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With each passing year, the quality of detective novels becomes increasingly sharper.
When we talk about detective novels we automatically talk about something that surprises us, takes us off our feet and we think: My God, what was that? If that doesn't happen, then it's not a detective novel
Ifyou’rethinkingofwritingan editor'sletteryourself,makeyour intentionsclearfromthestart. Youcanbefunandcreativeor straightforward,dependingon yourneeds.Forthemaincontent ofyourletter,thereareoften threemainparts:theintroduction, mainparagraph,andconclusion.
Yourletter’sintroductioncanbea briefgreeting,afewpolite statements,orabackgroundofwhy you’rewriting.
Rafael Zimichut is a Brazilian author of more than 70 books and has recently been gaining ground in the international market with his books translated into English and Spanish, he is the winner of dozens of literary awards, in addition to having an enviable CV, having a PhD and PostDoctorate in Philosophy of Religion, Doctor in Missions and Pastorate, Master in Religious and Theological Education, Bachelor in Law and Theology and currently pursuing a degreeinPhilosophy.
By Anitta Perez
Photography by Ana Zimichut
TASM: It is an immense pleasure for us to have you as the winner of the Conan Doyle Book Awards, how did you feel when you heard the news?
RZ:Ifeellikethehappiestandmostblessedpersonintheworldtobe amongtitans,itistherecognitionofhardworkovermanyyearsandI amsurethatafterthat,manydoorswillopen.
RZ:IhavemanywritersthatIlove,however,somestandoutlike:DanBrown,SidneySheldon,JamesPatterson,LeeChild, JTBrannan,etc.
RZ: In Brazil, the Thriller genre is not as acclaimed as in the English language, so I realized that it would be the natural way to migrate my books from Portuguese to English, following in the same footsteps of Paulo Coelho, who only gained the deservedprominenceafterhavinghisbookstranslatedinotherlanguages
RZ: For the most part, yes, at first I didn't write detective novels, but after meeting Sidney Sheldon and Dan Brown, I was infectedbythethrillervirusandnowadaysIhardlyevenlikewritingothergenres.
RZ: Time in a thriller is paramount for me, the rhythm dictates everything in my story, so when I finish and have to do the second,thirdwritingofthebook,Ifocusalotonthetimeofthestory.
TASM: We all know that the Thriller genre is a very sensitive and very competitive field, how do you differentiate yourself from other writers, given thatyourcompetitionisveryfierce?
RZ: I firmly believe that the best writers are in the Thriller genre, never discrediting other genres, but when we write a detective book the surprise factor prevails and writing on such an intense and dynamic theme makes me wake up every day and write dozens of pages wanting to deceive the reader, but if you're not deceived first, it'snofunatall.
TASM:Andcanyoumakemistakeswhilewriting, nowI'mcurious?
RZ: As a rule, I have a writing guide where I guide myself in the main story, but not a few times during writing I end up being surprised by theeventsofthestory.
RZ: Of those that have already been released, "The Blake’s Enigma" really stands out, it was such an impactful experience thatitchangedmeasawriter,placingmeinanewwritingstage
RZ: Have no doubt, I have been writing constantly and I already have approximately six unpublished books ready, which I, personally,thinkarebetterthan"TheBlake’sEnigma".
RZ: I want to thank you for your kindness in giving me this wonderful prize and I hope to be present next time, obviously thefirsttimeisalwaysspecialandtomyreaders,staytuned,becauseGregoryEvansiscomingwithmanyincrediblestories.
and your literary fairy tale
By Anitta Perez
The trajectory of crime thrillers, es "The Chain", whic IIIConanDoyleB
Adrian McKinty was b Ireland. He studied University before mo His first novel Dead experiences as an illeg g ) p in 2003. In 2012 after moving to Australia with his wife and childrenhebeganpublicationofthecriticallyacclaimedSean Duffyseries.
In 2019 after giving up writing Adrian had a global hit with his standalone novel The Chain Adrian's books have won the Edgar Award, the Ned Kelly Award (3 times), The Anthony Award, Barry Award, Macavity Award and the TheakstonOldPeculierCrimeNoveloftheYearAward His bookshavebeentranslatedintoover40languages
After writing several short stories, a novella and book reviews, his debut crime novel, Dead I Well May Be, was published by Scribner in 2003. The book was followed by two sequels in what would become to be known as the Michael Forsythe Trilogy. Alongside these, McKinty wrote the three books in his Lighthouse Trilogy, a series of science fiction young adult novels set in New York City, his native Ireland,andthefictionalplanetAltair
In 2008 McKinty moved with his family to Melbourne, Australia, to become a full-time writer He found his greatest success and critical acclaim with the Sean Duffy series, following the eponymous Royal Ulster Constabulary Sergeant during The Troubles, beginning with 2012's The ColdColdGround.
In 2019, the author made this comment about that novel: "It didn't sell very well, but it ended up getting the best reviews of my career. I got shortlisted for an Edgar, won a couple of awards, and so then that set me on that path for the next six years of reluctantly, kind of being dragged into writing about Northern Irelandinthe1980s".
The third Duffy book, In the Morning I'll Be Gone, won the 2014 Ned Kelly Award for Best Novel. McKinty has been an especially astuteobserverofclassinfiction.
He also began working as a writer and reviewer for a number of publications including The Guardian, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Washington Post, The Independent, The Australian, TheIrishTimesandHarpers
McKinty quit writing in 2017 after being evicted from his rented house, citing a lack of income from his novels, and instead took work as an Uber driver and a bartender Upon hearing of his situation, fellow crime author Don Winslow passed some of his books to his agent, the screenwriter and producer Shane Salerno. In a late-night phone call, Salerno persuaded McKinty to write what would become The Chain. Salerno loaned the author ("advance on the advance") $10,000 to help him survive financiallyduringtheprocess.
Intelligence does not replace wisdom. Live long enough to be wise, right?
The stand-alone thriller was inspired by the chain letters of his youth and contemporary reports of hostage exchanges. McKinty returned to writing after the book landed him a sixfigure English-language book deal, and was optioned for a film adaptation by Paramount Pictures. In an interview on CBS McKinty talked about never giving up and took the interviewer, Jeff Glor, to Plum Island, Massachusetts, where TheChainisset TheChainwaspublishedin37countries
Patrick Anderson of the Washington Post has praised McKinty as a leading light of the "new wave" of Irish crime novelists along with Ken Bruen, Declan Hughes and John Connolly. He often uses the classic noir tropes of revenge and betrayal to explore his characters' existential quest for meaninginableakbutlyricallyintenseuniverse.
Steve Dougherty writing in The Wall Street Journal praised McKinty's use of irony and humour as a counterpoint to the violentworldinhabitedbyMcKinty'sSeanDuffycharacter.
Liam McIlvanney, writing in the Irish Times, singled out McKinty's lyrical prose style as the defining characteristic of the Duffy series. Some reviewers have criticised the explicit use of violence in his novels. However, in reviewing McKinty's Fifty Grand in The Guardian, John O'Connor called him a "master craftsman of violence and redemption, uptherewiththelikesofDennisLehane"
His novel The Dead Yard was selected by Publishers Weekly as one of the 12 Best Novels of 2006 Audible selected Falling Glass as the Best Mystery or Thriller of 2011 In the Morning I'll Be Gone was named as one of the 10 best crime novels of 2014bytheAmericanLibraryAssociation.
In 2016, The Guardian included book 5 of the Sean Duffy series, Rain Dogs, about the investigation of a death at Carrickfergus Castle, in their "The best recent thrillers" coverage.
By Aaron Rose
Acrimethrilleristhe quickestwayforsomeoneto loveabook,readersof ÁgathaChristiesayso...
Obviously some people don't agree with the lyrics and this is not a list that demeans the story of any author, quite the opposite, but as lovers of crime literature we did it through different aspects, such as: the body of work, specific literary awards, acceptance audience, interviewsetc.
Although thrillers are basically a reading categorized as English / American, the genre has been gaining ground around the world and after a long research of almost a year, we were able to select 50 names of Portuguese and Brazilian authors who stand out in thisgenre.
9. JorgeAmado
26.LuizAlfredoGarcia-Roza 26.LuizAlfredoGarcia-Roza 27.MarcelloSimão 27.MarcelloSimão 28.CoelhoNeto 28.CoelhoNeto
29.AndreaKillmore 29.AndreaKillmore 30.AlbertoMussa 30.AlbertoMussa
31.LuizLopesCoelho 31.LuizLopesCoelho
32.PatriciaBaikal 32.PatriciaBaikal 33.MarçalAquino 33.MarçalAquino
34.VeraCarvalhoAssumpção 34.VeraCarvalhoAssumpção 35.MárioPrata 35.MárioPrata
36.ValériaLeal 36.ValériaLeal
37.WellingtonBudim 37.WellingtonBudim 38.RubemFonseca 38.RubemFonseca
39.ElieneNarducci 39.ElieneNarducci
40.SérgioFragoso 40.SérgioFragoso
41. 41. CarolineDemantova CarolineDemantova
42.PaulodeMedeiroseAlbuquerque 42.PaulodeMedeiroseAlbuquerque 43.TonyBellotto 43.TonyBellotto 44.MyriamCampello 44.MyriamCampello
45.RobertoCostantini 45.RobertoCostantini
46.RobertoGiacundino 46.RobertoGiacundino 47.JoãoUbaldoRibeiro 47.JoãoUbaldoRibeiro
48.VivianneGeber 48.VivianneGeber
49.AndreaNunes 49.AndreaNunes 50 50.PeninaBaltrusch .PeninaBaltrusch
By David Jackson
by Francois Mercer
n Doyle Book created in 2016 he best detective ach year, being by members of and Suspense which is very December hyear.
M are lovers of terature and as e, the title of the simple tribute to the greatest of the genre, Sir nan Doyle, who own worldwide the creator of olmes.
The Blake’s Enigma - The book of the Year
For the first time in recent years, an author originally in Portuguese overcame intercontinental barriers and brought to us a true masterpiece "The BlakeEnigma".
With dynamic and sagacious writing, Rafael Zimichut presents us with a truly incredible story full of mysteries and twists that leaves readers speechless.
The story takes us to Lond murder is carried out in triggering a succession of e book by the English geniu which it is discovered that book,announcinganewtim
Without giving spoile unconventional detective w to find the connections th group leaves with eac sometimes making the sometimes leaving them a new world, taking justice againstthosewhoareabov
With this beautiful wo deservedly won 1st place in Book Prize and we hope th caliberwillsurpriseusinth
A murder occurs in Westmins events linked to William Blake a down to a new era called "Nin famous detective, Gregory Eva notorious cyber group from mak
The house of Wolfes - 2nd place
The House of Wolves is a gripping, suspenseful tale that takes you into the life of the ruthless Wolf family, especially Jennifer Wolf, a science teacher and high school football coach whose comfortable life gets turned upside down when her father dies unexpectedly, leaving her in charge of both the family’s NFL team and local newspaper which ruffles a lot of feathers and leaves her a target for those who are willing to do whatever it takes, even kill, to get whattheywant.
The writing is tight and gritty. The characters are secretive, deceptive, stubborn, and driven. And the plot is a sharp, sinister tale filled with twists, turns, power, mayhem, coercion, politics, obsession, greed, lies,secrets,surprises,football,andmurder.
Overall, The House of Wolves is a dark, intense, action-packed brilliant start to a new series by Patterson that has everything I’ve come to expect and love about his novels, and honestly, I can’t wait for more.
Joe Wolf applies a cutthroat determination to his life’s work, from to building a California business empire to parenting three sons and a daughter. Kill or be killed. So when the patriarch takes a deadly cruise on San Francisco Bay, Joe Wolf’s bloodline becomes SFPD’s lifeline.
Detective Ben Cantor trails the “pack of wolves” as the siblings vie for control of their legacy of power and assets. All four have the means and the motive to commit murder, but only one of them is most like Joe Wolf Only one of them earned their father’s love
Lurking in the shadows is the real alpha wolf That creature survives on instinct And desire To kill all the wolves dead
The Island - 3nd place
A young family looking for an adventure in the Australian outback. They pay to see local wildlife on a small island just off the mainland. A momentary loss of focus and their car hits and kills a local woman on a bicycle. Only then does their nightmarebegin.
This novel is full of horror and suspense as the family try, against the odds, to survive. Some will makeit,othersdon’t.
You’ll be on the edge of your seat as you progress throughthisbook…and,believeme,you’llthinkat least twice about taking your gap year in the wilds ofAustralia-ifyouknowwhat’sgoodforyou!
After moving from a small country town to Seattle, Heather Baxter marries Tom, a widowed doctor with a young son and teenage daughter. A working vacation overseas seems like the perfect way to bring the new family together, but once they're deep in the Australian outback, the jet-lagged and exhausted kids are so over their new mom.
When they discover remote Dutch Island, off-limits to outside visitors, the family talks their way onto the ferry, taking a chance on an adventure far from the reach of iPhones and Instagram
But as soon as they set foot on the island, which is run by a tightly knit clan of locals, everything feels wrong Then a shocking accident propels the Baxters from an unsettling situation into an absolute nightmare
When Heather and the kids are separated from Tom, they are forced to escape alone, seconds ahead of their pursuers
Now it's up to Heather to save herself and the kids, even though they don't trust her, the harsh bushland is filled with danger, and the locals want her dead Heather has been underestimated her entire life, but she knows that only she can bring her family home again and become the mother the children desperately need, even if it means doing the unthinkable to keep them all alive.
The Da Vinci Code - Special Tribute
With The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown masterfully concocts an intelligent and lucid thriller that marries the gusto of an international murder mystery with a collection of fascinating esoteriaculledfrom2,000yearsofWesternhistory.
A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ. The victim is a high-ranking agent of this ancient society who, in the moments before his death, manages to leave gruesome clues at the scene that only his granddaughter, noted cryptographer Sophie Neveu, and Robert Langdon, a famed symbologist, can untangle. The duo become both suspects and detectives searching for not only Neveu's grandfather's murderer but also the stunning secret of the ages he was charged to protect. Mere steps ahead of the authorities and the deadly competition, the mystery leads Neveu and Langdon on a breathless flight through France, England, and history itself Brown (Angels and Demons) has created a pageturning thriller that also provides an amazing interpretation of Western history Brown's hero and heroine embark on a lofty and intriguing exploration of some of Western culture's greatest mysteries--from the nature of the Mona Lisa's smile to the secret oftheHolyGrail.
Though some will quibble with the veracity of Brown's conjectures, therein lies the fun. The Da Vinci Code is an enthralling read that provides rich food for thought. --Jeremy Pugh
As Langdon and gifted French cryptologist Sophie Neveu sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to discover a trail of clues hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci clues visible for all to see and yet ingeniously disguised by the painter
Even more startling, the late curator was involved in the Priory of Sion a secret society whose members included Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Da Vinci and he guarded a breathtaking historical secret. Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine puzzle while avoiding the faceless adversary who shadows their every move the explosive, ancient truth will be lost forever.