1 minute read
There’s nothing reunion planners like more than freebies. So, we’ve endeavored to collect as many freebies as we can and are always looking for more. If you know of any to share with other planners, please don’t keep it a secret: we’d love to add more to our lists.
Explore the substantial freebie section on our website. There are freebies from Reunions magazine, dozens of freebies from other sources, and a list of free travel information from around the country.
The free stuff from Reunions magazine includes printable planning forms illustrated in Reunion Planners Notebook, planning podcasts, planning timetables, links to giveaways, list of free workshops, evaluation forms, leads for stuff to fill goodie bags and sources for free rooms for planners.
Our treasure trove of freebies from other sources is way too long to list here, but these are some of what you’ll find; planning kits and reunion planning materials from other sources, activities for adults and kids, genealogy and health sources including some with speakers who can come to your reunion, travel and touring ideas and much, much more.

If you know of more freebies that would be helpful to reunions, please send to editor@reunionsmag.com. But wait! There’s more!
We also offer three more giveaways to help you plan and stage your reunion. A quick fact sheet called Hot Reunion Tips For Reunion Success is a chronological list of ideas and facts to keep in mind as you’re planning your reunion. It’s helpful for new planners or committee members to follow in the time leading up to your reunion and for
Because there’s nothing reunion planners like more than freebies, we’ve compiled a long list of items and services you can access without cost to help plan and stage your reunion. We urge you to add to the list if/ when you find something that can be of use to other reunion planners!

Finally, we offer last minute games that include several icebreakers and games you can assemble fairly easily if you find you don’t have enough activities to engage your members.

All of these are free for the asking. Simply email editor@reunionsmag.com, specify which giveaway you’d like and we’ll email it to you.