The Law of Adjustment: Forgiving Myself
The Universal Law of Adjustment. Spirit has no need of being adjusted. The only place where there is any demand for modification is in human consciousness; but unless human consciousness appeals to the divine law, unless it is willing and ready to lay down its own sense of human will and stop human planning, put aside human pride, ambition, and vanity, there is no room for the law of adjustment to operate.
What is ego from a psychological perspective? In layman’s terms one can define ego as pride about oneself. Thoughts such as my body and mind, my intellect, my life, my wealth, and children, I should acquire happiness, etc. arise from ego alone. There are many detrimental consequences one can experience on any given day. One culprit is the ego. What is the Ego? The ego is an identity of our own construction, an identity which is false. The ego hides behind the “I” and “me” in those declarative thoughts and statements about our identity. When we have such thoughts and agree with even the slightest conviction that these ideas define us, then we are building, or reinforcing, an ego . One of the seven costly errors is pride. There are other names for this ego based demonstration such as pride, conceit, even narcissism to name a few.
Is The Ego Arrogant or Insecure? Having an ego” is usually associated with arrogance and is a term used to describe someone who thinks they are better than others. Yet this is only one part of the ego. In fact, it is possible to have some positive self-esteem and some negative self-esteem – Page 1 of 7
The Law of Adjustment: Forgiving Myself we are aware of these different beliefs at different times. The negative beliefs about our self-make up our negative self-esteem, while our positive thoughts comprise our positive self-esteem. Together, the negative and positive esteem forms our ego.
Letting Go of the Ego
Because the ego has multiple sides, it is not practical or helpful to dissolve all of it at once, nor is it likely that you could do so. Much like a tree or large bush that is unkempt in the yard, you don’t just lift it out and throw it away – you remove manageable pieces instead. The same method is effective with letting go of the false beliefs that make up the ego. We begin by shedding individual thoughts that reinforce the ego, then let go of beliefs, separating yourself from the false identity of your ego. So I begin the healing process by first forgiving myself for all my mis-creations. Actually it really wasn't I which miscreated; it was a false belief, or thought form, called ego which is nothing but a part of the great illusion in my life-yet ego-action can leave emotional wounds that must be healed. In forgiving myself I am simply calling in the Law of Adjustment, to alter the old flawed patterns and eliminate the shadows of another time. Spiritual definition of ego
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The Law of Adjustment: Forgiving Myself
From a spiritual perspective, ego means considering oneself to be distinct from others and God due to identification with the physical body and impressions in various centres of the subtle body. In short ego is leading our life as per the thinking that our existence is limited to our 5 senses, mind, and intellect and identifying with them to various degrees. As per the science of Spirituality, our true state of existence is identification with the Soul or God-principle within us and living our day to day life with this consciousness. As the one and same God-principle exists within all, from a spiritual perspective there is unity in all Creation. However, depending on the level of our ego, we identify with the God-principle within us, i.e. the Soul to varying degrees. If our ego is high, we identify less with the Soul or the God-principle within us. E.G.O= Easing God Out. I am sure you can think of your own acronym for G.O.D. or Spirit Energy.
The Ego and Angels
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The Law of Adjustment: Forgiving Myself First let me say that we can block the energy of communication with Angels via a negative mental attitude, judging others, arrogance, vanity, stubbornness, bullying. These attitudes and behaviors blocks joy, a lack of commitment to a spiritual way of life. Enlightenment comes through meditation, contemplation, and release of judgment. This raises the vibration of the ego, ‘bliss-es it out’ creating pleasure, but it doesn’t die. Raise the vibration of your ego, by taking control of your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, and put the ego to work as a servant instead of allowing it to master your life. What is an Angel?
There is a school of thought which states that Angels Are Divine Ideas. I believe this to be true. Then I take a closer look at the concept and say to myself maybe their job description is an emissary or messenger. The function of messengers can be considered couriers, dispatch riders with the primary purpose of communication. Other names for Angels can be: Creative Energies, Devas, Father, Fountains, Gates, Hands of God, living Governors of Life, Divine Agents. Revelation: Forgiving Myself I had no idea that my Angels are affected by the decisions I make or have made. To be affected by mis-creation is one thing because I created or mis-created the situation yet when another faces consequence for my actions this is something totally different. Angels are assigned to us all whether we choose to believe this or not. It’s ok. Disbelief does not negate reality. Angels are here readily available to assist but us we must reach out to them. When I make a mistake or am engaged in a learning experience it’s because I have either not meditated, prayed nor communed with my Angel hence not connected with myself. The answers are within, but I must slow down, listen, take heed (think twice) towards the answers.
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The Law of Adjustment: Forgiving Myself
Angels protect, steer and direct the natural strengths of mind and body, which have in them the future and potential of the whole person." Angels, if we allow them, will assist us with self-forgiveness. Angels also have a vested interest in us. For example, if there is a project you or I want to accomplish, Angels are delegated to assist, and protect you and I, but we must reach out to them else they wait until called upon to do so. Angels have feelings, they hurt when we are hurt. The negative appearances in your life, such as financial lack, family discord, sexual problems, inability to have lasting relationships, sickness and ill health, legal challenges, and business and carrier failures. This evaluation will help you to see which angels have suffered the greatest adulteration. I am will to adjust my thinking, change my behavior because for me, I do not want to dishonor an Angel. How would a publishing agent feel when their job function is to assist me with publishing but I never asked for their input? Situating this in another vernacular if someone is new in 12 step recovery, has a sponsor but never uses or makes contact with their sponsor whose fault is it when situations or circumstances go awry? I’m to blame because there is an assigned helper which I did not consult.
Although I experience the consequences my assigned Angels has feelings too. For me this concept is Discovery. For the very first time I actually sat down and closed my eyes Page 5 of 7
The Law of Adjustment: Forgiving Myself to speak to and acknowledge the assigned Angel (s) and spoke to it. Do you know what happened? I could sense an arm around me!! All of the situations I have been through, never, not once did I ever offer or turn over a situation to an Angel or even thank an Angel. Yes, I always thank God, the Source, but never an Angel, nor having the knowledge that I was assigned a few.
I expressed regret to my Angels for not recognizing as well as not utilizing them. I felt a warm sense of being forgiven. I realize how this may sound or seem to some but this experience in fact happened. There are no words to describe the secure, tender and loving feeling as I drew closer into contact with my comforting Angel‌ I am a believer. It is important to me to restore as well as maintain my relationship between me and my Angel.
Price, John Randolph The Angels within us
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The Law of Adjustment: Forgiving Myself Trailer City of Angels, 1990 Warner Brothers Pictures-Regency Enterprises Cage, Nicholas, Meg Ryan
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