4 minute read
Consider attending an ethnic festival
If you are in or even near Wisconsin particularly in summer, there are ethnic festivals everywhere celebrating Germans, Italians, Mexicans, Greeks, Native and African Americans, Norwegians … you get the idea. Or you might choose Luxembourg Fest of America in Belgium, Wisconsin, in August celebrating a unique relationship between a small Wisconsin village and a European country. It all started 37 years ago with an antique tractor parade on Saturday followed by Catholic Mass on Sunday. The initial committee was a small but passionate group of locals with an interest in preserving Belgium’s Luxembourgish heritage. It just kept growing and is now known as Luxembourg Fest of America and is enjoyed by visitors from around the nation, and many from Luxembourg.

As Luxembourg is the only Grand Duchy in the world, meaning a state ruled by a Grand Duke or Duchess, the initial committee found it appropriate to begin naming a Fest Duke and Duchess. For the last 15 years, the country of Luxembourg has sent a Luxembourgish band to play at the Fest. Band members are hosted by local families, creating relationships that often span a lifetime.
Luxembourg Fest includes a parade, the World’s Largest Träipen (sausage)-Eating Contest, Division BMX Bike Shows, Luxembourg Street Market, Jolly Good Kids Zone, shows by a magician/illusionist, a caricature artist, a Taste of Luxembourg tent; a polka mass and fest pageantry on Sunday.
See Luxembourg Fest details and schedules at www.lacs.lu
Costumed participants
Reunion Activities
Remembering box
Collect family memorabilia in a shoebox throughout the year. Label the box with the year, name and ages of each family member. Some family members may want to gather memorabilia themselves. Collect reminders of family occasions. The program from a concert or athletic event. A ribbon won at the 4-H fair. Newspaper articles or pictures. A lucky golf ball. An unusual rock or fossil found on vacation. A map showing the route taken on a family trip. Letters or postcards from each other, relatives or friends. A photograph of the family fisherman and the “catch of the day.”
Bring the box to your reunion and when you’re together celebrating, open the shoe box and ... remember.
‘Blast From the Past’
Blast From the Past’ is a popular must, with the CairnsO’Rourke Family Reunion participating in the ‘Retro Runway’ activity. Family members were instructed to wear an old shirt from about twenty years ago; this is where careful planning comes in to make sure each member is informed before the reunion. A fashion show was planned where their outfits could be shown off. The fun was taken even further where members were instructed to bring old photos and memorabilia to display on a table including quotes from past reunions. Not only can the family enjoy a mirror into the past, but it’s just plain fun.
Q:ShirleyDavis, Las Vegas, Nevada, planning the Floyd-Newson Family Reunion, asked how to compose a letter to merchants for donations for door prizes.
A:Theletter must be very specific to your reunion (introduce your reunion briefly and explain that you are good customers and hope they’ll support you) and must list what you will do in return for their donation—for example, that you will mention them in your programs, newsletters, family reunion membership booklet, reunion registration materials, and even press releases about the reunion. If you are recognized as a long time, loyal customer, it might be wiser to just show up and ask in person. Trade for ads if you’re having a program/adbook.
Joan Waters of Charlotte Hall, Maryland, says she hit some dead ends trying to get stuff but her efforts did pay off. To fill her Curtis Butler Family Reunion goodie bags, Waters declared, email was a great tool. She contacted folks via their websites and found most responded within a couple of days. Nationwide Insurance Agent K. Smith gave Joan fifty bags, balloons, pencils and rulers. The Maryland Department of Tourism gave travel guides and maps while Kelvin Boston gave copies of his Credit Smart booklets. American Legacy Magazine gave free copies while Old Country Buffet in Waldorf, Maryland, gave meal coupons. Door prizes Joan collected included discount coupons and ten barbecue kits of grilling utensils from Hebrew National. Baltimore Harbor Cruises donated two free lunch cruise passes and Dandy Dinner Boat Cruises, who tour the Potomac River with historic DC on one side and Virginia on the other, gave discount dinner cruise coupons. There were also a couple tickets from the Bowie, Maryland Baysox baseball team.
First she shares a letter with her family members to help solicit goodies for their reunion. She encourages them to be bold & creative and see who they can snag!
Subject: Help Needed
TO: Group Sales Executive
Dear Mr. (Name),
We invite (name of company) to celebrate family values with us!
Please review the attached request for our upcoming family reunion.
Our hope is that you can supply (name of item) for our reunion goody bags (2 per family/bag) for 50 families.
Thank you for your kind consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Name of family member
Curtis Butler Family Reunion
Phone number + email address
HLearn the name of the person at the company who is responsible for community involvement.
This July, The Curtis/Butler Family (CBF) will gather for our much anticipated bi-annual family reunion. We are deeply rooted in Charles and St. Mary’s Counties, although family members reside in surrounding areas and across the country.
We look forward to this special event as we celebrate our heritage, reconnect with each other and highlight family achievements. Everyone looks forward to the Family Pride Awards we present to our high school and college graduates and our youth who participate in community events. It is a time when we show them just how proud we are of their accomplishments.
Family Pride Awards are also extended to retirees, members of the military and others who have reached significant milestones since our last reunion. We realize that we have excellent role models for our youth right in our own family!
We invite you to share in our celebration by providing complimentary items for our reunion goody bags for each family represented (50) and/or door prizes that are awarded by random draw. Typically, we receive discount coupons, dinner certificates and other goods from area establishments. All contributors will be listed in our reunion program as reunion sponsors.
Thank you in advance for your support of Family Values! If you have any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience by phone or email.
Kindest regards,
Name of family member
Curtis Butler Family Reunion
Phone number + email address