SUMMER '10 Issue #21
Revelstoke's Arts, Culture and Lifestyles Publication
SPRING '10 Issue #20
Revelstoke's Arts, Culture and Lifestyles Publication
pg.3.... - Music Notes - Emerging - Health & You - Write this way - What the...?
REVED! Revelstoke’s Quarterly Arts Season’s Greetings! Change is fun, not to mention inevitable, which is why you will come to find REVED sporting a whole new look!. The reason for newsprint is simple: I realized the hypocrisy when I started an environmental section (What Matters) and implored people to recycle - yet I printed on bleached white paper. Ooops. There are also more ways to use REVED in its newspaper form. When encountering your Ex, a 22x17 sheet of paper is easier to hide behind than 8.5x11. You can also use it as window-coverings, wallpaper and tablecloths...think about it. Another change you’ll notice inside, among new writers and new columns, is the absence of the Entertainment Calendar. Upon returning from holidays, I noticed that the Revelstoke Times Review now has an events calendar. REVED, while it could, helped in providing information for events and happenings around town as there was no one source making this available at the time. But being a quarterly publication, it is futile to contend with a source that can supply weekly event listings and so I have pulled the Calendar. I, for one, am happy the Times is doing this community service. Also, I’ve recently been
REVED! pg.4.... - Business in Profile - Sleeps n’ Eats - Friends of Reved
But how to stop the speeding train of impatience now? We’re getting more and more used to getting what we want and now. No amount of waiting is considered acceptable because everyone else is getting their stuff so fast so why can’t you?
and Culture Publication
something? – too bad. Well, okay, we can all use a little constructive criticism How do we manage to so write to be so fast yet so behind? Lets say you’ve got an Recently, I was in an airport and hour and you decide to go old-school and bake during the omnipresent waiting that bread. You head over to comes with airports, I found myself your computer and punch in Bread Recipes (quick people watching. Quickly tiring of my rising, of course). Your fibre optic Internet system Crosswords for ages 12 and Under book, (I blasts back before you’ve finished typing bread and don’t like feeling stupid, so I make it easy Tristan Overy taking the time to enjoy life in the mountains. you’re ready to get started. on myself), I glanced around. I noticed e-mails, may spend up to 50 per cent more time on But wait. There’s a mesWho’s Got Time For This? those tasks than if they work on them separately, sage in your inbox. You check and it’s a link from that no one is talking to one another Kathleen Hay - photographer completing one before starting the other.” your friend to her Facebook photos. Now you’re If time-saving devices really saved time then in Facebook, the mother of all time-wasting and everyone has a gadget in their hands, shouldn’t we have more time? It is the era of high Like using an electric-mixer to blend cookie dough, traps and then the instant messaging starts. By speed this and speed dial that and yet we are still in their ears or on their laps. A man for example. I get impatient with the amount of time with the time you’ve returned to the kitchen to make found exclaiming at the end of the day: I just don’t wasted just standing there operating a machine bread, you’re asking, where’d the time go? know wherehair the time went! white and weathered skin was talking that doesn’t need me. So on goes the vacuum, Box 2126 to himself and I think, he’s clearly senile,which means I don’t hear the mixer grind itself off Don’t worry, there are all sorts of ways to make Can things really get much faster? Internet connecthe counter and onto the top rack of the dishwash- up for lost time. Speed dating is one. Now there’s tions are now using fibre optics, which travel at the Revelstoke, BC but then I realize he is talking on the er, spilling its contents. Not only do I have to make a genius solution to the time-consuming method speed of light. Barabus, a U.K. company that makes V0E 2S0 a new batch of cookies, but the dishwasher needs of dating. Forget going to the movies or out for high performance cars, has the TKR, a super-car phone. And where is this phone? dinner. That could take hours and the person capable of going from zero to 98 kph in 1.67 seconds. a thorough cleaning. might be a waste of time. So let’s pick it up a Protruding from the ear not facing me is (I could sure use a car like that to get from Southside I’m a big fan of saving time in places I don’t want notch and mercilessly judge someone in three to the Big Eddy.) Text messages can not get any a thing that is connected to another thing to be spending time. Self-check out lanes at the minutes or less. If you’re one of those unfortumore abbreviated. There is no quicker way to spell grocery store – now we’re talking! At first these nate types who’s a little off your game when ?4U (question for you) or RAOFL (rolling around on Publisher/editor that makes the man look like he’s taking meeting someone for the first time, too bad. Your Jim Sharp - artiste of junke floor laughing). Even spelling the words "I love you" time-saving machines were only found in some Heather Lea of the larger city centres where really fast people three minutes of dating are up! It was fun while it fast-food orders at MacDonald’s. I then is too much for some people. The new way to ‘say do everything really fast. Now we have them here lasted. Maybe you can still be friends... it with a text’ is 831. Confused? Eight letters, three decide I’ve got little else to do but in our hip little town – even Revelstoke is speedwords, one meaning…super romantic. Ad sales/marketing In the end, time isn’t saved, it is only spent. Take Heather Lea casually wander around looking over ing up. It’s always a tough choice to opt out of the pleasant cashier experience at Coopers but there’s care to spend your time wisely doing what you Why are we so obsessed with speed? Everywhere informed that we also have yet another paper joining our small community - people are trying to get things done as fast as posthis bit of excitement that runs through me when love with who you love. people’s shoulders. I want to see what I can push the buttons faster than the computer Heather Lea The Revelstoke Connector. Uhm hmmmm....Well, this is whereDesign/layout I keep my mouth sible. Nobody sits down for a phone call anymore. sort of world-stopping important can tell me what to do: “Please scan your-“ Beep! Editor/publisher It’s way more efficient to walk or drive while talking Heather Lea “Please enter-“ beep, beep, beep, beep. “Thank shut. on your cell. On the ski hill this winter, I watched a business they are doing on those laptops you. Please-“ beep! woman come to a sudden stop and start franticAnyway! With extra room inside, I hope you will enjoyProof/edits the addition of that they can’t enjoy a nice, “So, where ally grabbing pockets looking for her ringing phone. What's in there? Leawhat Storryif you hate After answering she returned to her skiing task while One problem with wanting to get so much done writers other than myself. This is a good thing because, well, are you flying to?” chat with a in the day is it actually tends to make us forgetful. continuing to chat. She cruised around making giant, Not in the I forgot to get milk forgetful, but in the Pg.2 Artist in Profile the way I write? And as REVED grows, so does its need for different haphazard turns, ski poles tucked under her armpits neighboring seat partner. way in which we can forget life’s pleasures. A friend Pg.3 Heritage Moments like lethal spears and yapped away. Staff writers viewpoints, topics and writing styles. Thus, a REVED committee has been Alison Lapshinoff Pg.4 Health and You My conclusion was that a lot – andanswered my time-saving questions with this comI ment: Titsworth reading It shouldn’t surprise you then that, in this impatient Pg.5 Health and Wellness; Volunteer Job Pick established so that we are better able to offer Revelstoke anColin alternative mean a lot of people have a $3000 deck world of bigger, better, faster, more, there are people Pg.6 What's Your Biz'ness “I'm busy because the stuff that really counts in life source that only gets better with age, like red wine and George Clooney. out there spending their time conducting research on Contributors Pg.7 RMR's Resort Report of cards sitting on their laps. multi-tasking. According to an on-line report by David hasn't changed: cooking wholesome meals, playing Pg.8 Rob Stokes Get Outta Here As always, your comments are important and we would love hear what E. Meyer, a psychology professor at the University of with my kid, spending time with my lover, talking Karen to McColl Heather Lea and enjoying life, getting outside and getting a good Pg.10 What Matters; From the Streets is actually hindered when Rikkiknow. MacCuish you have to say. If you have an idea for something new, let us Don’t like Michigan, “…productivity Pg.11 Music Notes people try to accomplish two things (or more) at once. night's sleep. The stuff that technology takes care Photo: Bruno Long Photography
pg.2.... - Artists in Profile - ArtyFacts - Where Are They Now? - Revelbush
Another friend writes: “There are so many fun things to fit into this lifetime, all threaded together by the less fun things, such as flossing and emptying the dishwasher. We keep thinking that if we just do more, we'll somehow be happier.”
WINTER 06/07
Nancy Geismar - potter
Summer Issue FREE!
A Quarterly Publication Promoting Arts and Culture in Revelstoke
What Matters... Welcome to the first issue of R e v ed! , a locally created publication designed to promote Arts and Culture in Revelstoke. My name is Heather Lea and it is with much pleasure that I present to you what I hope will be a source for good entertainment! When I came to Revelstoke five years ago, it was with an admittedly ignorant
Photo: Brent Lea
sense of what the town was all about. I worked for Canadian Mountain Holidays at Galena Lodge, so most of my time was spent up there in the woods. During my weeks off I would drive to Calgary to mooch off my parents, but that felt wrong. Not the mooching part, but the part where I left the mountains to drive to a city. Most people do that the other way around. It wasn’t long, though, before I traded in the folks for some unsuspecting friends who had couches and a like-minded obsession to ski. I soon fell in love with Revelstoke. Sure it may lack a few things, but what could go wrong in a place with four liquor stores, three Chineses restaurants and one tasteful
People who switch back and forth between tasks, like working on a project and answering the phone or
of is handy and all but it isn't stuff that I think is important.”
Heritage Moment
CD. sex shop? For me it didn’t get much by Sarah Newton plastic bags andto oura environment Greed, Gold Fever and Forestry In 1988 Michael Douglas won an If you are reading this now, that’s better than living and workingEach inweek this plastic bag, they should ask if you need Canadians use over 55 Oscar after appearing in the Hollywood one. Secondly, the store should charge million plastic bags, that is almost two blockbuster, Wall Street, for his a good sign. Getting little town with it’s boundless ed! on the for the bag. I am not talking 3 cents.R If ev per person! At least 100,000 whales, portrayal of the avaricious stockbroker, stores charged 30 cents, then people sea turtles, and birds die from eating Gordon Gekko, who uttered that playgrounds and definite seasons. required a bag, lot ofdefinitive work incatch-phrase a of would quickly bring their cloth or from being entangled instreets plastic bags corporate and the store could buy plastic looking each year. As well, Canadians recycle the 80’s, “Greed is good.” Revelstoke has charm and a less certain short period time I can onlyregarding the bags made fromof cornstarch that costand The than 5% of plastic bags, and debate continues about 30 cents to make. worse yet is the fact that many bags value of greed but in the 1860’s, greed If you haven’t seen these bio bags, for recycling in Canada are was veryto good for the the development of energy that draws people collected in and attribute its success as they are called, they really are actually shipped to developing Revelstoke and most areas between something. They look and feel like of Golden countries where their lawsenormous allow and Sicamous. Gold makes them stay. amount support I was plastic but are really strong! I have burning of plastic. discovered in many of the creeks loaded them down for about ten Plastic is a petrochemical product the Columbia River, which When I decided to buy a house and received from friends, feeding family and different grocery trips and they are still and most plastic bags area designed triggered a series of mini-rushes and holding up. The amazing thing is that for one time only use. Plastic doesn’t brought an onslaught of pan-handlers commit once and for all to this town, local businesses. Never once did I they will completely break down in readily breakdown and is harmful to with 24-karat bling on the brain. To your compost in about 20 days, and if environment once it does. bring those early prospectors with their I started noticing things. theOne receive ashove I suppose negative word push comes to you So does thatof mean the answer is towns and settlements, transportation
by Steve Bender - Manager, BC Interior Forestry Museum
district; emphasis on the term logging. There was no re-planting, cut block management, riparian (river bank) concerns, wildlife stewardship, erosion prevention, fire suppression, etc. Forestry came much later. The way we sheared the forest like a bad haircut, it’s somewhat amazing how the trees lasted long enough for us to make the transition from logging to forestry. Many of the pioneer loggers hiked north from central U.S. states like Michigan and Wisconsin, which had about a 75-year start on the Western Canadian industry, using fallers, buckers and sawyers from Norway and Sweden. Logging families with Scandinavian names can still be seen in the Revelstoke phone book. Make it to Forestry, we did. We now have more merchantable timber in this area than 75 years ago,
partially because B.C. has one of the most advanced Forest Practices Codes on the planet. We use species like Hemlock for lumber that were considered weeds 30 years ago. Being located in the only inland, moderate rainforest in North America brings this district plenty of precipitation so coveted species like Western Red Cedar and Douglas Fir can flourish and regrow rapidly. Almost 140 years after the start of logging, one of Revelstoke’s three main economic generators is still listed as Forestry, initiated by the onslaught of get-rich-quick fortune hunters. Gordon Gekko would have been proud.
could eat them with a little salt. paper bags? Actually paper bags also routes had to be built; roads, bridges Mountain Goodness Natural Foods have a pretty bad track record. Only 5 and ultimately, a railroad. carries this type of bag, try one. to 10% are recycled, and paper bags This created a demand for lumber are made from virgin wood pulp . and that’s when large scale logging er... because recycled paper isn’t strong started in the Farwell (now Revelstoke) n r enough. co his It takes four times as much energy to t 5 mins of prep, a lifetime of cellulite! in make a paper bag as it does a plastic d n A Chill the chocolate bar by keeping it in the fridge, then mix the flours and baking soda together. Add milk until one, and the process involved uses 1 Mars bar you get a batter with the consistency of thin cream. toxic chemicals. The answer is 1c flour Drink the beer. reusable cloth bags. They hold more, 1/2c cornflour Heat the oil until a small piece of bread will brown in a few seconds, but don’t allow to smoke. Well, OK, 1 pinch baking soda are stronger, and of course are smoke if you want to. Remove wrapper from chilled chocolate bar. Wait! Don’t eat it – try to control milk or beer reusable. The three R’s- reduce, reuse, yourself… oil (for deep fryin’!) and recycle, aren’t equal. The best one Coat bar completely in batter. Carefully lower into hot oil (suggestion: use tongs) and fry until golden brown. is reduce, then if we can’t do that, we Serve with ice cream or French fries, (as if you need more fat). should reuse, and lastly if we have to This recipe is a must have in any Super-size me North American diet. Try it, you’ll agree! It is an excellent source of fat, we should recycle. Disposable items sugar and calories. For extra calories, try using Cadbury Cream Eggs in stead of regular eggs. like plastic bags are simply Calories 90,032 Calories from Fat (120%) Total Fat 30,000g Saturated Fat who cares at this point? Cholesterol um…yes! Total Carbohydrate This is an unacceptable now. Atkins friendly recipe – NOT! Sugar enough to pick up a semi and throw it into the ocean Fibre not likely Retail outlets need a major shift in Warning: eating a Deep Fried Mars Bar may block all orifices for several weeks. their thinking. No longer should And remember, If you fatten up the people around you, you will look thinner. clerks automatically put your sales in a
Artist Prof ofile ile,, see pa pag three Ar tist in Pr of ile ge thr ee those things was: there is a lot of talent here! We have painters, woodworkers, potters, actors, photographers, musicians, singers, writers and movie producers… stuff is going on! People are doing things and doing them well! But one thing has always stood out in my mind: we need to brag more. Do you agree? Could we not use more awareness for local talent? More attendance at local events? With Reved! ed!, I’d like to extend what we as a community have to offer. Not only to visitors, but to locals as well, who may not have realized that the guy down the street is actually playing the flute, not listening
Year Anniversary Issue
Distributed to over 200 locations in Revelstoke and surrounding areas
(at least not to my face). In more than a few instances, I was impressed and moved with the generosity of our tight-knit town. On that note, thanks for reading, now go find something to do! Hea ther Lea Heather
This Inside T his Issue: pg2. pg2.. .Scene it!, Musical Notes, Showing Off pg3. pg3...Emerging, Artist in Profile, Writer’s Corner pg4 pg4... Streetfest Schedule of Events Inside... Also Inside ... the Summer Events Calendar insert
Issues #1, #7 and #20.
Distributed to over 200 locations in Revelstoke and surrounding areas
Sleeps n' Eats
ue Iss E! er FRE
Pub she ed o ed o @ eved ne
The ac ua dea o Reved Qua e y came om a end o m ne A son Jus She s one o hose peop e eve yone shou d be ucky enough o have n e – a pe son who pops an dea n o you ap he momen um o un w h n a g n g ow one even Artist in and g ves you ank You Profile, pa ge three ng n he sp ngand enojoy! 2005 sa d some h ng o he a ong he nes o need ng o do some h ng w h my e She sa d yes you do and h ew ou he dea o s a a es y e news e e Tha way you cou d pub sh a you ave s o es Heather
Lea - pub
What’s in there?
pg.2...W hat Matters pg.3...A rtist Emerging in Profile, pg.4...M usic Not es, Busines s Pro pg.5/6...En file Calendar tertainment pg.7...S cen Moment, e it, Heritage Writer’s Corner pg.8...S leeps n’ Eat Sponso r Thanks s, , Revelbu sh
! su e a o Reve s oke wou d be n e es ed n ead ng abou Dwasn E V my ave s bu d d wonde ave s o es cou d be a ea u e RE aamong o he a c es ke a s and bus ness p ofi es Announce tainme
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Had someone o e ed me he s a s abou unn ng a sma bus ness a ound he me s a ed Reved don know ha wou d have gone o wa d Bu as happens gno ance s b ss and he og s cs o unn ng a sma bus ness d dn even c oss my m nd ook A son s encou agemen and wen o h s wo k ng a o he obs and a ang ng ave p ans A needed o do was pop ou a news e e eve y h ee mon hs ha cove ed a s and bus ness p ofi es Easy The fi s ssue o Reved Qua e y came ou on June 5 2005 ook n ne weeks o eme ge om he hove o my e home o fice o d myse was OK o ake ha ong o p oduce ou pages o wo ds and C p A – o he fi s ssue The e was a o o c y ng and cu s ng ove he ack o s a egy had n unn ng so wa e pub sh ng p og ams My gh shou de was k nked up us unde my ea obe and no amoun o massag ng cou d emove he damage done om excess ve mouse c ck ng F ends o m ne n he g aph c des gn bus ness we e ge ng wea y om my ca s ask ng how o make h s ook ke ha
out there. and auto-wreckers I did get to the pop and stale they gave me free end. all worth it in the nuts, so it was age – for times Constructive Road-R quite cut it. when ‘damn’ doesn’t
Co n T swo h me my pa en s wh e he was manag ng She A s An P on Pe e Bay camps e whe e hey had pu ed ove o ea unch A ing nts peop e pe son Co n s uck upgEaMoME conve sa Em onergw h my o ks and HERita was nv ed ove o he RV o bu ge s and a bee W ng had become a se ous hobby o h m and when he hea d h ough my pa en s was ook ng o he p w h Reved he ca ed when he was back n own mmed a e y ked Co n and ound he had a g ea way w h wo ds Heather Lea et editor@reved.n
6/7 Gadbois’ grade Hui in Michelle Kramer and Kathryn written by Rayne The flowing was ary. Heights Element class at Arrow School Arrow Heights Salmon Unit at of Chinook salmon. life-cycle the homes and We have studied 6/7 class studied Revels ge of its original seven months. School, the grade lity, large percenta At Arrow Heights er and have continued it for about s such as taking notes, reading unique persona to have such a gives our city a the largest different exercise Revelstoke is fortunate This built heritage We started in Novemb ke was one of learning by several s still standing. ity, when Revelsto reflect the different activities. business building each stage in detail, of the commun rhoods pictures and doing vibrant history Interpre. The various neighbothe story of the development and reflects the handouts, drawing the Kingfisher of the province to tell which came from centre. This centers in the interior even ethnic groups, and help or fertilized, eggs black dot at the and was the eyed, colour with a small, ing area, The first stage well as a steady economic classes and the surround settlean orangey, pinkish in their tank as Street were ity. water Front They on clean commun and ke was of the will hatch, we needed tive Centre. a “wild west� eggs needed cool area of Revelsto e when the eggs phs show it as the The first settled original photogra commercial area was the eye. These supply of oxygen. To determin Thermal Units. To calculate ed into a busy as Farwell. The their lated did a originally known but it soon develop as a few houses on Front Street flow of water for stands for Accumu to the total for the last day. We d frame buildings, A.T.U.’s, which as well s were destroye ment with rough tures each day to measure the other businesses, building tempera and cial water hatch. hotels the the commer would 1950s and early with several large A.T.U.’s, you add when the eggs t streets. Once d until the late and predicted on the adjacen the hatch. sparsely populate in the lower part of town were and many more calendar on A.T.U. of salmon after s Street was rather d to are the first stage with all the nutrients and vitaor removed, Front some of the older-looking building land grant extende alevins. These gly, sac in filled get later. Farwell’s are graystage was the This not . much next alevins could area The 1960s. Surprisin stomach the that owners and moved to a yolk sac on their alevin’s yolk sac is orange and area a land dispute, all the nutrients built elsewhere, occurred in the but because of These fish carry for this stage. The line. After the alevins have used dissolves. This a building boom the courthouse, Some of this land and the area around 1897, after which lateral mins they will need n View school. just above the lands until after the salmon’s stomachFry stay near rocks clear title to their area around Mountai Columbia & Kootenay Steam ish with parr marks empty sac is sucked up into house and the they become fry. of the the That between the court are buttoned up, the school. in their yolk sac, as principal owner eating real food. in the area near d up�. When they J.A. Mara, who, s. They also start Railway feed them was owned by small land grant is called “buttone n from predator ly, we begin to the Canadian Pacific y was given a debris for protectio food every half hour. Gradual At this stage, that’s another story) 1890s began selling lots Navigation Compan or large wood fish turn into smolt. land dispute, (and , and in the must give them From fry, the salmonhave nothing to worry about. zie Avenue to As a result of the present location day. means that we a the Macken in of once side yards and it is only the east the tank, they the residenbuilt their station extended from less and less until impact. But in Street. Much of which roughly causes a huge help to tracks at Fourth lived in the wild. will activity the they if in their land grant which human across Area, insects ation begin to eat from and into the area access and a clean Eighth Street, ed a Heritage ConservThe downtown area shifted They also would salmon need safe the female will just been proclaim neighbourhood. tial section has of salmon. These the business owners There, character of the of to the adult stage river where they were born. Streets because costs. This brings us and a gentle flow preserve the heritage zie and First and Second g to their home cut down on delivery Smelter town need clean gravel Macken to the station, to Front Street to river to start swimmin and hatch the eggs in. They ke, known as the close as possible spawn urhood in Revelsto g from the west side of Mackwanted to be as that doesn’t flood. create a redd to distinct neighbo stretchin ten necessity is a river There was another e acquired land water. Another equivalent of about of a Chinook salmon.Kingfisher 1890s, a syndicat of erosion, the to site. In the early the original smelter river. As a result That is the life-cycle of them the die. to site took will the we over they and to the fry age, did three different After they spawn, enzie to Rokeby into the river, including raising our salmon their home river. There, we land grant slid of Revelwe had finished into interesting and many an After city blocks of their of back on been them has restorati to release live. This syndicate. have shown 1980s saw the erected by the Interpretive Centre with eco-systems in which fish it possible! of private citizens tion project in the from to do e who has made A downtown revitaliza cial buildings, and a large number activity stations ke benefits greatly like to thank everyon commer and we would homes. Revelsto stoke’s heritage enjoyable unit preserving their in restoring and great initiative local heritage. Revelstoke Railway this pride in our initiative between of the
by Cathy English,
Revelstoke Museum
& Archives
ge toke’s Built Herita
A son Lapsh no e ma ed me when she and he husband Johnny moved o Reve s oke She had p ev ous y w en o The Peak ou o Wh s one nand wan ed a w ng ou e n he new su ound ngs A son had a chee y d spos on and knew we d wo k we oge he He expe se n ood and fi ness keep ou hea h co umns flow ng w h mpo an n o ma on She a so w es g ea ave s o es W
of an exciting aspect of the story will see the launch venue will tell one Railway Exhibit: This August Rogers Pass Centre. Each 2008, the Revelstoke section of of Railway Days Chinese LegaciesMuseum & Archives and th the official opening who helped to build the western Archives & Museum, Revelstoke On Friday, August 15 , after . Chinese labourers Revelstoke Museum the story of the Chinese community exhibit on the 16th at 11:00 am, their exhibit telling will feature an next day, August Museum will open Railway in the 1880s. The Rogers Pass Center well as those who worked as in Revelstoke. the Canadian Pacific on the Chinese community Rogers Pass, as presentations exhibit the railway through including speakers and cultural will open their maintenance of special events, who worked on other for people Watch Chinese at Glacier House. cooks and servants
A son Lapsh no Sa w e a son@ eved ne
A he same me Em y Beaumon o ned n as my ass s an ad sa es a son Em y s unend ng en hus asm o e and exce en peop e manne made he pe ec o he ob A hough she was bus e han anyone have eve known she d d he bes o keep Ka en McCo up o he Reved demands Em y has s nce backed down om ad S a w e ka en@ eved ne sa es du y bu ema ns w h Reved now as ou "F om he S ee s" n e v ewe
Our five year ann versary party th s June may be on a huge budget but for our Decade n the B z party – watch out, baby! I m th nk ng Reved et‌ somewhere n the Bahamas‌
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Co n T swo h Sa w e co n@ eved ne
Lea S o y P oo eade ea@ eved ne
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pg. 3.... Healt Herita h and Yo Music ge Mo u Notes ment
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Q ua e
Qua e
Rev Ha REVE ppy Sp can D has ring! sp anym ot it, te a them This e. wher ore... it’sll me. Ok Se ... Wes e I am wr Africa! ay I ca t Afric Busin itin An is 37 g yo a ess u fro d in Pr degr to be ofile 60%. spec m. Gh ee ific a sn If I coulds and the , whe ow ba Befo nk. right no humidi w, I’d ty men re I go jump tio tic pe n that on, it is so toge ople ha me inc importa ve he ther re nt to Meli while lpe dibly ss I am d put th fantashear a, Ga is br tfe inter lt than ielle, Ca away (A issue im Abby edito ks goes thy). A lison, rs Jo huge out help. Pond for anne St to gues , all th Beca acey t eir ture use un wond and world de erfu you wide rstand l ar to yo e, I wi is of im ing art an ll fore u what do my port wh d culign I clean erev be have er ’s ey have se st to er po wash w porta been he es in th en throug rtray Durin my e nt re h sh m . Fi to m are ort wh y hik g an rs so en ing ile I loving me of tion th t off, it in th ing e for my tra people the kin at Ghan is imdest, aians matte a trodians vels. I have mos ev Ni was r of minu for an ! They cer, ev er met t funpr en durin shad esente lowing ticipatin have a , than d g kid e an da s www brok throug g your certain Canamy who brou ba en, need kn h. .rev ac ha hour (thou A pr ed.n omise s and fo k had ir. Aw ght et day, s overdue!gh may co is ne l- an drivers wwww wh d ye ). Fo me ve en sewe sto r (not I tripp r exam about r dow. ll welco p o 3 ed me! ple, the int A first on o Yovo o an op e wh reques t for ere to do en this, sonal gets yo directio Yo I yo gu u ten u may u the ide wh your year not o o way expe ten and proudly yo old girl asks to pu ct your casti ur old s av for n just ng and dir do in fa t off doing erage what vo ec what ur of ting Tary Th a Nigh e Rise n Walk play, bu writing, er an t that durin t was cr d Fall did. ’s ea It ha g her fre ted by of the Qu Mou d its de e time las Taryn een of at ntain bu t the With View t durin March, home ot 20 g Ta gym her sh City the ortly lent Sh one of 06. . owca abou of Re afte the Th r in of th e story the se and that t wha sc hool’ mind e imagina line is the reflects s m by Ta . There tion bo original Yes, ost bea is and doing ryn hers an ev rne of bless that’s rig a yo full m il qu elf), ed evil ee to a ind as to ge thing who n, (p ung has grea Clau First, sh s. occa postcar t a ta layed Ta d ste fo work ryn ha t memor it to s! Then e kidna back sional de vie r s be ies. ps M be nig she er f she shops, clare air, whyards. r. with en atte wa The s wa ht all th decides and M ile out r on rs. nica Ho s six. Sh Mirand nding dr she e tim Th from some co w feeli e Quee the King e, so wants Aborign skins, e decid a Allen ama too. m the ng pr the ed n wi sin of Da she de ina if sh she that There is mill, is e co l Educ district to ask Ja ce y! is po etty good ns her ro no lls en uld battle Day’s thing the isone ce do th ation Coelemen nea down an d by about he gu even . Ms. evil feeli rly mor off of ordin tary one rself d is Hosk e play capt ards in film ng th ns. at of cast fo ed re un ain and re ed, to ha the pla ins acce r an au or, like freshed It alwa he let of gu taliatio the King til I wa they diards n! No ve joy y pt an of s “A fo ed at ing s th d r ends feel so e Clau , Courtie w, her my M lot of pe home. Taryn an and That the lux campin com rry s’s ople om g d the the with M for him go. Bur is sad to than , Jill chan being ury of m all t sad r. an sa Zach helped k. t an and m para ges com id, ther y own Whe Courtie d Mrs d the then direc She he arias, wh e, main dis e ing . r M sto n e. So ally to wo Clau lped ting and arli ly to ou are ry o like asked, Tary rk for th s hiring decis McCallum and m in the I’d like to do Mor some wi me we r little n Al e an ll be will try m ing ion mak helpe ade co casting acto though this againsaid sh em. for soun stu ou ing da to e’d “R rs all sod more lot to mes. foun , grad the ca .� pe t of e- one orga d effects , back rts sting es d of re ople wi our h nized ) an stage o, with 2expe most of fo ll ason d ge (in Ta .� rienc stres 7, was urte s, fro stop tting cludsfu en memor ryn sa e is m co ever what l, the what sh ing ev y of th ys he ystand rest of e eryo is expe r mos s ou th Until ne ha rienc t favo t in e ur vin the her next g so m e was “s ite one ee uc Tary h fun. � n!
Qua r
, Cu
d Lif e in
... Artis t in Pr
- He
r r e ed reved eved v e d v e r
r Le
O Brown Trav s Hun B r e Peschen Me ssa Jameson
A P fi
Thank you to the fo ow ng contr but ng wr ters for th s ssue:
Fo ha yea was he wonde s o echno ogy and d gen ends ha kep Reved a ve bu o he pas wo yea s has undoub ed y been my nc ed b e s a o med a as n he summe 2008
d e v e r
Quar terl
inment Calend
di t o r ial
Fall Enterta
Ka en McCo has ecen y o ned he Reved s a as one o ou w e s Ka en has by a p oven he se as a ho ough w e who cove s a bases She wo ked as a vo un ee w e o h ee ssues and was a p easu e when she o ned us as s a Ka en s a we come add on and comp e es ou eam n ce y
in Pr
n he sp ng o 2007 wasn su e how o keep Reved go ng had comm ed o seve a ave excu s ons ha wou d have me away o a o a o 14 mon Where arehs they now? was e uc an o g ve up e he my ave ng p ans o my g ow ng bus ness Ask ng a ound ound he e wou d be some peop e who cou d he p My ends Joanne S acey and Abby Pond o e ed o ake ove he des gn and ayou pa a ong w h p n ng and d s bu on og s cs Th s was a god send and was ab e o cove ad sa es v a n e ne wh e vo un ee w e s cove ed he a c es One o my ps ended wo mon hs be o e he o he s a ed and came back home and spen eve y day n on o he compu e p e pub sh ng he summe and a ssues The w n e ssue was done om my s s e s house n Nova Sco a on he a end o a Eu opean cyc ng p ved. On an net their y given da live y, men woma s into the of claim n. Mayb ir hand any giv en s e er an the ag in d re this day the wome should open a e will tak forth, door e str ha n’s on ve lib ev g been for a to wo and as ery woma declarat smart ion, a disrk wh n sh like: oc as ile all cu bre “Fr ev be pa to be tions. Dis astfeed ery man conside om ing in red as ch and what‘ ivalrous claimer: shall any and s to be ab Ho beco , we’re co weve all for r, if me of ms of le ol Of co the po with tha men stil urse, st-mo t.� Othe l want didn’t I wo dern rw uldn’t Cinde ise, betw mention ee my ne be doing rella? grand n four chiva ighbo of Ever I’m in parents the most urs. I am lry justice wh favou y time story) distress. o alway accomm nestled if I the rite se W od s, . but the time as alw are old I hope my hich is ays ating su shift of year. ons chan that Tom neigh often (re help me rrogate from I lov ge able -scho it ol fer when sy S like theis, theref winter e transitio , I say it’s to nergy Revelsto bours ne cott plu to sp ore, my ns, I to ou kian's ver ch mbing 'my ring of po wet str is on supp an r tow fav is No ee an wd sp so os ou w d n. er ec part ge. They there’ chair pa days ts, the mu rite'. So appealin e, ial of an you ge tw s, ; emerg clothes hope s a good invalu the wa smelling I like se ddy sn me peop g for e of o ow ne ein se ca ou gu ught from un The Cr r online ver ch e int sunlig rmth alo resurrec g snow and the le don’t an ted ng the pits tarp-t in an ex der my awl Spac ht. en Read ges in o the ne en e plosio house side barbequ with law d xt Re er’s thing t to tra of a lookin and would Ques velsto topic: wh e’s an n. It’s n I als p s buildi ke tionn at o ingen out enou in heat tha tight un g like a ng in d feeling aire . The res He tim like sp de mi iou ath dir rin are be t Re e ult ne r wo s an gh to the ect I’ll g er Le don’t ader' r uld low. s office organize cleaning a - Se need d starte flow again triump re. I built "Thing s Ques . paid nior d tio s I Ho now Once a somethi and expe him a plumb saying . I thoug hantly tha a edito pla a ng ma $85 pe Ne nnaire er�, un ct Such cle r/pub ht w to thing place wh ce for lisher jor, for this will ver Ch Results til I ne ver thing this was You we in minin a simple tell me be s sa ed : ex an like I my ho and the ere I open ll thoug ha ample a rep g ge , “I That id: d a lea ed a plu air in Re ht n How irritated the mber thing use when close the the door, out chao , my velsto ky toi To Be me en after all Begb re will s an my let sp ke." s, thr do d a ou ot. ie/ it’s ow un Ma which in there. people or. gh to co that always der-d flapper. and some peop Some come This is be own m) where n Whe start wellin nic lot go I haven't how le alw snow damn over. a blo times peop e/the g the n You’r on I es dis siz ay cle toi Mo le/ int s an let fla re are tip e a Wom g called very rem o tha covered I hear so Literally, neve that the e of the ain co unt sa pper. In th s like an (.b tow r do shou tisfying t room, bu to be a mething I throw how e logspac comprom wntow n stays urteous ld ha to proble break words last is to fix es gre n he be ised/t and ve on have a t not mu your and as hat we ritage low 10,00 ch co m yet. A , room e. My page they wa sue, we bike en and feeling into. ked me me nte like 0 ed frie as ke ke frie sto s d ito ep thi if nd ou pa re is I knew nd De s– Reve ep our ly/t t. It’s ge so rial. I've to see ked reade cle the far rks alw hat ba lstoke green my offi bbie ca everyon used used in rs to which if you’r nk ay e I’m als send walka six of thi ce ha me ov e Grizz mer's ma s know tellers er in of the ones. An feeling ble those s issue’s d be an ly beca o partic sp en bro once sw ter/th Plaza/th rket and my name d groce ula us again page. Th ers are orty, go words on front ry the at we ken at /th awak e for mo rly ecsta ahea is , so this conti we alw plans to at we ke e at tic ab send was so posted d ay nue night st of the that much at the and gu us a to va s have enlarge ep wo winter out sprin worry ess I’ll giv bo wo fun a sn lue ou tto rd: in my uld put g , , e m thi I we edito lay s me ing ab r large owy win sent you a fre r@rev 're doing said home: Th again out an wide-eye year in har other I’d it into conv was ch ebie to sta d a co numb never e Crawl t. ivalry ersati rt: on Spac most dis ld spell ers inv go. A ; and e of in wh e. Th turbin well ons rangin a word the ented place tha to is ich On for wo g is ho cla e fro a pla g place die, w frie ustro like 1-8 which m ho t sparked rds and ce I stuck nd told chivalry not be phobics 00-REN there sh is lac w chiva assorte me in the ou lry T-A a d fou pu kin is sn shing -MAN ld be g in nd for like me I had ow in story ab appe alive he . A pla seve could to ou a sn aranc tot my se go un owba r own ca the midd t gettin ral da ce de es g le fine nk r ys. ally lose faciliti wage pip r there aft exam to avoid when a of the roa her vehic . it, es for es an ple of er the le d. Sh helpin guy dro tw d ov o-f La firs e wa I ve er ha oo ck Anoth up of Ch g her an s many t high ca two we d no toi t cold sp d ke and ov ivalry. eks. ell fro let or imme er story ve days er pt go ze sh diatel starte while rn I beca The Cr ing. With d wit A awl ower y jum me attem h all pting intimate Space is be ch this wo ped in an a woma to tha a wit n man’s iva d sa w ‘stu h over are wo lrous!� id, “B whose hu ff’ ou A jus lib stuff, ut we men sban t. I fla we tifie ’re ou pp ha d t ers d statem ’re scare scare d peop . But I there fix d! ing the ent wh d to have le, I saw en chiva to say, on ir own da there lry ha ce mn toi ppen I starte d wa let ing all tch over the pla ing ce.
like everyone else, have been enjoy while I screamed ing the and blindly grope sheer laziness d for a broom Of course, that that only a hot handle. proved to be summer can nothing of the my over-active bring. However, sort. (even without imagination. He there is some an audience), him, merely turne The tantrums were short did thing about the -lived and the but the men and d into a soft, onset of fall that kitten women who help purring mach expressions. stirs some ine with the loneli , damn make desic In the end, that was sort of nervous ions for est of attacks and a what got me. reaction in me certain amou are us. And they this town, I could put up and I feel like nt of watch with the fear really do want ing him in the while entering I need to do to hear your voice window as I left my home, but something with could spea for kill k the a my life - like up. person! Henc umpteenth time So if you’re readi write a novel, e, he now that day – it can still see him ng this and learn are thinking, and he can frolic resides at a friend’s hous language or rescu a new “Oh yeah, I’ve e where I That’s the last around with the got something to time I get sucke other cats. abandoned anim e say... my life’.... red into ‘doing als. This time to suggest � now’s the something’ with must be how a way for I found myse Revelstoke to lf adopting a kitten remain uniqu . e and special. Youn I’ve heard ownin ger views are g need a pet Artist in Profile ed in the comm is not entirely unity. dissimilar to 3 Involve yours owning childr elf. Look for en: the patience, the new volunteer the discipline, society webs the guilt. But ite coming this fall, I figured, come attend town on! How hard meetings and can it be? hearings and, at the very least, At first, every observe. thing was fine. I came home and put the kitten on the floor and he sniffed aroun d. Then I gave Last year’s fall him some food issue of and a little REVED featu bowl of water red Kendra and Powell as the did his own thing he kind of Artist for a few Kendra has since in Profile. days. But then the kittymake food cater decided to tantrums starte ing her focus d; plants were and is busy renov knocked over ating a and building besid shaded. There lamps dee her home into were random a custom kitche night-attacks n, where I will involving claws be everyday and vociferous lickin hissing that You can still gorgeg spoons. had me up at yourself on all hours in my Kend ra’s delicious special burglar-fig deserts sold hting pose at the Woolsey before I unde Mt. Dickey, circa Creek Cafe, rstood what hit 1960 where I will also me. Worst by photo Estelle be everday far, Dickey licking desse were the odoro though, rt plates...are us kitten gifts you gonna eat that? left on my duvet should come and living as no surprise room carpet, have a lot going that people love a warn Heather Lea for Revelstoke. that I might want ing sign (how many comm us. Even our authorities We have a sense to unities do you of humor paying him more consider “Coming soon know of that would allow a – Starbucks!� attention. sign to remain fake I started feelin Few people, in place for over however, migh g guilty. What’s in ther t offer up their a month?) admiring the e? In the days to time to write town’ the local pape began to appro come, I this spring. This s “togetherness and friend r pg.2...What Matte liness� ach person was kind rs with some trepid my home qualities of this enough to rave as did one visitor pg.3...Artist in ation, small town. So about all the Profile, opening the door man’s closing finer I’d like to reiter Emerg ing statement: “Fina ate something cautiously while scenes from the pg.4...Music Notes of Pet Cemetery is an amazing town and shou lly, I would just like to say , that Revelstoke ld be frozen in ran through my Business Profile special.� time for being mind. I felt at pg.5/6...Entertainm unique and any moment, He’s right and the cat could ent Calendar come flying out hear the comm what we need are more voice of unity’s viewpoint s. pg.7...Scene and attach itself nowhere around. I think it, Heritage and much more Council needs to to my face I can speak for Moment, Writer from the youn ’s Corner say that spea a lot of people ger minds pg.8...Sleeps king your mind both young and n’ Eats, seems like quite old when I Sponsor Thank an intimidatin s, g action
- He
y Wes e I am wr Africa! ay I ca if you t And n’t wait is 37 Africa iting yo to u th 60% degree be sp from. Gh at is ecific . an a sn If I coulds and the , wher a, ow ba Befo nk. right no humidi e it re w, I’d ty I go men jump is tio tic pe n that on, it in is so toge ople ha me inc importa ve he th redib nt Meli er wh ile I lped pu ly fant to ss hear a, Ga t this asam br tfe inter lt than ielle, Ca away (A issue im Abby edito ks goes thy). A lison, rs huge out Jo help. Pond for anne St to gues , all th Beca acey t eir ture use un wond and world de erfu you wide rstand l ar to yo e, I wi is of im ing art an ll fore u what do my port wh d culign I cle erev be have er ’s ey have se st to er wa an wa po en ter sh thro rtray porta been he es in th ug Durin my feet and re are nt to m re. Fi e short h my turn rs hik g an ! so while en ed loving me of tion th t off, it to I ing ing in th especia but lly e he for my tra people the kin at Ghan is imper dest, aians matte a tro-tr at, I stolong da Gh dians vels. I have mos ev Ni was r of minu o (taxi) od wa y tin anaia gu for an ! They cer, ev er met t funpr en durin shad esente tes afte when in it- up ishe lowing ticipatin have a , than on e an d wi r g ar kid riving a unbo you th a s wh d a www brok throug g your certain Canasto en, knac my ha o brou barrage ol in th I is dis astful m h. A need .rev ho (th s k gh e ir. of pr ur ou ed.n cret t omise and fo had sc Aw et day, s overdue!gh may co drive wwwwme flowe hool fered in ely lis a qu er, it ! I ha rs fo ). Fo me never and ye rs sto sewe when p dow. ll we ve als r that is of th i r (not I tripp r exam about lcom on th eu 3 ed you ple, the e! ou e str o in int A first on their unde t the eet Yovo o an op e wh reques t for ere win- a co work. rs to do en H this, sonal gets yo directio rega mplete Yo ly I yo gu rd ns so u ten u may can ing tim laid u the ide wh your year not be ow mees o way expe ten and proudly n per- person frustrat an yo old girl asks ing to pu ct your casti ur old sh lik wa ow e to s itin av for no m s just ng and dir do in fa t off doing erage thing abou g for a yself.I what t 3 ho ectin vour tro wh fo Ta -tro at of ga od an Th ur ry Nigh e Rise n Walk play, bu writing, d m s in the o er an y wa su t that durin t was cr d Fall did. ter ne ’s ea ar It ha g her fre ted by of the Qu e d Tary een tim its Mou ntain debut e last M n at ho of the With m arch du View ot , 20 e Ta ring gym her sh City the rece ortly lent Sh one of 06. . owca abou of Reve nt survey afte the Th r in sent of th e story the se and that t what lstoke, ou scho it m mind e imagina line is ol’s the reflects atters made t by the m me by Ta . There tion bo original Yes, ost beauback to to me think a is an an rn d e doing ryn hers an ev bless that’s rig tiful pla living in d how ac il qu of a yo full elf evil to a ed to ge ht. The ces in th one of side thing ), who een, (p ung mind as has grea No Clau First, sh s. occa postcar t to wa World. e world a ta layed Ta . th w siona d vie ke ste fo W work ryn ha t memor e it to s! Then e kidna ba up w, at ar l de r ck s be ies. ps M be nig she er fro comple everyd e Re lo she shops, clare air, whyards. r. ve with en atte te wi ay was lickin Th s wa ht all th decides and M nd ile nic e th do ls g out r on rs. she a Ho six. Sh Mirand ing dr e tim Th from some co water is through the ca g! Of feeli e Quee the King e, so wants Aborign skins, e decid a Allen ama too. mpla fine the our ll an ng pr sh th ed n she that There is mill, is in abou and the leave d etty wins he of Day! e de- if she inal Ed e distri to as since is rolls t the ct ele k Janpret thei noth ucat ence could ca Day’s poisone good ab r battle th ty do fa us ion ing e m do th ll. M aw wn e ea en ou and d by gu evil feeli rly mor off of like the esome ple wh we r is even film s. Ho e pla Coordin tary on t hers ca ards ng re the fre ns. o ou sh and ptain of in reta e of the elf until cast to ed th skins y for an ator, ed It alw mou fresh rselv also air , lik liatio he let audigu have e play accept es they n! No King of joying e I was ed and ays lea ntains in and s th ards “A for ed at pick , we ends feel so e Clau , Courtie w, her my M lot of pe home. Taryn an and That the lux campin comple ves me sure rry s’s ople om g we doup a te d the the with M for him go. Bur is sad to than , Jill chan being ury of m all the ly rest- denc he sad r. sa e. So not l wh k. Sh Zachar lped m Cour and M and th t then and th para ges com id, ther y own be ile en e, m W ias dir e tie - of e only on metim dise. e ar ing d. ally hen aske r to wo rs. Clau e story Marli ecting helped , who ainly an to e es, tu So d ou like so rd I’d lik to do d, Tary rk for th s hiring decis McCallum and m in the Mor some wi me we r little me big on pe s lining judg e n Al e an mou will op th ll ing ion mak helpe ade co casting le, m be acto though this againsaid sh em. nt for try to unity ain soun be pr e s stu ou ing da e’d “R rs all sod more cont and lot to mes. ou do foun , grad the ca .� pe t of e- one orga d effects , back rts sting es d of re ople wi our ha rol of gs. By please d nized ) an stage o, with 2expe most of fo nd lea ll ason th p d ge (in Ta .� rienc stres 7, was urte s, fro stop he s. path e sidew ving it tting cludsfu en memor ryn sa e is the m co re jus , it sim alk ever what l, the what sh ing ev y of th ys he or yffee t don’t ply stand rest of e eryo is expe r mos tells on m s ou t the ca ne ha es Un fa rienc sage re. Is ever vo t in til th her e ne ving so e was urite th you xt on want at rea “see muc e Ta h to be ryn! fun.� s ess
Lea S o y and me o u ous y when she became my oom ma e o wo mon hs du ng he sp ng o 2009 An nc ed b y va ued add on o he eam as a p o ess ona p oo eade she has he ped me and he s a become be e w e s and s one o he mos me cu ous p oo eade s we ve had She a so has a g ea ca Tom who m ss e b y
ofile pg. 3.... Healt Rev Ha REVE ppy Sp elst Herita h and Yo oke can D has ring! Music ge Mo u ’s Th a th Notes ment an spot it, eme. is iss ym te pg.4. wher ore... it’sll me. Ok See ue of ...
Bu ch K bosh was a un add on o ou s a a e on n he yea He was h a ous and pass ona e abou env onmen a ssues bu wan ed o ema n anonymous A new co umn was s a ed ca ed "Wha Ma e s" cove ng env onmen a op cs and Bu ch fi ed w h w y p ose un he e he pub ca on
... Artis t in Pr
FALL 2006
T u h be o d don even know whe e o s a hank ng peop e ea eav ng anyone ou bu doesn ee gh no o say some h ng By my coun he e have been 193 peop e nvo ved w h Reved n he pas five yea s You he eade my s a my vo un ee s my adve se s my web savvy end Wa y and even my p n ng company ha has managed a way o sh p Reved d ec y o my house h s ssue a e a wha makes he success n a y was do ng a he w ng and n e v ew ng o Reved a ong o Reved A son Jus and s mp y go cocky enough one n gh o be eve h s cou d wo k w h he ayou e ke he A Hea he A he T me show and W M Em y Beaumon wasn com o ab e w h ha bu acqu ng s a seemed mposs b e When h nk abou how as he as five yea s has gone Sa w e was mak ng n ne y cen s an hou pub sh ng Reved A ou page em y@ eved ne news e e was manageab e a one o now bu he cha enges we e makes me wan o s ay awake a n gh so can s op s eep ng a h d o my e away Bu can spend he nex five yea s hav ng ye o come How do expand o keep Reve s oke and my adve s e s n e es ed? How do cove he cos s o p n ng and d s bu ng? h s much un he me can pass as enough Chee s o you Reve s oke o mak ng Reved a success Ad sa es we e a fi s my b gges s ess ook weeks and weeks FR ! o go a ound o a EEhe bus nesses n own y ng o conv nce hem Revelstoke’s Quarterly Art s and o my v s Cul on olication an a s and cu u e pub ca on ha ed y ng o se ture Pub peop e s u and even wo se was h nk ng abou y ng o se ads o Predictions for Reved’s next ends who had he own bus nesses Bu go eas e once Reved five years: had been a ound a wh e and p oven se
Eme g ng
A pho os supp ed by s a membe s
o Qu W el p f ar co a ubli te m H nd ca e rly p e a Cult tion , t Pu h o leas t h e ure de a o th bl e p ur r L in sig ica W nter e w e th e a Re ne l o c e f ag hen tai i l l at a n vels d to a l l i rs tio y n o, I m b I p d to p t nP i t w ca e n e re i t ke ro c r i s ro a s me t ! a s e n i s . M mo e a s u e so t t m t y wit to e u r t o w i t na Ar e d ot se h a Re h m c t y ing e ou m e s be x s n a vels fo w u c is tte ho l dm to i Ar r ha h pla t t l e r th p? itt ke ts go t F ed fiv Re yg t o an or od I an ly e li r m v w e o v e y ig e d no a r m ner lsto und n w ing e it d Cu g a a ra s s i t n id W ke y ke ltu nt co hen s t tha ha and h i t d wo n’t re I s mm I d hem t d s ch de ’s rk get in in f r b ta it ec s a ar in o g mu rte on id ta ws m ite u in c Re n h y e a d ce d . pe nd se d l this ve no an to as e s t o a o lst pl c o s tic d f bu se If a C e er ns ok in or y a y wo ns in ta . a g ou D. g all h e an in th to o at rke e o o s a t o u in d w G d fw sh ree d s re r gs this se t o ig e Du a s alen for C hat a a t rt s r n a . t r p eq . G din On tow nd Ca rin s p a L an the e i e n e n, th lg g e n od ad to re or bu t rio uir ett g th of e in m c d e bu at f ary my t u ge ian M wn lo e g is n o d o to t t elt to we p t , s o w re cal ived us i t s f tim a lo ow c e bu f a th dr he wr mo ek h e o m unt as a t ,t i v sin rom mo s u c e an of h th e o ive par ong oc s o re os ain ll a e es f un c e d wo on at’s so ou the to t w . N h o ff I i n t o Ho bo a ses rien t o s s I ca rk in the c m gh, r w a c he ot ff m wo t h e f m lid ut. . N ds f s t n o a t o ouc e un be ay ity. re I the y uld w y tim ays I t n e ev , f up o nly ho Re s hes su fore aro M left mo par dr o o e a e g t p t o d s m k o al e at r o i o h e th ve i . a sp I u st th c en ive s i v nc ly r t p ing lst I nd ec tra nd. pe e m hin ts, to . p w o e n t thin e e an I o g Ch lace s, b oke s o a lik ting ded It ople ou g pa but d w hot d w h e s nt r w id d in w ut . S o n e- fr in wa or I es it w u m i st rit ogr o r re ! wa t s d ain t, d es h ha re fe l ind end he n’t o th s th uff ers aph ke r We s: t s, ed s w folk lon at in is re fou t c it l h e o e a h g r st r o m i n o h s g, m ne t s goin nd s, m p o av re is au liq uld a bs o fo l e y t a y o h ra u e h r yo m in n g m us t e p a nt or go lac ve ssio ad aw u a ind g h d d on! ovie icia rs, a i n lot sa s w k w n at ar gr : w as oin P nd tor ron a i t h p ns a t e o W ten en ee? e n alw g eop ro , s c t o rs f on es, g few w ith dan ess Co eed ay them le a duc inge rs, , t (at e t th in h le as re a ce fo uld to s s w re er rs, N ea i m a n as te e w ot o s a a r l o w br t o e l do s ‌ fu ge pr a t no l th ell, nly co I t loc ca e n ag m od l! B ing ne e s f e t e wh to m ’d a l t ot o ou u ro se w to gu o v m li l e al u r t t O m sit d y d m is un ke ve en se e. in no n th y o an i n s y f ow ay n itor ity to e nts t? mo Do w a He f o d t a ace t h n ot s, b ha xte ? Mo re at go t no ur m o n c ) . e th ha u ve n he fin t re tig ve e s, In f l u e s ve t to t d w r L d e, m ht d pg t e tre re lo o o ha ea so tha -k wi I w ore a , 2. m nk n n o et is lize cals ffer. t p et s . it th a s hin fo to t h t d g3 wn e l i s act th as g rr . .. to ea t e ua at . pg ll ni y do di 4. ng ! ng .. ,
working on Revelsto a project entitle ke, 360 d featuring Degrees, a beautiful compilation of the views tha town. I look forw t surround our ard to see that! It loo ing ks like Nicola is happy afte quite pursuing rall; successfu lly her As I me dream. last issu ntioned previousl e public with of Reved presen y, the ted the Question a Reader’s nai hear you re. It was wo nde r for taking thoughts and tha rful to nk you questionnathe time to fill it out. The thought, ire worked so we wh There will y not do it aga ll, I in? in every now be a questio issue; how nna have to ever, you ire obt ain it on-line at will Question . This issue’s naire ask think wo s: What uld help do you inc attenda nce at loc rease Besides al babysitters events? drinks, and free wh night out at else would ma that mu ke ch better? your would get What (By the you out of the hou wa will stop y, “naked dancin se? being fun g girls� second time I rea ny around the d it). Th
stuff!). that was surely habits But the one thing people’s driving was swearing at other why city-living on a public a key factor in public transit because is more or less normal, but two months I also avoided tolerable for almost How you of my own vehicle drive. in the relative safety was that I didn’t er, I wasn’t city can greatly bus? Not so much. much time cycling around Vancouv I had to make get around in the so in the city. feel about the you After spending how one of the last day driving determine get I came across mentally for my no better way to well-equipped in Burnaby when city and there is to turn on parking auto-wreckers an No needed I at road stop bicycle. a ever. The to a comr one last around than on tion gong shows traffic which came s, no rush-hou truck biggest construc driving with the fees, no fuel emission about leaving my so I had to keep just you and your was blocked off the road. I thought to make a tireor traffic jams – a kilometer down a bunch of idling s, but I opted instead plete stand-still bike cruising past is when back to the wrecker only downside in line and walking bumpers. The to or when you want it’s pissing rain
tion is
- Sleeps n’ Eats - Sponsor Thanks
wi is n 75 in c bu down and tho tha roa prep have ttleme ether. less yet is the ycling loping plasti d them ry trips ing thing in ber now area tha bring and se be built; ad. ns of da tog rec ve allow lum 5 mi ns , lro to this g so worse cted for ed to de loade ent groce e amaz ak down and if tow had ly, a rai mand for ging e) in ll, OK , laws bakin colle lly shipp their differ ng up. Th letely bre 20 days you and ct e. We ol routes imate d a de scale log lstok t ere ve ult produ d flours smok contr actua tries wh stic. holdi ll comp in abou suppose and is create large w Re ical ne x the wn. ow to – try to wi t Th n mi when rwell (no coun ng of pla trochem a desig esn’t n bro they compos shove I tle salt. ods n’t all eat it , the pe t do are lit Fa golde that’s Don’t fridge . burni stic is a c bags Plastic do to s, bu your comes to with a tural Fo and d in the until ful m cond r. Wait! e. Na in the n cream d fry sh Pla st plasti use. rm rte se it on the ss an pu ha thi sta ba . ing few eat gs) odne mo only and is es. g, try cy of in a ocolate keep is an e ton and e time could in Go e of ba ... , r by nsisten r This nta s typ down ce it do er is o n: us brownilled ch fat ba on ll ou ak tio co te of sw wi e rate for y bre M e ch ola the an gges nt on gs als es thi ohyd bread r from sourc choc r with rn readil vironme mean thepaper ba Only 5 oil (su carri Carb llent ce of appe ill the a batte hot re fat). t ce tal o . en pie o Ch wr ex lly To tha t int all ord the does mo ve c gs an ge er. s! tua lower u need It is you the be til a sm Remo ‌ye ? Ac track rec paper ba So ully un yo ree! eggs. is d rol um r bags bad Drink the oil want to. lp l ag Caref s, (as if u pape a pretty ycled, an od pu ong ular you’l th oleste bar tter. Heat e if yo wo ner. in ba ench frie t. Try it, ad of reg int? Ch Mars have % are rec virgin r isn’t str n thin smok elf‌ i letely or Fr ur die in ste s po not likely m n ok r flo 10 pe thi mp lo to at lou re yours bar co y to de fro led pa cream America m Eggs will cornf g soda cares ean Fib nd 11c energ c are ma e recyc Coat with ice you who North ury Crea us bakin or beer fryin’!) much plasti A Fat o the oc me you, Serve beca . ize ted es as does a es Cadb 1/2c ch milk r deep gh ound tura ow it int s. ing per-s enou es four timbag as it olved us 1 pin le ar y Su try us oil (fo 0g Sa d thr week in an lories, peop 30,00 semi an several It tak a paper cess inv swer is more, ca Fat have the a an make d the prols. The ey hold must For extra ) Total pick up fices for n up an is a ori . 0% gh to fatte one, chemica bags. Th e are reuse, t (12 ck all ou recipe lories you urs e, This r and ca from Fa gar en may blo r, If toxic le cloth d of co s- reduc st one r be Su ies ga an Ba T! lor su em reusab onger, three R’ l. The be t, we Mars d rem 2 Ca e – NO e ua 90,03 recip ep Fried An are str le. Th n’t eq n’t do tha ve to ies dly De Calor s frien ting a reusab ycle, are if we ca if we ha items n rec Atkin ng: ea and uce, the and lastly osable ni sp War is red reuse, ycle. Di ply ld shou ould rec gs are sim ift in jor sh we sh stic ba w. a ma no pla ld like ptable ts need r shou es in a ce ge unac tail outle . No lon t your sal Re nking lly pu thi atica their autom clerks
, d! ve Re t
Bill Cameron
re Publica
One Yea r Old! Hea he Lea
If you th
ink Reved put on a little we ight in the has few mo nth last is now On s, you’re right! Re time to e Year Old and ved get big it’s What doe ger! s this means Revelsto mean? It ke happen ing place; is a that fou so much r pag so According es just isn’t eno from the to the survey res ugh. las Question t issue’s Reade ults naire, you r’s And Re like Reved ved . party! Dri likes you, so let’s nks are meet at on me! Let’s PQ at O pm While I have you . time to , I feel it’s let between out a little sec ret, just us: pronounce Reved is ED. It’s d Revved, not Re too bad the nam vtown isn e of ’t but it’s not spelled with two our V’s, , so what Onto a can you more inte do? subject: resting gar here and bage. Summe r is that me ans out and about. Thi people are except for when s is all good wa come acr oss dum lk-abouters their pat p piles alo h. like to wri In a perfect wo ng rld, te would som something her I’d e that problem, ehow fix this but it wo few exp uld involv leti family sho ves and this is e a a sneaking w....I also have a suspicion people that the dumpin g toilets paint sol and ven aren’t rea t into the fore st din So instea g this publica tion. d, to promo I am using Re ved te great ide what I think is up. If you a a Shaw from courtesy of Ch Mackenzi like this idea bet risty ter tha e and Mountain Natural Excellent, slipping on tox n hiking around Go odness Foo ic suggested ds. Christy Last yea and now it is tim waste, call Ch the base of Mt. r, the sum risty at e volunteer forming a team Nicola 837 mer issu for Where are Mc s, of they now -4352. e of Re some loc and with the check in Garry as the Art ved fea ? help of al with Nic ist supplying businesses ola to see in Profile. I tho tured asleep on a ham like, the garbage bags mock with how she was doi ught I would seems and the se sites that har ng and an can be found her Okay, I’m d times have empty bottle of cleaned half fall gin lyin en bes g. Nic Columbia on ide Kootenay ola was award our young artist. her. It ed a gra Cultural nt Alliance (CKCA), through the Summer and is now Enter
Re n flo r so W cio d tha of Fores sheared what n by Sa r gh for g tern ca Osca buster, avari ered e gin me the Wes las Fir we enou utt the ed ve he after way ut, it’s so long from log block al of o, who tch-phras ,A u ne Doug rapidly. years ay enEt ted ition e if yo the hairc es las Sc portr n Gekk rate ca .� nmr ask ld charg ng ing hiked grow ost 140 one of trans tre rpo If ould good regard greed gers e .S g O rgi er t r enviro me the ke the Gordoitive co nts. y sh re shou Alm logging, ee main ll d is lik es ’s, er log sti to ma estry. defin ’s, “Gree continu nt of 1860 m c bag, thely, the stotalking 3n cepeople pione S. states ich had start of oke’s thr rators is by in me orn anfde sou 80 te in the velopme een wh to for ny of the ntral U. g, the e deba tern Revelst ic gene , initiated ick s et but Su plaonstie. Secondg. I am nocet nts, theclo de sin, ow E csbCag th ba king Wes try betw Ma Th om ich-qu 55 greed for the m ce Wiscon h as ba res the e t-r ir s on 30 e er of fro loo Fo s, are ld wa on ec d od S plastir’ t r ns use ovth ost two for the charged bring they plastic t cost as of ge north n an ar start ing faller ay value ry go d most e S nadia alm tales, stores quickly uld bu ch tha iga listed slaught rs. ve rw s. Go eks have uld on Mich t a 75-ye try, us m No with was lstoke an amou the cre ich r Ca tar rit co us fro the e hunte kko wo s Sic corns gs, store abou dian ind wyers familie Reve n and many of River, wh s and tun W Each weektstis c bagssi,stdtha10e 0,000semwheating gs woanuld Ge he d the de from make. se bio ba in ll be lde na d sa gging rs . for Gordon . bia sti ba pla rus an Ca Go fro in lea ok red c n n dle to lum nima on the ve bo sti ca die ers an . Lo mi Co proud milli verson! AtIn bags t 30 cents n’t seen really arelike buck eden names phone We disco g the ries of of pan-h To birdsar d in pla recycle e been Sw . in. ir r pe s,oand d peE abou u have d, they and feel ve tangle dians and dinavian velstok we did timber feedin red a se slaught the bra th the tles , wi I ha If yo are calle look lite! sea tur Aml beingleennwell, Canac bags, andbags Scan in the Re restry antable trigge ht an on bling on ectors rtation ey ong! y cellu sp po o, ug en e of to Fo merch rat or fro yeCar.aAs plasti t many are as the thing. Th really str about ten are still until ns ag es pro it se bro tim lk -ka rly nts, tra , bridg of da mi tha years Make more for th 24 se ea t are they that , a life each n 5% some Add Cana ds fact
ed .reve wwwc e n ff
and Cultu
s... A endInside who tter pub shes a magaz ne ou t Ma o Ban WhaAB ecen y w o e cong a u a ng Reved on ou five yea ann ve sa y He o d me 80 pe cen o sma bus nesses ARS A go unde w h n he fi s five yea sRS Band DM FRIE P E o hose ha ema n 80 pe DE cen w go unde n he nex five yea s He was happy o hea o ou success hus a bu du y no ed he s a s c and was mo e consc ous han eve ha ou success has been he esu o many hands a wo k
- Music Notes - Health & You - What’s Your Biz’ness - Write This Way
! D E
erly Arts
e: su Is
is Th
out shampooexactly spring – my hair didn’t it would ere looking good looked better than me into show up somewh helmet, but it still Nothing sends from under my seven weeks spot for an hour. commercial style This spring I spent I looking for a parking city driving. some courses. have had I been as in Vancouver taking having been quite as quickly cities, maniacal spasms don’t really love ) and born in one (Calgary even if I back go to vowing never my hair, but was dragged by t surprise. pleasan e: a Vancouver was Artist in Profil go, it’s pretty As far as cities ns, ocean, foliage. aesthetic: mountai practicing It’s also ideal for glamorous shopping and other Pho, which is activities like eating (I think), or for pronounced Fuh, amounts of money terrific g spendin at Capers, or for on organic food (I came back finding crazy sales, I paid, of shoes which with four pairs half price for, and like, less than
nd Culture Publi
e’s Quart
e re th
- What Matters - Artist in Profile
change and frisky squealing lane heading back in u-turn. Now I was , but it didn’t really the right direction anycouldn’t turn left help because I I watched the autotime soon and by through a chainwreckers pass my elbow and from ft link fence 500 nt orange barriers. several floresce right and then Cursing, I turned a down and found left and up and twenty after about dead end and to to figure out how minutes trying I auto-wreckers, get into the stupid Then I sorta lost my temper. of what I’ll call e became an advocat because Rage Road Constructive the tantrum came soon after the a really only that calm mind-numbing Syndrome and good bout of Turret’s can steering wheel pounding on the and like I’d had a nap unleash; it was myself back was ready to through
t in Profile:
, ile of Pr
ge pa
omen age M Herit
ospring out shampo hair didn’t exactly better than it would t, but it still looked me into Nothing sends pot for an hour. ity driving.
Summer 2006
n ti tis Ar
e se
by Heather Lea
and Culture Publi
l Cameron
From Whence We'vet Come
Quarterly Arts
Heather Lea et editor@reved.n
change and frisky squealing lane heading back in u-turn. Now I was , but it didn’t really the right direction anycouldn’t turn left help because I I watched the autotime soon and by through a chainwreckers pass and ft from my elbow link fence 500 nt orange barriers. several floresce right and then Cursing, I turned a down and found left and up and after about twenty dead end and to to figure out how minutes trying I auto-wreckers, get into the stupid Then I sorta lost my temper. of what I’ll call e became an advocat Rage because Constructive Road the tantrum came soon after the a really calm that only mind-numbing Syndrome and good bout of Turret’s can steering wheel pounding on the and like I’d had a nap unleash; it was myself back was ready to through out there. and auto-wreckers I did get to the pop and stale they gave me free end. all worth it in the nuts, so it was age – for times Constructive Road-R quite cut it. when ‘damn’ doesn’t
d ve Re
driving habits g at other people’s cause swearin but on a public or less normal, ehicle is more er, I wasn’t ycling around Vancouv I had to make the city. st day driving in one of the I came across s in Burnaby when on I needed to turn to a coms ever. The road traffic which came truck p driving with the about leaving my n the road. I thought instead to make a tireopted wreckers, but I
ay, we ism ell, ok d. W ve critic cti o ba ? – to le constru net and ething som use a litt @reved. airport that tor all can ite to edi was in an waiting self 7 so wr cently, I nipresent found my of my 06/0 R Re I om , ing TE ok, (I ly tir ports g the WIN durin with air . Quick Under boke it easy ter y - pot d es ing rterl ismar com watch s 12 an , so I ma ticed le y Ge no age Qua Nanc peop rds for ng stupid und. I her wo ke’s ot nds, Cross like feeli nced aro one an elsto eir ha gla to don’t self), I talking et in th man with Rev g dg on my one is has a ga laps. A s talkin s! n no g eir at ne in wa ile, th th yo etin entio ever rs or on ered sk arly sen Gre not to m will and ea d weath , he’s cle the ’s eir fun, you son a in th hair an I think talking on in ... Sea Change is is why sporting r ite lf and he is one? me is wh pg.2. - Artists ich ph fo e se is wh VED ason ing liz le able, re to him en I rea ere is th r not fac her thing RE Profi acts the th inevit to find k!. The lized ot wh ea t tyF Are d an e ing Ar bu rea to re m th e. An ’s tak ) come new loo ple: I d an phon ding fro connectedk like he I then atters - Whe Now? ru ’s. whole print is sim I starte (What M yet They lbush Prot that is man loo Donald t en her ve e bu news sy wh section recycle r. tograp - Re a thing akes th rs at Mac e to do over cri pe - pho m hypo onmental people to ite pa ys to Hay that ood orde t little els looking e what wh een envir plored ached more wa rm. Kathl t-f go und nt to se e fas im ble o fo aro I’v e nt er 7 and ed on are als paper decid y wand rs. I wa importa laptops e 22x1 e lde all g I print . Ther its news Ex, a ke casu s shou oppin on thos where ur in ps of jun ... ste le’ -st Ooo VED tering yo to hide o - arti pg.3. - Music peop world are doing e, “So, r of nic Sharp use RE encoun is easie u can als aper ity Jim Notes ging sort ess they enjoy a with a n r mun th er Whe of pape x11. Yo gs, wallp com ou dI busin ey can’t to?� chat - Em h & t – an alt small ep my m er. th shee d than 8.5 -coverin out it. e - He that u flying at partn that a lot 0 deck our ab ow ke behin as wind ...think u’ll notic w ning where I se yo s You g of joi $300 wa are r ne rin it hs pe ion bo ve a lot te is is dition ge yo use and - Writeway her pa ell, th neigh y conclus ople ha laps. e ad you ha tablec r chan writers the a pe if this t he and M eir t anot ....W joy th er Le .net Anot ong new nce of on lot of g on th ll en ll, what ent ve ye hmmmm Heath r@reved - Wha...? se r. Up u wi an a we o ha tin , am e ab ed pe yo cause, for differ has been g me cards sit edito the we als or. Uhm ho inside ns, is th Calenda I notic w at be I din ee th ect of s, t ide, thing its need committ tive rea med Conn colum tainmen holiday Review no , infor velstoke om ins a good does erna s y. m Re Enter ing fro ke Time REVED tra ro This is ows, so a REVED e an alt Cloone what The ng ok sto , gr ge ith ex ar e return e Revel lendar. providi ! W myself. VED . Thus Revelst d Geor e to he on’t lik ut. ay sh seum ca th in s y Mu that events helped and Anyw her than d as RE ng styles to offer wine an uld lov ow. D e ... e wa ess kn restr , le s on pg.4. - Busin le has an it could r events as ther le at writers ot write? An and writi tter ab like red and we wo let us ior Fo t C. ha ab ofi Inter yI new, nt age, e B. Fores t. pics are be while mation fo und town is avail in Pr ps n’ r, BC caus ed the wa oints, to that we tter with importa mething ne th nage lly be advanc the pla so infor ings aro making arterly d - Slee - Ma viewp lished so ly gets be ments are a for en on qu nten partia most nder Eats ds of des like happ e source being a co tab that on ur com ve an ide e Be ekly of the es Co es were ien to ev ies t on m we e Fr St ec ha tic yo ter that no d by ng, e. Bu is futil s, supply Prac use sp ber d the source always, . If you ars Reve on the planti We k for lum s 30 ye only the timcation, it thatt ecan ve pulle the As say asis no rean to ph ed ha the oc ari y was nt, rip ppy have t; em publi a sourceN o d so I Heml red we ated in rest in restr you an distric g. There geme wildlife , fire eha,nity nside ing loc rainfo s d Fo l with listinl gs r one, am co na on e s, i an gin Be nti r ma rat an t a ern log s thi ve ago. Feve omf mu ly beenf won even i cdar. I, fo this rco block ) conc n pre mode bring itation od cut Gold e and, erica precip uglas Hollywo bank , erosio len doing P e recent s inl d, Th Do er Ca l Am o of d e er. u ae (riv rdship etc. the Gree North t plenty ecies lik d ch lat e a ba r, Mich M Times iceis . Alt soin, I’v ng in for his stewa sion, me mu est lik how resp dar an tric e on broke 1988 appeari t, , res l wt dis ck ted In and for rv ca ree the amazing us try supp u d Ce urish cove ts rah Ne us sto t after all St it!.net se tis
6/7 Gadbois’ grade Hui in Michelle Kramer and Kathryn written by Rayne he flowing was Elementary. lass at Arrow Heights School Arrow Heights Salmon Unit at Chinook salmon. the life-cycle of We have studied 6/7 class studied seven months. School, the grade At Arrow Heights er and have continued it for about s such as taking notes, reading different exercise We started in Novemb learning by several activities. each stage in detail, pictures and doing Interprehandouts, drawing the Kingfisher This which came from dot at the centre. or fertilized, eggs was the eyed, with a small, black well as a steady The first stage , pinkish colour as were an orangey water in their tank we needed hatch, will tive Centre. They eggs needed cool and clean e when the eggs the was the eye. These supply of oxygen. To determin Thermal Units. To calculate their lated did a flow of water for stands for Accumu to the total for the last day. We A.T.U.’s, which tures each day to measure the the water tempera would hatch. A.T.U.’s, you add when the eggs and predicted after the hatch. calendar on A.T.U. first stage of salmon the nutrients and vitaThese are the all was the alevins. graysac in filled with The next stage stomach. This the alevins are a yolk sac on their alevin’s yolk sac is orange and all the nutrients These fish carry for this stage. The line. After the alevins have used dissolves. This and lateral mins they will need just above the the salmon’s stomachFry stay near rocks ish with parr marks empty sac is sucked up into they become fry. the That are buttoned up, in their yolk sac, eating real food. d up�. When they s. They also start feed them is called “buttone n from predator ly, we begin to stage, debris for protectio food every half hour. Gradual or large wood fish into smolt. At this must give them the salmon turn about. means that we a day. From fry, nothing to worry it is only once the tank, they have less and less until impact. But in the wild. causes a huge if they lived in human activity begin to eat insects access and a clean They also would salmon need safe will of salmon. These There, the female of to the adult stage river where they were born. This brings us and a gentle flow g to their home need clean gravel river to start swimmin and hatch the eggs in. They kspawn doesn’t flood. create a redd to y is a river that n necessit water. Another of a Chinook salmon.Kingfisher is the life-cycle we took them to they will die. That to the fry age, did three different After they spawn, raising our salmon their home river. There, we an interesting and After we had finished back into to release them live. This has been Interpretive Centre with eco-systems in which fish it possible! to do e who has made activity stations like to thank everyon and we would enjoyable unit
d! ve Re
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Happy birthdaY Reved!
s wa ich e wh issu at I D, h s VE first w RE The idea article e . no nd tm 05 20 I had ll a rough ft se b le o; o d ads to that t was sts, t u co a m ere gra d wh ution d. B ED pro rte trib orrie EV n g ve is f w ck R o a con d d ed n I g an s sort feedb arn a pin I le r. e hip e, I w nd th . as h er 100/ EVED g lt a ard a si w su $ tR f rw t ea a rt o e d re it fo go ake th en lled issue ow m ue is ppo gniz ay su co w tr pe In pro , each and hat is dying ho re all porsm e w n urs -out’s e. W the u sors in no an im per a rs nd tru h d on s-a not roug d sp . An ibuto ewsp gest is n n t’s th g nity ntr tha lely es a mu d co This or su ission of m n ss so e ll. d a s m sts usin the co ters s we sen . Its mind oset, cl rt l b in d wri , a you oca lue any VED hing e effo lente in the ), so va m E its the of R t anyt ade th and ta ose here… th are t part prin e m ative ire tivity y an ’v tan often you e cre lp insp crea d in y ute , m will use te th nd he lking ca o trib tion er be rom ke a still ta con lica p lish to velsto e’re ave pub ub o h is -P Re oa, w ff! wh to th ea rL se (wh d stu tho d form ’s! eathe to sen n u H nd pe a k yo a an sh th y, iwa cerest , un an sin lling m as irls ie se ogra e that d rG on cook e pr shar n fo yP tio e of to th d to Abb Op ctur ed ante e’s by ary al pi turn I w , sh . 13 rdin ition I re d. or rsuits girls ad ind. I ha rao tr 12 xt pu ng m E The e to times e of tive aski m fun x- an e agd crea ted ren. ar t s th Tre as childmight dcoall the he ts an d st t no s girls re , bu outreac spor e, an de rl be ag ui g ram fun des gi be e a may this st irl G doin mem prog ve Gui 18 e G eed e I re Onc s, at the d ha , Girl 12 to of an se es n. friend bers wer od-d caus us nts ed zatio ol, mem of g, go ly be wn. ne leng respon rls ag ni ho po to rt ny rin pa m chal . In for gi in orga – sc lot of in ea , re , re d r co be ve a the time m-w leader he it he an tdooted to ld ha units rls d in her losing un part, oou ult e gi ou se tren on e ex pr th tive, y wan p w . The on ds t was a Tr take set outsid with mm man en e ac The al grou ram ds. ed up to no t en ge to fin is d th . an og a co de ovem on I op gned here d to start s, and It’s lot of ng m joye tingstraditi ns pr e dem T er, an om en ee a io di ta ad rls si d? es skill rls r m Opt thes go Gui it le n gi cite tiviti ips fr ship e gi gula than nary eet he un tr th ex ac ee m T . er r rt at d re do ordi to m n of uide Thi e they active thei lead t th an ee why an nce, ou ork e fr Extra gned a G ing! rnoo d a ar y, pl te w si or ns e de s as helm Why alth hey n af an two Tur dge ith m d th lly de year erw join. joy he st. T confi ba t w arte ia a fu urse e or s the , bu a st spec two as ov t to to en e re gain fit in d co on litie ai th so ter to st ai ning sibi side anad ) are de , af se w n’t w ex is cide y al ed C r! gsi to 07 ag g a fir plan . Pos rs. of olde 20 respon ho ca of Tr rls de . The y man tin also do!) of e w ntee gi (or rwa s the ve ly plot are t to fall The girls emis The ing so e’ volu st to a e y s w an si r pr e. th s, t of atte fferbu The ey w el w male In stok unge The t’s it. s in do di aint are ts. fe el yo th shor n ha ill . all lly , I ca while me nstr girls mel hat ip. Rev got follow ng. T le sk w tr nica units orth n so e co ow I’ve to campi luab tim . The e sn g over noe chro ree the w lear lack va s. am t of ol ca B th is in th e gr ge ning e b way. po n a t to gu d a d skill ad er of I se wan Bo concaus the whe ar , an an lear life m’s, her se Can ad use you , be y at ring, ently king ish, rete mily ll on the co nd plea s of a co-le beca or if year im da r sp e curr , hi e de , us, e! conc fo ar t w d by ent a ne this sw king Gui . As ram ed join y ag o s. m far d a ng trip (and elun alle to Girl to do prog ay ne an So pp equip g. “N ,” M sp like of an in ne ng n biki mps ng, t tion, le this we m st u’d en be coach anyo eren curli ntai e ca imbi niza are ab e to ink if yo wom ga th diff tim g al mou rang ck cl r or t we my you us! , or and rm achin d the ro ng ee ex e ha ill in te lo ud a t Tr girls lunt its w dona a sk d jo y co all) h ou me incl an I zy y vo an rely lim er, u have me e ab elco e la to to (we “th ely mor e w Like seve Howev If yo en co as larg ance W ng th . s ! e ch ts w as arni om. Thi fact akes self, g lif s w the at sh in le l.c that it m your din d tow ave in wh ed tmai ce t ri h rest @ho en ones tha ts an not own w inte iver d id lif ne are xisr en ski les d lided ft u ta g sc d o and 67, If yo e at Mu d just m vele tion in 19 n tra tact ift a he duca ed here t a . S al e retir w -29 form She Island 1980 22 19 K for er. uver r 16, m ch fro e U tea nco obe ion nd th -Ed n Va Oct a o in ys BC a Ph sville away rk d as er in Pa asse p d ttle she ntil du
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and by Jo pe anne ctivit e breaks Stac ies ey ewalk . Man to vario y us w, I s, path will enjoy recrea wa tio ha ove ve a co ys and our stree nal to uple hiking ts, stoke go for walks of sm trails. is cour a grea and all dogs se, th t pla hikes are ce to too. no ey als ir ine t too pic o hear own a na vit resp able lanky wher tures ec e o us t this to dmines. they e wn e pu these wa , the Bepe ll afte out ou lkways or them r pla and leave , mak stic ba mes any of ing da g rn I wo fens ging nder ive eviif fro stree m the we are am ts d of lately. ount ou Co pick r great me com up af ere ter yo in n th the midd ur e le ryon greenb elt e ally that yo th u send e kind of ing?
the who helped to & Arc Museum, Revelstoke On Friday, August 15 , after . Chinese labourers Revelstoke Museum the story of the Chinese community exhibit o 16th at 11:00 am, their exhibit telling will feature an next day, August Museum will open Railway in the 1880s. The Rogers Pass Center well as those who work in Revelstoke. the Canadian Pacific on the Chinese community Rogers Pass, as prese exhibit the railway through including speakers and cultural will open their maintenance of special events, who worked on Watch for other Chinese people at Glacier House. cooks and servants
R Exhibit: This August Rogers Pass Centre. Each 2008, the Revelstoke secti of Railway Days Chinese LegaciesMuseum & Archives and official opening build the western th will see the launch
of an exciting aspect of the sto venue will tell one
Built homes and Revelstoke’s ge of its original large percenta personality, to have such a our city a unique gives the largest Revelstoke is fortunate This built heritage ke was one of s still standing. ity, when Revelsto reflect the different business building of the commun rhoods vibrant history . The various neighbothe story of the development and reflects the of the province to tell centers in the interior even ethnic groups, and help and economic classes surrounding area, Street and the ity. ke was on Front of the commun a “wild west” settlearea of Revelsto phs show it as The first settled original photogra commercial area ed into a busy as Farwell. The originally known but it soon develop as a few houses on Front Street frame buildings, well destroyed businesses, as ment with rough buildings were hotels and other the commercial 1950s and early with several large t streets. Once d until the late on the adjacen were sparsely populate and many more lower part of town the in s Street was rather d to or removed, Front some of the older-looking building land grant extende gly, get later. Farwell’s 1960s. Surprisin that area much owners could not and moved to area a land dispute, built elsewhere, occurred in the but because of a building boom the courthouse, Some of this land the area around 1897, after which n View school. lands until after clear title to their area around Mountai Columbia & Kootenay Steam house and the of the between the court the school. as principal owner in the area near J.A. Mara, who, Railway was owned by small land grant the Canadian Pacific y was given a that’s another story) 1890s began selling lots Navigation Compan land dispute, (and , and in the to As a result of the present location Mackenzie Avenue and yards in the the east side of built their station Much of the residen extended from which roughly at Fourth Street. will help to in their land grant across the tracks ation Area, which fro and into the area Eighth Street, ed a Heritage ConservThe downtown area shifted just been proclaim neighbourhood. tial section has the business owners character of the Streets because costs. preserve the heritage zie and First and Second cut down on delivery Macken tow Smelter to the station, to Front Street to ke, known as the close as possible urhood in Revelsto g from the west side of Ma wanted to be as distinct neighbo stretchin t There was another e acquired land equivalent of about 1890s, a syndicat of erosion, the smelte site. In the early river. As a result the site of the original and over to the enzie to Rokeby into the river, including land grant slid of Reve city blocks of their restoration of many have s syndicate. 1980s saw the erected by the of private citizens tion project in the f A downtown revitaliza cial buildings, and a large number ke benefits greatly commer homes. Revelsto stoke’s heritage preserving their in restoring and great initiative local heritage. Revelstoke this pride in our initiative between
by Cathy English,
MEnts HERitagE Mo Revelstoke Museum
& Archives
pg.2.... –m ere looking good show up somewh helm from under my seven weeks commercial style This spring I spent - What Matters I a parking for looking some courses. have had I been as in Vancouver taking having been - Artist in Profile quite as quickly cities, maniacal spasms don’t really love ) and born in one (Calgary I go back even if vowing never to my hair, but . was dragged by a pleasant surprise Vancouver was Arti pg.3.... go, it’s pretty As far as cities ns, ocean, foliage. aesthetic: mountai practicing - Music Notes It’s also ideal for us glamoro - Health & You shopping and other Pho, which is activities like eating - What’s Your (I think), or for pronounced Fuh, Biz’ness amounts of money spending terrific at Capers, or for - Write This Way on organic food (I came back finding crazy sales, I paid, of shoes which with four pairs half price for, and like, less than stuff!). surely was that But the one thing pg.4.... was why city-living a key factor in public transit b two months I also avoided tolerable for almost How you of my own - Sleeps n’ Eats in the relative safety that I didn’t drive. - Sponsor Thanks wasaround in the city can greatly bus? Not so much. much time get the so you feel about After spending l determine how get mentally for my no better way to well-equipped cke city and there is a bicycle. No parkingr one last stop at an auto-wresho around than on tion gong s, no rush-hou biggest construc fees, no fuel emission so I had to ke just you and your was blocked off or traffic jams – a kilometer do a bunch of idling plete stand-still bike cruising past is when back to the only downside in line and walking bumpers. The to or when you want it’s pissing rain
RE Revelstoke’s
Quarterly Arts
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ers.. .
d Culture Publication
writers. Each of these great individuals lends an energy, talent and a level of fun that REVED needs and I’m happy to say that our firs t issue together went off without a hitch (thoug h we’re a little worried about Kibosh who has all the makings of a Russian spy). Glad to have you all here! Thanks also to Melissa Hemphill an d Doreen McGillis who contributed to this issue with their articles on pages two and thre e. And now with the luxury of more tim e on my hands, I’ve fallen into the trappings of Facebook where I originally went to lau nch a cyber REVED club (search under RE VED Quarterly) and ended up worrying abou t Facestalking and how people could find me i f they just chocolate and really wanted to: “HaHA! There you are . I’ve after all! There’s no been looking for you…” But it’s not as sketchy as I thought, (you can deny these peop le and make choices is that’s fun in a sick way…) and I’m more worried k about the about the fact that there’s a Facebook Scrabble re publication team and I want in. a little over REVED is also on-line again as of Septem. But decisions have ber 15 at www.reve, so now there’s just no e’s suggestions and darned excuse not to get in contact wit h us. Like to expand, I needed Crimestoppers, you r confidentiality is ensured - unless you say something really mean, then we has four new mem- publish your name. Happy autumn to you! and marketing rep. ch F. Kibosh (which Heather Lea egular contributing
mps is probably happening in your Revelstoke neig hbourhood. gized youngsters who do not have shuttle rides to th ocal schoolyards and empty lots are prime targets f e top of -hauling kids who are out pushing the envelope on or these their two
ps, these grade-schoolers are travelling on everythi kes, to elaborate full suspension-college fund-bikes ng from p them visualize natural features for fluid riding, air . Courtime, or the advanced dirt jumps can continue for days on e nd with ff strictly in bragging rights and bruises.
tion for speed and freedom that fuels this behaviou in my driveway; “Watch this” he says. Circling the fr. I had zed daredevil accelerates through my boulevard an ar drive driveway between a telephone pole and a truck. I d reckknew it
ail builders has advanced the network of mountain b on the young neighbourhood rippers that you see ju ike trails mping ed will be advancing to the shuttle-drop masterpiece . Valuable bicycle skills that are essential for surviv s in the al on the within Mom’s call for dinner.
s provide an intrinsic value for the community that is e. Current resurfacing or rebuilding of our existing s not kate inevitably need a lot of local commitment and fundra mpleted. Beyond creating a place to ride, these pro ising to points for the energetic youth who are looking for re jects becreation, away from their parents.
is getting off the ground to lobby for a new park whic h will w their support for this worthwhile project.
"Thanks for all your time and energy giving us a great and real look at Revelstoke. Everyone looks forward to seeing what's in Reved! Happy Birthday - dare to be five!” - Josee, Kevan and the Modern Staff "Happy Birthday Reved! Thanks for being such a strong support to the community for the past 21 issues!" - Revelstoke Alpine Adventures “Revelstoke Mountain Resort would like to wish a happy fifth birthday to Reved. All of Revelstoke appreciates your great work, so here’s to five more!” - Revelstoke Mountain Resort “Congratulations to Reved for five great years – wishing you many more!” - Krista Patterson, West Kootenay Regional Arts Council “Well done Reved! You are a top drawer publication. I look forward to each edition and all the great columns that are standard fair in your publication. I can’t believe it’s been five years! Time flies when you are having fun!” - Sarah Newton, reader “Happy fifth birthday Reved Quarterly! We don’t just read you because you’re free; we read you because your so noteworthy. Blind Spot sends wishes in five-part harmony.” - Blind Spot "Happy fifth anniversary! The Revelstoke Visual Art Centre would like to congratulate Reved and we thank you for supporting Revelstoke arts and culture over the years." - Revelstoke Visual Art Centre "Five and Fabulous!" - Christy Shaw, Mountain Goodness Natural Foods "We would like to wish Reved congratulations for five years of great articles and stories. It's been a pleasure working with you!" - Steven and the Revelstoke Pharmasave staff "Congratulations on the anniversary. You have gone from newbie to established!" - Caroline, Taproot Yoga Centre "Congratulations. Five years has 'zipped' by!" - Sky Trek Adventure Park "Best wishes for all the future Reved papers...they are great!" - Patti Larson, Revelstoke Community Connections "Yeeha, happy birthday and congratulations on five years! Great to see the publication has grown into a Revy staple." - Brent Strand, Stranded Graphic Design "Five Years! Wow, how time flies. Congrats and I hope your excellent little paper keeps expanding." - Dinah Collette, Spice O'Life Emporium "'re a gem!" - Suzanne Spisani, Jewellery designer "Happy fifth birthday Reved!" - Rachel Kelly, Artist "Hope your success has exceeded your expectations - and been a fun adventure as well. We can't imagine our community without your service! Congrats." - Revelstoke Hospice Society "Happy fifth Birthday Reved! Thanks for helping to keep arts and entertainment alive in Revelstoke!" - Sister Girl "Happy Birthday. Man, does time fly. You are committed to a vision and I wish you continued success with Reved!" - Bob Harris, Experience Mountain Life Magazine "Happy fifth birthday. You have given our town a much needed arts and culture paper. It is not only informative but is full of good humour and is always fun to read!" - Cecilia Lea - artist "CBT wishes Reved all the best on your fifth anniversary. Best of luck going forward." - Columbia Basin Trust "Happy fifth birthday Reved! All the best for continued success." - Vicki Hemmingson, VH Design
Street Fest 2010! Jun-27 Jun-28 Jun-29 Jun-30 Jul-01 Jul-02 Jul-03 Jul-04 Jul-05 Jul-06 Jul-07 Jul-08 Jul-09 Jul-10 Jul-11 Jul-12 Jul-13 Jul-14 Jul-15 Jul-16 Jul-17 Jul-18 Jul-19 Jul-20 Jul-21 Jul-22 Jul-23 Jul-24 Jul-25 Jul-26 Jul-27 Jul-28 Jul-29 Jul-30 Jul-31 Aug-01 Aug-02 Aug-03 Aug-04 Aug-05 Aug-06 Aug-07 Aug-08 Aug-09 Aug-10 Aug-11 Aug-12 Aug-13 Aug-14 Aug-15 Aug-16 Aug-17 Aug-18 Aug-19 Aug-20 Aug-21 Aug-22 Aug-23 Aug-24 Aug-25 Aug-26 Aug-27 Aug-28 Aug-29
High School Jazz Band Aspen Switzer Aspen Switzer Roger Marin TBA Blue Scarlett That Girl and Earl That Girl and Earl Steve Palmer Steve Palmer Mike Alviano Colin Anthony Broken Down Suitcase Aileen and the Boys Dean Selina John Hough John Hough Ryan Donn Rippin' Rattlers Sister Girl Miles Howe Sharon Shook Maritime Kitchen Party Devon and Kevin Kenny Halliday is Rod Stewart Kenny Halliday is Rod Stewart The Rev Wheelhouse Blackberry Wood The Doer and the Doddler The Doer and the Doddler Uncorked Uncorked The Rev TBA Blind Spot Saskia Sean Ashby Jessie and Jacqui B Jessie and Jacqui B Andrew Allen Sister Girl Stuart McLeod is Elvis Stuart McLeod is Elvis Bob Rogers Bob Rogers Jon and Holly Cats and Fiddle Mat Duffus Mat Duffus Rippin Rattlers Heather Blush Ben Sures Ryan Donn Cats and Fiddle Miles Howe Sharon Shook Blackberry Wood Cornstarr Gary Kehoe is Johnny Cash Gary Kehoe is Johnny Cash Swing Cat Bounce Swing Cat Bounce Maritime Kitchen Party
Entertainment takes place evenings in Grizzly Plaza, on Mackenzie Ave and First Street.
by Heather Lea
Suzanne grew up in Chatham, ON. In high school and college she received awards for her creative skills thus giving a sense of what she could do in life as an artist. During a trip in 2008 to her father’s hometown in Italy, she was inspired by the fact that designing jewellery was something people have been doing for centuries.
She also intends to stick to fair trade jewellery practices, offering conflict-free diamonds and fair trade gem stones along with recycled metal.
“It’s something that has always been there. It’s a timeless craft, which can be made to look old or new. Jewellery is an easily recognizable medium and I’m fortunate that way; it doesn’t always need to be re-invented.” Suzanne keeps her skills fresh attending seminars and workshops so she can keep up-to-date with the industry. Although she markets herself for custom design and repairs throughout town, she finds it a necessity to promote herself outside of Revelstoke, as well.
"The old image of the goldsmith sitting at the bench with a magnifying glass? That’s me."
With a portfolio of bracelets, broaches, money clips and even silverware, Suzanne shows her skills in branching out from the average jeweller. She does, however, have a very impressive line of the common products like wedding and engagement rings, earrings and necklaces – all uniquely defined by Suzanne’s signature theme: nature. “A lot of [the texture] in my work comes from nature when something is duplicated: waves on a river, sand patterns on a beach, the veins of a leaf – patterns of nature. I make my own tools to re-create this texture that I see.” To describe it best, working with metal is like working with clay, Suzanne explains. While enrolled in a full-time pottery course in college Suzanne took an elective in jewellery making. It was then she had an Aha! moment and decided jewellery was more her thing. “[Metal] has abilities and properties to do what clay does. I can manipulate it with tools to create the desired effect,” she says while heating a piece of metal about two inches square with the torch. When the metal is annealed or heated this way, it is made softer and more workable. She uses tongs to drop it quickly into a natural acid bath, which quenches the metal enough to be touched. With her fingers, she works the piece until she needs to use the hammer for more precise bending and folds. On her work bench sit a few different kinds of leaf molds, which are rolled through a pressing machine while the metal is still malleable. This gives the fine imprinted leaf pattern common in many of Suzanne’s pieces. “People think I have to heat [the metal] up but I actually work with it cold. I only heat it up to get it to anneal. I’d love to have a studio where people can watch the process so they can see it, too.”
“For me it’s passion and dedication that’s the key. If you wake up every morning and go to work and do what you love to do, that’s good ground to start on.” For an example of one of her biggest challenges to date, we come back to the lone engagement ring on her finger - a family heirloom, which for now, is playing an active role until she can design her own ring. “…[that] has been the biggest challenge yet!” she laughs, stating that even though she wears a modest amount of jewellery, she wants what she is wearing to be a reflection of herself as a designer.
“I’m really involved in the metal arts community in larger centres. I try to keep sales accounts outside of B.C. and even do shows and sell in other places across Canada. I really strive to be part of the greater pulse of the industry.” When it comes to the future, Suzanne feels her dream job is anything but dreamy. “It’s quite realistic, actually. I want to be available to the public on a regular basis for repairs and for retail. If that means exposure
“Right now, I’m making several different rings to interchange [the engagement ring] with, so every day I’m wearing a different ring.” Ah, the perks of being able to design your own bling! Suzanne keeps an entertaining blog at which will also connect you to her web site and contact information. Mr. and Mrs. Begbie Rings: sterling silver.
Suzanne in her workshop at the Visual Art Centre.
Photo: Suzanne Spisani
“It is like blacksmithing but on a smaller scale. My tools are based on millimeters versus inches. I use a ruler that’s no longer than six inches and I’m down to a 16th of a millimeter when I set stones. The old image of the goldsmith sitting at the bench with a magnifying glass? That’s me.”
“I enjoy having emotional connections with people. My ‘dream’ job would be what I’m working towards now, which is custom oneof-a-kind work for people with a person, emotion or idea in mind. Engagement, wedding and commitment rings are a big part of that. I love doing any work that offers a connection for people.”
Photo: Suzanne Spisani
Here in her studio Suzanne needs patience and dexterity.
“From the get-go my family always recognized I had a talent. My mom used to bring me to galleries and places like the One-of-aKind Show.”
Which she hopes eventually is a studio downtown.
Photo: Heather Lea
Artist in Profile
Suzanne Spisani
With the exception of her engagement ring Suzanne’s hands are mostly decorated in blood blisters – a true sign of a hands-on artist. Her studio at the Visual Arts Centre more resembles a blacksmith’s workshop where clusters of dangerous looking power tools fill the small 10x10 space. A small torch and a variety of hand tools that look sharp and precise are scattered about precious metals and gem stones. It seems an unrelated foreshadowing to the finished product that will emerge from this room - sleek, cleanly polished gems and metals that will shine behind the glass of an exhibit case.
through galleries and stores that’s great, but for long-term, I’d like to be somewhere where people can access me on a regular basis.”
Photo: Suzanne Spisani
Photo: Mike Manson
When you first meet jewellery designer Suzanne Spisani you might notice she wears hardly any jewellery. Yet despite this, she is unmistakably one of Revelstoke’s up and coming stars in the jewellery scene.
Suzanne recently completed her last year of jewellery and small object design at the Kootenay School of the Arts - Selkirk College in Nelson, B.C. She describes the program as confidence-building and full of great networking avenues, including a class visit to the One-of-a-Kind Show in Toronto. The show features some of Canada’s finest artists in all mediums.
Grid Earrings: sterling silver, 14K gold, tanzanite. 4
Leaf Necklaces: sterling silver, copper and brass.
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The Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services by Karen McColl
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Revelstoke Art Walk 2010 July 1 - August 31 A walking art tour of Revelstoke's downtown and surrounding area. Contact the Revelsoke Visual Arts Centre for more information.
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new people and learning new skills, consider applying to volunteer with Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services where fire chief, Rob Girard, proudly proclaims, “When you join the fire department you find 41 friends; it’s a family.” Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services (RFRS) is made up of eight paid staff and approximately 33 volunteers. According to Girard they are about to do another volunteer hire. Do you have what it takes to be a volunteer with RFRS?
Photo courtesy of RFRS
Earthstone Masonry
If you are interested in meeting
Being a volunteer with the Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services (RFRS) isn't all serious business. Here the RFRS team gets ready for the Homecoming parade in 2009.
“We are looking for commitment,” says Girard; “people who have stable roots in the com- first responders, which makes them eligible to be dispatched by B.C. ambulance. munity.” A considerable amount of time and money is put into training the volunteers and for that reason Girard emphasizes: “we want people to stick around.” Interested? The application process is simple. Girard recommends coming down to the station at 227 Fourth Street West to fill out an applicaVolunteers are expected to attend training sessions held every Wednesday evening from 7:30-9 p.m., and tion and chat with a staff member. The application goes to a selection committee and the final to be reasonably available for call-outs. It is standard practice for everyone to get paged for an incident, with step is a meeting with Girard to go over expectations and to make sure it is a fit for both parties. perhaps 25 people showing up. While the RFRS team works hard, Girard explains they are also a “very social group.” Revelstoke Fire Rescue staff and volunteers are more than just firefighters. One of their many hats includes acting as crowd control at events like Rail Jam and the Olympic torch relay. Girard says,“flipping hot dogs and selling 50/50 tickets,” are also part of the job description of RFRS staff and volunteers. Money collected goes towards the Burn Fund and muscular dystrophy. In addition to dealing with chimney and house fire alarms, other typical work includes carrying out fire suppression and using the Jaw of Life for highway rescues. Volunteers also have the option to train as
You don’t have to be an aspiring career firefighter to join this group; you just need to be positive and committed. And don’t worry - Girard promises you won’t have to rescue any cats from trees.
How might we expect to see RFRS change in the next five years?
RFRS is only going to get busier over the coming years. “Stats have more than [tripled] from 2008 to 2009,” says Girard, explaining that RFRS has gone from receiving 19 full page calls a year to over 70. He estimates this is “the result of more visitors, skiers, sledders and highways getting busier.” Thank you RFRS staff and volunteers for all your hard work!
Exhibits June 4 - 25 "Affordable Art Fair" - all works priced at less than $300 (All Galleries) July 2 - 30 "After the Event" - Further Works from Art in the Park "My Revelstoke" - All media, call for entry August 6 - 27 "Kootenay Boundary Regional Exhibition: Things Your Mother Warned You About" - Juried, call for entry (All Galleries) September 3 - 24 "B.C. 150 Applied Arts Exhibition" (Main Gallery) "Functional Art" - Juried, call for entry (Side Galleries) For more information, call 250-814-0261 or go to 5
Don't forget to write! Comments? Suggestions? Stories?
What Matters....
other than their original intent. Lisa, a homeless woman, told me, “[…] that’s the night I had to spend down at the ball park because I was locked out. And I was refused service the next day because my clothes was [sic] dirty.”
Photo taken by "Trevor."
In speaking with participants I discovered that not only was there a desire to not be homeless but that there was also a certain amount of shame involved. Alex, a homeless man, says, “I know of a couple other individuals in town here who are homeless. I’ve heard them say ‘It’s my personal choice' but […] I don’t want to be homeless here.”
Photo taken by "Alex."
Sarah and Gerry, a homeless couple, explain, “Just the looks you got from [people], you knew. People [would] say, ‘Oh, you still haven’t found a place?' kind of sarcastic.”
Pictures taken using a photovoice of places 'Alex' and "Trevor' visit for sleep, etc.
Exploring Homelessness in Revelstoke by Melissa Jameson
For the past two years I have been working towards my Masters of Arts in professional communication, with a specialization in intercultural and international communication through Royal Roads University. My thesis is exploring the issue of small town homelessness using Revelstoke as a case study. *All names in the article have been changed. Pop culture has given us a neatly packaged view of what it is to be homeless. Movies and songs paint a picture of the mentally ill addict, living in concrete jungles, finding refuge on street corners and back alley doorways. Yet this “absolute” definition of homelessness doesn’t fit when you begin to think of small town or rural homelessness. That’s because the absolute homeless (defined by the United Nations as being “where an individual or family has no housing at all or is staying in a temporary shelter”) often doesn’t exist in smaller centres. Often the homeless in smaller centres are hidden. They live in campers, find temporary abode on the couch of a friend or family member, or sleep in their cars. In a nutshell, they don’t exist how we believe the homeless should exist. They may be mentally ill, or addicts, but just as often they are not. If you happened to frequent Castle Joe Books sometime between April 15 and May 30 you may have seen a series of images taken by homeless residents in Revelstoke. A darkened stairwell, a friendly face, a snowy bicycle track…These images each represent some of the spaces occupied by the homeless individual behind the camera.
I was also curious to see how homelessness in Revelstoke was viewed by “housed” community members and also conducted a series of interviews with residents who represent a multitude of social sectors in the community. What was most interesting about the inclusion of these participants was the wide spectrum of opinions on homelessness and the admission that the lack of visibility was often the barrier to seeking solutions.
Rick, another homeless man, told me,“It’s hard to make a big investment [on homelessness] because there’s two people sleeping under a tree; maybe there’s another 30 or 40 people that you never see, but because you don’t see them then people don’t think the problem is that large.” The invisibility factor has also made it difficult for those in the social services sector to create discourse on the issue of homelessness with other community members. Yet many, including myself, know there is a homeless population in Revelstoke – and not a transient one. All of the homeless participants had been living in Revelstoke for a period of time no shorter than one year and in most cases greater than four years. In the case of my research the intent was not to “prove” the homeless exist in Revelstoke but rather to explore how homelessness is experienced in smaller centres; how we are conditioned to compare the spaces occupied by rural homelessness with homelessness in larger urban centres, such as Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. Editor's Note: Melissa continues to work hard on her thesis, which she expects to have finished by mid-June.
$20 bags $5
With a research method known as ‘photovoice’ I gave each willing participant a disposable camera in order to allow them to have a more direct involvement in the creation of my thesis. French philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre speaks of the direct relationship between social action and social space. In other words, the manner in which a person behaves is directly related to a specific space. Yet in the case of the homeless, often these spaces are re-created and used for something
we give of all sales to A SELECTED local charity each issuE. For orders, write to 6
From Our Readers Revelstoke's First MidwifeAttended Homebirth by Birte Paschen, Midwife
"We're having a baby today!" Cynthia and Phil Gallant call me at 3 a.m. to report regular contractions. After a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy the couple decided to have a planned homebirth with a registered midwife, a service that became available in Revelstoke last September. After making sure that both mom and unborn baby are well, I set up my equipment in the Gallant's master bedroom. Homebirths attended by midwives have been an option to expectant women in B.C. since 1998. Studies show homebirths to be a safe alternative to hospital birth, with fewer interventions when compared to women giving birth in hospitals. Mountain Midwifery is Revelstoke's first midwifery clinic. The Midwifery Model of Practice in B.C. incorporates the principles of continuity of care, informed choice, choice of birth setting and evidence-based practice. Midwives respect the right of women to make informed choices and facilitate this process by providing complete, relevant and objective information. With Cynthia wanting her birth to be as positive as possible, she labours in the familiar setting of her home. She is happy to be able to see her excited two-year old son, Luca, off to pre-school. When the contractions get really strong, I call Jennifer Schött, a registered nurse, who is the second birth attendant. This is also a requirement of the College of Midwives of B.C., in case of an emergency to mom or baby. All birth attendants have to be current in neonatal resuscitation and CPR. Midwives carry all the emergency supplies necessary (oxygen, IV and resuscitation equipment) to manage any situation that arises until the mother and baby can be safely moved to hospital. However if something about the labour process indicates it might be safer for the mother to be in hospital, we will transfer them. The majority of transfers to hospital are done preventively - not to deal with a crisis but to avoid one. After checking the emergency equipment is together, I wait by Cynthia's side for the arrival of her newborn. Hours later, Cynthia and Phil are holding their second son, Henri, in their arms, waiting for big brother Luca to come home and finally meet his baby brother. I have delivered over 400 babies and continue to care for healthy newborns and their mothers for six weeks post partum, after which time their general practioner resumes care. "There is so much to know about birth, pregnancy and post partum", Cynthia says, "and there was not a single question that went unanswered. Birte usually presented multiple perspectives. It saved me hours of worry to have a simple question answered on a 24 hour on-call basis." Although the majority of midwifery clients plan hospital births, both home and hospital births (and all other midwifery services) are covered by the Medical Services Plan. To find out more about midwifery care go to or contact Mountain Midwifery at
Honing the Skills of Revelstoke's Youth by Otti Brown
SCENE by Travis Hunt
There is an exciting movement shaking feathers in Revelstoke and it involves backyard chickens. You may have heard the happy clucks while walking down a back alley or been given eggs by your neighbour. While not historically new to Revelstoke or other towns in B.C., the urban, or backyard chicken coop, is making a resurgence. There are several homes in the community hosting two or three chickens and some backyards have many more. Responsible chicken owners give many beneficial reasons for raising chickens, including fresh daily eggs, manure that helps enrich compost for gardening and reconnecting families with where their food actually comes from while decreasing the carbon footprint from food transport. Chickens are also very enjoyable pets according to some owners. But there are many legitimate concerns with raising chickens within the city of Revelstoke. Issues such as responsible and humane ownership, predator attraction, noise and smell and potential health concerns have all come up. Currently, there is not a bylaw regarding backyard chickens. Legitimate owners have the necessary space in their yards, have very good relationships with their neighbours and keep the peace by not having roosters, which can be noisy. Many larger urban cities such as Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and even New York City have bylaws allowing chickens. The debate continues, however, in smaller communities such as Kamloops, Kelowna, Nelson and Vernon. The city of Revelstoke’s current stance according to bylaw enforcement officer Tim Luini is that having chickens “is not permitted except those in rural residential areas that meet certain size requirements for horticulture or those that have been grandfathered in.” He does state there is ongoing discussion regarding looking at the bylaw in light of renewed interest and encourages open dialogue. You may wonder what is actually involved in raising chickens and how much space is needed. Chicks are easily obtained through mail order and even pullets (young hens about six months old and egg-laying ready) may be purchased as close as Salmon Arm. The standard space needed for chickens is about 10 square
If you’re looking for individual career and job support, RESC has an employment facilitator dedicated to youth. When would you want individual support? Here’s a scenario:
Cluck, cluck! Looking at the issue of raising chickens in the backyards of Revelstoke.
feet of run space and four square feet of coop space per hen, which most backyards can accommodate. Safe and secure run and coop designs can be found online but may need to be modified due to Revelstoke weather. Most owners will use layer pellets and scratch, along with plenty of leftover garden greens and table scraps (except meat) for feed. Chickens also love worms, bugs and grass. Water can be easily supplied. Once the coop and run are operational it seems that the hens just do what comes naturally-lay eggs. They will typically lay one egg each daily. It only takes a few minutes of online searching to find more information but talking with locals that have chickens may be very rewarding information for future chicken farmers. The backyard chicken debate in Revelstoke continues and open discussion with input from the community is vital. The most important issue may be predator attraction and how to deal with it in a responsible manner. It may be worthwhile to have a community forum to discuss issues with city council, Bear Aware and citizens to foster communication and solutions. Using the example of other cities that have adapted bylaws may also be of benefit. The spirit of Revelstoke is alive and well with new ideas such as the community garden taking root. Backyard chickens, although not new, may also benefit the community and give Revelstokian’s an opportunity to reconnect with the farming heritage of this area in a personal and fun way. The next time you buy eggs just think that you may have been able to go into your backyard coop for fresh eggs that morning and have said hello to the hens that laid them. For more information check out and please give your input at the upcoming Unified Development Bylaw Charrette starting on Tuesday, June 8. There is also information at
why should i attend the implicit career search workshop? Previous participants have their say: - "It was more than I expected. Coming into this workshop I had no idea what I wanted to do and now I have a direction and work purpose." - "It helped me grow and move forward. I am grateful to have had this opportunity! This course was totally awesome. Thank you!" - "I feel much more focused now." - "Not ony did I come away with a good sense of career direction, but I came away with a very positive, renewed frame of mind."
The Implicit Career Search is a 2-week workshop that assists participants to identify their unique work purpose and develop a detailed career plan based on the contribution they want to make in the world. Our next workshop will be held June 14-25. Please register in July or August for the September workshop.
Are you ready to begin your journey?
Chicken Revolution
The Chickens Have Come Home To Roost: Revelstoke’s Quiet
What can you do to find a job when you are young and don’t have a lot of experience? The Revelstoke Employment Services Centre (RESC) has plenty of options and ideas for you. RESC has a full suite of pre-employment and career development services. Have a look at our web site ( for the details. We’ve even got youth-specific stuff!
Souvenir sales and viewing area!
Mt. Begbie Brewing Co. 521 1st St. West 250-837-2756
“Petunia has been unemployed since she left high school a year ago and has only been able to find part-time work at the local grocery store. She wants more work because she really wants to move out on her own. Petunia has applied for 15 jobs with no results. She has accessed the self-assisted services at RESC, which includes use of computers for employment related work, photocopying and faxing access, the job board and the resource materials available. Now she wants to get serious – either find a full-time job or explore post secondary and training options that will get her full-time employment. Petunia is at a career crossroads. Her next step is to make an appointment with the employment facilitator. Through a service needs determination, which takes about an hour, the employment facilitator and Petunia talk about her options and where to start. Since she is able to live at home while she explores possibilities and has the time, the employment facilitator suggests she engage in some formalized career decisionmaking processes. The Implicit Career Search (ICS) is a two-week workshop well-worth the time. The cool thing about this group activity is that once you decide on what your work purpose is (week 1), you get to develop a solid plan of attack to achieve your goal (week 2). It’s important to do this selfexploration that assists you in deciding on your career path. Petunia spent two weeks in the Implicit Career Search and decided that she wanted to become an early childhood educator. She then researched schools using some of the tools the employment facilitator gave her access to. She was really excited about using Career Cruising as an online door to the different schools that offered ECE programs. Petunia was able to make an informed decision about where she wanted to go to school, looking at program content, cost, location and duration – ensuring the best choice for her situation and needs. Once that decision was made Petunia was worried about where she would get funding. Again, by working with her employment facilitator, Petunia was able to get a combination of student loans, grants and scholarships for her post secondary education. She has now completed her program and scored her first job with a child care provider right here in Revelstoke! If you have similar questions to Petunia’s or for anything else related to employment and career development, the Revelstoke Employment Services Centre has a friendly and helpful environment where you can start to make informed decisions and choices. Otti Brown is a youth facilitator at the Revelstoke Employment Services Centre.
We also offer the following help you unclutter the path... Self-Esteem • Assertive Communication • Positive Conflict • Planning for Success
Health &
Modern Food Science Gone Mad by Alison Lapshinoff
Modern food scientists are hard at work keeping down the cost of producing today’s packaged food. By replacing familiar old favourites like butter and sugar with new and improved creations like partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup, things like yoghurt and cereal, soda pop and baked goods are cheaper to produce. And if you don’t feel these savings are being passed on to you, the consumer, you can rest assured the companies producing these foods are reaping the benefits in the form of higher profit margins. Today's western diet could be considered a large scale experiment with our health in which we are participating unawares. Never before in human history has a population consumed such a quantity of refined grains and modified fats and sweeteners created by science instead of nature. High fructose corn syrup is a fairly recent innovation of food science. A compulsive food label reader, I noticed, on a recent trip to the U.S., this ill-reputed human produced sweetener seemed to lurk in almost everything from yogurt and bread to sports drinks. Products in Canadian grocery stores fail to list high fructose corn syrup in their ingredients. Feeling rather curious, I settled down to do some research on the product.
on imported sugar, glucosefructose is a very cheap way to sweeten food. At the same time, its shelf life is increased. Corn farmers will vehemently claim it is no less healthy than a diet high in plain, old fashioned sugar. A study at Princeton University shows otherwise. A group of rats fed glucose-fructose along with their regular diet showed increased weight gain and more circulating triglycerides, or fats, in their bloodstream than those fed plain white sugar. At the very least, it is something to consider, when selecting your yogurt, a product marketed as healthy. Hydrogenated oils are another ill-reputed innovation of today's times. Decades ago, the oils seemed a great idea. Margarine, high in polyunsaturated fats, was cheap to produce, lasted for ages and was thought to be a healthy alternative to butter. Modern science has told us otherwise. The creation of margarine can be traced back to nineteenth century France when a shortage of animal fat prompted the government to offer a prize for the best cheap butter substitute. Oleo-margarine, a combination of liquid beef tallow, milk, water and chopped cow udder churned into a solid form was patented by a French chemist in 1869. The word ‘margarine’ itself derives from the Greek word ‘margarites’, meaning pearl, in reference to its then pearly white colour. By the 1930s, vegetable oils, being cheaper, had replaced animal fats in margarine and by the 1960s new research was showing the polyunsaturated fats used in margarine made it healthier than butter, a saturated fat. Today, science is calling hydrogenated oil a ‘silent killer’. That’s one mighty big “OOPS!”
Hydrogenation is the process of heating oil and passing hydrogen bubbles through it resulting in a denser product. Using hydrogenated oils in packaged food increases shelf life and can decrease the cost of production. Unfortunately it has also been shown to raise levels of low density lipoproteins, or ‘bad cholesterol’, while depleting the good. Turns out high fructose corn syrup hides under the guise of glucose-fructose in Canada and has indeed And since our bodies have trouble breaking down trans fatty acids caused by hydrogenation, they tend to build up quietly infiltrated our food supply, taking over the and hang out in our arteries, clogging them. Butter, once job that once belonged solely to sugar, or sucrose. a villain in terms of our health, is now a good guy again. Glucose-fructose, found in bread, cereal, yogurt, Although it is a saturated fat that should be consumed in ice cream and beverages, to name only a few, is moderation, it is a fat that our bodies recognize and can an invented sweetener derived from corn. It heads easily burn off. straight to the liver to be metabolized where it is converted immediately into fat that heads for the Perhaps in small doses the innovations of food science bloodstream. would do no harm. Our bodies can probably deal with a little hydrogenated oil or a drop of high fructose corn syrup “Too much simple sugar is like industrial fertilizer,” every now and then in just the same way it must deal with explains Melissa Hemphill, a registered holistic pollutants in our environment. But if you tend to eat more nutritionist in Revelstoke. “Glucose and fructose provide instant energy but tax the body’s resources processed food than fresh and drink more soda and sports drinks than fresh juice and water, your liver is probably in their process providing only short term gain. In working overtime to process it all. I read in a book once the long run, too much will do harm.” that the key to good health is not following the latest food Due to heavy government subsidies given to Amer- trends or being taken in by ‘low fat’ or ‘low carb’ health claims that inundate us from the supermarket shelves. It ican corn farmers, combined with tariffs imposed is simply to not eat anything that contains ingredients that your great-grandmother would not recognize as food.
What Gum is That? Start reading food labels and you are liable to find many gums of mysterious origin listed in the ingredients. Gums thicken and emulsify things such as commercial salad dressing and sauces. They prevent ice cream from forming ice crystals and create a more smooth and pleasing texture in processed food.
Five Gums De-coded:
1. Carrageenan: A gum extracted from seaweed by boiling 2. Guar gum: The ground endosperm of the bean of the custer plant found in Pakistan and Northern India
3. Gum Arabic: Made from the hardened sap of Acacia Senegal
and Acacia Seyal trees from the sub Saharan region, or Gum Belt
4. Xanthan Gum: A slimy substance formed by bacteria that feed on corn sugar
5. Locust Bean Gum: Extracted from the seeds of the carob tree found in 8
Education Assistant Certificate Program
Oct. 5, 2010 – Jun. 30, 2011
Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Additional workshop and practicum hours to be scheduled. $3,427 + materials and texts.
Custodial Worker Certificate Program Oct. 18 – Nov. 9, 2010
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. $695
For more information, please contact Mary Kline at (250) 837-4235 ext. 6503.
HEY! Visiting Revelstoke? Shop where the locals go
camping & hiking swimwear streetwear traditional sports 203 First Street West 250-8379453
graphic design
Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine Revelstoke Acupuncture James D. Gawiuk RAC Suite 103 – 103 1st. St. West 250-837-3666
Melonie Jensen RAC 250-837-9363
Jade Mountain Wellness and Acupuncture Erin Potter R.TCM.P.
Health Stranded and Wellness Directory Brent Strand 250.837.5532
101 First St. West 250-837-3900
Yoga/Yoga Instruction Taproot Yoga Centre
Health Care
S.A.F.E.R. Clinic
(Sexual Awareness For Everyone in Revelstoke) 413-2nd St. East Wednesday drop-in 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Revelstoke Travel Medicine and Vaccination Centre 301 1st St. East 1-888-288-8682 Monday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
215 B Mackenzie 250-837-YOGA 1-877-771-9642
Energy Therapy Frieda Livesey
Guided Energy Work and Soul Counselling Classes in Soul Awareness Writing 250-837-3724
Mountain Midwifery Birte Paschen, RM 250-814-4006
Massage Therapy/Bodywork
Revelstoke Massage Therapy Clinic, 4 RMT’s 301 1st St. East 250-837-6677
Health Gyms/Spas Trans Canada Fitness 501 2nd St. West 250-837-3440
Helios Rehabilitation & Performance RMT
Energy Matters Health Spa
110 B 1st. St. West 250-837-4244
1605 Victoria Rd. Unit 5 250-837-7171
Do you have a business idea and are not sure where to begin? Call Community Futures
Energetic Healing Massage Patience Gribble 250-837-2207
Melissa Hemphill, RHN
Beth Purser Massage NHPC
Jocelyn Murrell RMT
Start-Up or Expansion Loans Free and Confidential Business Advice
Helios Rehabilitation & Performance RPT
1605 Victoria Rd. Unit 5 250-837-7171
Red Cedar Physiotherapy Jocelyn Kutcher BScPT RPT Prue Hicks RPT
Suite 204, 555 Victoria Rd. 250-837-8519
Located at 204 Campbell Avenue call 250 837-5345 for an appointment
202 - 217 Mackenzie Ave. (located within the Refinery Day Spa) 250-837-7080
Neil Jones, Exercise Therapist CFT CPT
Trans Canada Fitness 501 2nd St. West 250-837-3440
Repose Massage Therapy and Day Spa (located in the Hillcrest Hotel, 2100 Oak Drive)
Shendra Kelly Physiotherapy RPT
Ashley Sumner, RMT
sustainable building technology
Mountain Goodness Natural Foods
PLEASE share or
Natural Foods & Supplements 1605 Victoria Rd.
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Community Connections Revelstoke Society
Pre-teen Summer Camps Who What When Why How
Boys and Girls ages 9 - 12 Week-long activities based on weekly themes July and August, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Camps are an exciting, enjoyable and safe place for youth to experience what Revelstoke has to offer Registration starts Monday, May 31 from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. at Community Connections Presented by the Community Connections Food Bank
REVY ROCKS TALENT SHOW! Friday, September 10 A FREE all ages talent show with CASH PRIZES to be won! Applications available at the following: • • • •
Community Connections - 314 2nd St E Rec Centre - 600 Campbell Ave Revelstoke Museum - 315 1st St W Powder Springs Inn - 200 3rd St W
Please visit our
Wall of Hunger
Sponsored by BCACL, in partnership with Community Connections
on display from
Plant a Row • Grow a Row for neighboUrs in need
May 31 – June 7
Local gardeners are encouraged to plant an extra row of vegetables and donate their harvest to Community Connections Food Bank in an effort to supply more fresh vegetables for local families in need.
at the Revelstoke Recreation Centre.
Where do I take it? Donations can be dropped off at the Food Bank, downstairs in the Legion (corner of First St. West and Garden Ave.) Friday mornings 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Read first hand the stories of our own local people.
Please call Patti Larson for further information 250-837-2920 ext. 28.
We live in bear country! Please take responsibility for your bear attractants.
•Keep your garbage securely stored inside a locked, secure building until garbage day. •Ensure any fruit you have on your property is picked and fallen fruit is removed from the ground. •Secure birdseed, livestock feed or pet food in a place not accessible to bears.
Remote work sites and 24/7 service available 10
This ad is partially sponsored by Reved Quarterly.
314 2nd St East (250) 837-2920
Heritage Moments Revelstoke Does Rock by Karen McColl
“All the trails at Begbie [bluffs] he built,” says Beglinger of Allen. “You have to give him a lot of credit.”
It’s no secret many local enthusiasts turn to rock at the end of a powder-filled winter, retreating to the cool crags of the forest or heading to the high alpine peaks during the heat of the summer.
For Allen, this was his way to give back to the people of Revelstoke. “Some people do the Lions Club or Rotary. [Begbie Bluffs] is my contribution to the community,” he says.
Although mountaineering has deep-seeded roots in this area, the history of rock climbing itself is significantly more recent. So recent in fact, local climbers may take offense to being included in the ‘Heritage Moments’ column! Nonetheless, these climbers are local pioneers of the sport. Their hard work has made it possible for the following generation of climbers to enjoy a wide variety of routes with little or no effort (apart from getting to the top of course).
The length of time it takes to put up a route depends on many factors including access, length of route, difficulty and the amount of cleaning required to remove loose rock and moss.
Some of the first known route development around Revelstoke was done by David Jones in the late 1970’s, who later wrote the well-known Selkirks South and North mountaineering guidebooks. Along with Roger Laurilla and Jim Bay, he developed a few routes at Lauretta Slabs, located about 20 kilometres east of Revelstoke. In the early 1990’s this area was retrofitted and expanded by Ruedi Beglinger.
Allen’s routes are typically mixed, meaning they have some bolts, but also require the climber to place protection in the natural features of the rock. Mountain Guide, Troy Kirwan, discovered what is now known as the Shaketown area while flying in a helicopter in 1999. He also discovered Silvertip, in Mount Revelstoke National Park, the same way in 2002. The dense foliage and moss-covered rocks of the rainforest mean that potential climbing areas can remain indefinitely hidden without a keen eye.
Photo: Freya Rasmussen
There are close to 300 routes at 13 nearby climbing areas included in Swiss mountain guide, Ruedi Beglinger’s, new guidebook, Revelstoke Rocks. Scanning the route information tells us who developed the climb and when. But how often do we actually stop to appreciate their hours of hard work, or ponder their drive and motivation?
“It takes days and days,” Allen explains: “a week anyways.”
Climber: Tenille Barber at Waterworld
Photo courtesy of Ruedi Beglinger
Of course no article can speak to rock climbing in the area without highlighting the accomplishments of Beglinger himself, who apart from writing the guideEarly on, climbing enthusiasts came to Revelstoke books, has played for the alpine potential, as no official climbing areas an enormous role in the development had been developed. of rock climbing around Revel“Rock climbing became more popular in the 80’s,” stoke. says Jim Maitre who moved to Revelstoke from Ontario in the 70’s. “It was a good way of practicing “Every cliff I built skills that you would employ in mountaineering.” routes on other people had done In 1987 a 19-year old Revelstoke local named before,” Beglinger Dean Flick took a climbing course from Beglinger, explains. “My who had been guiding in Revelstoke since 1980. interest was more Flick met his best friend and climbing partner in helping turn it into this course and went on to develop many popular a good climbing climbs around Revelstoke. area. Of course I had a lot of fun,” Flick set what Beglinger refers to as the “first Ruedi Beglinger on the first ascent of Via Florina at Begbie Bluffs in 1994. Graded at 12a, this was one of he adds. true sport route in Revelstoke” at Begbie Bluffs in the hardest sport climbs around Revelstoke at the time . 1991. Given a four-star rating, ‘Bifacial Retouch’ is In 1994 he comincluded among the ranks of exceptional routes. piled the local climbing beta into a seven page publiFlick himself barely remembers how he came up So many climbers have contributed to rock developcation, Rock-climbing in Revelstoke. Ten years later, with the name. ment around Revelstoke that it would be impossible in 2004, there was enough routes to publish the first to mention them all. Check it out for yourself next time substantial guidebook: Revelstoke Rock. The most “I think because you change sides [on the rock] you climb. Take a minute to find out who worked hard as you climb.” He explained that an old friend who recent edition, Revelstoke Rocks, is just months old. and humbly to establish the areas and access that studied anthropology had suggested it. “I was we now enjoy. It might be your neighbour or doctor or like...what does that mean?” he remembers with a Luckily, most of our “pioneer climbers” love seeing friend, so go ahead – hug a climber! people on their routes and offer their encouragement laugh. to the future generations of climbers. Bruce Allen, who moved from Rossland in 1984, played a key role in making the Begbie Bluffs what “People are out there having fun; that’s good,” says Flick. “I like the new routes people are putting up.” it is today. “Dean showed me Begbie Bluffs and I What might rock climbing jumped on the band-wagon,” he explains. in Revelstoke look like in the Beglinger suspects that Revelstoke isn’t even close to next five years? reaching its potential as a rock climbing destination. He spent five or eight years - he’s not sure how long - building trails and routes in the area. He “I think that Revelstoke is barely touched. There are estimates that he put up about 60 routes and has “I would think there will be more climbers. so many cliffs; this area has huge, huge potential.” invested thousands of dollars in local climbs. It will be interesting if Begbie Bluffs gets more crowded. If I have to stand in line to climb my routes it will be a bit disconcerting but that’s the way it goes.”
Join us in celebrating the 125th Anniversary of our Community: 1885 to 2010.
Multicultural Heritage Picnic in Farwell Park, Sunday, June 27. 11
- Bruce Allen
Get Outta Here and go here...
by Colin Titsworth
When the snowline creeps back into the alpine, our Canadian instincts are triggered. We begin heaving dusty gear, dogs and fishing rods into our vehicles to go camping. Recreation sites are an ideal budget option that can be found throughout the Southern Interior where the B.C. government claims to have more than 800 camper-friendly locations for you to choose from. The Forest Service Recreation Site program was fostered in 1972 by Harry Marshall, who was chief recreation officer at the time. The program blossomed to a point where the province boasted more than 1,300 forest recreation sites equipped with basic camping amenities such as picnic tables, pit toilets and fire rings. The official title of Forest Recreation Site was shortened to Recreation Site in 2006 when the government transferred the responsibility of these locations away from the Ministry of Forest and Range to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts. Three types of recreation sites exist today: managed with fees, managed without fees and user maintained. Common throughout all categories is the unavailability of electricity and potable drinking water. You will also have to pack out everything you bring in and switch locations to a new spot after 14 days at the same recreation site. Recreation sites are often situated in gorgeous settings where people can simply enjoy hanging out in the great outdoors. The following is a list of five recreation sites that are yours to discover regardless of whether you point your vehicle to the north, south, east or west. The intention is not to reveal secret locations; it is to provide awareness of the treasures we have in our area. 1) Eagle Bay Ten point five km down the Shelter Bay Forest Service Road you will find 19 campsites situated along the multi-tiered peninsula that stretches into the Upper Arrow Lake. A row of waterfront sites are positioned just off the south facing cobblestone beach above the protected bay. Our neighbours with the red license plates have discovered this location so there is fierce
competition for the waterfront sites during the summer months but the shoulder seasons offer serenity. This campground was originally part of a Pope and Talbot Tree Farm license but they sold it back to the government for a dollar and gave up overseeing the land. 2) Wadey This large recreation site is located 25 km from Revelstoke on Highway 23 north and is the first of several recreation sites that you will encounter on this spectacular drive. The 30 site campground is managed by local contractors so there is a $10/ day fee ($5 for seniors) per site. Prime water front camping and a boat launch make this an ideal choice for those escaping from cell phone service. The site is named in honour of Pat Wadey, who was a dedicated forester with a strong passion for the community of Revelstoke and the surrounding wilderness.
Photo: Colin Titsworth
Recreation Appreciation
3) Box Lake Eagle Bay Recreation Site with 19 peninsula campsites. Just south of Nakusp on Highway 6 is a narrow road that leads you to the well-stocked fishing lake ing river. The river is the great attraction here with a and recreation site known as Box Lake. Located in a variety of options for paddling, snorkeling and floating lush hemlock forest are eight sites that have ample to take out points downstream. Fishermen claim most shade during the summer. Gas powered boat motors of the sites when the salmon begin running in the late are not permitted but anglers can use electric motors or summer, so you may need a bit of luck to get a spot. paddle power to catch rainbow trout and eastern brook There are several hiking trails and a fish hatchery in the trout. The lake also becomes a good swimming hole area if you get bored of catching fish. A $10/day fee is during the summer months when the sun is blasting the charged by park operator that will also have firewood earth. for sale. 4) Cooke Creek Along a big bend of the Shuswap River 6 km south of Mabel Lake you will find a gem of a recreation site that has lots to offer. Twenty-five camping spots are staggered through the forest just back from the meander-
5) Waitabit Creek This is one of the first camping options east of Glacier National Park. The nine camping spots beside the creek are easily accessed by driving 2 km up the Big Bend highway that is 25 km north of Golden. This recreation site is in close proximity to Marl Creek Provincial Park, which has stands of old growth forests and one of the last natural sections of the Columbia River. Bring binoculars to bird watch in the wetlands or a cooler full of beer to drink down by the creek.
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Summer events in and around Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks JUNE
FMRG Annual General Meeting - Thursday, June 10
Canada’s Parks Day - Saturday, July 17
Celebrate the Summit - Sunday, August 8 -15
Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour 2009 Thursday, September 23 and Friday, September 24
Friends of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier’s Mountain Club Activities Nakimu Caves - Glacier National Park July 24, August 14 and 28 and September 11
Speakers Calendar May 17 Chris Tait: Everest June 10 Danyelle Magnan: Parks Canada, Backcountry Trail Re-Design Update
For more information on these events, please contact the office at 250-837-2010 or e-mail or on the web at
component, which allows customers to customize their food options based on budget and preferences. This diverse operation employs approximately eight staff members at La Baguette's remodeled location on the corner of Victoria Road and Garden Avenue.
Sonia and I sit down on the stools at one end of the café and I continuously hear testaments of satisfaction coming from people sipping lattes and eating gelato at the tables behind us.
Photo: Colin Titsworth
I have come to realize this is much more than a café; this is heaven for your taste buds. When we start talking about food, the excitement elevates Sonia’s voice as she describes gourmet sandwich concoctions and mouthwatering flavours of gelato. She almost jumps out of her seat when she explains, “Affogato is a shot of espresso poured over a scoop of gelato, which makes for an amazing blend of flavours that are hot and cold.”
La Baguette has Revelstoke’s gelato market cornered with a minimum of 13 flavours available for you to choose from. They change the flavours to keep things interestOwner Sonia Ratte inside La Baguette, 607 Victoria Rd. and Garden Ave. ing, but you will always be able to find dark chocolate, white chocolate La Baguette and vanilla. Gelato is a magical substance that makes by Colin Titsworth grumpy people happy, calms uncontrollable children and turns sick individuals healthy. For this and many Downtown Revelstoke officially acquired a new café more beneficial reasons they also blend gelato into their when La Baguette unlocked its doors to the public on a super smooth ice cappuccinos. sunny Saturday morning in May. It is inspiring to talk business and food with someone As I make my way through the entrance on the inaugural who is so passionate about her new operation. She day, I am drawn to the gelato display like a moth to a says the most challenging thing about opening the street light. I’m thinking it’s too early for gelato but the café was pulling everything together on time. She also time has not stopped the gentleman on the patio licking acknowledges her boyfriend, Olivier Dutil, commenting, the remnants out of his bowl. Inside, I stare at the assort- “The business would never be open without all of his ment of icy deliciousness before I am snapped back to help.” the present moment by the sound of milk being steamed in a metal cup. Mornings are a flurry of activity for the owner, who is working a combination of baker’s hours and banker’s Suddenly the kitchen door swings open and café owner, hours everyday. “The afternoon is my favourite time Sonia Ratte, deeks behind her staff with an armful of because all the baking is done and I get to come out of warm baguettes destined for the bread shelf. The mothe kitchen and talk with the customers,” says Sonia. tivated entrepreneur glances out at the clientele with a smile but she is on a direct path back to the kitchen that People have flocked to the new café, which prides itself needs her. After I savour my coffee I arrange to meet up on unique quality food, fresh organic breads and coffee with her for a quick interview to talk about her business. that is remarkable. La Baguette evolved from an appreciation for baking, which Sonia gained while enrolled at cooking school in Quebec City. She started baking loafs of sourdough at home and then before long was selling fresh goodies at the local farmers market.
writing and publishing
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Heather Lea 250-837-4676
Open from 5 p.m. -10 p.m. Every Night Reservations recommended
54 rooms . spa . hot tubs Mackenzies Restaurant is open for breakfast every day from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
La Baguette’s target market is simply people who enjoy eating delicious food. As the owner puts it, “We are bringing the good food from the city to the small town.”
The Last Drop has nightly meal and drink specials.
When we discuss the future of La Baguette, I can foresee this name will be a Revelstoke fixture for many years to come.
Prior to starting La Baguette, she worked for three years as a sous-chef for the Woolsey Creek Café. The connection with her former mployer continues with La Baguette In the near future be on the lookout for fresh pastas and supplying the restaurant with organic bread, fresh pastas, fine cheeses becoming available for sale. The café is deserts and gelato. The business also has a catering open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. everyday except for Wednesdays, when they will be closed to restock supplies and go mountain biking. You can reach Sonia and the friendly staff at La Baguette by phone at 250-837-3755. Sonia's top five .or by email at
favourite menu items:
1) Dark chocolate and banana panini 2) Egg bread with vanilla bean cream cheese and fresh strawberries 3) Dark chocolate truffle gelato 4) Cappuccino 5) Affogato
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See our calendar of events for up to date info on events. Also enjoy our patio!
See you at The Last Drop! Located in Powder Springs Hotel
Enjoy great English food and a cosy atmosphere with fireplace. 201 2nd St. west . 250 837 2121
The Most Tasteful "Sex Shop" In The West.
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Open Tuesday to Saturday phone for hours
candles ° greeting cards ° incense ° hemp products ° lingerie ° massagers ° t-shirts
Revelstoke's adult store. we make shopping fun! 14
The Streets
Get a Taste of the East
If you were turning FIVE again what would you do for your birthday?
by Karen McCall
Maritimer Steve Smith was joined by bass player Shannon Sternloff and percussionist Trevor Wallach to make up MKP two years ago. Sternloff and Wallach already play in two other bands together but saw the value in creating this unique trio.
Jessica Walker: "Animal birthday party."
Photo: Karen McCall
What do you get when you put three musicians together with almost 80 combined years of musical experience and add some zippy east coast Canadian lyrics? Throw upbeat rock and pop tunes into the mix and you’ve got the Maritime Kitchen Party (MKP) band.
Left to right: Shannon Sternloff, audience guest, Trevor Wallach and Steve Smith play their upbeat tunes.
Derek Lammie: "Re-live my actual fifth birthday and go to a KISS concert and stay up until midnight!"
“We bring the east to the west,” Smith proudly claims of their music style, influenced by his Nova Scotian “I like the flexibility,” Sternloff says of substitute teachroots. As the DJ of the local radio station EZ Rock, Smith ing while still managing his businesses and playing in is used to being listened to and clearly loves playing guitar four bands. and belting out his catchy home-grown lyrics. Wallach is a life-long percussionist, who has played You may recognize the MKP from open-mic nights at The professionally since he was 16. Starting out in a polka Last Drop, which the band organized with the support band, he went on to study percussion in a jazz proof Powder Springs manager, Emma Kirkland. Their east gram at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton before coast Celtic rock and pop music packed the room full of hitting the road as a touring musician for several years. enthusiastic skiers and aspiring musicians every Wednes- He moved to Revelstoke in 1994 to be closer to his day night during the winter season. So what’s so special wife’s family and now owns a concrete business. about the MKP? “Music is always in the forefront but a man’s got to “It’s way more creative,” says Sternloff of the music they make a living too,” he explains. play. Sternloff is the owner and manager of Get Live Music Agency and has called Revelstoke his home for the This seems a common theme for musicians who would past eight years. “I think this band is unique because we have to tour full-time in order to make a living from play eastern Canadian folk music; tunes that people don’t playing music. usually hear.” Although the MKP have played in several commun“It’s a neat band,” agrees Wallach. He and Sternloff are ities in B.C., they are also happy playing gigs here in both quick to point out that Smith offers a special someRevelstoke. Their open-mic night gigs trend towards thing to the group. being loud and boisterously fun but Smith emphasizes their flexibility: “Steve knows so many songs it’s unreal,” says Wallach. The MKP play both covers and songs Smith has written. “We can also do soft and acoustic; whatever people want, we can cater [but] we still stay true to ourselves.” Smith speaks equally highly of his bandmates. He admires “their ability to play any genre of music and These three men may very well be some of the busiest do it expressively and uniformly.” musicians in Revelstoke and it's just as well because they are doing what they love; their passion shows in Smith and his family moved to Revelstoke from Yellowtheir performances. knife three years ago to be closer to relatives. Heavily involved in the music industry up north, Smith quickly MKP continue to rock it at The Last Drop Wednesday found himself “feeling kinda lost” here without the connec- nights. To book them or find out about upcoming gigs, tion and fun he gets from playing music. contact Shannon Sternloff at 250-837-2682 or Steve Smith at 250-814-8187. Smith saw Sternloff and Wallach playing with their band Cornstarr on Saint Patrick’s Day in 2008. Liking what he heard, he suggested they try playing together. “We had so much fun,” Smith explains, “I was like - let’s keep on doing this!” The Maritime Kitchen Party is named for a popular tradition in the east, where friends get together at night and often end up playing instruments and singing in the kitchen. Fitting for Smith whose own upbringing was very musical. “My mom was always singing,” Smith explains. A teacher by trade, Smith has a lot of energy to share with pupils and audiences alike. Sternloff is also a teacher and does supply work for School District 19.
Pam Sanghere: "Music and dancing!"
James Vopni: "I'm five today and I'm having a Monster Jam birthday party."
Jacob and Erik Hanson: "Learn to fly a kite." and "Learn to surf...I'd be shredding by now!"
Sue, Jade and Brook Davies: "Have a party on the beach with my dog, Blue, and a pony."
Predictions for the next five years
What the fortune cookie is saying for the MKP:
Shannon Sternloff will be juggling his time amongst nine other bands. He will always, however, make time for the MKP.
Steve Smith will be neck deep with his involvement in starting a non-profit recording arts association for Revelstoke musicians.
Trevor Wallach will be on the road touring across B.C. with his wife and two children. He will be back in time for a MKP gig on New Year’s Eve, 2015.
Rico and Marie Petrucci: "Take snowboard lessons and go to a candy store!"
June 25-26
Andrew Allen ˘ Old Mans Beard ˘ Redfish ˘ Earthbound ˘ Kira ˘ Sister Girl ˘ Skavenjah & more...! 15
Mark Hartley: "Throw snowballs and eat mud!"
Interviews and photos by Emily Beaumont
Sleeps n’
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$ = under $60 $$ = $60 - $90 $$$ = $90 - $110 $$$$ = $110 and up
Cheeky Beaver Chalet
802 2nd St. West
Inn on the River
523 3rd St. West
Minto Manor B&B
815 MacKenzie Ave.
Powder Springs Inn
201 2nd St. West
Swiss Chalet Motel
1101 Victoria Rd.
The Revelstoke Snowed Inn 823 3rd St. West
Reved Quarterly is published independently by Reved Publications. E-mail with any questions or find us online at Thanks for reading Reved!
$ = under $15 $$ = $15 - 25 $$$ = $25 and up
Conversations Cafe
205 Mackenzie Ave.
Great White North
5km west of Revelstoke on Hwy 1
Kawakubo Sushi Sake Steak 109 1st St. East
La Baguette Espresso Bar
607 Victoria Rd. and Garden Ave
Modern Bake Shop & Cafe 212 Mackenzie Ave.
Nectar Tea Bar
120 B Mackenzie Ave (in Grizzly Plaza)
Paramjit's Kitchen
Powder Pillow B&B
1103 Pine Ridge
116 First St. West
The Last Drop
201 2nd St. West
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Photo: Blake Jorgenson
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The Nomad Food Company 1601 West Victoria St.
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604 2nd St. West
250-837- 3131