 2014; Scottish MUP case referred to Europe.


10 Industry News 22 Personal Care 30 Summer Dining 40 World Cup 42 Soft Drinks, Juice & Water 50 Beer 54 Spirits 56 Wine 66 Shelf Life

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The Irish Consumer has Changed Forever NEW statistics about the Irish grocery sector suggest consumers have irreversibly changed their purchasing mindset, industry commentators told Retail News. Recent figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) reveal that while inflation is up in many sectors, the price of food and non-alcoholic beverages has fallen 2.1% over the last year, due to competition amongst retailers and discounting. Alcohol and cigarette prices have risen 3.7% over the past 12 months, but this reflects excise duty increases. “Retailers have been battling hard for market share and sales,” said Frank Gleeson, Chairman of Retail Ireland. “As a result, they are passing on lower prices to consumers. The saving is greater than 2.1% because there has been commodity inflation as well. This is primarily down to retailers cutting each other’s throats. All the grocery multiples have been fighting hard.” The deflation in food and drink appears to be a reaction to the way consumers are spending. “The Irish consumer has changed forever,” said David Fitzsimons, CEO of Retail Excellence Ireland, who was sceptical about the validity of the CSO figures.

“I think we will revert back to some of our old behaviour, but we have changed meteorically forever. Consumers are basket splitting. We’ll go into Dunnes, Tesco, into Donnybrook Fair for a treat, the local fruit and vegetable guy, O’Briens for wine. We’re more than happy to drive longer distances for experiential retail and pay more. We have seen the rise of Avoca [Wicklow], Kildare Village, Arboretum [garden centres].” Gleeson concurs: “We’re seeing consumers shopping for promotions, going from retailer to retailer. They are getting their basket shop in two or three different outlets. One basket shop per week is long gone. I don’t see it coming back. Consumers are more concerned about wasteful shopping and not getting value for money. They are prepared to shop around.” While own label is rising, there is room for branded goods if the price (and promotion) is right. RGDATA members at the quality end of the market are performing well, according to Director General Tara Buckley: “Some consumers are discerning. They want quality, Irish and local, and are prepared to pay for it. They’re not just going to pay for the cheapest thing

Frank Gleeson, Chairman, Retail Ireland.

available. The other type of consumer is cost conscious. They might have less disposable income and need to get the best value.” Where does this leave other food and drink retailers? “Convenience/forecourt retailing has been holding okay, but it’s impulse driven,” said Gleeson. “The family-owned grocery is much more pressurised. This is all good news for consumers, but bad news for retailers

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RGDATA Director General, Tara Buckley

in terms of their margin compression.” The success of the German discounters may not impact negatively on smaller shops, said Buckley: “Our members have to deal with a different consumer mindset. Those in the vicinity of a discounter are in a shopping

destination. People might buy certain things at a discounter, but they will also go to an independent shop to buy other items.” Falling food and nonalcoholic drink prices are likely to continue stretching relations between retailers and suppliers. The Irish Farmers Association (IFA) is currently calling for an independent ombudsman to oversee and implement proposed new grocery regulations. “The key issue for us as food producers is that reductions are not at the expense of farmers,” IFA’s Niall Madigan told Retail News. “We are putting forward a number of amendments to competition legislation that is going through the Dáil this week. We have seen how effective the ombudsman in the UK

is and we want a similar arrangement here.” Prospects could be looking up. According to Kantar Worldpanel in Ireland, grocery inflation stands at 2.5% for the 12week period ending April 27, 2014. “It’s not much, but it’s more positive that it has been for a few months,” Kantar’s David Berry told us. Just as consumers have changed their purchasing mindset, retailers will need to approach the market in a different way. “Any retailer who thinks that things are going to go back to the way they were, or consumers are going to change, would be very naive,” said Buckley. Large supermarkets have innovated, and so must smaller retailers. “The discounters are not

David Fitzsimons, CEO of Retail Excellence Ireland.

operating like they did in the past,” said Gleeson. “They are penetrating into fresh food and bakery - areas you would not expect them to be in. They have really improved their offer. The German discounters of 10 years ago have reinvented themselves.”

SuperValu Named Most Reputable Irish Brand SUPERVALU has been named as the most reputable Irish brand, according to the results of the annual Ireland RepTrak 2014 study, announced by The Reputations Agency. This is the fifth year of this comprehensive study, carried out by The Reputations Agency and their global partners, the Reputation Institute. SuperValu scored higher than any other Irish firm in the research, coming second to global car giant Volkswagen in the overall results. The independent study measured the reputations of 100 organisations in Ireland between January and February 2014, based on more than 4,000 consumer ratings from members of the general public, and ranked how highly organisations are held in esteem, how much they are admired and trusted, and how good the general public feels about them. It also studied how an organisation was rated across the key dimensions of reputation, which are leadership, innovation, governance, corporate citizenship and being ethical and transparent in the way it does business. “We are delighted to be recognised as the grocery retailer with the best reputation in the market,” said Ray Kelly, SuperValu Marketing Director. “This research reflects our position as the leading Irish retailer that is renowned for its support of the Irish food industry, local producers and strong community values. At SuperValu, we source from Irish

Ray Kelly, SuperValu Marketing Director, is pictured with Niamh Boyle, Managing Director, The Reputations Agency.

suppliers wherever possible, giving shoppers food of the highest quality at great value prices. “Our stores are independently owned and contribute substantially to their community through providing local jobs, sourcing from local producers and supporting local area initiatives,” he continued. “Our customers know that by shopping with us, it benefits their local community and a circle of trust has been formed as a result. That’s why SuperValu has gone from strength to strength as a brand, growing by 30% over the past ten years.” Niamh Boyle, Managing Director,

The Reputations Agency, said, “We are living and working in a reputation economy where reputation is the new currency. Businesses are recognising this and so are the general public, who are more attuned to the reputation of an organisation than ever before. For the public, actions speak louder than words and an organisation needs to ensure stakeholders understand that the company is addressing issues that are pertinent to them as customers, be it good corporate citizenship or being ethical and transparent in the way it does business. The credibility and reliability that follows creates economic value.”

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Grocery Market Returns to Growth THE latest supermarket share figures from Kantar Worldpanel in Ireland, published for the 12 weeks ending April 27, show the Irish grocery market returning to growth for the first time in six months. “During the recession, shoppers turned to ‘little and often’ shopping to control their spending, but this trend is now showing signs of reversing,” noted David Berry, Commercial Director at Kantar Worldpanel. “The latest figures show consumers making slightly fewer shopping trips but buying more groceries each time. This means bigger baskets and an increase overall of the volume of goods purchased, which has provided an €18m boost in grocery sales in this 12-week period.” SuperValu saw its sales grow, having attracted an additional 18,000 shoppers through its doors this year. “The latest Kantar research highlights how the grocery sector benefited due to Easter, with the market returning to growth,” commented Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, SuperValu. “SuperValu was the only supermarket, outside the discounters, to increase sales over the period, reflecting the momentum behind the brand.” Kelleher explained how SuperValu aim to continue to drive competition by driving down the average cost of the grocery basket, with consumers switching to the SuperValu Own Brand range. “As a result, we expect to see more deflation in the market, but we will continue to drive footfall to our stores as part of our long term growth strategy,” he said. While Tesco’s performance remains behind the market, there are signs that this is beginning to stabilise with a 4.2% decline in sales – the lowest fall since July 2013. Dunnes has convinced its shoppers to increase spending this year, but it must reverse its loss of shoppers to the other grocers in order to overturn a 1.3% drop in sales this period. Aldi continues to be the strongest

performing retailer, with a 22% increase in sales, lifting its share of the market to a new record level of 8%. “The reason for its success is in line with the overall market, with shoppers buying more items and spending more each time they visit an Aldi store,” Berry explains. “Lidl has also posted double digit sales growth, boosting its market share from 6.9% last year to 7.6%.” As can be seen in the graph, the rise of Aldi and Lidl has been nothing short of incredible. In 2001, Lidl had just 1.1% of the market, while Aldi had 0.4%. Kantar’s figures for April 2014 put Lidl’s share at 7.6% (an almost 700% increase), while Aldi now claims 8% of the market, a phenomenal 2000% growth rate in just 13 years. While other players in Ireland’s grocery market struggled to maintain share, the economic crisis in 2008 arguably helped the discounters. “Their underlying performance was

strong up to that point,” Berry stresses, “but it has almost been accelerated by the economic downturn.” Store openings, Berry insists, have been a massive driver of growth, and while Berry feels that both Aldi and Lidl will continue to increase share in the short-term, he feels that an inevitable slow-down in store openings will in turn lead to their rate of growth reducing also. “As they get bigger, it is harder to maintain such a strong level of growth,” he reveals. For more information, visit www.kantarworldpanel.com.

Total Take Home Grocery - Ireland Consumer Spend Total Grocers Total Multiples Tesco Dunnes Total SuperValu SuperValu Superquinn Total Discounters Aldi Lidl Other Outlets**

12 Weeks to 28 April 2013 %*

12 Weeks to 27 April 2014 %*

change** %

100.0% 88.5% 27.7% 22.1% 25.2% 19.6% 5.6% 13.5% 6.6% 6.9% 11.5%

100.0% 88.7% 26.3% 21.6% 25.1% 15.6% 8.0% 7.6% 11.3%

0.9 1.1 -4.1 -1.3 0.5 17.1 22.2 12.2 -0.4

*= Percentage Share of Total Grocers **= Refers to share growth or growth or decline not change in market share ***= Includes stores such as M&S, Boots, Spar, Centra, Greengrocers, Butchers And Cross Border shops

Decent Proposal for Dunnes Workers TRADE union Mandate has launched a campaign to secure “a greater degree of certainty” for workers in Dunnes Stores. The Decency for Dunnes Workers Campaign focuses around “banded hour contracts” the minimum contractual hours an employee works at the store. Mandate’s Gerry Light explained: “Retail is generally built on parttime workers. Unfortunately, a huge degree of fluctuation exists in regard

to weekly earnings. Largely, people are given low entry level contracts. Weekly hours can be reduced back to those basic minimum contractual obligations. We are trying to negotiate the average hours, worked over the agreed period of time, so those weekly thresholds become the new minimum.” Tesco, SuperValu and Penneys all use banded hour contracts, Light told us. Unlike those retailers, Dunnes

has a history of not engaging with the trade union. As part of the campaign, Mandate is also seeking hourly pay increases. Retail Excellence Ireland’s David Fitzsimons said the industry should not be defined by large multiples. “The ability of the vast majority of companies operating in the retail industry to pay wage increases is untenable. Most are still struggling to keep their doors open,” he said.

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Londis Celebrates 60 Years TO celebrate 60 years serving local communities in Ireland, Londis is giving its customers the opportunity to share €60,000 between three national charities; Pieta House, the Irish Hospice Foundation and Temple Street Children’s University Hospital. Supporting causes which affect young and old in local communities throughout Ireland, Londis’ charity partners were chosen by their network of over 200 retailers nationwide. Throughout the months of May, June and July, Londis customers will receive a token with every transaction. Customers can then use the token to vote for their chosen charity by inserting it into the relevant slot at the display unit in-store. In doing so, Londis customers across Ireland will decide how the €60,000 is divided between the three charities. “This year Londis celebrates 60 years serving local communities and to mark this occasion, we want to give something back to the hundreds of communities across Ireland who have shown considerable support to Londis retailers over the years,” explained Londis Chief Executive Stephen O’Riordan. “We are supporting three very worthwhile causes, which are close to the heart of Irish customers. The phenomenal work that the Irish Hospice Foundation, Pieta House and Temple Street Children’s Hospital undertake each and every day touches the lives of young and old in every community in so many ways. “This initiative was designed by Londis retailers to thank each and every Londis customer for their support and custom, without which an independent retail industry would not thrive,” O’Riordan added. “It was important that the campaign was something which our network of retailers could get involved in, right from the very start. For this reason, we asked our retailers to identify the charities that would we would partner with. Each of the charities involved carries out valuable work for people in communities all over the country.” The local message is very important to the Londis group. One year on from the launch of the new marketing strategy, built around the slogan ‘Local Like You’, the group has reinforced the strong community focus that has been part of the Londis message since it was founded 60 years ago. As a group owned and run by independent retailers with a strong standing in their local communities, Londis offers a point of difference that larger operators

Charity ambassadors Aoibhinn McGinnity (on behalf of Pieta House); Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh (on behalf of the Irish Hospice Foundation); and Miriam O’Callaghan (on behalf of Temple Street Children’s Hospital), joined Stephen O’Riordan, Chief Executive of Londis, to launch the Londis ‘60K for 60 years’ charity partnership.

cannot achieve. According to Stephen O’Riordan, “Londis retailers live in the communities where they trade, their children go to school in the locality and they are involved with local clubs and sports teams. I think that’s a very important distinction between ourselves and other operators; we are an indigenous company with local

suppliers. Most, if not all of the profits made by our retailers goes straight back into their community. Campaigns like 60K for 60 years allow us to give something back to the communities in which we operate.” Londis is encouraging its network of over 200 independently owned stores to get behind the initiative and reach out into their communities to garner further support for the selected charities. Each store is being encouraged to carry out its own charity fundraiser during the campaign in a bid to raise even more money for the charities involved. As a thank you to the loyal customers who have supported Londis over the past 60 years, Londis will also be offering customers a range of special offers to celebrate the group’s 60th birthday. For example, May 15 saw Londis stores offering coffee and a special anniversary cupcake for 60c, with the proceeds going to the charity partners.

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Musgrave Group Annual Results MUSGRAVE Group reported sales of €4.8 billion in its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2013, which were in line with last year on a constant currency basis. Profit, before tax and operating exceptional items, was €60m, down by 16%, which reflected challenges in Musgrave’s UK business. Cash was well managed, with net debt reduced by €19m to €121m. The Group continues to be strongly capitalised with net assets of €314m. Profit is before tax and operating exceptional expenses of €143m, which reflect the write down of assets in Great Britain and planned investments associated with the Superquinn integration. “All our markets continued to experience difficult economic conditions in 2013, impacting consumer spending,” admitted Chris Martin, Musgrave Group Chief Executive. “In a flat Irish grocery market, our brands increased sales and out-performed the market. SuperValu was up 1.1%, Centra up 3.5%, Daybreak up 3.8% and MarketPlace up 5.3%, reflecting the investment made in these brands over the past three years through our ‘Winning in the New World’ strategy. We continued to invest in our brands and in margin and cash flow support for our retail partners.” The CEO noted, however, that

Chris Martin, Musgrave Group Chief Executive.

the British market was tough for all grocery retailers, as “the market is going through fundamental and permanent structural change, similar to what the Irish market experienced three years ago. Our GB business underperformed in 2013 and this is being addressed through a turnaround

programme which is already underway. Against this backdrop, the Group delivered a very good performance in the Irish market.” In the UK convenience market, Musgrave sales declined by 3%. In light if its results, the Group is writing down €131m of assets, in Britain, including all of the remaining goodwill of €78m arising on the original acquisition of Budgens and Londis, €37m for tangible assets, as well as €16m for onerous property obligations. Musgrave recently appointed Peter Ridler as Managing Director of its British business, which includes the Londis and Budgens brands. Looking to the future, Chris Martin expained how “we are continuing to see an improvement in sales in Ireland as green shoots appear in the economy. We will continue to invest in Ireland to build on our progress where our brands have market leading positions. We will apply many of the successes and learning from Ireland to the GB market, where we are strengthening our brands and improving our offer to the consumer to ensure our retail partners can compete in an increasingly competitive convenience market. As we progress in 2014, our focus will be on driving profitable sales growth and delivering exceptional value to the shopper in all our markets.”

Bloom Returns to Phoenix Park BORD Bia’s much-anticipated gardening, food and family festival, Bloom, returns to the Phoenix Park, Dublin, for five days over the June Bank Holiday weekend from May 29 to June 2. Now in its eighth year, Ireland’s largest garden and food festival continues to attract a nationwide audience, and last year’s festival saw over 110,000 attendees. This year’s showcase will once again be abloom with spectacular show gardens crafted by high-profile designers, a botanical art exhibition featuring floral and nursery exhibits, a new plant village encompassing effervescent plant displays, a wide range of craft and Irish food stalls, cookery demonstrations with Ireland’s finest celebrity chefs and fun fringe events for all the family. “Each year we try to introduce exciting new elements to the festival and this year is no exception,” noted Gary Graham, Bloom Show Manager. “We are introducing a fantastic new

restaurant offering, celebrating the very best of Irish quality food, a world-class plant village and a superb sculpture garden. There’s something for everyone at this year’s Bloom festival and visitors can look forward to a wonderful

day out for all the family, with spectacular garden walks, flower arranging demonstrations and a thrilling programme of music and entertainment.” For more information, see www.bloominthepark.com.

Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie|9

Tax & Finance

Ownership of Your Premises: The Best Practice SHOULD you retain your retail premises personally or through a company? There are a number of factors to consider before you decide either way. Sole traders who own the business personally are liable for the debts of the business personally. Should a sole trader hold the business premises personally, they are personally liable for the repayment of any loan on the premises. Director: Martin Hyland, Director: Derek Keating, Private limited companies ACCA, AITI Chartered Tax Adviser, BBS, ACA, are separate legal entities: Tax Accounting Ireland. Tax Accounting Ireland. therefore, shareholders of irrespective of how much profit tax at 12.5% on trading profits the company are only liable is retained as capital and what is under current legislation. As for the debts of the company repaid to a financial institution the rates are lower, this means to the extent of the share in respect of a business premises. the cash flow of the company capital contributed to the Therefore, this may cause you is significantly improved, company. In practice, most cash flow difficulties, due to allowing the company to either financial institutions require a you repaying the loan on the reinvest in the business or personal guarantee (PG) from premises after paying income repay the business premises shareholders in order for a tax, where the rates applicable loan more efficiently if the company to obtain loan approval. are significantly higher than the business premises is held Sole traders pay income rate of corporation tax. tax. This means you are taxed through the company. Income Companies corporation on0314-TAI01 your profit Retail for theNews year, HP PressAd-v2_Layout tax only applies to the director’s 1 pay 30/03/2014 15:47 Page 1




remuneration, which is dictated by the company. The retained profit of the retail business is taxable at 12.5%, as opposed to a sole trader, where the full profits are liable at a higher rate as detailed above. However, other factors must be considered, based on each individual circumstance. Some of these factors would be as follows: 1. Current cash flow position of business; 2. Rental charges by owner, if any; 3. Current interest rate on loan; 4. Double CGT charge; 5. CGT Reliefs; 6. Succession planning; 7. Raising Finance; 8. Continuity of business. Should you wish to discuss this in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact us at: Tax Accounting Ireland, 32 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 6624977 or on our email/website detailed below.

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Industry News FARMBAKE’S SWEET DEAL WITH TESCO FARMBAKE, an Irish owned and operated, family-run cake distribution business, has signed a contract with Tesco Ireland to supply its affordable range of tasty cakes and treats to 28 Tesco Ireland stores nationwide. The agreement, which positions Naasbased Farmbake as Tesco‘s supplier of choice within the retailer’s cake category, will involve distribution to 19 Tesco Ireland Superstores and nine Tesco Express stores and is expected to generate annual sales of over half a million Farmbake products. Farmbake has a portfolio of 40 cake and treat options which are available all year round, with an additional 30 seasonal lines offered at key times during the year. Pictured are Jim Divney, founder, and Alan Divney, Managing Director, Farmbake.

Lidl Facebook Fans Top 10m Water Winner from LIDL’s European Facebook pages have topped 10m fans, making Keelings Lidl the food retailer with the largest European Facebook community. The Lidl Ireland Facebook page has over 370,000 fans, is the third largest brand page in the country (Source: Socialbakers, April 2014) and the largest of any grocery retailer. Set up in 2010 to mark 10 years in the Irish market, the Lidl Ireland Facebook page was a first for the brand in Europe. Since then, Lidl has set up Facebook pages in every market across Europe. “Ireland was the first Lidl office to set up a Facebook page and over the past four years we have used the page as a platform to engage with our customers,” noted Aoife Clarke, Head of Communications. “From special offers, to competitions, to gossip, to reviews and career opportunities, we have something for everyone. We also have plenty of new initiatives coming up during the year.”

Musgrave Triathlon Raises €210,000

KEELINGS have launched a new consumer water bottle promotion. All consumers have to do to receive their Free Keelings Water Bottle is drop into their local participating Dunnes, Tesco or SuperValu and purchase two punnets of Keelings Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, or Mixed Berries. This comes as a timely gift, with students preparing for exams and more people getting out and active in the evenings, all in need of ongoing hydration. Keelings water bottles are safe to use repeatedly because they are certified reusable, and made out of Number 2 recyclable plastic, which doesn’t give off chemicals that can seep into the water.

Silver Darlings of the Seafood World

MUSGRAVE has presented Breakthrough Cancer Research and Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin with a cheque for €105,000 each. The total funds of €210,000 were raised from the proceeds of the 2013 Musgrave Triathlon, the twelfth year of the Musgrave Triathlon, which has to date raised over €3.5 million for Irish charities. The triathlon, which attracts over 500 participants every year, took place in Farran Woods, Farran, Co. Cork. Breakthrough Cancer Research will use the €105,000 received to enhance their FACS technology, which enables investigators to see the contents of tumours and cells, while Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital will use the €105,000 received to purchase an ultrasound system, seven pain relief pumps and a one month patient experience programme, which will benefit both the children and their families who access their services. Pictured are Mike Healy from Breakthrough Cancer Research; Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland; and Michelle Kirrane from Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin

SILVER Darlings are Nordic-inspired pickled herring, which have proved a massive success with high end retailers and restaurants since their launch in March 2013, including Wright’s of Howth, Morton’s, Fallon & Byrne and the English Market in Cork. The brainchild of Ireland’s only herring pickler, Kirsti O Kelly, Silver Darlings were launched following an extensive period of consultation with the team at BIM’s Seafood Development Centre in Clonakilty. The herring are marinated in a combination of mild vinegars and spices, which dissolve the herring bones and keep the integrity of the fish flesh, allowing it to take on the subtle flavours of aromatic spices like mustard seeds, sandalwood, cinnamon, bay leaves, cloves, pink peppercorns and fresh herbs such as dill, tarragon and coriander. Pictured are (l-r): Kirsti O Kelly, Silver Darlings, with Aileen Deasy, Seafood Technologist, BIM’s Seafood Development Centre, Clonakilty, Co Cork.

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Industry News NEW TESCO PARK POINTE STORE OPENS TESCO Ireland has created 65 new jobs at its new Park Pointe store in Dun Laughaire, Co. Dublin, which was officially opened in early May by An Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore TD. “This new store will feature the best in Irish produce as well as a brand new ‘market’ style layout designed to provide an enhanced shopping experience for our customers,” said Tesco Ireland CEO, Phil Clarke. The new layout showcases Tesco’s continued focus on fresh, local and seasonal produce. There will be an extensive range of fresh food; a butcher, fish counter and bakery, as well as best value everyday groceries. Local suppliers to the store will include Genovese Foods, Kilbush Nurseries, Dessie Farrell, Empire Donuts, McCambridge Bread, Butlers Chocolates and more. Pictured are (l-r): Colin Cashman, Store Manager; Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore TD; Christine Heffernan, Corporate Affairs Director, Tesco Ireland; and Phil Clarke, Chief Executive Tesco Ireland.

Taoiseach Launches Happy Topaz Wins Top Marketing Award Hearts Appeal AN Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD is pictured launching the Irish Heart Foundation’s 25th Happy Hearts Appeal 2014, supported by SuperValu, with 16-year-old cardiac arrest survivor Ryan Callan. The teen’s life was saved by his teacher Enda Tourish, after he collapsed with cardiac arrest during PE class at school, when the teacher administered CPR until medical help arrived. The public were encouraged to support the charity’s appeal by buying a happy heart pin for €2 from volunteers or in SuperValu stores. Money raised from this year’s appeal will go directly into educating every man woman and age appropriate child in Ireland to deliver compression-only CPR later this year. See www.happyhearts.ie for more information.

Crisp Maker Cracks UK Market KEOGH’S Crisps has become the latest Irish company to make it on to the shelves of Tesco UK, opening up a potentially massive opportunity for the Dublin potato farmers. Keogh’s Farm has just agreed a deal with Tesco UK, which will see the family’s hand cooked artisan potato crisps go on sale in 255 Tesco stores throughout the UK. Pictured are Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Tom Hayes TD, with Tom Keogh from Keogh’s Crisps, and John Paul O’Reilly, Commercial Director from Tesco Ireland.

TOPAZ’S loyalty game, Play or Park, was the run-away winner at the An Post Smart Marketing Awards, claiming 16 awards in total for the country’s largest fuel and convenience retailer. Play or Park won six gold, five silver and three bronze awards at the ceremony, which was held recently in the Mansion House in Dublin. In addition, Topaz won two overall awards, the Smartest Marketing Team of the Year and the Black Fox Grand Prix prize, along with Chilli Pepper Marketing and Target McConnells. “Topaz was the first brand in Europe to use an ongoing gaming mechanic as the central pillar of its loyalty programme and it’s fantastic to have our innovative approach recognised by these multiple awards,” noted Paul Candon, Marketing and Corporate Services Director at Topaz, pictured with Leanne Papaioannou, Chilli Pepper Marketing, Laura Murphy and Gillian McGowran from Topaz, and Jeff McGrath, Target McConnells. Play or Park was also revealed as the top loyalty programme among fuel retailers and one of the top performers in the retail sector generally, according to Ireland’s first Loyalty Performance Index (LPI) created by Amárach Research and Chilli Pepper Marketing.




*Source: Nielsen, Extended Scantrack, Cigarette Volume Share, 52 WE 29/12/13 This advertisement is for Tobacco retailers only and should not be made available to the public nor should it be displayed in any area where it is visible to the public

14|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Industry News GLANBIA TEAMS UP WITH GPA AND GAA THE GAA and GPA announced a new partnership with Glanbia Consumer Products to promote the new Avonmore Protein Milk. The 10-year revenue share agreement will see a percentage of all sales going towards the GPA Players Development Programme, supported by the GAA. This Programme supports county players in critical areas of their off-field lives including education, career and personal development, as well as health wellbeing. Pictured are Dessie Farrell, CEO of the GPA; Kilkenny’s Jackie Tyrrell; Dublin’s Paul Mannion; GAA Director General, Paraic Duffy; Kilkenny’s Tommy Walsh; Wexford’s Mags D’Arcy; and Michael McArdle, Commercial Director for Glanbia Consumer Foods, at the launch in Croke Park.

Barilla To Stir Up Irish Market Lidl’s Secret Garden BARILLA Food Company, home to the world’s number one pasta, is launching a line of dried pastas and pasta sauces on the Irish market, and the company has ambitious plans for Ireland. Supermarket listings include Tesco, SuperValu and Dunnes Stores, as well as foodservice and catering wholesalers. Barilla, which is produced in Parma, is a clear leader in the Italian pasta market, with a 35% market share. Barilla’s success is built on its ability to deliver everyday high quality pasta. Through its use of durum flour and a dedicated research team, Barilla delivers the perfect pasta which remains al dente, does not break while cooking and is not clumpy or gluey. Stafford Lynch Ltd is managing the distribution and marketing for Barilla. Catherine Fulvio, the popular food-writer and TV chef, is pictured launching Barilla with Italian celebrity chef Michele Tomadin at House in Leeson Street, Dublin.

Coca-Cola Thank You Fund

VOLUNTARY and nonprofit organisations have been encouraged to apply for funding from the CocaCola Thank You Fund. Five grants totalling €125,000 are up for grabs for new sport and physical activity initiatives under the Fund, which was launched by Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar TD and Irish athlete Derval O’Rourke. Derval is this year’s Ambassador for the Coca-Cola Thank You Fund. Applications for the Fund are being accepted online until 6pm on June 16 at www.coca-cola.ie/thankyou. Pictured at the launch of the Coca-Cola Thank You Fund 2014 in the Iveagh Gardens are Derval O’Rourke, Coca-Cola Thank You Fund Ambassador, with dancers Mateusz Szczerek, Danielle NG, Brandon Acevedo, Lorna Dempsey and Justin Fuentes.

MAY 5 saw The Secret Garden opening its gates to the public for one week to host a very unique event. The hugely talented chefs, Harry Colley and Cúán Greene, co-owners of Dublin Pop Up, created a wealth of delicious dishes throughout the week, with the theme, Irish nostalgia. What people didn’t know was The Secret Garden’s real secret: the meat, the fish, the fruit, the vegetables and every other item on the menu was purchased at Lidl. “The Secret Garden was the perfect way for people to try our quality food with an open mind. We wanted to show people that good quality Irish produce doesn’t have to cost the earth,” noted Claire Moran, Communications Manager at Lidl Ireland. Over five days, the Lidl Secret Garden generated €12,000 from lunch and dinner bookings. This figure is being matched by Lidl and all €24,000 will be donated to Lidl’s charity partner, Barretstown.

SuperValu to Sell €66m of Irish Milk SUPERVALU sold €58m worth of National Dairy Council (NDC) Certified milk in 2013 and is expected to sell €66m in 2014. This equates to over 77m litres of NDC Irish milk in 2014, sourced from seven creameries throughout Ireland and supporting over 2,000 farming families. SuperValu’s branded milk comes from the Glanbia, Clóna, Wexford, Lee Strand, Arrawbawn, Donegal/Connaught Gold and North Cork creameries. As all of SuperValu’s branded milk is NDC approved, it made the grocery retailer the ideal partner for National Dairy Week. Pictured at Airfield Farm, Dublin, at the launch of National Dairy Week are professional rugby icons and Six Nations Champions Rob and Dave Kearney, with Eamon Howell, Trading Director, SuperValu; Zoë Kavanagh, Chief Executive, National Dairy Council; and Charlotte Patten, aged 11, from Clontarf, Dublin.

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16|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

The Retail News Interview

Facing Up To Reality Kathryn D’Arcy, Director of the Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland, talks us through Ireland’s declining alcohol consumption, its prohibitively high excise duties and the contribution the drinks industry makes to Ireland Inc. KATHRYN D’Arcy, Director of the Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland (ABFI), has been outspoken in her criticism of Government’s handling of Ireland’s problem with alcohol misuse, which seems to consist of a series of massive excise hikes and not much in the way of education. Alcohol consumption, in general, is falling fast in Ireland. “We are very close to European norms now,” D’Arcy reveals. “We saw a significant fall of 7% in the last year,

so alcohol consumption and drinking patterns are definitely changing.” She acknowledges, however, that as a society we still have an issue with alcohol misuse in Ireland: “We can’t ignore the fact that there is a minority of people who misuse alcohol, whether that’s through binge drinking, harmful drinking or teenagers drinking.” However, recent reports from Unicef and the Department of Health & Children have revealed that teen drinking is falling in Ireland, unlike

many of our EU neighbours. “That’s not to say that it’s not at a very high base still,” D’Arcy admits, “so there is work to do there.” A New Way Forward The way that the state has tended to tackle the problem has been to punitively punish those who consume alcohol through excise increases. Ireland has the highest excise duty in Europe on wine and the third highest on beer and spirits.

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The Retail News Interview

Excise hikes have had a profound impact on our hospitality industry, particularly the world renowned Irish pub.

“If excise was the solution to the misuse of alcohol, we would have solved the problem a long time ago,” she says. “We are increasing excise at extraordinary levels – in the last two Budgets, it has grown by 40% on spirits and beer and even more on wine – and yet we still have people who misuse alcohol. The time has come when we must say to ourselves that excise increases aren’t the solution to this; there must be other ways to address this. “It comes back to having a deeper understanding as to the consequences of harmful drinking, the way that parents talk to their children, the way that children interact with their peers: all of these things will have an impact on how someone drinks. We would argue that there needs to be a big emphasis on ensuring that people don’t drink until they reach the legal age of 18. Drinking any younger than that can have a disastrous impact on their level of drinking as they get older and also on their development.” Playing devil’s advocate; would somebody from the Department of Health argue that excise increases are working because overall levels of alcohol consumption have fallen? “Excise has increased significantly, particularly in the last two years, but we are not seeing a fall in alcohol misuse,” she stresses. “The Department

of Health would agree that there are still significant levels of harmful drinking in this country; we are still too high up the league table of binge drinkers in Europe; and excise isn’t going to deal with that. It’s merely going to affect the person who drinks within recommended limits. If you are a problem drinker, you will spend money to get whatever alcohol you want.” Unforeseen Consequences Any excise increases affect not only consumers of alcohol, but can also have consequences for employment levels and on the amount of agri-food inputs purchased by the drinks industry, factors which don’t always seem to be considered when new legislation is being put forward. “The drinks industry employs over 94,000 people and we buy over €1.1 billion of inputs, including agricultural inputs, each year,” D’Arcy explains. “The one area that is really booming for Ireland at the moment is tourism and hospitality, and the drinks sector is an integral part of that. Tourists, time and again, talk about their time in Irish pubs as their favourite experience and we’re very proud of the Irish pub, and rightly so. Yet increases in excise have a disproportionate effect on the hospitality and pub sector and on independent off licences, compared to

the larger, non-independent off trade groups who can absorb increases and not pass them on.” A Far-Sighted View In the UK, the recent Budget saw the Government row back on excise duties, in order to support both the Scotch Whisky category and their thriving beer industry. It seems a remarkably far-sighted approach and one which ABFI would love to see replicated here. “That is a very positive move and a recognition of the importance of the drinks sector,” the ABFI Director stresses. “While still acknowledging the very serious impact that alcohol misuse has, it recognises that increasing excise wasn’t going to have a positive outcome with regard to dealing with alcohol misuse, which is exactly what we would argue. “Reducing excise in Ireland would certainly have a positive impact on the tourism, hospitality and pub sector and would ensure that we would be competitive as a destination, and that our pubs and restaurants could give a top quality and value offering to customers.” D’Arcy feels that if the difference in excise duty between Ireland and Northern Ireland continues, we might have a return to southern shoppers crossing the border in big numbers. “You might not see the big queues

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The Retail News Interview as a measure to curb binge drinking by stopping supermarkets using alcohol as a loss-leader in-store. “There is an issue with regard to deep discounting of alcohol in Ireland, primarily in the off trade,” D’Arcy admits. “We are very proud of the excellent international brands that we produce in Ireland, and those that we import and sell here, so we are concerned with deep discounting of our products. The Government want to do something about it and they need to address it. A lot of this came about following the removal of the Groceries Order and its ban on below-cost selling, but we will wait to see what legislation the Irish Government might bring forward before we would make a comment on that.”

Ireland is still too high up the league table of binge drinkers in Europe.

of cars going over the border like we saw in the past, but you can be sure the border counties are suffering, particularly the pubs and off licences, and that’s not what we want to see. We want a strong, thriving economy and want every part of Ireland to be open for tourism. If we can’t attract people to the border counties, that is a problem and one the Department of Finance needs to be aware of.” Whole of Society Approach ABFI have called for a “whole of society approach” to tackling alcohol misuse. What does that involve? “It means everybody working together,” she says simply. “The Government has an alcohol strategy in place since October. It is within the Government’s remit and their right to implement that strategy, but to do so without talking to the alcohol industry doesn’t make sense to me. We are implementing changes to labelling and advertising, and to bring in something like that without consultation as to what the impact will be, without taking account of the contribution of the alcohol sector in Ireland in terms of jobs or the level of new start-ups in craft brewing and craft distilling, does not make sense.” She is calling for a consultation process involving all stake-holders in the chain, from Government departments to our education system, parent councils, student representative bodies and industry. “As the Government brings in its policy, we could all sit down to figure

out what we need to do to bring about a fundamental, generational shift in alcohol misuse, like the way we did with drink driving,” she avows. New Legislation D’Arcy has no problem with the forthcoming information labelling on alcoholic products, such as recommending that women don’t drink while pregnant or showing the amount of units of alcohol in that product. “That is information that people need in terms of making a responsible choice when it comes to alcohol consumption,” she reveals. “Consumers need the information to make healthy choices. It is incumbent on us all to provide that information, whether that is through the Drink Aware website, which we are proud to fund, or whether it is via Government and industry agreeing on labelling rules for a product.” One new labelling regulation being discussed at EU level is the possibility of including mandatory calorie information on alcoholic drinks. D’Arcy gives this a cautious welcome, once it is done carefully. She is less convinced by the potential introduction of a minimum unit price for alcohol, which is currently being discussed in Scotland

Halcyon Days Taxation and regulation issues aside, however, these are halcyon days for Ireland’s indigenous drinks industry, particularly in terms of Irish whiskey and craft beer. “We are going from four whiskey distilleries on the island to more than 16. It is a very exciting time. Irish whiskey is the fastest growing spirit in the world. It spells quality, tradition and heritage. We are very proud of that tradition and it spells a very positive future for the sector,” she reveals. When it comes to craft beers, there are now approximagely 50 craft brewers on the island, D’Arcy notes. “There are a lot of really great craft beers, as you can see by the number of pubs taking them on. People are really enjoying them and talking about beer, maybe in the way they used to talk about wine.” So, while consumption levels are falling, it is not all bad news for the Irish drinks industry, the ABFI Director surmises. “For the drinks companies, it’s far better for us to have a sustainable drinks industry than one dependent on a vibrant, crazy Friday and Saturday night,” she concludes. “For some of us, that will mean a fall in sales. But if that means having a sustainable market where people drink responsibly and not in a harmful fashion, far better for us, than a country which is known for its binge drinking.”

About ABFI THE Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland, part of IBEC, was established in late 2007 to collectively tackle issues affecting the entire alcoholic drinks industry, including taxation, cost competitiveness, the environmental impact of the drinks industry and the implications of alcohol misuse.

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20|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Chilled Coffees

Starbucks Launches Chilled Coffee Range Following significant success in the US and UK, Starbucks chilled coffees are set to take the Irish market by storm. FOLLOWING year-on-year growth in both the US and UK markets, Starbucks range of chilled coffees launches in Ireland on June 1. The new range will be aimed at 18-25 year old customers. The perfect option for when shoppers can’t get to a Starbucks store, the new range can be purchased from the chilled aisle of supermarkets and convenience stores and can be kept in the office fridge, used when packing a picnic, or purchased as part of a working lunch. “We are really excited about the launch of the Starbucks chilled coffee range into Ireland,” enthuses Liz Forte, Starbucks Marketing & Category Manager, Global Consumer Products, UK and Ireland. “The range, consisting of Discoveries, Frappuccino and Doubleshot, has been a big hit in the US, where Starbucks is the number one chilled coffee brand and also more recently in the UK, where it is also number one across all retail channels. “In the UK and Ireland, convenience has become increasingly important to shoppers. Consumers are time poor, and want something they can pick up easily at a location convenient to them that meets their needs immediately.”

“The soft drink category represents a huge area of opportunity for Starbucks in Ireland and this has been concreted by the fact that convenience has become increasingly important to consumers.” Fairtrade Certified Coffee Starbucks chilled coffee drinks are made with top-quality Fairtrade certified, 100% arabica Espresso Roast coffee, like the beverages served in Starbucks stores. The full line-up of Starbucks chilled coffee beverages includes: • Frappuccino Coffee • Frappuccino Mocha • Frappuccino Vanilla • Starbucks Doubleshot “The in-store displays for the new Starbucks chilled coffee drinks range

Liz Forte, Starbucks Marketing & Category Manager, Global Consumer Products, UK and Ireland.

will focus on amplifying the Starbucks logo on-pack,” Forte continues. “Customers recognise the logo which helps the Starbucks range stand out amongst our competitors, linking directly back to our coffee heritage, which is associated with providing great tasting coffee.” Starbucks drinks will be available in supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol forecourts and Starbucks stores

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Chilled Coffees “Starbucks Discoveries offer customers wide choice of chilled coffee products that suit their needs all year, with new additions to the range introduced seasonally throughout the year.”

Starbucks is the number one chilled coffee brand in the US and the UK, and expects to replicate that success in Ireland.

across Ireland, priced from €2.79 for the Double Shot Espresso and €2.99 for the Frappuccino, range The Starbucks ready-todrink range, encompassing Starbucks Discoveries and Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino, was first introduced in EMEA in 2010, while in the UK, Starbucks Discoveries are driving the market at 59% (Source: IRI Total Grocery, 52 w/e March 1, 2014, % Value Change). Starbucks are extremely confident that Irish consumers too will embrace the new range. “We are hoping Irish consumers will love the fact that Starbucks is now available on the go in a range of great tasting products that have proved a massive success in both the US and UK,” Liz notes. The launch will be supported with an abovethe-line campaign on the Frappuccino range, while Starbucks will also carry out extensive sampling activity across Dublin to drive trial. The Inspiration Behind the Brand Starbucks Discoveries chilled coffee range is inspired by the handcrafted lattes from Starbucks

coffeehouses and flavours from around the world and aimed at 18-25 year olds. The chilled coffees are all made with the same Fairtrade certified, 100% Arabica espresso roast coffee used in Starbucks stores globally and use 100% Fairtrade certified coffee beans and sugar. Starbucks will be working with Arla Foods, one of Europe’s largest dairy companies, for the

Starbucks Discoveries chilled coffee range is inspired by the handcrafted lattes from Starbucks coffeehouses and flavours from around the world and aimed at 18-25 year olds.

along with its highly developed distribution network for chilled products throughout Europe and the UK, with Starbucks’ coffee expertise and experience in the ready-to-drink coffee category globally. The launch will be supported with an above-theline campaign on the Frappuccino range, while Starbucks will also carry out extensive sampling activity across Dublin to drive trial.

manufacture, distribution and marketing of Starbucks. The relationship pairs Arla Foods’ manufacturing expertise in dairy beverages,

A Huge Opportunity “The soft drink category represents a huge area of opportunity for Starbucks in Ireland and this has been concreted by the fact that convenience has become increasingly important to consumers,” notes Liz Forte. She cites the example of the convenience channel in the UK, which is set to grow

Stocking and Promoting the New Range EVIDENCE suggests that Starbucks sales are largely incremental to the milk drinks category and chilled coffee is driving the category in the UK, so this is a real opportunity to drive growth. Frappuccino and Doubleshot can be stored ambiently as per other soft drinks but are best served chilled, merchandised in the front of store chiller.

by 29.8% over the next five years, taking its value to £46.2 billion (Source: IGD Research, Trends to Watch in 2014). “Consumers in general are time poor and want something they can pick up easily at a location convenient to them,” Forte continues. “Starbucks Discoveries lend themselves perfectly to the convenience model, as they can be enjoyed on the go, bought in bulk and stored in a fridge, picked up as part of lunch or taken to picnics or the beach.” Merchandising Strategy The merchandising strategy for the new Starbucks Discoveries chilled coffee range will focus on amplifying the Starbucks logo. “The fact that customers recognise the logo and its connection to coffee heritage helps the Starbucks Discoveries range stand out amongst competitors on the shelf,” the Marketing & Category Manager stresses. Starbucks are also working with stockists to ensure that shelf inlays are brightly coloured and represent each of the different chilled beverage options available to customers accurately. “Starbucks Discoveries chilled coffee range provides a unique selling point that sets the products apart from their competitors,” Forte concludes. “The product reflects the brand’s recognised attributes of being Fairtrade and offers a great tasting coffee drink which allows fans of Starbucks to enjoy a muchneeded Starbucks moment to reinvigorate their day whenever they need it. “They also offer customers wide choice of chilled coffee products that suit their needs all year, with new additions to the range introduced seasonally throughout the year.” For Sales, contact Richmond Marketing (01) 623 3222. Unit 43 Parkwest, O’Casey Avenue, Nangor Road, Dublin 12. info@richmondmarketing.com; www.richmondmarketing.com.

22|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Personal Care

Beautiful Results TV, press, online and PR activity throughout 2014.

Feria Also from L’Oréal Paris, Feria ‘Goes Louder’ as Cheryl Cole has revealed

NPD is driving growth in Ireland’s beauty and personal care market. IRELAND’s beauty and personal care market remains strong. It was one of the few categories to experience value growth over the last few years. Indeed, some categories, such as colourants, recorded high value growth as more and more people continued to colour their hair at home in a bid to reduce costs. The continued popularity of male grooming products is also having a positive impact on growth levels, according to Euromonitor International’s latest report into the sector. The sector has not proven totally recession-proof, however, and discounting remains a factor, while some consumers have switched from branded goods to private label, particularly in bath and shower products. However, Euromonitor predict continued growth for the sector in the coming years. Elvive Fibrology Fibrology from L’Oréal Paris will be supported with TV, press, online and PR activity throughout 2014. L’Oréal Paris has recently launched the most innovative addition to Elvive, the number one haircare brand in Ireland, with 21.7% market share (Source: ACNielsen, YTD, 23/03/2013).

Cheryl Cole reveals the new ‘Extreme Dip-Dye’ from Feria Extreme Ombre for spring 2014.

The Elvive Fibrology thickening haircare range is proven to give fine hair a visible appearance of body and bounce, plus lasting thickness.

In a breakthrough in the science of hair care, L’Oréal Paris has developed a solution to all three of these issues and created the Elvive Fibrology thickening haircare range, proven to give fine hair a visible appearance of body and bounce, plus lasting thickness. Fibrology is L’Oréal Paris’ first thickening range that enhances the hair fibre from within to deliver genuine thickness wash after wash, as opposed to volume alone. The effect is profound and lasting. Fibrology was launched with a heavyweight media investment and will continue to be supported with

the new ‘Extreme Dip-Dye’ for spring 2014. Customers can make a statement like Cheryl with an extreme dip-dye look with Feria Extreme Ombre shade E01. Hair is a tool for self-expression and L’Oréal Paris makes this accessible to all with the Feria Extreme Ombré Collection, including L’Oréal Paris Feria Extreme Ombré for easy brush on lightening and a powerful contrasting effect for that fashion forward look! Garnier Ultimate Blends Introducing Ultimate Blends from Garnier, developed and blended, over seven years, using trusted natural ingredients, high performance formulas, much-loved fragrances, authentic packaging and sumptuous textures, combined together to provide a bespoke, tailor made, uplifting hair care experience like no other. Garnier has searched the far corners of the world for the most precious lightweight oils and restorative plant extracts. Two

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Personal Care

Ultimate Blends from Garnier were developed and blended over seven years to provide a bespoke, tailor made, uplifting hair care experience like no other.

carefully handpicked complementary ingredients work together in adapted formulas to create signature blends, tailor made to transform each hair type to its shining glory. The range consists of six blends: The Sleek Restorer, The Colour Illuminator, The Marvellous Transformer, The Nourishing Repairer, The Shine Revitaliser, The Silky Smoother. They are made with the most luxurious textures and indulgent fragrances in shampoos, conditioners, one-minute treatments, hair oils and dry shampoos. The launch of Ultimate Blends will be continued to be supported with TV, online, digital and out-of-home, along with PR activity to highlight the six blends. Ambre Solaire Garnier’s new Dry Touch Protective Mist is the first weightless bare skin feel sun protection from Ambre

Garnier’s new Ambre Solaire Dry Touch Protective Mist and Wet Skin: sure to prove popular this summer.

Solaire. Formulated with innovative shaka-shaka technology, the dry touch protection mixes mattifiying powders with the very best high-tech UVA and UVB filters, in the lightest possible formula, for a shine free, dry, nonsticky and non-oily feel effect. Available in SPF 20, 30 & 50, new Garnier Ambre Solaire Dry Mist is a sand free, bare skin sensation. Ambre Solaire Wet Skin is the first sun protection spray from Garnier that can be applied to wet or dry skin. Applying sunscreen to wet skin usually means ineffective UVA and UVB protection, patchy tans, skin damage, greasy marks and white streaks, but thanks to Garnier, customers no longer need to towel off before reapplying. Unilever Male Compressed Range Unilever Ireland continues to push boundaries within the deodorants category by launching its innovative compressed technology across its male

All 150ml and 250ml variants of the existing Sure Men, Dove Men +Care, Lynx and Vaseline male deodorants are now available in packs half their size.

portfolio, a first for male deodorants. Building on the huge success of the female launch in February 2013, the male launch is being supported by a €2m marketing spend throughout 2014 in Ireland, including TV, outdoor, online, PR, social, press and in-store. All 150ml and 250ml variants of the existing Sure Men, Dove Men +Care, Lynx and Vaseline male deodorants are now available in packs half their size. What’s more, each male compressed pack comes with unique benefits: Lynx features new longer lasting fragrances; Sure Men includes a new motionsense microspray; Dove Men +Care has a new formula featuring Vitamin E; and Vaseline offers new 48-hour protection with pro Derma Technology. Female compressed is performing incredibly well with over 12m female 75ml cans sold to date in the UK & Ireland. As part of the 2014 campaign, Unilever will also reduce all 250ml female packs to 125ml in a move to compress its entire female deodorant collection. This, along with the new

male compressed range, will result in the compressed format reaching 42% of the Unilever deodorant portfolio, driving a positive change for both the environment and the retail sector alike. Compressed deodorants offer the same protection and care and last just as long as the bigger cans. The compressed technology has reduced the amount of propellant by up to 50% and therefore the size of the can is smaller, enabling up to 25% reduction in aluminium. They also offer greater delivery as they use less propellant, making the spray feel less cold and drier when applied. The expansion of the compressed format across Unilever’s male deodorant portfolio takes Unilever closer to its challenging Sustainable Living Plan targets of halving the environmental impact of products across the lifecycle and the waste associated with the disposal of products by 2020. Lynx Also from Unilever, Lynx’s most recent launch was new variant, Lynx Peace, whose launch was supported by a €1.45m multi-media marketing spend across TV, outof-home, digital, print, sampling, radio and in-store. Featuring an addictive mix of citrus, pepper and ginger to deliver an intriguing woody fragrance with a strong youthful edge, the Peace variant is available across the full Lynx portfolio, including: body spray, APA deodorant, shower gel, shampoo and two hair styling aids - styling gel The Lynx Peace and natural look packaging includes cream. a peace sign on the front to drive “Lynx Peace standout on-shelf. will be our main focus for 2014,” says Mark Aschmann, Lynx Brand Manager at Unilever UK. “As category leader within the male deodorant market, we understand the importance of keeping things fresh and continue to develop new ways to reach out to a wider target audience. With the launch of Lynx Peace, we believe that we have created a sophisticated offering, which will appeal to both new and existing guys seeking a unique and edgy fragrance on the market.”


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26|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Retail Ireland Conference

Recovery Well Underway at Retail Ireland Conference The country’s top retailers gathered in Dublin for the Retail Ireland MasterCard Annual Conference, which highlighted the country’s economic recovery and future prospects. IRELAND is officially enjoying a firm economic recovery, but the Government needs to cut personal taxes to kick-start real growth. Such was the message at the Retail Ireland MasterCard Annual Conference, held in the Gibson Hotel, Dublin, on May 6. The theme of this year’s Conference was Recovery and Renewal and it proved an apt subject. The event was expertly chaired by Norah Casey, CEO of Harmonia, Ireland’s largest magazine publishing company, and featured a stellar line-up of speakers, who provided a wealth of interesting insights into both the wider Irish economy, the retail sector and glimpses of what the future might hold for both. Prioritising Retail at State Level Opening the Conference, An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD highlighted the importance of the provision of infrastructure, from broadband to water, to the Irish economy. He stressed the importance of the retail sector to the Government, stating that it was a priority and “essential for the social fabric” of the country. On this note, he narrated the Government’s successes in reducing VAT rates, improving access to credit for business, establishing a commercial

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, addresses the Retail Ireland MasterCard Annual Conference.

leases database, introducing cheaper examinership for companies in the Circuit Court, and tacking the hidden economy. The next step, he admitted is to lessen the tax burden on working people and to loosen the bureaucracy around doing business in Ireland. He highlighted the establishment of a Retail Consultation Forum and expressed a hope that it would be a vehicle for driving real change in

the industry and its relationship with Government in terms of finding “workable solutions” to challenges ahead. The Taoiseach went on to highlight the growth of online shopping versus traditional shops, noting how there is billions of euro worth of goods coming into the country via the web that could be bought in our shops. He stressed the importance for all of us of buying Irish

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Retail Ireland Conference

Pictured at the Retail Ireland MasterCard Annual Conference in Dublin were (l-r): Baroness Neville-Rolfe, DBE CMG, House Of Lords; Frank Gleeson, Chairman, Retail Ireland; and An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD.

goods and services, where possible. Acknowledging that the last few years have been “a long and difficult road for retailers”, he promised brighter days ahead. Developing Your Blue Ocean IBEC CEO Danny McCoy described Retail Ireland as a “critical part of IBEC”. In a wide-ranging presentation, McCoy argued that “the narrative in retail about the consumer is too narrow”. Households, he stressed, have been spending, with retail making up 50% of their outlay, with innovation and value the key to their loosening of the purse-strings. McCoy went on to note how the “paradox of thrift”, our new-found obsession with “keeping down with the Joneses” seems to be breaking. Discounting, however, remains pervasive in retail, he warned, urging delegates to develop not a “blue sky” but a “blue ocean” strategy, a business development mindset that encourages companies to succeed not by battling competitors but by creating “blue oceans” of uncontested market space. Highlighting the enormous footprint of the retail sector and its importance to Ireland’s economy, McCoy noted how we are on the cusp of a strong surge in recovery, but argued that this recovery must be sustainable. He called on the Government to reduce the tax burden on workers, with the corresponding increase in spending more than making up the balance in the Government’s coffers. “If we get a modicum of inflation, our economy will grow by 4% in value terms,” he argued.

“Innovation is at the heart of our business, but we need the freedom to be able to innovate, and that means not being burdened with red tape and barriers.” The Innovation Station Shane Daly, Head of Retailer Services at Nielsen Ireland, discussed in detail the parameters that must be met for real innovation to succeed, highlighting 12 steps to success across the innovation process, from having a distinct proposition with a concise and persuasive message, through to effective marketing execution and ensuring your product is consumercentric and delivers on its promises. Two thirds of products fail to achieve their first-year sales levels in year two, he warned. He encouraged entrepreneurs to look at each stage of the process, arguing that for a product to succeed, you must be successful in all 12 stages – you are only as strong as your weakest link. Daly then went on to detail

the evolution of the Irish grocery marketplace over the last decade, noting in particular the rise and rise of the discounters, Aldi and Lidl, who now make up 15% of Ireland’s €15.1 billion grocery market, and are growing at 1920% per year. Daly discussed the acceptance curve of the discounters in Ireland, as consumers increasingly trialled goods and started to spread the word. Indeed, one of the most interesting statistics from Daly’s wide-ranging presentation was the fact that in 2013, more than a quarter (26%) of Aldi’s consumers were recommenders (those who would recommend the store to others), the highest figure of any of the grocery groups, and one which has doubled in just two years. Daly also pointed out that the discounters’ impressive growth rates are backed up by a high advertising spend, with both Aldi and Lidl amongst the biggest advertisers in the industry, particularly on TV. Daly finished up by showing a host of global retail innovations across the supply chain, including a whole foods store in Brooklyn who grew vegetables in greenhouses on their roof, a home scanner from Amazon and a smart shopping device that attaches to a trolley and guides shoppers to specific ingredients in-store. Keynote Address The keynote address was provided by the Baroness Lucy Neville-Rolfe, current president of EuroCommerce and former UK senior civil servant and an Executive Director of Tesco

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Retail Ireland Conference plc. In a hugely entertaining speech, she explained how her own farming background and subsequent career in one of the world’s biggest retailers has given her a unique insight into both sides of the grocery supply chain. She went on to discuss the European economy, praising Ireland’s “bravery” in dealing with the fall-out from the 2008 economic crash, before highlighting the importance of the retail sector across Europe. The retail and wholesale sector employs 13% of the European labour force, and together creates one trillion euro of gross value added. In a sometimes grey world, she argued, retail is diverse, “in the sense that the locations are varied, the customers come from all walks of life and the recipes for success are very different.” It is also, she acknowledged, a “model of competition”, which is perhaps why it is so innovative. “Innovation is at the heart of our business, but we need the freedom to be able to innovate, and that means not being burdened with red tape and barriers,” she warned. She cited the advent of e-commerce as a prime example of retail leading and innovating. However, in more mature digital markets such as the UK and France, there are signs that the growth of pure e-commerce is not as steep as it used to be, and multi- or omni-channel retailing is rising as the way forward. “Bricks and mortar shops are still relevant and important,” she said. “Yes, the way people shop continues to change but the most important thing is still to provide a consistent and positive experience for consumers.” A Healthy Obsession She went on to describe her long career in Tesco, where she joined as Group Director of Corporate Affairs in 1997, before going on to become Company Secretary and being appointed to the board of Tesco plc, where she was Executive Director of Corporate and Legal Affairs from 2006 until January 2013. Praising Tesco’s “obsession with the customer”, she recalled the launch and huge success of the Tesco Clubcard, which was extremely innovative in terms of the electronic card itself, the use of vouchers and deals and not using customers’ personal data to exploit them in any way. She also pointed out the growth of organic food and subsequently wine, and, humorously, the correlation between first time nappy purchase and beer sales, before highlighting Tesco’s development of “the largest and most profitable online

Pictured at the Retail Ireland MasterCard Annual Conference in Dublin were (l-R) Garry Lyons, Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Labs, Mastercard, Norah Casey, Entrepreneur And Broadcaster and Stephen Lynam, Director, Retail Ireland.

grocery business in the world”. A Symbiotic Relationship She went on to discuss relations between producers and retailers, having seen both sides of the supply chain. “Relations between producer and

“Bricks and mortar shops are still relevant and important. Yes, the way people shop continues to change but the most important thing is still to provide a consistent and positive experience for consumers.” retailer need to be strong,” she argued, noting, however, how this has not always been an easy area. “Fair business practices are crucial to the symbiotic relationship between retailers and suppliers, as is the ability to address any disputes in a fair and transparent manner,” she noted, delighting in the fact that 105 companies across Europe have already

signed up to the voluntary supply chain initiative, the Principles of Good Practice In Vertical Relations in the Food Supply Chain. She finished by describing the retail sector as “a beacon of innovation, customer focus and competition. This is good for Ireland, good for Europe and good for competitiveness, renewal and growth.” When asked about her opinion on impending tobacco legislation, the Baroness argued that tobacco regulation should be a national rather than European policy: “what you do on sales of tobacco is better done nationally”. However, that when it comes to the proposed introduction of plain packaging for tobacco products, our politicians “need to think carefully on the impact of legislation”. A question about proposals to introduce a sugar or fat tax on certain goods was met with a mixed response from the Baroness, who, however, feels that “it is right to engage at EU level on obesity.” Another delegate questioned her on Scotland’s proposed introduction of minimum unit pricing for alcohol. This, she argued, was a local or national issue and not something the EU should regulate. Describing it as “reasonable public policy”, she warned, however, that the level of the price is as important as the principle. Watching His Figures IBEC’s’s Chief Economist, Fergal O’Brien sounded an extremely positive note about the Irish economy, which he stressed was in “firm recovery mode”. We don’t need more austerity to fix the public finances, O’Brien

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Retail Ireland Conference argued: Ireland’s economic growth should cover it. The policy challenge for Government now, he said, is to put cash into the pockets of consumers so they can become part of a “virtuous circle”, their increased spending in turn feeding the greater economy. The jump from welfare to work, he argued, is not currently putting enough cash in consumers’ pockets. He commended Ireland’s success in putting people back to work, with employment growth of 3%, equating to 60,000 jobs, in 2013, with another 50,000 predicted to follow this year. This level of growth, O’Brien maintained, was spectacular, and he also noted both the broad spectrum of sectors, from food and hospitality to high tech and even a resurgent construction industry, and the geographical spread of the new jobs. One warning note, however, was the lack of new job creation for 20-34 year-olds, although O’Brien mused that shrinking demographics and the emigration of recent years were big factors in this. Our impressive economic recovery has not, however, translated to turnover and bottom line for the retail trade, O’Brien admitted. Retail businesses, thus, need to continue to focus their resources on cost control, including commercial rates, rents and utilities, as this isn’t going to change overnight. On a more positive note, however, retail sales volumes are improving strongly and consumer sentiment is significantly up. Consumer spending forecasts are dependent on five things, O’Brien noted: the number of people at work; wage levels, with some wage growth coming back this year; inflation, which is expected to be 0.5% this year; consumer confidence, at its highest point since 2007; and taxation. In order to help, O’Brien called on the Government to deliver €500m in income tax cuts in this year’s Budget, which could be achieved by amending the higher tax bracket so less workers fall into its net. Such a move would have a meaningful effect on consumer confidence and spending, the IBEC economist argued. Either way, he concluded, this year’s will be our last austerity budget. The Tech Effect Garry Lyons, MasterCard Worldwide’s Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Labs, provided a fascinating presentation which saw him utilising a host of technology, including smartphone, laptop, tablet, smartwatch and even a Nymi, a smart wristband, which uses your cardiac

Frank Gleeson, Chairman, Retail Ireland, pictured with An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD.

rhythm to authenticate your identity, thus allowing the wearer to wirelessly take control of a number of devices, potentially even your car. MasterCard, he explained, want to hold onto your financial transactions, whether a card is involved or not and thus, the company has gone beyond plastic in its thinking. With this in mind, Lyons was given carte blanche to investigate the commercial technologies of the future. His presentation included a range of e-commerce solutions, including Shop This, a digital purchasing platform which allowed him to purchase a plethora of goods from multiple online retailers with one click, using the MasterPass digital wallet. Using his tablet to read a magazine, Lyons was able to click the Shop This logo on the digital advertisements or editorial pages to purchase said product immediately and easily – indeed, the app even scanned an editorial page and through image recognition, located a pair of runners and allowed him to purchase them online. This kind of technology, Lyons mused, could in the future translate to consumers’ home fridge, scanning its contents and allowing them to order goods from multiple retailers in a single purchase. Other examples of the latest technology at work saw MasterCard partner with a host of schools in Australia, whereby parents could pre-order and pay for their children’s canteen food online, thus eliminating the need for their kids to carry cash and giving the parents the security of knowing the children were eating healthily. Another app allows the user to check-in to a restaurant or café, getting a unique code, which then enables

them to pay their bill wirelessly, without having to wait for a server to bring the bill to the table, a process which takes up to 12 minutes each time, according to Lyons. He finished his hugely entertaining presentation with the statistic that only 23% of Irish businesses trade online. The future, he stressed, is about omni-channel retailing and MasterCard are working with businesses, through their Simplify Commerce software, that allows any retailer to be an online merchant in as little as three minutes. Paul Neeson, Director of Retail at the Dublin Airport Authority and ARI, discussed the dynamic world of airport shopping and the significant opportunities in this niche but lucrative market. There followed a retail roundtable with Declan Ronayne from Woodies, Shirley O’Kelly, Timbertrove, and Frank Gleeson, Aramark, Retail Ireland Chairman. Ireland’s Biggest Private Sector Employer The Conference was closed by Retail Ireland Director, Stephen Lynam, who noted how the retail sector is “overregulated, undervalued and underappreciated” but is also “full of people determined to grow their businesses, determined to innovate and bring new ideas, and determined to help their industry as it tries to pull out of this recession”. Retail, he said, is “the biggest private sector employer in the country, with a presence in every village in the land, bar none. We employ more people than farming, finance and ICT combined. We generate five billion euro in taxes.” Retail Ireland, he stressed, will continue to highlight the strategic importance of the retail sector to “this country, this economy and this society”.

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Summer Stocking: Summer Dining

Warm Front for Summer Sales As temperatures rise, al fresco dining is set to take centre stage this summer.

IRISH consumers have really embraced al fresco dining, with barbecues in particular now commonplace during the summer. While we may lag slightly behind Europe’s biggest barbecuers in the UK (where the average number of barbecues held per family is now more than nine each summer), Ireland has embraced outdoor dining. 2013’s warm and dry summer certainly contributed to a rise in barbecue culture last year and the trend this year is for more of the same. Industry estimates value the barbecue sector at more than €300m per year, which means massive profit opportunities for smart retailers who have a dedicated barbecue section instore. Post-recession, barbecue and al fresco eating and entertaining have become a more fashionable and cheaper alternative to a visit to the

local pub or restaurant. Hot and spicy food regions such as South America, North Africa, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Southern US styles such as Cajun & Creole, are all becoming more popular on the barbecue, and the World Cup in Brazil should bring some Latin American sizzle to al fresco dining this summer. Indeed, consumers are becoming more adventurous in their barbecuing. Over the last few years there has been a clear ‘sausage to swordfish and burger to brochette’ evolution in the style and type of food cooked at a barbecue. Prime meat cuts and steaks regularly appear on the barbecue, while high end seafood, like swordfish steaks, are increasing in popularity all the time, accompanied by salads, sauces and the perennial favourite, the baked potato. Of course, summer dining isn’t

just about barbecues, and other areas to experience a surge in sales during the summer months include salads, fresh fruits and berries, and generally lighter meal styles. Moy Park With summer just around the corner, Moy Park’s delicious range of barbecue products are the perfect partner for al fresco dining. Made with 100% Irish chicken and flavoured with mouthwatering marinades, Moy Park’s

Moy Park’s popular barbecue range includes Barbecue Chicken Wings.



90 % 10 % 100 % We Prepare, You Cook Moy Park ‘Good Kitchen’ is a new range of delicious chicken creations inspired by our chefs. Made with 100% Irish chicken, marinated in tempting flavours, Moy Park ‘Good Kitchen’ is the perfect combination of convenience, taste and quality.

STOCK UP NOW Please contact a member of our commercial team on +44 (0) 28 3835 2233

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Summer Stocking: Summer Dining popular barbecue range includes Barbecue Chicken Drumsticks, Barbecue Chicken Wings, Chinese Chicken Thighs and Sweet Chilli Chicken Thighs.

Made with 100% Irish chicken and flavoured with mouth-watering marinades, Moy Park’s Chinese Chicken Thighs.

Packed full of flavour and guaranteed to add a ‘sizzle’ to any occasion, these versatile products are easy to prepare and ready to be cooked on the barbecue or in the oven. For more information and to view Moy Park’s full range of products, please visit www.moyparkchicken.com. Clarke’s Fresh Fruit Over the course of 50 years, Clarke’s Fresh Fruit has forged a stellar reputation for itself as the one of nation’s top suppliers of premium fruit. Delicious strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are grown on the 50-acre farm, where the mostadvanced technologies are deployed to ensure perfect results every time. Approximately 700 tons of fresh fruit are produced annually and, as a Bord Bia quality-assured soft fruit producer, Pat Clarke prides himself on delivering top-quality, flavoursome fruit to the consumer at all times. Like many successful businessmen, Pat started out from very humble

beginnings, as he recounts: “I started the business at my parents’ home place while I was still at national school with 10 rows, 30 feet long – growing strawberries which I sold for pocket money. Of course, as a young lad, I always ate a few of the strawberries myself and I still eat them every day! All the fruit is still grown here on the family farm in Meath.” Today, Clarke’s Fresh Fruit employs more than 100 people and all fruit is stem-picked freshly and despatched on the same day to ensure that the customer gets the freshest possible produce. From May through until November, they produce fruit seven days a week. Clarke’s Fresh Fruit is available nationwide, from large groups like Dunnes Stores, SuperValu, Aldi and Lidl to smaller, independent outlets and is also sold into the wholesale

All strawberries grown by Clarke’s Fresh Fruit are on-shelf the same day they are picked.

market. The produce is on-shelf nationwide on the same day that it is picked. It is also sold locally at the

Clarke’s Irish Jam is a new brand of 100% fruit jam, made from wholesome fruit grown by Clarke’s.

Pat Clarke: “Strawberries are a superfruit and more and more people are starting to realise this, they are going for fresh fruit with no air miles.”

farm gate. Needless to say, Pat is delighted with how the business has taken off: “It started as an experiment, really. In this area, everybody grew fruit for the Dublin market to supplement their income and that’s how I started off. Today, however, fruit isn’t a luxury product anymore; it has become an essential part of a healthy diet,” he reveals. “Strawberries are a superfruit and more and more people are starting to realise this, they are going for fresh fruit with no air miles – you can’t get better.” In 1983, Pat introduced the El Santa strawberry variety to Ireland and the very first of those berries were sold in the Dublin market that July. With an excellent flavour, firm texture and impressive shelf life, El Santa is now used for 80% of strawberry production in Ireland. Clarke’s Fresh Fruit has been voted Bord Bia Fruit Grower of the Year on many occasions and captured the prestigious overall Grower of the Year award in 2010. Acquiring expertise and knowledge through ongoing assessment of current trends, from a national and global perspective, ensures high standards are maintained. Cropping techniques are monitored closely and constantly evaluated, while the use of organic compost and certified plants ensures quality, tasteful berries. All the fruit is grown indoors with feeding taking place through the roots by irrigation. Strict quality control is implemented and sustained by a highly-trained, experienced workforce, which uses stem-picking techniques to ensure minimal handling. A new brand of 100% fruit jam has also been developed. The jam is specially made by Folláin, Macroom, County Cork, from wholesome fruit grown by Clarke’s. Selected on merit for quality and

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Summer Stocking: Summer Dining Avonmore: the Perfect Accompaniment to Outdoor Dining A MUST for everyone’s shopping list this summer has to be Avonmore Cream. Produced by Glanbia Consumer Foods, the range consists of ever popular Fresh Cream, the chef’s favourite Double Cream, convenient Freshly Whipped Cream, tangy Sour Cream for barbecues and baked potatoes, and sumptuous Avonmore Fresh Dessert Cream, perfect for pouring over summer berries. Already thickened and ready to serve, Avonmore Fresh Dessert Cream has a luxuriously smooth and thick consistency and can be poured straight from the bottle (no whipping required) over all consumers’ favourite summer treats. For the perfect end to a summer’s evening, consumers can simply pair Avonmore Fresh Dessert Cream with raspberries, strawberries or any summer berry of their choice for a delicious dessert.

The tangy taste of Avonmore Sour Cream is the ideal accompaniment for barbecues, light meals or simply as a dip to nachos or salad. Avonmore Sour Cream comes in re-closable tubs, which guarantee freshness and convenience. Also from Glanbia, Avonmore Cheese comes in both Sliced and Grated formats and is ideal for burgers, baked potatoes, salads and dips. Avonmore Cheddar Cheese is packed and produced in Ireland and comes in re-closable packs with an easy to follow recipe on the back of pack. Cconsumers can choose from Red Cheddar, White Cheddar, Mozzarella, Cheddar & Mozzarella or Light Cheese for a wide range of summer dishes. Avonmore’s food website, cookwithavonmore.ie, features over 300 easy to make delicious recipes, including starters, mains meals, desserts, snacks and picnic ideas.

The sumptuous Avonmore Fresh Dessert Cream is perfect for pouring over summer berries.

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Summer Stocking: Summer Dining reputation, Clarke’s Fresh Fruit was chosen to supply quality royal strawberries for the state dinner at Dublin Castle in honour of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh on their recent visit to Ireland. Commendations don’t come any higher! Of course, Clarke’s Fresh Fruit is constantly evolving, as Pat explains: “Our high standards have been reflected in many awards – as well as the Fruit Grower awards, we were also voted Family Farm of the Year in 1997 and Family Farm of the Millennium in 2000.” Up until recently, Pat also kept a herd of cows on the family farm and his motto was ‘Strawberries and Cream – the perfect match’. Irish Pride The soft rolls category is one of the key categories in the bread market. It has grown in importance in recent years as consumer eating habits evolve. The Irish consumer enjoys variety in their diets and the soft rolls category gives the consumer a perfect alternative to the sliced pan, offering everything from delicious burger buns to floury baps and healthy rolls. Irish Pride claims leadership of the soft rolls category. The brand has delivered consistent growth in recent years and it has also been the main driver of innovation, offering the consumer high quality products and great value. The Irish Pride Bunsters burger bun and hot dog roll range is perfect for any barbecue, while the Irish Pride Bap range allows consumers to enjoy the soft texture of a Floury Bap. Irish Pride bakers are always focused on innovation, and the

Irish Pride Slimsters Squares have only 100 calories per square, making them a lighter choice for the calorie conscious consumer.

latest range of products introduced to the soft rolls category is the Irish Pride Squares Range. There are four new lines, including Irish Pride Slimsters Squares, available in White, Wholemeal and Multiseed varieties. These delicious rolls have only 100 calories per square, making them a lighter choice for the calorie conscious consumer. Irish Pride Kidsters Squares are small tasty white and wholemeal rolls that are perfect for little hands, while Irish Pride Sandwich Squares are soft white rolls that are the perfect accompaniment to any lunch time snack. Irish Pride is committed to delivering growth in the soft rolls category by continuing to focus on innovation, product quality and value for its consumers.

BR Foods BR Foods have extended their Frank’s RedHot Pepper Sauce range to include two exciting new flavours, Frank’s RedHot Chile ‘n Lime and Frank’s RedHot Xtra Hot Sauce, a must for summer barbecues.

New Frank’s RedHot Chile ‘n Lime and Frank’s RedHot Xtra Hot Sauce, a must for summer barbecues.

The Irish Pride Bunsters burger bun and hot dog roll range is perfect for any barbecue.

Savoury heat with a twist, Frank’s RedHot Chile ‘n Lime Hot Sauce is a hearty surge of flavour. A heat wave of chilli and spice, blended with a tangy burst of lime, it’s a match made in spicy sauce heaven that only Frank’s Hot Sauce can deliver. With its Latin flair, it’s great for consumers to splash on everything from tortillas to shrimp, tacos to steak. With real heat and real flavour, Frank’s RedHot Xtra Hot Cayenne

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Summer Stocking: Summer Dining Pepper Sauce is four times hotter than the original RedHot. It’s made with a savoury extra hot blend of aged cayenne peppers and has no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. It’s great for splashing on pizzas, burgers, ribs and steak. The sauces are available in 354ml bottles and will be available in select Dunnes Stores and independent stores nationwide. Florette Consumer cravings for premium salads have seen sales of Florette’s prize prepared salad range Duo surge to €1.2m, returning a whopping 70% year-on-year growth.

to get creative with their salads. For more information about Florette Ireland, contact Nigel Cooke, Sales Manager, at nicooke@florette.com. Bord Na Móna Bord na Móna have just launched a new range of barbecue products and packaging for summer 2014. The range includes Instant Lighting BBQ Charcoal, BBQ Charcoal, the Disposable Instant BBQ Grill, as well as the Fire Maker and Firelog, both of which are suitable for outdoor use. Having launched a new brand identity in 2013, followed by a new look for their home heating products, the exciting new barbecue range builds on the fantastic heritage of the Bord na Móna brand. The well loved Irish brand has expanded its outdoor product range this summer, developed exciting new category-leading packaging, delivering standout on-shelf and reinforcing

Bord na Móna Instant Lighting Charcoal is the ideal product for the barbecue novice or for an impromptu barbecue occasion.

product quality, consistency in performance and range. Bord na Móna promises to add real value in the barbecue category, bringing a wealth of experience in the Florette’s unique Duo offering was fuels business to the summer outdoors. developed to inject inspiration into the “The barbecue category has been in prepared salad market and drive growth in growth for past number of years and the premium category. the trend for in-home entertaining is set to continue even as the economy Florette’s innovative leafy mix recovers,” notes Elaine Mellon, Product offers a combination of two leaves Portfolio Manager – Retail. “Our paired perfectly together to deliver new range is extremely relevant for the ultimate taste, texture and colour consumers and we are bringing the for salad adorers. Florette’s unique brand to life in-store with a host of Duo offering was developed to inject POS material and in-store theatre inspiration into the prepared salad to really engage consumers with the market and since its launch on shelf in theme ‘Make Your Summer Sizzle’. 2011 has continued to drive growth for “We know that today’s shoppers are For the more discerning barbecue Ireland’s premium prepared category. extremely busy and we only have three chef, Bord na Móna BBQ Charcoal 5kg Following an increase of 7.9% in yearseconds to interrupt them in-store and briquettes are quick to light, burn for on-year growth, the premium category catch their attention and that’s exactly longer and give a more consistent high now claims a 51% share of the total heat output for even better cooking results. what our POS is designed to achieve prepared salad category. across multiples, forecourts, Florette will be symbol group stores and ensuring retailers independents by bringing continue to reap the the barbecue category to life benefits from premium in-store.” prepared salad sales as To that end, Bord na its ramps up its €600,000 Móna have developed a full marketing activity POS suite to brighten up your through its latest TV and barbecue category, from headonline campaign, which boards to shelf strips, floor features Duo Ruby Chard graphics to bunting, right up to a stone-brick barbecue, and is geared towards Bord na Móna have just launched a new range of barbecue products which houses the entire and packaging for summer 2014. inspiring consumers

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Summer Stocking: Summer Dining consumers’ barbecues light first time, every time, and is ideal for use in conjunction with charcoal briquettes or lumpwood. Consumers looking to create an immediate fire should try the quick and easy to light Bord na Móna Firelog.

Bord na Móna’s Disposable BBQ Grill is the ideal convenient, no-fuss, easy lighting product designed to give users an authentic barbecue experience every time.

barbecue category in larger stores. “Our in-store campaign, ‘Make Your Summer Sizzle’ is rooted in insight,” Elaine adds. “We know a Bord na Móna fire has the ability to transform a mood, brings people together, making time together with family and friends feel even better. Our new quality barbecue range promises to brighten up your days, delivering a quality performance every time, so you can make time for the things that matter most, creating delicious moments to share with family and friends, whether that’s lighting an instant barbecue or creating fabulous food al fresco. “We had a great summer last year for barbecue and we’re anticipating more of the same in 2014, so our advice to retailers is to stock up now and make it easy for your customers to make their summer sizzle.” The range includes the Bord na Móna Disposable BBQ Grill. Whether consumers are immersed in the great outdoors, soaking

up the atmosphere at their dream festival or simply picnicking in their local park this summer, this portable disposable barbecue grill is the ideal convenient, no-fuss, easy lighting product designed to give them an authentic barbecue experience every time. Bord na Móna Instant Lighting BBQ Charcoal 2kg and 4kg is the ideal product for the barbecue novice or for an impromptu barbecue occasion. Compact and easy to use, it lights with just one match, and consumers then simply leave it for approximately 20 minutes before cooking. For the more discerning barbecue chef, Bord na Móna BBQ Charcoal 5kg briquettes are quick to light, burn for longer and give a more consistent high heat output for even better cooking results. It’s perfect for use with Fire Maker and as a top-up to extend the Instant Lighting Charcoal cooking time. Bord na Móna Fire Maker is eco-friendly and fragrance-free, ensuring

BIC Barbecues are certainly one of the many benefits to the warm summer evenings and the BIC Megalighter (BIC U140) is an essential tool for any outdoor cooking at this time of year and so it’s important to display it with the coals and barbecues in your store for the ‘summer chefs’ who are looking to get their cooking underway. This easy to use household lighter will get the party started by lighting the cooking appliance in a safe and reliable manner, as well as helping to set the perfect atmosphere by lighting candles in the home and garden. Not only is the BIC Megalighter important for summer time, but it is a vital tool for households, for lighting fires and candles to cookers and barbecues, for 12 months of the year, so it’s important to keep it stocked and visible from January to December. Research has shown that nine out of 10 people ‘love’ the BIC Megalighter, primarily because of its safety features and ease of use. 89% said they would make a repeat purchase of the household lighter and 75% are likely

to recommend it to others (Source: Utility European Consumer Survey, 2012). The ‘bar-BIC-cue’ season is officially here and with it the demand for BIC Megalighter is about to soar, so it’s important to have them on shelves! BIC Megalighter is available from your local Musgrave Marketplace, BWG Value Centre, Stonehouse and Budget Greeting Cards. For more information, please see www.bicworld.com.

Nine out of 10 people ‘love’ the BIC Megalighter, primarily because of its safety features and ease of use.

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Thu 12 Jun 9:00 PM Brazil Fri 13 Jun 5:00 PM Mexico Fri 13 Jun 8:00 PM Spain Fri 13 Jun 11:00 PM Chile Sat 14 Jun 5:00 PM Colombia Sat 14 Jun 8:00 PM Uruguay Sat 14 Jun 11:00 PM England Sun 15 Jun 2:00 AM Ivory Coast Sun 15 Jun 5:00 PM Switzerland Sun 15 Jun 8:00 PM France Sun 15 Jun 11:00 PM Argentina Mon 16 Jun 5:00 PM Germany Mon 16 Jun 8:00 PM Iran Mon 16 Jun 11:00 PM Ghana Tue 17 Jun 5:00 PM Belgium Tue 17 Jun 8:00 PM Brazil Tue 17 Jun 11:00 PM Russia Wed 18 Jun 5:00 PM Australia Wed 18 Jun 8:00 PM Spain Wed 18 Jun 11:00 PM Cameroon Thu 19 Jun 5:00 PM Colombia Thu 19 Jun 8:00 PM Uruguay Thu 19 Jun 11:00 PM Japan Fri 20 Jun 5:00 PM Italy Fri 20 Jun 8:00 PM Switzerland Fri 20 Jun 11:00 PM Honduras Sat 21 Jun 5:00 PM Argentina Sat 21 Jun 8:00 PM Germany Sat 21 Jun 11:00 PM Nigeria Sun 22 Jun 5:00 PM Belgium Sun 22 Jun 8:00 PM South Korea Sun 22 Jun 11:00 PM United States Mon 23 Jun 5:00 PM Australia Mon 23 Jun 5:00 PM Netherlands Mon 23 Jun 9:00 PM Cameroon Mon 23 Jun 9:00 PM Croatia Tue 24 Jun 5:00 PM Italy Tue 24 Jun 5:00 PM Costa Rica Tue 24 Jun 9:00 PM Japan Tue 24 Jun 9:00 PM Greece Wed 25 Jun 5:00 PM Nigeria Wed 25 Jun 5:00 PM BosniaHerzegov Wed 25 Jun 9:00 PM Honduras Wed 25 Jun 9:00 PM Ecuador Thu 26 Jun 5:00 PM United States Thu 26 Jun 5:00 PM Portugal Thu 26 Jun 9:00 PM South Korea Algeria Thu 26 Jun 9:00 PM


Croatia Cameroon Netherlands Australia Greece Costa Rica Italy Japan Ecuador Honduras BosniaHerzegov Portugal Nigeria United States Algeria Mexico South Korea Netherlands Chile Croatia Ivory Coast England Greece Costa Rica France Ecuador Iran Ghana BosniaHerzegov Russia Algeria Portugal Spain Chile Brazil Mexico Uruguay England Colombia Ivory Coast Argentina Iran Switzerland France Germany Ghana Belgium Russia

Sao Paulo Natal Salvador Cuiaba Belo Horizonte Fortaleza Manaus Recife Brasilia Porto Alegre Rio De Janeiro Salvador Curitiba Natal Belo Horizonte Fortaleza Cuiaba Porto Alegre Rio De Janeiro Manaus Brasilia Sao Paulo Natal Recife Salvador Curitiba Belo Horizonte Fortaleza Cuiaba Rio De Janeiro Porto Alegre Manaus Curitiba Sao Paulo Brasilia Recife Natal Belo Horizonte Cuiaba Fortaleza Porto Alegre Salvador Manaus Rio De Janeiro Recife Brasilia Sao Paulo Curitiba

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40|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Summer Stocking: World Cup

Football Fever to Deliver for Retailers World Cup 2014 presents a big opportunity for retailers, as consumers stock up for the planet’s biggest sporting event. WHILE Ireland won’t be taking part in this summer’s World Cup, interest in the greatest football tournament on earth remains huge throughout the country. From Buncrana to Barleycove, Irish football fans will be tuning in to see if Spain can make it four big tournaments in a row, or will Brazil make their home advantage count? Can Roy Hodgson’s England make it out of a tough group or will Luis Suarez and Uruguay send them home early? Or could Belgium’s young team of supertalented footballers pull off the shock of the century? These questions, and more, will be answered in the stadia of Brazil as

World Cup 2014 kicks off on June 12 and runs until the grand final in Rio on July 13 – see our World Cup calendar on Page 39. With games taking place generally between 5pm and 11pm, Irish viewers will be glued to their TV screens for an entire month, bringing big opportunities for canny retailers to cash in on this football fever, as consumers stock up on snacks, drinks and more to tuck into while watching. Chicago Town Takeaway Representing €5.6m of the frozen pizza category, Chicago Town Takeaway is the Number one brand in the frozen takeaway pizza sector (Source: Nielsen,

Chicago Town Takeaway has launched a new Limited Edition flavour, BBQ Sizzler, in a football-themed pack.

ROI Scantrack, Value MAT 52 w/e March 23, 2014, excluding Dunnes Stores & Discounters) and the perfect

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Summer Stocking: World Cup fit for takeaway lovers this World Cup season. For a big match treat without the hefty price tag, consumers can enjoy its famous fresh dough base and real takeaway taste in a range of five delicious stuffed and classic crust flavours. To celebrate the World Cup this summer, Chicago Town Takeaway has launched a new Limited Edition flavour, BBQ Sizzler, in a footballthemed pack which is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Generously topped with mozzarella, spicy chorizo sausage, red onions and peppers on a BBQ sauce stuffed crust; this limited edition flavour has great shelf appeal to help bring new consumers into the category and to satisfy the appetites of current Chicago Town Takeaway lovers. Supported this year by a heavyweight TV campaign, shopper media, PR and social media engagement, Chicago Town Takeaway is the one to watch this football season. For more information, see www.chicagotown.com and www.facebook.com/chicagotown.

Pizza range to the joy of taste buds all over Ireland. The new takeaway inspired pizzas are paired up with a delicious dipping sauce, sweet chilli or creamy garlic, a first for frozen pizzas in Ireland. Each delicious pizza comes in an authentic takeaway box for the ultimate takeaway pizza experience. With five delicious flavours to choose from, including Flamin’ Fajita Chicken, Mighty Meat Feast, The Big Cheese, Fully Loaded Pepperoni and the brand new The Hot Dog, this feisty fivesome are packed full of the cheesiest cheese and the manliest meat. The mouth-watering authentic base is freshly baked and frozen to lock in that perfect pizza taste, ensuring that Goodfella’s Takeaway Pizza always delivers. Goodfella’s delivers great tasting pizza in 18 minutes, so it is sure to be a crowd pleaser for the half-time feast! Moy Park Moy Park is giving football fans across Ireland and the UK the chance to jet off to Brazil this July to soak up the football fever at the 2014 FIFA World Cup via a competition running on all Moy Park branded products and moyparkchicken.com. Moy Park, who are an official

Moy Park are offering one lucky winner the opportunity to get their hands on an exclusive trip for two to a World Cup semi-final in Sao Paulo.

sponsor of the 2014 FIFA World Cup through parent company Marfrig, are offering one lucky winner the opportunity to get their hands on an exclusive trip for two to Brazil - with Goodfella’s flights, accommodation at the 4 Star As part of their 21st birthday Faria Lima Hotel in Sao Paulo and celebrations, Goodfella’s Pizza two tickets to the Semi-Final on July 9 launched their brand new Takeaway included in the prize. “The FIFA World Cup is among the world’s most widely viewed sporting events and we’re delighted to be able to offer shoppers the chance to get in on the action with this incredible on-pack promotion,” enthused Paul McGurk, Brand Marketing Manager for Moy Park. As part of parent company Marfrig’s World Cup sponsorship deal, the Moy Park brand will be beamed to millions of viewers across the globe on As part of their 21st birthday celebrations, Goodfella’s Pizza launched their brand new Takeaway pitch perimeter boards during Pizza range in an authentic takeaway box for the ultimate takeaway pizza experience. matches.

Panini’s World Cup Trading Card Game PANINI’S official licensed FIFA World Cup Adrenalyn XL Trading Card Game is sure to be hugely popular this year. Having been creating FIFA World Cup sticker albums since 1970, Panini was once again granted the exclusive rights by FIFA to produce and sell the official sticker album, collectable trading cards and trading card game for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The exclusive trading card game based on this exciting event will include striking imagery and action shots of the world’s best footballers. Collectors will have the chance to get involved in the spectacular tournament, with all the player images, statistics, bios and special info for the competing teams. Collectors can manage their virtual binder online using the

codes on the backs of their cards, compete against other players around the globe and challenge their friends. There are 416 cards to collect, including 124 special cards to look out for. Collectors can kick-start their collection with a starter pack which includes a collector’s binder, 18 trading cards, a game board, rules sheet and limited edition card. The trading card game will be backed by a multi-channel marketing campaign, including TV advertising, cover-mount activity with Strike-It Magazine, press and web advertising, nationwide sampling, as well as national and regional newspaper activity. The collection will also be backed by investment at retail across all key listings.

42|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Summer Stocking – Soft Drinks, Juice & Water

Soft Sells Another summer like last year’s should see a resurgent soft drinks category, as consumers reach for the chill cabinet in their droves. THE overall soft drinks sector stabilised in 2013, with the off trade showing a strong performance in both volume and value terms according to the latest report into the sector from Euromonitor International A lot of company activity was seen within soft drinks, as some manufacturers tried to gain a stronger foothold and others looked to concentrate on their core businesses. The latter was true for GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK), which confirmed the sale of the Lucozade and Ribena brands to Suntory Holdings, in a bid to concentrate on its core consumer healthcare business. New investors will bring about change for soft drinks in Ireland, as new brand owners are likely to invest heavily in growing these brands, in a bid to

increase their overall share of soft drink sales. In 2013, the retail environment remained relatively unchanged from the previous year, according to Euromonitor. Supermarkets continued to dominate, accounting for an off trade volume sales share in excess of 50%. However, the channel saw a loss of off trade volume sales share, mainly to discounters, convenience stores and internet retailers. A significant proportion of soft drinks were bought on impulse through convenience stores and the better than usual summer in Ireland in 2013 resulted in an increase in impulse purchases. The bottled water category is valued at a healthy €126m across the island of Ireland and is growing at 7.8%, while volume sales have reached 160m litres,

a growth of 8.2% on an MAT basis (Source: ACNielsen, Jan/Feb 2014 IOI). Juice saw total volume sales stagnate at €303m in 2013, while total volume sales also remained unchanged at 128 million litres. Following declines in previous years, Euromonitor argue that 2013 might mark the beginning of a recovery for the overall juice category. Club Zero Club, the number one Irish soft drink from Britvic Ireland Ltd and Ireland’s most popular citrus drink (Source: Nielsen Scantrack Market Data, April ‘14), with a proud heritage dating back to 1930, is bringing excitement to the soft drink category this summer by introducing a range of Zero Sugar drinks - Club Zero. Club will be introducing Club Zero across a number of key formats, including PET and cans. Club Zero will be launched in two different flavours, an Orange variant and a Raspberry variant. The new drinks were tested extensively with the Irish consumer and in blind testing outperformed their full sugar competitors. Staying true to its roots, Club

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Summer Stocking – Soft Drinks, Juice & Water Perfectly Peachy flavour in 50cl and 1.5L. “We are delighted to be able to share these fantastic new flavours with consumers,” noted Kerry O’ Sullivan, Country Manager for Danone Waters Ireland. “Volvic fans will now be able to choose from six Club Zero will be launched in two different flavours, an Orange variant tasty Touch of and a Raspberry variant across a number of key formats, including Fruit flavours, PET and cans. including the Brazil-inspired Zero is made with real fruit and maintains the bits in the liquid – without the sugar. The range will include a 500ml bottle, a 2L bottle and 6 x 330ml multiple pack can format. As part of the launch, Club will also be introducing a disruptive €1 euro flashed 440ml can in ROI and 79p 440ml in NI – these cans are the first of their kind in the citrus category. With a combined marketing investment of well over €1m, the launch is supported above the line through a new TV commercial, digital and outdoor, and below the line through proximity advertising and high impact in-store activation. The brand will also be engaging with its target audience with a heavyweight sampling campaign running across the country to coincide with launch. By launching the zero sugar range, Club is helping to give the consumer more choice, resulting in category growth in citrus. Club Zero is the drink every retailer needs to stock this summer. The campaign kicks off this June. Volvic Volvic, from Danone Waters Ireland, is adding even more flavour – and some extra sparkle - to the soft drinks market with a delicious new selection of flavours and formats across its Volvic, Volvic Touch of Fruit and Volvic Juiced ranges. Volvic Touch of Fruit will kick off the 2014 Brazilian celebrations with a Brazil-inspired Special Edition CocoPineapple flavour, available in 50cl and 1.5L. Volvic Touch of Fruit multipacks will now come in a 6 x 50cl pack, with the addition of Volvic Touch of Summer Fruits 6 x 50cl multipack to extend the flavour range. Volvic Juiced will expand its range of flavours with new Special Edition

Volvic Natural Mineral Water is sourced in the French Auvergne region, where it is filtered through six layers of volcanic rock, which gives it a unique volcanic mineral composition.

Special Edition, and four delicious ,Volvic Juiced flavours. With a plain

sparkling option also now available, there has never been so much choice within the Volvic brand.” The launches are being supported with a six-sheet outdoor campaign and a range of barkers, wobblers and freestanding display units. Volvic is the number one branded bottled water brand, with a share of 19.4% in Ireland (Source: Combined sales of Volvic plain and Volvic Touch of Fruit, Nielsen Scantrack ROI data to 23/03/2014). It plays a key role in the development of the bottled water category. Volvic Natural Mineral Water is sourced Volvic Natural Mineral Water in the French is now available in a 1.5L Auvergne sparkling format. region, where it is filtered through six layers of volcanic rock, which gives it a unique volcanic mineral composition. Volvic is sold in more than 60 countries and the range includes Volvic Natural Mineral Water, Volvic Touch of Fruit and Volvic Juiced. Volvic Natural Mineral Water is also available now in a 1.5L sparkling format. Volvic Juiced is a new addition to the Volvic mother brand. Volvic Juiced combines Volvic Natural Mineral Water with fruit juice and is available in 50cl and 1.5l bottles in Berry Medley, Cloudy Lemon and Orchard Apple flavours. Volvic Juiced contains fruit juice from concentrate and also contains sugar. Volvic Touch of Fruit is available in 50cl and 1.5L bottles in Strawberry, Lemon & Lime, Summer Fruits and Orange and Peach flavours. Volvic Touch of Fruit also comes in sugarfree Strawberry and Lemon & Lime flavours, as well as a new Tropical Fruit Flavour.

Best Served Chilled For orders please contact Richmond Marketing on 01-6233222 Flavour inspired by Brazil. Produced in France. Contains sugar, sugar free variants also available.

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Summer Stocking – Soft Drinks, Juice & Water evian Also from Danone Waters Ireland, evian have just launched a new evian kids pack, available in a 9 x 33cl and supported by the Mr Men cartoon theme. Each drop of evian Natural

evian have just launched a new evian kids pack, available in a 9 x 33cl and supported by the Mr Men cartoon theme.

Mineral Water falls as rain or snow high on the pristine peaks of the French Alps. It then travels through a vast mineral aquifer deep within the mountains, before emerging at the spring in Evian-Les-Bains. This

amazing journey is the secret to evian’s purity and it takes over 15 years. Ballygowan Natural Mineral Water Ballygowan Natural Mineral Water from Britvic Ireland Ltd, Ireland’s original and most popular water brand, celebrates its 30th birthday this year. A commitment to quality and an innovative approach to engaging consumers have kept the brand at the top of the market throughout the decades and this year the brand is going for gold. Ballygowan is showcasing a new look this summer in a bid to raise money for the fight against cancer. For six months, all 500ml still, 750ml sports cap, 1L sport and 2L still bottles across the trade will feature a special gold label, with the aim of raising €100,000 for the Irish Cancer Society, which will fund essential nursing services, supporting cancer patients and their families. Ballygowan will also be teaming up with Marie Curie Cancer Care to ensure that all funds raised in Northern Ireland go to support local nursing services. The limited edition packs will be supported with a through the line campaign fronted by comedian and cancer survivor, Des Bishop. Juicy Drench Launched in 2011, Juicy Drench from Britvic Ireland Ltd brings

Ballygowan is showcasing a special gold label this summer, with the aim of raising €100,000 for the Irish Cancer Society.

Lucozade Transforms Dublin Landmark LUCOZADE Energy recently teamed up with Kinetic, the Out of Home media planning and buying specialists and Mediacom, to ‘seize the moment and make it happen’ by running an eye-catching special at the iconic Barge Pub on Charlemont Street, Dublin 2. The Lucozade Energy ‘Powered by Glucose’ Barge takeover saw go-getting, stunt-performing hero ‘Dan’ on the Irish leg of his globetrotting escapades and followed on from the brand’s recent national Out of Home campaign, which consisted of large format billboards, 6-Sheets, transport formats and digital OOH. “This is a strategically integrated element to the Lucozade Energy Powered by Glucose campaign,” said Michelle Darlington,

Marketing Manager, Lucozade Energy. “It drives brand awareness

for Lucozade Energy and brings the action packed energy commercial to life

in a channel which is of significant focus for the business.”

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Summer Stocking – Soft Drinks, Juice & Water stream faster to ensure hydration and fuel winning performance. Now, Energise is bringing affordable energy to the stimulant energy category with Energise Edge 440ml, where the combination of great quality and great value is sure to stimulate consumer demand. Energise is the only Sports and Energy brand that is 100% produced in Ireland. The range includes Energise Sport and Energise Edge, both delivering top quality products at a great price.

Juicy Drench from Britvic Ireland Ltd brings colour and excitement to the adult ready-todrink category with a thirst quenching combination of 8% fruit juice and spring water.

colour and excitement to the adult ready-to-drink category with a thirst quenching combination of 8% fruit juice and spring water. It is available in three delicious flavours: Orange & Passionfruit, Blackcurrant & Apple and Cranberry & Raspberry. Juicy Drench is ideal for consumers on-the-go, providing tasty refreshment and hydration in a 500ml wide-neck bottle. There are times in the day when you are more than just a bit thirsty and Juicy Drench gives consumers what they need when they are looking for thirst-quenching refreshment: it’s got enough spring water to make it gluggable and enough clean, crisp fruit to make it delicious. With no artificial colours, flavours, or sweeteners, it meets consumers’ need for great taste with natural ingredients. This summer, Juicy Drench will be supported with a nationwide sampling and communications campaign, so stock up and awaken your RTD sales with Juicy Drench this summer. Energise The Energise brand from Britvic Ireland Ltd is going from strength to strength by tapping into consumers’ needs for affordable energy. Energise Sport claims 21.6% share of the sports category and sales continue to climb quickly as recession-hit consumers pick up the great value €1 price marked

pack. Available in Orange and Mixed Fruit flavours, Energise Sport’s isotonic formulation, with electrolytes and added vitamins, enters the blood

Available in Orange and Mixed Fruit flavours, Energise Sport’s isotonic formulation, with electrolytes and added vitamins, enters the blood stream faster to ensure hydration and fuel winning performance.

Deep RiverRock Deep RiverRock, from Coca-Cola HBC, is an indigenous market-leading bottled-water brand, bottled at source in Co. Antrim. Deep RiverRock claims leadership in the branded water market in terms of value across the island and continues to add value to the water market. Catering for all water occasions, Deep RiverRock has an extensive brand portfolio, including single bottles, multipacks and still, sparkling and flavoured water. The 500ml and 750ml sports packs are the largest selling packs and account for almost 60% of Deep RiverRock sales. The 750ml sports cap is the fastest selling Impulse Water SKU (Source: Source AC Nielsen Jan/Feb 2014 IOI). Deep RiverRock created a new integrated marketing campaign in Deep RiverRock’s 750ml April 2013, sports pack is the fastest ‘When you can’t selling impulse water SKU think straight... on the island of Ireland. hydrate’. This highly successful campaign, currently in its second year, is supported by three television executions, outdoor, digital and a series of successful sponsorships, which show the brand’s ongoing commitment to supporting communities at a local level, whilst bringing the hydration message to life.

48|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Summer Stocking: Soft Drinks

Ocean Spray Set for a Bloomin’ Great Year

Dave Ryan and Alan Rudden from Gardens Now, are pictured with model Roz Purcell announcing Ocean Spray’s show garden at Bloom: the Wellbeing Wetlands, inspired by Ocean Spray from Gardens Now.

AS THE World’s leading producer of cranberry juices, juice drinks and dried cranberries, Ocean Spray is one of the foremost brands in Ireland. To support the brand in the year ahead, Ocean Spray has just unveiled a raft of marketing activity to drive customer loyalty and help encourage purchase for retailers. After successful efforts in 2013, which included hosting ‘A Cranberry Gathering’ at Bloom and a Gathering event with one of Ocean Spray’s farmer-owners, Ocean Spray is continuing to invest in its brand in 2014. The company is focused on increasing awareness of its range of products and encouraging trial, which in turn should lead to increased demand for Ocean Spray products by consumers. Showing Off At Bloom To kick start the important summer season, Ocean Spray, for the second consecutive year, will be part of Bord

Bia’s Bloom, bringing the brand to life via its sponsorship of one of the show gardens at the event. Taking place from May 29 until June 2 at Dublin’s Phoenix Park, over 100,000 visitors are expected to attend over the five days. Reflecting its agricultural,

cooperative heritage and the vibrancy of Ocean Spray’s portfolio of products, Ocean Spray has teamed up with Gardens Now to create the ‘Wellbeing Wetlands, inspired by Ocean Spray from Gardens Now’. The show garden will represent the wetlands of North America where millions of cranberries grow on long-running vines, and through its design, the garden will visually educate visitors on the unique process of wet harvesting cranberries. As one of Ireland’s largest outdoor events, Ocean Spray will be maximising the opportunity to reach potential new customers by sampling its core lines of Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink and Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic Light juice drink to visitors to Bloom. In addition, visitors can avail of free recipe leaflets for summer salads and drinks. Other activities planned include bespoke summer cocktails and mocktails which have been developed in conjunction with the 2014 Irish National Cocktail Champion, Eddie Rudzinskas from the Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan. Eddie has been working with Ocean Spray to create the Ocean Spray Bursting Berry Royale and the Ocean Spray Vitality Ice Tea, which will be profiled in national media over the coming months. Education & Expertise Autumn sees the splendour of the annual cranberry harvest in North America come to fruition, and for Ocean Spray’s farmer-owners, it’s the culmination of an entire year’s work. This year, the brand will continue to educate Irish media on the processes of wet and dry harvesting, and the company will convey the care and expertise that’s packed into each and every Ocean Spray product. Ocean Spray products are distributed in Ireland by Robert Roberts. Products in the range include Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic juice drink, Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic Light juice drink, Ocean Spray Cranberry and Raspberry juice drink, Ocean Spray Cranberry and Blackcurrant juice drink, Ocean Spray Craisins Dried Cranberries and Ocean Spray Wholeberry Cranberry Sauce.

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50|Retail News|May 2014|www.retailnews.ie

Summer Stocking – Beers

The Beer Essentials Stocking up on Ireland’s big beer brands will help you to capitalise on a strong summer season ahead. THE summer is always a great time for off trade beer sales, as consumers stock up on their favourite tipples for entertaining at home. Barbecue season is upon us, and when combined with 2014 FIFA World Cup, which kicks off on June 12 and runs for a whole month, with the final taking place on July 13, summer 2014 should be a bumper season for beer sales. With a host of promotions and special packs available over the sunny season, Ireland’s big brewers and distributors are helping to ensure their brands remain top-of-mind with thirsty consumers this summer. Heineken To celebrate this summer’s hottest music events, Heineken are bringing music to life in the off trade by introducing an exciting new on-pack promotion with lots of sought-after music tickets and other great prizes to be won every 2,014 seconds! Access to some of this summer’s main music events, such as Electric Picnic, Longitude, summer nights in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham and Marlay Park gigs will be up for grabs, along with hundreds of other great prizes, including Heineken festival mats, sunglasses, speakers and hoodies every 2014 seconds! Heineken will partner with participating off trade outlets and drive support for the campaign via a range of extensive eye-catching POS, in-store theatre, digital and social

This summer, Heineken is running a massive on-pack promotion, giving music fans the chance to win the hottest music tickets of the year.

media activity and extensive sampling at this summer’s main music events. Experiential activity will also take place in a number of key outlets, giving consumers a further chance to win music tickets and exclusive Heineken merchandise.

The Heineken Music on-pack promotion will run in-store for the month of June and will feature on special promotional packs, including a 12-pack bottle, 20-pack bottle and an eight-pack can, which also contains a limited edition Music 50cl can.









Amstel Radler is a refreshingly curious new blend of beer mixed with cloudy lemon.



The USP of Amstel BEER BEER Radler is its unique BEER and refreshing taste.

40% of Radler consumers are new to beer.


In Irish taste tests BEER 80% of the people BEER thatBEER tried it, liked it.

It is the ideal drink for both male and female beer drinkers, aged mainly between 25-39.




Amstel Radler will be positioned in store beside mainstream lagers, on shelf and on floor.

Heineken Ireland are supporting Amstel Radler’s entry into the lager category with a €2M investment.

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Summer Stocking – Beers Heineken Music is going to be making noise this summer, so be sure to stay in tune with this promotion. Amstel Radler Heineken Ireland has announced its €2m integrated marketing campaign to support the launch of Amstel Radler, a low-strength premium lager consisting of a refreshing blend of 40% Amstel beer and 60% cloudy lemon. Taking its name from the German word for ‘cyclist’, the launch of Amstel Radler caters to the rising demand for great tasting lower strength beers. The launch of Amstel Radler will be supported by a through the line campaign, including TV, out of home, PR and digital. The eye-catching communication campaign is inspired by the core brand promise of offering refreshment and rewarding consumers for their ‘curiosity’. In the off trade, Amstel Radler will be available to purchase in both can and bottle format, and will also be supported by disruptive POS visibility, which will include bespoke in-store theatre to encourage shoppers to purchase the product. As well as instore theatre, Amstel Radler will host in-store sampling over the summer months, where customers will have the opportunity to learn about the new product, taste it, and be rewarded for their curiosity by the Amstel Radler Brand Ambassadors.

European markets, where they have become Heineken’s fastest growing and most successful innovation. In Irish taste tests, 80% of the people that tried it, liked it. 40% of Radler consumers are new to beer. With an alcohol volume of 2%, this product’s innovative blend of premium Amstel beer and cloudy lemon creates an alternative way for consumers to enjoy a refreshing drink with the character of beer but without the alcohol by volume content of a fullstrength beverage. Coors Light After a successful 2013, Coors Light is sledding on to shelves, exciting fans once again with the return of its new and improved Great Rocky Mountain Game, which was winner of the Best App 2013 (Mobile or Tablet) at the

Coors Light will be exciting fans once again this summer with the return of its new and improved Great Rocky Mountain Game, which is bigger and better than ever before.


New from Heineken Ireland is Amstel Radler, a low-strength premium lager consisting of a refreshing blend of 40% Amstel beer and 60% cloudy lemon.

The USP of Amstel Radler is its unique and refreshing taste. The Irish launch of the Amstel Radler brand follows Heineken’s successful launch of a range of Radler-style beers in several

Digital Marketing Awards 2014. Boasting consistent growth in the off trade, with 8.1% volume share of lager (Source: Nielsen MAT Feb 2014), Coors Light is geared up to deliver its most compelling and engaging app this summer. Bigger and better than ever before, The Great Rocky Mountain Game taps into fans’ downtime, engaging them socially, playfully and most importantly, encouraging them to choose Coors Light. This state-ofthe-art game is both challenging and rewarding, with the potential to win one of over 8,000 prizes weekly. Rewards include beer pouch hoodies, cardboard moose heads, sixpacks, pints and weekly adventure trips. Throughout the campaign, the Great Rocky Mountain Game will

increase frequency of purchase, as shoppers redeem over 7,000 6 x 33cl pack vouchers up for grabs over the course of the campaign. Live from July 1, the campaign is supported by outdoor, print and digital media, VODs, PR and social media. The Great Rocky Mountain Game visibility will also appear on six, eight & 20 pack SKUs, with in-store POS and instore theatre to catch the attention of consumers and get them downloading and winning. The Coors Light Great Rocky Mountain Game app will be available on the iTunes and Google Play stores w/c June 9 and Coors Light fans can register on Facebook for their chance to win. For more information, see www.coorslight.ie or www.facebook.com/coorslightireland. Desperados Also from Heineken Ireland, 2014 is set to be Desperados’ biggest and most innovative year ever. Leading the charge as Ireland’s authority on all things party, Desperados launches RAID, an interactive, online game for Irish party people. This is a throughthe-line campaign, supported by instore POS and activations, out-of-home, digital, social and PR. This month sees Desperados reintroducing the House Party Pack, following the success of 2013’s House Party Pack. Available in 300 stores across the country, it will feature in select modern retail and impulse channel outlets with bespoke in-store POS floor displays and shelf units. In June, the Desperados 50cl can will enter the market just in time for the June Bank Holiday, a weekend hotly anticipated by party goers nationwide.

Desperados are re-introducing the House Party Pack, following its huge success last year, with bespoke in-store POS floor displays and shelf units.

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Summer Stocking – Beers As RAID continues to entice Desperados fans nationwide, September in the off trade will see onpack visibility featuring full details of the campaign and how fans can get involved to win fantastic bespoke party related prizes throughout the month, including the ultimate house party, free beer vouchers to be redeemed in the off trade and much more. For all things Desperados, see www.facebook.com/ Desperados or Twitter. com/Desperados_ie, #DesperadosRaid.

In layman’s language, it has only 99 calories per 35.5cl bottle. Ginger Joe Also from Barry & Fitzwilliam, Ginger Joe is a new alcoholic ginger beer with an ABV of 4%. It is produced by Stones, who are famous for their Ginger Wine. It is available in 33cl bottles.

a combination of promotions, a social media campaign as well as traditional media. Smithwick’s Long Summer The return of glorious sunshine heralds the beginning of the summer season, as we dust off our garden furniture and plan long sunny afternoons catching

Corona Barry & Fitzwilliam Smithwick’s Long Summer, the latest have developed an seasonal brew from Smithwick’s, impressive portfolio of is available in 500ml bottles priced beer brands, including at €2.59 RRP. some household names up with friends over a cold beer. What and other newer, better way to celebrate than to sample innovative brands. Long Summer, the exciting new Corona Extra has seasonal brew from Smithwick’s. grown dramatically in A delicious ale evoking the both the on and the off sensations of summer, with hints of trade over the last few tropical fruits, caramel and green years and the trend tea, Smithwick’s Long Summer is the already Premium Verum, the newest brew from the team who brought this year is The Corona premium Pils from Germany’s us Smithwick’s Pale Ale and more brands will be for more of famous Warsteiner brewery. recently, Smithwick’s Winter Spirit, offering a major the same. both of which were applauded by those promotion to their Corona is B&F Global Beer Brands in the know. customers this currently For Smithwick’s Long Summer, Global beer bands summer, with over brewers combined malt and roasted backed have seen a major 20 beach holidays barley to create the decadent gold by an increase in interest to be won to coloured ale, which is fermented using intensive right across Ireland. Mexico. the prized Smithwick’s yeast. Filtration Barry & Fitzwilliam radio and is a key element of the brewing process currently distribute poster to guarantee a smooth, enjoyable drink the Wells & Young campaign. Corona from the very first sip to the very last portfolio, the most will also sponsor the drop. popular of which Fastnet Short Film Smithwick’s has over 300 years of are Banana Bread Festival again this brewing heritage and craftsmanship Beer, Waggle Dance summer. and its latest innovation, Long Summer, and Bombardier The Corona brands is set to impress lager lovers and craft and Coopers from will be offering a beer aficionados alike, with its natural Australia, which aromas and biscuit notes sure to major promotion to has gained a very tantalise the taste buds. their customers this loyal following over “Smithwick’s Long Summer is a summer, with over 20 the years. A new fantastic edition to our existing range, beach holidays to be addition to their offering lager and ale drinkers the won to Mexico. range for summer perfect beer to enjoy during the summer Corona Light is Warsteiner and months,” noted Smithwick’s Master has been an instant Warsteiner Non Brewer, Luis Ortega. “Drinkers can Alcoholic, as well as hit with the calorie savour the caramel and biscuit flavours, Modelo Especial and conscious consumer combined with tropical fruits and green Negra Modelo. since its launch. In Also from Barry Warsteiner Premium tea aromas.” Unislim parlance, it Corona Light has been & Fitzwilliam, the Verum is hugely Smithwick’s Long Summer, the only has 1 yum, by an instant hit with popular with latest seasonal brew from Smithwick’s, comparison to 2 or 3 the calorie conscious W.K.D. range will discerning Irish beer be supported again consumers. is available in 500ml bottles priced at for most other light consumer since its this summer with launch. €2.59 RRP. beers and ciders.

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Summer Stocking - Spirits

The Spirit of Summer Cocktail culture is expected to be all the rage this summer. ONCE the sole preserve of sophisticated bars and fancy foreign holidays, cocktails are now de rigueur right across Ireland, and not just in the on trade. Consumers want to recreate the cocktail experience in the comfort of their own homes and they aren’t afraid to experiment with new flavours and taste sensations to do so. Barry & Fitzwilliam The Barry & Fitzwilliam vehicle distributes a wide range of premium spirits. They include Teachers Scotch, Courvoisier Cognac, Rémy Martin Cognac, The Famous Grouse Finest Scotch Whisky, Jim Beam Bourbon, Vladivar Vodka, Boru Vodka and Whyte and Mackay Scotch. Barry & Fitzwilliam are the exclusive distributor of The Cooley range of whiskey which includes Kilbeggan,

Kilbeggan has had a makeover with a totally redesigned package which has been instrumental in its current success.

Connemara and Tyrconnell. Kilbeggan has had a makeover, with a totally redesigned package which

has been instrumental in its current success. The summer will see a major emphasis on the new additions to the Jim Beam Range, like Red Stag, Honey & Devils Cut, as well as major promotions on Jim Beam itself. A cool experience on ice with a warm afterglow, surrounded by the exotic scent of oranges while maintaining its elegant French heritage, Cointreau is the perfect partner for Cocktails, renowned for livening up a Margarita, making a long drink even longer with 7UP or the stylish party Cosmopolitan cocktail. Bols Distilleries is one of the largest and oldest producers of fine spirits and liqueurs in the world, some dating back to the year 1575. Many of the unique flavours of Bols liqueurs are made

with fruit juices, thereby creating the ideal platform for some of the best cocktails around. The selection of flavours available from Bols is vast and includes Bols Blue, Grenadine, Advocaat, Crème de Cacao, Cherry Brandy and many more. Among the classics, Bols Triple Sec Curacao is essential in a Cosmopolitan and Bols Crème de Cacao (brown) in a Brandy Alexander. More Bols cocktail recipes are available on www.bolscocktails.com. A new 200ml size has recently been added to the range and B&F will be launching Bols Elderflower in the summer. Sourz continues to be a great success. It has a unique, dual sweet & sour flavour that is both refreshing and tangy. Sourz apple is a low-strength (15%) shooter brand that is taking the clubs and style bars by

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Summer Stocking - Spirits storm. Jagermeister, the famous German schnapps, is a huge seller in the shooter market, particularly among trend setters, and is growing internationally. It is a halfbitter German schnapps with a unique blend of 56 herbs and spices, and is ideal served chilled. Sales are up again this year, which is an excellent performance and a reflection of its place in the top ten spirit on trade brands. The 20cl size continues to do very well in the off trade. Tia Maria is a hugely popular coffee liqueur worldwide, particularly due to its mixability in cocktails, with coffee or in desserts, or mixed with milk and ice as a luxurious long drink. It will be heavily backed by a new TV and press campaign focusing on its mixability. A new pack design has recently been launched. Disaronno is described as a ‘cool’ brand. With its distinctive square glass decanter and smooth almond flavour, it has a secret recipe which is said to include the pure essence of 17 selected herbs and fruits with an infusion of apricot kernel oil. Disaronno and orange juice is the perfect mix for summer. Barry & Fitzwilliam have added a number of new spirits to their portfolio for summer 2014. Broker’s London Dry Gin is a premium small batch gin, micro-distilled at a 200-year-old distillery located near Birmingham, England, using a traditional copper pot still. Broker’s Gin is made with a combination of botanicals (herbs, spices and fruit) imported from three continents. It is available in two strengths: 40% and 47% ABV. Every bottle of Broker’s Gin is topped with a miniature bowler hat. Brokers was awarded “The World’s Best Gin” at the Ultimate Spirits Challenge, New York 2010. The original Tequila Rose is a passionate combination of strawberry cream liqueur

and tequila. Adored across the globe for how perfect it mixes with cocktails, Tequila Rose is also a wonderful addition to many desserts. Smirnoff Gold Consumers can get the gold treatment with the delicious new Smirnoff Gold, the perfect luxury liqueur made with a blend of Smirnoff No.21 premium vodka with a hint of natural cinnamon flavouring, infused with real edible 23 carat gold leaf. The new stunning Smirnoff Gold is set to add the Midas touch to consumers’ drink, with its beautifully suspended gold leaf flakes. Smirnoff Gold is best enjoyed straight up, helping the flavours shine through with every sip. For those wanting a longer drink, try the delicious new Smirnoff Apple Bite Gold serve – a blend of Smirnoff Gold,

The new stunning Smirnoff Gold is set to add the Midas touch to consumers’ drink, with its beautifully suspended gold leaf flakes.

lemonade and apple juice. “We’re really excited to be launching Smirnoff Gold, a new offering that adds some spice and provides a new way to enjoy Smirnoff,” said Daniel Hatton, Marketing Manager for Smirnoff Western Europe. “This is our first luxury liqueur infused with real edible gold that is suspended in the bottle. Delicious when consumed straight up or even mixed in a long drink, it brings something new and exciting to the Smirnoff range.” Smirnoff Gold is now available nationwide.

distilled in 1983 and allowed to rest for over 30 years in a Bourbon cask, this limited edition whiskey was hand selected for its distinctive taste qualities. The whiskey has inherited a huge amount of character over its 30-year journey, leading to a complex floral nose with deep layered flavours and a long rich luxurious finish. The Teeling Vintage Reserve 30 Year Old Platinum bottling is exceptional not only in taste but also in its rarity. “We are extremely proud to be able to release some of the oldest ever bottlings of Irish Single Malt with our Vintage Reserve Collection,” enthused Jack Teeling, founder of the Teeling Whiskey Company. “These offerings are central to our goal to play the lead role in bringing an independent voice back to the Irish

Teeling Whiskey The Teeling Whiskey Company, Ireland’s leading independent Irish whiskey Company, has released two new bottlings from its Vintage Reserve Collection - 26 Year Old Gold Reserve and 30 Year Old Platinum Reserve Irish Single Malt. The 30 Year Old release is believed to be the oldest bottling of Irish Single Malt recently released, making this the world’s most The Teeling Whiskey Company’s 30 Year Old exclusive Platinum Reserve Irish Single Malt is believed to Irish be the oldest bottling of Irish Single Malt recently whiskey. released. The Gold Reserve whiskey category and will bottling consists of 26 help drive diversity in the Year Old Single Malt Irish category by introducing whiskey, doubled distilled in interesting and unique 1987 and matured firstly in small batch bottlings of Irish Bourbon casks, then allowed whiskey. With the 30 Year to marry in White Burgundy Old in particular, we give wine casks, to provide a people the ability to taste truly unique Irish whiskey and collect part of Irish taste experience. This small whiskey history at a time batch bottling, limited to of a new Golden Era for the only 1,000 bottles, is the category.” first ever Irish whiskey to be The Gold Reserve 26 finished in White Burgundy Year Old will retail for wine casks. approximately €475 and The Platinum Reserve the Platinum Reserve 30 30 Year Old bottling has Year Old will retail for been limited to only 250 approximately €1,500. bottles. Having been double

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Summer Stocking – Wine

Wines for Summer Dining Jean Smullen looks at summer wines that match the lighter food styles people turn to when the warmer weather arrives. THIS month, we look at some wines that are perfect for summer and can be matched with lighter food styles. Our featured wines straddle a range of price points. However, it should be noted that within the wine retail sector, price continues to be a key factor. The Irish consumer continues to look for cheaper alternatives and price offers are critical. Most consumers will only buy ‘on promotion’. As soon as the wine goes over the €10 price point, it gets harder to generate sales. The importing trade, however, is starting to fight back and is getting more proactive on this front. Educational events, in-store samplings, wine and food evenings, these are now a regular and emerging feature and are vital in terms of trading the consumer up. Here are some of the wine styles currently in demand as the summer approaches.


New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is still one of the most sought after wine styles thanks to its vibrant, distinctive

is very subtle, with elegant fruit and restrained use of wood. It is highly recommended as a food match with any kind of fish, particularly fish dishes cooked with strongly flavoured herbs such as coriander, lemon grass or parsley.

qualities. After the small 2012 vintage, globally there is unsatisfied demand for New Zealand wine, which reflects the significant increase in export prices. During 2012, international sales of New Zealand wine reached a record value ($1.21 billion, +5% on 2011) but not volume (170.6m litres, -5%). The 2013 New Zealand grape harvest yielded high quality grapes from all regions. Winemakers are heralding it as one of the best vintages in history: because of this, New Zealand wines are currently achieving a comparatively strong average price.

Oyster Bay

(Delegats Wine)

Oyster Bay is the number one New Zealand brand in the off trade by value and volume, with 28% market share. One in every 3.6 bottles of New Zealand wine sold in the Irish off trade is a bottle of Oyster Bay (Source: ACNielsen, Total Off Trade (excluding Dunnes) MAT Dec. 2013). Oyster Bay Chardonnay (RSP €14.75), a cool climate Chardonnay,

Oyster Bay is the number one New Zealand brand in the off trade by value and volume.

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Summer Stocking – Wine Lawsons Dry Hills Sauvignon Blanc (Febvre & Co.)

This is a beautiful summer Sauvignon Blanc (RSP €18.95), with bright passionfruit, grapefruit and tropical aromas, and an array of citrus and tropical fruit on the palate. A portion of this wine was fermented in seasoned French oak barriques, adding depth and texture. This wine has lovely balance and concentration, while the finish has fresh acidity with distinctly chalky mineral notes. It is ideal with baked white fish & shellfish and creamy goat’s cheese.

Villa Maria

(Barry & Fitzwilliam)

A family owned New Zealand winery, Villa Maria has been New Zealand’s leading wine award winner, both nationally and internationally, since the early 1980s. The repositioning of the Private Bin Range has seen sales surge in the last 12 months. Villa Maria is now one of the leading wine brands on the market. Villa Maria has been New Zealand’s leading wine award winner, both nationally and internationally, since the early 1980s.

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc

(Edward Dillon & Co.) Zesty lime and grapefruit aromas are the first to emerge from the nose of the 2013 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc (RSP €31.99), followed by nectarine and lemongrass tones. The palate is fresh and focused, with ripe citrus, stonefruit, fennel and mineral notes lingering on the persistent finish. This is a delicious partner to tomato and goat’s cheese salad drizzled with fresh basil oil.

The stunning Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc from Edward Dillon & Co. Ltd.

Saint Clair Vicar’s Choice Pinot Noir (Findlater Wine & Spirit Group)

Pinot Noir is a thin-skinned grape, but this does not mean it does not produce red wine with great compelexity. Saint Clair Vicar’s Choice Pinot Noir (RSP €15.99) is a very well made New Zealand red, and winemaker Matt Thompson is no stranger to our shores. This is a lighter style Pinot with lots of spice and ripe summer fruits, and is perfect served with barbecue beef or lamb. Saint Clair Vicar’s Choice Pinot Noir is a very well made New Zealand red, with lots of spice and ripe summer fruits.


Australia holds five of the top 10 wines in the Irish market and the category continues to expand, with premium wine exports (above A$7.50/L) growing by 7% in the past 12 months. The top selling Australian wine label in Ireland is McGuigan Wines. Other key producers include d’Arenberg (Febvre & Co.) and Peter Lehmann Wines (Comans), as well big brand heavyweights McWilliam’s Wines (Ampersand), Jacob’s Creek (Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard) and [yellow tail] (Gilbeys Wines). Wine Australia will be holding their Annual Trade Tasting in the Shelbourne Hotel on Thursday, June 5, 2014 (See @Wine_Australia #ATTDublin).

McGuigan (Barry & Fitzwilliam)

McGuigan is the number one Australian brand in the off trade. The Black Label range comprises of a Cabernet, Shiraz, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio and Rosé. The range will have strong above the line marketing support for the summer, particularly in the national press, with a

major emphasis on Neil McGuigan’s award IWC awards as the Best White Winemaker in the World for the third time. The McGuigan Estate Range will be used as a promotional price offering.


(Barry & Fitzwilliam)

The great Thomas Hardy legacy lives on today at The Hardy Wine Company. Quality, flavour and character remain the cornerstones of its contemporary wines, while respect for Hardy family history ensures the wines benefit from the lessons of long tradition. The Hardy’s Bin Range and Hardy’s Crest Range will be available at a promotional price offering this summer.

D’arenberg Footbolt Shiraz

(Febvre & Co.)

The Hardy’s Crest Range will be available at a promotional price offering this summer.

D’arenberg Footbolt Shiraz (RSP €19.49) exudes red and black fruits of mulberries, ripe raspberries and blackberries. Complexity is built through the layers of exotic spices of nutmeg, cinnamon, clove and anise that support this fruit. This is a very polished wine with good length and is ideal served with the summer barbecue.

Cape Mentelle Semillon Sauvignon (Edward Dillon & Co.)

One of Margaret River’s leading wineries, Cape Mentelle is maritime climate Australia at its best. A blend of Semillion/Sauvignon with an RSP of €22.99, this is one of Cape Mentelle’s iconic wine styles. The Sauvignon gives a great lift to this wine, which is great served with stir fried chicken or beef.

Jacob’s Creek Cool Harvest

(Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard)

Once again, Jacob’s Creek lead the way with a new innovative wine. The Cool Harvest Range includes the 2012 Cool Harvest Vermentino (RSP €12.25), a McGuigan: the crisp acidic grape variety from Italy, number one Australian brand in now planted in Australia. The range the Irish off trade. also includes Sauvignon Blanc and a

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Summer Stocking – Wine Rosé wine. The Cool Harvest range is lower in alcohol, at 9.5% ABV, which is very much on trend with the consumer.

Freixenet Brut Cava (Findlater Wine


The Spanish sparking wine industry came into its own in 1970, when they created a regional DO called Cava (meaning Cellar in Spanish). Within 10 years, Cava had become the second most bottle fermented sparkling wine appellation in the world. Most Cava is produced in Catalonia, using the Macabeo, Xarel-lo and Parrellada grapes and, Freixenet (RSP €17.00) is one of the market leaders of this sparkling wine style.

When the seasons change, so too do wine preferences. The consumer starts to look for lighter wine styles as they start to change their eating habits. Rosé wine is the most seasonal of all styles, with approximately 4% of the Irish market: as soon as spring arrives, more of it starts to appear. Sparkling wine is also much sought after as the season of weddings, communions, confirmations and graduations arrives.

Oyster Bay Sparkling Brut (Delegats Wine)

New World sparkling wine offers lots of ripe fruit. The Oyster Bay Brut (RSP €20.49) is a ‘blanc de blanc’ made from 100% Chardonnay. It is dry, with a crisp, elegant finish. If your customers are looking for something with bubbles for summer parties, weddings, communions etc, this is a well made example of a good quality sparkling wine from New Zealand. There is also an Oyster Bay Sparkling Rosé at the same price, made from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

Viniera Serena Frizzante (Cassidy Wines)

Prosecco is still very much in demand for the “pop” factor. Cassidy Wines have a good value Frizzante offering, Viniera Serena from Italy (RSP €10.99). The CO2 levels are low, which means the wine can be sealed without a wine muselet and thus, can be sold at a more attractive price point.

Cono Sur Brut

(Findlater Wine & Spirit Group)

The Cono Sur range is probably one of the best value ranges of wines to come out of Chile. Its green credentials are second to none. Made from a blend of grape varieties including Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling, Cono Sur Brut’s (RSP €17.99) fruit is sourced from the cool climate region of Bio Bio in the south of Chile. This is a must stock New World sparkling wine. Cono Sur Brut: a must stock New World sparkling wine.

& Spirit Group)

Trimbach Pinot Blanc AOP (Gilbeys Wines)

The viticultural origin of the Trimbach Family dates back to 1626. For almost four centuries, the Trimbach Family have been producing top quality wines in the Alsace region of France. Pinot Blanc is a white grape that retains its natural high acidity. In the Alsace region, it produces rich white wines with good weight of fruit and a crisp elegant acidity, such as this Trimbach Pinot Blanc AOP (RSP €16.99). Pinot Blanc is best served with shellfish, but it is also very good with cold meats.

Jaboulet Parallel 45 Blanc (Gilbeys Wines)

Jaboulet Parallel 45 Blanc (RSP €13.99) is a white wine from the Rhone Valley. It is made from 50% Grenache Blanc, 20% Marsanne, 20% Viognier and 10% Bourboulenc and has been aged for a short period in oak. This is a very Mateus Freixenet: one of the unique French wine style, which will appeal to the knowledgeable wine (Findlater Wine market leaders of & Spirit Group) the Cava sparkling consumer. The perfumed character in this wine comes from the Marsanne and wine style. Mateus Rosé (RSP Viognier, with the richness coming from €10.99) is Portugal’s the Grenache Blanc, which performs iconic wine and one of the particularly well when aged in wood. world’s first wine brands. This goes very well with straightforward Well known for its distinctive fish dishes. Try it with pan-fried fish Franconian bottle shape, this with parsley and lemon. Grilled prawns is a light, fruity wine with and seafood risotto cry out for this style a little CO2 and lots of red of wine. The clean pure fruit taste is all summer fruit flavours. Off that’s required to match the fresh fish dry, it is perfect served flavours. with spicy dishes. One of the world’s best loved wine brands, Mateus Rosé.

EUROPEAN WINES Drouhin Macon Lugny (Gilbeys Wines)

One of Burgundy’s best known negociant houses, you will find this AOP to the South of Burgundy, close to Pouilly-Fuissé. The village of Lugny is located on the beautiful Mont du Mâconnais. The soil is key, as the clay and chalk soil on which the Chardonnay grape is grown produces a white wine that has great weight. Drouhin Macon Lugny (RSP €16.99) goes very well with fish, chicken or veal in creamy sauces, as well as vegetarian pasta and risotto dishes. This is due to the influence of the oak, which adds buttery vanilla to the final style of these fuller wines.

Bodega Protos Verdejo/Roble (Comans Wines)

One of the best known wineries in Ribero del Duero, Protos has been making wine, since 1927. Their white wine made from the Verdejo grape, (RSP €13) comes from the DO Rueda, one of Spain’s most outstanding white wine regions. Verdejo is a white grape from this region, which is really starting to gain in popularity. It has lots of ripe fruit but a marked acidity, which makes it so appealing and refreshing as a summer drinking wine. Protos also have a lovely red wine in the range from the DO Ribero del Duero, the Bodega Portos Roble (RSP €15). Made from 100% Tempranillo aged for six months in Protos Verdejo has American oak and six lots of ripe fruit but a months in bottle, this marked acidity, which is a soft, easy drinking makes it so appealing red, which is perfect and refreshing as a with barbecued food. summer drinking wine.

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Taking On the Illicit Trade Ireland’s illegal tobacco trade is flourishing despite efforts to combat it, according to JTI Ireland’s Illicit Tobacco Trade Review 2013. WHEN it comes to illicit tobacco, criminals are earning profits equal to 1,000 times the fines imposed by Irish courts, according to JTI Ireland Ltd’s new report into the illegal trade of tobacco products in Ireland. The review, which examines the illegal trade in the current economic environment, estimates that non-duty paid tobacco is costing the exchequer €250m and the retail trade €450m annually. Ireland has one of the highest rates of illegal tobacco trade in Europe and one in four cigarettes consumed are not taxed. Combating this is a key business priority for JTI. “We are committed to fighting this highly damaging and unregulated trade,” stresses John Freda, General Manager of JTI Ireland. “This is costing retailers and the taxpayer hundreds of millions, and continues to fuel crime in communities across Ireland.” Non Irish Duty Paid Tobacco In 2013, the joint industry Empty Pack Survey (EPS) indicated that the level of non Irish duty paid (NIDP) tobacco in Ireland was at 28.3%, a marginal increase on the 28.2% recorded in 2012. This is in line with trends over the past three years, which have shown a

consistent gradual increase. Non Irish duty paid products are made up of illegal tobacco products sold in Ireland and legal cross border purchases. Revenue’s latest estimate puts the level of NIDP tobacco products consumed in Ireland at 19%. Industry estimates, which take account of the growth of the roll your own (RYO) segment, estimate that the Irish Exchequer fails to collect duty on nearly one in four of all cigarettes consumed in the State. “Every country with high tobacco

taxes has an illegal tobacco problem,” Gerard Moran, Assistant Secretary, Revenue Commissioners, told the Oireachtas Health Committee Hearing in January of this year. “Ireland, which has exceptionally high tobacco taxes and tobacco prices, has a significant problem.” Cigarettes in Ireland remain the most expensive within the Eurozone region, with a premium average price of €9.50 per 20-stick premium pack compared to €3.40 in Poland (as of February 2014). Ireland has the highest tobacco prices among the Eurozone member states, with 80% of the retail selling price of every packet of cigarettes sold in the legitimate retail trade going to the Exchequer in VAT and excise. Revenue Seizes The Opportunity In 2013, the Revenue Customs Service, having made 6,888 seizures, confiscated a total of 40.8m cigarettes, with a retail value of approximately €18.9m, and 4,203kg of loose tobacco worth approximately €1.7m. More than 60% of cigarettes seized in 2013 by the Revenue Customs Service were illegal whites. These illegal cigarettes are manufactured by small indigenous tobacco companies

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Tobacco legitimately operating in their own countries but with absolutely no connection to any of the tobacco companies that legally supply tobacco products in Ireland. In 2013, the Revenue Customs Service secured convictions against 87 people for smuggling or other illegal tobacco offences. The courts imposed 37 custodial sentences, 19 of which were suspended, ranging from two months to three years.This equates to average fines for tobacco related excise offences of €2,800, with a fine total of €169,750. It is estimated that criminal gangs make in the region of €3m each week from the illicit tobacco trade (Tackling the Black Market and Retail Crime, Retail Ireland, 2012). The Societal Cost of the Black Market The illegal tobacco trade has huge societal impacts, not just in terms of lost revenue for both Government coffers and legitimate retailers. Criminals and gangs often use children to sell products and channel the profits into other illegal activities. While legitimate tobacco retailers are highly regulated with regard to the sale of tobacco to minors. Within the illegal trade, however, no such control exists and tobacco products are sold to minors and by minors on a regular basis. Detective Superintendent George Kyne of the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation recently referred to reported instances of where children were being used as runners by cigarette gangs. “Cigarettes are at least 50% cheaper on the streets than the ones sold by legitimate retailers, which encourages minors to buy illegal tobacco in unregulated markets and back alleys,” stresses Freda. At €1,064m, tobacco excise receipts in 2013 continued a year on year decline. This is despite the fact that smoking prevalence has remained relatively constant during 2013, the report argues, indicating further displacement to the illegal trade. The Australian Evidence The JTI report examines potential future drivers of this trade, including the Government’s proposal to introduce plain packaging for tobacco products and the revised EU Tobacco Products Directive. In 2012, the Australian Government introduced several tobacco control measures, including high excise increases and plain packaging, which have fuelled the illegal trade of tobacco. There has been a 20% increase in the first year following the introduction of these measures, according to a report released by KPMG (Source: Illicit

Tobacco in Australia – 2013 Full Year Report: KPMG, 2 April 2014). “Ireland already has the highest priced cigarettes in the EU. Plain packaging will only make matters worse and serve the interests of criminal gangs, as it has in Australia,” emphasises Freda. The report examines alternative ways to achieve public health benefits. These include preventing minors from accessing tobacco products by reinforcing the age limit through initiatives such as the industry supported youth access prevention programme, Show Me I.D – Be Age Ok, which has sought to assist retailers in ensuring that all their staff comply with the laws regarding sales of tobacco products to minors. They also call for meaningful policies that make it harder for children to get their hands on tobacco, such as punishing adults who knowingly buy tobacco products for children. Before doing anything else, Government simply must prioritise and focus on stopping children’s access to cheap tobacco products from the unregulated market, the report argues, while also calling on the Government to establish targeted, comprehensive programmes in schools to tackle peer pressure, which is a key driver of youth smoking.

closely with the authorities to fight smuggling. In fact, in 2013, JTI supplied information to OLAF relating to over four billion cigarettes in over 80 suspect shipments across Europe,” stresses Freda.

Reversing the Trend Reversing the trend of the illegal tobacco trade is a key part of the report. European Member States can now access funding under the newly endorsed Hercule III anti-fraud programme, a financing programme managed by OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office, which will make €70m available to fight fraud, corruption and other illegal activities. Under the Hercule III programme, the EU will co-finance activities, including technical assistance, the purchase of equipment such as scanners, and specialised training, up to 80% of the eligible projects. This is an increase from the previous funding programme, which only allowed funding of 50% of projects. JTI actively works with law enforcement to combat the illegal trade, supplying information and providing training in order to facilitate seizures. The company has contributed hundreds of millions of Euros to an EU-wide fund (http://ec.europa.eu/ anti_fraud/investigations/eu-revenue/ japan_tobacco_2007_en.htm), which the Irish Revenue Customs service has used to invest in programmes. “We will continue to work

Burning Issues

Interdepartmental Committee Finally, the report calls on the Government to establish an interdepartmental committee to focus on the illegal trade of all products, including tobacco. “It’s clear that the pragmatic law enforcement approach to fighting the illegal trade can work,” argues Freda. “However, this must be married with a coordinated Government approach at the decision-making level, and this is not happening.” However, Freda welcomed Finance Minister, Michael Noonan TD’s recent commitment to the establishment of an informal working group on the illicit trade. “We welcome this initiative; it’s a step forward in the right direction,” concludes Freda. “This would be a significant step forward in bringing together all concerned stakeholders to devise one coherent strategy for Ireland to combat unlawful tobacco sales. It is only through collaborative initiatives between all relevant stakeholders such as this that sustainable progress will be achieved.”

• The tobacco category was worth €1.7bn in 2013 down -5% in value and -4.3% in volume. This is a slower decline than in 2012, when volume declined by -5.3%. • Six brands out of Ireland’s Top 10 Brand Ranking are tobacco brands. Silk Cut, Benson & Hedges, John Player Blue and Marlboro are the top four, with Mayfair ranked 8th. Amber Leaf RYO is ranked 9th, up from 23rd position in 2012. • Tobacco still ranks third in the grocery industry’s percentage share of retail value and still accounts for between 33% and 43% of symbol and forecourt sales. (Source: JTI 2013 Category Review)

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Legal Matters

A Cheaper Way to Solve Disputes Mediation can be a far more attractive and less expensive dispute resolution method for business owners than going to court, writes barrister Arran Dowling-Hussey. ALTERNATIVE Dispute Resolution, which is less commonly referred to in Ireland as Amicable Dispute Resolution or Appropriate Dispute Resolution, is a general term for a portfolio of processes that allows disputes to be resolved outside the traditional court system by referral to independent third parties known as neutrals. Alternative Dispute Resolution, ‘ADR’ for short, is in 2014 mainly used in this jurisdiction in the form of arbitration or mediation. The relevance of these issues to commercial life, whether it involves retail businesses or not, is because unfortunately disputes between businesses, customers and/or

suppliers arise from time to time. The High Cost of Claims While it is always possible to pull back and decide that you will not bring a claim against someone else, it is often impossible to stop someone taking a claim against you. In such circumstances, there are a number of unwelcome knock-on effects when such disputes are ventilated in open court. The delay, expense, adverse publicity and time that can be lost in a Circuit or High Court case can be very considerable indeed. There is then a risk that the result, whether this is in or against your interests, may be

effectively set at naught, whilst you await the outcome of an appeal to the High Court /Supreme Court, as the case may be. ADR can be a very attractive alternative to court based litigation. It is difficult to fit the facts of all situations into a generally applicable rule and therefore, it remains the position that some retail businesses, if faced with bringing or defending a case, will be best served in that particular instance by litigation. ADR will not be the better bet in each and every instance. However, when it is appropriate and works well, ADR can lead to a confidential conclusion to a dispute, and one that is completed with impressive speed and at a modest cost, compared to litigation. Focused On Finding a Solution Bill Holohan, Senior Partner in Holohan Law, advises clients in some but not all instances that they use ADR, explaining that “my clients

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Legal Matters commercial case is €53,800 in legal fees – but only €7, 000 if mediation settles the row.”

have found ADR cheap, effective and a speedy solution. Rather than focusing on the fight, it works on bringing a solution and we don’t all get lost in the entrenched positions surrounding the initial problem.” ADR is a large and complex area and it is suggested that most retail businesses will find that if they use ADR, it will be either arbitration or mediation. It is, therefore, not proposed to discuss a number of other areas falling within ADR, such as inter alia adjudication, conciliation, negotiation or expert determination. Arbitration can be written into a contract that governs potential disputes or parties can agree to use this process when a dispute has broken out and there is no contractual term between them that governs the resolution of the dispute. In many ways, arbitration is similar to litigation and it is, therefore, easy for first time users to understand what will happen, because even if just through exposure to TV shows and films showing a court scene, most people have a certain familiarity with litigation. Arbitration, which is governed by the 2010 Arbitration Act, is a binding adjudicative process. It is as enforceable as a court award but is conducted in private and the arbitrator may often be more knowledgeable about a specialist

dispute, and may have been picked for that exact reason, than a judge who would have a more general background. As has been stated, arbitration shares similarities with litigation and is, therefore, adversarial in nature, and as can be the case with litigation, once the process has started, it can be next to impossible for the parties involved in a dispute to have a positive future relationship. Facilitative Mediation Mediation is, however, different in nature. There are a number of different methods used within mediation, including facilitative mediation. Facilitative based mediation is a process that is driven forward, or not, as much by the parties and the legal representatives advising their clients, as the mediator. The mediator looks through individual and group sessions to facilitate an outcome in a non adversarial process, where the parties are often able to maintain a future relationship. As a general rule, mediation will be less expensive than litigation or arbitration. The Irish Independent’s legal editor, Dearbhail McDonald, reported in March 2013 “The average cost of going to court over a €200,000

2014 Mediation Bill At the time of writing, it is believed that the 2014 Mediation Bill will be introduced around September. It is difficult to talk about legislation that does not yet exist and therefore, could be revised as it passes through the Oireachtas, but in short, it will make mediation a more attractive dispute resolution method for both individuals and business owners. At a recent ADR related event, Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter TD noted that his intention is “to bring forward, shortly, a broadly-based Mediation Bill to promote mediation as a viable, effective and efficient alternative to court proceedings, thereby reducing legal costs and speeding up the resolution of disputes. “The legislation, which is currently being drafted, will introduce an obligation on solicitors and barristers to advise any person wishing to commence court proceedings to consider mediation as a means of resolving a dispute before embarking on such proceedings. It will also provide that a court may, following the commencement of proceedings, on its own initiative, invite parties to consider mediation and suspend the proceedings to facilitate the mediation process.” It should be said that mediation would not be suitable for a dispute where a business wanted to rely on the outcome in the future. An award by a judge or an arbitrator can create a precedent: such a party’s commercial interests will be protected going forward as a precedent will be set. Mediation differs in that no precedent is set, such that the outcome of the mediation could be referred back to in a later dispute between one of the parties and a third party not involved in the original dispute.

About The Author

ARRAN Dowling-Hussey is a practising Barrister, Arbitrator and Mediator, who formally lectured in Dispute Resolution at Dublin City University. See www.arrandowlinghussey.com.

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Retail Ireland: Monthly Update RETAIL IRELAND MASTERCARD ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2014 RETAIL Ireland held its annual conference on May 6 in Dublin. This year, we were delighted to have had the opportunity to join forces with MasterCard. Almost 150 delegates heard our expert speakers address the theme of “recovery and renewal”, giving us useful advice and knowledge and leaving everyone inspired, excited and confident about the future of Ireland’s largest industry and largest private sector employer, retail. Pictured at the Retail Ireland MasterCard Annual The event was opened by An Conference in Dublin were (l-r): Garry Lyons, Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Labs, Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, with media Mastercard; Norah Casey, Entrepreneur and entrepreneur and popular broadcaster Broadcaster; and Stephen Lynam, Director, Norah Casey as chairperson for the Retail Ireland. day and an entertaining, engaging and insightful key-note address by The Baroness Neville-Rolfe, one of retail’s most successful and respected names. Irish retail’s event of the year also featured expert contributions by Paul Neeson of the DAA, Garry Lyons of MasterCard, Shane Daly of Nielsen Ireland and our own Danny McCoy and Fergal O’Brien of IBEC. Our panel discussion was particularly well received, featuring Declan Ronayne of Woodie’s, Frank Gleeson of Aramark and our award-winning SME retailer, Shirley O’Kelly of Timbertrove. Photos and copies of the presentations and speeches from the day’s events will soon be available on our website at www.retailireland.ie.

Scottish MUP case referred to Europe ON April 30, the Scottish High Court announced its intention to refer the Scottish Government’s proposals to introduce Minimum Unit Pricing on alcohol to the European Courts. In response, the authorities in Edinburgh confirmed that they will not introduce MUP until Europe issues a final ruling, a process which may take several years. This is a very significant development. Although the implications for Irish alcohol policy are, as yet, unclear, we will continue to monitor the situation closely and will continue to resist plans for a similar system of MUP in Ireland. Retail Ireland awaits a decision by the Irish Government on this and will continue to engage on behalf of retailers to ensure the very best outcome.

Retail Ireland Responds to Competition & Consumer Protection Bill 2014 THE Government recently published its Competition and Consumer Protection Bill 2014, empowering the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation to introduce future regulations governing commercial relationships between parties in the grocery goods sector and food supply chain. Retail Ireland has always been supportive of moves to ensure fair practices in the food supply chain. In addition, our position has always been that responsible retailers have nothing to fear from sensible regulation. We welcome the fact that the Bill does not provide for a formal code of conduct, no levy will be charged on retailers and no Ombudsman scheme for the grocery sector will be established. On April 29, Retail Ireland wrote to the Minister, stressing that any regulations introduced under the Bill should be reasonable and proportionate and should be cognisant of the enormous cost of doing business which is already borne by Irish grocery retailers. We also urged the Minister to consider the likely impact of such regulations on consumer prices. Finally, we reiterated our support for the European Voluntary Initiative and stressed its early successes.

Latest Retail Sales Figures Paint a Disappointing Picture ON April 28, the CSO published its latest retail sales statistics for March 2014. Given the recent improvement in employment numbers and the strong performance of the tourism industry and services sector, the figures proved disappointing. The data indicates that in value terms, retail sales (excluding motor sales and bars) remained flat in March when compared with the same month last year and increased by a modest 2.4% in volume terms over the same period. The failure of increased sales volumes to translate into turnover growth is further disappointing news and is strongly indicative of the aggressive discounting needed to grow footfall across the industry. Essentially, consumers are now buying more, but are paying less. There were welcome increases in sales of fashion, books and hardware. Meanwhile, furniture, home and lighting outlets continued their recent positive performances, with double digit growth across these sectors indicative of a stronger property market. However, these increases were offset by falls across supermarkets, department stores and specialised shops, such as bakeries, butchers and off licences. Given that one of the biggest challenges continuing to face Irish retail is local authority rates, Retail Ireland is now calling on local election candidates to outline what they intend to do to help to reduce the burden on struggling retailers.

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Shelf Life MR Good’s Fabulous Fish is the latest product offering from the established seafood enterprise, The Good Fish Company. The value-added consumer product, which comes in a special pouch pack that can be used in the microwave, in the oven and on the hob, is now available in Tesco Ireland. The new brand range comes in three varieties: cajun spiced salmon fillet; lemon marinated hake fillets; and garlic and herb marinated cod fillets, with other products to follow. This unique product range was developed by Good Fish with the assistance of the Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) Seafood Development Centre (SDC) in Clonakilty, Co. Cork. Pictured are (l-r): Maria Broderick, Business Development Manager, The Good Fish Company, and Aileen Deasy, BIM Seafood Technologist. TOPAZ Energy Group has today announced the appointment of the following non-Executive Directors: Sean Corkery, Brian Cowen, Colm Doherty, Lucy Gaffney, Denis O’Brien and Emmet O’Neill. In addition, Topaz Chief Financial Officer, Niall Devereux, has also been appointed to the Board. “The new Directors bring a unique level of expertise and knowledge which will be invaluable in the continued growth and expansion of Topaz,” noted John Callaghan, Chairman. MICHAEL Merrins has been appointed Non Executive Chairman of Category Solutions, Ireland’s leading category management business. As a leading expert in the FMCG and drinks industry, his role will be to apply his acknowledged strategic and mentoring skills with his commercial and brand building experience to the growth and development of the company during the coming years. Michael has extensive experience in food retailing and on the supply side. He was previously Head of Operations at Quinnsworth, Commercial Director of Green Isle Foods, Director of Food Marketing at IAWS and MD at C&C Ireland. Michael Merrins said: “At a time of intense competition, tightening margins, the need to deliver bottom line revenue growth and market share for retailers and brand owners, there has never been a greater need for effective category management. I look forward to contributing to what I believe will be a very successful and exciting time for Category Solutions.” HENEGHAN PR has announced the promotion of Emma Gallagher to Senior Account Executive. Emma joined Heneghan PR in 2011 as Account Executive. Emma provides support to the team across corporate, consumer, healthcare and technology clients. She also advises clients on social media strategy and tactics, as well as managing the Social Media needs of Heneghan PR. THE COLLECTIVE have just launched a brand new range of Daring Dairy gourmet yoghurts in Ireland. With a luxuriously creamy taste and texture combined with a unique double layer of fresh fruit or fudge sauce, these more-ish little numbers are the perfect breakfast, indulgent snack or guiltfree dessert. What’s more, these healthy, honest, handcrafted yoghurts contain live cultures, are gluten free, have no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives and are 95% fat free. The Collective yoghurts are available in the following scrumptious flavours: Passionfruit, Russian Fudge, Mighty Mango, Apple & Spice, White Peach & Raspberry, Banoffi, Scottish Raspberry, and Limited Edition Crème Brûlée.

WATERFORD based business Chia Bia have launched a new range of clever ‘Free From’ Cookies. The biscuits, which are gluten, wheat and dairy-free, are part of the company’s new product development strategy that will see them continue to meet consumer demand in this emerging market. Chia Bia now employs 14 people from its base in Tramore, Co. Waterford, and supplies Chia Bia products to over 2,000 outlets throughout the UK and Ireland. Pictured at the launch of their first range of gluten-free, wheat-free and dairy-free chia biscuit are Ray Owens and Barrie Rogers of Chia Bia. See www.chiabia.com for more information. THE first new season Irish spring lamb of 2014 was available at Aldi’s 107 stores from Monday, May 12. Springing onto Aldi shelves around the country, Aldi’s Nature’s Isle new season Irish spring lamb range features Bord Bia Quality Assured cuts at very lean prices. Guaranteed 100% sourced from and fully traceable to Republic of Ireland farms certified under the Bord Bia scheme, all of Aldi’s Nature’s Isle new season Irish spring lamb range is supplied by Irish Country Meats of Camolin, Co. Wexford. The company has been working in partnership with Aldi for over seven years, supplying prime lamb products all year round. FOLLOWING the success of the inaugural Bushmills Live Legacy Fund last year, Bushmills Irish Whiskey and artist development company Third Bar – comprising Snow Patrol and Tired Pony lead singer, Gary Lightbody, and Davy Matchett – announced that they have selected indie rock/ pop band Levity Breaks (pictured) as recipients of the second annual fund, worth £5,000. The team at Third Bar will be working with Levity Breaks to offer advice on how to invest their fund, including recording and touring costs. Additionally, Bushmills will be lending a performance platform to Levity Breaks at this year’s Bushmills Live. They will perform alongside headliners The 1975 and Gary Lightbody’s supergroup, Tired Pony, on June 12. MARKS & SPENCER are introducing the first ever fish and chip pie to the high street. Specially handcrafted in Yorkshire, each pie is lovingly created with top quality fillings made in small batches for a truly delicious taste of the seaside. Each mouth-watering pie contains a layer of minted pea puree, tender cod chunks in a béchamel based tartare sauce, topped with chips and smoked sea salt in an all-butter shortbread pastry.


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