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Reunion planning on Social Media

The form on the facing page was developed to make navigation of our website and Pinterest page much easier. You will find a small version of this form at the bottom of most of our interior web pages. Just click to enlarge it for easier reading and navigation. In fact, print a copy to have at your fingertips when wondering how to easily find things on our web and Pinterest pages.

Choose a subject, ask a question, explore. You can click right to the answer you’re looking for. The top portion of the page is links to our website. Down below are links to boards on our Pinterest page.

Now about the top half of the page: our web page. The left column links to important sections for you to explore. There is a listing of upcoming reunions, and if your reunion is not already on the list, you can add it. Listen to planning podcasts online or on the go. Reunion Resources include detailed descriptions of places eager to host and serve your reunion. An updated and growing list of reunion planning workshops can be easily accessed, as can a long list of free stuff for reunions. Back issues contain many years of Reunions magazines with useful and entertaining information from many reunions over many years. Keep in mind reunion information is never really dated and what was successful at someone else’s


reunion in the past may well inspire you for a future event. Sit back, enjoy the stories, suggestions and experiences of others and flatter them by copying their successes.

The middle column includes steps for getting your reunion started. Some of the early steps that seem obvious can always use some additional help and insights. A detailed timetable can set your expectations and keep you on track because you need to consider all the possibilities as you plan, to ensure a successful reunion. Governance suggests that you not plan alone, but have a team to help divvy up the responsibilities. Getting the word out is essential in making sure everyone knows necessary details such as when to go where, how much they need to contribute and what’s expected of them. Starting as simple as an early save-the-date card can alert everyone to reserve the date and look for what follows.

Paying for your reunion is a significant step unto itself. Is the reunion a gift from one or more family members or is everyone going to pitch in their share as designated by the planners? You can only know what the reunion is going to cost once you’ve explored prices for what you want to include and divide it among the number of people who will be included. Registration is essential even for a small reunion because you set out the requirements and members make the commitment.

While there are many similarities in all reunions, there are also significant differences. Class reunions generally do not meet annually, while military and family reunions are more likely to. Class and military reunions include members who are generally around the same age and stage in life, while family reunions include members from birth to advanced age, which require very different considerations.

The third column and list for family reunions can be useful to people planning other reunions as well. So on the list for family reunions are activities, food, games, ice breakers, themes, toasts, speeches & dedications and wrapping up your reunion (evaluation) which can be useful to all planners. We suggest you explore all of these categories and we invite you to add your ideas as well. The remaining items are clearly directed to family reunions and expand their programming possibilities.

Pinterest boards expand upon all the website subjects and are, as Pinterest demonstrates, ideas from many sources.

We are always open to suggestions and contributions so feel free to to share your discoveries and ideas which we, of course, will pass on to others.

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