7 minute read



By Alex Cooper, Executive Director, Revelstoke Cycling Association.

The Revelstoke Cycling Association is excited to be breaking ground on a climb trail on Boulder Mountain this summer. This is our first major project since 2019 and we’re looking forward to creating a new riding experience for the local mountain biking community.

We often get asked: why don’t you build as many new trails as you used to? While progress may seem slower these days, since 2018, we’ve opened Upper Super Happy Fun, Miller Time, Toad School, Beaver Tail, Eager Beaver, Serenity Now, and the Rotary Skills Park on Mount Macpherson. We have also started development of a new network on Sunnyside, rerouted the bottom of Ultimate Frisby, and re-built The Rooster on Boulder.

But, truth be told, building new trails is not as easy as it used to be. We have no shortage of ideas for new trails (and we hear our member’s ideas, too), but getting them through the new provincial approval process and then built takes time.

What goes into building a new trail? If you’re a rogue trail builder, you simply walk into the woods with a few tools, scrape away some dirt, maybe shape a few jumps, and ride your bike. If you’re a trail association like us trying to build legal trails that will stand the test of time, it takes a lot more work.

Step one is identifying what type of trails are most needed. The RCA does this by surveying our members, identifying gaps in our network, and looking at what other clubs are doing. A climb trail on Boulder has come up numerous times in recent surveys. It also fills a gap in the network by providing a climbing option on Boulder that will be far preferable to riding up the road. We also hope it will take some shuttle traffic off the Boulder Mountain road, which will make it safer for all users (it sees a lot of industrial traffic) and better for the environment.

Step two is flagging the line. Do you like tramping through the forest and have a keen eye for detail? Then this part is for you. Scouting lines can be fun and a great way to explore nature. If you’re building a downhill trail, it’s about spotting those cool features that will be fun to ride and figuring out ways to link them up. For a climb trail, it’s somewhat like setting a skin track, looking for meandering, flattish benches, and natural spots to put in switchbacks on otherwise steep ground. Once we have a decent idea of where the trail is going to go, we’re required to hire a professional trail builder to look it over and scout the final line for the application. For the Boulder climb trail, we hired Mark Wood of Trail Holistics to finalize the layout to the top of Boondocker and ensure we use the best route possible.

Step three is the application process itself. To build a trail, we’re required to complete a Section 57 application, named for the part of the Forest & Range Practice Act it falls under. This is where we make the pitch to the government on the rationale behind the trail. Where does the trail go? Why do we want to build it? What purpose will it serve? Are there any special features, like bridges or jumps? Who gets to use it? Who else has interests in the area? How will we maintain the trail?

The new application process is probably the most complex part of building a new trail. In the past, if we wanted to build a new trail on Boulder or Macpherson, where we have a long, successful track record of trail construction and maintenance, we simply submitted a short form and a line file, and it was likely to get approved. This changed a few years ago. Now, we’re expected to complete an environmental review and conduct a preliminary engagement with local stakeholders as part of the application process. This means letting First Nations (Revelstoke is in the territory of 12 bands), forestry companies, local government, and other stakeholders know what we’re hoping to build prior to applying. This engagement is a new part of the process and something we’re learning to navigate. Part of the reason we hired an executive director was to help navigate this process.

Once the Section 57 application is complete, it goes to our local Recreation Officer. We’re one of over 30 non-profit recreation groups under one recreation officer, most of whom are trying to build new trails and other facilities. The proposal then goes out for a formal referral process, where our Rec Officer collects even more feedback on the project. Only after all that input comes back will they make a decision. A strong application strengthens our chances of approval, but that usually with conditions.

By now, at least a year has passed since we started work on this application. We finally have a signed approval in place to build the trail. The next step is funding. For the Boulder climb trail, we were able to put aside some membership and sponsorship funds over the past few years in order to fill a piggy bank to pay for the trail. We were also fortunate to receive $29,000 in funding from the Resort Municipality Infrastructure fund, which is about a third of the cost of the project. This is enough to build Phase 1 this summer to the top of Gravy Bacon. The trail is approved to the top of Boondocker and we hope to build those sections in the future.

With funding in place, we can find someone to build it. We have a threeperson trail crew, but they’re occupied by keeping our existing trails in shape. Instead, we hold a competitive bid process to find a contractor to do the job. Last fall, seven professional trail builders came to Revelstoke to walk through the woods and look at the line for the Boulder climb trail. Five presented bids, which were judged on a combination of price, past experience with similar trails, and bid quality. Robson Design Build, who’s responsible for building a good chunk of the Valemount Bike Park and many other trails around B.C., was selected to build the Boulder climb trail.

There are still a few steps left before they start digging dirt. We must conduct a bird nest survey to ensure we don’t disturb any nesting birds along the trail corridor. We then have to clear the trail corridor and fall any danger trees. Finally, Robson will come in with its crew and get to work. Actual construction is expected to take five weeks, but it could take longer to have it inspected, address any issues, and, finally, be approved and opened by our Rec Officer.

We’re hoping to have the Boulder climb trail ready to roll this summer, but keep an eye on our newsletter and social media channels for the exact opening. If you’d like to support more sustainable trail work in Revelstoke, join the RCA. For only $40 for adults and $15 for youth, you can help ensure the preservation and growth of our world-class network of trails.

Rvac May Exhibit Focuses On Natural Environment




The Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre will unveil its newest exhibition on May 4, featuring new solo exhibitions by local artists Jacqueline Palmer, Isaac Becker and Sarah Hicks, and the side gallery will feature an exhibit from Portland, Oregon-based documentary photographer Robbie McClaran.

The opening event starts with the first viewing from 2–5 p.m. and then will move into the more social portion of the evening with live music and refreshments from 5–8 p.m.

Jacqueline Palmer’s Ghost of the Caribou exhibit is a tribute to the mountain caribou and the ancient forest of the world’s only inland temperate rainforest in the vicinity of Revelstoke.

Robbie McClaran has been photographing along the entire 1,250-mile length of the Columbia River, from its source in British Columbia to its confluence with the Pacific Ocean, working with an antique eight-by-ten, large format camera. The resulting images form the exhibit, The Great River of the West.

For Isaac Becker, a large part of the creative process is attempting to disconnect the mental side of it with the organic, spontaneous side. The paintings of his exhibit Patterns and Glyphs are a blend of both sides. He will also present the exhibit, Jailhouse Exhbition featuring Work Table Tapestries.

In her exhibit, Cosmos Out Of Chaos, artist Sarah Hicks hopes that by bringing these landscapes to your home, it can help you build a connection to the place in your own unique way.

This exhibition runs from May 4–28 at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre.

A brand-new festival, or rather a Revy Re-Fest, will put upcycling and the environment front and centre in Revelstoke later this month.

According to information on the Revy Re-fest website, Leah Evans, a professional skier, has been building the framework for the event “while undertaking her own upcycling pursuits.” Patagonia, who sponsors Evans “loved the concept, and decided to make this event a reality.” Other organizations supporting the event are the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, Community Connections, and Tourism Revelstoke

The goal of the re-fest is to gather the community around the Four R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose.

The event kicks off on Saturday, May 27 at 8 a.m. with re-craft, an upcycled fair in downtown Revelstoke. Other events planned for Saturday also take place downtown and include a repair café where people can get help fixing small things, Patagonia’s WornWear crew can show you how to make handy repairs, and there is even an activity tent with speakers and even a “Tinkerbell” kids repair workshop. A CSRD Community Trunk Sale is planned at the Centennial Park lower lots. There’s also a performance by A Million Dollars in Pennies taking place at the Sugar Shack in the evening.

The fun continues on Sunday, May 28 with a book swap, bike swap and clothing swap at the Revelstoke Community Centre. There will also be workshops on how to naturally dye clothing, how to create clothing stamps, more repair workshops, more speakers and a live music performance with upcycled instruments. The folks from WornWear – Patagonia’s program for trading in buying and repairing gear -- will be back again.

For the full event itinerary and location details visit re-fest.com.

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