TradiTional Techniques of oil painTing
More info: oil painting
Oil painting • Oil painting is the process of painting with pigment that is spring with a middle of drying oil. • Commonly used drying oils include linseed oil, poppy seed oil, walnut oil, and safflower oil.
Techniques • Traditional oil painting techniques often begin with the artist sketch the subject onto the canvas with charcoal or watery paint. • Oil paint is usually mixed with linseed oil, artist grade mineral spirits or other solvents to create a thinner, faster or slower drying paint.
• The linseed oil itself comes from the flax seed, a common fiber crop. • Safflower oil, or the more traditional walnut or poppy seed oil, are sometimes used in formulating lighter colors such as white because it "yellows" less on drying than does linseed oil, but it has the slight drawback of drying more slowly.
Supports for oil painting • Traditional artists' canvas is made from linen, but less expensive cotton fabric has gained popularity. • The artist first prepares a wooden frame called a "stretcher" or "strainer". • The difference between the first and second is that stretchers are slightly adjustable, while strainers are rigid and lack adjustable corner notches.
• Oil paint is made by mixing pigment containing the color with oil. • Different colors are made up, or today bought pre-mixed, before painting begins, but further shades of color are usually obtained by mixing small quantities together as the painting process is underway, traditionally on an artist's palette, a thin wood board held in the hand.
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More info: oil painting