Revival Nation theMagazine | Issue 1 | Spring 2008

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Renewing Yourself by Erin Coss “Rest In The Ring”

page 8

FEATURE: Intercession by Christine Nielsen “Dr. Sue Curran; Author”

page 10

Dr. Sue Curran Shekinah Ministries

Book Review by Melissa Holmes “Seven Essential Relationships”

page 12

Author Howard Katz “Seven Essential Relationships” Published by: Believe Books

Book Review by Richard Schilke “If He Builds It They Will Come”

page 12

The 180 Church by Kris Belfils “Split Open the Heavens”

page 13

God Out of the Box by Tammy Hayes “The Love of a Father”

page 15

Revival Diaries by Glenn Bleakney “Planting Fruit for the Kingdom...”

page 16

The Modern Day Elijah by Eric Leach “Ally Asbenson”

page 18

Redemption... by Pamela Davis “Passion for God’s Children in Peru”

page 20

Revival Greats by Rev. James Snyder “A.W. Tozer: A Man in Pursuit of God”

page 22


It was the fall of 2006. The church where I was then serving as the assistant pastor had just been through a tremendous season of ‘revival’ and I had grown more in my spiritual walk in six months than in my entire Christian life. This experience left my wife and I continually chanting, “I don’t ever want to go back to life as normal.” Although ‘normal’ life is more of a cliché than an actual set of life rules, each of us knew what the other meant. In a few short months we had witnessed hundreds of miracles, heard jaw dropping salvation testimonies, and had become friends with many people who had found instant release from the bondage of drug and alcohol addiction. We quickly recognized that everything we had seen, and everything we had heard, and everything we experienced was exactly what we wanted our ‘normal’ to be. With that in mind we pressed forward determined to continually see the power of God demonstrated and to find ourselves continually in the presence of His glory. It was during this season of growth and stretching that I came up with the idea of launching a podcast. As time went by and I began acquiring the needed equipment and software to launch this podcast the name that came to me was ‘Revival Nation.’ Everything was coming together nicely, and I had planned a podcast launch date of February 2007. When that date approached I heard clearly from God that Revival Nation wouldn’t be limited to a podcast, and felt prompted in my spirit to launch Revival Nation as an Evangelistic Ministry. In obedience we put the plan in motion, and haven’t looked back. We’ve faced difficulties and challenges, but in other regards the process has been very satisfying and rewarding. From the outset we determined that our purpose was to preach the gospel of Jesus with accompanying signs and wonders through every means available. With that in mind we launched a podcast, and shortly there after we began broadcasting on shortwave radio to the post-Christian region of Western Europe with a tremendous response. We then established Revival Nation Publishing, and are on track to release 9 new titles in 2008, this past February Revival Nation theChurch was born, and our debut Sunday saw over 100 people join together with earnest hunger to be used in their gift for the purpose of building God’s Kingdom. Today another dream is realized as you hold in your hand the inaugural edition of Revival Nation theMagazine. Unlike other “ministry magazines” RN is different. Rather than promoting our ministry exclusively, we have invited accomplished and gifted writers from varying walks of life, and differing ministry experiences to form the writing team that will tell your story. We want to know what God is doing all over the world. We want to hear and retell the stories of the teenagers radically saved from a life of drugs, and set on fire by the transforming power of the Cross. We want to expose the victories and accomplishments of God from the back woods churches to the international mega ministries. Why? Because we want to be the vehicle that brings hope to hopeless situations. We want to instill faith in those who doubt. We are passionate about seeing the Power of God return to the modern church. Welcome to Revival Nation. This is more than a magazine. This is your catalyst to a Spirit empowered life. Be blessed, be refreshed, be stirred, be ignited and above all else... be a world changer.

Revival Nation is an evangelistic ministry called to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of the earth through any means possible. This magazine is one of the methods being used to encourage the body of Christ to live, breath and experience the power of God in a tangible way as signs and wonders accompany the preaching of the word. We believe in the gifts of the spirit, and that healing is still an active and vital ministry of the Holy Spirit. The vision of this magazine is not to promote Revival Nation or the ministry of founder and author, Greg Holmes. Rather the goal is to promote the body of Christ throughout the earth. Therefore, if you have a story to tell that fits into one of our themes email us, and we will consider using your story. For more information about the ministry, the magazine or author Greg Holmes you can contact us by any of the following methods: Mailing Address: Revival Nation Evangelistic Ministries Inc. P.O. Box 30001 260 Indian Road South Sarnia, Ontario N7T 0A7 - Canada Online: Email: Photo/Image Credits: All photos (except individual photos) and images, unless otherwise stated are used with permission and have been obtained from Images on page 18 and 19 are used with permission under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Visit for more information. Photos on page 20 taken by Rose Faz and used with permission. Publication Copyright © 2008. Revival Nation. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication can be used, copied or quoted without express written permission of Revival Nation or its writers. For permission use the contact information above. Article Copyright Author retains copyright to the written work within this publication. Printed in the United States of America ISSN 1916-1190 (Print Edition) ISSN 1916-1204 (Online Edition) Subscription Information: Canadian Subscriptions $12.99 (4 issues) U.S. Subscriptions $15.99 (4 issues) International Subscriptions $21.99 (4 issues) Bulk subscriptions available upon request. Subscribe online at or email Submission Inquiries: Advertising Rates:

Greg Holmes is the President and founder of Revival Nation Evangelistic Ministries Inc. He has authored two books and is actively taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world. For more information about Greg visit him online at


Lord God Almighty, throughout the ages you have revealed yourself in many different ways to many different people. Today we are asking you to bless us with all that You are, so that through us Your Kingdom may be established. We ask you for the favor and blessing that Abraham and Joseph knew; and we desire the wisdom and leading like your servant David. Grant us the prophetic gifting equal to that of Elijah and Elisha. Endue use with wisdom like your wise King; Solomon. Bestow on us the favor and honor that Ezra knew when he responded to and obeyed Your law and was recognized before kings, councils, and mighty princes. Move us with compassion, and accelerate us like Nehemiah as we rebuild the spiritual walls of our cities and nations.

Give us boldness, like Esther, to stand for truth and justice; Lord, if we must die, we are willing to die. Make us aware that You have placed us where we are for such a time as this.

meaning of those visions.

May we fear you, like Mordecai feared you, yet remain fearless of man and like Daniel, be unwilling to bow to their evil desires.

Empower us to always preach with conviction like Peter, and may we have the missionary heart of Paul.

Day by day give us the faith of Job to know that no matter what comes our way, You alone administer mercy and grace.

God give us the courage to believe You, to follow You and to trust You like the disciples did with Jesus.

And Lord, above all else make us willing to die to self so that we can fully live in Christ. Amen.

Equip us like Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah to speak the oracles of God, remove the blinders from our eyes, so that like Amos and Obediah we would see visions and have the ability to discern the


Rest In The Ring “Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught at the voice of the enemy, at the stares of the wicked; for they bring down suffering upon me and revile me in their anger. My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death assail me. Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me. I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” Psalm 55:1-6 You step into the ring without warning and the bell echoes. Immediately you feel a sting on your jawbone. To-do lists are waiting and you are overwhelmed at the discovery that you’ve only just begun. Ouch! Your arm aches from a second hit. One of your children is walking the fine line of temptation from drugs, sex, or alcohol. Pow! A close family couple recently announced their separation. Slam! You feel a sharp pain in your chest as you learn that a family member just received the news of cancer. Do you ever feel as though life is one great big boxing match? With each new day, you have to bob and weave endlessly just to barely make it to sun down. I know I struggle with that feeling more days than I would like to admit. I feel as though the wind is continuously being knocked from my lungs and as I gasp for air, I cry out and suddenly I find relief. Psalm 62:56-8 encourages us to, 8

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. Selah” Rest is not an unattainable commodity. It’s not a luxury only for the rich and famous. It is available to all if we only seek it in the one place that truly refreshes, in God alone. David tells us to pour out our hearts

to God. He tells us to put our hope in Him, to trust Him, and to find refuge from life’s battles. He tells us to find rest. Jesus declares in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We need to rest. Even in championship boxing after every three minute

fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” How true! Each day we will be tested in the boxing ring of life. We will face opponent upon opponent, but if we seek refuge and rest from the One who restores us, we will gain a foothold, and be able to land the final punch to win the match. Evander Holyfield once said, “A champion shows who he is by what he does when he’s tested. When a person gets up and says ‘I can still do it’, he’s a champion.”

“ A champion shows who he is by what he does when he’s tested ” As champions in Christ, we can take a moment to stop and rest; for the battle rages on and will continue until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then our momentary troubles will fade away, and we will be rewarded with our victory medals from each battle fought in the ring.

round a minute of rest is required. Sometimes I think we feel like we need to push forward in our battles without taking a moment to stop and breathe. Imagine going 12 rounds in the ring without time to rest and recoup. We can draw a breath from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we

Today I want to encourage you. As you face life’s battles listen for the bell that brings relief. God will give you rest. He will equip you to fight the good fight until the day of completion. Rest assured as Romans 8:37 proclaims “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. ERIN COSS is an author, wife and mother of three. She encourages readers with the Word of God through Revival Nation’s “Renewing Yourself” and through “Tidbit for Today” which you can find online at


Prayer In Another Dimension

Prayer is the ultimate gift God could have given us. It enables us with the ability to speak to God at any time, in any situation and place. It is with us in our everyday walk. People pray at different times of the day, some in the morning, some in the night, some both. We find our quiet place to be with God and it’s a wonderful tool to have in the world we live in. God calls Christians to do different things. Some are called to prophesy, to heal and so forth but others are called to pray. I believe it takes a very special someone to have this calling. They are expected to stop and pray at odd times. Great is this gift that God has given and it is absolutely amazing to see what God can do when these people are obedient in their calling. God rewards faithfulness and Dr. Sue Curran is a prime example of this. Dr. Curran was saved when she was 26 years-old at a revival meeting. God immediately let His plans for her life be known to her. She traveled to revival meetings from the beginning and in 1973 God called upon her to begin Shekinah Ministries. Along with six other families, she and her husband sold everything they owned, including their home, to come up with the down payment needed for the land God had told her to buy. When the owner refused to sell her the land she prayed. Within a few weeks, she received a call from the owner. His wife had told him, “Vernon, I believe this woman is of God and if she is and He wants her to have that land you can’t do anything about it.” He agreed to sell the land. Dr. Curran then went to bank and asked for a loan to buy the land. The banker told her there was absolutely no way they could give her a loan. She asked him to meet with the board and she would pray. The chairman of the board said, “Maybe this is a work of God and maybe God wants us to be the lending institution. We’d better not say no.” God completely changed the minds of two men who were in a position to stop His plans!

Dr. Sue Curran

Since that time Shekinah Ministries has had a Bible school that trained men and women in how to pray with power and be established as worshipers in Spirit and truth. They have received testimonies from these students through their words and actions. Dr. Curran herself has a mountain of testimonies about the power of prayer. It was what God had called her to do and it wasn’t easy all the time. Callings rarely are but faith, trust, prayer and worship cannot fail us. Recently, Dr. Curran returned from a trip to Mozambique. She stated, “The trip was bathed in prayer both before I went and while I was there. During a medical outreach, a Ugandan pastor and I preached a simple gospel on the side to twenty-five Muslims standing under a tree. Over half of them came to Jesus right then and half the village gave their hearts to Jesus that night.” She calls the breaking of years of idolatry, witchcraft


and the power of the enemy “business as usual every day.” Continuing, she stated, “Casting out devils is the simplest kind of prayer because the devil must obey those who are walking in Biblical authority.” Dr. Curran has witnessed amazing revivals throughout the world and desires to see it in the western world as well. She stated, “I have a burden to see the people and churches of the western world come into the revelation and experience of prayer that I have observed in other nations.” Her new book, “Prayer in Another Dimension” focuses on just that.

“Breaking the power of the enemy is business as usual everyday.”

Cheryl Saks, director of Bridgebuilders International, in her endorsement of the book, said it “provides the missing link between the timid, reserved prayer posture of the American church and the bold, fervent and persistent prayers of Christians in many other nations.” Dr. Curran describes her book, “Prayer in Another Dimension” by stating, “it teaches the six major elements that will bring the much needed change to our praying in the western world. It is the way into the power to get answers and effect our situations. It will change your whole approach to prayer and establish you in the authority you have been yearning for.” She goes on to say, “it is Biblical praying that taps into the anointing of the Spirit of God. It moves you into the prophetic realm and lifts you out of the ho-hum. It stimulates an expectation to see the hand of God move in your midst!” Everyone who has a relationship with God has a story about how prayer helped God move in their life. I recall the story of how my own mother was hemorrhaging during her first delivery and had been given her last rites. A paster from England went to the hospital at the request of my father and with a booming voice yelled, “Our Lord is a Lord that Heals” while praying for her. God healed her and she went on to have four more babies, including me and gave her life to the Lord. The enemy sought to destroy her and the lives of the children God had planned for her and my father but the Lord came in and stopped that immediately. As you pray in your daily life and are dealing with all sorts of situations that don’t seem surmountable, stop and think about how many times in history God has overcome for others and He will do so for you. Just pray. Christine Nielsen is a history teacher at a Christian School in New York State, where she lives with her family. She has had many stories published and continues to write in her free time.


Seven Essential Relationships Howard Katz’s book is a must read for any person struggling to get a grip on God’s hand in the midst of some of life’s most difficult situations. This book speaks to seven relationships that God invites us all to be a part of in our walk with Him. It truly ministered to me during a time when several things and people on which I placed my dependency and security were pulled out from under me leaving me feeling thrown up in the air not sure where, or if, I would land. This book encourages us to look at and understand the trials and difficulties of life as a true blessing from God for it is God working out His divine plan for our lives. Paperback: 175 pages Publisher: Believe Books ISBN-13: 978-0615158259 Price: $15.99 USD For more information about author Howard Katz, or publisher Believe Books, visit

Through the truths of scripture and personal testimonies Howard spurs the reader on to thank God for the bumps and potholes in the road of life as they are both character building and allow God to put His handprint on us in ways that He is unable to in any other circumstance. Developing a true dependency, trust and love for our Father is the theme of this book. When we have achieved these seven essential relationships God will be so close and real to us that nothing, not life or death, will seem threatening to us because we will have learned to truly place our life in the Father’s hands. I would urge any believer, or those seeking to find Christ, to read this book. It will deepen your walk with Him! Reviewed by Melissa Holmes.

If He Builds It They Will Come If He Builds It They Will Come by author Greg Holmes is an exhortation to all Christians and churches that profess the name, Jesus Christ of Nazareth as their God to look inside the structure of themselves and the organization that they belong to and question, “Is this really all there is to receive from God the Father, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” From history beginning to present day, Greg combines personal experience at Bethel Pentecostal Church with eyewitness testimony. The scriptural basis used to explain the miraculous outpouring of God’s Spirit in Sarnia, Ontario is spoken with the authority of God’s anointed Word. Paperback: 251 pages Publisher: Destiny Image ISBN-13: 978-0768425086 Price: $15.99 USD For more information about author Greg Holmes, or to purchase a copy of this book, visit


If He Builds It They Will Come is a must read book for all that seek after God’s Spirit in their lives. The detailed history shows the preparation required to be chosen for such an awakening. The testimonies shared in the book will exhort any Christian to pray, “If God can do it for them, He can do it for me!” Reviewed by Richard Schilke.

SPLIT OPEN THE HEAVENS “If you would only split open the heavens and come down! The mountains would quake at your presence.” Isaiah 63:1 (God’s Word)

SPIRITUAL HUNGER Have you ever longed to be in God’s presence? Do you hunger for more of God and desire to receive more of Him in your life? God is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh and this out pouring will bring more and more souls into His kingdom. More lives will be transformed by just one moment in His presence.

us something. The cost is dying to our flesh. We have to decrease so that God can increase in our lives.

WE MUST DECREASE Our self-sufficiency will destroy us and our pride will prevent God’s favor and blessing in our lives. The flesh is hard to tame. The only thing that will tame it is to lay it down at Christ’s feet and say, “Have your way in me.” Christ said it well in Matthew 26:39b Amplified Bible, “…My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire.” Even Jesus gave up control to the Father when He literally laid down His life for His Father’s will.

“The church today doesn’t even realize how much God wants to manifest His presence through us.”

Unlike our natural hunger that is satisfied after we eat, our spiritual hunger becomes more intense after we eat and partake from God. The more time you spend in God’s presence, the more you want to stay there. He is so beautiful and loving. His joy will fill your very being. You will know that He has everything under His control. It is a precious place to be in the everlasting arms of God.

The process of surrendering our all to Christ is a difficult and painful process, yet extremely rewarding once we do it. For me, the process took time. I fought

The church today doesn’t even realize how much God wants to be with us and manifest His presence in and through us. Look at Moses and His relationship with God; it was unique. He talked with God yet he wanted to see His glory (Exodus 33:17 – 23). There is an intimacy that God longs for but it will cost

God on this issue. It was not until I was firmly confronted by someone, that I realized I was fighting to keep control of my life. It surfaced one day and my reaction was ugly. How could I give up control? Maybe a better question would be, “When did I take back control of my life after I asked Christ into my heart as

my Lord and Savior?” I was concerned that if I gave God back control, I might become someone I didn’t want to be, or do something I didn’t want to do. I spent a good portion of my life building up what I wanted to have happen instead of waiting on God for what He wanted for me. I realized my self-worth was wrapped up in what I did, not in who I was in Christ. I had to face myself, or as the Bible calls it, my “flesh,” and what I saw was not a pretty sight. My right to myself had to be broken. “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain,” Philippians 1:21 (NKJV). Galatians 2:20 (NKJV) states, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave Himself for me.” These passages of scripture show how we are to view our lives. It’s all about what He wants. When we give our hearts to Christ, we are not our own but His. You need to deal with your flesh immediately. Your flesh doesn’t want to die. It will scream out at you to stop. It will scream out in self-pity to have its way. Be aware of it when the time comes for you to let go of control to God. If selfpity wins, sin has won. Press through the pain of letting go of your will. The world will tell you to look out for yourself, stand up for your rights, but God requires us to be broken and have a contrite heart, these are the sacrifices that God will never despise (Psalm continued on next page... 13

51:17). It’s never fun to die. It costs us something. Our will has to die. Flesh wants to run when it is costly or painful, but we must die to our flesh, our pride, and selfsufficiency, because they can rob us of a close relationship with Christ, and prevent us from being what God created us to be. I had to lay my dreams and goals at Christ’s feet. They were my crowns; the precious things I had carried all my life, yet they amounted to nothing compared to God’s plans for me. Laying down my dreams and letting go of my self-sufficiency gave God control and allowed Him to transform me and increase in my life. When I decreased, it was no longer about me, but God. When God increased, He not only became the center of my life, but He increased Himself and His presence in me. He increases areas of my life as I walk in obedience to His word. It is a fail-safe plan to decrease and have God increase in our lives. It is a “win – win” situation.

SPLIT OPEN THE HEAVENS There is something about God’s glory that is intoxicating. To behold His beauty is truly overwhelming. How do you respond when you encounter God’s presence? All I know is that I have to have an encounter of the Living God daily. He is my portion. How can I meet people without meeting my Creator first? His love is given to us extravagantly. God is more than enough for whatever need, for whatever longing, for whatever trouble you may have right now. God will split open the heaven and come down to a heart that is longing for Him. Are you hungry for God? Your hunger will move the heart of God towards you. Jim Goll has stated, “The depth of our hunger is the length of our reach for God. God’s desire is to create in us a greater desperation that will stir up a fiercer hunger that will release a longer reach.” Living in the presence of God moment by moment is what I have to do. There are times I just think about His goodness. There are times when I just soak in His presence and listen to His voice. There are times when I cry out my heart to God and He comes and comforts, heals, and restores my soul. He is the air I breathe. God is not far away. He is waiting for us 14

to decrease so He can increase in us. He is waiting for our passion to turn into desperate hunger for Him. This will split open the Heavens and bring His habitation. He will come and live and stay. Then we will have built that “throne” for His weighty presence to rest upon.

Kris Belfils is a very accomplished woman of faith with a dynamic passion to see lives transformed and set free by the power of God. She is the author of, “The Garbage Man Always Comes On Fridays.” Kris lives in Washington State with her husband and their two daughters. Visit Kris online at

The Love of a Father Then He said: A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living. But when he had spent all, there arose a severe famine in that land, and he began to be in want. Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything. “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.”’ “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. Luke 15:11-20 Reading this scripture I can envision Jesus telling the story of the prodigal son as those close by amazed by His tender voice, huddle together listening to this touching story of a father’s love for his son. I can see the sadness in the lines of His face as he tells how the son’s

desires and misguided dreams lured him away from his father and right into a masquerade of gleaming packages of promise. I can picture His sincerity telling the story of the father, being grieved as he pleads with his son to stay with his family and urgently warns him of the dangers that trekking out into the unknown may hold. I can imagine the great care in the voice of Jesus as He unfolds truth, describing an awesome display of a father’s love for his son as he runs to greet him; overflowing with compassion, giving a long awaited embrace to affirm his love. Jesus doesn’t tell us what it was like for the son on his trip home. But, we can gather from scripture that he was a good distance away, he was starving, broken by the weight of the world and fearful he would not be accepted into the family he had walked away from long ago. His thoughts, which were likely besieged by storms of discouragement and the unknown, must have served as sizable obstacles attempting to block his path. We can be sure there were mountains of doubt to climb, but the hope he would receive at least a servants welcome kept him determined. He was desperate to see his father and nothing could have prevented him from reaching his destination. Then immense relief must have consumed him as he witnessed his father running out to meet him with his arms opened wide and the expression of longing on his face.

If we are honest with ourselves, this well known story epitomizes many of our own reality at times. We may not have taken our lot and intentionally ventured out into the world’s illusions of fulfillment, but there are times when we are more vulnerable to the distractions of this present world and we wander away from the safety of our Father’s arms and into an unintended stroll away from the throne of Grace. At times we may drift only a short distance and at other times we may look up to discover that the unpredictable winds of life have blown us quite a few miles from home; intentional or not, the results are still the same. Our journey back is filled with raging storms of discouragement as we realize we have made this trip before. We desperately try to figure out how we allowed it to happen again as we thoughtfully recount our steps. We survey the surroundings as mountains of doubt that our Father will lovingly receive us attempt to hinder our hurried pace toward home. But we are desperate to see our Heavenly Father so we stay determined as we hope for at least a servant’s welcome. Starving for the love of our Father and exhausted from the long route home we collapse to our knees as we catch a glimpse in the distance, the form of our Father running out to meet us with His arms opened wide and acceptance emanating from His face. I am humbled by the undeserved mercy continued on page 24... 15

Planting Fruit for the Kingdom Through Healing Power Renée LaZarrus headed to work on Saturday, October 10, 1998, unaware that her life would change that afternoon. At a nursing home across town in Rochester, Indiana, the petite twenty-one-year-old with dark hair and glasses worked as a nurse’s aide in a ward of residents suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Renée enjoyed her job. In fact, she enjoyed her life. She and her husband, Jeffrey, sixteen years her senior, had a delightful baby daughter, Kaylynn. They attended Faith Outreach Center, a Foursquare church in Rochester, and took part in various outreach activities, including prison ministry, street preaching, and itinerant evangelism. Jeff’s factory work paid the bills, but they both knew he had a calling to minister full time. Renée, also gifted in evangelism, served right alongside him. She arrived at the nursing home for her 2:00 p.m . shift and began her usual routine of checking residents, making sure everyone took a turn in the bathroom, and getting them ready for the evening meal. One resident had soiled his pants, not unusual for Alzheimer’s patients. Renée helped John into the bathroom, set him down on the toilet, and explained that she was going to change his clothes. As she bent over to remove his pants, without warning he punched her squarely in the back. The blow, landing near the top of Renée’s spine, knocked her to the floor and left her immobile. She felt something pop and an immediate rush of excruciating pain. Renée cried out for help, but the bathroom door, which swung outward, was pulled nearly closed, and no one heard her. Above the injured young woman John now stood poised with clenched fist, ready to strike again. She realized her only option was to talk him out of it. “John, you hurt me!” she scolded him. “Don’t be a bad boy! I can’t believe you did that, when you’re usually a good boy. Why would you act like that?” Something inspired Renée to begin singing an old hymn, “Jesus Loves Me.” In a moment John sat down on the toilet and started

to weep. Although her back muscles felt like gelatin, Renée knew she had to take this opportunity to get out. Somehow she crawled to the door, pushed it open, and rose to her knees before a nurse spied her and came to her assistance. Renée never recovered. When she saw her doctor, he diagnosed severe damage to her muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The blow had pushed her spine out of alignment. Spasms in her horribly swollen back, neck, and shoulders caused aching knots. The doctor took X rays and prescribed pain medication, but could offer few recommendations other than bed rest and regular monitoring. Moreover, the doctor surprised Renée after she told him how the injury had happened. John, it turned out, was also a patient of his. “Did you know in his younger years he was an accomplished martial arts instructor?” The doctor speculated that John’s punch, had it come at a different angle, could have caused even more harm. Renée now lived in constant agony, with limited mobility in her upper body. Jeff took over her duties at home and cared for his wife with wonderful patience, but their lives changed. Renée could no longer lift their baby girl to hold her; Jeff had to place Kaylynn into her mother’s lap. Beyond this heartache, Renée grieved most that her injury kept her from raising her hands in worship to God. A series of medical specialists suggested different treatments: physical therapy, massage therapy, cortisone shots, various narcotics, a TENS unit (used to mask pain), insertion of needles into her head and back. Nothing brought more than limited, temporary relief. Furthermore, the doctors told her frankly that none of these treatments would cure the problem. One doctor eventually suggested a radical operation to inject a compound into her spine to replace Renée’s ligaments and tendons artificially. Yet even this procedure would merely lessen the pain somewhat. Renée and Jeff declined, and concentrated on seeking the Lord for divine healing while learning to deal with Renée’s disability in the meantime.

Friends at church and in the community continued to pray for them. Renée found that if she fought off hopelessness and maintained an attitude of trust in God to strengthen her, she could function better. In public she worked hard to keep her misery out of her countenance, so people who did not know her might not perceive the pain that lay beneath her stooped posture. Because of complications caused by her powerful narcotics, Renée miscarried a baby in 1999. The next year, when she learned she was pregnant again, she had to stop taking all drugs and try to get by on massage therapy, hot baths, and prescription-strength lotion. Morphine helped her survive labor, and she delivered another beautiful girl, Rebekah Grace, on January 20, 2001.

the pew with Kaylynn and Graci. Yet as Pastor Glenn and his wife, Lynn, began to pray for people, Renée felt a strong urge to go to the front with her husband. After making sure another woman nearby could keep an eye on the girls, Renée stood and started down the center aisle. Just then Glenn finished praying for the man next to Jeff. He turned to Jeff, saw Renée coming forward, and pointed to her. “The Lord is going to heal your back,” he declared. “The Lord is going to heal you this day.” As if to confirm the supernaturally discerned word of knowledge, he repeated to Jeff, “The Lord is going to heal her back today.”

Three months later their pastor at Faith Outreach Center, Dan Mundt, told Jeff and Renée he sensed a strong leading from the Lord that they should attend a Church Planter’s Intensive training conference. “The church will pay for it,” Pastor Dan said. “We really want you to go.” The four-day “boot camp” training in Illinois, led by Pastor Glenn Bleakney, confirmed God’s calling on Jeff and Renée to full-time ministry. Jeff stepped out on faith and resigned from his job. The two prayed for God’s direction as they pursued advice from Pastor Glenn and other church planters, although Renée had not felt open to tell him about her disability. In August 2001, Pastor Glenn invited the LaZarruses to visit his church in Aurora, Illinois, to observe a church plant in progress. Solid Rock Church had already acquired a building, now under renovation for the group of core members Glenn was gathering. Jeff and Renée and their two girls joined the twenty-five or thirty people at Solid Rock for their service on Sunday morning, August 26. A worship team led in praise, followed by Pastor Glenn’s sermon. After his message, Glenn invited anyone wanting prayer to come forward. Several people went up. Jeff made his way to the altar to seek God’s direction in ministry, while Renée stayed in

Renée began to weep. When she reached the front, Jeff held her and they wept together as Pastor Glenn laid his hands on them and prayed against the affliction in Jesus’ name. Renée knew this was the divine moment they had waited for, although at first she felt no change in her intense pain. Still, she began to praise God for his healing power. After a few minutes she needed to return to the pew where the woman had been sitting with Kaylynn and Graci. There Renée stood and continued weeping, praising God, and thanking him for what he was about to do. Soon a warmth poured over her, and her body began to move. She felt her spine rearcontinued on page 24... 17

Ally Asbenson God is provoking more and more people to move in His power in the marketplace and He is changing our views of what “full-time ministry” looks like. Instead of looking like the buttoned-up, seemingly wise man or woman that is on staff at Any Church, we need to see that God is calling people into full-time marketplace ministry that takes place in our schools and at our jobs. Ministry is life. When we are living our life day by day, and we determine to do so with a “Kingdom mindset”, we are able to find opportunities to minister to the hurting, the sick and the afflicted. We are called to work the Family business by following the example of Christ; most of the miracles Jesus performed were out in the marketplace. Testimonies help fuel the fires of revival; they ignite your spirit and help you focus on what He is calling all of us to do. Ally Asbenson is an 18 year old college student, studying to become a personal fitness trainer. More importantly, Ally is a fire starter for Christ whose passion is contagious. Ally is one of those radicals you see in worship services who is down in front dancing wildly for the Lord, or on her face in intercession. Ally is always ready to minister in the marketplace, and has numerous testimonies about the God encounters she gives people. Let the following testimonies of healing, prophecy and love provoke you into Kingdom action in the marketplace as Ally retells you her experience in her own words. “We went into a small store and the guy working there had back problems. We asked if he had pain at the moment and he said he always had pain in his back. We asked if we could pray for him and asked if we could put our hands on his back and then we prayed more or less the same prayer we always pray; we commanded healing in the name of Jesus and asked the Holy Spirit to come. The man started freaking out because he had no pain in his back. He started moving around and kept saying; “I don’t feel anything, I don’t feel any pain!” We also saw a woman in a wheelchair and asked this woman if we could pray for her. She told us the doctors had told her it was going to be a long time until she could walk again because of several factors. In fact, they were convinced she might not EVER walk again. We prayed and she said she didn’t feel anything but asked for our number so she could call us and let us know if it worked. A few days later, my friend Cherise got a call from her. She had just been to the doctor the day after we prayed for her; the doctor had said


that it didn’t make sense, but there was no reason for her to be in the wheelchair anymore or even to come back and get another checkup regarding the problems she had been having. So she got out of the wheelchair and was now walking around on her own!”

“ When we live with a Kingdom mindset, we find opportunities to minister. ”

On another occasion we had just finished an awesome worship service and I told God I wanted to minister to someone outside the church that night. He gave me a vision of a certain store, and at a certain checkout stand there would be woman there. I was to go and to tell the woman at that checkout stand that He said she was beautiful, that she was appreciated and He wanted to let her know he knew the dreams in her heart. He also wanted to let her know that even if she didn’t know if her dreams would ever come true or not, He wanted to make them come true and he loved her very much. I went to the store, found the checkout stand and there she was. I told her everything God spoke, and then she smiled a huge smile at me and said “Oh, well, thank…thanks God, I guess…”. I was already down the street at this time but I turned around and started praying God would touch her. I was led to go back up to her and before I could say anything to her, she looked at me straight in the eyes and said; “Oh, it’s you! I can’t believe it! I was speechless when you told me those things. It is all so true. I didn’t even know what to say because everything you said is right exactly how I’ve been feeling. I don’t feel appreciated or beautiful and I have so many dreams that I wonder about.” I told her it was God. He set it all up because he loved her so much. I talked to her about God and she told me about herself for a good 15-20 minutes. She

told me she had turned away from the church a long time ago. She said that this was just amazing, and that what God said through me changed her entire day. She was so hungry to see the power of God! The best part about it is that TONIGHT she saw and felt the power of God!!!” Last semester at school I began to build a relationship with a girl who is a Scientology One day she was complaining about a headache and I asked if I could pray for her and she said that would be fine. She then wanted to know everything about what I believed. I found out that she was the daughter of the lead “minister” of Scientology in the area. She said she used to live at a church of Scientology in L.A. and do “ministry” there. She said that she thought it lacked something. It was all this knowledge, but at the end of the day it was only knowledge and not any experiences so she stopped going. She then told me some things about herself that she said she never really talked to anyone about. I know it was because she felt safe around me and she felt God! I told her some of the real experiences I have had with God and some of the things I have seen. I hung out with her and she said she wanted to come to church. After the winter break, I ran into her again and she told me that another one of her friends was a Christian who took her along on an outreach they did. She said that what the pastor had to say really impacted her and she really enjoyed the whole thing. God is totally working on her. Sometimes testimonies don’t happen overnight, but I know he is after this precious one and I get to be there along the way to see her mindset change and ultimately, to see her get saved!”

Eric and Margriet Leach oversee the River City School of Supernatural Ministry in Orangevale, CA. RCSM equips disciples to “work the family business” found in Matthew 10:8. For more information visit

Passion for God’s Children in Peru One woman’s passion for the people of Peru touches the heart of God as she honors her Lord and Saviors request to go into the remote areas of the world and share the gospel. Truly a living example of the hands and feet of Jesus, Rose Faz, is co-founder of Tower of Hope Ministries located in Houston Texas. She is a missionary who desires to share her passion to redeem the abandoned souls in Peru as she embarks into the community of Chonta. As Rose shares her personal journey into Chonta with you, listen for God to speak to you as you also walk with the Creator of the universe. Let us all go forth into this world as a light and ambassadors of Jesus Christ to revive the nations. The Holy Spirit reminded me of Gods word spoken to all of his children. God says, “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations.” Isaiah 42:1 “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. You are my witnesses, declares the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God. Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?” Isaiah 43:6-13. These scriptures pierced the very essence of my soul as I spoke with Rose Faz as she began to share portions of her personal journal recalling 20

her experiences in Peru. Chonta, Peru On our recent (Dec. 2007) mission trip to Peru, we stayed in Limatambo for several days. Pastors Jaime and Carmen Padilla, missionaries from Costa Rica who have been in Peru for over ten years, hosted us. Part of our mission entailed making a trip up the mountains to visit the native community of Chonta. To arrive in the village of Chonta, we took a very steep and rough ride up the mountain. The elevation of Chonta is at approximately 12,500 feet above sea level. The distance could not have been more than 5 miles, but it took us almost an hour and a half to arrive because of the rugged terrain and the very steep climb. Really, there was no road. One turn on the path curved so sharply that Pastor Jaime who was driving had to do a three-point turn to continue. There was no barrier between the road and the edge of the mountain. Standing on the mountain top, I felt a stirring in my Spirit . I remembered that God’s Word tells us that He does things that exceed anything we could ever conceive. Never, did I imagine the beautiful places that God would take me to meet His children and fulfill His commandment to carry the Gospel to the remotest places of the world! Truly, the beauty that I saw from the mountain caused me to fully understand how awesome and powerful Jehovah-Elohim, Creator of the universe is! However the naturally spectacular beauty we saw from afar was a direct contrast to the drab interior of the homes and the peoples’ daily way of life. As we arrived in the village and started to look at things up close, rampant poverty was evident everywhere. So much so that if our sole purpose of our ministry was to provide humanitarian assistance we would have instantly been at a loss for where to start. It was critical for us to remember while we provide physical comfort because we are the hands and feet of Jesus, our mission is to give them the Provider, Jehovah-

Jireh and He will take care of the provision! We arrived at a home and found a woman and her daughter sitting outside their door, sifting through grain for a meal. Her son played near by. It was a week day and both children were school-aged. Regardless, neither attended the near-by school. We were told that the children seldom attend school consistently. Striking a conversation through our Quechan translator, Pastor Eduardo, we found that the woman was ill, unable to walk due to burning sensations on her feet and legs. Through the door of her house, we could see the guinea pigs and chickens running rampant in their home. Neither the exterior nor the interior of the house was different from the stable which was just steps away. As we talked to the woman, we heard a horse galloping. It was her husband arriving. He was perched on top of the hill watching his sheep, and was able to watch our arrival at his home. When he arrived he looked a little apprehensive about our presence. I asked his permission to pray for his wife and he shyly agreed. We prayed for her and blessed their home, inviting them to attend the little mission started by our pastor friends. From their home, we wandered down the hill to visit the school; the schoolchildren were on break and the professor granted us permission to bless each child with pencils. Since we also had the color bead necklaces that tell the story of salvation, we used the time to witness to them through the necklaces. As we placed them on each child, we took the opportunity to lay hands on them and bless them. Late that afternoon, we left the village of Chonta with its sheep dotted pastures and its simple people. We returned to the city of Limatambo to preach at Pastors Jaime’s church. The Pastor opened the service, reading from Ezekiel 34. Never ever had that passage seemed so real to

me, a minister of the Lord who has been called and ordained to preach the gospel: “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD to the shepherds: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.” Ezekial 34: 1-6 As I meditated on God’s Word that evening, I found myself crying. I was able to see that in this modern age, God’s children are wondering around in the mountains and in the jungles of the world, lost without Him. I remembered that to whom much is given, much is required which emcourages me to keep on doing all that I can to carry out the commandment of Jesus to continue to carry the Gospel to ALL the world. The Lord is calling our ministry to expand our work in the country of Peru and also feel called to carry the Gospel to the lost souls that are in the Andes Mountains. The children there have a 60% mortality rate and have a life expectancy of only 8 years.

Pamela J. Davis is author of Hands of the King. She utilizes poetry, photography and scripture to minister to God’s people. Pamela is a missionary, artist, poet and photographer. She resides in Houston, Texas.

This year, Tower of Hope Ministries will return to the Andes Mountains, to the village of Chonta with a missionary team during the last week of June and first week of July 2008. Anyone who has a heart to join this mission may contact Rose Faz via the website 21

A.W. Tozer: A Man in Pursuit of God Born April 21, 1897, in the mountainous region of western Pennsylvania, Aiden Wilson Tozer influenced his generation like no other individual. During his lifetime, Tozer, as he preferred to be called, earned the reputation of a twentieth-century prophet. His spiritual gifts afforded him a degree of insight regarding biblical truth and the nature and state of the Evangelical church in his day. Able to express his perceptions in a beautiful, simple, forceful manner, Tozer was often the voice of God when the words of others were but echoes. He saw through the fog of modern Christianity, pointing out the rocks on which it might flounder if it continued its course. Just before his 17th birthday, Tozer heard a street preacher on a corner in Akron, Ohio, as he walked home from his job at a rubber factory. He could not shake off the simple message. “If you don’t know how to be saved,” the preacher said, “just call on God, saying, ‘Lord, be merciful to me a sinner.’” Wrestling with God for some time at home, Tozer emerged from his attic sanctuary a new creature in Christ. Under the tutelage of his future mother-in-law, Tozer progressed rapidly in the things of God. She encouraged him to read good books, study the Bible and pray. She also urged him to preach, often gathering people in her home to hear him. In 1919, without formal education, Tozer was called to pastor a small storefront church in Nutter Fort, West Virginia. In 22

these humble beginnings Tozer and his new bride, Ada Celia Phaust, launched a ministry that was to span some 44 years in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. In 1928, Tozer received a call from the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Chicago. Not anxious to leave his congregation in Indianapolis, he pushed aside the invitation. After some persuasion, Tozer agreed to go and preach, but he offered no guarantees. That first Sunday in Chicago was notable. Francis Chase, a commercial illustrator in the area, and close friend of Tozer’s, remembered that first service. “He said very little and I didn’t expect much. He was slight with plenty of black hair, and certainly not a fashion plate as we say. He wore a black tie about 1 1/4 inches in width. His shoes were even then out-moded; high tops with hooks part way up. I introduced him and left the platform. He said nothing about being pleased to be there or any other pat phrases usually given on such occasions, but simply introduced his sermon topic, which was, ‘God’s Westminster Abbey,’ based on the eleventh chapter of Hebrews.” Writing to a friend after he accepted the call to Chicago Tozer confided, “As soon as I passed the city limits of Indianapolis I had a favorable earnest of my decision. There swept over my soul a sweet peace and I knew that I was in the will of God.”

From the first, the congregation was captivated by his approach to preaching - with superior language and phrases - and his splendid voice and diction. Numbering around 80 people when Tozer began, the congregation had to build larger facilities in 1941 to accommodate about 800. Many felt that there were only two great churches in Chicago, Moody Memorial Church with Harry Ironside, and Southside Alliance Church where Tozer pastored. Hundreds of people flocked to his services, especially nearby college students. From 1951 to 1959, Tozer’s ministry was greatly enlarged when WMBI, the Moody radio station, broadcast a weekly program originating from his church study. His ministry to the nearby Bible colleges was his special delight. Tozer pastored the Southside Alliance Church from 1928 until 1959, when he accepted the call from the Avenue Road Alliance Church in Toronto, Canada. Tozer was fond of saying, “I refuse to allow any man to put his glasses on me and force me to see everything in his light.” He literally burned the midnight oil in his quest for truth, giving himself to the study of the great classics in religion, philosophy, literature, poetry, the church fathers and Christian mystics. His special love for poetry and the hymns of the church gave wings to his preaching and writing. A voracious reader, he would read a bit, and then think and meditate on what he had read. He often said, “You should think 10 times more than you read.” He never read a book merely to say he had read it. Always a book was to lead him on in his quest for God. In an editorial on the subject, Tozer said that the best book is the one that starts us on a train of thought and then bows out. Its work is finished.

his fingertips. In 1950 Tozer was elected editor of the Alliance Weekly, now the Alliance Life, official magazine of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. The committee that presented Tozer’s name said of him, “His clear ad forceful style and his unique presentation of a Christcentered gospel will be Bible-loving Christians everywhere.” That proved prophetic, as under Tozer’s leadership the magazine doubled in circulation. The Alliance Life, more than anything else, helped establish Tozer as a spokesman to the evangelical church at large. Someone observed that the Alliance Life was the only magazine subscribed to solely for its editorials. Many who were unfamiliar with the Christian and Missionary Alliance subscribed to the Alliance Life simply for Tozer’s racy editorials and insightful articles. His editorials were simultaneously published in Great Britain. H.F. Stevenson, editor of The Life of Faith magazine in London, England, said, “His survey of the contemporary scene was as relevant to Britain as to his own country, so that his articles and books were read avidly here also.” In the first editorial dated June 3, 1950, Tozer set the tone. “It will cost something,” he said, “to walk slow in the parade of the ages while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that.” Tozer’s forte was his prayer life. He often said, “As a man prayed so was he.” To him the worship of God was paramount in his life and ministry. He believed that true service would flow out of pure worship. His preaching as well as his writings was but extensions of his prayer life. What he discovered in prayer soon found its way into his sermons, then articles and editorials, and finally into his many books. Tozer greatly appreciated craftsmanship and excellence. His writings reveal that he demanded the utmost from himself. Wide reading and a disciplined mind provided him tremendous resources for the apt expressions that flowed from his tongue and pen. Often he would say, “There’s a right word; use it.” Invariably he had the right word at

The great care with which he produced his books established him as a devotional writer of a classic nature, who will long be read when his spoken ministry is forgotten. He labored diligently to develop a style and strength of expression that continually attracted attentions. Tozer’s lively imagination and descriptive powers gave force and vividness to his presentations. He spent hours meticulously producing sermons that were majestic and profound. Instead of shouting, he used crisp, precise, climatic sentences. His voice and delivery were rather quiet, but the sermon penetrated the soul. His idea of sermon craft was, “Get the idea down and the words will take care of themselves at delivery.”

fresh today as when he was alive. A close friend and colleague, Nathan Bailey, late president of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, answers this query. “In his writings he left the superficial and the obvious and the trivial for others to toss around, giving himself to the discipline of study and prayer that resulted in articles and books that reached deep into the hearts of men.” Tozer’s method of preaching was the strong declaration of biblical principles, never merely an involvement in word studies, clever outlines or statistics. Listening to his numerous recorded sermons or reading any of his many books, the observer will notice the absence of alliteration. He thought alliteration was artificial and did not use it. His style was the simple unfolding of truth as naturally as a flower unfolding in the sunlight.

Through his preaching and writing Tozer issued a clarion call for evangelicals to return to authentic, biblical, personal and inward positions that have characterized the Christian church when she was most faithful to Christ and His Word. As he expounded the Scriptures, analyzed, or explained a biblical truth the listener was brought face-to-face with decisions that would never be forgotten or regretted. As an intellectual beast of prey, Tozer was capable of tearing the faulty arguments of an author to pieces. He seemed to have a spiritual intuition enabling him to scent error, name it for what it was, and reject it in one decisive act. Francis Chase, close friend for over 30 years, shares this insight into his work habits. “He told me once that he would often go to that little dismal loft in the church to write some editorials. He said his heart and mind were as dry and uninspired as a burnt shingle. He would open his Bible, possibly a hymnbook, kneel at that old couch, pick up a pencil, and then the Holy Spirit would come upon him, and to keep up with what flooded his soul he would have to write ferociously. Four or five editorials would be completed at one time.” Some wonder why his writings are as

A.W. Tozer Much like that of Will Rogers, Tozer’s humor can be described as good, honest, homespun wit. He was not a storyteller or joke-teller, but in the turn of a phrase, a sharp observation through satire or a grotesque illustration, he g0t his point across most tellingly. Of course, too much humor can be ruinous to any sermon, and Tozer struggled to keep his humor under control. Raymond McAfee, long time associate of Tozer in Chicago, said, “I could always tell by the content of humor in his preaching just how tired he was. If the audience was convulsed by his discourse, he was tired, his guard was continued on page 25...

Revival Diaries

vigor for ministry. Through her testimony, unbelievers have come to faith in Christ, wanderers have rededicated their lives to him, and believers have received encouragement to pursue deeper relationship with the Lord.

...continued from page 17

ranging and coming into alignment. Her shoulders shifted back from their rounded slump, and her back muscles strengthened to receive the shoulders. In a moment she realized her pain had completely disappeared. The others in the congregation had fixed their eyes on Renée as soon as Pastor Glenn had spoken the word of healing. They cried and rejoiced with her when they observed the changes in her body. While the worship team resumed the music, Jeff returned to the pew. He took his wife into his arms and asked, “Is it done?” “It’s done!” Renée confirmed. “We’re healed!” Again they wept together.

On December 2, 2001, the family moved to Indianapolis and began planting a new congregation. While Jeff and Renée spread the seed of vision for Crossroads Foursquare Church, they believe they will see yet more fruit glorifying God as he continues to manifest his supernatural power.

From Signs and Wonders in America Today: Amazing Accounts of God’s Power by ; Regal Books, 2003 - ISBN 08307-34910 Used with permission

Renée heard God tell her clearly, Now praise me! She joined in singing, and raised her hands in worship for the first time in nearly three years. By the end of that service Renée could do everything her pain and injury had kept her from doing. She picked up her daughters, tossed them into the air, played with them, and held them for hours. She has been pain-free ever since. Renée now tells everyone about God’s restoration of her health, family life, and

Do you have an amazing testimony of how God saved you, healed you, or transformed your life? Are you at a church where the Power of God is moving mightily? Are you active in the marketplace, bringing the life changing message of the Gospel to the lost and hurting? Is God using your gift (writing, artistic ability, etc...) in profound ways? If you answered YES to any of these questions, we want to hear your story. Revival Nation theMagazine is always looking for God stories that we can retell to edify the body of Christ. Send your story to Note: Not all stories submitted will be used. 24

Glenn Bleakney serves as the overseer of Awakening Ministries and is the pastor of The Lifehouse in, Ontario CANADA. Glenn has an apostolic gifting for training and releasing servant leaders to reach the nations. He appears frequently on Christian television and hosts the RE:Generation teaching radio ministry. For more information visit

God Out Of The Box ...continued from page 15

our Father lavishes on us and I am undone before Him as I clearly see that He takes us into the strength of His arms and reaches for the beautiful robe of Grace to comfort us. My preconceived notions and worldly wisdom unravel as I, like the apostle Paul, become convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39) Let us not become distracted by the details our enemy so readily presents us with, but let the sweet aroma of the Holy Spirit lead us into a deeper relationship with Him. Let us seek that purpose with all of our hearts, all of our minds and all of our strength so that we may indeed fulfill His purpose with passion and immense joy. Tammy Hayes resides in Lumberton, North Carolina. She is a wife, mother and Nana with a deep desire to serve the Lord with purpose and passion in everything that she does.

Revival Greats ...continued from page 23

down and humor sneaked through.” In his daily walk and ministry, Tozer had a sense of God that enveloped him in reverence and adoration. His one daily exercise was the practice of the presence of God, pursuing Him with all his strength and energy. To him, Jesus Christ was a daily wonder, a recurring astonishment, a continual amazement of love and grace. Toward the end of his life Tozer remarked, “I have found God to be cordial and generous and in every way easy to live with.” For almost 50 years, Tozer lived in God. He was not a perfect man; he had his faults and “warts.” He possessed a disposition that caused him grief and heartache. He was never nasty or venomous, but at times, he had to apologize to those he inadvertently hurt when he spontaneously popped their balloons of pretense, pomposity and posturing. Toward the end of his ministry, he requested of his congregation: “Pray for me in the light of the pressures of our times. Pray

that I will not just come to a wearied end - an exhausted, tired old preacher, interested only in hunting a place to roost. Pray that I will be willing to let my Christian experience and Christian standards cost me something right down to the last gasp!” On May 12, 1963, A.W. Tozer’s earthly labors ended. His faith in God’s majesty became sight as he entered into the presence of God. At the funeral, his daughter, Becky, said something typical of what Tozer himself would have said. “I can’t feel sad; I know Dad’s happy; he’s lived for this all his life.” And so he had. Even though his physical presence is far removed from us, Tozer will continue to minister to those who are thirsty for the things of God.

Rev. James L. Snyder is the author of the award-winning book, “In Pursuit of God,” a biography of the great revivalist A.W. Tozer. This article is an excerpt from that book in which Rev. Snyder defines not only Tozer the prophet, but also Tozer the private person. Title: In Pursuit of God (1991) Publisher: Christian Publications ISBN: 978-08750-956-2-2


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