Millersville University Review - Spring/Summer 2020

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UNIVERSITY REVIEW Transformational Gift Names the


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REVIEW | 2020



UNIVERSIT Y REVIEW Spring | Summer 2020



DEAR MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY FRIENDS & FAMILY, The world has changed in ways none of us could have imagined since the COVID-19 pandemic reached our shores. Millersville University, like other communities across the globe, has been profoundly impacted by this viral pathogen and subsequent events such as the murders of George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks that have shed light on acts of discrimination and injustice. Through it all, our faculty, staff, students, alumni and surrounding community have come together and exemplified our EPPIIC values of exploration, inclusion and compassion. During a recent peaceful protest march in Millersville Borough, which I took part in, it was evident that our community is coming together to voice our opposition to social injustices. The spring 2020 semester was unlike any other our campus has experienced. The coronavirus pandemic forced us to make very difficult choices for the health and safety of our campus. I was impressed by the way we rose to the challenge of remote learning and working, demonstrating compassion and flexibility. I want to say a public thank you to our faculty members who worked hard to transition all classes online in March; to our staff members who maintained critical operations on campus and remotely; and to our students for switching gears and finishing their semesters online. What we accomplished collectively is remarkable! As we look ahead to the fall 2020 semester, I am pleased that we will be welcoming our students back to campus. Several aspects of our day-to-day operations will be altered to maintain physical distancing and other safety requirements. We will operate on an abbreviated academic calendar that will see on-campus instruction begin on Aug. 24 and end with Thanksgiving recess. Classes will resume remotely on Nov. 30 through the end of the semester. Additional information will be posted to the Fall 2020 webpage as it becomes available. Exciting changes this past semester include announcing the Lombardo College of Business in honor of our generous benefactors, Dr. Samuel and Dena Lombardo, and the extension of our “Imagine the Possible” campaign. Details can be found in this Review Magazine. I thank everyone for your patience during this time. I know it has been stressful. The health and safety of our entire community, especially our faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends, are of the utmost importance. As we look to the days ahead, I encourage everyone to remember our EPPIIC values of exploration, professionalism, public mission, inclusion, integrity and compassion. You are all critical to the work we do at the ‘Ville, and the success of our students. With warm regards,


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The Review is published by Millersville University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

PRESIDENT Daniel A. Wubah, Ph.D.




Janet Kacskos, Executive Editor Kate Hartman, Editor John Cheek, Creative Director/Designer Ethan Hulsey, Sports News Gabrielle Buzgo, Alumni News Jennifer McMorris, Class Notes Samantha Jasinski ‘21M, Class Notes Kelsey Madas, Social Media


Alicia Garges ‘21


John Held ’02 (president)

Joyce King ’83 (president-elect) Bill Martin ’81 (treasurer) Matt Olphin ’95 (secretary) Mike Henry ’83 (past president)


Michael G. Warfel ’84 (chair) Richard L. Frerichs, Ph.D. ’64, ‘69M (vice chair) Rep. Jordan A. Harris ’06 (secretary) Adam T. Bachman (student member) Thomas J. Baker ‘02 Brandon W. Danz ‘03 Saul W. Fink ‘85 Rick Rodgers Kathryn R. Ross Amber M. Sessoms, Ed.D. ‘06, ‘08M Holly L. Trego ‘98 Chancellor Daniel Greenstein, Ph.D. (ex officio) President Daniel A. Wubah, Ph.D. (ex officio)


Joseph W. Garner ’90 (president) Darryl L. Landis M.D. ‘85 (secretary) Suzanne J. Walstrum ‘94 (treasurer) Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.

Daniel A. Wubah

The Allegro Atrium at the Ware Center



The fabulous 75,000-square-foot building designed by renowned architect Philip Johnson, located in the heart of downtown Lancaster at 42 N. Prince St., sat dark and empty on that Thursday evening many years ago. Three Millersville University administrators, who were leaving the Fulton after an alumni event, stopped, stared and wondered aloud about the possibilities.

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University’s serious economic concerns Fast forward to 2020 and the 10th at this time. However, the more I thought anniversary of Millersville University’s about it, I discussed with Dr. McNairy, Ware Center, a showcase of culture and who did give the green light during a talent from near and far, with events, difficult economic time. She deserves a sometimes multiple events, happening lot of credit.” most days of the year in one of the five McNairy, who was president at performing spaces. During a typical Millersville from 2003-2013, was a year, The Ware Center holds more than champion for community and civic 250 events. Since its opening, The Ware engagement. “Jerry came to my office Center has welcomed nearly 500,000 and said ‘Madam President, I need you attendees. to say yes to exploring a potential and It was the vision of former Vice very exciting direction. We have the President of Advancement, Jerry Harvey Owen, former director of the Ware opportunity to buy or lease 42 N. Prince Eckert, and former Vice President Center. St.,’” recalls McNairy. “The building offered of Administration and Finance, Roger much more than just classrooms; it was a win-win with the Bruszewski, who brought the president at the time, Dr. performing arts possibilities. We had been talking for some Francine G. McNairy, in on their idea. time about our campus being four miles from Lancaster “Like all good deals, it started over breakfast at a diner,” city, a distance that seemed enormous to some. A building says Eckert, smiling. “It was 2008 and I was meeting with in the city was our answer. And today—little girls in tutus, Phil Calhoun, executive director of the Ferree Foundation the Imani Edu-Tainers—it’s beyond my wildest dreams.” (the family foundation of Paul and Judy Ware). We discussed that the present occupant of the building, the Pennsylvania Academy of Music (PAM), was having financial difficulties Putting Together the Financing and Phil asked if Millersville would be interested in buying Vice President Bruszewski led negotiations for two years or leasing 42 N. Prince St. I, of course, said no way, given the on this project and was instrumental in putting together

A North Museum event in the Atrium.

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the financial plan. On March 17, 2010, Millersville’s Council of Trustees (COT) voted to proceed to purchase the building from the owner, Union National Community Bank. Current COT Chairman, Michael Warfel, who was also part of the COT in 2010, says, “We approved the plans and $13.5 million purchase because it allowed the University a broad-based expansion of its visual and performing arts into the greater community. And, as we’ve seen, it certainly helped to enhance the economic vitality of the city of Lancaster and the region.” Bruszewski says all the funds came from the state, thanks to help from local senators and Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). “The $13.5 million was in the capital construction fund. An additional $1 million for furniture and equipment came from PASSHE after I talked with the vice chancellor and chancellor,” he explains. While the sale was being finalized, the University leased the building, so the undergraduate and graduate classes that had been offered at Liberty Place were moved to The Ware Center. On September 12, 2011, the University announced the dedication and naming of The Ware Center at Millersville University Lancaster, in honor of Paul W. and Judy S. Ware. During the dedication McNairy says, “This is a fitting tribute when you reflect upon Paul’s and Judy’s involvement and philanthropic commitments to Lancaster community organizations and to higher education.” “The University made a good decision to recognize all of the donors by keeping the names on rooms and areas even though they were originally involved with a different institution,” explains Paul Ware. “It created a tremendous amount of goodwill.” In addition to the words “The Ware Center,” the building also has the words “creativity, innovation and engagement” on the exterior. “Given the building’s location, and to be part of Lancaster city’s ongoing revitalization, it was important for the University to maintain the emphasis on the arts with open access to the greater community. Additionally, profit, nonprofit and government organizations were encouraged to use the building for meetings and events. It also made sense given the Wares’ involvement and commitment to the arts and higher education to name the building in their honor,” says Eckert. Paul and Judy Ware continue to be supportive partners of the Millersville University Visual and Performing Arts seasons. “We were thrilled when Millersville and the Commonwealth purchased the building 10 years ago,” says Paul Ware. “It’s a purebred building, designed for the arts and it was sweet music to our ears when we heard about the purchase. With the wonderful programming that happens inside, it’s been uphill ever since.” “When I come out of Central Market and see The Ware Center, it’s just beautiful. It’s a signature building in Lancaster,” says Judy Ware.

An important step in The Ware Center’s progress was to hire a program director—enter stage left, Harvey Owen. “I was retired but saw the ad for a person to run the Ware Center in the newspaper. I wrote a business plan, they liked it, and Roger said, ‘here’s the deal—we’ll give you five years to get this into the black,’ but we did it in nine months! This is the only job I had where I couldn’t wait to get to work,” says Owen, “even though it was 12-hour days, seven days a week.” “Our goal was to light up downtown,” Owen continues. “I’m an entrepreneur, but I worked hard to join with the professors to involve our students and give them a lot of interaction, but also increase the presence of Millersville University into the downtown. At the same time it helped us, it also helped downtown Lancaster.” Owen, with Bruszewski’s help, was responsible for hiring national award-winning playwright Barry Kornhauser as the assistant director of campus & community engagement. Kornhauser’s Theatre for Young Audiences play, “Corduroy,” won the American Alliance for Theatre & Education (AATE) 2019 Distinguished Play Award, one of three AATE awards he has received. “Everybody, I want you to know, The Ware Center is for you,” says Kornhauser. “This brings us all together. Our goal is to transform lives through the arts. We work with those with cognitive and sensory issues, from our

Lauren Davis as Mother and Ileri Okikiolu as Lisa in “Corduroy” at the Ware Center. Photo by Dan Norman

performances for the blind to closed captioning for the deaf to sensory-friendly performances for those on the autism spectrum.” “Harvey did a phenomenal job,” says Paul Ware. “Lancastrians enjoy a mixture of things and the community has embraced the offerings. Robin [Zaremski] had some big shoes to fill!” Zaremski is the third director of Visual and Performing Arts Center for Millersville. She was named in 2017 after Laura Kendall, who took the reins from Owen, left.

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Patti Lupone

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both the seats and the stage! I consider myself extremely “Over the last 10 years, The Ware Center has become blessed to have so much support from our community and Lancaster’s home for the cultural arts,” says Zaremski. my coworkers that I get to have the best of both worlds.” “We offer hundreds of unique, creative and innovative Current president of Millersville, opportunities in the way of live Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, has been a performances, guest speakers, big supporter of The Ware Center educational workshops, conferences “Over the last 10 years, and the performing arts, noting the and special events, proudly reflecting The Ware Center has international essence of many events the deep diversity of our students which fulfill the cosmopolitan nature of and community. We look forward become Lancaster’s Lancaster city. to providing even more shared and home for the cultural “The Ware Center has positively rewarding experiences for many arts,” says Zaremski. impacted our students and campus decades to come.” community as well as the region,” says Amy Banks, the arts communication Wubah. “The arts are so important to a manager for The Ware Center, has the holistic education based on creativity, unique position of working there as communication and collaboration. As the largest a full-time job, and as a performer. She has performed for university in Lancaster County, we have a responsibility three sold-out shows: “Amy Sings Aretha” (2015), “Happy to our citizens, and our EPPIIC Values coincide with that 100th Birthday, Ella!” with the King Street Big Band (2017) responsibility, public mission and professionalism. The and last season’s “How Glad I Am: Remembering Nancy space provides a gateway to Millersville University, and we Wilson” (2019). are pleased to share it with the local community.” “Honestly, the best/coolest/most unique event for me While The Ware Center is closed at present time due to was my Aretha concert – “Amy Sings Aretha (A Motown COVID-19, it won’t be long before it will once again light up Love Story),” says Banks, who talked about working and downtown Lancaster with jazz, poetry readings, film series, performing at The Ware Center. “I have the pleasure of and certainly productions for children of all ages!  working with our staff and interacting with our patrons from


The Ware Center’s Longest Serving Employee Jim Smith was at 42 N. Prince St. long before it was called The Ware Center. He was even there before there was a new building for the Pennsylvania Academy of Music (PAM). “The old PAM building was a bank, and the AAA (American Automobile Association) was next door,” says Smith. “There was a wrought iron fence in front of it with a courtyard. Grant Street ran through the middle of the AAA parking lot. Steinman Hall now sits where AAA used to be.” Smith started working part-time for PAM in 1999 doing audio and video recording. “In 2003 I became involved with the architects and consultants; however, groundbreaking for the building was delayed so they could raise more money,” says Smith. “During construction, I’d occasionally go into or around the building to see how it was coming, and in December of 2007 I was offered the full-time job as facility manager of PAM. I was the only one with tech knowledge and an audio visual background, so I became the go-to person—once they found out I knew what I was talking about. I also got training on HVAC, plumbing—it was pretty overwhelming.” “In 2009, PAM’s financial troubles started to come forward and we didn’t know if we’d be working the next month,” said Smith. “The bank took ownership and that’s when the University showed interest.”

“Roger Bruszewski [former vice president of Finance and Administration] approached the bank and wanted to see the building. I started giving tours for MU and on one of those tours, Roger asked me to stay on board. The biggest Jim Smith changes we had were setting up the building for classrooms. Only two had been classrooms; the rest were small studios. The third floor had major changes; knocking out walls, adding a classroom where a student lounge had been and adding a catering kitchen.” There was also significant work adding technology, flat screens, projectors, to make the building similar to the classrooms on campus. Smith remains at The Ware Center today, the longest serving Millersville employee there, working as the building maintenance foreman. Next time you visit The Ware Center, ask Jim to give you a tour of the bank vault.

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[ COVID-19 Response ]


Student Compassion Fund

Millersville University Rises to the Coronavirus Challenge




Student Fees refunded

CARES Act funding available




Governor Tom Wolf rolled out all of these requirements for Pennsylvania as a whole, and Lancaster County specifically.

Is it a place? Is it a collection of students and the staff that supports them? Is it the research and academic work that is completed? Is it a feeling of pride?


When put to the test, like Millersville University was during the spring 2020 IT Help Desk Tickets addressed semester, it is easy to see that it is all of these things and more.


Courses added for remote instruction

While Millersville’s response to the pandemic came in waves as more information was released by Governor Wolf, changes happened very quickly.

37,331 Zoom sessions

On February 28, Dr. Wubah issued his first communication to campus detailing how the Incident Response Team (IRT) The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, had been formed to track the course of dominated and changed the trajectory of life for all the pandemic. In the coming weeks, MU students who members of local, national and international communities were studying abroad were called home, and by March 9, this spring. The Millersville community was no exception. a decision to remote-learning modalities for a short period of time after spring break had been made. On March 16, “The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff was with consideration of the directives coming out of the our immediate concern,” says Dr. Daniel Wubah, president Donated to first responders governor’s office, the Department of Health and Office of of Millersville. “While no decision was easy to make, we the Chancellor, it was officially decided knew the University needed to act quickly in order Faculty participated in that all face-toface instruction would be suspended through Pairs of PPE gloves to protect our community. I am proud of the remainder of the spring 2020 semester. the way we were able towebpage think onviews COVID-19 our feet—transitioning all of Training “This issessions a challenge that PPE respirators our classes to online for remote instruction Millersville University has learning, and the never faced before. The majority of our staff prospect of transitioning to remote work.” classes and revising syllabi in the middle of According to the Centers for the semester is no easy Disease Control, COVID-19 is a new task, but I knew our disease that had not previously faculty members were been seen in humans. It appears Students, that it surfaced in Wuhan, China, Degrees awarded capable of making that faculty and change. Our biggest and quickly spread to nearly every staff added priority was ensuring country in the world, with the the continuity of World Health Organization (WHO) Bachelor’s degrees New videos academic support classifying it as a global pandemic. for our students, making sure they could In order to slow the spread of the virus, meet the requirements of their courses, many countries around the world, and Minutes of video degrees andGraduate for those set to graduate, that they states within the United States, instituted would be able to do that on time,” explains a variety of restrictions, including stay-atDr. Vilas Prabhu, provost and vice president home orders, social distancing guidelines for Academic Affairs. and mask requirements for public settings. Stats as of May 2020

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MU Video

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that deal directly in face-to-face Classes that were previously nonverbals,” he explains. “While this can student support—including Housing scheduled to be face-to-face were be observed through an online video & Residential Programs, Counseling suspended for a week while faculty chat, it is not as authentic or robust.” and Human Development, Learning were trained on online platforms, Dr. Kelsey Backels of Counseling Services, Academic Advisement & including D2L and Zoom, and classes Courses added Zoom sessions and Human Development identified Student Development and others— were transitioned. for remote instruction similar challenges with seeing the need to transition Meteorology professor students over video chats or phone quickly and efficiently Dr. Alex DeCaria calls, but also with the distance from during this fluid says there was some her colleagues. situation was even trial and error in greater. “It has been very important that we figuring out what are there to support our students “Moving to worked best for him during this time,” says Backels. “Some online disability and his students. As Donated to first responders students are opting for Zoom calls, accommodations was he describes, “I am and some prefer speaking over the very time consuming not a PowerPoint phone, but it’s just not the same. Faculty participated in initially,” says Dr. professor…I rely on Pairs of PPE gloves [ COVID-19 Response ] Human interaction is so important Sherlynn Bessick, writing and drawing in counseling. [Our staff ] is a really director of Learning goofy pictures on the Training sessions close-knit group. We work so Services. “Our most chalkboard. PPE respirators” for remote instruction effectively off of each other. When challenging tasks were DeCaria worked with one of us has a tough session, we can to get all students Matthew Fox from support each other.” registered with Online Programs to set up his iPad Student Compassion Fundstudents process all of the Kurzweil 3000, which helps students Helping so he could use it as a whiteboard read, download documents from change this semester, including the that he could share with his students faculty, use speech-to-text features, virtual move to online learning but over Zoom. translate from other languages to also the physical move off campus for English for our international students, “I had a first thought about most students, has been the primary Students, note-take and other features. ” prerecording my lectures, and then focus for Backels and her team. Degrees awarded faculty and using synchronous class time for staff added “Once services were fully online, issuesRaised“Initially there was a lot of chaos and udent Fees refunded CARES Act funding available questions and answers. I quickly found with students were very minimal and panic about how they were going that students weren’t asking Bachelor’s questionsdegrees New videos often a quick fix,” she continues. “It’s reto do this, but by the end of the during the synchronous meetings, and freshing to know how our semester, there was a I ended up teaching the same class office and students were lot more general angst pre-recorded and once Minutes twice—once of video Graduate degrees able to adapt so well.” about being stuck in the live,” he explains. “So, I abandoned that house,” she says. “It’s a While Zoom meetings approach during the first week and general stress a lot of and online technologies simply taught all four of my courses people are feeling during Stats as of May 2020 were able to fill the gaps synchronously, just as if we were in this time.” for many task-oriented the classroom. It gave them a sense services with ease, the of schedule and normalcy, and the Part of that stress was in-person connection opportunity to ask questions live.” attributed to moving out that enhances many of the residence halls “Although I am not anxious to repeat p Desk Tickets addressed Courses interactions added Zoom sessions proved to be and either going home the experience, I’m ready for it should for remote instruction more difficult to translate. or finding alternate we have to continue online,” he says. living arrangements Dr. David Henriques, chair Offices and departments across for the remainder of of Academic Advisement & Student campus were also challenged the semester. While some students Development, says Zoom meetings, to move their services online as applied to stay on campus through Jabber, Calendly and email have all nonessential workers were Housing & Residential Programs, the been successful in helping their office asked to work remotely for the vast majority left campus. The housing advise students from afar, but nothing foreseeable future. This presented staff worked hard to communicate replaces in-person conversations. specific challenges for each office as with students and create a plan for advisement is a collegial employees familiarized themselves them to fully move their belongings Donated to first“Academic responders process and often requires reading with new technologies and remote out of their rooms, which began on body language, facial cues and other work expectations. For departments May 18 and continued into June. Faculty participated in Pairs of PPE gloves | 11 M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • w w w. m iller sv ille. edu ID-19 webpage views Training sessions



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agreed or strongly person when it is safe to do so, I am Despite the quick agreed that they incredibly proud of the hard work all changes this spring, were able to access members of our community put forth communication the technology to ensure our students were able to between the they needed. More succeed,” says Wubah. University, its than 65% of the to first responders faculty, staff and Donated “Millersville University is more than students agreed or students remained just a campus or a place,” says Brian strongly agreed that strong, and Hazlett, vice president for Student Faculty participated they had access to provided critical Pairs of PPE gloves Affairs and Enrollment Management at University resources, support during a Millersville. “We are a community, and COVID-19 webpage views that administration tumultuous time. this experience really proved that.”  and staff showed At the end of the Training sessions PPE respirators concern for their semester, the for remote instructio Millersville University announced that needs, and that they Student Affairs and academic instruction will be provided in were satisfied or very satisfied with Enrollment Management division a hybrid modality, including in-person, the University’s response. issued a survey to Millersville students online and multi-modal instruction, for that yielded positive results. the fall 2020 semester. Classes will run “This great University rose to the straight through from Aug. 24-Nov. 24 challenge presented by the coronavirus Of 6,065 students surveyed, 81% of with no fall break. Thanksgiving recess pandemic. While not everything went those responding agreed or strongly will run from Nov. 21-29, and classes as we hoped, including the need agreed that the University provided will resume remotely on Nov. 30 for the to postpone commencement and effective communications regarding remainder of the semester. celebrate our impressive Students, graduates in COVID-19, and 80% of students Degrees awarded faculty and staff added

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Bachelor’s degrees

Minutes of video

Graduate degrees

Stats as of May 2020

Millersville University Marching Band students meeting via Zoom.

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New videos


KEEPING CAMPUS HEALTHY DURING COVID-19 The staff who work in Health Services know the reality of being on the front lines in the fight to protect our students’ health and well-being. That is true every semester, but when our community is facing a global pandemic, their work becomes even more vital. Nurse Supervisor Joanne Ocasio and Nurse Practitioner Lauren Blevins team up to talk about what it has been like to keep our community healthy this spring, and let our students know they’re here for them—whether in person or through a computer screen. How has COVID-19 impacted the services you provide to students? We have shifted our services to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our students and staff safe. We have set up TeleMedicine using the platform Zoom to be able to connect students remotely without sacrificing all social contact. It is nice to be able to see the faces of our students and know they are doing okay. You can’t look in somebody’s ear online, but you can get enough information to help them. We have some students who are on chronic medications, and it is important that those students don’t run out. It’s critical that we continue to provide these services to our students, so it’s fortunate that we can conduct Zoom meetings with them. These are special circumstances, but we have been doing what we can. What precautions are you taking when you see students in the office? We do see some of the students in the office; however, this is limited to the students currently on campus or in the surrounding community. We have only been using one exam room, and we clean it after every patient. This change was implemented to act in accordance with recommendations from the University, local and federal government. We accept that this is an ever-changing environment, and we will continue to adapt to comply with the mandates established by Governor Wolf.

to comply with the guidelines for e-prescribing medications, which has come with its own set of hiccups. However, if there is anything healthcare workers are good with, it’s adaptability. What has been the most rewarding part of this process? As healthcare workers, our service is always rewarding. We got into this career to help people and to make an impact in the lives of others. We reached out to students who remained on campus by supplying “self-care” packs. Many students expressed appreciation that we are still here for them. Feeling valued by our students and knowing that our services make these unprecedented times just a bit easier on them is a reward in itself. And we know you are only as strong as your team. We are fortunate to work with a great group of compassionate and hard-working individuals. We also appreciate the partnerships we have with other departments across campus. Do you see any technology impacting the way you provide services even after we return to campus? Telehealth will still be a big part of how we do things, but there will probably be more restrictions as time goes by. Online technologies do not replace the face-to-face interactions with students. We understand the importance of change to mitigate the spread of the virus, but we are eagerly looking forward to the return of students on campus and business as usual. We will continue to support our students in any way we can and will be here waiting for them when they return.

What challenges have your staff had to face? The clinical staff at Health Services are “essential” employees, which means that when the University closes, our staff will continue to work our scheduled hours. We take temperatures every morning and follow safety protocols at all times. As change has been rapid, our staff implemented a “morning huddle” to discuss any alterations in our practices, to develop new policies and to collaborate on methods to better serve our students. Currently, we are transitioning to a new electronic medical record

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ALUMNI EDUCATE ONLINE COVID-19 forced all educators to transition their coursework online. Millersville alumni who work in school districts both near and far met this challenge head-on; and some recent graduates, who were student-teaching this spring, worked to assist their host teachers in the process. A few alumni take us through that transition below. ROBERT GANTZ ‘17M Eastern Lebanon County, 1st Grade How did you feel about the transition to online learning? I felt very conflicted about the transition to online learning, more for the students than for myself. I know the challenges technology poses for families, especially with the younger kids that I teach. My time at Millersville taught me to be flexible and responsive to the needs of the kids so I’ve been able to adjust my practices accordingly and even help some of my colleagues do so. What has been the biggest challenge and the biggest reward? The biggest challenge has definitely been not being able to interact with my students every day. That is hands down the best part of teaching and why we do what we do. The biggest reward has been seeing myself and my colleagues grow during these times. We have had to think outside the box and outside of our comfort zones to reach the kids, and it’s been great to see. How have your colleagues been working together? I believe [my colleagues] are working better collaboratively now than we were when we were in the building together. We are really using each other’s strengths during this time, and the technology has helped immensely.

BROOKE KEEFER ‘18 Orendorf Elementary School, 3rd Grade How did you feel about the transition to online learning? It was very hard to tell my 18 students that we would not be back for some time. They were all very upset, and my main goal was to make them feel safe and loved. The transition was definitely difficult for me. I missed being in the classroom and interacting with my students, but I knew that I needed to be that familiar face for my kids during this time. What has been the biggest challenge and the biggest reward? The biggest challenge was not being able to spend the day with my students in the classroom. I get to see my students on video chat, but it is not the same as being together in the same room. The biggest reward has been the increased interaction with families. We have a Facebook page that we are very active on. It is great to build that connection between home and school. How did your district help you during the process? Our district did a wonderful job keeping us informed. They were very quick to put an online education plan in place and provide us with valuable online resources and webinars.

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ANDREW TEPPER-LARDON ‘20 Student-taught at Landisville Middle School How did you feel about the transition to online learning? I was very curious and interested in what the online learning was going to look like. I was up for the new challenge and ready to tackle it. As for the students, I was nervous for them, as many need support to reach the material and I was hoping we could support them enough online. How were you able to support your host teacher? I supported my mentor teacher in any way she needed. I helped to navigate the online tools available. I joined in on faculty meetings, department meetings, team meetings, class meetings and individual help meetings. I also helped create organization materials to inform the students of our new way of learning. Have you created any special projects? I collected materials for the Learning Support Schoology page to give the students help in math, reading, writing, organization and online learning. I helped create a school-wide schedule for class Google Meet sessions, and created social skills lessons and activities that focused on coping strategies during this time.

DANIELLE GREENE ‘20 Student-taught at Gerald G. Huesken Middle School How did you feel about the transition to online learning? At first, I was nervous about the transition because this was an unprecedented situation, but Conestoga Valley School District quickly decided that they were going to do everything in their power to provide a path forward for their students’ education. I was excited for this new challenge, and my mentor encouraged me to have an active role in the online enrichment page we were developing. How did you support your host teacher? All of the 8th grade science teachers monitored the online science enrichment page, so every teacher was collaboratively responsible for the entire 8th grade. I assisted the team of teachers by creating review videos, answering student questions, providing feedback to student submissions, and being present during online Q&A conferences with the students. What has this experience taught you about teaching? You need to expect the unexpected and be prepared for things to not go the way you planned. This experience has shown me that online teaching is something I will likely pursue as part of my future teaching career.

MUAA Board Awards Emeritus Status to 3 BOARD EMERITUS STATUS is an honor that few have received in the history of the Millersville University Alumni Association (MUAA). It is awarded by the board president to recognize alumni who have dedicated significant time and talent to the MUAA, and therefore the University, over the years.

The following individuals were awarded Board Emeritus status at the February board meeting. They were eligible for the award by serving on the board for three terms, celebrating their 50th anniversary, and distinguishing themselves in service to the MUAA.

Catherine “Kitty” Glass ‘53 Kitty Glass, associate professor and catalog librarian emeritus, guided the library in its transition from printed catalog cards to an automated online catalog, and has archived a variety of materials including monographs, textbooks, videocassettes, filmstrips, pictures, rare books, maps, prints and broadsides. She was responsible for selecting the library’s children’s books, resulting in a very strong Juvenile Collection that is well-used by students taking education courses. For the past two decades, Glass has served on numerous boards including the MU Alumni Association Board of Directors, Student Services Inc. Board of Directors, Treasurer of the Association of Pennsylvania College and University Faculties and the Homecoming Committee. Her numerous volunteer activities have included Class of 1953 60th Reunion, Freshman Convocation, Move-In Day, Senior Send Off, Alumni Association Events Committee, Millersville Parade Committee, Alumni Fall Fling, Commencement, numerous alumni receptions in the local area, MU After Work events and many other activities. She is also a member of the American Library Association and the Association of College and Research Libraries. Glass received her undergraduate degree in library science from Millersville University and master’s degree in library science from Drexel University.

association committees. Frerichs continues to play a role in Millersville athletics. In addition to securing athletic fundraising sponsorships, he was a voice at football games for 40 years and basketball games for 30 years. He was awarded Millersville University’s highest honor, the President’s Medallion, by President Francine McNairy in 2013. In addition to receiving the alumni association’s Distinguished Service Award (2006) and Outstanding Volunteer Service Award (2010), he received Phi Delta Kappa’s Distinguished Educator Award (1998) and Millersville University’s Sara Lindsley Person of the Year Award (2009-10). He also serves on Millersville’s Council of Trustees. Frerichs received his undergraduate degree in biology and a master of education both from Millersville University and his doctor of education from University of Delaware.

Dr. Richard Frerichs Ph.D. ‘64, ‘69M Rich Frerichs, professor emeritus of educational foundations at Millersville, has served the University as dean of resident life, dean of men, associate director of financial aid and chair of the Department of Educational Foundations. He’s worked closely with the alumni association, serving as president, president-elect and past president, as well as holding positions on alumni

Dr. Dominick DiNunzio ‘53 Dominick DiNunzio began teaching and coaching following his service in the U.S. Army. He embarked on an impressive career with Pemberton Township School District in New Jersey in 1960, from which he retired as assistant superintendent. In addition to being an active member of the Millersville University Alumni Association, including serving as board president and participating in numerous committees, DiNunzio has volunteered with Pemberton Rotary Club, Free Mason Affiliations and Sons of Italy in America. He was awarded the Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary Club), the Legion of Honor (Chapel of Four Chaplains), Outstanding Service Award (MUAA) and the Distinguished Service Award (MUAA). Dominick has given generously of his time and talent to Millersville for decades. His breadth of knowledge of Millersville history has even been spotlighted during the New Student Welcome and Pinning Ceremony so that the newest generation of Marauders may understand and value the traditions that have been established before them. DiNunzio received his undergraduate degree in industrial technology from Millersville University, his master of education from Rutgers University, and his doctor of philosophy from Walden University.

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Penn Medicine CEO on the Frontlines of COVID-19

Kevin Mahoney spent his career preparing for a moment like this. A 1981 graduate of Millersville University with a degree in economics, today he’s the CEO of the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Mahoney is responsible for making critical decisions that keep both hospital employees and patients safe during the coronavirus pandemic. He lives in Malvern, Pennsylvania, with his wife, where he has been having “too many Zoom and blue jeans meetings” during quarantine. How did your education at MU help prepare you for your career? I left Millersville with more than just a degree. During my time there, I learned a lot about myself and who I wanted to be. I was immersed in an environment that fostered exploration, professionalism and compassion. Millersville faculty created a dynamic learning environment that allowed me to thrive. Most importantly, I met my wife, Pam Kane ‘82, during our sophomore year and we will be married for 37 years this August. Which faculty members made an impact on you? Clarence Jefferson Randolph, David Ostrovsky, Paul Nichols and Terry Madonna had an impact on me. Each saw a student in me when I didn’t see one in myself. Professor Randolph spent hours counseling and mentoring me. We reconnected decades later via email and stayed in touch until his passing. David Ostrovsky taught me the power of effective communication. What advice would you give to any prospective students considering a career in healthcare administration? Understand the rules but don’t let them hold you back. Say yes to every opportunity you can. Keep pushing forward toward your vision. As health care leaders, we should be striving to put ourselves out of business, to close every hospital that we own, to help people be as healthy as they can be without artificial intervention. The general public was surprised by this coronavirus outbreak. Were you surprised from a medical professional’s standpoint? In healthcare, you spend your career preparing for moments like this. When initial reports surfaced of a novel coronavirus that was rapidly spreading in Wuhan 16 | M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • S p r i ng | S u mm er 2020

Kevin Mahoney ‘81, Penn Medicine CEO

City, China, the team at Penn Medicine immediately took action. COVID-19 spread faster than many anticipated and continues to wreak havoc. Despite this, we remain steadfast and ready to tackle whatever this virus throws at us. What have been some of the largest challenges of this experience from your perspective? One of the largest challenges is the disruption to our daily lives. We are all adapting to a new normal, which changes as this pandemic unfolds. While this is a challenging time, the people in our region are resilient. In the face of adversity, people are finding new ways to maintain some sense of normalcy. What do you hope this pandemic teaches us for the future? An appreciation for what we have and a little humility. Many countries across the globe are under siege. Yet we are all citizens of the world: from Lancaster to Philadelphia to Madrid to Lombardy to Wuhan. Each day, the news brings a blend of horror and heroism. Taking care of each other is a pledge to our brothers and sisters of the world—to humanity. Are there protocols or actions you hope to maintain at Penn Medicine even after this is over? This pandemic has launched us into a new way of delivering patient care, faster than any revolution in history. It necessitated the rapid expansion of digital health services and accelerated the use of artificial intelligence to rapidly diagnose and expedite treatment. Are you a Marauder on the front lines? Email your story to

Congratulations, 2020


On May 9, nearly 1,200 undergraduate and graduate students became alumni of Millersville University. While our spring 2020 commencement was far from typical, in true Marauder fashion the University’s graduates found many ways to celebrate this important milestone. Our student a cappella group, Chromatic Expansion, dedicated a song to the graduates online, our alumni sent in recorded messages of well-wishes and encouragement for our newest alums, many students posted photos of their own celebrations online using the hashtag #villegrad20 and much more. Amber Liggett, a Bridgewater, Pennsylvania native, is a member of MU’s class of 2020. She’s a two-time graduate of MU. She first earned her bachelor’s degree in meteorology

Many Marauders shared their graduation photos via social media this year.

from MU in 2018 and graduated with a master’s degree in emergency management this May. “I am [proud] to be a Marauder,” she says. “Millersville has really shaped [me into] the professional I am today. I couldn’t imagine my college career at any other institution!” “I am so proud of each and every one of our students who earned their degrees this spring, and hope you echo Amber’s sentiments,” says Dr. Daniel Wubah, Millersville president. “Allow me to reassure you once more that we will hold an in-person celebration for the class of 2020 in the future.” The University is committed to holding an in-person commencement ceremony when it is safe to do so. At the time of this publication, no date had been set, but all graduates and their families will be given 45 days’ notice ahead of the ceremony.

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Open for Business



May was a monumental month for Millersville University. On May 6, 2020, the University announced the first named college in its 165year history, and three days later, 93 students graduated from the Lombardo College of Business. Dr. Samuel Lombardo and his wife Dena have been supporters of Millersville for many years. Their first major gift to MU was in 2015, when they gave $1.2 million to make the Lombardo Welcome Center a reality. During a virtual celebration on May 6, they announced a $3 million gift and the newest college at Millersville was named in their honor—the Lombardo College of Business. With other gifts throughout the years, it brings their total giving to Millersville to $5 million. “During these extraordinary times in which we find ourselves, we thought it was important to step forward to ensure student success,” explained Sam Lombardo. “My companies have been very successful, and we are financially blessed. I like giving back and now, more than ever, seems to be the appropriate time.” “This gift will change the lives of students at Millersville University and impact the local, regional and national business landscape,” said Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, Gasser Abousaif ‘20, president of Millersville Lombardo College of Business graduate University. “A gift of this magnitude not only ensures the lasting legacy of the Lombardo name, but it also confirms their commitment to the success of generations to come. The Lombardos’ transformative gift will establish endowments in perpetuity to ensure that the top-notch Millersville University education remains affordable to academically qualified students, who may otherwise not have the opportunity to pursue higher education. “Dr. and Mrs. Lombardo could have easily decided to wait out the storm before confirming this transformative gift,” Dr. Wubah continued. “They could have said, ‘let’s wait 18 | M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • S p r i ng | S u mm er 2020

Lydia Shaloka, business major, talks about the impact the Lombardos’ gift will have on her future during a Zoom event.

and see how things shake out.’ However, my dear friends, Sam and Dena prefer to walk the walk rather than talk the talk. To them, leadership does not wait but rather acts! Their timing could not be better because of the significant impact that this gift will have in the preparation of the skilled workforce needed to catalyze our recovery from the current economic downturn. This impact will be felt in Lancaster County, South Central Pennsylvania and the entire Commonwealth.” “I am humbled by this honor,” said Sam Lombardo. “I’ve been blessed to achieve success because of the great people around me. There are lots of entrepreneurial ideas out there, but unless you have a team to achieve it, the ideas are left on the garage floor. Millersville’s College of Business will offer a unique partnership of the best academics and of the private sector to bring in talented entrepreneurs and businesspeople to share in their experiences. I’ve emphasized with Dr. Wubah the need to offer mentor­ ing and internships. It’s important to mentor and help young people from college to career path.” Lombardo is a well-known insurance entrepreneur and the chairman and CEO of The Benecon Group, which specializes in developing innovative and effective employee benefit solutions. His companies gained national



Opposite: Dr. Samuel and Dena Lombardo, and Dr. Judith Wubah and President Daniel Wubah

recognition when they were listed four different times by Inc. Magazine as one of the “500 Fastest Growing Companies in America.” “I’m a businessperson who started with nothing,” said Lombardo. “I started my company from scratch, built it into a boutique and grew it into an enterprise. To be able to help business students realize their dreams is very important to me.” While plans for an on-campus event were postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic, there was a virtual announcement for this gift. Mike Warfel ‘84, chairman of MU’s Council of Trustees, was among those giving remarks. “The Lombardo College of Business will engage and serve students, alumni, area employers and all community members. It will enhance the rich fabric of our business community and further innovation throughout the region. Additionally, with named prominence, the Lombardo College of Business will further assist students with career placement and increase alumni engagement,” said Warfel.

“I am so proud of Sam and his successes over the years,” said Dena Lombardo during the virtual announcement. “Here we are today, and to receive this recognition from Dr. Wubah and Millersville is a tremendous honor. Thank you all for sharing in this news. Stay safe.” The Lombardo College of Business offers a bachelor’s in business administration with options in accounting and finance, or marketing and management. The gift will be used where it’s needed most: for student scholarships, faculty development, equipment and internships. “I would like to thank Dr. and Mrs. Lombardo for providing Marauders like myself, and other students, with the tools we need to succeed,” said business major Lydia Shaloka. The Lombardos have been very generous with other programs involving children and education in the region, giving to the Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic, Schreiber Pediatrics, the Clinic for Special Children, Franklin & Marshall College and the United Disabilities and Veterans Honor Park. 

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“Imagine the Possible” Campaign Extended In light of the magnitude of the challenges facing Millersville University students and their families as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Millersville President Daniel A. Wubah announced an extension of the “Imagine the Possible” fundraising campaign to support student success. When the campaign launched in July 2017 with a $32 million goal to raise funds for student scholarships, athletics and student experiences, no one imagined that as of June 2020, the campaign would be at more than $44.8 million in support—over 140% to goal.

One event that greatly contributed to the success of the campaign was the One Day Give in February. In total, the event raised $291,867 through 1,331 gifts. A new Athletics Leaderboard spurred competition between teams and resulted in more than 802 gifts. To date, generous donors have given over $14.3 million in new scholarship funds for students, over $4.6 million in funds to support Marauder Athletics and over $25.9 million to support student experiences. The length and goal for the campaign extension will be determined at a later time.

MAKE A LASTING IMPACT with Scholarship Support

Giving to the Millersville University Scholarship Fund provides transformative academic experiences for students and fulfills a need that is greater now than ever before. Creating a scholarship is one of the greatest gifts you can make to support student success for years to come. To make a gift today, visit

For more information, please contact the Development Office at 717-871-7520 or by email at

One Day Give Athletics Award Winners

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Press Secretary Key in Department of Health Response BY G ABR IELLE B U ZGO In this time of uncertainty with the coronavirus pandemic, we have all looked to experts for guidance. Whether your news source is television or Twitter, in Pennsylvania, you were likely tuning in to the daily updates from the Department of Health (DOH), where you’ll find Millersville University alumnus Nate Wardle ’10, ’13M working diligently behind the scenes as press secretary. When Wardle started at Millersville, he planned to be a broadcast meteorologist. He was a member of the Campus Weather Service, worked on MUTV, found an internship at CBS 21, and completed three mission trips with University Christian Fellowship to areas affected by natural disasters. With the guidance of his faculty, Wardle realized that emergency management was an area that would allow him to combine his passions for public service and science. Shortly after graduating in 2010, Wardle began working as a web producer at CBS 21 and began the emergency management graduate program back at the ‘Ville. Whether he realized it or not, Wardle was repeatedly tapping into one of the greatest benefits of Millersville—its network. Just as his undergraduate internship with CBS 21 landed him his first professional role, his graduate mentor, Duane Hagelgans, aided him in getting an internship as a graduate student with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, where he made lasting connections within the communications office. In 2016, Wardle became the Emergency Preparedness Public Information Officer for the DOH. Thanks to the lessons he learned from the Millersville communications department, and the support of his new boss—then Press Secretary April Hutcheson—Wardle was able to take on duties outside of his purview so that when the opportunity came, he was promoted to press secretary in 2018. While the DOH did not know what or when, they knew that they needed to be prepared for the arrival of an infectious disease outbreak. The department had conducted countless exercises and worked through various outbreak scenarios to prepare.

Wardle interviewed on FOX43 about COVID-19.

“It is essential to provide information to the public in a clear, concise manner,” says Wardle. “We knew we needed to be first, be right, be honest and show empathy. People have to know you care before they care about what you say.” Wardle also serves as the emergency management coordinator for his hometown of Mechanicsburg, where he lives with his wife, a local hospital nurse, and their three children. At home, Wardle has found it challenging to maintain balance between his concerns for the lasting impact of the virus and taking the necessary precautions to protect his own family. As press secretary, Wardle is faced with the challenge of poor funding for public health within the Commonwealth. “Trying to provide data in real-time has been a struggle,” he says, “but I have a great group of collaborators on our Department of Health communications team, which includes Maggi Mumma ’17 (deputy press secretary), and we are able to share these experiences and help each other.” Looking ahead to a post-pandemic world, Wardle anticipates the increased need for crisis and risk communication, advocates for increased public health funding, and the addition of pandemic preparedness in any emergency manager’s toolbox. “While we are far from being through the crisis as of today, I think that the planning in place has helped set the department up well to address the needs of Pennsylvanians amidst COVID-19,” he continues. “I hope that as we move forward, we remember that we are all in this together.”

Save the     Date


At the time of publication, Homecoming plans were still tentative. Please check for details on all upcoming events.

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CAMPUS NEWS | Spring/Summer Millersville is StormReady!

Millersville University (MU) is the seventh university in Pennsylvania to be designated as a StormReady University. StormReady is a program designed by the National Weather Service (NWS) that allows entities to be better prepared and save lives from severe weather through advanced planning, education and awareness. MU, through the Center for Disaster Research and Education (CDRE) and in direct collaboration with the University’s Office of Environmental Health & Safety and University Police, successfully completed the application and certification process. This included meeting strict criteria and having an official site visit from NWS, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) and the Lancaster Emergency Management Agency (LEMA). The criteria included establishing a 24-hour warning point and emergency operations center, having more than one way to receive server weather warnings and to alert the public, creating a system that monitors weather conditions locally, promoting the importance of public readiness through seminars and developing a formal hazardous weather plan. Obtaining a StormReady designation means not only understanding severe weather, but also how to plan for and respond to it. MU celebrated becoming StormReady with a ceremony on March 2, attended by students, staff, members of the National Weather Service, PEMA, LEMA and Blue Rock Fire Company. 

the Millersville borough,” she said. “There’s an investment when you spend this much time to make sure that the borough does well and there’s a good quality of life for people.” Smith started campaigning in the summer of 2019. When the election came around in November, she Dr. Carrie Smith, Millersville Borough President received the secondmost number of votes of anyone on the ballot and was elected borough president. “I’m a sociologist, so I love learning how different organizations work,” she said. “It’s a lot to learn, but it’s also enlightening. It can be a joy to learn something new.” On Jan. 14, 2020, Smith chaired her first complete borough meeting. Moving forward, Smith hopes she can bridge the communication gap between Millersville University and the Millersville borough. 

Millersville Receives Prestigious Carnegie Community Engagement Classification

Dr. Sepi Yalda, John Banghoff and Mike Jurewicz of the National Weather Service, Dr. Daniel Wubah and graduate assistant Amber Liggett.

Millersville Prof Elected Borough President

Dr. Carrie Smith, a sociology professor at Millersville University, was elected to the Millersville Borough Council in November 2019 and elected council president by her peers in January 2020. “I spend 90% of my time in 22 | M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • S p r i ng | S u mm er 2020

Millersville University was selected to receive the 2020 Carnegie Community Engagement Classification and is one of only 243 institutions in the country that now hold this elective classification. “This Carnegie reclassification confirms that our campus remains focused on engaging with community partners to address a wide array of community challenges,” said President Daniel Wubah. Millersville earned its initial classification in 2010 and needed to participate in the reclassification process in the 2020 cycle. In order to retain the classification, the University provided evidence of how Millersville’s community engagement became deeper, more pervasive, better integrated and sustained


since 2010. Some examples of how the University met the requirements for reclassification are the school’s involvement as a community partner in the Southwest (SoWe) Lancaster Neighborhood Revitalization initiative, and through collaborations with the School District of Lancaster (SDoL) and with the United Way of Lancaster’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. The late Dr. Lisa Shibley, assistant vice president of Institutional Assessment and Planning, and Dr. James Delle, associate provost, oversaw work on the application. Also assisting on the application were Melissa Wardwell, Tom Richardson, Lori Leaman, Hope Schmids and Drs. Lawrence Adams, Mary Glazier, Duane Hagelgans and Karen Rice. 

Made in Millersville Returns Virtually!

Although classes moved online, Millersville University students still had a unique opportunity to present and publish their work through the University’s Made in Millersville (MiM) conference and journal. Made in

Millersville is a conference and also has an associated journal that accepts works from traditional fields and laboratory research as well as projects from the visual and performing arts. Participation in the journal and the conference is available to all students. This year, the conference was held virtually through video presentations that will be available to view online for at least a year. In the past, the conference has showcased works from students who engaged in independent creative or scholarly projects as well as projects completed in class at MU. This year’s digital conference is no different. The videos can be found on the Made in Millersville conference website. Students who present at the conference also have the option to publish their work in the online “Made in Millersville” journal. The goal of the journal is to provide students with publishing experience. It aims to showcase research and creativity across campus in a digital form while preserving the student’s work. The journal can be viewed at and the online conference can be found at 

Millersville Virtually Presents on Sustainability in Barcelona

Millersville University’s sustainability efforts have been recognized both nationally and internationally. In March, University President Dr. Wubah, Vice President Guilbert Brown and Sustainability Director Chris Steuer were invited to present the University’s sustainability efforts at the Second Annual GUNi International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals for Higher Education. Although they were unable to attend due to COVID-19, the group created a video presentation highlighting the Lombardo Welcome Center’s energy savings, which led to the creation of the Positive Energy Fund. This fund comes from cost savings from the building and supports faculty, staff and student-led projects that focus on increasing sustainability within local and global communities. The building is also known as the first zero energy certified building in Pennsylvania. The Lombardo Welcome Center is just one example of MU’s environmental efforts. The University has also recently installed new energy-efficient lighting at the Ware Center and manages a campus apiary. MU’s efforts to better the world through a commitment to sustainability have been recognized by numerous awards, including being a 2019 Green Ribbon School and the AASCU Excellence and Innovation in Sustainability and Sustainable Development Award. 

Lombardo Welcome Center

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SPORTS | 2020

Spring Sports Hit the Skids BY E TH AN H UL SE Y

Aliyah Striver stepped off the plane in Birmingham, Alabama, ready to represent Millersville University in the NCAA Indoor Championships for the first time. At the same time, the Millersville golf teams departed on a bus from Jefferson Hall before sunrise en route to North Carolina for their annual spring trip. The baseball team was 14-4, ranked No. 7 in Division II and prepping for the PSAC opener on March 13. Similarly, women’s lacrosse was 3-2 and ready to play their first home game of the season that same day. Softball had won three of four games since all-time home run leader Faith Willenbrock returned in grand fashion. The team was just days away from departing for Florida for 12 games in six days. Men’s tennis, 5-0 and ranked No. 7 in the region, and women’s tennis, off to its best start since 2006-07, planned to leave for Orlando, Florida that weekend.


Then, everything about Millersville Athletics started to rapidly change. The coronavirus, a mysterious illness that at one time seemed so far away, started hitting close to campus. Announcements impacting sports across the country came in waves. On March 10, the Ivy League canceled its postseason basketball tournaments. On March 11, the NCAA announced there would be no fans at its winter championship events. On March 12 Millersville golf coach Scott Vandegrift received a call on the bus and was told to turn the bus around and come back to campus. Spring trips were canceled immediately. “The drive down was a roller coaster of emotion,” said junior golfer Hannah Yanoski. “We had to meet at Jefferson at 4:30 a.m., and we left at 5. Everything was going well until about 9 in the morning, when we all received the email announcing that we were transitioning to online learning. Both teams started asking a million questions. A little bit after hour five, we got the call that we had to turn around as soon as possible, that our trip was canceled. We got off an exit, made a U-turn, and drove another five-anda-half hours home.” Other Marauder coaches started learning the fate of their teams as well. “We played the away games at Jefferson, and as we were loading up the bus, I saw their coach on a phone call, throwing his hands up in the air, and he came to the bus

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and said they had canceled their spring trip,” said Millersville softball coach Jen Probst. “On the way home, players are saying, ‘they better not cancel ours. ’ In my mind it seemed unrealistic that we would cancel. But as the week went on, it became pretty real.” A weeklong trip that the softball team had planned cost an estimated $20,000, some of which the players individually raised funds for. That trip and many others were canceled. Southwest Airlines provided flight credits, but suddenly, hundreds of baseball, softball and tennis teams on spring break were seeking refunds for housing and travel. Less than 24 hours later, on March 12, the NCAA went a step further, canceling all championships for not just the winter, but the spring as well. As the seriousness of the pandemic’s threat became more understood, decisions changed overnight. Back at the National Championships on March 13—“At first, I thought they were just taking precautions in order for us athletes to have a safe national competition,” said Striver. “It started with having only family allowed in the stadium, to only athletes and coaches, and finally to canceling the whole competition in the evening of that same day. I found out through a teammate that evening. I was working on homework in the hotel room at the time of the news.” The news was devastating to student-athletes, especially the seniors, who would not have the opportunity to realize the dreams they’d worked for. “I had it in my mind that everything would go back to normal in a couple of days after the cancellation of winter sports and spring sports,” said Striver. “It felt weird and unfamiliar because my life for nine years has revolved around my favorite sport and not being able to compete killed a part of my personality. My heart literally hurt because something I loved was being stripped away without a proper goodbye.” At Cooper Park, the news of the NCAA’s decision came through a student assistant coach who saw the announcement on Twitter. Millersville baseball coach Jon Shehan said that moment and the proceeding hour turned into the hardest day of his coaching career. “We knew it was probably going to be our last practice based on the news of other conferences,” said Shehan. “We loosened up the reins. Took BP with the coaches and pitchers. I threw the last pitch of BP, and one of the student assistants saw it on Twitter. It only took 10 seconds to


see our seniors get the news. Players dropped down to the field where they stood. There were a lot tears. We waited 30 minutes to gather our thoughts. It’s unfortunate that coaches didn’t get a chance to get in front of the team first.” After the cancellation of NCAA championships, the PSAC’s decision to cancel regular season and postseason championships on March 13 seemed a formality, but it nonetheless impacted student-athletes from the newcomer to the graduating senior. “It’s difficult because justifiably the focus is on the senior class,” said Probst. “It’s extremely difficult for them, but you can’t look past the freshmen. They missed out on leadership development, mentoring, having freshman moments and working through them. They lose a year as well. It’s unrealistic to think that every player can stay for five years for financial or academic reasons. Every one of those athletes is grieving a loss of a year, and many of them can’t recoup that year. I know they are all reeling from it.”


The focus for Millersville Athletics quickly changed from mourning to adapting. Administration put together academic teams to aid student-athletes in their transition to online learning.

“The biggest impact of spring sports has been on those student-athletes,” said Millersville director of athletics Miles Gallagher. “What they love was stripped from them, and it was difficult on everyone. We shifted our focus on helping each of them, in particular the seniors, in meeting their academic and athletic goals, including options of coming back for another year.” The future remains cloudy for student-athletes and coaches alike. If seniors return for one last shot at collegiate competition, coaches must manage roster sizes and scholarship allotments, having already committed aid to incoming freshmen and transfers. To overcome the challenges, Gallagher is encouraging coaches and student-athletes to fall back on the Marauders’ values. “Long before this occurred, our department outlined some items that we live by,” said Gallagher. “Those are, 1) stay positive and focus on what we can control, and 2) make it better. Those couldn’t be any more true today and when adversity hits we are tested. Every institution in the country is dealing with this. We are either going to find a way to separate ourselves and get better, or we are going to be negative and go backwards. We are choosing to get better.” 

SPORTS | 2020

Field Hockey Celebrates 75 Years

On Oct. 18, 1945, Millersville field hockey made its first appearance as a varsity sport in print. “The Snapper” wrote: “The girls’ varsity sport, hockey, is now in full swing, with practices every evening after school. Miss Griffith is putting the team through a rugged but well-rounded training schedule. Varsity hockey has been a dream for many sportsminded girls at Millersville, and now the dream has come true. October 20, our girls will match their skill in the first game with the Lebanon Valley hockey team on Lebanon’s field.” Millersville, coached by Millersville hall of famer and then physical education teacher Katherine Griffith, won that first game 4-2—the first of 514 wins over the next 74 years. Among those victories are four PSAC Championships and a NCAA Division II Championships in 2014—the only NCAA championship won by a Millersville women’s team. The four-game schedule in 1945 may have been a humble start, but “The Snapper” article was prophetic. The

HALL OF FAME MEMBERS Diane Espenshade Shur ’86 Virginia Hampton Malson ’52 Ini Hazatones ’00 Stacey Hollinger ’89 Fay Kramer ’62 Linda Kreiser ’74 Angela Lutz ’94 Linda Meade Loomis ’71 * Cherie Meiklejohn Spillis ’90 * Kelly Roberts Brenninger ’84 * Kelley Shea ’87 Coleen Sieg Mrakovich ’86 Chris Telfer Miles ’87 Janet Thomson Keiser ’52 All-Americans (Year of Award) Jodi Klader (1987) Chris Wlosinski (1988) Kris Eide (1989) Susan Elliot (1990) Tracy Miller (1991)

program has fostered and realized dreams for thousands of student-athletes since 1945, and on Oct. 23, 2020, as part of Homecoming Weekend, the program will celebrate its 75th anniversary, recognizing and thanking the outstanding performers and contributors in its history. The 75th anniversary celebration will hopefully take place around the Oct. 23 game against Mansfield, which starts at 4 p.m. All alumni and friends of the program will be invited to join the team for the game, during which past Hall of Fame members, All-Americans, key coaches and the championship teams of 1985, 1986, 2013, 2014 and 2016 will be recognized on field. Friday evening’s annual hall of fame dinner and banquet will hopefully follow. Alumni are encouraged to make a weekend of the event and stay for Saturday’s Homecoming parade and football game, at which there will be a field hockey alumni hospitality tent. Members of the program who will be recognized as part of the 75th anniversary celebration are:

Katrina King (1992) Tracy Miller (1992) Dena Gockley (1994, 1995) Kim Ayton (1994) Amber DeYoung (1994) Beth Sensenig (1994) Janis Kaminski (1995) Karen Komsisky (1996) Katie Good (1996) Erin Eckenrode (1998) Krista Bupp (2009) Kristie Testa (2009) Emily Woodland (2010) Rachel Dickinson (2012, 2013, 2014) Sarah Bomberger (2012, 2013, 2014) Champayne Hess (2013, 2014) Lauren Sotzin (2013, 2014) Megan Donlan (2014) Katie Zapp (2014) Olivia Hershey (2015) Lauren Gerhart (2015) Aliza Mizak (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)

Taylor Parker (2015, 2016) Magaret Thorwart (2016) Courtney Weaver (2017) Erica Tarsi (2017, 2018, 2019) Meredith Fagan (2017) Sol Ortiz-Kreiner (2018) Jordan Goddard (2018, 2019) Hannah Brown (2019)

Coaches Katherine Griffin (1945-50) Sandy Peters (1968-84) Carol Miller (1985-92) Teams 1985 (PSAC Champion) 1986 (PSAC Champion) 2013 (PSAC Champion) 2014 (NCAA Champion) 2016 (PSAC Champion)

Due to the uncertainty surrounding Homecoming plans this fall, details of this celebration were tentative at the time of publication. Check and for updates. 26 | M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • S p r i ng | S u mm er 2020

SPORTS | 2020

Award Winners 2019-20

While the fourth annual Dining with Champions Scholarship Banquet and Auction was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, Millersville Athletics moved forward with recognizing its best and brightest by announcing its annual award winners.

DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR-ATHLETE Madison Martin – Track and Field

CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (MALE) Darian McCauley – Men’s Soccer

An accomplished performer with the PSAC’s dominant throwers group and standout in the classroom, Martin posted a 3.96 cumulative GPA as a mathematics major with a concentration in actuarial science.

Darian McCauley defended the goal for 75 matches and tallied the second-most wins in program history, but he truly made his impact as a clutch postseason performer who led Millersville to back-to-back PSAC Championships.

Martin scored points for the Marauders in all seven PSAC Championships in which she competed, cracking the top three for All-PSAC honors four times. She placed third in both the hammer and discus, and took fourth in the shot put at the 2019 outdoor championships. After placing third in the weight throw at the indoor championships in 2019, Martin finished as the PSAC runner-up in 2020. Additionally, she earned four USTFCCCA All-Atlantic Region mentions and was named Google Cloud Academic All-District for her combined academic and athletic efforts in 2019. “I think if you asked our athletes to point out someone who was the quintessential student-athlete, many would point toward Madison,” said Millersville track and field coach Andy Young.

CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (FEMALE) Kay Liebl – Women’s Soccer and Track and Field In an era of scholarships, sport-specific training and year-round competition, Kay Liebl broke the modern mold by being a multi-sport athlete and building a hall of fame resume in soccer and track and field.

In 2019, he was named PSAC Tournament MVP, totaling 10 saves in the tournament and tying Millersville’s school record for shutouts in the championship game. In 2018, he posted a clean sheet in the semifinals and made two saves in the penalty kick shootout against West Chester for the second conference title in program history. McCauley’s senior season included his first All-PSAC East First Team selection and a spot on the United Soccer AllAtlantic Region Third Team—his second career all-region honor. He’s the only two-time all-region goalkeeper in program history. He signed a professional contract with the Charleston Battery at the end of the season. “Darian was an honest hard worker,” said Millersville men’s soccer coach Steve Widdowson. “He was a great role model for younger players and was never about himself. He just wanted the team to do well and for his friends and teammates to be successful.”

CORE VALUES AWARD Millersville University Facilities

On the pitch, no one scored more goals in a career (39) or totaled more points in a career (96). Her 27 goals in 2018-19 is the highest two-year total in program history. Her vast accomplishments include being the only player to lead the team in points three times, and the only player in program history named All-Atlantic Region three times. As a track and field athlete, she qualified for the conference championships in the long jump five times and ran a leg of two PSAC championship-winning 4x400-meter relay teams that helped the program to back-to-back outdoor championship runner-up finishes—all while managing a 3.38 GPA as a biology major, earning numerous academic honors. “There are many talented players out there, but tapping into that talent and maximizing it to the extent Kay did is a great example to everyone in our program,” said Millersville women’s soccer coach Matt Procopio.

The Marauder Way is pride and service, and the Core Values Award is presented annually to the individual or group who exemplifies this through their everyday actions. Millersville University Facilities was recognized for their efforts in assisting the athletic department in hosting the NCAA Division II Field Hockey Championship. Facilities played a key role in the logistics, preparation, set-up and tear-down of the championship venue, ranging from painting and cleaning locker rooms, organizing and executing shipments, field maintenance and snow removal. “Putting on a national championship event is an incredible responsibility and requires a cast of thousands,” said Millersville director of athletics Miles Gallagher. “Without the efforts of the facilities department, this event would not have happened. We are thankful for their assistance and cooperation. We received nothing but compliments from the participating teams and the NCAA, and facilities played a big part in that.”

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ALIYAH STRIVER followed in the footsteps of Millersville legend Sunflower Greene by winning both the shot put and weight throw, and by being named PSAC Indoor Championships Field Athlete of the Meet. Striver qualified for the NCAA Division II Indoor Championships in the shot put, but the NCAA canceled the event because of the coronavirus just days before she was set to compete. Senior MADISON MARTIN finished as the PSAC runner-up in the weight throw, and freshman DE’ASIA HOLLOMAN impressed in her first season, placing second at the PSAC Championships in the 60-meter hurdles.

Aliyah Striver



Caden Najdawi

Lauren Lister

No team in the PSAC in 2019-20 faced as much adversity as the Millersville men’s basketball team, whose starters combined to miss 34 games because of injuries. Despite losing All-PSAC East performer JADEN FAULKNER in game six, the Marauders still reached the PSAC Tournament for the third consecutive season and took another step in the rebuild under CASEY STITZEL, beating Shepherd in the first round before losing at the buzzer at top-seeded Shippensburg. The Marauders suffered five losses by three points or fewer, losing on buzzer-beaters three times. Still, Millersville was the only team in the PSAC to produce three All-PSAC performers. KHARI WILLIAMS (who scored his 1,000th career point in 2020), CADEN NAJDAWI and JAMES SULLIVAN all earned their first All-PSAC East honors. Millersville will return its top seven players in minutes played and Faulkner in 2020-21.

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History was made on Feb. 12 in Pucillo Gymnasium. LAUREN LISTER scored a career-high 41 points to break Millersville’s career scoring record, and she went on to finish the season with 1,646 career points. Lister broke Sara Burcin’s record, which had stood since 2001, and did it in 29 fewer games. Her 25.5 points per game average in 201920 broke her own school record. Lister finished the season ranked third in all of Division II in scoring average and was named All-PSAC East First Team. An early childhood education major with a 3.55 GPA, Lister was also named CoSIDA Academic All-District.




Josh Walls

Matt Spak

An ultra-young team that included freshmen starting at five of 10 weight classes, the wrestling team managed three place winners at the Super Region 1 Championships. Sophomore heavyweight JOSH WALLS took fifth, while sophomore RYAN MCGUIRE (141) and freshman JARRETT FEENEY (165) placed fourth—missing national qualifying by one place. Walls and McGuire led the team with 16 wins apiece, and McGuire was named All-PSAC Third Team.

While the spring season was cut short, the PSAC recognized MATT SPAK as an All-PSAC First Team performer in men’s golf, and HANNAH YANOSKI was named All-PSAC Second Team for the women’s team. The men’s team entered the spring with two tournament wins already under its belt and a No. 3 ranking in the NCAA Atlantic Region. The women’s team also won once in the fall, and Yanoski posted a thirdplace finish at the PSAC Championship.


For the second consecutive season, Millersville University’s BEN FELLMAN was named the PSAC Men’s Tennis Champion Scholar award winner. The Champion Scholar award is presented at each of the PSAC’s championships and given to the studentathlete with the highest GPA at the final site of competition. While the PSAC men’s tennis team championship was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic, Fellman was recognized as the winner with a 4.0 GPA through 97 credits earned in meteorology. On the court, Fellman posted a 7-1 record while going undefeated in duals in 2019-20. Ben Fellman M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • w w w. m iller sv ille. edu

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Class Notes | 2020 1950 s

u Barbara Groff Berheide ‘76, Wilmington, DE, retired after 37 years at Tybout, Redfearn and Pell.

u Dominick DiNunzio, Ph.D. ’53, Levittown, was presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who in America. This prestigious honor is bestowed for his role as a leader and educator in public education, community service and private business endeavors.

u John Rudick, RN, BSN, CMSRN ‘74, Middletown, retired after 22 years as a registered nurse coordinator from UPMC Pinnacle Health Interventional Radiology department.

u Paul Cunningham, Ed.D. ‘56, Lancaster, was honored by the McCaskey Alumni Association as a member of the Distinguished Alumni Class of 2019.

196 0 s u William Loercher ‘66, ‘74M, Manheim, was named National Tennis Champion by the United States Tennis Association in 2003, 2005 and 2008. u Janice Pearce ‘69, Norristown, retired from the school board of the Norristown Area School District. The high school library in the district is being renamed in her honor.

1970 s u Vincent Cotter, Ph.D. ‘72, ‘79M, Bradenton, FL, published his second novel “Igniting School Performance: A Pathway from Academic Paralysis to Excellence.” u Andrea Olewiler Adams ‘73, York, published a book, “Encountering Christ: Stories of 12 Women Who Walked and Talked with Jesus.”

u Richard Filer ‘75, Murrells Inlet, SC, retired from Vernon Blitzer Association on 6/7/19. u Jerri Anne Helsel Johnson ‘76, ‘87M, Lancaster, was named chair of the Board of Directors for WomenHeart.

1980 s u Dee Alutius Pettine ‘80, Pottstown, retired on 4/17/19 after 33 years as a teacher in the Pottstown School District. u Carla-Lee Plomchok ‘81, ‘83M, ‘04M, Strasburg, retired on 6/30/19 after 38 years as a teacher and supervisor in the technology education field. u Cindy Albaugh ‘82, Tuckerton, NJ, retired on 6/30/15 after 33 years as a 1st and 3rd grade teacher in the Stafford Township School District. u Robert Brandon ‘83, Lewisberry, will transition to president and CEO of Penn National Insurance in August 2020. u Kevin Bunn ‘83, Fleetwood, retired on 2/1/19, ending his career as a key business development manager.

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u Melissa Rowlands Williams ‘88, Grantville, was promoted to vice president of sales and marketing at SpiriTrust Lutheran. u Sue Marcello ‘89, Aston, earned a certification as a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).

1990s u Mary Taylor Ressler ‘92, ‘97M, Manheim, was a summit speaker at the World Literacy Summit 2020 in Oxford, United Kingdom. u Paul Rossi, Esq., ‘93, Mountville, was announced as campaign manager for Roque De La Fuente. u Duncan Smith ‘93, Ocean View, DE, was named chief operating officer for Sussex Academy. u Arthur Williams ‘93, Bowie, MD, is a contributing author for “Leadership Tidbits: Powerful Strategies Every Leader Needs to Know in Order to Win.” u Jason D. Wright, Ph.D., ’94 ’96M, Atlanta, GA, was named Teacher of the Year by his school district. He formed and maintains a “Gentlemen’s Club” for 5th grade boys, which uses roleplay techniques to teach respect and other skills

CLASS NOTES | 2020 u John Black ‘95, ‘01M, Lancaster, was promoted to special education director at New Story Lancaster.

20 0 0 s u Nancy Wetzel Benson ‘00, West Chester, started a new job as an instructional math coach for Norristown Area School District.

u Ron Bleacher ‘96, Lititz, was promoted to program director of WROZ-FM and WONN-FM.

u Kimberly Arnold Coons ‘97, Fulton, NY, was promoted to director of education and volunteer services at Rosamond Gifford Zoo.

u Rocco Flammia III ‘00, New York, NY, is the new director of the live late-night talk show “Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen” on Bravo TV.

u Ryan Landis ‘97, Ephrata, was named the District 3, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) Region 5 Athletic Director of the Year.

u Julie Keefer Wells ‘01, New Holland, began a new job at Forrester Research in July 2019.

u Stephanie Miller Smith ‘97, Manheim, was promoted to director of operations for Bible2School.

u Maurice Pittman ‘02, Harrisburg, CEO of TGNS Enterprises LLC, has announced the company is partnering with HealthPartners of Minneapolis to lead their EMR implementation.

u Emily Schriver Trang ‘02, Mechanicsburg, joined Summit Trail Advisors as a relationship manager and was elected president of the Kiwanis Club of Harrisburg for 2019-2020.

u Croix Kring ‘98, Collegeville, was promoted to senior manager of global medical process and technology optimization at Pfizer, Inc. u Christian Bensing ‘99, Nazareth, launched his first book series, “Tucker and Zoey Adventures.” The series is geared toward celebrating pet adoption and the power of empathy. u Zachary Campbell, J.D. ‘99, Harrisburg, was promoted to shareholder of Metzger Wickersham Knauss & Erb, PC. u Eboni Ealey ‘99, Philadelphia, was promoted to senior research business manager at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU

u Douglas Brown ‘05, Camp Hill, was hired as deputy director of community and economic development for Dauphin County, PA. u Elizabeth Curlett Caponigro ‘05, Wallingford, was chosen as a brand ambassador and QVC on-air guest host for Dr. Scholl’s Shoes.

u Daniel Desmond ‘06, Lancaster, was accepted as partner at Barley Snyder. u Michael Hoffman ‘06, Derry, NH, was promoted to director of NBC Sports Boston. u Joseph Marsh ‘06, Langhorne, was named the first-ever CEO of T1 Entertainment & Sports. u Sara Schwalm ‘06, Conshohocken, has assumed the role of associate director, major gifts at the University of Pennsylvania in February 2020. u Chris Volski ‘07, Plantsville, CT, recently received an Emmy Award for outstanding live graphic design for the 2018 NFL Draft on ESPN. u Mark Green ‘08, Elkins Park, started working as the director of institutional research at Holy Family University. u Sarah Higgins Green ‘08, Elkins Park, started a new job managing clinical research for the Division of Nephrology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. u Jason Meckes ‘08, Harrisburg, was announced as the experience development director of Visit Hershey & Harrisburg on 11/5/19. u Rebecca LeFever Hanlon ‘09, York, was recognized as a Central Penn Business Journal “40 Under 40” recipient for 2019. u Jennifer Hill ‘09, Lancaster, was made partner as an owner at Domani Wealth.

u Andrew Smart ‘05, Broomall, was promoted to vice president geospatial technologies of geographIT at EBA Engineering.

We are proud of you! Share your professional achievements, personal accomplishments and life milestones with us so we can share them with fellow Marauders. M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • w w w. m iller sv ille. edu

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CLASS NOTES | 2020 u Kenneth Smith Jr. ‘09, Chester, was hired as assistant manager for Prenlyn Enterprises, DBA: Midas.

2010 s u Caitlin Lizotte Gibson ‘10, Fairfax, VA, began a new position as workday configuration analyst at Red Hat on 4/1/20. u Barbara Choroneko Seddon ‘10, Manheim, was hired as an accountant for Saxton & Stump law firm. u Lauren Zook McGwin ‘11, Gaithersburg, MD, had two articles published in White House History Quarterly. u Melinda Hutchison Miller ‘11 ‘14M, Lititz, joined Landis Homes as the assistant nursing home administrator. u Mark Stewart ‘11, Englishtown, NJ, was promoted to splunk core subject matter expert (SME) at Splunk Core.

u Lauren Bollinger ‘12, Lancaster, celebrated one full year of business as owner of Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC. u Chris Buseman ‘12, Lansdale, accepted an account executive position for Aon Affinity. uD avid Campbell ‘12, Williamsport, began a new position as a quality engineer for Spring City Electrical. uC atherine Beck Christmas ‘12, Conestoga, became the marketing director of Younger Realty Group.

uD anielle Singleton ‘12, Lancaster, began a new position as a server at C’est La Vie, a new French bistro located in downtown Lancaster. uM atthew Wilson ‘12, Harrisburg, was named corporate counsel for Ollie’s Bargain Outlet, Inc. uG reg Durham, RCRSP ‘13, Omaha, NE, was promoted to director of campus recreation at Creighton University. He previously held the position of assistant director of sport programs from 2016-2019. uM arinna Grasley ‘13, Philadelphia, was promoted to account director at Synergy Medical Education.

uT yra Brown ‘14, Exeter, NH, started a new position as assistant director of learning design and development at Southern New Hampshire University. uB illy Duck ‘14, Middletown, DE, began a new position as continuous improvement leader at Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. uA manda Lyda ‘14, Lancaster, was hired as the marketing communications director at Resurrection Catholic School. uG ina Masciantonio Mudie ‘14, Lititz, was promoted to senior public relations manager at Godfrey.

uA liesha Robinson Clark ‘15, ‘18M, East Earl, became a service coordinator supervisor at UPMC Health Plan, Inc.

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u Javar Colon ‘15, Reading, started a new job as a first aid and safety sales representative at Cintas.

u Kenneth Corl ‘15, Chambersburg, started a new position as an application support analyst for Penn National Insurance. u Emily Lazar Kreider ‘15, Mount Joy, joined the Turkey Hill Dairy team as a training and associate development leader. u Justin Miller ‘15, Lancaster, was promoted to general manager of the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store at their Downingtown location. u Cheresha McKenzie Samuels ‘15, Williamstown, NJ, started a new job as a clinical outcomes manager, APN at Inspira Health Network. u Kymberlyn Swanger ‘15, Summerville, SC, started a new job as manager of the Mobile App Development division of Stingray Branding. u Anthony Terranova ‘15, Waltham, MA, was promoted to senior client services associate at Foundation Medicine, Inc. u Ezzeldin Abousaif ‘16, Harrisburg, was promoted to associate software developer at Power Home Remodeling. u Mallory Baughman ‘16, Elizabethtown, became a certified staffing professional and started a new position as senior recruiter at Eurofins PSS Lancaster Laboratories. u Jenna Waite Frick ‘16, Lancaster, started a new position as laboratory analyst I at MTF Biologics.

CLASS NOTES | 2020 u Miranda Heberlig ‘16, Lancaster, was recently promoted to a senior specialist group leader of recruiting for Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories PSS. uL anelle Quzack ‘17, Philadelphia, completed West Chester University’s Master of Social Work in May 2020, and will begin Weidener University’s Ph.D. social work program in the fall 2020. uM organ Speakman ‘17, North Bethesda, MD, was hired as a market sales manager with the PepsiCo Walmart Customer Team.

Philadelphia Eagles Fan Services department. u Gracie Strawser ‘20, Millersville, started a new job on 3/23/20 as an accounting specialist for Ned Bard and Son Co.

uM ax Gregory ‘19, Rockaway, NJ, was hired by H2M architects + engineers as a construction inspector.

u Stephen Bigoski ‘05, and husband, Frank Farmer, adopted a son, Adam Francis Farmer-Bigoski, on 11/21/19.

u Stacey Conrad ’99, Willow Street, married Michael Mitton ’01 on 3/14/20.

u Elizabeth Durden DeMatteo ‘05, ‘10M, and Erique Watson, a daughter, Ruby June Watson, on 4/22/20.

u Rebecca Barker ‘09, Coatesville, married Dan Pelet on 10/19/19.

uB rittany Saello ‘19, Thorndale, began a new position as a learning support teacher at Chester County Intermediate Unit. uK ate Spang ‘19, Palmyra, started working as the communications coordinator at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet. uM att Fossett ‘20, West Brandywine, accepted the position of software developer for Vanguard. u J ake Gehman ‘20, Sinking Spring, accepted an internship with the

u Dr. Michael Albright ‘06, and his spouse, welcomed a son, Murray Michael Albright, 2/1/19. u Lindsay Zimbile Ehrat ‘07, and husband, Dan Ehrat, a daughter, Dylan Marie, 1/23/20.

u Sarah Hayduk ‘09, Tunkhannock, married Neil Montgomery on 9/5/19.

u Nakia Eckert ‘14M, and husband, Gregory Eckert ‘10, ‘13M, a son, Hayden Gregory Eckert, 10/1/19.

PA S S AG E S u Gina Masciantonio ‘14, Lititz, married Andrew Mudie on 10/26/19.

uS tephen Jackewicz ‘19, Exton, started a new job in technology sales for Basler AG. uA lexandra Mossaidis ‘19, Villanova, became the program coordinator for alumni relations and annual giving at Ursinus College.

u Katrina Wysocki ‘04, Georgetown, DE, a son, Marek Edward Wulf, 1/11/2020.


uA yla Torchia ‘17, Orlando, FL, started a new position at Electronic Arts at their Tiburon studio. u Torrance Graham ‘18, Midlothian, VA, started a new position as a senior software engineer for Capital One.

u Gayle Funt Baker ‘02, Gardners, welcomed a daughter, Kayla Elizabeth Baker, 3/29/19.

u Samantha McGraw ‘10, Langhorne, married Samuel Cler on 9/22/19. u Darian Kline ‘20, New Bloomfield, married Daniel Spriggle on 11/2/19.

BIR THS u Craig Bourquin ‘98, and wife, Gansevoort, NY, a son, Craig Jr. 1/11/18, and a daughter, Elizabeth, 9/06/11. u Sabrina Atkins Borra ‘01, and husband, Brian Borra, a son, Bryce Taylor Borra, 10/24/19.

u John Horst, Kinzers, passed away on 11/25/19 at the age of 96. He taught techniques of science at Millersville University and was awarded associate professor, emeritus status, after he retired. u Esther Martin Heisey ‘42, Lititz, passed away on 6/20/19 at the age of 98. She won first place in the 1995 Dromedary Baking Contest for her original recipe, “Date Delights.” She is survived by two sons and a brother. u Mary Sheaffer Kammerer ‘43, Lancaster, passed away on 7/14/19 at the age of 97. She is survived by her daughters and grandchildren. u Dr. Howard Freeman ‘49, West Chester, passed away on 12/18/19. He is survived by his two children and two grandchildren.

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CLASS NOTES | 2020 u Joyce McCraney Mumma ‘52, Landisville, passed away on 11/21/19. She is survived by her two sons, as well as six grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren.

u J oan Fritz ‘65, passed away in February 2017. She was a teacher in the Abington School District for over 35 years. She taught first grade at Highland Elementary School.

u Roy Garland ‘53, Landisville, passed away on 3/15/20 at the age of 88. During his time at MU, he was active in sports, including all-state football varsity teams for baseball and track; and a member of the Phi Sigma Pi honor fraternity.

uF rederick Tobias ‘65, Lansdale, passed away on 5/27/18 at the age of 86. He earned a Bronze Star for his service in Korea and was the director at WGAL TV-8 for 11 years.

u Elizabeth Kline Orth ‘54, York, passed away on 5/8/19 at the age of 86. She loved to travel abroad and visited all 50 states. She is survived by her two daughters, four grandchildren and her sister. u Cora Tangert McClune ‘55, Elizabethtown, passed away peacefully on 10/7/2019 at the age of 85. She is survived by her husband, daughter and three grandchildren. u Charles Hartman ‘58, Columbia, passed away on 10/22/19 at the age of 85. He is survived by his wife, siblings, three children, six grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. u Ronald Good ‘59, ‘66M, Ephrata, passed away on 11/2/19 at the age of 81 years old. He is survived by his wife, brother, two daughters, son, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. u Elizabeth Jackson Leighton Lamborn ‘60, Reading, passed away on 5/27/19 at the age of 81. She was a member of Reading Friends Meeting where she served as a librarian, hospitality clerk and various other positions.

u Kenneth Miller ‘68, Boothwyn, passed away on 12/8/19 at the age of 73. He served as a school director and board member for the Garnet Valley School District. He enjoyed traveling and sports, and loved his family. u Norma Martin Bubb ‘70, ‘73M, Manchester, passed away on 3/5/20 at the age of 74. She is remembered for being a loving wife, mother and grandmother. u Janet Herr Kreider ‘71, Lititz, passed away on 1/28/20 at the age of 91. She is survived by her two nephews, a niece and several great-nieces and -nephews. uL ouann Baker Butch ‘74, Lancaster, passed away on 12/9/19 at Lancashire Hall Nursing Home at the age of 67. She was an avid Philadelphia Eagles fan and loved her cats. She is survived by her husband, mother, two children, six grandchildren, three siblings and several nieces and nephews.

u Aaron Scales ‘75, Pittsburgh, passed away on 1/8/20 at the age of 68. He was a founding member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Millersville University. u Richard Hohenwarter ‘76, Lancaster, passed away on 10/31/19 at the age of 66. He loved the great outdoors, the Philadelphia Phillies and the Philadelphia Eagles. u Benedict Sahd ‘76, ‘79M, Lititz, passed away on 12/18/19 at the age of 65. He is survived by his wife, son, daughter and many siblings. u Timothy Dellinger ‘77, York, passed away peacefully on 10/30/19 at the age of 63. He is survived by his sister, brother, nephews, niece, great-niece and greatnephews. u Gail Woolbert White ‘78M, Millersville, passed away on 10/27/19 at the age of 83. She taught English and reading in various Pennsylvania public schools, including Penn Manor School District. u Michael Boone ‘86, Millville, passed away on 10/7/2019 at the age of 55. He is survived by his mom, two sisters, nephew and niece. u Genevieve Krause ‘91, Millersville, passed away. She enjoyed hiking, vacations, walks in downtown Lancaster city, card games and playing tennis. u Sherry Ayler ‘14, ‘16M, Harrisburg, passed away on 12/11/19 at the age of 56. She is survived by her mother and two brothers.

u Carol Grain Martin ‘62, Lancaster, passed away on 10/21/2019 at the age of 78. She taught in Lancaster city schools and eventually ran a daycare for over 30 years.


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34 | M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y • S p r i ng | S u mm er 2020


Student Compassion Fund

University Community Supports Students in Need When the physical campus closed in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nora Long ’20, a senior technology and education major, lost her jobs as a student worker in the lab at Osburn Hall and at the Information Desk at the Student Memorial Center. She was one of many Millersville University students who found themselves in need. All of the changes created by the coronavirus, including transitioning to online learning and closing campus, created an immediate need to assist students who were faced with difficult personal circumstances. Faculty, staff, alumni and students who were lucky not to be negatively impacted came together to support students by donating to the newly created EPPIIC Student Compassion Fund. This fund was formed through a collaboration between the Advancement and Student Affairs & Enrollment Management (SAEM) divisions. “The moment we ceased campus operations, we started looking at how we could best help our students,” says President Daniel Wubah. The EPPIIC Student Compassion Fund was designed to meet the needs of students who experienced temporary displacement from their homes across the country and internationally, those who lacked the technology resources to complete their coursework online, and those who had urgent needs for food, toiletries and other essentials. “This fund was designed to impact our most vulnerable students as quickly as possible,” explains Wubah. “I was encouraged to see the way our community pulled together to support our students.” An application form was created for students to fill out online. Students must be full-time and currently enrolled graduate or undergraduate students in good standing with the University—meaning they have at least a 2.0 GPA and are not on academic suspension, behavioral probation or suspension—to be eligible.

By the end of the semester, 233 students applied for support, 37 received support and more than $37,000 was donated by generous alumni, employees and other members of the campus community. “Student applications are reviewed by a committee to determine eligibility and need,” explains Renardo Hall, associate vice president for SAEM. “We work as quickly as we are able to disseminate the money.” The EPPIIC Student Compassion Fund fits into the overall goals of the University’s “Imagine the Possible” campaign, which is the first campaign to focus solely on student success. “Imagine the Possible” has surpassed $40 million and has been extended during this time of economic strife to positively impact more Millersville students. “While the EPPIIC Student Compassion Fund was created to meet the immediate needs created by COVID-19, we hope that this fund can continue to support students in difficult circumstances in the future,” says Alice McMurry, associate vice president for Advancement. “Generous donor support like this allows students to imagine what’s possible for their educational futures.” Students who are experiencing financial hardship during this time should visit the “Students in Need” webpage, where they will find the EPPIIC Student Compassion Fund application form. “As the situation with COVID-19 continues to develop, I want our students to know that we are here for them,” says Wubah. “Please know that you are not alone during this time. Reach out to receive the support you need.” For those who wish to donate to the fund, visit or contact the Development Office at 717-871-7520 or 

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@MCK.GRIFFITHS – #villeaccepted #millersvilleu

@KLATTISAW – On today’s edition of #Maxgoestomillersville

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@MILLERSVILLEIPS – We turned IPS into a color fest yesterday!

@PLIXELPICTURES – Miller or S’Ville

@A.YANAX – #MUTF #rollville

@MAXMOLINA87 – Ville After Dark

@MISSLIBERTYBELL2019 – Don’t forget to #rockyoursocks for #worlddownsyndromeday!

@WISHBONE_PHOTOS – 2020. One for the books.


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