Revolution Magazine Feb '13

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Hello reader! Welcome to Revolution Magazine! It’s been a crazy windy road to publishing this, something probably worth writing about in itself. Nonetheless we are here! In creating Revolution we were looking to create something a little different. We see Revolution as neither a men or womens publication, it’s more of a magazine for ‘peeps’! We haven’t reinvented the wheel or anything, perhaps we did put an alloy on it?...So many sources of news and media provide a false outlook on who you are and the world in which you are living. We are here to put that right as much as we can and to have a loads of fun along the way. This is just the first step in a longer journey, a journey that will hopefully make you smile; because that’s the way we like to see you! So today I promise I will only let my peeps make awesomeness because that’s what you deserve. On behalf of all of us at Revolution Magazine Enjoy... Aaron

Publisher Fashion and Beauty Beauty Editor Fashion Writer

Regulars and Features

Editor Features Writer Contributing Writers


Aaron Harrison

Adrienne Lauren Aisha Clarke Chloe Churchill Jack Flahavan Stem



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f t



WE HOPE YOU ENJOY READING! Revolution Magazine//



‘Save Me A Seat’ was F-Jay’s highly anticipated mixtape, which is available for free, download, with LBYD as the 1st official lead single from the mixtape. Charmer produced “LBYD” the phenomenal debut single. The song illustrates the significance of living everyday as if it would be your last. The single is proving to be a mesmeric hip-hop song with smart savvy lyrics and encouraging debut single from the South East London artist. The song addresses and stresses the importance of living life. LBYD the official music video is available on Youtube.


With numerous reports of shootings and stabbings amongst youths in London and the press continually focusing on the lack of role models in certain communities. F-Jay, a solo artist/ producer and songwriter from South East London created a clothing brand called ‘Live Before You Die (LBYD). The inspiration behind LBYD came after the tragic death of close friends.

With the UK urban scene on the rise, F-Jay is tipped to become the next big thing out in the UK and he is definitely the one to watch. LBYD demonstrates and shows F-Jay’s deep lyrical content ability with street-smart savvy lyrics and fearless words with a very motivational but heartfelt tone, which speaks directly to listeners. “Life’s Lesson let it teach you” encouraging words from F-Jay on not giving up hope on dreams no matter what life’s circumstance.

f jay

Time waits for no man and a dream will always be a dream until you wake up and make it a reality “Everyone knows that life is too short”, in other words “Live Before You Die” (LBYD).


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Uberluv Name: Lee ‘Uber’ Murray Location: Southampton Discipline: Graphic Designer

Currently storming Southampton with design of epic proportions is Uberluv. The output is from the creative mind of artistic director Lee Murray. Uberluv is the urban side of the more elegantly polished Uberstudios, Lee’s well established design company. Lee has been producing some awesome clothes in the Uberluv range, all of which are available at the Uberluv online store (link below).

Lee’s work is outstanding and his Uberluv clothing range is full of must haves for those in favour of a designer tee or hoodie. Not only that he also sells artwork for your rooms too! Uberluv is just getting bigger and is already attracting quite a following so surely Lee’s works are classics in the making...

*art Click to visit Uber Studio’s

Click to visit the Uberluv website

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Itchen Bridge, Southampton

street art

Whilst looking for some street art to go snap for ourselves, we cam across these little beauties on our shores!

Woolston, Southampton

“You are loved�- hopefully would have inspired many crossing the Itchen and maybe they saw Walls too in Woolston?

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MAGICAL ATTRACTION I dunno about you but I’ve seen my fair share of new age shamans, sorcerers, philosophers and psychics. I look at the growing trend of “Real Magick” stuff.... I’ve been to all kinds of meetings of esoteric and mystical nature. I’m sure the same can be said about at least one person you know yourself, if not YOU! I can’t help but notice how this sort of culture seems to be growing in the shadows. Some might say it’s been going on for years with Wicca and seances being quite popular in culture over the last 100 years. No one can deny that the emergence of Most Haunted, and other televised ghost hunts, have raised the subject of the paranormal once more. Aside from your ghostly goings on, other paranormal phenomenon have made their own rifts in time and space...


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The Law of Attraction; the ability to create your own future by speaking and dealing with the Universe, has created quite a storm in the US, with lifestyle gurus popping up all over the web! The blockbuster book “The Secret”, by Rhonda Bryne was apparently to blame for the masses joining the stock market of the Universe. I took the time to watch the DVD! It seemed that this stuff actually was working for people so I put it to the test.. I made several small request..Speaking to the Universe wasn’t easy, after all who and what is it?..The best way I could describe it was like talking to someone you think is in the toiletbut in your head. It’s like your half expecting them not to be their but everything says that they are..

Big, immediate, obvious things weren’t happening but being clever we took a shot at different levels of requests! Muhaha!.. I found that though it seemed to work it wasn’t easy...I’ve been left just wandering how long it will take before I magically appear on my dream beach?... So is ‘real magick’ something that is resurfacing as something we are beginning to understand again. So many of us are looking for answers, but I can’t help but feel that ultimately this comes from within. No matter what your beliefs, the fundamental belief in yourself is the most important thing we have! No matter what you do this will always serve you well.. Chloe x


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Earn a decent living doing what you do best!! By Chloe Churchill

Since the dawn of the internet we have seen a great deal of young people make their mark in history online. With people like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook crafting colossal edifices along the information highway, we look at how others have been turfing their little patch of cyberspace.. We found that bloggers were the top of the pops for fledgling online entrepreneurs. It doesn’t stop there though! Men and women all over the web have sprung up with little online stores; all trading in this new found, nomadic, internet culture.

It’s so easy to find a hoard of people with the same, if not similar, interest to you! The Internet really is nomadic but to our alter egos, the person we put away to go to work without! Then we go home and e-mingle with the rest of our cyber-tribe. It doesn’t matter if you’re into something relatively normal or something completely off the hook, their is always a following on the internet. Google has several great tools such as Insight. This powerful tool gives you statistics on who, what and where about the people who have been searching for that particular interest. So what does this all mean? It means no matter what that invention or that little routine that you truly believe in; there will be someone willing to listen and possibly purchase something you have created yourself!

It’s become apparent that we are in the age of information, people love to read about other peoples experiences or learn something for themselves. How often do you “Google” how to do something?! There are many books available on kindle that fall into the “How to...” category. Masters of all sorts of trades have put their words into electronic format for the world to read up on their secrets. Perhaps you’ve got that special way of putting things into perspective, then there’s a self help book in you somewhere! Perhaps you’re a fashion fanatic or a computer gaming buff; then blog your opinion and monetise* your blog! It may only bring you a little extra cash but give it your best shot and it might roll into thousands! *Earn money through your blog by affiliate marketing or from advertising space on your blog. Well as long as you have access to a computer, or maybe even just a mobile, and somewhere you can upload your work online then you are already halfway there! So embrace the life you want by doing something you love to do best!

arie Forleo

Chloe x

In your quest for internet fame and fortune nothing will go smoothly all of the time. Be sure to check out MarieTV on youtube! Whether you are stuck in a rut or if you just need some inspiration for the day, Marie Forleo has it all for those of you looking to be “Rich, Happy & Hot”! Visit Marie’s Youtube channel by clicking the link below!

Click me! Revolution Magazine//



Words of great wisdom!

We bring you only the finest in blogging excellence here at Revolution...

She Geeks by Corvida Raven... Corvida has been noted as an influential woman when it comes to ladies and technology. The founder also cofounded and has collaborated on many other projects as well as being called in to speak on behalf of a range of different clients.

“I like to push people past that disguise and into the joys of using technology to accomplish something, anything!”

blogo This girl doesn’t seem to stop! Her blog is stunningly designed providing a fresh and funky hub for the techy girls out there!

She classes her self as a “technology inspired artist” covering anything from gadgets to social media. Her technology reviews are inspiring and well written. Corvida Ravens blog is a bookmark must for Ona Otaku’s (thats japanese for geek girl!).


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Sarah Newton by Sarah Newton... Got trouble understanding your teens? Sarah Newton is the teen guru, the Super Nanny of the teen kind. Sarah created her own brand/branch of study in technology, that’s teen-oh-lo-gee!

“I believe that all people are born with a talent and innate gift that, if used to its full potential, can make the world a better place. “

How to be a domestic disgrace by Lisa Jarmin...

How to be a domestic disgrace is hilarious if you fill all the requirements of a fan i.e. you will have children under five and no history of OCD. Lisa’s blog is a great place to look for inspiration for ideas for a peaceful weekend or home wrecking activities.

“What Nigella would do if she had an insubordinate toddler, 97 pence to last the week & a kitchen full of flying ants!”

osphere Sarah’s blog offers parents, and teens, some quality information on dealing with teenage life. We didn’t have people like Sarah around in the 90’s; offering us sound advice on how to cope etc. People like Sarah are invaluable if you have that disorderly teenager. I know I was in a bit of a daze when I first left school and someone like Sarah would have provided a good place to start in trying to find out where I wanted to go in life!

This blog is by far one of the best treasure I have found on the internet to date! Just go visit her blog and see for your self. If you filled out the requirements then you will be a long shot from disappointed!

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90mins VS. 140Characters! Are footballers on Twitter easy targets?.. By Jack Flahavan

Who would have thought 140 characters could cause such a stir? Granted, we are all aware of the power of the written word, but when a star athlete exacerbates thousands, even millions of people just by commenting on something as trivial breakfast, surely the world of social networking is becoming unstable? Twitter, in particular, is the most influential force of online correspondence: an on-trend epicentre that surpasses cultural boundaries by garnering over 500 million users since its inception in July 2006. It is the most herculean presence because of its attraction for celebrities, who have glamourised social networking and taken public interest to a whole new level. Because of Twitter, we are now able to communicate with the upper echelons of civilization: from actors to politicians, from pop stars to sporting giants. 16

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In some ways, this ever-expanding craze has definite positives; breaking down barriers, cutting away the red tape that divides us from our heroes so that we can see their human side. Such benefits must not be suppressed by the forces of gossip fodder and controversy, as Twitter is not the golem it is frequently made out to be in the tabloids. However, there is a flip-side to every coin; and the Yin and the Yang of social networking each has its own capacity to affect this medium, and the consequences can be dire. One of the most intriguing of Twitter case studies can be found in British football, with players from the Barclays Premier League having flocked to the site, without much pause for thought of the possible ramifications. The involvement of footballers has given cause for excitement for many avid fans, who are offered a window to gain insight into a life away from the glare of the floodlights and the

raucous crowds. Players like Rio Ferdinand have championed Twitter, and the Manchester United centre-back has attracted over 3 million followers since opening his account, using the site as a platform to promote himself, his business ventures, and various charities that he is associated with. More often than not, his statuses are banal, but, on a few occasions, Ferdinand has caused debate with some of his tweets. One particular incident was when he appeared to be engaging in slanderous banter with a member of the public who referred to Ferdinand’s England team-mate, Ashley Cole, as a “choc ice”, in response to evidence that the Chelsea left-back had given in defence of the former England captain, John Terry, who is alleged to have racially abused Ferdinand’s brother, Anton, in a match between Chelsea and QPR on 23 October, 2011.

Ferdinand’s actions resulted in him being punished by the Football Association and fined £45,000. The incident was magnified in the press, inciting a media and public discussion about the responsibilities of footballers on Twitter and how they should be more aware of their statuses as role models. Ferdinand, in his defence, claimed that the term “choc ice” was just slang for someone being “fake”, apparently unable to comprehend the racial aggravation his complicity had caused. This is one of the primary examples of a footballer under the microscope, where a small, off-hand comment can be blown out of proportion and scrutinized. Twitter has now become a place where a famous person must tread carefully, for the sake of their career and reputation. In Ferdinand’s case, it can be understood to some extent as to why his tweeting caused such a ruckus, but there are fellow professionals of his who are targeted for comments that do not contain a thread of antagonism. A prime example is the reaction to a Tweet posted by Manchester United and England striker, Wayne Rooney, on the day of a match in October 2011: “Just have to say 12 o’clock kick off is no good for players. Trying to force pasta down at 9 in the morning is not nice.” This tweet prompted an angry response from some of Rooney’s followers, who found it incredulous that he could have the audacity to complain about the obligations of a professional footballer. One irate follower replied: “Is £200k a week not enough? Try a real job then complain.” Another user was equally scathing: “Poor Rooney moaning on having to force down pasta at 9am. I’d almost consider tearing up my six-figure contract over that!” Amongst a glut of vitriol, journalist and television presenter Piers Morgan, always willing to wade into a dispute, joined in with the verbal assault, sniping: “Seriously Shrek – stop moaning. For £250k a week, I’d eat your hair follicles before a big match and still score.” The question is, were these jibes too harsh? Yes, Rooney is a lucky man with an abundance of riches, living the dream, but he is still human and is allowed to vocalise the odd grievance every now and then. After all, how many of us would be able to stomach a bowl full of pasta before going to work in the morning? The counter-argument however, could be that Rooney should have been more aware of the society he is living in, one that is debt-ridden and suffering from economic tumult. It is often said that footballers live in a bubble, confined within their luxurious existence, detached from the general public, and this can cultivate animosity from those outside of that bubble.

“It is often said that footballers live in a bubble, confined within their luxurious existence, detached from the general public...”

Even so, Twitter is sometimes used as a vessel for people to channel their aggression, which is frequently directed at celebrities. In Britain, it is footballers who often bear the brunt of enmity. Envy is a contributing factor, as those who covet opulence watch with resentful eyes as the Mario Balotelli’s of this world drive around in camouflage Bentley’s with £25,000 stashed in the glove compartment. On the footballers’ part, their ignorance is bound to kick-start a media spin, encouraging the public to turn against footballers, resulting in a manifestation of antipathy. Fortunately, most footballers have a thick skin and are able to laugh off aggressive tweets. But in other situations, matters can turn very nasty, and many ‘tweeps’ have overstepped the mark.

In recent times, players and ex-players have fallen victim to racist tweets. Talksport Radio pundit, and ex-Liverpool striker Stan Collymore, has received slanderous comments on his account on numerous occasions, and in 2012 a law student from Newcastle received a two-year community order for posting an offensive message on Collymore’s profile. Also last year, a 21-year old student was arrested and jailed for posting a sickening tweet about then Bolton midfielder, Fabrice Muamba, who was recovering in hospital having suffered a cardiac arrest during an F.A. Cup match on 17 March. Other recipients include West Ham’s Carlton Cole, and Chelsea’s Mikel John Obi. Whatever rivalry sport may cause, and however egotistical an athlete may behave, there can be no justification for insulting not only an individual, but an entire culture. There seems to be a bizarre ideology in our society where it is deemed reasonable to deride a famous person. In truth, we are all guilty of being conceited and delusional, yet we expect no criticism. People like Rio Ferdinand should, to some extent, expect to have a fair share of critics if he chooses to publicise his opinions and certain aspects of his life, but he should not have to tolerate prejudice. In these times, when a footballer joins in with a public craze, it is a big deal, and the news will cause ears to prick up in the same way a stomach-bug spreads through a school. Still, celebrities are not possessions of the public; they experience pain in the same way we do, and just because they reside in mansions with an outdoor pool and dine in fine restaurants, it does not make them immune. To quote Joseph Conrad : “A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time as the bullets go flying through space.” Perhaps we should bare this in mind before our fingers hit the keyboard.

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Casio Collection £17

Fossil £80

D&D Medicine Man £66


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Casio G-Shock £80

DieselYoung Blood £77

HUT.CO.UK AND GRAB THESE DEALS!! Revolution Magazine//




This dark comedy drama couldn’t be better. The sun, the mystery the characters...It’s like a 90’s point and click adventure!! There is something about Death in Paradise. Akin to a Tin Tin adventure story for adults or something... I’m not really one for television drama but this really has had me captivated from the first series! Ben Miller plays Detective Inspector Richard Poole along side Sara Martins as Detective Sergeant Camille Bordey This crime drama really brings something to the table, something which warms the heart. Perhaps it’s the hospitality and laid back atmosphere of the fictitious Saint-Marie or the humbling cast. Either way this TV gem has it’s grip in a second series currently running on Tuesday 9pm BBC 1.


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As with any TV crime drama, murders happen weekly, however Death in Paradise provides a range of cases featuring the usual love or money kill but also pirate curses and voodoo festivals. Also in the mix is Danny John-Jules, or Cat from Red Dwarf if the name doesn’t ring any bells. He plays Dwayne Myers the chilled out old school officer with his partner in crime (prevention!) Fidel Best played by Gary Carr. The made-up island of Saint-Marie is the place everyone dreams of being, just not Inspector Poole! Since episode one of the first series he has been on a personal quest to get back to London. Poole is the stereotypical starchy Englishman, he hates the sun, sea and sand and finds some of the island ways and it’s

inhabitants a little uncomforting! If you’ve watched the series as religiously as I have then you’ll be well aware of the sparks that subtly fly of the relationship between Camille and the Inspector. A few moments have emerged this series and the “will they, won’t they?” thing keeps you gripped as Camille’s love interests seem to swaying more towards Inspector Richard Poole. If you haven’t watched it then set it to record at least! We promise you won’t be disappointed. This is truly great programme and has everything for a smile midweek... Chloe x


The Hobbit An unexpected journey...into the magical world of Middle Earth and the roots of all that is fantasy!


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The Hobbit surprised us in so many ways! Sitting down we expected to be watching more Lord of the Rings (LotR) in a roundabout sense. What we were in fact dealt was a whole new saga. The tone and cinematography of The Hobbit is a far cry from the epic that is LotR.. This is the fourth time now that Peter Jackson has crafted a masterpiece that fans of the fiction will love. It has an all star cast including great British favourites such as; Martin Freeman (Sherlock, The Office) as Bilbo, James Nesbitt (Monroe, Jekyl, Cold Feet) as Bofur and Richard Armitage (Spooks, Cpt America: 1st Avenger) as Thorin. The Hobbit has a recipe that only Dungeons and Dragons nerds would understand. After all this novel saw the birth of modern day fantasy fiction. It was The Hobbit that inspired Gary Gygax in the creation of Dungeons and Dragons the roleplaying game.

favourite scenes in the movie involved a game of riddles; if you don’t get at least mildly creeped out by Golem then you are truly a Boss! There was probably no surprise to die hard Tolkien fans when the dwarves broke out into song in Bag End. It was nice to see a little musical shine through in such a gritty tale of fantasy based around barbaric dwarves... It was nice to see more Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen) on screen, you can’t get enough Gandalf! Unlike LotR, The Hobbit had it’s welcoming share of humour too, but what more did you expect with one Hobbit, a Wizard and thirteen Dwarves! Overall this film will warm the hearts of true fantasy buffs and will entertain those that couldn’t grip the LotR trilogy. We can’t wait to see the next installment due out later this year!

The film boasts it’s stunning visual FX with Golem looking more organic and realistic than ever before. In fact one of our

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Men’s Fashion There’s an abundance of red available in stores so we picked some of our favourites like the ‘Back to the Future’ hoodie... awesome!!

D E R g n Seei Burgundy Quilted Baseball Jacket £35.00 @ Burtons


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Red Birdseye Tipped Polo Shirt £16.00 @ Burtons

Soviet Pete Knitted Jumper £15.00 @ USC

Red Cross and Diamond Print Shirt £22.00 @ Burtons

Levis Strauss LA 84 Nylon Jacket £40.00 @ USC

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BUY // CLASSIC ZIP UP HOODIE £50 Revolution Magazine//




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We Are Legion...


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When you openly claim to have brought down systems such as the PS3 network and Visa, of course this is going to leave a residue of fear in both industry and the public. On the other hand though, what are we really dealing with here?... We watched We Are Legion a Youtube documentary on the exploits of Anonymous... Is the group Anonymous really a terrorist threat or an aggressive activist group as they seem to be painted in the media? To understand Anonymous you have to understand who or what it is! The public perception of Anonymous is often based on negative assumption. Imagery and words often used to describe the actions of the group are carefully chosen to steer the public away from the truth...

So are Anonymous the malicious organistaion they are made out to be?.. Collectively Anonymous stands for itself, with no leader or chain of command. It’s a force and an entity not a directive. It’s never been malicious in it’s intent as it’s the collective decision of the free man. Carried out by those skilled enough to stand up for their rights. It seems to us that Anonymous is a trend more than a terrorist... When you look at the roots of Anonymous and it’s collective online force you can’t help but admire how the nerds of the world seem to be standing up for the rights of the uninformed “jock” society that has closed eyes to this underlying struggle, the fight for information and the upkeep of freedom! -= Stem =-

The fact is that Anonymous are more like XBox Live than Al Quaeda. They stem from a collective of hackers, geeks, and gamersoften those at the rough end of policy changes made by the governments of their respective communities. You don’t have to use a computer to be a hacker... Hacking originated in Massachusetts MIT where members of the Model Railway Group (among others)often played practical jokes, usually with some engineering based prank! This evolved, with the release of the home computer, into what we see today to be hacking! Revolution Magazine//



MAKING UP FOR VALENTINES? Check out our selection of last minute LURV inspired gadgetry from HUG A MUG £9.95 On your own? Then get a hug from this hand molded cup.

SOUND JAR £14.95 Some romantic music this Valentines? Try this, the Sound Jar allows you to plug in your music player and enjoy enhance sound and volume.

RETRO SLUSH MACHINE £64.95 Replace wine with romantic day glo slushy drink. We all want one...don’t hold back!

REMOTE LED CANDLES £14.95 Share your romance safely and save the fire for elsewhere with these remote LED candles.


\\Revolution Magazine

Pickmaster £14.95 Serenade your loved ones without the hunt for a plectrum. This plectrum punch rocks!!

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE £19.95 Personal message in a bottle, for those left stranded this Valentine’s? (300 word limit)

LOVE HEARTS TEA LIGHTS £4.95 Leave a message in style with these lovely little Love Heart tea light candles.

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Fashion 38

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Fashion that makes you ‘snow’ off? By Aisha Clarke

With temperatures dropping and snow falling it’s hard to maintain a stylish look and keep your standards high when the weathers not. So here are a few ideas to add some heat to your winter wardrobe.

Printed Trousers

The Infamous Wedge Trainer

Printed trousers with a quirky pattern came brightened any outfit. They are comfortable and easy to wear. I particularly like these H&M ones ad an alternative to designer price tag.

If you haven’t heard about the shoe then where have you been? This wedge trainer provides height and style while playing on an urban classic. I particularly like the Isabel Marant wedge trainer. These are perfect for a snow day, its comfort and height.

The Fur Collar

The Fur Collar

An attachable fur collar is a must have. Wearing a fur collar

An attachable fur collar is a must have. Wearing a fur collar

on top of a jacket or a coat instantly adds some winter glamour to outfit and helps keep you warm. With celebs such as Olivia Palermo following the trend I suggest you grab yours

on top of a jacket or a coat instantly adds some winter glamour to outfit and helps keep you warm. With celebs such as Olivia Palermo following the trend I suggest you grab yours Revolution Magazine//



SPRAY SAFE!... Spray Tanning Safer And Hassle Free By Chloe Churchill

“Preparation is the key to a long lasting fantastic looking spray tan..”

We are all aware now the dangers of sunbathing, yet most of us still continue to strip off our clothes at the first sign of the sun. Skin cancer is unfortunately on the increase as people choose to ignore the dangers of the sun’s UV rays. More of us are visiting country’s with higher UV ray levels then our own and seem to forget the sun protection required to prevent burning. More often than not we forget that suntans is our bodies way of saying its burning and tries to protect the skin with melamine which is what creates the lovely brown tan we all desire. Your Local beauty stores no doubt offer spray tanning. As well as the usual nail, hair etc. But also it’s so easy to find mobile beauticians with the necessary equipment to give you the blow over at 40

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home. We know some ladies that have even began making an evening of it. So lets avoid dangerous UV rays; wine and spray tanning evenings are the future. You can even do it in the winter! Preparation is the key to a long lasting fantastic looking spray tan. If you are unsure don’t be afraid to ask for advice on post/pre tanning care. You should be looking for a service which puts the customer first and provides great attention when applying their product. Don’t damage your skin with harmful UV rays when you can have an all over fantastic looking fake tan with none of the inconveniences of having to visit a salon, a mobile service allows the customer to prepare for treatments without having to leave the house which saves time and money.

So perhaps nights in with some mates and a spray tanning tent popped up in the corner is the way forward. Another thing; it beats the military fitness regime I have to go through to even get myself to the beach. Yep! Winner! Chloe x

Lifestyle MEDITATE; unwind inside! In this fast changing world and never ending race it is possible many people feel left out and ended up having constant worries and anxiety. Constant anxiety can result in decrease in work related productivity and increases the cost for various organisations. Many people take the support of anti-anxiety drugs which may seem a panacea for the short term but then again there is a danger of relying on the drugs. However the best method is natural and the best part is, it is free from any side effect and cost.

naturally dissolves stress and reduces anxiety. Research shows that during meditation stress hormones, such as cortisol, are also reduced. After meditation, one feel more relaxed and mind retains some of the inner calm gained during your practice leading to clearer, more effective thinking. Meditation is a holistic remedy for reducing stress and promoting overall well being. Regular practice of meditation can help in: Increasing calmness, decreasing depression, improving sleep and reducing stress. Meditation helps to develop the sleeping inner potential of a human being and one can become the person one has always loved to be.

During Meditation, the mind settles down to a state of inner calm and wakefulness. There is a unique state of “restful alertness” which

Tweet Treat for Celebrity Fans Following the explosion in the number of tweeting celebrities comes the website created by friends and social media fanatics, Ben Austin and Hannah Boore Nowadays it seems that every celebrity has something to tweet about - but what are you missing out on if you’re not a user of Twitter yourself? Perhaps you are a Twitter user but find keeping up with so many celebrities among other people you follow a bit chaotic?

Twitter (if you have used Twitter before you will be aware of the number of fake celebrity profiles). We then wanted to create a menu to make it easy to find the celebrities that are of interest to the user so we sorted the celebrities into categories.”

Hannah explained “Making the website user friendly was a top priority. We have carefully sought out hundreds of genuine celebrities on Revolution Magazine//




You can tell so much about a person by their hair, such as how fashionable they are, how tidy they are, even to some extent what type of job they do, by their hairstyle. Your hair is certainly a huge give away. Hair is often called a ‘crowning glory’ which it certainly can be when well groomed, clean and shiny, in fact a recent university study shows that your hairstyle dictates the first impressions you make and overpowers the impact of facial features. It has also been confirmed by a Professor of Psychology that a “bad hair day” affects more than


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your appearance, it impacts on performance, self esteem, social insecurity and self criticism, thus a bad hair day has become part of the idiom of a bad day in general. Good healthy hair comes from having a good regime to cleanse, condition, with hair products that are right for your hair type. There is no hard and fast rule on how often to wash your hair, just so long as you choose the correct shampoo to do its job. Different people have different types of hair and washing your hair too frequently, or not frequently enough, for your hair type can do more harm than good and nobody knows your hair

better than you yourself and you will know when it needs washing by how it looks and feels. A lot of people assume that buying matching shampoo and conditioners is the best thing for your hair, in fact this is just the opposite as professionals will tell you to follow the rule of buying shampoo for your roots and conditioner for your ends, for the simple fact that your hair may be greasy yet the ends are dry and splitting maybe from colouring, thus buy a shampoo for greasy hair and a conditioning treatment for coloured hair. Also your hair may need proper hair treatments to complete the process.

“A lot of pe matching sham best thing fo jus


Study Shows Hairstyle Dictates First Impressions

eople assume that buying mpoo and conditioners is the or your hair, in fact this is st the opposite...”

Pampering our hair is exactly what we do, using shampoos and moisturizing conditioners, giving our routine a boost with hair treatments, and today more than any other time in the history of hair styling, we change its colour, we gel it, we use moose to give it volume, we lengthen our hair with extensions, use hair straighteners, heated rollers, hair dryers, is it any wonder that we sometimes suffer dry, dull and lifeless hair.

to straighten your hair when it is wet, you will just stretch the hair and eventually it will break, everything in moderation is key, The answer to achieving beautiful hair is not to let the hair get to where you are plying it with all sorts of products to bring it back to its natural beauty. Start as you mean to go on, investing in the best shampoo and conditioners to suite your hair type and we are here to help and advise you”.

A spokesman for Fabriah professional hair products online said “using electrical hair products if used properly can do no harm, don’t pump up the heat on hair dryers so you are blasting the hair with high heat, or try

Your hair is certainly a give away, to feel good, look good, well groomed hair is the answer.

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Spring Beauty Trends 2013 As always there is plenty going on trend wise in the beauty word with blue eyeliner and eyeshadow looking to make a come back this season and with Emerald being Pantone’s colour of the year expect to see an abundance of deep jewel toned products come mid 2013. One trend there will be no escaping this Spring/Summer is bright neon pink lips with matte being the finish of choice on a good number of runways. Much like a classic red lip stick a good bright pink lip is timeless and again like red there is a perfect pink for everyone, how bright you go, well that is your choice! Team with slicked back, wet look hair and keep everything else minimal and you will have the trend nailed.

If you buy one lipstick this season let it be Nars Schiap (£17.50), the soft velvet texture is a dream to work with not to mention the shade lends itself beautifully to all skin tones.

Finding the Perfect Pink for You?

Illamasqua Lip Colour in Eurydice (£16), another matte option and the one that looks truly amazing on deeper skin tones. 44

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YSL Rouge Volupte Provocative Pink Lipstick (£24), a super bright pink that has a creamy finish. Our choice for blondes.

MAC Candy Yum Yum (£14), the ultimate matte neon pink lip shade. A suit all shade.

Nars Pure Matte Lipstick in Carthage (£18.50), a deep yet bright blue based hot pink that sizzles on red heads.

Tom Ford Pure Pink Lipstick (£42), the grown up choice and perfect for olive and mid skin tones.

On the Beauty Desk... What we are buying this month

Benefit Fine One One £24. Blush, highlight and sculpt in one quick swipe.

Rimmel Apocalips £5.99 each. A lipgloss and lipstick hybrid that will fly off the shelves!

My Little Chloé perfumes £25 each. Now your three favourite Chloé scents come in handbag sized minis!

Chanel Poudre Signee de Chanel £46. The prettiest highlighter we ever did see.

NARS Spring 2013 Collection from £14. We want it all!

This Works Deep Sleep Candle £25. Get a good nights sleep with the aid of this wonder candle.

Bobbi Brown Sheer Cheek Tints £18 each. Sheer yet bold colour that is perfect for Spring.

Laura Mercier Arabesque Collection from £12.50. The sweetest Spring collection to date.

Juicy Couture - Couture La La EDP from £35. The newest Juicy Couture addition is bright, floral and perfect for spring.

++ We can not get enough of Theirry Mugler’s Womanity EDP(£50), OCC Lip Tars have been the perfect night out lip choice (£12). Where would we be without our instant eye opening Nude Scandal Eyes Eyeliner? (£3.99) The perfect light tinted lip balm comes in the form of Clarins Lip Prefectors collect them all (£16).

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Get The LookGwen Stefani With Valentine’s day looming many of us will be reaching for a red lipstick and what better style icon to take note from than Gwen Stefani. Gwen is as famous for her perfect red pout as her music making ways, she is forever getting it right with her simple yet striking approach to makeup. To get the look you want to perfect your skin with a light yet illuminating base and for that I suggest Giorgio Armani Maestro Foundation, it covers minor imperfections with a dewy fresh finish. To set dust lightly with a fixing powder such as ESTÉE LAUDER After Hours Pressed Powder (£15) and forgo blush as you want your lips to be center of attention. Speaking of the lips to prefect Gwen’s red lip look I suggest lining the lips with MAC’s Lip Pencil in Cherry (£11) and filling the lips with Clarins Rouge Eclat Lipstick in Passion Red, finishing with a quick dab of Lipcote (£3.99)to prevent bleeding and keep the lipstick in place. To prevent the over all look becoming too fussy line the eyes with L’Oreal Super Liner in Black and complete with big fluttery eye lashes, Eyelure are king of eyelashes and their Katy Perry line is not to be sniffed at.

Katy Perry for Eyelure eyelashes add a little drama to the eye make-up without being too over the top, our favourite style is Cool Kitty. (£5.95)

Take the fuss out of creating feline flicks with L’Oreal Super Liner in Black, it makes creating perfect sharp lines a breeze. (£5.99)

For flawless skin invest in Giorgio Armani Maestro Foundation, it is one of the most comfortable skin bases on the current UK market. (£36)

New on the scene is Clarins Rouge Eclat Lipstick which are buttery soft and a joy to wear, Passion Red is their knock out red offering. (£18.50)

Orange Red It’s on everyone’s lips... Another starlet renowned for her bright orange red lip choices is Rita Ora and to achieve that look she applies a combination of MAC’s Lip Liner in Redd (£11.50) with MAC Lady Danger Lipstick (£14) applied on top.

Love or loathe them the Kardashian’s know how to rock a statement lip. Kourtney’s signature orange red shade is YSL’s Pur Rouge Le Orange Lipstick (£23.50), to add a glossy sheen why not layer it with YSL’s Glossy Stain in Shade 27 (£22.50) which looks equally good worn alone. 46

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It’s Not All About the Pastels!

The Nudes - Top: Butter London Nail Enamel Starkers Collection (£13 each). Bottom : Left to Right, Revlon Color Stay Nail Enamel in Mocha (£5), Topshop Nail Polish in Big Smoke(£5), Rococo Nude Lab Polish in 6.0 (£10). Model wears Essie Muchi Muchi Nail Polish (£7.99).

Spring 2013 of course sees a new array of pastel nail polishes fill the cosmetic stands but this year anyone in the know will be switching it up with the odd nude nail shade. To be two steps ahead why not combine a few nude and pastel polishes and turn your nails into individual canvases, crammed with nail art?

The Pastels - Top: Zoya Lovely Collection (each). Bottom: Topshop Nail Polish in Celestial and Parma Violet (£5 each), Nails Inc Haymarket Nail Polish (£11). Model wears Illamasqua Nail Varnish in Noble (£13.50)

If it’s good enough for Beyoncé it’s good enough for us!

Nail art is set to go no-where this year rather it is coming at us stronger and more sophisticated with new textured nail polishes think leather, rubber, concrete and feathers for starters and nail wraps look to become more sophisticated like Beyoncé’s custom designs (second from left). Forget a boring typical french manicure and go all out even if it is just at the weekend.

Get fruity with Nail Rocks Frou Frou nail decals (£6), Beyoncé’s Street Art Nail Decals. Bottom Nails Inc Bling It On Feather Nail Kit (£25), Illamasqua Rubber Nail Lacquers (£13.50). Revolution Magazine//



Finger Curl Waves Step 1 Section your hair and pin the top sections of hair up leaving you with an underneath section a few inches wide, don't forget to apply an heat protection product before styling Step 2 Holding the curling tong horizontally with the grip facing away from you, place the tong underneath the first section of hair using the tong grip, which should be on top of your hair to hold in place. After a few seconds remove the tong from your hair and turn the tong around, the grip should now be facing you. Next place the tong underneath the bump you have created but this time place the tong on top of your hair with the grip underneath. When you remove the tong you should have a U shape. Continue this alternate method for the whole strand of hair. Step 3 Repeat for all sections of hair until complete, spritz all curls with a quick burst of hairspray to set. For a little extra 1920’s glam you can jazz up this style with a hair slide, to really tap into the trend look out for pearl hair accessories. With the newest film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby due to hit the big screen in a matter of weeks the beauty world is alight with nods to the 1920’s and what better place to start than with a head full of finger curls. Below is a quick how to guide, all you need is a hair curling tong just don’t forget to finish with a slick of red lipstick!

Little Hair Helpers Remington Keratin Therapy Pro Curling Tong, £30

L'Oreal Elnett Wave Heat Protector, £5.99

Cheat with Enraptures Amplified Waver Tool, £79


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