Nihilism and Time by R E. Ford

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Nihilism and Time


Nihilism and Time Copyright © 2022 R Evans Ford All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law and fair use.

First Edition: May 2022

3 Other work by R E. Ford Justified Dreaminess The Humility of Three Carvers Dancing with Strangers 20 Songs of Innocece and a Song of Vitaliry Self-Reconcile Nova Ordem Mundial Welcoming Freedom Amet Verum Jailarbeiten: Phaenomenoligie auf The Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Hallow Mornings Coming Fast When Knowing Imagination, and Humility Meet—Good Wins: The Poems for Osiris Spirit and Soul


For Lela and all we always be and do


If only I knew Astrophysics, I Knew the Truth

The stretch of the grey area of matter through

the neuron waves into the fundamental sentience empathic movements of what we talk about when we mention astrophysics and conducting it inwardly as much as outwardly in the light of the 2020s. The long outstanding astrology signs to fore mention what a birthdate can indicate with the unfathomable stereotype or individual lack of fruition in the neonihilistic catches of Freudian science of psychology with the undertaking of first suffice in philosophy after the question is asked, then take hold in the classrooms to attain ever after. Could there be a bard of science in the undertakings of Darwin, Freud, Jung, or Hawking? That to further the Nietzsche or Christendom beginnings of existentialism in Kierkegaard or Dostoyevsky, whether the symptoms of inclining on does the fruit of the labor of reading men contains the woman of the sophists. If we include that most poets like Sartre or Shakespeare are in fact April born divided by the Hitler birthmark, these implications of mothers in the Ides of March hit later as did with Julius Caesar in Brutus’ arms dying. These pinnacles of time elapsing how once a Roman Calendar date, possibly always divided by the feminine poet or militant lacking Aries in the swooning momentum as


peace or negligence of how do we know we can practice astrophysics if the physical state of body is interceded by the metaphysics in the grey area of neurotransmitters in the mind. The equality of breaking the schizophrenia down to insanity as newcomers perceive, what if one saves the 99,999 at loss of martyrdom invoking more than the 99. Odds and evens no more, yet we see the stars if infinite, they say when is astrophysics the chaos only of the outer orbit and not the indulgence in the build of Eastern and Western Hemisphere geography extenuation into the quantum of particles in the brain and extremities to extend past the atmosphere in the light and dark matter of astronomy. The sphere’s new physics of other atmospheres as an uncanny line of the poet to others—I am the atmosphere. The theoretic, if Genesis in origin is Gods in the Torah, then how does one not reclaim the animosity of the false English translation into knowing a poet or writer is a star birthing a planet as a creator, so they too practice the astronomy of seeing the past tragedy of history into the remedy of opaque childhood or even adulthood without questions or even…reading what is higher education in the indulgence of such American Bard assertion—all men are created equal. Would this entail despite the Fitzgerald line, “…not everyone has had the same advantages you have…” would this inquire the poetry of Harriet Tubman or Rosa Parks in the pre-modernity of to modern of our stars of athletic or even building blocks of literature and music from


Aretha Franklin to Joni Mitchell or Langston Hughes to Rudy Kipling. These bards of musical entertainment in hands of the aforementioned development of cultural awareness spreading in our Northwest Hemisphere as the cultural melting pit “…to cease upon midnight with no pain…” Keats’ lyrical poem as the generational build of a century prior, first in London and New York, then Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln for The American South as we send out the beauty this turn of the Century in what the third non-degenerative of non bella terrorum serviti—those regal moments of the flight now that the war ends in approximation of the sempre verum. This enticing endeavors of our country in third generational device of Keats, Fitzgerald, and now post-Blake comedy of Dylan, the astrophysics of who will else detail the over hanger-on no control of anything but fate to take a different approach than Bukowski in the Nietzsche, “Sometimes we must reevaluate our values, sometimes we need knew values,” as more of an amor fati, or as I do know amet fati. Curse the German in myself wanting the welsh to not disclaim was the gentle that I saw the night as each and not the end as we would rehearse from the bard of Wales—Dylan Thomas. I do not intoxicate anymore for the unknown as the remedies are staring in the quantum leap of ages build upon by logistics pouring out in the Nietzsche Übermenschen, the children born in creative liaison in the poetic prophecies of the quantum


physics leap of faith in counterstructing linear equations as nonlinear geometry is dissimilar to the prisms of nonlinear physics in the molecular identity of the scholar as an athlete in realms of dates circling the wisdom of for whom sein Übermenschen gekommen bekommen—those distilled animated caricatures of Zarathustra knowing wine was slippery to be saying, “Alcohol is the opiate of the populous.” My retort, quantum is the opiate for the Übermenschen. How to dispossess the moment for the landing is that there semilar and dissemilar planetarium and nebulae in generative schism affective or defect of erratum in knowing full physiology is keyly noted in the actual gentle nature if the landing is to be rather non-abrasive as the relics if not here, they beat into the future if the leading case of reason is seen in poetic manifold from the time of white and black to the Sanskrit of grey, non blanco et negra, this ensuing method of the quantum of voice and logical insanity replacing voice and beauty—the paradox of damsels of distress. Vestumus sempre poetul ac verum. Absurdists do not laugh at non-absurd ideals. Their benefactor is making light of the absurd. Transphenomena is the most absurd in a generation of heterogeneous. Transphenomena is explicit to the absurd. With this, they understand the absurdity of dualism, and side with the Fitzgerald's view that "a superior mind can hold two opposing views at once and function." Transphenomena and


non-absurd are the dualities of such phenomena. Understanding the non-absurd mathematical Infinity=∞ is not a laughing point. To laugh at Infinity=!, is how the Principia of absurdists do. The non-absurd is laced in singularity as classicist point-of-view is strictly not transphenomena, but known in the structuralism of being aware of the rules of classicism, in order that they can be broken is transphenomena. In the ontology of mathematics, we know infinitary is generative of non-absurd traditions, but transfinite mathematics are aleph null, aleph one, is an absurdist nightmare, as an absurdist is a classicist in being transphenomena of such with calculus and finite mathematics; transfinite is a post-classicist theory because it is absurd for breaking a rule by writing in Hebrew and in differential mathematical syntax. I prefer starting with aleph four, due to knowing transphenomena of numetric. The syntax places a constraint on the humility of transfinite math, but I am aware of the rule, so I break the rule as an absurdist. Transphenomena deploys multiplicity of starting points on the ontological world of transfinite mathematics. Transfinite mathematics are post-modern methods. Calculus and it are non-absurd. This manifesto is really the beginning of myself writing the treatise as Heidegger or Sartre did with theirs in contrast to how a Marxist is what many thought they were. They were more critical of what dystopia post-modernity was in attempts to watch the


world not be plagued by war. The identity of Heidegger is the contrast in his classic German to Hitler's vulgarity of it. In course of Sartre knowing philosophy is technical writing. Such is mentioned in my prerequisites for my manifesto because to argue with as a constructionist is to not know building blocks. Merely to be a great writer is to understand the work is independent of the human. It is merely the understanding of seeing one era lead to another. The great understanding of change is fundamental. The subpar writers play with syntax and diction. The mediocre find the fascination of being an emulating super fan. The good become. The great seem farfetched and beyond. The downside of each is well documented as what is high-end and supernatural--writing. I recommend that I have knowledgeable truth or as seen as amet verum. To announce the truth is that you would have read all-time. To have read all time is to understand all time. To change all time is farfetched and beyond. Just as 'Being and Nothingness' challenged Nazi-occupied France. This work in progress challenges the men in uniform. I do not think that it is 'Being and Nothingness' it is more about taking the build of Newtonian, Einstein, De Broglie, and Hawking physics and applying it at the molecular level as a treatise of the mistreatment for a century of occupational war crimes. To know Hawking or Heidegger is clearly just entailing I side with time. It is on my side in American Freedom, but in America, I have been lied to. I have not always been


inclined to freedom for a free mind. In my communism-held state, that does not understand doublespeak. We say Capitalism because 'Kapital' is the book Marx wrote later. A Capitalist is a Marxist. A dystopian world of nonsensical rule. Through the socialism of anarchy; we escape it. Through democratic gestures, we understand the viable notion, that for once in the world, social democracy lead to a tipping point. The man using doublespeak and group thought, lost in a Capitalist boom of wealth like Adam Smith's identity. My philosophy is laying out what comes after the last few barbaric red states and the revolution being over in contemporary society. I must preface the excerpt straight from "Nihilism and Time" I might be smarter than everyone because I put the work in. That is absurd, so I laugh...


Absurdism Applicable to Relativity

The absurdist is the contemporary mind. It does not ponder the heavens. It knows the heavens. It accepts futureality of non-poetic nature. The relativity of objectivity in physical nature--yet aware of subjectivity of microscopic, in accordance to physic of universal, individual identity. The subjectivity of individual is precinct of such journey of uniqueness is post-nihilism Cosmogony. It is acceptance of chaos in humility of know-it-all ration. To deploy the absurdist as an intellectual, rebellious comedian is what uniform thought could derail itself with the fear of relative thought of such opposition. Uniform thought does not permit the first coefficient in becoming aware that in relativity of subject matter--there is no uniform thought with each experience unique of madness. Objective relativity in uniform thought is that of post-modern. To group in times of resolve is for the absurdist to see non-absurd sneak off for anti-resolve. The bozo clowns--not knowing the heavens–believing unresolved crime culminates wealth. We see the heavens' entropy, so we now see the psychology of the nihilist as post-nihilist absurdist in physics of equal and opposite reaction. We can laugh as absurdists at the absurd, but nihilism is pre-absurd, so we must know it is indifferent to our nature of not being in uniform with the


nihilist, and unaware of their objectivity in our subjective views. A nihilist is militant. An absurdist is free-thinking and a contrarian to militant. They know the militant lack identity. Non-absurd and pre-absurd are not indifferent as the absurdist is opposite of non-absurd and indifferent to pre-absurd; these are the uniform precincts of this work.


Consciousness as an Art and Science

Consciousnesses get caught in the

psychologist's intrusive thought cycle, if schizos have the idea in a remedy; the creative spurs, but such is the creative tying thoughts down, in what becomes of the mental distortions of hallucinations of so many visionaries in Western Culture's identities of groups. To group all visionaries in one is a the forefront of non-discussion of the differences in the intrusive from whom and what said what is thought. To claim visionary is where the artist deviates from science. The separate identities are the bipolarity of schizos. The identity of schizo is derogatory in post-modern science. To say visionary with contemporary methods is the positive of mental wellness--the delienation of client over patient. An artist is always subcategorical in the psychologist's envy of strict moral precinct in guidance of the differential of individuality. The creative is not always aware of the science as the scientist or psychologist has not studied the individuality of the visionary. To start with Freud and go from there is to ignore Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Husserl. The dividing of implantation of studying molecular biology in brainwaves, but not pursuing in collusion towards artistic creation. These were the bipolarity of post-modern psychology, and its advance to diagnose the past and present, but not determine the future of science. To ignore


Nietzsche prior to Freud is the identity of preventive in the art of psychology. To emulate a Freudian aura but not hold authority over how the visionary creates with fleeting intrusive thoughts is where post-modern psychology could gaze into the darkness of creative cycles, but not initiate how to curate the identity of how solipsism of the visionary brings the lightheartedness of the creative. In our way of breaching the divider of creativity and as a scientist attempting reality as concrete is the mistake of not showing life for the phenomenologist. Phenomenology is the consciousness of the mind. Psychology is the study of the brain in scientific method. The psychophysical is human biology broken down to quantum level of the human genome. The difference is that phenomenology can change if the life experience is enhanced with literature and living life on different terms than the cognitive norm. Metacognition attempts to break phenomenology down into scientific reform. the difference is that thinking is always a branch of metaphysics–therefore concrete or physicality of thought is degenerative of what it is in actuality–consciousness is not concrete, it is simply awareness of the thoughts of humankind. To develop consciousness to its full attainability is laced with psychophysical ideals, but until you can see physically an instant of thought; it remains metaphysics in the psychology branch of brain function in mood swings with quantum level identity such


as serotonin uptake or melatonin depletion. These have the reality becoming a field of science; whereas metacognition in phenomenology is individualistic to life experience, whether semilar or dissemilar. Human nature has always held the separation of ideal and reality, the romantic and the natural--the scientist and the artist! If we are to entertain what absurdists relate to counterstructionist, it would be pre-absurd, if there is that indifference between the two identities. the counterstructionist only becomes an absurdist after evaluation of values on subjects pertaining to history and present to feel the disconnect of the reality of what suffices in "taking things seriously..." In non-absurd mindsets, the counterstructionist is few and far between in an anarchy of a lackluster approach. Anarchy leads to socialism. Counterstruction leads to absurdism. The identities are on is with and against government, the other is with solipsism of awareness of constraint on an individual level of what is self. To only control the self in revolt is counterstruction. To want delienate on a mass level is anarchy for socialism. The counterstructionist sees such, and does not become the empiricist of a leader towards an inideal communism of democracy; rather knows both sides, one of vote, one of force. Empiricism is force. A counterstructionist stirs, but does not plot; knows and tells; does not


destroy as if an anarchist, more informed over disillusioned. By "taking things seriously" comes disillusion, if not informed. An anarchist is formed over simple 'Master and Slave' identity, in which they feel the state is overplaying its hand in being a master to the people. The relegation of humanism is when this is immediate anarchy. The counterstructionist moves intel toward both capacities to become in collusion of a treaty. So as to balance shifts, but does not break it. Immediate anarchy occurs at the end of an era. A counterstructionist removes it with it, then reconciles the losses and damages. It is hard fate of task force to delienate what is seen, but not lost. Absurd follows when you knew your role and have survived. In technical note of diagramming this manifesto, this is fairly early in the work. Possibly the first four or five paragraphs. The work as a whole, "Nihilism and Time" encompasses different segregated parts and I do not wish to start off with a breezy subject matter to lure readers in just to disappoint them. This work has both intellectual play in art and scientific language; which is mathematics. To begin the finalization of mathematics is ultimately what is entailed in these transcripts of pre-ph.d concourse in a derisive five-year write-up and two-year edit. The bulk of the work will be difficult for the post-modern reader; who thoroughly is in contempt with only the now. My progression of


brilliance is, that I never played the game. I never had to, and this is insurrection of why. I precinct the final draw of mathematics with infinity=!. The identity of without duality in math, the verbose subject had no equity on style. To stylize math is something a poet is reverberating back towards mathematicians who in the 2000s began a run at it with David Foster Wallace leading the charge. Ever since that fateful March of 2017, a new proof of infinity was laid in phenomenology poetry in correlation to the mathematicians of the 2000s. I am reading Beyond First Module Theory and understand the insanity of transfinite mathematics. I suppose the write up for the piece is longer than it, but here is part of the beginning essay being pieced together, Another one of humorous synopsis of the working title, 'Nihilism and Time.' This is part III and title is 'The Art of Numbers.' My biggest authoritative identity on such is I am debriefing everyone with on required reading, or whom or what is dismissive of how I don't ever sell out or even care on the idea, of what gets breached or taken into account out of context, is I don't really need to write for anyone, but I write new answers for you. Those identifiers of 'fake' or 'fast' friends are quite clearly most, but to have known or been told of fame, is I didn't change. I was always going to bide time in my youth and get back to philosophy later, which is science and math. Technology is the biding note of algorithms and analysis for students. Technology is not


human compassion. Technology is not philosophical or culturally rich as an American Ontology is... If logic is proprietorized by post-war numetrics, it is insightful to layout how non-negate clause is applicable to a generation of heroes who have been worn thin, on both sides. The bipartisan policymakers are indicative of dualism. The indifference in some quantitative data is inherent in irrational and negative integers as opposition of duality in rational and positive. In our post-war numetrics, stacking prohibits a semilar way of placing the came to count for different prime numbers. The lack of fluidity in bipartisan in the government triggers another war, almost immediately. To refrain from such--seeing numetrics of quantum theory in molecular dissidence allots new form and not bad form. The -1 0 1 is negation. the 3 2 1 [0 4]--to have an equal count at the start in brackets exhibits a duality without negation to stack is to switch integers. To stack the seventh and the fifth is to count 123476589(10). To stack the fifth and the third after is 324476189(10). To stack the first and third is 325476189(10). These are the plotlines of (10)987654321[04]325476189(10). This method inherently shows no negating measures. As the equal an opposite reaction drops off 0 and 4 are conjoined to a no longer duality, or that bipartisan of numetrics is not an issue any longer. Without semilar patterns of past dissidence to numbers, we change the outline of what cannot repeat.


The logical mind is the hardest to put to test of must. To think illogically is the majority. Identities are shifted rarely from lack of cultural or self-awareness of being informed trickle down through politics over the course of several eras. If we ponder the detrimental identity of the barons of technology, then we will begin to see allusion to virtual reality and how the ones who can share a popular opinion in America are not historically or culturally aware of other parts of the world. Only seeing yesterday and next week entails very little. Numerics is the laughter of peace between art and the barons of technology. The constraint of fascist for fascist in identities of what both lost. To take the new logical count and make it contemporary is to divorce ourselves of prior in history's lessons of ∞. The modern scholar in myself knows Descartes came two centuries with Leibniz and Newton with Calculus before the barons of industry indoctrinated it. The idea of numetrics builds off post-modern Foucault in non-linear study of history. The modern was haunted by Bakunin, Marx, Rimbaud, and Nietzsche, in which it was masculinity with masculinity causing an arms race that the youngest world power swept up the prize without realizing that it forfeited freedom and immigration to a country that put domestic tranquility at the forefront. These European artists leading cause as post-transcendentalism of our own creators in Emerson and Thoreau, we became a militant dystopia in the edging of technology with cameras making satiable the Orwellian and


Huxley prophetic imagery from all the barons of industry. The all-encompassing prophetic hero was Fitzgerald who rejuvenates post-communism with socialism in our own counterculture in the 60s and 70s of indicating semilar work of Paris and Spanish (1860s, 1930s) Hemingway pays tribute in 'The Sun Also Rises' and George Orwell in 'Homage to Catalonia.' With the free spirit identity from Nietzsche in our own barons of industry--some being secretive--deconstructed post-modernism as several centuries after modernity began what post-anything implied. Calculus is a modern language for scientific research and quite literally only generative of indoctrinated students who can develop the discipline of knowing how to study adequate ways to break the rules and to master the modern metric system. As the barons of war divulged the saw way after the Paris Commune, our own culture did after our counterculture--the barons of technology and art. The Parisians were literary. America's is music with literary vice. Mathematicians have long loved music. The tempo of music is the first study of the art of numbers.


The Ontology of Numbers

Disclaimer these are three-course brief essays

on my ontological approach to Quantum Theory. I am posting them here as a way of showing my rebellious spirit; which is what you must be to be a man among men.


Precursor to Quantum Works

In quantum theorum of reformation in

universal mathematics, it entails at the dawn of its predication we can no longer be breached as singularity in our affirmations to be redefined in a general directive of a youthful era of artist magical and beautiful in survival due to odds of a generation that alas educated on what biology and physiology are. The pivotation of high-end legacy in biophysics will rise in the ensuing century as the political side of such in ethics is facing trial in ethical fallacies of what and should be news in the world of pathos and ethos in the idea of the human body and genome. The work which is ahead of its time is what will put many educated doctors and lawyers out of jobs as the end of a civil and drug war will be the end of society as we know it. When a call for a War on Cancer was made prior to drugs in 1974, we were culturally aware the cure was thought to be within technology of Western Medicine. The fault was there no single pen to brave the store of its intellectual reformation and dismay of some false hope. Technology has become the most criminal to human survival since the advent of nuclear and chemical weapons. In Eastern traditions population has sustained better growth from cultural awareness of the fallacies of technology as control in our world and to not save,--but detain...


Molecular Psychology: A Dissertation on Secular Beliefs The complete context of arguable demeanor is that I have answers I have given without credit as I have endlessly given my credit to denounce plagiarism and reform it as inspiration and great influence of theory--not human practice. The future auguries of humankind's compassion will see how physiology studies in biology are indeed faithfuls' world of our souls and spirits in human capacity. This merit of deep identity finally has surmounted to where new course words can be relative of infiltration of a rise in character as the studious pick metacognitive debate over what is typically the dividing line of divine and indoctrination against even secular belief. We preface lack of identity in course contact pf how one is spotted in their own becoming of whom they can be--independent if all outside influence in the Rilkean identity in neuroscience metacognitive reflection of triggering past dimension as inward understanding of psychological freedom and how basic quantum theories are triggered at humanistic molecular chemistry and biology. One is used in substance control intake--the other in the actual neuroscience of molecular psychology. In the moment, such is studied on solipsisms of whom inherently selfish and greed of a capitalist society, the individual will acclaim proprietorship of the inward reflecting out as we must analyze the quantitative data of quantum psychology from an in-depth discovery of--metacognitive, physiology,


cognitive, molecular structures at whole, and cardiology of remaining away from the sleeve(where it must belong for the survival of the fittest...)


Quantum of Infinity and Zero

If infinity=!, then in esse 0=4. In Arabic Numerals to Roman i=1, v=5, if iv=4, then v-iii=i, so v-0=1, from i proceeding 0, so as then does the Arabic iiii, due to numetrics shown. So as prime integers go, i=iiv=v=vii as numetrics equal as non-prime 4=0. this numetricly known as stacking in Quantum Theory. 32104567 or 452301234--the division is proven wrong in simple integers and rids metric of irrational numbers in both Arabic and Roman. The integers are a push as used side by side. In case of time cannot support ∞ as infinity, because it is linear in geometry as! is more finite in tempo's generality of invention, the inversion in Quantum theory is the Roman numeral (i) which is the first fallacy of sign. If ∞ does not make sense for infinitely in linear tempo, (i) is the only other that would be negative sign. (ii) is prime as well, but (iv) is not; it divides to (ii)(ii) making it that 0=4 because v is a prime number in Roman Numerals. These are the fallacy of non-quantum mathematics, in which this does not begin to take the fallacies of sign in Hebrew mathematics from disproving what a linear scale cannot hold infinity as ∞, or even zero as not having numetric value...


In the absurdist module of numetrics it is indelible of intricacies of being-in-itself. The reactionary of the phenomenological is differential of 1, 2, 3, 4--and so on with linear. Transphenomena is inherent in numetric to be a module of ontological dismissive of aleph one, aleph two, and so on. The absurdist can be derisive that 321[04]+5678(9)(10) cannot detail anything but humor due to the numbers being transphenomena and changed from non-stereotypical 1,2,3,4. An absurdist is contrarian to modules of academic of First Order Model Theory and even beyond it. An equation such as set theory is more absurd in what is underlying in using linguistics in the syntax of mathematics as absurdly intellectual. If an intellectual is to understand H. S. Thompson's humor of politics, it is to be in the understanding the absurdity of numbers. Calculators can do the work until transphenomena eclipses transfinite or even First Order Model Theory is still in the same fallacy of sign in post-modern math of letters in syntax or classicism between mathematics, science, and stereotypical communications in language is the modern mathematics using algorithm sin and cosine over the distinct numbers; where pi is π and 3.14! is that one character in the honesty of language has bio-lingual play. In numertic, the integers at the nucleic and neutron level create identifiers for what is holding the electrons and protons in orbit and the space in-between. This measure creates the


identity of new life and new substance as well. To use the symbol [0 4] is to indicate the nucleus. The numbers of such are shown in a few places, also as [4 0] [0 0] and [4 4]. These measures can be plotted in molecular biology and chemistry. These are measures at a microscopic level. A nucleus of an atomic particle would have these methods of due course. The integers in which a course plot works around a nucleus are arranged in the identifiers in numetric as Endoversion, Esoversion, Exoversion, Inversion, and Nuversion. Each has a classifier for what is what in both molecular biology and chemistry and the identity of large level of astrophysics in how a star is formed. The center of nuclei is arranged prior to how protons and electrons surround the domain. Any new integer would be formulated around nuversion. [i] is a placeholder until a [0 4] [4 0] [0 0] or [4 4] is formed. Nuversion is formulation at all sides in chemical or biological reactions. Nuversions can be other Roman Numerals in lowercase fashion, such as [ii] [iii] [iv].


Ontology of Nurture

The reinsertion of value is what the absurdist

finds in the dark matter of non-absurd. Non-absurdist does not detail the plaint as absurdists do. Existentialism is non-absurd; it is generative of fear of being. The fallacy of existentialism is disquiet and sorrow of failure to be. Transphenomena is the esse of seeing, but not to become as seen is not coherent being. Coherence is an esse of the absurdist. To not be in the moment is the existentialist. They get caught in esse of outside influence to ponder abstract freedoms. Abstract freedoms are cognitive of the mind. In which, the mind is nurture of the nature in neuroscience. Neuroscience is not physiology. Physiology is not biology. Psychology is the neuroscience of what would be physiology in the human genome. Biology is nature. Nurture is dualism in the esse of Biology. Neuroscience is enhanced with biochemistry. The studies of serotonin and its ration with melatonin are the neurons or biochemistry at the quantum level of brain capacity. The mind is human nature. To become in tune with one physical and the other metaphysical is the first study of quantum theory in neuroscience; where we break down each particle of brain function, it does still come under the fallacy of biochemical nurture and metaphysical of life and experience. These two nurture the


physiological--what controls the brain details the absurdity of molecular views of our own electrons and protons in the natural science of hereditary. To break such down in each periodic table element is to begin at the atomic mass in the neuroscience of physical properties. The metacognitive of neuroscience is what nurture develops and with biochemistry, human minds are not always developed adequately, or even the entirety of understood in the physical nature of physiology by brain function uptake on molecular level. The reiteration is our brain and body have natural science. Our metacognitive mind will forever be topical for debate. The debate of metacognitive remains with the existentialist in the nurture of human fear. Most dread the things out of control in the mind. To place the nature of neuroscience as serotonin uptake only creates psychological science in the physical nature of neuroscience. If knowledge is to be the answer of existential dilemma, some must attain it all cost in the nurture of insertion of value prior to reinsertion. The absurdist finds humility in such awareness. Awareness distills freedom from existential plaint in psychological freedom as knowing science–is–still–theoretical.* In physics, off to the left and right are elsewhere. In numetrics and quantum theory, it inherits the physics design. There are theories of each integrated with how a nonlinear module formed over encapsulating


such. Stacked integers are key from prior posts on my page. This actually has theories that proves this numetrical math in both psychology and physics. If it is that psychology is science, I would detail that science's language is math. To use the 0=4 is rooted in the psychological sex drive of the sperm and eggs (xx) and (xy) chromosomes. The endless chicken and egg theory. This is a breakthrough in scientific reality. I do not change. I have been posting breakthroughs as a regular joe all my life. At some point, Cambridge or the Frankfort School in Germany, are going to have to start understanding. I have scientific reality, that this is like Darwin's childish four square of genetics, but incorporating it in Hawking's drawing of elsewhere and the hourglass of all time. The poetry was for the birds. The science and math are myself formally telling academia, for lack of a better word, fuck you. This is someone whose reality was with a diagnosis of bipolar who was slinging packages at supernatural level for UPS and FedEx and has been lied to in The United States for 14 years. They need to understand in academic circles if you want myself to take you seriously in the United States, I don't. I figured I'd make the design cute too since my poetry was so adorable. It was intellectual excellence railing the front desk clerk at FedEx and the rockstar's midwife. I get tipped off all the time of my merit, but at some point, if you want my generation to help out the older generations or even us to take any merit of what was culturally known to myself of a login to Facebook in other


states and not being able to connect to this account. It is very clear. That this is another part of "Nihilism and Time" that has all three ethos, logos, and pathos in quantum theorum. You didn't want myself at FedEx anymore, so nowhere is myself after a year of silence from investigating the entire build of Antifa-Police debacle. They aren't really laughing at some places in this country about myself sitting down next to someone in "Antifa" saying they were going to burn the country to the ground. When I have to sit here and tell you they were trying to burn and may have, with some, Catholic churches. I am only laughing that they call my breakthroughs in the cycles of creative and brilliant minds 'manic' episodes. Locke, Hume, and even DFW, god rest his bravery, all produced phenomena at the same age as I. I figured I'd mention actual English speakers. This is just myself finally mocking man's numbers. The logistics bro and the kid whom could do Algebra 2 and Chemistry in his head, saying hey, an intellectual figured out, be cute and mess up the numbers, but be logical, women and minorities will get a long hard laugh, later though. Now, I get to donate Chinese signs of Latin words to the identity. Language was studied at Ball State. They just didn't get I am not a poet. I am a mathematician and scientist, we produce adult work later in life. My cute discourse was merely building up my generation to have great writers; which is culturally what the American youth need for reality, not some seismic fiction of billions of dollars. Harvard taught students


to go make money over learning history. It is well noted after all the Isaac Battershell history lectures, I did go read about it too. We debate history now. And the Abbi Enas debates of being contrarian to her Christianity. Catholicism is not Christianity. Some people are going to have to swallow hard on the pride being shoved aside of being simply barons of technology in another lost generation of you either were learning with us in Indiana or you were getting hassled into believing you could get rich quick and die alone. I am loved, this is myself in full view. I clearly am pitching a breakthrough... It is the conservative party that made indecent stature in Afghanistan affairs with recent events. Our military members are generative of being a part of it, and the idea of placing at 13 death count as a travesty, but not inhaling the smoke of seven civilians in a drone strike after they went against presidential command of the war being over twice. Trump signed a peace treaty with the government of Afghanistan last March, and if we are putting light on the identity of what is at stake it is the conservative party and ultimately false claims at what Biden has entailed as a.) his fault with the events, but b.) being he did not say to do a droid strike. These are why we blasted fake news during Trump's presidency because it was a group written of democratic fascists in order to dismantle the Conservative party, in the end, it has been longer than one admits of our civil


war; where it is in many metropolitan areas said to not be safe. It took the pandemic to be aware of what is happening at home, which has everything to do with bipartisan fallacies. The martial law of the police was caught redheaded in the multiplicity of my own adventures. I threw the bait down to see. What I saw was conservatives in communities do not understand the political lambdas of the far right as a dictatorship and the far left fascism. The idea of stating you are a republican is off-center right theory. A conservative becomes the most contradictory point of view in political theory due to neoconservative being a leftist theory. Conservatives do not want the government in their life by traditional standards, but they also had Reagan make the national government grow substantially. Cycle it through to Trump and once again the conservatives proceed to contradict the Republican Party. The Democrats are now taking a backtrack, because they continue to build police force and not social workers, and military even after war. The fundamentals of lingering effect is the contradictions. Ever since Reagan conservatism has had little avail other than retaining power. The biggest successes of the Democratic Party were getting Clinton in over Bush Senior and Biden over Trump. The Democratic party's views are more culturally diverse and the conservatives do not do well with embracing, that if you have a complete philosophy you make few contradictions. Theirs has had far too many. In


fact, they will more than likely have Trump run again. Biden's backlash of attempts to pull us out of our civil war is in the midst of when a country is in wars the civilians do not agree with, it becomes war at home and abroad. Check the police records of homicide in our Metropolitan areas since the Reagan era, when he was not aware calling a war on drugs is another philosophy that goes against conservatism. Drugs are ancient. This was a way to get outside agencies to become involved in the already growing government. This was also the first war cry for our ongoing civil war, which clearly started on September 11th, 2001. The beginning of picking up the pieces is we can now be culturally aware of good and bad humor. Too soon is bringing to light the conservative party is under the hand of a dictator who acted like a child, in the notion of being aware this, the democrats can watch how Putin and Trump had to be watched by Xi Xinping carefully, because of the escalation of August 2019. These events are not withheld from public records. The October 30th phone calls are a country up in arms about what to do after finally coming to after a bad dream for so many of the sons rising to the occasion. The removal of troops from locations abroad is the indicator that the world had seen enough of a contradicting party making the margin for a bigger government. Anarchy won finally. If they had to deface Hitler had given a second chance, humans would. In one shot in hell, we defaced Trump. In Indiana, it is not safe to be a democrat, but it never is safe to be a great


writer; which is what these next two generations will be full of from both sides of the argument. My generation has to get used to post-American Crusades or the Second Civil War, where the voice of opinion has always been absurd. *I claim absurd is what mental illness is. It is inherent from genetics and topical as labeling. It is degenerative of more brilliant and in-tune human beings. If they are not taught correctly, they falter. My identity of making sure I was, helps make it culturally aware, that being diagnosed as something irregular is a power trip. This is a personal log, not the actual work above creating the duality of psychological freedom and how it can arrive.


Part II: Post-Nihilism

In the formulation of understanding quantum

theorum, one must have an understanding of numetrics. The first rule in numetrics is there are no negative integers. The second rids linear modules from irrational integers. To have 0=4, entails that endoversion one's symbol is (I). The Roman Numerals are endoversions and Arabic Numerals then incorporate their method in the course work of numetric logic. There are esoversions, exoversions, nuversions and inversions in quantum theorum--as it is in the numetric, each is vital in explaining the physics of purely logical post-numerical counting. The fundamentals of all four pasts of quantum theories have formation around molecular physiology, biology, psychology, chemistry, and neurology. These fundamentally do not separate field of astrophysics (the modern science.) The five listed above are post-modern sciences. The culminative of the five improve fundamentals of what is humanisms specified in ideas of solipsisms, yet extending onward without an equal or an opposite reaction just as in the modern science law. Biology is atmospheric to the other four's distinct nature of self-discovery in a scientific manner. What becomes of scientific study of the self is a long agonizing numetric of knowing how all moments are


non-negating of new logic for neurological brilliance of striving for positive numetrics on personal molecular levels. These quantum theories mirror biology and the four parts of self. Biology is nurture-of-nature. This is the preceding factor of what we become in post-nihilism sociology. To fathom the idea of endoversion one (I) us is to know the biological atmosphere that inserts in other's lives. There must be nuversion; which always starts with (i). To fathom many nuversions is to summa other obstacles of many do not have differential methods of understanding the merit of both due to such module explaining the merit of how pathways around seeing life on all levels as bystanding of identity in five dimensions are what post-technological revolution develops in our biology and physiology. Hereditary is physiology, not exactly biology. Theories are not truths. They are base knowledge until proven correct or incorrect. The intimidation of authoritative identity of contemporary theoretical quantum sciences, the molecular level is under the scrutiny of academic dishonesty in mainstream psychology. It is deeply inherent that self-help books do not do any of explaining how quantum theory at the molecular level can deviate the separate identities of the mind and the brain. The mind is metaphysics and metacognition. The functioning of the brain with melatonin and serotonin uptake on physical chemic makeup--in which the


theoretics of psychology can be proven on molecular and physiology makeup.* In contemporary art, it is ahead of post-modern science. The answers of the existentialist have been discovered as the anxiety being the artist's will. In post-modern science--the doctor has remedies of theory, but not scientific breakdown readily available for the contemporary movement to fully understand. To have the entire contemporary mind avail to 10 percent of scientific literate society. The quantum theories are the basis for breakdown to lift percentage past merely nurses or medical professionals. To say a word of science is foreign to many--to educate a population of mostly scientifically illiterate into scientifically literate is to end the war against the brilliantly inclined as mentally ill; who are merely the ones health care professionals fail at seeing as artists--not just modernity, but post-modernity. The ones in contemporary times who are self-aware of bad connotations of delinquency. Quantum theory is the final bough of saying doctors gave post-modern mind bad advice as Alan Sokol has proved, and us in contemporary standards are now ahead of the curve--to say we do not negate mental illness, we know it was an attack on brilliant minds in American Culture. Quantum theory is for the post-nihilist. In how one makes note of a post-nihilism document over quantum theories is the five dimensions of human capacity noted in, now, contemporary science from a student of post-modern science and contemporary art.


The denoting identity is our biosphere took great neglect from quantitative hit of nuclear tests and even detonation during the drastic nihilism era that we must be dismissive of the four Deutschmen that will be villainized in history as Nietzsche, Hitler, von Braun, and Oppenheimer. The latter two were possibly the biggest traders in the physical era of Nazi America Nihilism. Quantitative physics was used in the modern and post-modern era, prior to what ultimately ended the ancient tycoons of war--The Japanese. To dismay, the cycle of history quantum theory is the Joker in the card game of war. It slips into all the King the note, you cannot win without both. To whom Camus was tragedy as the rolling hyena interviews of Sartre is to dissect 'Being and Nothingness' or the slammed shut note of 'Critique of Dialectical Reason' were where we had to bring the note, that the other joker lost awhile ago as domain of from Heidegger to now known numetrics are the faults of logic in the atmosphere of a country whose only manner was deep dissident of one whom knew vice was vigil, not substance of what is unknown as no longer the five dimension play of the matrices of American consumerism in known as Capitalism--the way the biosphere nurtures you out of your cardiological self, or even the more meditative psychological into more mannerisms of, if this is all in psychology; why are the physicality of uniform in such discernment at the moment sly tricks on publications denotes in my community--I was told many times how it thought to poetics, in


reality 'Self-Reconcile' was the adiea, adieu, tchauss, tchauss to the youth of 'where'--it was my metaphysical work--told as a solo journey from which the soul and the mind aren't quite ever portrayed with physical notation on the mass scale of my reevaluated values in post-nihilism as a peace treaty as eminent as two short works as Sartre in 1945. In head-ahead, the man of the hour to be the complex of whether ever told the qualitative over the quantitative is the deed of we must go there prior to quantum understanding. An analyzation of Just War Theory, the victors slowly re-plotted to the scholars and gentlemen--Nazi America had to face whether the troops are out of order, if still there or here. That it was unjust to sign and not remove. To have this civil dishonesty is how we are going to be bereaving for a long time. In Just War Theory, you must admit fault of suffering the billions and nearly trillion dollars of damage from bad form. That is the science of war from the poles of a mind not taken seriously, but such is why the Joker is higher up in war than the Jack of All Traits. To know as war works–Sartre passed that other card onto women. The Joke is the Fitzgerald and Camus understudy in myself knows that–the number game of quantum humor. *It is important to deviate psychology and biology with the mentality of the brain and mind as opposed to the outside influence of the nurture-of-nature in biology. Biology is independent of the physiology of the human


body and genome. The triple spiral of helix strands of DNA is physiology. Biology is the broader subject of such--your friend, dog, cat, etc. There is sociology which is more remnant of the idea to divide psychological physiology (anatomy really) and the sociology being nurtured. Nature is biology.


Social Reconstruction

The beginning of social reconstruction is

always one foot in front of the other. As society begins anew after a 20-year war, even after peace treaties were signed, Generation X and Y can begin to see who they are without strict law enforcement. The identities of who we are will only grow. In times of peace, we can begin to recollect what we lost and retained. As for myself, I can begin to see with the clairvoyance of who I was, who I am, and who I will be. Perfection is the end goal for life is an art form. As a young artist, I can begin to see my own reformation and how my generation was made of so many kindred spirits who went through the ringer for The United States of America. In social reconstruction, it is not new. After World War One and World War Two, much of Europe had to understand who was who and how to be preventative of more war. As I traveled the country for over the year of the pandemic (always quarantining) I saw what we can begin to rebuild and move forward with. Many do understand when there is war abroad, there is war at home. In European States like Germany, few business owners fail because they take fewer risks. I was in states as different as Idaho and Illinois, and you could see the closure signs up and downtowns that were in need of social reconstruction as European States saw last


century. It has implications on our own because if it is as insane to see as all the revolution since freeing the slaves, social reconstruction is indeed the final frontier for domestic tranquility. To understand our own cultural faults is to own up to them. The major changes over the last 20 years were technological and as we can everything at the flip of our hand our memories are vastly improving in an information era. To reconstruct socially is to understand what is best with all the new discoveries that have been made to reconstruct towns that may or may not be standing. Information leads to new opportunities. In my own endeavors with information, it is from actual books and minimal from the internet, as fallacies are easily projected on databases and not as easily constructed in full-length intrigue for publication. Nearly every human can now say, they were published, because a social media post is self-publishing. The identity of this phenomenon has strained the idea of Fake News. Much is granted on what truth is worth defending–whether personal or at large. As we begin this trek as a generation we must always keep in mind what we can relay to future generations from our own. As individuals, we can contribute unique or semilar situations to each other and how that can have implications on the future of society, especially with many having children or even being educators. As we grow in social reconstruction the future and what we can


retain in information is at the front of the line for generations to come.

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