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Located at Institute Technology of Sumatera, Jl Ryacudu, Way Huwi, South Lampung, Lampung. It aims to make students feel more comfortable and proud of their own campus.

Few students consider ITERA as a "second home" or feel less proud to be part of ITERA and there are still many students who feel more comfortable studying at home than on campus, making the design intention discussed focus on the need for a sense of place that is responded to through the expression of shadow colors to human feelings.


Focusing on connecting campus identity with student affective so that it can accommodate affective facilities interacting, studying, exercising, walking, parking and withdrawing money. It has an adaptive architecture approach that adapts to changes in the environment, user needs, and evolving technologies.

It has the keyword expressing shades of colors that express one's feelings based on the influence of color on emotions and human behavior applied to the design.

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