3 minute read
Being a part of something important – to you and others
Westrive to work towards something larger than ourselves and to live a life that provides health and security for our own family and for future generations. As I travel, listen, and meet people, I’m inspired by how much people do for others. There are so many examples…
For example, the effort it takes to scan, transcribe, and index countless historical records. Many people involved in genealogy and family history research don’t consider how all this became available on the internet. By speaking with your genealogical or historical society, library, museum, archivist, … volunteers, you realize that the work was done by people who do good helping strangers. It’s really quite wonderful.
Why do we do it?
Over the past several years, my company, Vivid-Pix, has strived to give and say thank you by supporting countless not-for-profit organizations in the genealogy and family history spaces. We will continue these activities and embark on a few more projects…
I live in Charleston, South Carolina, a lovely place with warm weather and warmer hospitality. Like most things in life, there are good and bad things about our community. Charleston used to be the wealthiest city in the United States. This distinction came with a priceless cost – over 50 percent of all slaves brought to America came through Charleston’s ports. While we cannot change the past, we can make a better future.
During the 18th and 19th centuries, the Middleton family was one of the most influential families in Charleston and the country. Their lineage had good and bad aspects, but I like to see the good in people. A signer of the Declaration of Independence, they created the Middleton Place Foundation, which since 2006 has held family reunions at Middleton Place for people descended from both European Middletons and the African-American people they enslaved. Most recently, The Middleton Scholars Education Assistance Fund has created a scholarship program for descendants of African-Americans once enslaved by members of the Middleton family.
At this reunion, there is education, sharing and most importantly, healing. While listening to descendants’ stories as we scanned and restored family heirlooms, one family’s story stood out to me – having traveled across the country from Berkeley, California. A wonderful lady, her sister, and 17-year-old daughter shared their story and plans for the future. They shared a story of optimism and plans to pursue a medical career… in hopes of doing good for others and being part of something bigger than herself.

ThisScrapbook section of Reunions magazine is intended to contain a potpourri of information we find and collect that we feel might be useful to reunion planners. Reunion School, a list of in-person and online workshops, has long been a part of this section, as has Hospitality Answerman by Dean Miller. Other items we find or are submitted for consideration. We invite you to submit things you have found useful as you plan your reunion for us to share with other planners. We will always credit the sender unless you ask us not to. Please include your name, the name of your reunion, the city and state where you live and how we can contact you in case we have questions.
We hope reunion planning workshops will come back soon in many places. Many have been held as conference calls and zoom meetings since 2020 and that may continue. This list is provided as a service to reunion planners. Basic listings are free to workshop hosts. These are exciting opportunities for planners to learn how to organize reunions. The workshops are ideal for beginners and experienced reunion planners looking for fresh, new ideas. Check workshops online for current listings.
March 4, 2023 11AM CST/12PM EST
The virtual session is scheduled for 60 minutes.
Register: webuildlegacy@gmail.com
March 11, 2023 9:30 AM-1:00PM
Sponsored by Visit Sandy Springs, Discover Dunwoody, Cobb Travel & Tourism, Explore Brookhaven at Sonesta Atlanta Northwest Galleria. Contact Myriam Hysa, 770-206-1445, mhysa@sandyspringsga.org
Register: https://www.visitsandysprings.org/perimeter-northfamily-reunion-workshop/?guid=7fa78ea0-e2c1-44d9-89888454c9ebcc01&preview=true
April 1, 2023 11AM CST/12PM EST
The virtual session is scheduled for 60 minutes.
Register: webuildlegacy@gmail.com
April 15, 2023 10AM - 12PM
Want to plan an AWESOME reunion in Alpharetta? Don’t know where to begin? Worry no more; we are here to help!
Location: Preston Ridge Community Center, 3655 Preston Ridge Road Ste 100, Alpharetta GA 30005
Register: https://www.awesomealpharetta.com/meetings-specialoccasions/reunions-gatherings/family-reunion-workshop/
See destination video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D12 yCvX3vq4
April 29, 2023 12-2PM EST
This free virtual workshop covers topics of interest to reunion planners. Register: admin@familyreunioninstitute.net; www.familyreunioninstitute.net

May 6, 2023 11AM CST/12PM EST
The virtual session is scheduled for 60 minutes. Register: webuildlegacy@gmail.com
June 23 – 26, 2023

EDUCATIONAL SUMMIT https://militaryreunionnetwork.com/ wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Summit-Reg-Form-2023.pdf
Niagara Falls NY. Registration includes overnight accommodations, group meals and conference resource materials.

July 8, 2023 11AM CST/12PM EST
The virtual session is scheduled for 60 minutes. Register: webuildlegacy@gmail.com