Revolve Magazine-Wales Edition

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Identifying and engaging the real ambassadors of grass root communities across Wales Revolve Your World-Wales


Revolve is born

Revolve uses imagination and dynamism to develop ways to compensate Welsh consumers for the risk of environmental pollution resulting from small businesses performing economic activity in local communities


1 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

CONTENTS 1 2 8 11 12 14

16 17 18 20

Cover Empowering the real ambassadors of grassroot communities across Wales Contents An overview of the subjects and stories covered in Revolve Magazine Wales Promoting Wales natural resources An innovative way to wish your customers and stake holders seasons greetings Social media Bridging the gaps between small business and welsh consumers The Welsh recycling challenge Identify the real ambassadors for managing and reducing environment risk at grass root levels Contribute to Welsh recycling challenge Celebrating Welsh Government recycling challenges to make Wales zero rate waste by 2050 Empower Welsh SMEs Welsh small business is well positioned to reflect the diversity of community interests Engage Welsh consumers An effective way to help people work together to delop new ideas and new projects Galvanise Welsh communities Transforming options for small business once constrained by insumountable cost Social media – A wheel of opportunity A wheel of opportunity for small business sustainable recycling solutions

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Made for o

Wales’ Number One

The Jewellery Studio, 237 Telephone: 029 2022 1144 |

one another

e Diamond Supplier

7 Cathedral Road, Cardi |



elcome to Revolve Wales, a magazine that recognise Wales as a well established UK regional co-brand. We celebrate the achievements of small business in every Welsh region. Likewise we embrace socially aware consumers who want to firstly influence the strategy of their service providers, but also contribute to the discussions all across the UK and the world. Wales is a good place to live, visit, study and do business. We will promote the distinct cultural differences of Wales and celebrate the unsound heroes of economic development, small business). Our strategy is rooted in the Work Life Balance principles. Small businesses faces extra challenges purely due to the long established paradigm and research statistics dictating that only 5% of all small busineses survive after 1 year of setup. Our goal is to empower small businesses across Wales and provide a platform to celebrate successes and share challenges. In each issue , we feature, an urban or sub-urban district (including Hamlets, Villages, Towns and cities) in Wales. Whether your are a student, a resident, or a visitor to Wales, Revolve offers information that adds value to your Welsh experience. Register now at to Revolve your world.

Revolve Your World-Wales

22 24 26 29 30 32 34 36

4 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Standard industrial classifications lowering barriers to successful markets and advertising Revolve product offering??? west test Listening to customers take on new meaning 24x7x365 marketing Low cost marketing that compliment the strategies and price point of small business Internet advertising Performance related advertising Magazine adverts Move your media buying into the fast lane and slash your advertising budget A problem shared Leverage your strengths, outsource your weaknesses Target audience


Pets corner Make your pet a Revolve star: share


Professional integrity Stephen Farley exercising a real duty of care to former Welsh Cameron Farley clients


Brand association


Small business imperfection Unexpected outcomes is part of the learnig curve on the road to goal congruence



Who is recycling your end of life materials? A duty of care to ensure that the materials recycled are Positive mental attitude wewew eewewwwwewe Cover page preview


Step up to the recycling challenge


Revolve membership


Holiday Club


Wine Club


Business Xchange

96 98

e-Revolve Swap, exchange or donate your unwanted personal items Small business success stories


The Priory


Jewellery Studio


Spanish property consultants

82 | 5


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Wales 118

February 2012 (Preview)


Girl Power


Discover Wales


Keeping on track


Welsh lifestyle


Strategic alliance????






Your recipe


Made in Wales


Places to stay (amend)


The Revolve paradigm




Size does not matter


Welsh vision


The I in team


Kick-start social media strategy


December 2011 (change)




Empowering small businesses & socially aware consumers


Education and learning


Work life balance

Revolve Your World-Wales


Introductory Discount 8 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Promoting Wales natural resources | 9


hinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival and a public holiday in China. In this year of the dragon, can western economies learn any lessons from the Chinese economic models, which demonstrates it is not necessary to mirror historic models to acheive economic succeed.


New year

Revolve Your World-Wales


Welsh Small Business


he Barclays Business Regional Impact Index in conjunction with Kignston University reveal that Welsh small businesses have the most optomistic outlook for growth in the UK. Travers Clarke-Walker (a director at Barclays Business) believes that the research re-iterates the contribution made by small businesses in Wales during unstable economies, the credit crunch and other cutbacks. Revolve supports this school of thought and embrace social media as a (key) common

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denominator available to Revolve, Welsh small business and consumers to contribute to economic development. Welsh small business is well positioned to reflect the diversity of Community interests. (the diversity of racial, ethnic, and economic interests in the Community. ) We welcome local environmental or public interest groups; local government units; and local businesses to contribute to this campaign This is an opportunity for minorities that normally would not have a voice to be heard.


Welsh Consumers Revolve is all about reducing the risk of environment pollution caused by end of life materals across Wales. Revolve Wales impacts every consumer, irrespective of age, gender, income level, race and ethni☑ City. we all have a duty of care to preserve the environment and reduce all threats of pollution.We want environmentl risk at the top-of consumer prioritiess. That’s why, if we really want sustainability to be mainstream, and embraces social media as a medium to deliver one unified message. We are starting from ground zero and engaging with consumers: being humble. Being upfront about the challenges you face is the most certain way to ensure your accomplishments are credible.

We have launched, e-Revolve an exchange facility that enable Welsh consumers to recycle indirectly by choosing secondhand products (an environmentally preferable choices -- in this case, pre-owned -- can be style-savvy affordable, we’re able to engage with our consumers around greener choices by showing them how it adds value to their life, rather than creating additional pollution. Revolve’s offering is open to all individual and ☑ Community groups Our moto is empowerment, an effective way of helping people work together in developing new ideas and new projects. | 13


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

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Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Social media: Learn how Revolve is bridging the gap between small business and socially aware consumers in Welsh communities. The future of communications in on-line. Register at to play your part and also to join our discussion. | 15

Revolve Your World-Wales


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GREEN ENERGY Imagine that by combining social and environmental goals, a sustainable option for managing the risk of environmental pollution becomes available. It also reflects good management of natural resources and a commitment to the triple bottom line. (Planet, people, profits) | 17


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

The Welsh recycling challenge An opportunity for small business to demonstrate it’s role as a true ambassador of managing and reducing risk across Welsh grassroots communities.

The most common barrier to tackling the risks of environmental pollution for most businesses is the associated cost. Revolve is no different. However, we are being proactive and will finance our project by firstly magazine advertising, then web portal advertising to raise the setup cost of rolling out a recycling plants in Wales

Revolve Your World-Wales

Contribute to Welsh Recycling targets Sustainability is integral to Revolve’s strategy Environment, sustainability and housing minister Jane Davidson said: “what we do with our waste reflects how we treat our country and planet. We can no longer simply bury waste in the land to rot. “We need to act now for the sake of our country. Will we be able to look our grandchildren in the eye and say we did all we could to protect where they live? are tremendous opportunities to save money and create high quality industry in wales by using the valuable material resources contained in waste.” Ms Davidson said focusing on eliminating waste was essential to get Wales living within its resources.

20 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Revolve celebrates the Welsh Assembly’s targets to recycle at least 70% of domestic and municipal waste and 90% of construction waste, and (Currently, the average recycling is around 36% at present) future target to become a zero waste nation by 2050. Revolve recognises the impact that end of life tyre recycling is having across Wales and propose sustainable recycling solutions that does not create secondary pollution and reduces the volume of end of life tyres in landfills and illegal stores.


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Turning the wolrd upsidedown for future generations. | 21

Revolve Your World-Wales

Who is recycling your END OF LIFE MATERIALS?

Who is recycling your


22 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Blazing new trails. Proactive strategies small business and consumers can employ to protect and save ecosystems across Wales 1. Teach others about the importance of the environment and how recycling can protect this 2. Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down. 3. Encourage people to live in a way that doesn’t hurt the environment 4. Establish community projects than engages small business and consumers 5. Promote and support businesses that combine environmental and social goals. | 23

Revolve Your World-Wales

Unlocking human potential Revolve has embrace the social media revolution as a reliable low cost option that help small business to realise their potential. Revolve use the latest technologies to create e-publications and rich media content that is published and shared in a social environment, such as a blog. Conversely, socially aware consumers can converse and share content online. Drive traffic from your grass root communities enabling your business direct access to customers. No or very little capital cost is required as we all have at least one mobile phone, a web site or blog and subscribe to at least one social media channel. Sign up at to communicate with your target audiences and stakeholders.


24 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition



Add value with meaningful social collaboration Enjoy good will and positive reputation through alliances across media channels, leading to social awareness of your products and services resulting in the optimisation of the “double bottom line�. aAn opportunity to take the lead and be a small business innovator that embraces the parallels between social media, recycling, duty of care complaince and social responsibility. | 25


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

The birth of social media has transform the options for small businesses that were constrained by the insurmountable cost of traditional media. New media is cheap and it’s technological advances provide a local, regional, national or international platform. Revolve’s proposition is to embrace small businesses in Wales looking to develop a presence on Social Media, to engage with their existing clients, potential clients and how to develop key contacts via social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook & Linkedin to name a few. Despite a full appreciation of social media many Welsh small businesses have not really grasp the opportunities. Revolve’s goal is to engage and empower small businesses and social aware consumers across Wales to embrace this revolution. New media is a demonstration of the fundamental changes in consumers’ expectations. Go to to find out how your small business can get started.

Galvanising Welsh community spirits

26 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Socia media offers a blank canvas that enables your small business to respond in a way that shows you are listening to your target audiences.r target.

Register at to embrace current marketing and advertisng economies of scale. | 27


Social media: A wheel of opportunity for Welsh small business Sustainable recycling solutions Project Revolve is an alternative to high profile marketing and advertising normally prohibitive to small businesses.. Our goal is to use magazine and website advertising to generate capital required to establish a sustainable recycling solutions in Wales Revolve’s goal is within the next twelve months to establish a sustainable tyre recycling facility in Wales. Like other businesses before us, we are faced with meeting the capital costs of establishing such a facility. Rather than rely on grants or loans, we are using advertising in our regional magazines and on-line web portal to raise the cost of establishing our recycling facilities.

Listening to your customers takes on a new meaning

1 Berkeley Street, London, W1J 8DJ WWW.IREVOLVE.CO.UK

Register now at to listen to what your customers are saying about your business in the social media cloud?

Influence your service providers Track and monitor your competition

Engage your direct customers

Listen to the wider (local, national, global) consumer groups

Revolve Your World-Wales

Social media offers equal opportunity to any Welsh small business Use Social media to ask potential customers their opinions of your products or services. irrespective of your business type, size , budget, industry or product offering. Conversely, socially aware welsh consumers can engage their service providers and influence stratey and customer service offerings.

32 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers


w.w e

rev olv e.c o.u k | 33

Revolve Your World-Wales

OUR VALUE PROPOSITION To harness marketing and advertising economies of scale that deliver (environmentally friendly) sustainable business solutions as identified in customer value research. One well known former Barclays Bank Director famously said, “Hole in the wall cash machines would not be embraced by UK consumers”. There are now numerous machines and hybrids of the same right across the UK. Social media is a similar revolution. Small businesses already own one or more mobile phones, have a website or at least one e-mail address, use social media, or are aware of their existence. Revolve’s social media strategy enables you to respond to market dynamics faster and more efficiently, translating into overall marketing cost-savings. Empower small businesses Empower small businesses to capitalise on the popularity of “green” initiatives, while broadcasting one unified message across multiple free social media channels (e.g facebook, twitter etc). Demonstrate social awareness and publicise examples of duty of care being put into practice. Engage socially aware consumers Promote social media tools that enable meaningful interactions between service providers and consumers. Conversely, support consumers in raising awareness of initiatives that are tackling the risk of environmental pollution in local communities across the UK

34 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Market your small business difference as a unique selling point | 35


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

. . . d e s u c o f . . . e l b a d r o aff

36 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Marketing Revolve does not have the overheads of large publishers and most importantly, we respect the requirements of our target customers and has set price points that compliment their procurement strategies. Get started by registerimg at Promote your brand, advertise your products and services or demonstrate your duty of care compliance, social awareness and green initiatives. Advertise using website banners from as little as ÂŁ2.47 and ÂŁ3.65 respectively. Click here to review Revolve magazine advertising rate card.

. . . c fi i c e p s t e k r ma t n e r r u c | 37


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

Internet advertising


evolve offers a world-class on-line Community that sets standards for social media. As a member, you will become part of the wider Community that benefits from numerous Revolve promotions and special events. For businesses, we work on your behalf to promote your business at a local, regional and national level. For consumers, we provide an opportunity to engage service providers and participate in the activities important to, firstly, your local Community and the wider Community across the UK. Membership is free and offers many benefits. Join today and enjoy special discounts from a variety of high profile businesses, in addition to our wine club, travel club, business and consumer product exchange facility at local, regional and national level.

Advertise your business for less than the price of some popular cups of coffee.

38 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


offer 65% off


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 39

Revolve Your World-Wales

Move your media buying into the fast lane AMagazine advertising rate card The following advertisement options are available: Representative of diverse cultures and industries Our aim is to create a high-quality monthly publication that represents small businesses across local communities in their true light. It assumes that it is small businesses, and not local authorities or government officials, who have overall responsibility for reducing the environmental impact of economic activity. It strikes a balance between small businesses and socially aware consumers that want to influence the strategies of their service providers. The magazine is designed to appeal to diverse social groups and communities. It recognises the link between small business success and work life balance and stresses that there are many aspects of small business success more important than purely industry and services offered. Our hope is that the magazine will be a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners, and also provide consumers with viable solutions to issues that impact their local communities. In summary, the Revolve magazine aims to present the most complete informative view of the UK’s (not only in major cities but also in small hamlets, villages and smaller towns) small businesses, chronicling change through advertorials, imagery and text and to provide a platform for socially aware consumers to champion and challenge projects that have a lasting impact on their local community. We also aim to make the presentation as complete as possible by publishing information from every source available, including local government, and big businesses. 40 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Move your media buying into the fast lane and slash your advertising budget instantly. So what is Real Time Bidding?


Real Time Bidding (RTB) is a buying method that allows several Advertising Buyers to bid on inventory on an impression-by-impression basis at the same time. Each impression is auctioned along with information about that impression and user in real time. Each Advertiser responds with their bid and the highest bidder gets to deliver their banner ad.

Exchange or sell your unwanted products in a reliable and efficient manner. A fool proof in-direct recycling strategy. | 41

Revolve Your World-Wales

A problem


Revolve recognises that even a reduced cost of advertising may be prohibitive for some firm. To cater for such businesses, we offer bartering as a viable alternative. In exchange for exposure in our magazines and website, we accept products and services of any value to be used as prizes in our free monthly competition. A perfect opportiunity to promote your products and their unique selling points. Alternately, why not barter your products and services in exchange for advertising space in our magazines and on our website. Revolve Environmental Solutions 1 Berkeley Street London W1J 8DJ

42 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve your world Register at to promote your products and services, or to sponsor our monthly prize draw. | 43

Revolve Your World-Wales

Pole position 44 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

INDUSTRY Getting to grips with 21st century business processes | 45


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

Lowering the barriers to successful marketing and advertising Although the old media of television, radio and print are still the largest ad spends in most marketing campaigns, the Web has spawned an enormous and complex range of new marketing tools to complement and extend traditional media. Revolve’s goal is to constantly research the best practices to integrate new and emerging media tools including social networks, blogs, forums, instant messaging, mobile and event marketing, e-mail marketing, rich media and paid and organic search. Discover how these technologies, each in its distinct way, can become part of a unified media strategy and marketing campaign. “Unified Media Strategies. Understanding new and emerging technologies in context. Traditional media is not dead, but it is now receiving a serious challenge from social media. Our social media activities form the basis for our traditional media strategy which is promoting Revolve as a brand. Our online communities discuss and extend the stories created by traditional media. Likewise our ☑Community approach forms the source of un-biased grassroots reporting, which the mainstream media feed upon.

46 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

The social media revolution Few processes for collecting and transmitting small business information are as current and challenging as social media. A perfect opportunity for small business and socially aware consumes to leave the blame culture behind and to empower themselves and discover the heroes within. Display unique news and information about your products and industry while interacting with your target audience. Access information from diverse sources in a unified way. Revolve web portals serves as a valuable tool to promote your brand, or push advertising. Revolve aim is to ensure that the Web portal is effectively delivering needed services to all users. This website demonstrates our commitment to reducing the risk of environment pollution through direct action. The goal of this project has been to ensure that our web portal offers Welsh communities, businesses and corporate partners a positive and valuable customer-focused online experience.



The Revolve website offers various advertising packages, all encapsulating real time statistics (ie. number of website page views; the frequency and number of visitors viewing your advert). This statistical information will enable you to guage the popularity of not only the website but the specific number of viewers of your advert. Advertising space ranges from banner ads to button ads and the positioning on the site is relative to your specific business requirements. As with the magazines, there are various advertising opportunities which can be developed to suit your business needs. Please feel free to contact Revolve to discuss your requirements.

Welsh small business by industry

A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing B, D Mining and Quarrying; Electric City, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning and E Supply; Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities C Manufacturing F Construction G Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles H Transportation and Storage I Accommodation and Food Service Activities J Information and Communication K Financial and Insurance Activities L Real Estate Activities M Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities N Administrative and Support Service Activities P Education Q Human Health and Social Work Activities R Arts, Entertainment and Recreation S Other Service Activities

All enterprises 13925 455

All employers 3330 0

With no employees 10595 0

11160 38060 24370 13870 7410 8220 2985 2510 14705 13490 9055 11845 8975 11695

3780 7005 10515 1935 6250 1380 0 985 4450 3330 545 2670 865 2605

7380 31055 13855 11935 1160 6840 0 1525 10255 10160 8510 9175 8110 9090 | 47


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

48 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers


Wales A

n overview of Welsh industry through the eyes of grass root businesses. The internet build a perfect information buble, but in reality, Is this information impacting the key contributors to the Welsh gross domestic product. Reality TV has dispeel the myth that wealth means super human. Many people who once supported this myth, are now eager to appear on reality shows to show the British public that they are down to earth and in touch with the masses. The same goes for business. Providing you are willing to make the sacrifices, any one can be a winner. David Beckham, Wayne Rooney, all these success stories spend hours and sacrifice numerous alternative to be the stars they are today. Unsuccessful businesse or critique from the doubters do not matter and should not influence your goal congruence. Yes, treat these noises as feedback, but not as controlling factors. | 49

Revolve Your World-Wales

New media Signup for free Revolve membership irrespective of social status 50 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

a is a social leveller RECYCLING- A BEST PRACTICE SOLUTION Utilise the internet to market your products locally, nationally or internationally. Indirect recycling global economy is helping thousands of people come in from the periphery, not only in terms of physical geography, but also in terms of social and economic integration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Wealthy achievers, suburban areas Affluent greys, rural communities Prosperous pensioners, retirement areas Affluent executives, family areas Well-off workers, family areas Affluent urbanites, town and city areas Prosperous professionals, metropolitan areas Better-off executives, inner city areas

9. Comfortable middle agers, mature home owning areas 10. Skilled workers, home owning areas 11. New home owners, mature communities 12. While collar workers, better-off multi-ethnic areas 13. Older people, less prosperous areas 14. Council estate residents, better-off homes 15. Council estate residents, high unemployment 16. Council estate residents, greatest hardship | 51

Target audience Revolve Your World-Wales

Anglesey | Blaenau | Bridgend | Caerphilly| CARDIFF| Carmarthenshire| Ceredigion| Conwy| Denbighshir| Flintshire| Glamorgan | Gwynedd| Merthyr Tydfil| Monmouthshire| Neath Port Talbot| Newport | Pembrokeshire| Powys| Rhondda Cynon | Taff| Swansea | Torfaen | Wrexham One of the key goals of the Revolve Magazine is to celebrate the unsung small business heroes in Wales and demonstrate the importance of worklife balance To this end, we feature the lifestyle activities on offer to Welsh residents and visitors. A monthly feature about key events and activities across all the counties from anglesey to Wrexham-incorporating Towns, communities, Villages, Hamlets and island communities. publications. Consumers are now dictating conversation and Revolve advocate that becoming a keen lister is now 9/10th of the law regarding gaining and retaining a competitive advantage amongst grass root target markets who now have the choice of on-line shopping and the commercial shopping centres across Wales

52 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Find out more about the economic outlook and Welsh’s well established attitude to education and learning. We’ve got markets, boutiques and high street stores. See some of our favourite shopping tips. Resturants, nightclubs and theatres. Take at look at some of the things we like to do to let our hair down in our entertainment section. Fancy some golf? Or surfing? Or Horseriding? Find out more about our huge range of activities and outdoor pursuits and waterways. We wil provide information about the award winning food and drink (including whisky distilleries). Wales is know as the home of Rugby, in addition, we will promote Community sports. Learn more about Welsh culture. Landscapes.


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 53


The fundamentals of building a strong brand Revolve magazines creates and maintains a focus that grabs and retains the attention of any target group. Compete with big business by incorporating a social media strategy into defining and understanding the needs of your customers.

Enjoy unbiased exposure in a magazine that offers unbiased exposure Anglesey ☑ Town Amlwch Beaumaris Holyhead Llangefni Menai Bridge ☑ Community Aberffraw Bodedern Bodffordd Bodorgan Bryngwran Llanbadrig Llanddaniel Fab Llanddona Llanddyfnan Llaneilian Llanfachraeth Llanfaelog Llanfaethlu Llanfairpwll Llanfair-yn-Neubwll Llangoed Llangristiolus Llannerchy-y-Medd Moelfre Penmynydd Pentraeth Rhoscolyn Rhosybol Trearddur Valley

Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

☑ Village Amlwch Port Cemaes Bay Dwyran Four Mile Bridge Gaerwen Gwalchmai Llandegfan Llanfaes Llanfechell Llanfihangel yn Nhywyn Newborough Newlands Park Penysarn Porthllechog ☑ Hamlet Benllech Bodewryd Bodior Bryn Du Brynrefail Brynsiencyn Brynteg Burwen Caergeiliog Capel Coch Capel Gwyn Capel Parc Carmel Carreglefn Cefniwrch Dulas Elim

Gadfa Hermon Llanallgo Llanbabo Llanbedrgoch Llanddeusant Llandyfrydog Llanfairynghornwy Llanfflewyn Llanfinan Llangadwaladr Llangaffo Llangwyllog Llanneilian Llanryddiad Llansadwrn Llantrisant Llechcynfarwy Maenaddwyn Malltraeth Marianglas Mynydd Mechell Pencraigwen Pengorffwysfa Pen-Ilyn Penmon Penrhos Pentre Berw Pen-y-Garnedd Plas Meilw Red Wharf Bay Rhoscefnhir Rhosgoch

Rhosmeirch Rhosneigr Rhydwyn South Stack Talwrn Trefdraeth Trefor Tregaian Tregele Ty Croes Island Community Holy Island Llanddwyn Island Puffin Island The Skerries Ynys Dulas Blaenau ☑ Town Abertillery Brynmawr Ebbw Vale Nantyglo and Blaina Tredegar ☑ Community Bedwellty Pits Blaina Brynithel Dukes Town Garden City Garnlydan George Town Glandwr


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 55


Enjoy high profile advertising and marketing A simple, yet scaleable option that enables small business to reach their target customers.

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Nantybwch Pont Gwaithyrhaearn Sirhowy St. Llltyd Trefil West Side ☑ Village Beaufort Cwmtillery Llanhilleth Rassau Victoria Waunlwyd ☑ Hamlet Aberbeeg Clydach Terrace Cwm Troedrhiwgwair Bridgend ☑ Town Bridgend Maesteg Pencoed Porthcawl ☑ Community Aberkenfig Bettws Blackmill Blaen Cwmdu Blaengarw Brackla Bryncethin

Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Bryncoch Brynmenyn Bryntirion Caerau Cefn Cribwr Cefn Cross Coity Higher Cortrahen Court Colman Coychurch Cwmdu Isaf Cwmfelin Evans☑ Town Fford-y-gyfraith Garth Gilfach Goch Glynogwr Hendre Hoel-y-cyw Kenfig Kenfig Hill Laleston Lewiston Litchard Llan gewydd Llangeinor Llangynwyd Lletty Brongu Maescadlawr Mawdlam Merthyr Mawr Moelgiliau Nantyffyllon

Nant-y-moel Newton North Cornelly Nottage Ogmore Vale Ogmore Valley Penprysg Pont Rhyd-y-cyff Pontcymer Pont-y-rhyl Price ☑ Town Pyle Rhiwceiliog South Cornelly Tranch Tythegston Wern Tarw Wyndham ☑ Village Pen-y-fai Sarn Tondu Caerphilly ☑ Town Bargoed Blackwood Caerphilly ☑ Community Aber Valley Aberbargoed Bedwas Bedwellty

Birthdir Blaencarno Cefn-Illwyd Craig-yr Hufen Crosskeys Crumlin Darran Valley Deri Draethen Gellgaer Gelligaer Gelli-Gaer Common Gelligroes Graig-y-Rhacca Groes-wen Hafodyrynys Llanbradach Llanfabon Llechrhyd Machen Maesycwmmer Manmoel Minorca Mynyddislwyn Nelson New Tredegar Newbridge Pen-heol-Adam Pentrapeod Pentwyn Pentwyn Pen-Twyn Penyrheol | 57


Reliable statistics measures Measure your target audiences’ attitudes to your products, services and green intiatives.

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Pont Gwaithyrhaearn Pontymister Pontywaun Porset Prince☑ Town Pwllypant Rhymney Risca Rudry Thornhill Trethomas Troedrhiwfuwch Twyn-y-waun Ty Sign Upper Ochryth Van Waterloo Wattsville Wyllie Ystrad Mynach ☑ Village Abercarn Abertridwr Abertysswg Cwmcarn Markham Oakdale Penpedairheol Pontlottyn Senghenydd ☑ Urban Community Cefn Fforest Pengram

Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Pontilanfraith Trecenydd Watford Park ☑ Hamlet Argoed Cwmfelinfach Fochriw Hollybush Mynyddislwyn Penybryn Ynysddu CARDIFF ☑ City Cardiff ☑ Community Lisvane Old St. Mellons Pentyrch Radyr and Morgans☑ Town St. Fagans Tongwynlais ☑ Village Capel Llanilliterne Fairwater Leckwith ☑ Urban Community Adamsdown Bute☑ Town Caerau Canton

Cardiff Bay Cathays Coryton Cyncoed Gabalfa Grange☑ Town Heath Llandaff Llandaff North Llanedeym Llanishen Llanrumney Michaelston-super-Ely Newton Pantmawr Pentwyn Penylan Pontprennau Radyr Rhiwbina Riverside Roath Rumney St. Mellons Thornhill Tremorfa Whitchurch Island ☑ Community Flat Holm Carmarthenshire ☑ Airport Pembrey ☑ Airport

☑ Town Ammanford Burry Port Carmarthen Cwmamm Kidwelly Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Llanelli Rural Newcastle Emlyn Pontardulais Whitland ☑ Community Abergorlech Abergwili Abernant Alltwalis Backe Bancffosfelen Bancycapel Bancyfelin Bancyffordd Bethlehem Betws Blaenau Blaenwaun Blaen-y-coed Brechfa Broadlay Broadway Bronwydd


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 59


Translate marketing into recurring revenue streams Marketing and media communications that reaches grassroot communities and delivers high profile advertising exposure.

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Brook Bryndu Bwichmaenllwyd Bwichnewydd Bwichydomen Caio Capel Gwynfe Capel Hendre Capel Iwan Carmel Carway Cefneithin Cefn-y-pant Cenarth Cilycwm Cilymaenllwyd Clynderwen Croesyceiliog Cross Inn Crosshands Crugybar Crwbin Cwmbach Cwmcych Cwm-Dawe Cwmdu Cwmduad Cwmfelin Boeth Cwmfelin Mynach Cwmffrwd Cwmgwili Cwmhiraeth Cwmisfael

Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Cwmorgan Cwmpengraig Cwrt-henri Cwrt-henri Cwrt-y-cadno Cynheidre Cynwyl Elfed Cynwyl Gaeo Drefach Dre-fach Drefelin Dyffryn Ceidrych Dyffryn Cennen Edwinsford Efailwen Eglwys Gymyn Esgair Esgairdawe Felindre Felingwmuchaf Ffaldybrenin Ffarmers Five Roads Foelgastell Four Roads Garnant Gelywen Glanamman Golden Grove Gorslas Greynor Gwarallt Gwernogle

Gwndwn Gwyddgrug Harford Hebron Hebron Hellanfallteg Henllan Amgoed Hermon Hiraeth Horeb Idole Johns☑ Town Landre Llanarthney Llanboidy Llandawke Llanddarog Llanddeusant Llanddowror Llanddowror Llandybie Llandyfaelog Llandyfan Llanedi Llanegwad Llanfair-ar-y-bryn Llanfihangel Aberbythych Llanfihangel Uwch-Gwili Llanfihangel-ar-Arth Llanfihangel-Rhos-yCorn Llanfynydd

Llangadog Llangain Llangathen Llangeler Llangennech Llanglydwen Llangyndeyrn Llangynin Llangynnwr Llangynog Llanllawddog Llanllwch Llanllwni Llanmiloe Llannon Llanpumsaint Llansadurnen Llansadwrn Llansaint Llansawel Llansteffan Llanwinio Llanwrda Llanybri Llanybydder Llanycrwys Llidiad Nenog Login Maesybont Manordeilo and Salem Meidrim Meinciau Morfa Bach | 61


Revolve Your World-Wales

Revolve’s strategy is a real representation of Welsh business Revolve magazines represents a communications channel that resonates with: 1. Small business 2. Their owners and employees 3. Their customers 4. and service providers

Enjoy unbiased exposure in a magazine that offers unbiased exposure Myddfai Nantycaws Nant-y-ffin New Inn New Inn New Mill Newchurch Newchurch and Merthyr Pant Meredith Pantybwich Penboyr Pencader Pencarreg Pencraig Uchaf Pendine Penherber Peniel Pentrebach Pentrecagal Pentre-Cwrt Pentrefelin Penybanc Penybedd Pen-y-bont Pen-y-garn Penygroes Pibwrlwyd Pinged Plas Fawr Plashett Pont Henri Pont Morlais Pontamman

62 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Pontantwn Pontarsais Pont-newydd Pontyates Pontyberem Porthyrhyd Porthyrhyd Pwll Quarter Bach Rhiwrerfyn Rhos Rhosamman Rhydargaeau Rhydcymerau Rhydywrach Salem Sarnau Saron Saron St. Clears St. Ishmael Sylen Talley Talog Temple Bar Trawsmawr Tre-gynwr Trelech a'r Betws Trimsaran Tumble Twynllanan Ty Mawr Tycroes

Waungilwen Wern Whitemill Ystradowen ☑ Village Bynea Bynea Cross hands Drefach Ffairffach Hendy Pantyffynnon Pembrey Pumsaint Whitland ☑ Urban Community Box Bryn Furnace Llwynhendy Morfa Panteg ☑ Hamlet Ferryside Nantgaredig Taliaris Trapp Ceredigion ☑ Airport West Wales Airport ☑ Town

Aberaeron Aberystwyth Cardigan Cei Newydd / New Quay Lampeter ☑ Community Aber Aber Banc Aberffrwd Abermagwr Abermeurig Aberporth Adpar Alltyblacca Banc-y-Darren Bangor Teifi Bethania Bettws Betws Bledrws Betws Ifan Beulah Blaen Ceulan Blaen Cil Llech Blaenannerch Blaencwrt Blaenpennal Blaenplwyf Bont-goch Bontnewydd Borth Bow Street Bronant Bryn-bwl | 63


Revolve Your World-Wales

Communicate effectively by listening to stakeholders Communicate with those who have the ability to effect change in your market share or competitive advantage. 1. Look at your current customer base Who are your current customers, and why do they buy from you? Look for common characteristics and interests. Which ones bring in the most business? It is very likely that other people like them could also benefit from your product/service.

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Anglesey ☑ Town Amlwch Beaumaris Holyhead Llangefni Menai Bridge ☑ Community Aberffraw Bodedern Bodffordd Bodorgan Bryngwran Llanbadrig Llanddaniel Fab Llanddona Llanddyfnan Llaneilian Llanfachraeth Llanfaelog Llanfaethlu Llanfairpwll Llanfair-yn-Neubwll Llangoed Llangristiolus Llannerchy-y-Medd Moelfre Penmynydd Pentraeth Rhoscolyn Rhosybol Trearddur Valley

64 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

☑ Village Amlwch Port Cemaes Bay Dwyran Four Mile Bridge Gaerwen Gwalchmai Llandegfan Llanfaes Llanfechell Llanfihangel yn Nhywyn Newborough Newlands Park Penysarn Porthllechog ☑ Hamlet Benllech Bodewryd Bodior Bryn Du Brynrefail Brynsiencyn Brynteg Burwen Caergeiliog Capel Coch Capel Gwyn Capel Parc Carmel Carreglefn Cefniwrch Dulas Elim

Gadfa Hermon Llanallgo Llanbabo Llanbedrgoch Llanddeusant Llandyfrydog Llanfairynghornwy Llanfflewyn Llanfinan Llangadwaladr Llangaffo Llangwyllog Llanneilian Llanryddiad Llansadwrn Llantrisant Llechcynfarwy Maenaddwyn Malltraeth Marianglas Mynydd Mechell Pencraigwen Pengorffwysfa Pen-Ilyn Penmon Penrhos Pentre Berw Pen-y-Garnedd Plas Meilw Red Wharf Bay Rhoscefnhir Rhosgoch

Rhosmeirch Rhosneigr Rhydwyn South Stack Talwrn Trefdraeth Trefor Tregaian Tregele Ty Croes Island Community Holy Island Llanddwyn Island Puffin Island The Skerries Ynys Dulas Blaenau ☑ Town Abertillery Brynmawr Ebbw Vale Nantyglo and Blaina Tredegar ☑ Community Bedwellty Pits Blaina Brynithel Dukes Town Garden City Garnlydan George Town Glandwr | 65


Understand the threat posed by competitiors Be aware of your target audiences’ lifestyle and product choices 2. Check out your competition Who are your competitors targeting? Who are their current customers? Don’t go after the same market. You may find a niche market that they are overlooking.

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Nantybwch Pont Gwaithyrhaearn Sirhowy St. Llltyd Trefil West Side ☑ Village Beaufort Cwmtillery Llanhilleth Rassau Victoria Waunlwyd ☑ Hamlet Aberbeeg Clydach Terrace Cwm Troedrhiwgwair Bridgend ☑ Town Bridgend Maesteg Pencoed Porthcawl ☑ Community Aberkenfig Bettws Blackmill Blaen Cwmdu Blaengarw Brackla Bryncethin

Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Bryncoch Brynmenyn Bryntirion Caerau Cefn Cribwr Cefn Cross Coity Higher Cortrahen Court Colman Coychurch Cwmdu Isaf Cwmfelin Evans☑ Town Fford-y-gyfraith Garth Gilfach Goch Glynogwr Hendre Hoel-y-cyw Kenfig Kenfig Hill Laleston Lewiston Litchard Llan gewydd Llangeinor Llangynwyd Lletty Brongu Maescadlawr Mawdlam Merthyr Mawr Moelgiliau Nantyffyllon

Nant-y-moel Newton North Cornelly Nottage Ogmore Vale Ogmore Valley Penprysg Pont Rhyd-y-cyff Pontcymer Pont-y-rhyl Price ☑ Town Pyle Rhiwceiliog South Cornelly Tranch Tythegston Wern Tarw Wyndham ☑ Village Pen-y-fai Sarn Tondu Caerphilly ☑ Town Bargoed Blackwood Caerphilly ☑ Community Aber Valley Aberbargoed Bedwas Bedwellty

Birthdir Blaencarno Cefn-Illwyd Craig-yr Hufen Crosskeys Crumlin Darran Valley Deri Draethen Gellgaer Gelligaer Gelli-Gaer Common Gelligroes Graig-y-Rhacca Groes-wen Hafodyrynys Llanbradach Llanfabon Llechrhyd Machen Maesycwmmer Manmoel Minorca Mynyddislwyn Nelson New Tredegar Newbridge Pen-heol-Adam Pentrapeod Pentwyn Pentwyn Pen-Twyn Penyrheol


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 67


Revolve Your World-Wales

Identify customers by understanding their needs Reach your target audience anytime, irrespective of your industry, product offering or geographic location. Analyze your product/service for the benefits, quality, image and designso that the benefit can be perceived favourably. Identifies customers that can benefit from your product features.

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Pont Gwaithyrhaearn Pontymister Pontywaun Porset Prince☑ Town Pwllypant Rhymney Risca Rudry Thornhill Trethomas Troedrhiwfuwch Twyn-y-waun Ty Sign Upper Ochryth Van Waterloo Wattsville Wyllie Ystrad Mynach ☑ Village Abercarn Abertridwr Abertysswg Cwmcarn Markham Oakdale Penpedairheol Pontlottyn Senghenydd ☑ Urban Community Cefn Fforest Pengram

68 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Pontilanfraith Trecenydd Watford Park ☑ Hamlet Argoed Cwmfelinfach Fochriw Hollybush Mynyddislwyn Penybryn Ynysddu CARDIFF ☑ City Cardiff ☑ Community Lisvane Old St. Mellons Pentyrch Radyr and Morgans☑ Town St. Fagans Tongwynlais ☑ Village Capel Llanilliterne Fairwater Leckwith ☑ Urban Community Adamsdown Bute☑ Town Caerau Canton

Cardiff Bay Cathays Coryton Cyncoed Gabalfa Grange☑ Town Heath Llandaff Llandaff North Llanedeym Llanishen Llanrumney Michaelston-super-Ely Newton Pantmawr Pentwyn Penylan Pontprennau Radyr Rhiwbina Riverside Roath Rumney St. Mellons Thornhill Tremorfa Whitchurch Island ☑ Community Flat Holm Carmarthenshire ☑ Airport Pembrey ☑ Airport

☑ Town Ammanford Burry Port Carmarthen Cwmamm Kidwelly Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Llanelli Rural Newcastle Emlyn Pontardulais Whitland ☑ Community Abergorlech Abergwili Abernant Alltwalis Backe Bancffosfelen Bancycapel Bancyfelin Bancyffordd Bethlehem Betws Blaenau Blaenwaun Blaen-y-coed Brechfa Broadlay Broadway Bronwydd | 69


Revolve Your World-Wales

Strategic fit, know your customers inside out. The secret of small business success is knowing who you customers are: This translate into efficiency and cost savings.

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Brook Bryndu Bwichmaenllwyd Bwichnewydd Bwichydomen Caio Capel Gwynfe Capel Hendre Capel Iwan Carmel Carway Cefneithin Cefn-y-pant Cenarth Cilycwm Cilymaenllwyd Clynderwen Croesyceiliog Cross Inn Crosshands Crugybar Crwbin Cwmbach Cwmcych Cwm-Dawe Cwmdu Cwmduad Cwmfelin Boeth Cwmfelin Mynach Cwmffrwd Cwmgwili Cwmhiraeth Cwmisfael

70 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Cwmorgan Cwmpengraig Cwrt-henri Cwrt-henri Cwrt-y-cadno Cynheidre Cynwyl Elfed Cynwyl Gaeo Drefach Dre-fach Drefelin Dyffryn Ceidrych Dyffryn Cennen Edwinsford Efailwen Eglwys Gymyn Esgair Esgairdawe Felindre Felingwmuchaf Ffaldybrenin Ffarmers Five Roads Foelgastell Four Roads Garnant Gelywen Glanamman Golden Grove Gorslas Greynor Gwarallt Gwernogle

Gwndwn Gwyddgrug Harford Hebron Hebron Hellanfallteg Henllan Amgoed Hermon Hiraeth Horeb Idole Johns☑ Town Landre Llanarthney Llanboidy Llandawke Llanddarog Llanddeusant Llanddowror Llanddowror Llandybie Llandyfaelog Llandyfan Llanedi Llanegwad Llanfair-ar-y-bryn Llanfihangel Aberbythych Llanfihangel Uwch-Gwili Llanfihangel-ar-Arth Llanfihangel-Rhos-yCorn Llanfynydd

Llangadog Llangain Llangathen Llangeler Llangennech Llanglydwen Llangyndeyrn Llangynin Llangynnwr Llangynog Llanllawddog Llanllwch Llanllwni Llanmiloe Llannon Llanpumsaint Llansadurnen Llansadwrn Llansaint Llansawel Llansteffan Llanwinio Llanwrda Llanybri Llanybydder Llanycrwys Llidiad Nenog Login Maesybont Manordeilo and Salem Meidrim Meinciau Morfa Bach


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 71


Revolve Your World-Wales

Encourage customers to influence business strategy •value: help people receive better value by raising the influence they have over the goods and services they receive •service: improve customer service and remove unnecessary problems that generate complaints from consumers

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Myddfai Nantycaws Nant-y-ffin New Inn New Inn New Mill Newchurch Newchurch and Merthyr Pant Meredith Pantybwich Penboyr Pencader Pencarreg Pencraig Uchaf Pendine Penherber Peniel Pentrebach Pentrecagal Pentre-Cwrt Pentrefelin Penybanc Penybedd Pen-y-bont Pen-y-garn Penygroes Pibwrlwyd Pinged Plas Fawr Plashett Pont Henri Pont Morlais Pontamman

72 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Pontantwn Pontarsais Pont-newydd Pontyates Pontyberem Porthyrhyd Porthyrhyd Pwll Quarter Bach Rhiwrerfyn Rhos Rhosamman Rhydargaeau Rhydcymerau Rhydywrach Salem Sarnau Saron Saron St. Clears St. Ishmael Sylen Talley Talog Temple Bar Trawsmawr Tre-gynwr Trelech a'r Betws Trimsaran Tumble Twynllanan Ty Mawr Tycroes

Waungilwen Wern Whitemill Ystradowen ☑ Village Bynea Bynea Cross hands Drefach Ffairffach Hendy Pantyffynnon Pembrey Pumsaint Whitland ☑ Urban Community Box Bryn Furnace Llwynhendy Morfa Panteg ☑ Hamlet Ferryside Nantgaredig Taliaris Trapp Ceredigion ☑ Airport West Wales Airport ☑ Town

Aberaeron Aberystwyth Cardigan Cei Newydd / New Quay Lampeter ☑ Community Aber Aber Banc Aberffrwd Abermagwr Abermeurig Aberporth Adpar Alltyblacca Banc-y-Darren Bangor Teifi Bethania Bettws Betws Bledrws Betws Ifan Beulah Blaen Ceulan Blaen Cil Llech Blaenannerch Blaencwrt Blaenpennal Blaenplwyf Bont-goch Bontnewydd Borth Bow Street Bronant Bryn-bwl


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 73


Revolve Your World-Wales

Reward customers for the loyalty and support •value: help people receive better value by raising the influence they have over the goods and services they receive •service: improve customer service and remove unnecessary problems that generate complaints from consumers •acce

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Bryndioddef Bryngwyn Brynhoffnant Brynog Bryntag Buarth Mawr Bwichcrwys Bwlch-y-fadfa Bwylch Llan Caledrhydiau Capel Bangor Capel Betws Lleucu Capel Cynon Capel Dewi Capel Dewi Capel Seion Capel Tygwydd Castell Howell Cellan Cenarth Ciliau Aeron Clarach Cnwch Coch Coed Y Bryn Comins Coch Cribyn Croes Lan Cross Inn Crosswood Cwmbrwyno Cwm-cou Cwmere Cwmerfyn

74 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Cwmsymlog Cwmtydu Cwnystwyth Cwrtnewydd Cwymsychbant Dihewyd Dol-y-bont Drefach Felinfach Felinwynt Ffair Rhos Ffostrsol Ffos-y-ffin Gartheli Glanarthen Glanlerry Glanwern Glan-y-mor Glan-y-mor Fach Goginan Gorsgoch Henfynyw Henllan Horeb Landre Llanafan Llanarth Llanbadarn Fawr Llancynfelin Llanddeinol Llanddewi Brefi Llandyfriog Llandygwyd

Llandysul Llanfair Clydogau Llanfarian Llanfihangel Ystrad Llanfihangel-y-Creuddyn Llangeitho Llangoedmor Llangorwen Llangrannog Llangwyryfon Llangybi Llanilar Llanllwychaiam Llanrhystud Llansantffraed Llanwenog Llanwnnen Lledrod Llundain Fach Llwyncelyn Llwyndafydd Llwyn-y-groes Maesllyn Monachty Mydroilyn Mynydd Bach Nantcwnlle Nebo New Cross Oakford Pantgwyn Parcllyn Pen-Bont Reddybeddau

Penbryn Penffordd Penglais Penparc Penparcau Penrhiw Pal Penrhiwllan Penrhyn-Coch Pentre-bach Pentregat Pentrellwyn Penuwch Pen-y-bont Pisgah Plwmp Pont Crueddyn Pont Llanio Pontarfynach Pontgarreg Ponthirwaun Pontrhydfendigaid Pont-rhyd-y-groes Pontshaen Prengwyn Rhodmad Rhosgoch Rhyddlan Rhydlewis Rhydowen Rhyd-Rosser Rhydyfelin Salem Sarnau



Empowering Small Business And Consumers


Revolve Your World-Wales

Target market lifestyle and product offering fit Determine how your product or service will fit into your target’s lifestyle. How and when will they use the product? What features are most appealing to them? What media do they turn to for information? Do they read the newspaper, search online or attend particular events?

ENPOWERING SMALL BUSINESS AND SOCIALLY AWARE WELSH CONSUMERS Silian Southgate Swyddffynnon Synod Inn Talgarreg Talsarn Temple Bar (Ceredigion) Trawsgoed Trefechan Trefenter Trefeurig Trefilan Tregaron Tregroes Tre'r- Ddol Tresaith Tre-Taliesin Trisant Troedyaur Ty Gwyn Tynreithyn Tynygraig Upper Borth Wallog Waunfawr Y Ferwig Y-Gelli Y-Gors Ynyslas Ysbyty Cynfyn Ysbyty Tstwyth Ysgubor Y Coed Ystrad Meurig

76 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Ystumtuen ☑ Village Aberarth Eglwys Fach Gwbert Llechryd Talybont Tanygroes ☑ Hamlet Blaenycwm Caerhedyn Cilcennin Diffwys Eisteddfa Gurig Furnace Maesnant Nantymaen Pennant Ponterwyd Strata Florida Island ☑ Community Cardigan Island Settlement Bryn-glas Glandyfi Conwy ☑ Town Abergele Colwyn Bay Conwy Llandudno Llanfairfechan

Llanrwst Penmaenmawr Towyn and Kinmel Bay ☑ Community Betws-y-Coed Betws-yn-Rhos Bro Garmon Bro Machno Caerhun Capel Curig Cerrigydrudion Dolgarrog Dolwyddelan Eglwlysbach Henryd Llanddoged a Maenan Llanddulas and Rhyd-y-Foel Llanfair Talhaiarn Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr Llangernyw Llangwm Llannefydd Llansanffraid Glan Conwy Llansannan Llysfaen Mochdre Pentrefoelas Trefriw Ysbyty Ifan ☑ Village Baclaw

Capelulo Deganwy Gyffin Llandudno Junction Old Colwyn Penrhyn Bay Rhos-on-Sea ☑ Hamlet Blaenau Dolwyddelan Capel Garmon Druid Dwygyfylchi Ffynnon Wen Gogarth Gwytherin Llanbeddr-y-cennin Llanrhos Pennant Pensarn Pont Cyfyng Pont Pen y Benglog Pont-y-pant Rowen Tal-y-Cafn Tyn-y-Groes

Denbighshire ☑ Town Bodelwyddan Denbigh Llangollen


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 77


Revolve Your World-Wales

Engage and interact with your customers and stakeholders. Grab your customers’ attention and give them a reason to interact. An advertorial, editorial or featue in Revolve magazine enable small business to highten aware about their green intiatives in addition to customer service standards and product offerings.

SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT JUST A REVOLUTION, IT IS A SOCIAL CHANGE Prestatyn Rhuddlan Rhyl Ruthin St. Asaph ☑ Community Aberwheeler Betws Gwerfil Goch Bodfari Bontuchel Bryn Saith Marchog Bryneglwys Cefn Meiriadog Clocaenog Corwen Cwm and Waen Cyffylliog Cynwyd Derwen Dyserth Efenechtyd Gwyddelwern Henllan Llanarmon Yn Ial Llanbedr-Dyffryn-Clwyd Llandegla Llandrillo Llandyrnog Llanelidan Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd (Llanfair DC) Llanferres Llangynhafal

78 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Llanrhaeadr Llantysilio Llanynys Meliden Nantglyn Trefnant Tremeirchion ☑ Hamlet Bylchau Maeshafn Sodom Trevor Flintshire ☑ Town Buckley Caerwys Connah's Quay Flint Holywell Mold Saltney Sealand Shotton ☑ Community Argoed Bagillt Broughton and Bretton Brynford Cilcain Gwernaffield Gwernymynydd Halkyn

Hawarden Higher Kinnerton Hope Leeswood Llanasa Llanfynydd Mostyn Nannerch Nercwys Northop Northop Hall Penyffordd Queensferry Trelawnyd and Gwaenysgor Treuddyn Whitford Ysceifiog ☑ Village Caergwrle Cefn-y-bedd Ewloe Greenfield Gronant Pentre Halkyn Penyffordd Talacre Whelston ☑ Hamlet Downing Ffynnongroyw Glan-y-Don Llanerch-y-mor

Milwr Glamorgan ☑ Airport Cardiff International ☑ Airport ☑ Town Barry Cowbridge and Llanblethian Llantwit Major Penarth ☑ Community Colwinston Dinas Powys Ewenny Llancarfan Llandough Llandow Llangan Michaelston Pendoylan Penllyn Peterston-Super-Ely St. Athan St. Bride's Major St. Donats St. Nicholas and Bonvilston Sully Wenvoe Wick ☑ Village


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 79


Revolve Your World-Wales

The triple bottom line Does your marketing strategy reflect equal importance to social responsibility, envinment risk and profitability? Revolve believe that small business and the people who live and work in communities are suitable ambassadors for managing and reducing environment risks.

WE DO NOT INHERIT THE EARTH, WE BORROW IT FROM OUR CHILDREN. Aberthin Murch Ogmore-by-Sea Portkerry Rhoose St. Mary Church Welsh St. Donats West Aberthaw ☑ Urban Community Barry Island Palmerston ☑ Hamlet Bonvilston East Aberthaw Llandough Llanmihangel Llantrithyd Marcross Southerndown St. Hilary Island ☑ Community Sully Island Gwynedd ☑ City Bangor ☑ Town Bala Caernarfon Criccieth Dolgellau Ffestiniog Porthmadog

80 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Pwllheli Tywyn Airfield Caernarfon Airfield Area Penllyn ☑ Community Aberdaron Aberdyfi Abergwyngregyn Abermaw Arthog Beddgelert Bethesda Betws Garmon Bontnewydd Botwnnog Brithdir and Llanfachreth Bryncrug Clynnog-Fawr Corris Dolbenmaen Dyffryn Ardudwy Ganllwyd Harlech Llanaelhaearn Llanbedr Llanbedrog Llanberis Llanddeiniolen Llandderfel Llandwrog Llandygai

Llanegryn Llanelltyd Llanengan Llanfair Llanfihangel-y-Pennant Llanfrothen Llangelynin Llangywer Llanllechid Llanllyfni Llannor Llanrug Llanuwchllyn Llanwnda Llanycil Llanystumdwy Maentwrog Pennal Penrhyndeudraeth Pentir Pistyll Port Dinorwic Talsarnau Talybont Tan-y-Bwlch Trawsfynydd Tudweiliog Waunfawr ☑ Village Abererch Abersoch Barmouth Blaenau Ffestiniog

Bryn Glas Deiniolen Dinas Mawddwy Llanaber Llwyngwril Morfa Bychan Nefyn Penrhos Portmeirion Talsamau Tonfanau ☑ Hamlet Abergynolwyn Bethania Bryn Gwynant Cefn Ddwysarn Chwilog Dolgoch Efailnewydd Fairbourne Ffridd Uchaf Frongoch Gelillydan Llandanwg Mallwyd Minffordd Minllyn Morfa Nefyn Nant Peris Pen y Pass Penmaenpool Pen-Sarn Pen-y-bryn


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 81


Revolve Your World-Wales

Analyse your marketing performance. Are you listening to and joining the conversations of your target audience? Revolve magazines enable small business to interpret the feedback from marketing campaigns, leading to improve customer service and remove s uncertainty that generate complaints from consumers.

INTERPRET THE FEEDBACK FROM MARKETING CAMPAIGNS Penychain Pen-y-Gwryd Plas Gwynant Pont Kings Rhiw Rhyd Ddu Seion Talybont Tal-y-llyn Ynys Island ☑ Community Bardsey Island St. Tudwals Island St. Tudwal's Island East St. Tudwal's Island West Settlement Penhelig Ynysgyffylog Merthyr Tydfil ☑ Town Merthyr Tydfil ☑ Community Bedlinog Clwydfagwyr Cyfarthfa Galon Uchaf Gellideg George☑ Town Gurnos Hoelgerrig Llwyn-On ☑ Village Morgan ☑ Town

82 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Pen-y-darren The Quar Winch Fawr ☑ Village Abercanaid Aberfan Cefn-Coed-y-Cymmer Edwardsville Pant Panteg Pentrebach Pontsticlill Trefechan Treharris Troedyrhiw ☑ Urban Community Dowlais Twynyrodyn ☑ Hamlet Dowlais Top Merthyr Vale Nant-y-Ffin Pentwyn Berthwyd Pontsarn Pontygwaith Trelewis Vaynor Monmouthshire ☑ Town Abergavenny Caldicot Chepstow

Monmouth Usk ☑ Community Bayfield Bettws Bettws Newydd Blaenycwm Brynygwenin Caerwent Chain Bridge Chapel Hill Clytha Coed-y-paen Common Cefn-Llewyn Crick Croes-bychan-bach Croes-hywel Croeswen Croes-y-pant Crucorney Cwm-bwch Cwmcarvan Cwm-cegyr Cwmyoy Devauden Earlswood Five Lanes Forest Coal Pit Gaer-fawr Gaerllwyd Glandwr Glascoed Goetre Fawr

Govilon Goytre Great Cil-llwch Great Hardwick Great Triley Grosmont Gwehelog Fawr Hayes Gate Henllan Hoop Howick Itton Itton Common Kilgwrrwg Common Kingcoed Little Mill Llanarth Llanbadoc Llancayo Llanddewi Skirrid Llandegveth Llandogo Llanellen Llanelly Llanfair Cross Llanfair Kilgeddin Llanfihangel near Rogiet LlanfoiSt. Fawr Llangattock-Vibon-Avel Llangovan Llangua Llangwm Llangybi


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 83


Are you reaching your intended audience? Do your customers have a valid reason to respond to your marketing campaigns? Promote your business strategy, product offering, promotions and green intiatives in the Revolve Magazines. Free phone 0800 098 8820

DOES YOUR MARKETING GRAB YOUR CUSTOMERS’ ATTENTION? Llanhennock Llanover Llantilio Crossenny Llantilio Pertholey Llantrisant Fawr Llanvapley Llanvihangel Gibion Llanwenarth Llanwinney Llwyn-du Lydart Maes-y-Ffin Mamilhad Manson Mardy Mathern Mayhill Mitchel Troy Mitchel Troy Common Monmouth Cap Mounton Mynydd-bach Nantyderry Newbridge on Usk Newchurch Norton Oldcastle Osbaston Pantygelli Parkhouse Penallt Penpergwn Penperlleni

Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Pentwyn Pen-twyn Pen-y-cae-mawr Pen-y-clawdd Pen-y-parc Portskewett Pwll-du Pysgodlyn Raglan Rhiwlas Rogiet Shirenewton St. Arvans St. Bride's Netherwent St. Maughans St. Maughans Green Stanton Sudbrook The Bryn The Narth Tintern Tintern Cross Tintern Parva Tre-gagle Trelleck Trelleck Grange Trewysgoed Trostrey Common Twyn-yr-allt Twyn-y-sherrif Upper Fedw Upper Llanover Wernycwrt

Whitebrook Wyesham Ysguborwen ☑ Village Gwernesney Llandenny Llanishen Llansoy Magor Pandy Skenfrith Slough Wolvesnewton ☑ Urban Community Bulwark Crossway Green ☑ Hamlet Bont Bryngwyn Buckholt Coed Morgan Crossash Crossway Dingestow Hoaldalbert Llandevenny Llandewi Rhidderch Llangattock Lingoed Llangeview Llanllowell Llanthony Llanvair Discoed Llanvetherine

Llanvihangel-YsternLlewern Maypole Newcastle Penrhos Pen-Yr-Heol Rockfield The Hendre Tredunnock Tregare Undy Wernrheolydd White Castle Whitewall Common Wonastow Neath Port Talbot ☑ Town Briton Ferry Glynneath Neath Port Talbot ☑ Community Aberavon Abercregan Abergarwed Abergwynfi Alltwen Banwen Pyrddin Blaengwrach Blaengwynfi Bryn Bryncoch | 85


Revolve Your World-Wales

Thrust your small business into the 21st century Social change and the internet has created a new breed of consumer that wants to engage and interact with service providers. Revolve is an opportunity for your small business to raise awareness across the communities that you perform economic activity.

NARROW YOUR MARKET FOCUS BY HIGHLIGHTING YOUR UNIQUE SELLING POINTS! Cadoxton Juxta Neath Cilfrew Cilmaengwyn Cilybebyll Cimla Clyne Coedhirwuan Craig Llangiwg Croeserw Crugau Crynant Cwmafan Cwmgors Cwmgwrach Cwmllynfell Cymer Cynonville Dufffryn Dyffryn Ceilwen Efail Fach Fforest Goch Gellinudd Glyncorrwg Godre'r Graig Graig Twrch Groes Gwaun Leision Gwaun-cae-Gurwen Jersey Marine Llangiwg Lower Brynamman Meincourt Morfa Glas

86 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Neath Abbey Onllwyn Pantyffynon Pelenna Pen Rhiw-fawr Penrhiwlyn Pentreclwydau Pen-y-bryn Pont Walby Pontardawe Pontrhydyfen Resolven Rhos Rhydding Rhyd-y-fro Sandfields Seven Sisters Tonmawr Tonna Trebanos Tre-forgan Ynysfforch Ynysmeudwy Ynysygwas Ystalyfera ☑ Village Aberdulais Baglan Baglan Bay Llandarcy Margam Skewen Dockland

Port of Port Talbot Newport ☑ City Newport ☑ Town Caerleon ☑ Community Bishton Coedkernew Goldcliff Langstone Llanvaches Llanwern Marshfield Michaelstone-y-Fedw Nash Penhow Redwick Rogerstone Wentloog ☑ Village Bassaleg Bettwys Castleton Malpas Parc Seymour Underwood ☑ Urban Community Allt-Yr-Yn Alway Barnard☑ Town Christchurch

Crindau Duffryn Maes-Glas Maindee Pillgwenlly Pye Corner Ringland Somerton St. Julians ☑ Hamlet Broadstreet Common Cats Ash Kemeys Inferior Llanbeder Llandevaud Llanmartin Peterstone Wentlooge Rhiwderin St. Brides Wentlooge Summerleaze Whitson Pembrokeshire ☑ City (Parish) St. Davids ☑ Town Fishguard Haverfordwest Milford Haven Narberth Newport Neyland Pembroke


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 87


Revolve Your World-Wales

Thrust your small business into the 21st century Social change and the internet has created a new breed of consumer that wants to engage and interact with service providers. Revolve is an opportunity for your small business to raise awareness across the communities that you perform economic activity.

NARROW YOUR MARKET FOCUS BY HIGHLIGHTING YOUR UNIQUE SELLING POINTS! Pembroke Dock Tenby ☑ Community Abercastle Abereiddy Ambleston Amroth Angle Boncath Brawdy Bryngwyn Buckspool Burton Camrose Carew Carnhedryn Castlemartin Cheriton Cilgerran Clarbeston Road Clydau Cosheston Croes-goch Crundale Crymych Cwm Gwaun Dale Dinas Cross Dreenhill Druidston East Williamston Eglwyswrw Freystrop

88 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Gelliswick Haroldston West Hasguard Havens, The Hayscastle Herbrandston Honeyborough Hook Hundleton Jeffreyston Johnston Keeston Lambston Lampeter Velfrey Lamphey Letterston Little Haven Llanddewi Velfrey Llandeloy Llandissilio West Llangwm Llanrhian Llanstadwell Llawhaden Maenclochog Manorbier Manordeifi Marloes and St. Brides Martletwy Mathry Merlins Bridge Merrion Mynachlog-ddu

Nevern New Moat Newgale Nolton and Roch Nolton Haven Penally Pencaer Pen-Y-Cwn Portgain Puncheston Rhoscrowther Rhosson Rickeston Bridge Robeston Cross Roch Rosemarket Rudbaxton Sandy Haven Saundersfoot Scleddau Scoveston Simpson Cross Slebech Solva Spittal St. Brides St. Dogmaels St. Florence St. Ishmaels St. Mary-Out-Liberty St. Twynnells Stackpole Steynton

Talbenny Templeton Tiers Cross Trecwn Trefgarn-Owen Trefin Tretio Uzmaston and Boulston Wallaston Five Cross Walwyns Castle Waterston Wiston Wiston Wolfscastle ☑ Village Felindre Farchog Goodwick Kilgetty Llechryd New Hedges Pentlepoir Tegryn ☑ Urban Community Swallow Tree ☑ Hamlet Begelly Broad Haven Cold Inn Crosswell Freshwater East Llanwnda Morvil Pontfaen


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 89


Revolve Your World-Wales

Thrust your small business into the 21st century Social change and the internet has created a new breed of consumer that wants to engage and interact with service providers. Revolve is an opportunity for your small business to raise awareness across the communities that you perform economic activity.

NARROW YOUR MARKET FOCUS BY HIGHLIGHTING YOUR UNIQUE SELLING POINTS! Sardis Trefasser Treleddyd-fawr Wisemans Bridge Wooden Island ☑ Community Caldey Island Gateholm Island Grassholm Island Ramsey Island Skokholm Island Skomer Island St. Margarets Island Powys ☑ Town Builth Wells Hay on Wye Knighton Llandrindod Wells Llanfair Caereinion Llanfyllin Llanidloes Llanwrtyd Wells Machynlleth Montgomery Presteigne and Norton Rhayader Talgarth Welshpool ☑ Community Abbeycwmhir Aberedw

90 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Aberhafesp Banwy Bausley with Criggion Beguildy Berriew Bettws Brecon Bronllys Cadfarch Caersws Carno Carreghofa Castle Caereinion Cemmaes Churchstoke Cilmery Clyro Cray Crickhowell Crossgates Disserth and Trecoed Dunhonw Dwyriw Erwood Felinfach Forden Gladestry Glantwymyn Glasbury Glascwm Glyn Tarrell Guilsfield Gwernyfed

Honddu Isaf Kerry Llanafanfawr Llanbadarn Fawr Llanbadarn Fynydd Llanbister Llanbrynmair Llanddew Llanddewi Ystardenni Llandinam Llandrinio Llandysilio Llandyssil Llanelwedd Llanerfyl Llanfechain Llanfihangel Llanfihangel Cwmdu with Bwlch and Cathedine Llanfihangel Rhydithon Llanfrynach Llangamarch Llangattock Llangedwyn Llangorse Llangunllo Llangurig Llangynidr Llangyniew Llangynog Llanidloes Without Llanigon

Llanrhaeadr-ymMochnant Llansantffraed Llansantffraid-ymMechain Llansilin Llanwddyn Llanwrthwl Llanyre Manafon Meifod Merthyr Cynog Mochdre Nant-Ddu Nantmel New Radnor New☑ Town and Llanllwchaiarn Old Radnor Painscastle Penybont and Llandegley Pen-y-Bont Fawr St. Harmon Talybont-on-Usk Trallong Trefeglwys Treflys Tregynon Trewern Vale of Grwyney Whitton Yscir Ystradfellte


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 91


Revolve Your World-Wales

Thrust your small business into the 21st century Social change and the internet has created a new breed of consumer that wants to engage and interact with service providers. Revolve is an opportunity for your small business to raise awareness across the communities that you perform economic activity.

NARROW YOUR MARKET FOCUS BY HIGHLIGHTING YOUR UNIQUE SELLING POINTS! Ystradgynlais ☑ Village Abercraf Abermule Garth Llangammach Wells Llywel Trefeca ☑ Hamlet Aber Clydach Aberyscir Bacheldre Builth Road Capel y Ffin Cynghordy Dolau Elan ☑ Village Felindre Ffawyddog Glangrwyney Gliffaes Glyntawe Knucklas Libanus Llanbedr Llandetty Llanfihangel Nant Melan Llanhamlach Partrishow Pontdolgoch Snead Tretower Y Gaer

92 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Ystradiffin Settlement Llanbister Road Llangynllo Rhondda Cynon Taff ☑ Town Aberdare Pontypridd Treorchy ☑ Community Abercwmboi Abernant Beddau Blaen cwm Blaenclydach Blaenhondda Blaenllechau Bryn Golau Brynna Brynnau Gwynion Brynteg Castellau Cefn Pennar Cefn Rhigos Church ☑ Village Cilfynydd Clydach Vale Coedely Coed-y-cwm Croesbychan Cwmaman Cwmdare

Cwmpennar Cymmer Edmonds☑ Town Efail Isaf Ferndale Gadlys Gilfach Goch Glycoch Godreaman Graig Graigwen Groes Faen Hendreforgan Hirwaun Llanharan Llanharry Llanilid Llantrisant Llantwit Fardre Llanwonno Llwydcoed Llwynlypia Maesycoed Miskin Mount Pleasant Mynachdy Pantygraigwen Penderyn Penrhiwceiber Penrhiwfer Penrhys Pen-y-coedcae Penygraig

Penygraigwen Penywaun Pontyclun Pontygwaith Rhigos Rhiwsaeson Rhydyfelin Stanley☑ Town Taffs Well Thomas☑ Town Ton Pentre Tonyrefail Tr Rhiw Trallwyn Trebanog Trecynon Tylors☑ Town Watts☑ Town Williams☑ Town Yastrad Rhondda Ynysboeth Ynysbwl Ynyshir Ynysmaerdy ☑ Village Aberaman Abercynon Cwmbach Maerdy Mountain Ash Pentre Porth Rhondda


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 93


Revolve Your World-Wales

Thrust your small business into the 21st century Social change and the internet has created a new breed of consumer that wants to engage and interact with service providers. Revolve is an opportunity for your small business to raise awareness across the communities that you perform economic activity.

NARROW YOUR MARKET FOCUS BY HIGHLIGHTING YOUR UNIQUE SELLING POINTS! Tonteg Tonypandy Treforest Trehafod Treherbert Ystrad ☑ Hamlet Miskin Swansea ☑City Swansea ☑ Airport Swansea ☑ Airport ☑ Community Bishopston Black Pill Burry Caswell Clydach Cockett Cwmcerdinen Cwmrhydceirw Dunvant Garnswllt Gorseinon Gowerton Grovesend Horton Ilston Killay Knelston

94 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Little Reynoldston Llandewi Llangennith Llangyfelach Llanrhidian Lower Lower Sketty Mayals Mayhill Middleton Mumbles Murton Newton Norton Pantlasau Penllergaer Pennard Penrice Pentrebach Perriswood Pilton Green Pitton Pontarddulais Pontlliw Port Eynon Reynoldston Rhossili Rhyd-y-Gwin Rhyd-y-Pandy Scurlage Slade ☑ Townhill Upper Killay West Cross

Ynysforgan Ynystawe ☑Village Craig-Cefn-Parc Llanmorlais Oxwich Penclawdd Southgate Three Crosses ☑ Urban Community Brynhyfryd Brynmill FForest Fach Landore Langland Llansamlet Morriston Mynydd-bach Penlan Portmead Ravenhill Sketty Treboeth Uplands ☑Hamlet Blue Anchor Bryn Burry Green Cadle Caswell Bay Cefn Bychan Cheriton Crofty

Felindre Gelli Groes Landmore Leason Llanmadoc Llethryd Bridge Loughor Nicholaston Oldwalls Oxwich Green Parkmill Penmaen Pwldu The Common Wauanafwydd Wernffrwd Wern-olau Topographic Feature Burry Holms Mumbles Head Oxwich Point Port Eynon Point Pwlldu Head Worms Head Torfaen ☑ Town Blaenavon Cwmbran Pontypool ☑ Community Blaen-y-cwm


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 95


Revolve Your World-Wales

Thrust your small business into the 21st century Social change and the internet has created a new breed of consumer that wants to engage and interact with service providers. Revolve is an opportunity for your small business to raise awareness across the communities that you perform economic activity.

NARROW YOUR MARKET FOCUS BY HIGHLIGHTING YOUR UNIQUE SELLING POINTS! Castell-y-Bwch Cefn-y-crib Cwm Du Cwm-Fields Cwmynyscoy Forge Side Gallowsgreen Garndiffaith Garn-yr-erw Greenmeadow Llanfrecha Llanvihangel Pontymoel Llanyrafon Lower Race Monachty Old Furnace Panteg Pantygasseg Pentre -basket Penygarn Penyrheol Ponthir Pontrhydyrun Talywain The Square Tranch Twyn-gwyn Ty Canol Ty Mawr Upper Cwmbran Upper Govera ☑Village Abersychan

96 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Cwym Ffrwd-Oer Griffiths☑ Town New Inn Sebastepol Tranch Trevethin ☑Urban Community Coed Eva Coedcae Croesyceillog Croes-y-Mwyalch Greenwillows Henllys Hollybush Llantarnam Oakfield Pontnewydd Pontymoel St. Dials St. Dials Thornhill Ty Coch ☑Hamlet Cwmavon Pontymoile Varteg Wrexham ☑ Town Wrexham ☑Community Abenbury Acton

Bangor Is y Coed Bersham Bronington Broughton Brymbo Caia Park Cefn-Mawr Chirk Coedpoeth Erbistock Esclusham Glyntraian Gresford Gwersyllt Hanmer Holt Isycoed Llangollen Rural Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog Llay Maelor South Marchwiel Minera Offa Overton Penycae Rhosddu Rhosllanerchrugog Rossett Ruabon Willington Worthenbury

☑Village Llanmarnon Dyffryn Ceiriog ☑Hamlet Llwynmawr Pandy Tregeiriog


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 97

Revolve Your World-Wales

Exercising a real duty of care Demonstrate to your customers your commitment to their wellbeing irrespective of challenges or difficulties.


Social responsibility

A real duty of care 98 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 99

Revolve Your World-Wales

Pets can be a great source of inspiration for owners There are approximately 22 million pets in the UK, with 57% of Welsh household owning some type of a pet. Revolve offers you a chance to make your pet a star. Go to to see how we are celebrating pets across the UK.


Make your pet a Revolve star

100 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


In every issue, we feature Welsh pets that tell amazing stories | 101


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

CELLEBRATE DIFFERENCES.. 102 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition



t is important to adhere to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. but your best efforts may be ridicule by individuals that do not have the ability or acumen to see or understand your vision. in instances where there are undesirable outcomes. demonstrate to your customers and stake holders a real duty of care. Advertisements are good for a larger or smaller business units, but it should be done in accordance with the amount of profits the company makes. Proper research and analyzes of market is needed before you decide on marketing strategies, strong market positioning and a talent pool to guide you, is a must before you make huge investments. Advertising for your own small-scale business unit brings in lots of excitement and a new culture curry to your already existing business but what if all your business-advertising plans fail? And you don’t have any back to reckon on? It’s a very difficult situation where in you put all your resources in developing the marketing strategies and it all goes haywire. Businesses see lots of ups and downs in their career but it especially hurts deep when you have a small business unit and not much of resources at hand to move on after the disaster. Nothing pinches hard as much as the Business Failure, | 103


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE 104 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Acheivement through optomism

Wales is made up of a diverse mix of communities and brands. In every issue, Revolve will feature advertorials and stories about urban and rural consumers and business communities at grass roots level. Revolve recognises that the real victims of environment pollution is the local communities and 95% of all companies undertaking economic activity in one or more communities fails to recognise this fact. Revolve will establish partnerships with four Community groups, that provide support services in education, health, fitness & wellbeing and environment interests. should reflect the composition of the Community and the diversity of racial, ethnic, and economic interests in the Community. | 105

Revolve Your World-Wales

In addition, we embrace socially aware consumers that want to influence the strategies of their service providers, while being advocates of reducing the carbon footprint.

106 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition




Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

Step up to the Welsh recycling challenge The people who live, work and stdy in Wales local communites are the best ambassadors for managing and reducing risk of environment pollution. Revolve recognises that residents are the main victims of small businesses performing economic activities in one or more Welsh communities. In addition to ompensating communities for the risk of environment pollution caused by their economic activities. A structured way for small businesses to promote their green initiatives and demonstrate their social awareness at grass root levels.

108 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 109

Revolve Your World-Wales

Social media changes the relationship between companies and customers from master and servant, to peer to peer. Revolve identifies social media as a perfect vehicle to take advantage of the parallels between recycling, duty of care and social awareness. This ensures that one unified message about reducing the risk of environmental pollution (created by businesses performing economic activity in one or more local communities across the UK)

110 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Practical information for Welsh small business Engage direct customers and stakeholders Your biggest strength, as a small business, is your ability to engage with your customers directly, generate creativity and action around social responsibility. So, ensure you make them a part of your commitment and actions. Listen to the conversation your customers and stakeholders are

having across channels. Allow them to influence strategy and customer service. Reward them for their loyalty and encourage them to share their positive experiences across media channels. | 111


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

Empowering Welsh businesses and socially aware consumers

Professional Integrity By: Lewis V Anderson

Do former Welsh Cameron Farley Limited clients owe a duty of care to be truthful about their knowledge, understanding and involvement in the Cameron Farley loan scheme? Stephen Farley met Mr Zep Bellevia at a Hilton Hotel in Birmingham after he was introduced by Mr Peter Georgiou who himself introduced hundreds of clients for which he was paid commission. Stephen said Mr Bellevia seemed an amiable man, very professional and depicted the air of a consummate professional. Stephen confirmed that it was at this meeting that Mr Bellevia confirmed he was the manager of over 100 lawyers at Harden Evans Solicitors LLP and therefore was insistent that he had to be crystal clear that the loan scheme and Cameron Farley Ltd was not breaching any financial market regulations. Mr Bellevia insisted that he had done his detailed background check on Cameron Farley Ltd and it’s directors and was happy, not only to be a client, but to subsequently introduced numerous individuals.

Allison may have been direct contributors to the high profile internet harassment. Stephen insists that he had complained in writing to Mr bellevia as the compliance officer at the time.

Stephen insists that Revolve is a vehicle to firstly exercise his duty of care to former Cameron farley clients and secondly to repair his reputation with a view to dispel the misinformation previously engineered on the internet by a small group of known individuals. Stephen proposals will see the repayment commencing from the end of March 2012 and every calendar month thereafter until all September statement balances have been repaid. Under this plan Stephen intends to challenge the professionalism and clear instances of perverting the course of justice of a number of clients who like Mr Bellivia used their professional judgement not only to get involved, but to introduced other third parties in full understanding of the nature of the Cameron Farley business model. Their continued Stephen claim that one of his key concerns was an alleged stances falls outside the norms of professional conduct. statement made by Mr Bellevia, that in addition to his reputation, he had to certify all facts as he did not want to Stephen’s message to the Welsh Cameron Farley clients is that put his dream farm house at risk of fire as property fires was a Revolve is a repayment vehicle that will ensure every client is normal occurence if anything went wrong. (Stephen reminded returned to their financial position as at the 2nd September me that his house at 40 Newmills Road was suspiciously 2008. Stephen insist, this is a demonstration of him being destroyed by fire and insists that Mr Bellevia’s alleged statement willing to refute all challenges to his business model. Read must be investigated. Stephen also claim to have witnesses Stephen’s full disclosure in the English edition of the Revolve to show that Mr Bellevia and his fellow employee Mr John magazine.

112 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Stephen Farley is revolving his world in the face of stern challenges | 113

SMALL BUSINESS SUCCESS STORIES Celebrating the real small business heroes across welsh grassroot communities.

Being an entrepreneur has the glamorous image of being in charge, calling the shots, Access to more personal freedom – and, Fear of failure or fear of success Most of us have been programmed all our lives to believe that “success” is simply going to school and getting a good job. While these are admirable goals to pursue, they don’t encompass the entire realm of ways to live our dreams. Unfortunately, this programming is so powerful that any endeavour we perceive as not being

based on those norms is threatening to us, and to others. Starting one’s own business is a bold move which little of life’s teaching prepares us for. As a result, we are likely to suffer and even ridicule from family and friends who view such plans as silly and destined for failure. Revolve advocates that acheving goals encapsulates more than going to school, getting a job

Revolve Your World-Wales

The Priory

It is midweek on a damp, cloudy March evening in the Roman ! Village of Caerleon, South Wales. It seems that, this evening, the weather has decided to mirror the current global financial situation. We decided, nevertheless that we would go out for a bite to eat. We chose the Priory Hotel and Restaurant.

The hotel has 22 beautifully decorated rooms. Visitors can choose from sumptuous traditional or more modern rooms. The traditional rooms are full of character and charm combined with modern day luxury. For special nights away, The Blue Room is fabulous, with its super-king four-poster bed, ornate ceiling and luxurious marble en-suite and Jacuzzi. 116 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

The listed building was originally a Cistercian monastery dating back to 1180 and many architectural features of past decades remain; ancient flagstones are still on the floor and rare 16th century glass medallions surround the nun’s court. The building is set in its own picturesque, secluded grounds which provide a stunning backdrop for weddings and special occasions.


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 117


he moment you arrive you are greeted warmly by one of the receptionists. The bar is crowded, the restaurant is full and The Priory is buzzing. While many other eateries in the South Wales area are finding it difficult to ride out the current financial storm, how is it that The Priory is as busy as ever? I caught up with The Priory’s manager and co-director, Miguel and asked him if he could explain why he thinks The Priory is doing so much better than many of its competitors. With his usual energy and enthusiasm, he replied: “Well, that’s not difficult. The Priory is different. It has ambience and a sexy, Mediterranean feel. A lot of attention goes into this place to keep it that way. I like people to think of this place as a kind of home from home.” Indeed. Miguel and his staff work tirelessly to keep The Priory up to standard. The extensive, chilled display counter of fresh local produce is set up twice a day, Their meat is bought from local butcher, Douglas Willis and the venison sourced at the Welsh Venison Centre in Brecon. Miguel told me that his chefs are trained not just to cook meat but to use every cut of meat to its full potential. If you prefer fish to meat, there is a huge selection to choose from including lobster, oysters and a vast array of shellfish. In The Priory you can view the display and chose your own food from the blackboard menu and the daily specials. Whole fish

are always available, weighed and priced individually. You always know it is fresh; otherwise it could not be displayed. Not only are The Priory’s clients loyal, so are the staff. Many of them have been with Miguel for years, which is obviously good for the customers. The

staff are very friendly and recognise their customers. There are 36 employees at The Priory and in the past seven to eight years, there has been a staff turnover of only 5%. After twenty-eight years in the restaurant business, Miguel knows his trade. He started as the “Garlic Bread

at the age of twenty-nine, Miguel became a partner in the business and was responsible for setting up and running The Priory. The Priory is a place to celebrate, when good things happen and a place to uplift when things go wrong. It seems a lot of people feel this way. As well as the local regulars, The Priory attracts customers from all over the world. Visitors to the area stay here for its unique character and they return time and time again. My final question to Miguel was if he enjoys his work. His exact words were: “I love it. When I walk through that door everything outside ceases to exist. The only thing that exists is the passion that is The Priory.” I think this reply answers everything: His passion is the secret to the success. By Gilly Georgiou

Boy,” in The Brasserie in Cardiff under the wing and close eye of Martinez, co-director of the Priory and founder of the business. Within three years Miguel was managing The Brasserie. Fifteen years ago, Martinez was looking to expand his business empire into Newport. By chance he found The Priory was on the market. So,

Revolve Your World-Wales

Enjoy our four poster bed for that special occassion 120 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 121

Revolve Your World-Wales

122 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

The priory by night | 123


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

Luxury accomodation for that special occassion 124 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 125

Revolve Your World-Wales

How to find us? The Priory Hotel is set in secluded grounds in the historic Town of Caerleon on the River Usk adjacent to the Roman Amphitheatre field once known as King Arthur’s Round Table. We are just off the M4, less than two hours from London Heathrow, one hour from Bristol and CardiffWales International Airport and 20 minutes from the Severn Bridge. We are located close to Inter City Rail services at Newport, with direct trains to Cardiff, London Paddington and Birmingham. For more information or help with arranging your transportation to or from the Priory Hotel please contact us.

You can dine at lunchtime Mondays to Saturdays for £9.99 for a 2 course special. The evening 2 course Chef’s Special is £17.95 A 2 course Sunday lunch will cost you £12.95 126 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 127

Revolve Your World-Wales

Roger can trace the origins of every diamond he buys. He NEVER buys conflict diamonds.


oger Williams has been designing and making jewellery for some thirty years, starting as a teacher of silver-smithing and jewellery-making in adult education. As an impoverished teacher, he started designing and creating jewellery for sale to earn extra money. When he realised he had the potential to make a good business out of his craft, he sat down and designed a range that could be sold wholesale, with a range aimed at the then flourishing market for Celtic jewellery in Wales; love-spoons, Celtic pendants, the kind of thing that sold well in tourist shops. At one point, Roger was exporting his Celtic jewellery as far afield as the USA. In order to establish a regular cash flow, Roger changed direction once again and opened his shop. He soon found a demand for quality items and moved from the tourist market to designing one-off engagement rings, wedding bands and dress rings. He was the first person in his area that designed, made and repaired jewellery on the premises. This service formed the basis of his business. Until Roger came on the scene, if an individual wanted something made or repaired, they had to take it to a high street retailer where they couldn’t speak to the craftsman responsible for the work and so were unable to discuss their requirements. From here, he realised he needed to source gemstones and after about 10 years, Roger realised he had developed a fascination for diamonds. He gained an in-depth knowledge of the diamond trade and found a contact in Antwerp whom he deals with to this day. Because Roger buys from source instead of from UK importers he is able to offer high

128 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

quality diamonds at a good price. Roger is happy to discuss your individual needs, helping you to choose the right diamond at the right price. Buying a diamond is an important purchase, whether you are buying for someone you love or for yourself. Because he sources his diamonds from Antwerp, you can buy in confidence. You know they are quality stones, cut and polished by craftsmen. The Jewellery Studio has gone from strength-to strength because of the customer base and quality reputation Roger Williams has earned. Roger understands that the jewellery trade is fashiondriven and he uses his eye for shape and colour to follow and interpret the trends. The Jewellery Studio is in Cathedral Road, Pontcanna, Cardiff. Viewed by many as the Chelsea of Cardiff, Pontcanna’s busy shopping area is home to a number of good upmarket boutiques and quality businesses. The shops are smaller than those in the ! City centre and are privately owned with a more intimate and exclusive feel, where customers are treated with warmth and personal attention. Lower business rates and property prices give traders the opportunity to be competitive whilst providing excellent personal service. The kind of service which, combined with his reputation for quality and craftsmanship, has earned Roger Williams his well-deserved reputation for excellence and a loyal following of discerning customers, some of whom travel from Bath, Bristol and beyond. You can view Roger’s latest designs at his shop in Cardiff or online at his website.


237 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, Wales, UK. CF11 9PP Email: enquiries@jewellerystudio. | 129


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales


our friends who had been in the Real Estate market in Spain for over 20 years could see a niche in the market. Gareth Whittington is a South Wales boy who has lived in Spain for many years. Originally, in property development, his business was hard hit by the failing Spanish market and work for his property development company literally dried up overnight.

Russell Ford and Robert Smailes both have a sales background. John Cameron was a mortgage advisor working in a Spanish bank. They could all see first hand what was happening: The Spanish banks had built up a large portfolio of bad debt. Consequently, they then ended up with a large number of repossessed properties, which they could not handle and had to make a start to clear their books.

130 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

We cater for investors interested in a block of flats or an individual looking to buy a villa CALLE BIZET LOCAL NO 2, LA SIESTA, TORREVIEJA 03184, ALICANTE | 131

Revolve Your World-Wales

NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY... 132 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Whether you are investor interested in a block of flats or an individual looking to buy a villa, please contact:

Spanish Property Consultants Head Office: 0034 966 785 907 email: | 133


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales


romoting active lifestyles in Wales

134 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition



RECOGNISING WELSH MODERN LIFE STYLES Revolve will identify, discover and celebrateity the Welsh lifestyles and cultures typical of Welsh communities. attitudes, values and views. a lifestyle is a means of forging a sense of self and to create cultural symbols that resonate with personal identity. What are the lifestyle choices available to people who live, work o or visit Wales. We recognise that lifestyles are also changing. We need investment to make our lifestyles healthier, That is the

way to ensure healthy lifestyles, We talk about sustainable communities and lifestyles, We should start to think about our lifestyles, Healthy lifestyles are relevant to this debate , I think that much of this is to do with changing lifestylesI hope that this strategy will change their lifestyles for good | 135


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Discover Wales

Revolve Your World-Wales

One of the key goals of the Revolve magazine is to celebrate the unsung small business heroes in Wales. One key function is to demonstrate the importance of worklife balance and to provide examples of success stories. To this end, we will feature the lifestyle activities on offer to Welsh small business owners. The directory wales features key events and activities across all the counties from anglesey to wrexham-incorporating Towns, communities, Villages, Hamlets and island communities. Each geographic area is listed in alphabetic order and is featured on a rotation basis in monthly issues.

Education is important to us in Wales. Find out more about our public and private schools and our further education institutions. Need a spot of retail therapy? We’ve got markets, boutiques and high street stores. See some of our favourite shopping tips. Resturants, nightclubs and theatres. Take at look at some of the things we like to do to let our hair down in our entertainment section. Fancy some golf? Or surfing? Or Horseriding? Find out more about our huge range of activities and outdoor pursuits.s islands and waterways. We wil provide information about the award winning cheeses, Welsh mountain lamb and whisky distilleries. Find out how to make some of our favourite Welsh dishes. Find out about the sports we like to play, see some of our sporting achievements and the international sporting events that we’re hosting soon. Music The land of song. Find out about

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our long history of Welsh music, our Eisteddfod festivals and our recent musical successes. TV and Film Our landscape has provided the perfect backdrop to many popular TV and film settings. Find out more about our homegrown talent. Arts and Culture We’re home to the largest collection of Impressionist paintings outside of Paris. Learn more about Welsh arts, literature and culture. Landscapes . we’re proud of our landscape because it offers us so many things to do. Find out more about our mountains, beaches, lakes and gardens.


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 137

Revolve Your World-Wales


ccomodation fit for a king and at affordable p r i c e s irrespective of whether you are looking for a B&B or five star luxury. Real stories by real people who are happy to recomend a place to stay . Find hotels, self-catering cottages, B&B’S and holiday accommodation across Wales from romantic weekends to family holidays. From harbourside to mountainside, from small traditional Villages to modern City centres, you’ll find places to stay in Wales that will delight you from the moment you arrive. All have their own charm, their own

special character and, of course, service that is something a little out of the ordinary, delivered with a passion and welcome that is distinctly Welsh. In every issue/ we will feature a range of places to stay in Wales, because we feature every Hamlet, Village, Town and City across Wales,You can enjoy a balance and unbiased category of places to stay ranging from, B&Bs, self-catering, and numerous affordable choice of hotels accommodation that offers high standards, atmosphere, ambience or, Whether you want a romantic short break, a golfing break or a walking holiday there is options to suite the budget and specific requirements of every visitor. 138 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers



Revolve Your World-Wales


SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW... 140 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Especially interested in old and historic properties. across Wales. are you a restorer, do you own a historic property? The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors June 2011 housing market survey e broad terms house prices have softened and is expected to get worse. Welsh property prices are at their lowest levels since May 2009, recent data suggests. e are seeing something of a self-fulfilling prophecy across the UK with regards to property with headlines in the press reiterating the fact that prices are expected to fall in the short term. Revolve’s goal is to identify and review

all of the listed and historic properties across Wales. We will look at how historic Wales and other bodies entrusted to preserve the historical buildings are balancing the threat of decay versus maintaining the facade of building that are hundreds of years old. We will also look at the modern trends in design and customer taste and preferences when purchasing and renting property. Are you living in a historic property, share your successes and challenges with Revolve readers at | 141

Revolve Your World-Wales

THE WORK LIFE BALANCE Decisions you make regarding the business will have a direct and immediate impact on your personal life. Being self-employed is fundamentally different than being an employee. The distinction between work time and personal time blurs. If a problem arises with the business, it’s your problem, and it won’t go away merely because you’ve closed the doors for the day.

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Being self-employed is fundamentally different than being an employee. The distinction between work time and personal time blurs. If a problem arises with the business, it’s your problem, and it won’t go away merely because you’ve closed the doors for the day. Decisions you make regarding the business will have a direct and immediate impact on your personal life. For example, if you’re in retail and decide to remain open evenings, it’s your time that’s affected. And, you’re likely to be on call 24 hours a day in the event an emergency arises relating to your business. The impact is even greater if your business involves working out of your

home. You may experience conflicts over the use of space for business or personal purposes. The distinction between your personal life and business life is even further attenuated. Even when you’re at home, you’re also physically at work. On the upside, there’s no commute and you can eat cheaper at home. If you have a family, it’s important to measure the impact opening a new business will have on them. It’s best to discuss this as soon as you seriously start to consider the idea. Both you and your family must be willing to put up with the changes in your lives owning a business will bring. Some people experience emotional and physical strain from being on their own and working the hours it takes to make it. Issues To Consider These aspects of day-to-day living will be seriously affected by your decision to open your own business: Certainty and source of income. One of the biggest differences between being self-employed and being an employee


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

is the source of your income. Employees can generally expect to receive a paycheck at fixed intervals and for a known amount. (Those working on commission or receiving tips have less certainty regarding the amount.) As the owner of a new small business, you’ll be paid only when and if the business generates enough money. Even successful businesses rarely generate a profit in the beginning stages of operation. You’ll have to be prepared for a period during which your expenses will exceed any income derived from the new business. Health insurance. Although employees are being called upon to pay an increasingly larger share of health insurance costs, it’s even tougher for a small business owner. There is no employer to pick up some portion of the premium cost. There’s no pool of employees that would allow you to | 143



TE &



Education in Wales differs in certain respects from education elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Welsh medium education is available to all age groups through nurseries, schools, colleges and universities and in adult education; lessons in the language itself are compulsory for all pupils until the age of 16.


Introductory Discount

Revolve Your World-Wales

146 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Welsh food and drink Celebrating a vibrant Welsh food culture

Revolve Your World-Wales


food and drink

Food festivals are a celebration of all that’s good about Welsh food and drink. They take place throughout the year across Wales. We recognise the important contribution that food festivals can make to strengthen and further develop a vibrant Welsh food culture. Some of these events are of national and international importance such as Abergavenny Food Festival, Gwledd Conwy Feast, Cardiff International Food and Drink Festival and the Great British Cheese Festival. Other activities promote the regional foods of the area or focus on local issues, All of these events are certainly worth a visit: Abergavenny Food Festival • Aberystwyth Food & Drinks Festival • Anglesey Oyster and Welsh Produce Festival • Brecon Beacons Food Festival • Cardiff International Food and Drink Festival • •• Carmarthen Journal Buy Local Food & Drink Show • Cowbridge Food and Drink Festival • Feastival (Bridgend If you are thinking of organising a food festival and are interested in applying for support, then you need to contact us at The process normally starts in November when food festivals are invited to submit applications for support. Grants may be awarded (if funding is available) to food and drink events which meet the Food Festival Funding Criteria. Applicants will normally know the level of support offered before the beginning of the financial year.

148 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

October - March:

Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnip, leeks, turnip, kale, purple sprouting broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, swede, brussels sprouts, parsley, mushrooms, parsnips, and beetroot. Fruit: pears and apples. Game: venison, rabbit, partridge and pheasant. Meat and Poultry: chicken, beef, pork, lamb and mutton, wild duck. Fish and Seafood: langoustine, mussels, oysters, salmon and cockles.

April - June:

Vegetables: new potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, leeks, cauliflower, mushrooms, spring greens, salads and pak-choi, rhubarb and cucumber. Fruit: early glasshouse tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries. Game: venison and pheasant. Meat and Poultry: chicken, beef, pork, lamb and mutton. Fish and Seafood: langoustine, trout, salmon, eel and cockles.

July - September:

Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, salads, spring onions, celery, courgettes, tomatoes, peas, broad and runner beans, mushrooms, beetroot, green broccoli, cauliflower, sweetheart cabbage, rhubarb and fennel. Fruit: strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries (brambles), plums, damsons and tomatoes. Game: rabbit and partridge. Meat and Poultry: chicken, beef, pork, lamb and mutton, wild duck. Fish and Seafood: salmon, pike, trout, eel, langoustine, mussels and oysters.


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 149

Recipe of the month


very month, we will feature a recipe submitted by one of our readers. We give you the opportunity to have your favorite recipes published in our upcoming monthly magazines. We will also publish a summary profile about you.


egister at and spread the word to your friends and family. We welcome any tried and tested recipes to feature in our recipe of the month section of every publication. a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the quality Welsh ingredients and your cooking skills To submit your recipe (and photo) please send them to us by email.To make them easy for everyone to follow, it would be great if you could include the following information when you send us your recipe(s): 1. Name of the dish 2. Ingredients used 3. Preparation and cooking methods 4. Handy hints or possible variations 5. Preparation time 6. Cooking time 7. Suitability for freezing 8. Number of servings 9. Any other relevant comments 10. Your name and other social media details like email address Please send us a photo of your dish, the ingredients and any other imagery you think would enhance your story in the magazine. It doesn’t need to be taken with any special equipment - any digital camera is adequate To have your recipe featured, please email recipe of, or write to: Revolve environment Solutions, 1 Berkeley Street London W1J 8DJ

Revolve Your World-Wales

152 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Welsh small business

Empowering Small Business And Consumers LAUNCH EDITION 2012



upport for starting up The Welsh Government supports and encourages business start-ups in Wales through its Business Start-up Service. Potential entrepreneurs and new businesses can access a range of integrated support options through this service to help them prosper and grow. The Welsh Government wants to encourage more business start-ups and help them to prosper and grow. Government support for business start-ups in Wales is provided through the Welsh Government Start-up Service. The main aim of this free service is to encourage new business ideas and help all potential entrepreneurs in Wales get the information, advice and support they need.

Revolve will set out to identify whether the businesses services are structured on the old building blocks of the last century, or whether the tools are structured around and reflect the emerging social media trends. Register now: to ensure that you have access to this important research. | 153

Revolve Your World-Wales

Kick start you small business new media strategy 154 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 155

The outlook on healthy bodies and minds across Welsh

T healthy.

o enjoy well-being, you need to be mentally and physically healthy. Through a good positive mental attitude and by working through your emotional issues, you can help to keep your body well and

The chances are you did because you focused your attention on being ill and feeling unwell and so created the illness. There are many cases of people who have cured themselves of life threatening illnesses through positive thinking and releasing their emotional issues. One of the most well know is Brandon Bays, the author of the book, The Journey. She had a cancerous tumour and using positive thinking and releasing past emotional issues, she cured herself completely.


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Promoting small business, whose strategies are traditional and innovative “I am determined to ensure we get the growth capital Welsh business needs – using the greater flexibility devolution provides to do just that. We’re going to make further use of our public sector programmes as a catalyst to attract co-investment from private business. Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones

Is access to capital the winning formula? Revolve’s advotorial style review of access to capital in Wales for small businesses contribute to survival and growth of Welsh small firms. | 159

Revolve Your World-Wales

☑ Promoting a purpose that matters to Welsh small business and consumers ☑ Social media tools that small business and consumers are most familiar with ☑ Content that is community specific and about real people ☑ Open two-way relationships that build trust ☑ Open debates on controversial topics ☑ Recognise individual contributions from members ☑ A referral strategy which includes tactics for members to invite their friends ☑ Shared control, power, autonomy and ownership with members.

160 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

i-revolve Visionary Proactive Innovate

Join today and enjoy special discounts from a variety of businesses, in addition to our wine club, travel club, business and consumer product exchange facility at local , regional and national level. | 161


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

Revolve membership 162 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

R unlimited digital recognition We will publish a leader board that clearly identify the social programs and green initiative rolled out across the country by Community.

evolve offers a world-class on-line community that sets standards for social media. As a member, become part of the wider community that benefits from numerous Revolve promotions and special events. In addition to identifying you as a proud member of Revolve, your Membership Card enables you to enjoy special discounts from a variety of high profile businesses, in addition to our wine tasting, travel club, business and consumer product exchange facility at local, regional and national level. For businesses, we work on your behalf to promote your business at a local, regional and national level. While consumers, we provide an opportunity to engage service providers and participate in the activities important to, firstly, your local community and the wider community across the UK. Membership is free and offers many benefits.

Register now for free membership at | 163

Revolve Your World-Wales

164 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Revolve travel club

More than just a regular social and networking group, the Revolve Travel Club sources exclusive deals and transfers these benefits to our members. Revolve is not a travel agent, nor do we participate in the actual transaction, management or administration of the travel services offered by our providers. The Revolve Travel Club gives you access to holiday products bartered or sourced commercially from travel industry providers. Our goal is to get the best & most exciting holiday experience for our members. Register now and receive automatic membership to the Revolve Travel Club.

Sign up at | 165


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

Revolve Wine club

In today’s modern wine culture, Revolve invites you to discover wines in a whole new way. Benefit from expert tips and offers of delicious wines from qualityled cellars. Revolve is in discussions with small wine producers from across the world that want to promote their wines. We will bring you mouth-watering wines to sample in pleasurable surroundings. Register today at, and enjoy priority access to wines of premium quality and superb value.

166 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

The f taste o success .com www.rev | 167

Revolve Your World-Wales

Revolve business exchange

168 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

1. Redundant Equipment 2. Products or Services 3. Obsolete/Surplus Stock 4. Business Intelligence


Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 169

Revolve Your World-Wales

e-revolve An indirect recycling strategy

e-Revolve is not an online store. It is a meeting place where all of the goods are offered by you for exchange purposes. You may have been clearing out your attic or garage and want to get rid of unwanted items so why not find them a good home, whilst finding something you want in exchange. Reach a wide audience, compare items by viewing detailed descriptions of what’s on offer, and in most cases you can also view photos of the items. No money is involved as this is a true swap-shop experience. In the e-Revolve Community, you will find everyday items such as books, DVDs and clothes to more unusual items that aren’t necessarily in demand. Because of the wide range of things that can be found for exchange on e-Revolve, we’re sure you will agree that this service is a perfect example of indirect recycling. Register today at and enjoy automatic access.

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Empowering Small Business And Consumers | 171

Chances of success There is no slide rule, otherwise there would be a lot more small buiussuiness creared in Wales on a daily basis.

Empower small businesses Empower small businesses to capitalise on the popularity of “green� initiatives, while broadcasting one unified message across multiple free social media channels (e.g facebook, twitter etc). Demonstrate social awareness and publicise examples of duty of care being put into practice. Engage socially aware consumers Promote social media tools that enable meaningful interactions between service providers and consumers. Conversely, support consumers in raising awareness of initiatives that are tackling the risk of environmental pollution in local communities across the UK.

te ova


Revolve Your World-Wales

174 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


5***** excellence

Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Are you one of the top five small businesses in your industry? Share your successes and challenges with Revolve. Put your business and community on the map. | 175

Revolve Your World-Wales



Everyone who opens his or her own business has a plan, however informal. Going through the process of creating a written plan embodies the principles of see the big picture.

Recognise planning as a means of effective communication and a barometer to identify potential challenges. Proactive planning for a small business practically means that irrespective of outcomes, there is a basic structure that is unflappable and enduring Revolve explores the approach to small business planning, focusing on the successes and challenges across industries. Animals can teach small business owners a lesson about survival and coping as circumstances change. They respect their environment and morph to adjust to any changes that are fundamental to survival. Revolve’s goal is to learn by example and cites the purpose, pro-activity and planning of police forces and emergency service. Their emergency procedures are well rehearsed and available, even though there may never be an earth quake, riot or natural disaster. Learn by example, it is always good to be prepared. A demonstration to stakeholders of your intent evaluate the variable factors that affect your business, so you can better prepare to deal with situations that may arise as conditions change a vehicle for tracking the progress of your business a blueprint against which you can adjust operations in order to achieve your goals a reality check when you first examine the feasibility of your business idea

176 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


Empowering Small Business And Consumers


the ability to rationalise favourable and unexpected outcomes or challenges. | 177

Revolve Your World-Wales

Whatever market you’re in, acknowledge that customers now have choice between your business and the competition.

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Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Clearly defined target markets enables direct engagement, interaction and retention of your customers. | 179

Revolve Your World-Wales

180 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Build a winning team and recognise the “I� in team Win your fears, against doubt, against insecurity and look in the mirror and know who you are: Surround yourself with people who complement your strengths and offset your weaknesses. | 181


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

News, events and campaigns There are thousands of media channels in circulation, yet the real stories that can add value to grass root communities are never told. Although the new media revolution has improved access to information. There is still a place for Revolve to empower and engage the people who live and work in communities in a meaningful way. Find out about all the latest developments and trends in grass root communities across Wales . Get the latest news from small business and consumers and find out about work life balance practices, plus keep up to date on topics that affect the communities where you live and work. Our teams across the Welsh Counties provide a diverse range of up to date information of success stories, challenges, including small business guidelines, health and fitness, public updates about key community events. Media centre Call 0203 402 2109 to share your stories or to advertise your products, duty of care compliance and green initiatives. Register at to raise awareness about the risk of environment pollution across Wales.

182 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition



itest, sum quati ut qui rescietur ani quam, sint facea dolum restrum re delluptae cum fugia con cus duntior erferciis minis asperuptia consed quo ea voluptionsed qui doluptature num es ulparciet dolorit molupta speribus, sita volenda volupta quodit hilignam, que aspero estrum volum in coreiciis molupta eperecum solore dissint eost as cumqui inia qui odi optus nitas sequi re cus, quam quam aut adic

Revolve Your World-Wales

The glass ceiling in Wales GIRL POWER

Every month, Revolve features stories from Welsh business woman that outline their successes and challenges to dispel or confirm the myths about the glass ceilings in small business. A case in point: Recently, Natalie Ayres was paid over £million after Microsoft UK was judged to have unfairly passed her over for the company’s highest UK position. It’s has been revealed that her male counterpart was offered the job even before Ayres’ interview process had been completed, sparking complaints that there is a “glass ceiling” for women at the company, with management preventing females from being offered top roles.

184 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

A myth or reality?

THE STIFF UPPER LIP You barely hear complaints from females, as it is British etiquette to maintain the stiff upper lip. Revolve understands but advocate that our magazines are a professional, unbiased medium to share your experience with other female small business owners.

Does the glass ceiling limit your options as a female entrepreneur in Wales? or have you overcome the gender gap in your industry? | 185


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

WHATS ON? Film Performing & visual arts

Festivals Community events

186 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Tell us about your events and activities in Wales - we may be able to include them in our What’s on section or even publish an article, email us at If you are a small business, advertise your corporate events in the Revolve magazine and on the Revolve website. Because our magazines are published monthly, your events are current and reflect the current status of your business or activity. This is where your journey starts. Are you ready? This magazine features diverse work life and lifestyle activities. Our strategy promotes every scenario and brings every Welsh community to life and gives Welsh citizens the power to promote your business or champion achievements in your local communities.

Music Literature

Heritage Sports

In every issue of revolve, enjoy a true reflection of lifestyle activities available whether: living, working, playing or visiting Wales... | 187


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Empowering small businesses and socially aware consumers across Wales Find out what it’s like today.

Revolve Your World-Wales


By simply registering for the site, you are demonstrating your commitment to support the campaign to manage and reduce the risk of environment pollution in your local communities. or to: If you own a small business, promote your business’s duty of care, social awareness programs and green initiatives. register at: 190 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


The true face of 21st Century Wales Lifestyle these days is a choice we all consciously make, whether health and fitness is a must, or maybe you’re love to travel, this is the category for you to find your perfect fit. | 191


Empowering Small Business And Consumers

Revolve Your World-Wales

All inclusive value hybrid advertising and marketing


Introductory Discount 192 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition

Promote your differences as unique selling points and a platform for linking economic and social goals

Revolve Your World-Wales

You are invited to revolve your world with direct action.

Do you run a small business that promote Green Initiatives, or are you a social aware consumer that want to influence the strategies of your service providers. Subscribe to Revolve free and enjoy automatic membership to revolve Membership Club. Your free treats ☑ Wine club ☑ Business exchange ☑ Swap shop ☑ Travel club

194 | Revolve Magazine Welsh Edition


We cater for investors interested in a block of flats or an individual looking to buy a villa CALLE BIZET LOCAL NO 2, LA SIESTA, TORREVIEJA 03184, ALICANTE

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