Introductory sales letter

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INTRODUCTORY SALES LETTER Revolve is a business set up to contribute to the management and reduction of the risk of environment pollution across UK communities. Like other small businesses, Revolve is faced with the challenge of meeting the substantial capital cost associated with recycling. Revolve has however recognise the business opportunities created by The Social Media Revolution, not only to generate the required capital, but also to raise awareness about the UK recycling challenge. This translates into the launch of Revolve Magazines- a celebration of lifestyles and work life balance trends across UK communities. Revolve respect the uniqueness and strengths of the UK regional co-brands and publish four separate monthly issues: Revolve England, Revolve Northern Ireland, Revolve Scotland and Revolve Wales. Our target audience is small businesses that want to promote products and services, interact with target audiences in a meaningful way, publicise their green initiatives and duty of care compliance. In addition, we empower socially aware consumers to engage their service providers and take their place as suitably qualified ambassadors to manage the risk of environment pollution in the communities they live and work. Our product offering provides opportunities for small business to promote itself using website banner and advertorial style magazine advertising. We feature and reference small businesses in our marketing material that truly demonstrate social awareness, duty of care compliance and a commitment to reducing environmental risk in the communities that they perform economic activity. This translates into a realistic experience, for our readers. Compared to other magazines, Revolve recognises the price points and marketing strategies of small firms. There is no obligation or sales pressure of any kind and even if you don’t have any immediate need for advertising and marketing products please support our environment risk reduction awareness campaign by reading our magazines free on-line and register at www.revolve. to subscribe and join our conversation.

Here is how it works: Revolve offers a combination of magazine and web banner advertising that makes use of any existing graphics and artworks This translates into a substantial cost saving when compared to other high profile marketing and advertising channels. Our product offering compliments strategies whether a small business is: promoting products and services, revamping a strategy, entering new markets, implementing green initiatives or simply analysing the competitive forces in your industry. The Magazines are published monthly meaning that seasonal trends are always communicated. (The website banner adverts are also updated monthly). Every advertiser that chooses to subscribe on an annual basis, receives a saddle stitched hard copy of the Revolve Magazine for the duration of their advertising campaign. We offer a performance guarantee, which means that it cost you nothing until your advert or marketing material is printed and in public circulation. Sign up at to enjoy high profile marketing and contribute to our campaign to raise awareness about the risks of environment pollution in the communities that you perform economic activity.

Empowering Small business Revolve advocates that small businesses are at the heart of local communities and suitably qualified to manage and reduce the risk of environment pollution at grass root levels. Social media remove most of the barriers to markets and resources and offer proactive small businesses and entrepreneurs the opportunity to secure and maintain competitive advantage in their designated industries and the communities where they perform economic activity: Our product offering includes: 1. A website banner advert on the Revolve website that directs users to your website or other preferred links in a new browser window

2. Advertorial space in the Revolve Magazines covering the region that your business trades from. Subject to availability, we may accommodate promotion across all four regional magazines, if your business trades in more than one region. You can run one advert over the twelve month duration or you can supply fresh advertorial and imagery on a month by month basis. (This translate to a fantastic saving on our listed prices) 3. A free hard copy of Revolve magazine for the duration of your advertising run (subject to package chosen) 4. Statistical information confirming readership and unique page views 5. Authoring rights to your designated blog on the Revolve website, so that your customers can engage with you directly 6. Social media tools-if your business is not connected, we activate a few of these as part of our product offering To Revolve your world, call free phone 0800 098 8820 or register at Alternately, send us an email to

Engaging Socially aware consumers In addition, we recognise that UK consumers want to influence the customer service offerings and business strategies of their service providers, while being advocates of reducing the carbon footprint in the communities they live. As a direct response, we have added the WIIFM (What is in it for me?) factor to our product offering in the form of Revolve Members' Club, an on-line community that rewards consumers for supporting our efforts. In addition to a free monthly prize draw, members enjoy discounts and products bartered in exchange for website banner and magazine advertising. Our membership card incorporates the latest CHIP technology which means that benefits are easily transferred. Revolve promote the members' area as a vehicle to compensate communities for the risk of environmental pollution created by small businesses performing economic activity. Revolve also uses this channel for small businesses to promote their green initiative, duty of care compliance and social awareness programs. Revolve identify Good Causes (Charities) as being a true representation of the social groups, cultures and lifestyles across grass root communities and a reliable medium to raise awareness about the risk of environment pollution. In recognition, we provide free advertorial exposure in our monthly magazines and donate five pence in every pound of net revenues we generate from our recycling initiative. (To be shared across our four designated good causes: Environmental Protection, Education & Learning, Fitness & Wellbeing and Health) Revolve is not part of the structure, nor do we participate in the administration or management of the good causes we support.

Realising grass root potential Revolve is of the opinion, that although not all disadvantage individuals and groups are victims of their own circumstances, a majority fail to realise their true potential or suffer from the stigmas of teacher and other in authority telling them they are lost causes. Living examples are Simon Cowell of the X-factor fame who was often bored in school, dropped out at age 17 and was told by his teachers that he would never amount to anything. His first job was working in a mail room, now his true abilities speak for themselves. James Dyson the inventor of the popular Dyson cyclonic vacuum was given the cold shoulder by every UK manufacturer and distributor, not because his product lacked merit, but to avoid disturbing the monopoly for replacement vacuum dust bags. The moral of the story, "understand the motives of your critics and doubters". I myself know what it is like as Leslie Wooler and the Grant Thornton team- the liquidators of Cameron Farley Limited, refuse to recognise the innovative product being offered by Cameron Farley Ltd and is reported to communicate to clients that I am a dreamer and delusional. I see this as a perfect opportunity to demonstrate stealth and engage and empower those amongst the 40 million plus adults (over 15 years old) that want to realise their true potential. "If you are ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, then you are a fool and certain to be defeated in every battle". Sun Tzu (Chinese military strategist) and the Art of War

Introductory offer: register at Register now and enjoy up to 65% discount on list prices, plus gain automatic membership to Revolve members club. Consumers can register to raise awareness about issues in their grass root communities. Revolve your world. Yours sincerely Proprietor

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