Revolve Magazine Fall 2017

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Content 4



Revolve NTNU


Revolve’s Summer Adventures


The Pursuit of Points


Ole Andreas Ramsdal: Vehicle Dynamics


Sondre Midtskogen: Trajectory Following


Life at the FS Competition - A Melting Pot of Engineering


Bertel O. Steen


Checkpoints with Alumni


Driverless Technology


KA Racing


New Year. New Team. New Car.


Continuing Development


Revolve Team 2018

Introduction Dear reader, What you are now holding in your hands is the latest edition of Revolve NTNU’s magazine. In this edition, you can read about the competitions we take part in, two of the master’s theses on our project and much more. We truly hope you will find this magazine enjoyable. Last year we produced the magnificent car, Eld. Team 2017 aimed high and wanted to build the best race car Revolve NTNU had seen so far. Eld truly is a mechanical beast, based on many of the same features as Gnist, but perfected to an even higher degree. Eld has one motor mounted in each wheel, 66 self-developed printed circuit boards, 325 sensors, 3D printed uprights in titanium, topology optimized rims and a monocoque in carbon fibre. These are only a few of the features of our newest car. Revolve NTNU is known for its great mechanical and electrical solutions. We actively work on developing better designs and engineering methods to make the car stronger, better and faster each year. Team 2018 is aiming even higher. Not only are we going to build another electric car, we are also going to make Eld autonomous for the driverless competitions in the summer of 2018. Incorporating a new class for autonomous vehicles in Formula Student adds another dimension of technology to the competition. In order to make Eld autonomous, Revolve NTNU has to push the technological limits more than ever before. Revolve NTNU is undoubtedly going to be a part of the autonomous revolution the world is facing. Now, what does it take to make two different types of race cars in the span of eight months? It all begins with the students at NTNU Trondheim. Every year we recruit some of the brightest minds at NTNU. We search for those who are dedicated, creative and enjoy solving difficult and challenging tasks. This year our team consists of 72 members from 15 different fields, ranging from their 1st to 5th year of study. We encourage collaboration, testing new ideas and the challenging og assumptions. By joining Revolve NTNU we get first-hand experience on how it is to work on an engineering project, and get to work with an entire student team towards a common goal. This year we aim for top 5 in the Formula Student competitions.

Editor-In-Chief Mia Pin Berge

Graphic Design and Layout Mia Pin Berge Marketing Manager Aida Angell Project Manager Cornelia Reme-Ness Contact Website Printed by Logo

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Best regards, Aida Angell Marketing Manager


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Revolve NTNU Text: Shobiha Premkumar and Mats Pettersen Key Account Manager DV and EV 2018 Revolve NTNU is an independent student organization at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. This year, our team is composed of 75 members from a wide variety of engineering fields and every year of study. Since the release of our first car, Revolve has built one new race car every year. We plan to continue this tradition, but are also taking on a new challenge that is highly relevant to the age we live in, namely, developing an autonomous race car.

Building an Electric Racecar Grand goals and short deadlines are hard realities for a student to face. However, this is the everyday life of Revolve NTNU’s members. To compete in the world’s largest engineering competition for students, Formula Student, we must design, build and test a new race car within a year, every year. At the start of the project, the board and the group leaders map out overall plans, focus areas, competency requirements, organisational structure and budgets, in addition to recruiting highly motivated students. After this, the first step is the concept phase which consists of problem identification and concept development of all systems, before proceeding to the design phase. Once we have determined the design, the production and assembly process can begin. Eight months into the project, testing and continuous improvement to prepare for the competition commences. The project reaches its end after the competitions in Europe during the summer.

Driverless Vehicle In 2017, Formula Student introduced a new competition class called Driverless Vehicle which Revolve NTNU now will be a part of. The Driverless team will be making Eld fully autonomous. The brains behind Driverless are the Perception, Guidance & Control and Vehicle groups. Perception will be responsible for giving Eld eyes and creating the best possible image of the outside world by figuring out the car’s location, the environment around the car and the speed. The next step is to create a trajectory for Eld to follow, which will be done by Guidance & Control. They will be using data from Perception to plan a route and will also calculate the required control parameters that make the car follow the trajectory. The final step is to make Eld drive. The Vehicle group implement the new autonomous systems which allow the race car to operate completely autonomously. All testing during the development of algorithms is done on our Traxxas XO-1 radio controlled car. It has a top speed of 160 km/h and accelerates from 0 to 100 in 2.3 seconds. It is necessary for the Driverless team to use this radio controlled car to test on, because it provides a safer and easier platform than the highly advanced race car, Eld. Driverless opens a new field for Revolve NTNU. The autonomous world has been buzzing for a while now, but it is still in its experimental phase. This project is a great opportunity for our team to challenge ourselves. The world of technology is constantly evolving and so are we!

The End of the Season The combined efforts of all Revolve’s members results in a highly complex product, a proper race car. The car offers innovative solutions and complex design in order to optimize traction, aerodynamic properties, data acquisition, vehicle control and weight in order to achieve the best track performance. In addition to the car, our crown achievement is our members. Throughout the project, they acquire unique experiences and skills. Among these skills are product development, project management, marketing and teamwork. They get to experience the realities of the real world, abiding by short deadlines and working within budgets. Overall, our members go from students to well rounded, capable engineers that are prepared to take on the challenges that will meet them in their future careers.

Revolve’s Summer Adventures Text: Nadia Chaudry, Event Manager Formula Student (FS) is the world’s largest student engineering competition, boasting over 650 teams world wide and venues on five different continents. The competitions can have up to three categories: electric, combustion and driverless vehicles. For a team to qualify for a competition, they have to either send an application or take part in a quiz, depending on the competition. This year, Revolve is hoping to compete in FS Germany, FS Austria, and FS East (Hungary). FS competitions are much more than just racing cars. They are based on a best-out-of 1000 point system, divided into static- and dynamic events. Whilst the dynamic events test the

performance of the car, the static events challenge a team’s engineering and business decisions. All together, these events provide participants with the opportunity to enhance their engineering design and project management skills by applying classroom theories to an actual engineering project.

The Pursuit of Points Text: Nadia Chaudry, Event Manager

Photo: FSG

Static Events The objective of the Business Presentation is to evaluate a team’s ability to develop and deliver a comprehensive business model on how their “prototype race car” could become a rewarding business opportunity. The objective of the cost and manufacturing event is to evaluate the team’s understanding of the manufacturing processes and costs associated with the build of a prototype race car. This includes trade off decisions between content and cost, make or buy decisions, and understanding the differences between prototype and mass production. The purpose of the design event is to judge the students’ engineering effort into the design of their vehicle. They must justify their decisions through knowledge of alternative options, and provide data to back them up.


Point distribution DV class.

Dynamic Events The dynamic events differ depending on the vehicle category. However, the Skid-Pad, Acceleration and Efficiency events do not. Efficiency is a measure of how well the car utilises energy. The remaining event scores are based on lap times. Skid-Pad tests a car’s steering and traction control, and Acceleration naturally tests the car’s acceleration. To excel in an Acceleration event, the car’s weight distribution and control system has to be of a high caliber. Autocross is a one lap event that puts the the car’s race performance to the test. Suspension and vehicle dynamics therefore play an especially important part for this event. For Endurance and Trackdrive, the car is required to drive several laps around a circuit, 22km for the electric and combustion category, while driverless must complete half of the distance. Endurance and Trackdrive are undeniably the most challenging dynamic events. They test the overall reliability of the vehicles.

Point distribution EV class.


Ole Andreas Ramsdal Vehicle Dynamics Deep Dive Position Team 2018: Vehicle dynamics From: Kristiansand, Norway Age: 24 Field of study: M.Sc. Engineering and ICT Major: Product development and materials Early bird or night owl: Night owl Revolve experience: Front Wing, Aerodynamics 2017

My name is Ole Andreas and I study Engineering and ICT with mechanical engineering as my field of specialization. This year, I am writing my semester project and master thesis on vehicle dynamics as part of Revolve NTNU Team 2018. Throughout my first year, this specific field piqued my interest. A complex set of physics, with a lot of variables. Before the season, I had a tough choice. There was still a lingering feeling that there was more to know, to not only write the thesis, but combining it with such an important role in the team. However, Revolve is all about learning and challenging yourself. With some encouragement from other team members, I ended up stepping up, and taking on the challenge this year. I want to give you insight in how my role plays a part in the never-ending quest of making the car go around the track a few percent faster than last year.The tire contact patch is a natural starting point. The amount of force the tire is able to generate in the desired direction is determined by several factors, whereas tire inclination, also known as camber angle, is one of them. Negative camber angle is when the tires lean towards the chassis of the car. When a tire with zero camber generates a lateral force in a corner, it deforms, and the innermost part of the contact patch will lose contact with the ground, making the contact patch smaller and consequently reduce the lateral force. If the tire is tilted into the corner, it will have a smaller contact patch when driving in a straight line, but during a corner the tire will deform such that a larger contact patch is achieved.

Camber thrust or force is also a part of the equation. A tilted tire will generate a lateral force towards the side it is leaning towards when rolling in a straight line. If the wheels are tilted too much inward in the straight-forward position (negative static camber), some of the force generated by the wheel on the inside will push the car out of the corner. So what else than static camber angle can be altered to achieve the best performance? Between each wheel and the chassis there are five rods, excluding damper actuation. There are five mounting points on the monocoque and three on the upright. Front and back combined, there are 16 points, each with three degrees of freedom, a total of 48 degrees of freedom. Most of these determine how the wheel moves geometrically in relation to the chassis, the kinematics of the suspension. This will in turn be a determining factor of the camber angles of the tires in different situations around the track. The design decisions is often a set of compromises. Do we want as much traction as possible longitudinally or laterally? How much should either be prioritised? Designing the suspension geometry to achieve the optimal camber angle for all four wheels at the same time, for all situations around the track is, as mentioned, only one of the objectives for the suspension geometry of a race car. The comprehensive and intertwined function of the suspension makes for a great design challenge.

Sondre Midtskogen Trajectory Following Deep Dive Position Team 2018: Trajectory following From: Holmestrand, Norway Age: 25 Field of study: Industrial Cybernetics Major: Autononomous Systems Early bird or night owl: Involuntary night owl Experience: M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Joining Revolve NTNU has been a dream of mine ever since I saw a full-fledged race car at a stand on campus, built from scratch by students. This is without a doubt the coolest thing you can do during your time at NTNU. This year, I finally had the time required to be fully committed to this project, and was given the opportunity to do so. Being part of the team that is making Scandinavia’s first driverless race car is a chance that is simply too good to miss out on. My position in the Guidance and Control group is titled Trajectory Following. A race car driver continuously observes and maps the environment, plans a trajectory, and operates the controls of the vehicle to follow this trajectory. An autonomous car is similar. My job is to calculate the control inputs to the actuators that operate the steering wheel, throttle and brakes, to keep the car on the desired trajectory. This is a highly nonlinear multivariable problem, which will be solved using a combination of optimization and control theory.

In order to be competitive in Formula Student, the controller must be able to push the vehicle to its limits, while maintaining complete control. Hitting cones is penalised much more in the autonomous competition than in regular Formula Student, so precision is key. This fall, I am exploring and testing different control algorithms, with the aim of finding the best possible candidate for implementation. My master’s thesis will be about the development, implementation and testing of this control algorithm in our new driverless vehicle.


Life at FS Competitions - A Melting Pot of Engineering Text: Simen Ekornåsvåg, Monocoque Team Leader 2018 Participating in a Formula Student competition is the coolest thing a Revolve member can do. That is not to say that the competitions are stress free. They are stressful because all the work put down in the previous eight months comes down to this very week. When we finally get there, we meet thousands of other students who have faced the same challenges as we have, and have the same mission: to build the fastest and most incredible car possible.

During the first days at a competition, the car goes through Scrutineering which is a rule- and safety check of the car. This event doesn’t yield any points, but it is a prerequisite to be able to compete in the dynamic events. Scrutineering occurs at a designated area where only four people per team can argue and convince the judges of the cars eligibility while the rest of the team eagerly waits outside.

Revolve NTNU Team 2017 after finishing the final race of the season.

After the scrutineering event, the car is brought to the pit. The pit is the team’s workshop during the whole week of the competition, and almost all work done on the car is carried out there. Therefore, the vibe at the pit is either very hectic when the car is there, or very quiet whenever the car is at an event. During Scrutineering and the dynamic- and static events you will always find several team members running toand from the pit hauling equipment needed for the car. Alternatively, we will be going from pit to pit asking other teams for the one part we are missing. It is both hectic and exciting, working as a team to help see the car find its way to the track. When it finally does, all the hard effort put in during the previous eight months all of a sudden becomes worth it. However, not all team members can work on the car simultaneously. All the competing teams’ pits are lined up next to each other, so in between the events we get to meet people from other teams and can see how they have built their cars. Even though each team follows the same ruleset and has to face the same challenges, the solutions to these

challenges are very diverse. Formula Student therefore differs from Formula 1 because no Formula Student car is the same. A tradition at Formula Student is trading t-shirts between teams, and visiting other pits during the day is the best way to pick out the t-shirt you want to trade for later! In the evening, when the competition area is closed, we head back to camp for some beers and dinner with the team. The German teams start partying at about 4pm so you are guaranteed a great party if you are up for it. If not, it’s a great experience just walking around camp meeting new friends and tasting different national dishes that other teams have cooked. Even though it is a competition, Formula Student stands out because of the openness between the competing teams. Almost every student participating in Formula Student has a desire to learn about, share and discuss the many and diverse solutions that the different teams offer. This combined with camping, beer and remarkable engineering, gives Formula Student a unique atmosphere that we look forward to experiencing again next summer.


Bertel O. Steen Text: Are B. Knutsen

From left to right: Are B. Knutsen, Rebecca Sandstø, Anja Murud Gahre, Cornelia Reme-Ness. Bertel O. Steen have a long lasting and proud tradition in Norway, letting innovation, development and curiosity play a central role in renewing and advancing the company further. Becoming acquainted with Revolve NTNU, understanding their concept and meeting all their hardworking members really impressed us. We could see a lot of ourselves in them and quickly realised that Revolve is something we want to be a part of. The Bertel O. Steen group has an ambition to spearhead the advancement in the automotive industry. The partnership with Revolve NTNU gives us insight into practical engineering and gives us the opportunity to aid the team with the necessary resources that allow Revolve to realize their projects. That is why Bertel O. Steen and Revolve NTNU are a good fit.


The automotive industry is facing some of the largest shifts in its history. The changes are happening in several sectors, simultaneously and at a rapid pace. New players and new concepts are establishing themselves and apparent trends such as electrification, mobility, digitization and development of new services, and autonomous technology are the most influential forces. The future will be characterised by vehicles with a new type of powertrain and there will be an increasing shift in the way we regard ownership and utilisation of vehicles. We believe that the car will become a more integrated part of the total mobility requirements each person have, and that the collective modes of transport will be far more effective than they are today. In the future, there will still be a need for transportation, maybe even to a higher degree than today. Bertel O. Steen is actively working to position itself in relation to this.

Checkpoints with Alumni Text: Aida Angell, Marketing Manager

To make sure we keep up the progress of the project, we have three big deadlines before Christmas. Namely, a concept review in September, a design review in October, and a design freeze from the 1st of December. The concept review is a full weekend where every member presents the research they have done so far, and also the new concepts they have come up with on their system or area of responsibility. During this review, they get feedback and suggestions from alumni on what can be improved. This is very important for the members because it ensures that they can learn from the knowledge of previous members, and can keep pushing the technological limits, improving the car every year.

After the concept review, we have a design review. This year we split this event into two parts: the mechanical systems before Christmas, and the electrical and DV systems after Christmas. This is the last official check point with alumni before the design freeze. Here we present our designs and the related challenges. The design freeze is just before we take our Christmas holidays. At this point, all the different mechanical systems must be dimensioned and digitised. All the mechanical members and leaders help go through each others designs, making sure they are all compatible and ready to be produced. Once the holidays are over, the real fun starts: production.


Vilje - 2015 107



Weight [kg]


0-100 km/h [sec]

Gnist - 2016 139



Weight [kg]


0-100 km/h [sec]

Eld - 2017 139



Weight [kg]


0-100 km/h [sec]

Custom software C# WPF application + sciChart + syncfusion Custom analysis tools


4 motors (25 kW each) Custom accumulator management system Planetary compound gearbox Torque vectoring algorithm


Torsional stiness - 2350 Nm/deg Full CFRP sandwich structure weight - 21 kg

Aerodynamics 610 N downforce at 60 km/h DRS provides 40% drag reduction

Electronics 325 sensors 66 custom PCBs CAN communication


13 inch continental FS tires Two-piece rims with aluminium center & CFRP shell Additive manifactured & topology optimized uprights 22% anti-drive 15% anti-squat

Driverless Technology Text: Edmund Førland Brekke, Associate Professor at the Department of Cybernetics, NTNU

Photo: Private

”While underwater vehicles and aircraft can operate relatively undisturbed in three dimensions, cars and boats must handle complex traffic patterns in limited spaces to avoid accidents.”

As the technology we surround ourselves with becomes capable of increasingly complex tasks, driverless cars and other autonomous vehicles are no longer a concept from science fiction, but something which naturally belongs in the 21st century. How many times have I not parked the car at one side of the shopping mall, then walked over to the other side, only to wish that I could tell the car to come over to the other side, so that I don’t have to walk back. The foundation of driverless vehicles can be traced back to autopilots of aircraft, ships and underwater vehicles. Airplanes are steered by their autopilots most of the time, and legal proceedings following aircraft accidents have actually transferred much of the responsibility for avoiding accidents from the air traffic controllers to automated systems. The most revolutionary developments of driverless technology have taken place underwater, where conditions are rather unfavourable to humans. Rather than sending manned submarines and divers to perform tasks underwater, it is both cheaper and safer to use autonomous underwater vehicles such as Kongsberg’s Hugin or Eelume’s snake robots.


Driverless cars and boats came later. This is partly because the need has not been as obvious as in the underwater domain, and partly because autonomy on roads and the sea surface is more difficult. While underwater vehicles and aircraft can operate relatively undisturbed in three dimensions, cars and boats must handle complex traffic patterns in limited spaces to avoid accidents. This is demanding, both with regard to route planning (guidance and collision avoidance algorithms), to understanding how other agents think (situational awareness), and not least to observing the surroundings using different sensors and interpreting these observations (sensor fusion). Of particular importance is the detection and tracking of stationary and moving obstacles. The human brain has an amazing capacity to recognize images that no computer can match. On the other hand, an autonomous car can use information from sources that are not available to a human driver, and it can calculate velocities and margins with greater precision.

A major breakthrough came in 2005, when the autonomous car Stanley completed and won the DARPA Grand Challenge competition. The competition entailed driving through challenging terrain on the California-Nevada border. Shortly thereafter, the first driverless cars capable of handling urban traffic arrived. The market for driverless cars is enormous. Most car manufacturers, as well as companies such as Google and Uber, are currently testing and improving driverless technologies. Different companies have chosen to rely on different sensor combinations (radar, lidar, ultrasound, camera, IR camera). As more driverless cars appear on the roads, it will be exciting to see how robust the different sensor systems are. Norway has limited experience in automotive production, but noteworthy shipbuilding expertise. The maritime industry is currently engaged in several projects which intend to develop autonomous ship technology. Most famous is perhaps Yara Birkeland, which will act as a cargo

ship for Yara’s plants in Grenland. At several locations in Norway, driverless passenger ferries are considered as an alternative to bridges, manned ferries or cable ferries. Also here, many of the same challenges arise as in the automotive industry, although with some subtle differences. Because the distances are larger, it is important that the sensors can work for longer distances. There is more time and space for manoeuvring, but at the same time manoeuvers must also be started in good time, since a large ship cannot change speed and course as abruptly as a smaller car. As the 21st century progresses, driverless technology will displace cars and boats as we know them today, but perhaps not as quickly as some optimists think. In addition to the obvious challenges regarding control and sensor fusion, driverless vehicles will require new solutions for operation, maintenance and infrastructure. Ethical and legal issues will also need serious consideration. If an autonomous car causes an accident, who is responsible?

Elume, the snake robot, conducting an underwater inspection. Photo: Kristine Y. Pettersen


KA Raceing Text: Sarah Elisabeth Bormann, Member of Formula Student Team KA Raceing

The sun is burning down on the asphalt. The air is flickering and the temperature is close to reaching 35 degrees. Quite a normal summer-day at Karlsruhe. While other students try to escape the heat and spend their days at the lake, the members of KA-Raceing spend their time at the university’s campus testing their self built racecars. Florian Mittelviefhaus, 2017s technical director of the electric vehicle says: “After a while, the campus becomes your second home”. Those who want to join the KaRaceing team have to be prepared to invest a lot of time, dedication and diligence. The almost 90 members shed blood, sweat and tears to get the best out of their three cars in the Formula Student competitions. What was founded in 2006 with ten motorsport enthusiastic students of University of Karlsruhe and one combustion vehicle, has now become a professionally structured team who is able to construct and produce three vehicles;

a combustion, electric and autonomous one. Therefore every member is part of a smaller sub team. Lead by the sub team leader who in turn reports to the board in the hierarchy which is similar to a company. Everybody is free to do the job he or she wants to do. The teams are set up according to interests and talents of the members and not their study-program! “Sometimes people expect me to study electrical engineering but in fact I’m studying mechanical engineering.” Florian shrugs “As technical director, you have to be able to organize and look at the bigger picture.” The success speaks for itself. Through the last years, KARaceing was ranked one of the best teams in the electrical cars division worldwide. In 2016 they even made the first place! A position the team wants to reach again. “Unfortunately we had some problems with our electronics at the competitions. But that’s no reason to give up.” Florian says with a smile. Currently, the team of 2018 is working hard on their technical design. For the next season, the team is going to start with a new concept for their electrical car, which can include every part of the car. But till the rollout in april of 2018, the details stay a secret. Even if his time at KA-RaceIng is over, Florian is still interested in the team: “I’m looking forward to what’s coming up. But watching the team as an alumni is also going to be a nice experience.” Whether being an active or former KA-RaceIng member, they all share one thing: the love for motorsports.

Testing on our doorstep - A former militery area becomes home and a testing area. Photo: KA Racing

New Year. New Students. New Cars. Text: Mats Pettersen, Key Account Manager EV The entire team started off the season with “Boot Camp�, a two-week intensive introduction to all aspects of Revolve and the tasks ahead. We were given crash courses on all the technical disciplines by the group leaders, and were visited by experts who presented additional theory and insight. Revolve NTNU aims to continually improve our cars. In order to do so, we cannot start completely from scratch every year. A key factor for achieving success, is to build on preceding knowledge. Therefore, throughout Boot Camp, many alumni members assist new members to ensure that their knowledge is preserved and transferred to the next generation. The alumni members present and go through their designs and the troubles they have met, so that similar difficulties can be avoided in the future.


Another goal of Boot Camp is to clarify our expectations of each other, and for the team to understand that there is a big knowledge- and experience gap between alumni and new members. This allows the new members to recognize that there is a lot to learn by being part of this challenging project. All in all, Boot Camp gives us a better understanding of what to expect of the following year.

Continuing Development Text: Sondre Ninive Andersen and Dinosshan Thiagarajah, Inverter

Control card - responsible for sensor readings, safety handling and speedand torque regulation. The inverter is the component in the car that takes the energy from the accumulator, and converts it into the rapidly alternating current we need to drive the motors. The inverter uses controllable switches, such as IGBTs or MOSFETs, to alternately connect the three wires going to the motor to either the positive, or the negative pole of the battery. Switching the poles thousands of times per second allows the inverter to precisely control the current flowing through the motor, and deliver the requested torque and speed with high accuracy.

The inverter is a very complex system, both in software and hardware. Previous years, Revolve has used a commercially available inverter. This inverter, however, is not optimized for racing, and is very heavy, large, and not very easy to work with. Because of this, we are developing a custom inverter. This custom inverter will be much lighter and smaller, mostly because it will use small SiCMOS transistors, instead of the large, heavy IGBTs present on the currently used, commercial model. A self-developed inverter can also be modified and customized to a much greater extent, allowing us to get just the right specifications for our car.

Unfortunately, there are many challenges in creating an inverter. As mentioned, it is a very complex system, consisting of several different subsystems and radiating large amounts of electromagnetic noise. During normal operation, the inverter is microseconds away from shortcircuiting the accumulator. Therefore, getting all the timing right, and getting the software to operate quickly enough to safely regulate the current is a big challenge.

specific system, so the learning curve is very steep. However, good help from alumni and engineers in the industry has gotten us to a point where we are very optimistic that the inverter will be ready for testing in the car when the spring comes, and ready for the competitions next summer!

We are currently testing the prototype in a test-bench, attempting to verify the correct operation of the switches. At the beginning of the season, when we took over the development from the previous team, we had little insight into motor-controller-development, and even less into this

Gatedriver card - a gate driver circuit is needed to charge and discharge the gate capacitances to switch a power transistor on and off. The circuit is the interface between the low voltage control system and the high voltage system.

Power card - responsible for connecting switching transistors, decoupling capacitors and gate driver signals together and carrying the high AC and DC current.


Revolve NTNU 2018

Formula Student Racing Team The Board

Cornelia Reme-Ness Project Manager

Mathias BacksĂŚther Chief Driverless Engineer

Mons Erling Mathiesen Chief of Operations

Amund Fjøsne

Fredrik Schmidt

Chief Electrical Engineer

Chief Mechanical Engineer

Mats Pettersen

Nadia Chaudry

Aida Angell

Marketing Manager


Aida Angell

Shobiha Premkumar

Mia Berge

Ragnhild Kvisle Abildsnes

Marketing Manager

Graphic Design


Key Account Manager Driverless Vehicle

Film & Photo

Key Account Manager Electrical Vehicle

Event Manager

Accumulator & Housing

Odin A. Severinsen

Accumulator & Housing Team Leader

Fabian Skarboe Rønningen

Thomas Overen

Henrik Syrstad Moen

Adrian Leirvik Larsen

Jonathan Selnes Bognæs

Hermann Sundklakk

Tonja Joseph

Dinosshan Thiagarajah

Wire Harness

Battery & Inverter casing



Yohann Jacob Sandvik Electronics Team Leader

Accumulator Management System

Sindre Åberg Mokkelbost Sondre Ninive Andersen Sensor System


Magnus Reier Rushfeldt

Ole Marius Forbord

Driver Interface & Data Acquisition

Safety Systems

Accumulator Management System

Vehicle Control Unit




John Chen

Software Team Leader

Odd Harald S. Sande Software Developer

Audun Wigum Arbo Software Developer

Andreas Haukeland

Eivind Yu Nilsen

Software Developer

Software Developer

Andreas Brostrøm

Øyvind Sekkesæther

Simen N. Jensen

System Administrator


Magnus Kjærnet Bjølseth Aerodynamics Team Leader

Håkon Myklestad Cooling


Jens Mildestveit CAD & CFD

Production & Fasteners



Simen Ekornåsvåg

Anja Murud Gahre

Håkon Eig Carlsen

Eirik Bodsberg

Kristoffer Haugland

Fredrik Cappelen Rims

Torque Vectoring

Jacob Vigerust

Thomas Frekhaug

Brage Vasseljen

Thomas Herstad

Ole Andreas Ramsdal

Sindre Korneliussen

Monocoque Team Leader

SES & Simulation

Impact Attenuator

Truls Mentzoni Skoglund Inserts


Suspension Team Leader


Vehicle Dynamics

Motor Development

Torque Vectoring

Brake & Pedalbox

Emil Thyri


Vehicle Dynamics



Herbert Wikheim Drivers Team Leader

Roberts Račko

Thomas Frekkhaug

Truls Mentzoni Skoglund

Thomas Frøysa

Lasse Hansen Henriksen

Jakob Løver




Henrik Syrstad Moen Driver


Didrik Galteland

Perception Team Leader

Lars Gustavsen Mapping


Detection & Tracking



Guidance & Control

Harald Lønsethagen

Paul Frivold

Guidance & Control Team Leader

Trajectory Planning

Morten Smebye

Edvard Frimann Løes Narum

AI Specialist

Øystein Hovind

Trajectory Planning

Sondre Midtskogen Trajectory Following

Marcus Engebretsen


ROS-Architect & Processing Responsible

Bo Willem Woelfert

Martine Dyring Hansen

Even Krogedal

Magnus Greger Leinan

Ambjørn Grimsrud Waldum

Bendik Holm

Robert Karlsen Tamang

Anders Fagerli


Vehicle Team Leader

Emergency Braking System

Vehicle State


Braking Systems

Vehicle State

Steering Systems

Safety Systems


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