Welcome to Reunion Resort & Golf Club’s 2022 Member~Guest Invitational! It is our pleasure to be of service and we trust that we will exceed all your expectations throughout this most prestigious event.
The professional golf staff has prepared an interesting and exciting test of golf over the next three days on the Palmer, Watson & Nicklaus courses. We hope you will find this year’s format both enjoyable and challenging. Thank you for participating in this celebrated event and being a part of an outstanding tradition at Reunion Resort. Best wishes to everyone!
Scott Scamehorn – Director of Golf & Agronomy
Katie Tully Director of Rental & Membership
Beverly Kelber – Assistant Director of Membership
Jessica Baum – Assistant Director of Convention Services
Sara Birchell – Membership Coordinator
Chris Kalter Head Golf Professional
Alan Bailey – Lead Assistant, Members’ Golf Professional
Mike Henry – Golf Outing & Tournament Sales Manager
Will Casteel – Assistant Golf Professional
Luis Nevares Assistant Golf Professional
Tommy Korotky – Assistant Golf Professional
Andy Maguire – Golf Superintendent
William Tully – Director of Grounds & Outside Golf Operations
Rob Gioia Director of Food & Beverage
Perryn Andrews – Tennis & Retail Manager
The A-Team, Superman, Rocky, Back To The Future, Top Gun, Star Wars & Jurassic Park Flights
Ghostbusters, Pretty Woman, Miss Congeniality, Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible, James Bond & Pirates Of The Caribbean Flights
Format: Two Person Team, Net Best Ball Each player tees off from their designated teeing ground and will proceed to play their own ball for the entire hole. Your team will record the GROSS scores for each player who finishes the hole. The NET BEST BALL of the two team players will count towards the team score. The scorecards are dotted to show where the strokes for each player will fall. Stableford points will be awarded.
90% of each
be used to
Net Double Bogey
Double Eagle
Scoring: Upon completion of
return your signed, official scorecard to the
Ghostbusters, Pretty Woman, Miss Congeniality, Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible, James Bond & Pirates Of The Caribbean Flights
The A Team, Superman, Rocky, Back To The Future, Top Gun, Star Wars & Jurassic Park Flights
Each player will tee off from their designated teeing ground. The team will then select the best ball from these shots and they will both play their next shots from where the selected ball came to rest. Repeat this procedure for every shot until a ball is holed out and that score is to be recorded as the team score for that hole. A minimum of four drives per player must be used towards the team total before the completion of the round
Format: Two Person Team Scramble
Handicaps: 35% of the LOW handicap and 15% of the HIGH handicap will be combined to give a TEAM handicap.
Points will be awarded as follows:
Net Double Bogey
Net Par
Net Birdie
Net Eagle
Net Double Eagle
Scoring: Upon completion of play, please return your signed, official scorecard to the
Ghostbusters, Pretty Woman, Miss Congeniality, Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible, James Bond & Pirates Of The Caribbean Flights
The A-Team, Superman, Rocky, Back To The Future, Top Gun, Star Wars & Jurassic Park Flights
Format: 2 Person Team Chapman
Each player hits a tee shot. The teammates will then switch and hit each other’s 2nd shot. At this point, the team will select the best ball to continue with and the player who did not hit the chosen ball will play the 3rd shot. Play continues, alternating shots until the ball is holed (only the first two shots are hit by both players). A minimum of three drives per player must be used towards the team total before the completion of the round
Handicaps: 60% of the LOW handicap and 40% of the HIGH handicap will be combined to give a TEAM handicap.
be awarded
Net Double Bogey
Net Bogey
Net Birdie
Double Eagle
Any Flight which ends the three rounds in a tie between teams will be decided by a sudden death playoff. The playoff will follow the same format as the final round. (Chapman) The playoff will begin on the 18th hole of the course played during the team’s final round. The hole will be repeated until a winner is declared.
The shootout will consist of the Flight Winners from the Men’s division and the Ladies’ division. Each division (Men’s & Ladies’) will have a winner. The format of the Shootout will be a True Alternate Shot beginning on the 16th hole of the Palmer Course. Each team will receive 50% of their team total course handicap.
The Ladies will start the shootout and the Men will follow. All teams will play the 16th hole, at the end of the hole five teams will be eliminated and the remaining teams will move on to the 17th hole. In the event more than one team ties the highest score the team to be eliminated will be determined by a chip off. At the end of the 17th hole three teams will be eliminated and the remaining teams will move on to the 18th hole. In the event more than one team ties the highest score the team to be eliminated will be determined by a chip off. The remaining teams will play the 18th hole, at the end of the hole the team with the lowest three-hole NET score will be the winners of this year’s Member~Guest Championship. Any teams who tie will play hole #18 again in a sudden death playoff. If a winner has not been decided after 3 playoff holes, a winner will be determined by a chip off.
1.USGA rules govern all play.
2.All penalty areas are lateral water hazards. Painted red lines take precedence over red stakes.
3.In the absence of OB stakes, interior edges of all roadways define out of bounds.
4.Any golf ball coming to rest in a footprint/tire track or next to a stone inside of any waste area may be picked up and placed within one official tournament scorecard length of the original lie.
5.ALL landscaped areas – play the ball as it lies.
6.Doubt as to procedure: rule 3 3 applies (i.e., play a second ball, record both scores and seek a ruling after completion of the round).
7.Drop Zones are NOT in play.
8.Rules committee will consist of the Reunion Golf Professional Staff
Each flight will have their own Closest to the Pin competition each day.
(*Ball must be on the putting green to qualify*)
Golf Pro Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 396 3199
Nicklaus Pro Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 396 3151
Personal Concierge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 396 3180
Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-396-3180
Tennis Pro Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-662-1630
Clubhouse (Hostess) . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 396 3138
Traditions (Hostess) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 396 3150
Starbucks/Gift Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-396-3057
Publix – Reunion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .863-420-3152
Publix Cham. Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 390 1315
Walgreen’s Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 677 0484
CVS Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321-677-0531
Diamond Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-787-7553