Millersville University - Celebration of Faculty: Scholarship, Promotion & Tenure

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Celebration of Faculty Scholarship, Promotion and Tenure This University-wide event hosted by the Provost and Dean’s Council is an opportunity for faculty to share and be recognized for their recent scholarly and creative work. Faculty were invited to present their scholarship and creativity by way of research posters, video or audio recordings, works of art, or hard-copy books and article reprints. Faculty excellence and success in the classroom, mentoring, and advising is evidenced by our students thriving on campus, completing their degrees, and succeeding after Millersville. However, faculty excellence and success as scholars and practitioners in their fields are not as readily evident to the campus community. This event was intended to declare the importance of and support for our faculty, who consistently demonstrate the teacher-scholar philosophy, facilitate collaboration, and exchange among faculty, and encourage continued faculty scholarship and creative activity.

Cheers to the Faculty at Millersville University!



College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Presenter:

Title of work:

Dr. Barry Atticks

Speed-Testing in Audio Engineering Education: An Imperative Assessment Tool.

Dr. Emily Baldys

Imagining the Survival of the Unfit in the Novels of Olive Schreiner and Mona Caird

Mr. David Cullen


Dr. Kerrie Farkas

Creating and Sustaining a Journal That Builds Bridges

Professor Dorothy Frey

Studio Farm

Dr. Christine Filippone Desalineación: Open Systems as Social Transformation in Tucumán Arde Dr. Leslie Gates

Families Separated and Detained at the Border

Dr. Jeffrey Gemmell The Lititz Moravian Collegium Musicum: History You Can Hear! Dr. Jessica Hughes

Disability in Dialogue

Dr. Stacey Irwin

Affect in the Age of the Image: The .gif Use Case.

Dr. Jennifer Jester

Addressing Elephants in Your Classroom: Navigating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Mental Health While Trying to Teach Tech-A Case Study Using Live Audio Classes

Dr. Katarzyna Jakubiak

Translations of the poet Yusef Komunyakaa from English into Polish

Made of Sugar – a short story A collection of essays, Obce stany (Alien states) Dr. Tanya Kevorkian

Music and Urban Life in Baroque Germany

Professor Heidi Leitzke Through the Needles, In the Grove, A Tune, Subtle and Vast , Bridge Dr. Justin Mando

Intellectual Risk in the Writing Classroom



Title of work:

Dr. John Kaiser Ortiz Todos Somos Joaquín: An Inter-American Elaboration on Chicanismo Dr. Gregory Seigworth

The Affect Theory Reader, Worldings, Tensions, Futures

Dr. Carrie Smith Community-Engaged Sociology Within a UniversityBased Research Center: Successes and Challenges in Doing the Work and Meeting Outcomes in an Institutional Context Dr. Lowery Woodall Grappling with Representation in the WWE: Exploring Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in World Wrestling Entertainment Dr. Ping Yang Depression, affect, and racial embodiment: A critical analysis of Asian American food on media. Livestream e-commerce: The new social norm and its impact on Chinese culture.

College of Science and Technology Presenter:

Title of Work:

Dr. Daniel Albert [(1,2,5,6- η)-Cycloocta-1,5-diene] (4-isopropyl-1-methyl1,2,4-triazol-5-ylidene)(tricyclohexylphosphane- κP) iridium(I) tetrafluoridoborate dichloromethane solvate. (4-Benzyl-1-methyl-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl­­idene)[(1,2,5,6-η)cyclo­octa-1,5-diene](tri­phenyl­phosphane-κP)iridium(I) tetra­fluorido­borate. Dr. Greg Blumberg

Effects of atmospheric heterogeneity on distant focusing overpressure risk assessments at coastal launch sites.

Dr. J. Robert Buchanan

An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics

Dr. Judith Cebra-Thomas

Expression of neural crest specifiers during the two waves of trunk NCC migration in turtle embryos

Dr. Melissa Mullen Davis

Writing Children’s Books to Increase Engagement in Non- major Introductory Chemistry Courses.

Dr. Michael Elioff

Fluorescent turn-off sensor for Cu2+ and Fe3+ ions in 100% aqueous media with a biocompatible polymer


College of Science and Technology Presenter:

Title of Work:

Dr. Jessica Fellmeth

A tale of two CENP-C’s: Bridging the long prophase pause to support oocyte ploidy.

Dr. Steven Kennedy Studies toward 3,4-dihydro-2(1H) quinolinone derivatives. Dr. Ajoy Kumar

Satellite-derived chlorophyll estimates in highly stratified regions of the Mid Atlantic Bight.

Dr. Isaac Ligocki A fish-eye view of human-impacted watersheds in the Mid-Atlantic region. Dr. Jeremiah Mbindyo

Greening an undergraduate laboratory experiment for the determination of hexavalent chromium.

Dr. Aimee Miller

Exploration of multistage isolation of horseradish peroxidase for biochemistry lab

Dr. Kelly Rotondo Filling the Gap for New Clinicians: An Introduction to Telehealth Stop the Bleed Initiative at Millersville University. Dr. Christopher Stieha

PA-ADOPT: Creating and Promoting Open Educational Textbooks for STEM-H classes.

Dr. Robert Vaillancourt A glider study of bio-optical properties at a complex neritic-pelagic boundary. Dr. John Wallace A 126-year-old mystery unraveled: A transmission chain linking Mycobacterium ulcerans with Aedes notoscriptus mosquitos, possums and human Buruli ulcer cases in Southeastern Australia Dr. Jingnan Xie On the undecidability and descriptional complexity of synchronized regular expressions


College of   Education and Human Services Presenter:

Title of Work:

Dr. Shaun Cook Source Memory in Aging: Are Sources Equal? Can It Be Improved? Dr. Jennifer Frank The Stepping Stones Pen Pal Project People & Places: Community need, unsheltered homelessness, and the use of public space Dr. Heather Girvin

Lone Oak Animal-Assisted Therapeutic & Educational Services: An Expressive Arts, Community Care Model

Dr. Persida Himmele Why are we still doing that?: Positive alternatives to problematic teaching practices. Dr. Abdulsalami Ibrahim Exploring Technology Competencies of Field-Based Teacher Educators. Shared Waters: An Upstream-Downstream Collaborative Project. A three-year National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Grant. Dr. Sarah Jackson The Roots Beneath the Fruit: Reading for Justice and Action in Picturebooks About Food Dr. Ann Marie Licata

Podcasting in Educational Leadership Preparation

Dr. Rachel MacIntyre Social-behavioral effects of a dissonance-based body image intervention Dr. Kathleen Walsh

Holistic Disaster Response: Group Work Strategies that Foster Recovery, Resiliency and Healing for Community, Families, Individuals, and Responders.

Lombardo College of Business Presenter:

Title of Work:

Dr. Eric Blazer Factors Affecting Students’ Plans to Take the CPA Examination Dr. Joseph Galante Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business: Topical coverage, cases, and points of emphasis


Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity


College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences



Associate Professor, Music Business Technology Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Speed-Testing in Audio Engineering Education: An Imperative Assessment Tool Citation: Atticks, B. (May 2023). Speed-Testing in Audio Engineering Education: An Imperative Assessment Tool. (Paper presentation). European Audio Engineering Society Conference: Helsinki, Finland.

DR. EMILY BALDYS Assistant Professor of English Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Imagining the “Survival of the Unfit” in the Novels of Olive Schreiner and Mona Caird Citation: Emily Baldys: “Imagining the ‘Survival of the Unfit’ in the novels of Olive Schreiner and Mona Caird” • Issue 19.1 • Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies. (n.d.).

MR. DAVID CULLEN TPTF Instructor of Guitar and Pop Music Bands Scholarly/Creative Works: Creative Activity Format of Presentation: Video Title: Revival Citation: Cullen, David. « Revival » Lazz Promotions. 2023.



Professor of English Co-authors/Co-creators: Tatiana Pashkova-Balkenhol Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Creating and Sustaining a Journal that Builds Bridges

Citation: Farkas, K. R., & Pashkova-Balkenhol, T. (2021). The Problems and possibilities of creating and sustaining a multidisciplinary, undergraduate, digital journal. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 4(4), 50-58.


Assistant Professor, Painting Scholarly/Creative Works: Creative Activity Format of Presentation: works of art Title: Studio Farm Citation: Dorothy Frey, Studio Farm, (2022) Bowery Gallery, New

York, NY, September 6 – October 1, 2022. Bowery Gallery website, Bowery Gallery article, Dorothy Frey, Studio Farm, (2023) GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, Reading, PA, January 20 – March 26, 2023, GoggleWorks website,


Professor, Art History Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: “Desalineación: Open Systems as Social Transformation in Tucumán Arde” Citation: “Desalineación: Open Systems as Social Transformation in Tucumán Arde” Nervous Systems: Art, Systems, Politics, Since 1960.eds. Johanna Gosse and Tim Stott. (Duke University Press, 2022)



Professor, Art Education Scholarly/Creative Works: Creative Activity Format of Presentation: Works of Art Title: Families Separated and Detained at the Border Citation: Gates, Leslie (2022). “Families separated and detained at the border: A photo essay,” Book 2.0, 12:1, pp. 87–96,


Assistant Professor of Choral Studies Scholarly/Creative Works: Creative Activity Format of Presentation: Video Title: The Lititz Moravian Collegium Musicum: History You Can Hear! Citation: Gemmell, Jeffrey, D.M.A. Reviving the Lititz Moravian

Collegium Musicum: History You Can Hear! Paper read at the 8th Bethlehem Conference on Moravian History and Music, Bethlehem, PA, August 19, 2023. Gemmell, Jeffrey, D.M.A., conductor. Conference Concert: Lititz Moravian Collegium Musicum in Concert. Final event at the 8th Bethlehem Conference on Moravian History and Music, Moravian University, Foy Concert Hall, Bethlehem, PA, August 19, 2023.


Assistant Professor, Communication & Theatre Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Disability in Dialogue Citation: Hughes, J. M. F. & Bartesaghi, M. (Eds.). (2023). Disability in dialogue. John Benjamins. Hughes, J. M. F. (2023). Death and traumatic affect on Twitter. In J. M. F. Hughes & M. Bartesaghi (Eds.), Disability in dialogue. John Benjamins. Bartesaghi, M. & Hughes, J. M. F. (2023). Introduction: A dialogue about dialogue about disability. In J. M. F. Hughes & M. Bartesaghi (Eds.), Disability in dialogue. John Benjamins. Hughes, J. M. F. (2022). Anti-racism [module]. OER Commons. /courseware/lesson/95654



Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: “Affect in the Age of the Image: The .gif Use Case.” Citation: Irwin, Stacey O. (2021) “Affect in the Age of the Image.” Fried, Samantha J., et al. Postphenomenology and Imaging How to Read Technology, Lexington Books, Lanham, 2021, pp. 99–118.


Assistant Professor, Music Business Technology Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Addressing Elephants in Your Classroom: Navigating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Mental Health While Trying to Teach Tech - A Case Study Using Live Audio Classes Citation: Jester, J. A. (2022b, October 19). “Addressing elephants in your classroom: Navigating diversity, equity, inclusion, and mental health while trying to teach tech- a case study using live audio classes.” Addressing Elephants in Your Classroom: Navigating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Mental Health While Trying to Teach Tech - A Case Study Using Live Audio Classes.


Associate Professor, English Scholarly/Creative Works: Creative Activity Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: “Translations of the poet Yusef Komunyakaa from English into Polish” Citation: Jakubiak, Katarzyna, translator. Niebieska godzina. (The Blue Hour.) By Yusef Komunyakaa, Znak Publishers, 2021

Title: “Made of Sugar” – a short story Citation: Jakubiak, Katarzyna. “Made of Sugar,” Blackbird: An Online Journal of Literature and the Arts, vol. 20, no.1, Spring 2021.

Title: A collection of essays, Obce stany (Alien states) Citation: Jakubiak, Katarzyna. Obce stany. (English tr.: Alien states). Biuro Literackie, Kolobrzeg, Poland, 2022.



Professor, History Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Music and Urban Life in Baroque Germany Citation: Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2022.


Associate Professor, Art Scholarly/Creative Works: Creative Activity Format of Presentation: Works of Art Title: “Through the Needles”, “In the Grove”, “A Tune”, “Subtle and Vast”, “Bridge” Citation: Leitzke, Heidi. Through the Needles. 2022, oil on canvas, 24 x 12 inches.

Leitzke, Heidi. In the Grove. 2022, oil on canvas. 24 x 12 inches.


Associate Professor, English Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Intellectual Risk in the Writing Classroom itation: Teagarden, A., Commer, C. D., Cooke, A., & Mando, J. (2018). C Intellectual Risk in the Writing Classroom: Navigating tensions in educational values and classroom practice. ResearchGate. https:// in_the_Writing_Classroom_Navigating_Tensions_in_Educational_ Values_and_Classroom_Practice



Scholarly/Creative Works: Community-engaged Scholarship/Public Scholarship Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Todos Somos Joaquín: An Inter-American Elaboration on Chicanismo itation: “Todos Somos Joaquín: An Inter-American Elaboration C on Chicanismo” Radical Philosophy Review, Spring 2022 (25.1) Published on January 18th, 2022.


Professor, Communication & Theatre Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: The Affect Theory Reader, Worldings, Tensions, Futures Citation: Seigworth, Gregory and Pedwell, Carolyn (2023). The Affect Theory Reader 2: Worldings, Tensions, Futures. Duke University Press: Durham & London


Associate Professor, Sociology Scholarly/Creative Works: Community-engaged Scholarship/Public Scholarship Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Community-Engaged Sociology Within a University-Based Research Center: Successes and Challenges in Doing the Work and Meeting Outcomes in an Institutional Context Citation: Smith, Carrie Lee. 2023. “Community-Engaged Sociology Within a University-Based Research Center: Successes and Challenges in Doing the Work and Meeting Outcomes in an Institutional Context.” Sociological Forum 38(S1): 1043-1062.



Associate Professor, Communications & Theatre Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Grappling with Representation in the WWE: Exploring Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in World Wrestling Entertainment Citation: Woodall, L. A. (2022). Grappling with representation in the WWE: Exploring issues of diversity and inclusion in World Wrestling Entertainment. Lexington Books.


Associate Professor, Communication & Theatre Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Depression, affect, and racial embodiment: A critical analysis of Asian American food on media Livestream e-commerce: The new social norm and its impact on Chinese culture. Citation: Yang, P. Depression, affect, and racial embodiment: A critical analysis of Asian American food on media. Glimpse. Under Review.-This is also a conference presentation in March 2023. Yang, P. (2024). Livestream e-commerce: The new social norm and its impact on Chinese culture. In M. Xie & C. Chao (Eds.), Mobile Communication in Asian Society and Culture: Continuity and Changes across Private, Public, and Organizational Spheres (pp. 81-96). New York, NY: Routledge.


College of Science and Technology



Associate Professor, Physical Chemistry Co-authors/Co-creators: Ed Rajaseelan Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artefact Titles: [(1,2,5,6- η)-Cycloocta-1,5-diene] (4-isopropyl-1-methyl-1,2,4-triazol-5-ylidene) (tricyclohexylphosphane-κP) iridium(I) (Itetrafluoridoborate dichloromethane solvate (4-Benzyl-1-methyl-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl-idene)[(1,2,5,6-η)-cyclo-octa-1,5-diene](triphenyl-phosphane-κP)iridium(I) tetra-fluorido-borate. Citations: Rushlow, J.; Astashkin, A.V.; Albert, D.R.; Rajaseelan, E. “[(1,2,5,6- η)-Cycloocta-1,5diene] (4-isopropyl-1-methyl-1,2,4-triazol-5-ylidene)(tricyclohexylphosphane- κP) iridium(I) tetrafluoridoborate dichloromethane solvate” IUCrData, 2022, 7, x220685, Chosen as Cover Illustration for July 2022 Issue: DOI: https://doi. org/10.1107/S241431462200685X Newman, E.B.; Astashkin, A.V.; Albert, D.R.; Rajaseelan, E. “(4-Benzyl-1-methyl-1,2,4-triazol-5-ylidene)[(1,2,5,6-η)-cyclo-octa-1,5-diene](tri-phenyl-phosphane-κP)iridium(I) tetra-fluorido-borate.” IUCrData, 2021, 6, x210836, DOI: Chosen as Cover Illustration for August 2021 Issue”


Assistant Professor, Earth Science Co-authors/Co-creators: Ahmed Fadl Scholarly/Creative Works: Applied Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Effects of atmospheric heterogeneity on distant focusing overpressure risk assessments at coastal launch sites Citation: Blumberg, W. G., and A. M. Fadl, 2022: Effects of atmospheric heterogeneity on distant focusing overpressure risk assessments at coastal launch sites. Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 9, 528–540,



Professor, Mathematics Scholarly/Creative Works: Applied Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics Citation: Buchanan, J. R. (2023). An undergraduate introduction to financial mathematics. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.


Associate Professor, Biology Co-authors/Co-creators: M. Smith, A. Akbar, M. Sterner, A. Reineberg, J. Stoltzfus, Scott Gilbert Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Expression of neural crest specifiers during the two waves of trunk NCC migration in turtle embryos Citation: Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Smith, M. R. W., Akbar, A., Reineberg, A., & Stoltzfus, J. D. (2022). Expression of neural crest specifiers during the two waves of trunk NCC migration in turtle embryos. The FASEB Journal, 36(S1).


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Co-authors/Co-creators: Kathryn Allen Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: “Writing Children’s Books to Increase Engagement in Non-major Introductory Chemistry Courses.” Citation: Mullen Davis, M.A. & Allen, K. (2023) Writing Children’s Books to Increase Engagement in Non-major Introductory Chemistry Courses. Journal of Chemical Education. 100(6), 2446-2450



Associate Professor, Physical Chemistry Co-authors/Co-creators: Jingqiu Hu, John Griffith Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Fluorescent turn-off sensor for Cu2+ and Fe3+ ions in 100% aqueous media with a biocompatible polymer Citation: Polymer bound acridinium derivative as a turn-off fluorescent sensor for Cu (II) and Fe (III) ions in acidic condition", M. S. Elioff, J. B. Griffith, J. Hu, J. Photochem. And Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 2023, 443, 114848-114857.


Assistant Professor, Biology Co-authors/Co-creators: Madelyn Holmes, Jadyn Koser Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: A tale of two CENP-C’s: Bridging the long prophase pause to support oocyte ploidy Citation: A Dynamic population of prophase CENP-C is required for meiotic chromosome segregation. (n.d.). Biorxiv.


Associate Professor, Organic Chemistry Co-authors/Co-creators: Yongyu (Rose) Ou Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: “Studies toward 3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone derivatives,” Citation: Yongyu (Rose) Ou and Steve Kennedy, “Studies toward 3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone derivatives,” 261st ACS National Meeting, Early Covid — Virtual Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2021.



Professor of Ocean Sciences and Coastal Studies Scholarly/Creative Works: Applied Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Satellite Derived chlorophyll estimates in highly stratified regions of the Mid Atlantic Bight. Citation: Ajoy Kumar and Connor Aghili," Detecting and understanding massive ice melt events in the Artic-Mentoring undergraduate student research in the ocean sciences ". International Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii Convention Center, February 24th-March 4th, 2022. Natalie Sprague, Connor Aghili, Melissa Gold and Ajoy Kumar," The Current State of Dissolved Oxygen in the Longhurst Provinces ". International Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii Convention Center, Feb. 24th-Mar. 4th, 2022. Ajoy Kumar," Inter-annual variability in the stratification regime off the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf ". International Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, Feb. 16th – 21st, 2020. Connor Aghili and Ajoy Kumar," Atmospheric and Offshore Forcing of Temperature and Salinity Variability at the Irminger Sea OOI station ". International Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, Feb. 16th – 21st, 2020.


Assistant Professor, Biology Co-authors/Co-creators: N. Walker, S. Burke, SL. Smith Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: " A fish-eye view of human impacted watersheds in the mid-Atlantic region." Citation: Walker N*, Burke S*, Ligocki IY. [Poster] Behavioral responses to competition and perceived predation risk in two teleost fish. Presented on Jan. 4th, 2023, at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biologists meeting in Austin, TX. Smith, SL*, Ligocki IY. [Poster] Behavioral responses of male eastern mosquitofish following exposure to a widely used herbicide. Presented on Jan. 4th, 2023, at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biologists meeting in Austin, TX. Burke S*, Walker N*, Ligocki IY. [Poster] The morphological impacts of competition and perceived predation risk in two teleost fish. Presented on Jan. 6th, 2023, at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biologists meeting in Austin, TX.



Professor, Chemistry Co-authors/Co-creators: Madison Adams, Jennifer McNerney, Ashleigh Dell, Peyton Frederick Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Greening an undergraduate laboratory experiment for the determination of hexavalent chromium Citation: Madison Adams, Jennifer McNerney, Ashleigh Dell, Peyton Frederick and Jeremiah K.N. Mbindyo* “Greening an undergraduate laboratory experiment for the determination of hexavalent chromium” Spring 2023 meeting of the American Chemical Society, Indianapolis, IN, March 26-30, 2023.


Associate Professor, Biochemistry Co-authors/Co-creators: Emma Witmer Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Exploration of multistage isolation of horseradish peroxidase for biochemistry lab Citation: Emma Witmer and Aimee L. Miller, Exploration of Multistage Isolation of Horseradish Peroxidase for Biochemistry Lab, poster, Undergraduate Research Poster Session, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 2023.


Assistant Professor, Wehrheim School of Nursing Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Filling the Gap for New Clinicians: An Introduction to Telehealth Citations: Noronha, C., Lo, M. C., Nikiforova, T., Jones, D., Nandiwada, D. R., Leung, T. I., Smith, J. E., Lee, W. W., & Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Education Committee (2022). Telehealth Competencies in Medical Education: New Frontiers in Faculty Development and Learner Assessments. Journal of general internal medicine, 37(12), 3168–3173. Rutledge, C. M., O'Rourke, J., Mason, A. M., Chike-Harris, K., Behnke, L., Melhado, L., Downes, L., & Gustin, T. (2021). Telehealth Competencies for Nursing Education and Practice: The Four P's of Telehealth. Nurse educator, 46(5), 300–305.



Assistant Professor, Wehrheim School of Nursing Co-authors/Co-creators: Justin McFail, Paul Hill Scholarly/Creative Works: Community-engaged Scholarship/Public/ Scholarship Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Stop the Bleed Initiative at Millersville University Citations: Levy, M. J., Krohmer, J., Goralnick, E., Charlton, N., Nemeth, I., Jacobs, L., & Goolsby, C. A. (2022). A framework for the design and implementation of Stop the Bleed and public access trauma equipment programs. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians open, 3(5), e12833. Nichols, R., & Horstman, J. (2022). Recommendations for Improving Stop the Bleed: A Systematic Review. Military medicine, 187(11-12), e1338–e1345.


Associate Professor, Biology Co-authors/Co-creators: Daniel Albert, Nicole Pfannenstiel Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Poster Title: PA-ADOPT: Creating and Promoting Open Educational Textbooks for STEM-H classes Citation: Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT). (2023). Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of OPen Textbooks. Pfannenstiel, A. N. (2023). Web Writing. Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PAADOPT).


Associate Professor, Earth Science Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discover Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: A glider study of bio-optical properties at a complex neritic-pelagic boundary. Citation: Vaillancourt, R.D. A glider study of the optical properties near the New England shelf break. Poster presented at: Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Workshop; June 19-23, 2022; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA.



Professor of Biology (Retired) Co-authors/Co-creators: Peter Mee & Timothy Stinear Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: A 126-year-old mystery unraveled: A transmission chain linking Mycobacterium ulcerans with Aedes notoscriptus mosquitos, possums and human Buruli ulcer cases in Southeastern Australia Citation: Mee, T. P., A.H. Buultjens, J. Oliver, K. Brown, J.C. Crowder, J.L. Porter, E.C. Hobbs, L.M. Judd, G.Taiaroa, N. Puttharak, D.A. Williamson, K.R. Blasdell, R. Feldman, M.O.Muzari, C.Sanders, S. Larsen, S.R. Crouch, P.D.R. Johnson, J.R. Wallace, D.J. Price, A.A. Hoffman, K.B. Gibney, T.P. Stinear and S.E. Lynch. 2023. A transmission chain linking Mycobacterium ulcerans with Aedes notoscriptus mosquitoes, native possums and human Buruli ulcer cases in southeast Australia. Nature Micro Under Revision.


Assistant Professor, Computer Science Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: On the undecidability and descriptional complexity of synchronized regular expressions Citation: Xie, J., Hunt, H.B. On the undecidability and descriptional complexity of synchronized regular expressions. Acta Informatica 60, 257–278 (2023). Albert, D. R. (2023). Chemistry Techniques and Explorations: An Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Manual. Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT). -chemistry-laboratory-manual/


College of Education and Human Services



Associate Professor, Psychology Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Video Title: Source Memory in Aging: Are Sources Equal? Can It Be Improved? Citation: Cook, S. P. (March 4, 2022). Source memory in aging: Are sources equal? Can it be improved? [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY, United States.


Assistant Professor, Social Work Co-authors/Co-creators: Laura Brierton Granruth, Heather Girvin, Mary Glazier, Dawn Watson, Rachel Priebisch, Brittany Leffler Scholarly/Creative Works: Applied Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: The Stepping Stones Pen Pal Project Citation: Frank, J.M., Granruth, L.B., Preibisch, R., Watson, D., Leffler, B., & Glazier, M., (2023). “Please Mr. Postman:” Exploring the use of letter writing to address loneliness, Journal of EvidencedBased Social Work, Frank, J.M., Granruth, L.B., Leffler, B., Preibisch, R. & Watson, D., Girvin, H., Glazier, M. (2021). Attuning to Need: Reconceptualizing “help” in poor rural communities, Journal of Contemporary Rural Social Work 13(1), 1-20, Frank, J.M., Granruth, L.B., Girvin, H., & Leffler, B. (2021). Paper Trails: Using letter writing to understand social isolation and poverty in a rural community, Journal of Social Work,

Co-authors/Co-creators: Dawn Watson, Rachel Preibisch, Jenna Graeff Scholarly/Creative Works: Community-engaged Scholarship/Public Scholarship Format of Presentation: Poster Title: People & Places: Community need, unsheltered homelessness, and the use of public space Citation: Frank, J.M., Glazier, M., Graeff, J., Preibisch, R., & Watson, D. (2023). People and Places: Community need and the use of public space in Binns Park final report prepared on behalf of the Center for Public Scholarship and Social Change. /files/community-report-people-and-placesapril-2023.pdf



Associate Professor, Social Work Co-authors/Co-creators: Katie Linebarger, Sarah Primak, Abbie Wilson Scholarly/Creative Works: Community-engaged Scholarship/Public Scholarship Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Lone Oak Animal-Assisted Therapeutic & Educational Services: An Expressive Arts, Community Care Model Citation: 2023. Wilson, Abigail, Linebarger, Katie, Girvin, Heather & Primak, Sarah. “It Takes a Herd: Using Equine-Based Group Work to Heal Trauma and Build Community.” IASWG Conference. 2023. Wilson, Abigail, Girvin, Heather, Primak, Sarah & Linebarger, Katie. Accepted to Present at International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. 2022. Wilson, Abigail, Girvin, Heather, Primak, Sarah & Linebarger, Katie. “Animal-Assisted Therapy and Suicide Prevention.” PCCYFS Annual Conference. 2021. Wilson, Abigail, Girvin, Heather, Primak, Sarah, & Linebarger, Katie. “Animal Assisted Therapy.” PCCYFS Annual Conference.


Early, Middle and Exceptional Education Co-authors/Co-creators: Dr. William Himmele Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Why are we still doing that?: Positive alternatives to problematic teaching practices Citation: Book: Himmele, P. & Himmele, W. (2021) Why are we still doing that?: Positive alternatives to problematic teaching practices. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations Co-authors/Co-creators: Dr. Nanette MarcumDietrich, Dr. Abdul Ibrahim, Dr. William McConnell, Dreon, O. Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Poster Titles: Exploring Technology Competencies of FieldBased Teacher Educators. S hared Waters: An Upstream-Downstream Collaborative Project. A three-year National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Grant. 26

Citations: 2021 Fall, Co-PI, Shared Waters: An Upstream-Downstream Collaborative Project. A three-year National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Grant. By Dr. Nanette Marcum-Dietrich, Dr. Abdul Ibrahim, Dr. William McConnell – Virginia Wesleyan University. Ibrahim, A., & Dreon, O. (2022). Exploring Technology Competencies of Field-Based Teacher Educators. Pennsylvania Teacher Educator, 21(2), 16-29. Fall 2022. Final_PTE_Fall_2022_Copy.pdf


Assistant Professor, Early, Middle and Exceptional Education Scholarly/Creative Works: Basic Research/ Discovery Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: The Roots Beneath the Fruit: Reading for Justice and Action in Picturebooks About Food Citation: Jackson, S. E., Degener, R. M., & Sivashankar, N. (2022). The Roots Beneath the Fruit: Reading for Justice and Action in Picturebooks About Food. Journal of Children's Literature, 48(1), 7-18.


Assistant Professor, Graduate Coordinator of Leadership for Teaching and Learning Co-authors/Co-creators: Tiffany Wright Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Podcasting in Educational Leadership Preparation Citation: Wright, T.E., Licata, A.M., and Munster, K. (2022). Personal experiences fuel principal preparation course redesign. In Fowler, D. & Johnson, A. Equity and Access: An Analysis of Educational Leadership Preparation, Policy, & Practice in School Improvement, (pp. 85- 92). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Wright, T. & Licata, A.M. (2022, November). A Comparative case study of graduate students producing podcasts for learning in leadership preparation. Virtual presentation given at the University Council for Educational Administration annual conference. Seattle, Washington, November 17, 2022. Wright, T. & Licata, A.M. (2022, April). Using technology to infuse a culture of inclusion: A Multiple Case Study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, April 22-26, 2022. Wright, T.E. & Licata, A.M. (2021, November). Using technology to advance educational leadership within county school districts and beyond-Data a year out. Presentation given at the University Council for Educational Administration annual conference, Columbus, Ohio, on November 13, 2021. Wright, T. & Licata, A.M. (2021, April). Using Technology to Infuse a Culture of Inclusion within our Lancaster County School Districts and Beyond. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, online presentation, April 12, 2021



Assistant Professor, Psychology Co-authors/Co-creators: Kristin Heron Scholarly/Creative Works: Applied Research Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Social-Behavioral effects of a dissonance-based body image intervention Citation: MacIntyre, R. I., Heron, K. E. (2022, April). Social-behavioral effects of a dissonance-based body image intervention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD


Associate Professor, Social Work Scholarly/Creative Works: Community-engaged Scholarship/Public Scholarship Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Holistic Disaster Response: Group Work Strategies that Foster Recovery, Resiliency and Healing for Community, Families, Individuals, and Responders Citation: Walsh, K. (2023). “Holistic Disaster Response: Group work strategies that foster recovery, resiliency and healing for community, families, individuals, and responders.” Presentation at the International Symposium of the International Association of Social Work with Groups (Transformative Groupwork) June 8-10, Virtual.



Dr. Deborah Tamakloe Graduate Coordinator for the Special Education Programs Dr. Banna (left) presented the Educator of the Year Award to Dr. Tamakloe (right)


Lombardo College of Business


Lombardo College of Business DR. ERIC BLAZER

Associate Professor, Accounting and Finance Co-author/Co-creators: Brian Trout Scholarly/Creative Works: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Format of Presentation: Poster Title: Factors Affecting Students’ Plan to take the CPA Examination Citation: Brian Trout, & Eric Blazer. (2018). Factors affecting students’ plans to take the CPA examination. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 14(8).


Professor, Accounting and Taxation Scholarly/Creative Works: Applied Research Format of Presentation: Physical Artifact Title: Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business: Topical Coverage, Cases, and Points of Emphasis Citation: Galante, Joseph. (2023). “Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business: Topical Coverage, Cases, and Points of Emphasis.” Stipes Publishing, LLC, Champaign IL. ISBN: 978-1-64617-159-0


Congratulations! COLLEGE OF ARTS, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Dr. Emily Baldys, English & World Languages Professor Adam Boyer, Communication & Theatre Dr. Joseph Cernuto, Music Dr. Jessica Hughes, Communication & Theatre COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Dr. Jason Davis, Special Education Dr. Lauren Kaiser, Psychology Dr. Miriam Witmer, Educational Foundations COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Professor Cindy English, Applied Engineering, Safety & Technology Dr. Chad Hogg, Computer Science Dr. Heather Lehman, Biology Dr. Dawn Lambert, Nursing Dr. Cayleigh Minter, Nursing NON-COLLEGE FACULTY Dr. Margaret Mbindyo, Academic Advisement & Student Development


Rank of Associate Professor COLLEGE OF ARTS, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Dr. Emily Baldys, English & World Languages Dr. Jessica Hughes, Communication & Theatre

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Dr. Richard Joseph Behun, Psychology Dr. Lauren Kaiser, Psychology Dr. Miriam Witmer, Educational Foundations

COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Dr. Maja Klosinska, Biology Dr. Dawn Lambert, Nursing Dr. Heather Lehman, Biology Dr. Jenny Monn, Nursing


Dr. Margaret Mbindyo, Academic Advisement & Student Development

Rank of Professor COLLEGE OF ARTS, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Dr. Tanya Kevorkian, History


Dr. William Himmele, Early, Middle & Exceptional Education Dr. Jeffrey Wimer, Wellness & Sport Sciences


Dr. Jack Ogutu, Applied Engineering, Safety & Technology Dr. Robert Vaillancourt, Earth Sciences Dr. Ryan Wagner, Biology 33


Larry Earnesty, Chair Ajoy Kumar Adam Lawrence Charlton Wolfgang Philip Tacka Ankur Nandedkar Mehdi Khalighi Joe Behun Kim McCollum-Clark

A Member of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education 9038A_PROVO_1023_KR


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