The autobiography of a mafia queen
things need know about Halloween 2012 AllAll thethe things youyou need to to know about Halloween 2012
I suggest staying away dresses ready to pull old crooked broom Get Get ready to pull thatthat old crooked broom I suggest staying away fromfrom the the dresses andand cat outfits really going stick, blood everything stick, pourpour fakefake blood overover everything andand the the sexysexy littlelittle cat outfits andand really going for for costumes are covered in cobwebs cobwebs off that Michael Jackson the the dustdust the the cobwebs off that Michael Jackson costumes thatthat are covered in cobwebs splattered in blood. We’re talking about thriller record. Yes that it’s that haunted thriller record. Yes it’s haunted timetime of of andand splattered in blood. We’re talking about things nightmares were made of. The again where don’t leave yearyear again where you you don’t daredare leave the the the the things nightmares were made of. The un dead monster under comfort of your home when full moon comfort of your home when a fulla moon is is un dead andand the the monster under youryour bed.bed. If that’s style, go for check around every street corner If that’s out,out, you you check around every street corner not not youryour style, whywhy not not go for something more twisted. partner to open to wide andand you you ask ask youryour partner to open to wide to to something more twisted. DollsDolls andand fairyfairy taletale characters mixed a little bitghostly of ghostly make fangs haven’t appeared. don’t characters make suresure fangs haven’t appeared. But But don’t mixed withwith a little bit of spirit. really go wrong sit there shaking in your boots, whether sit there shaking in your boots, whether youryourspirit. You You really can’tcan’t go wrong this this year,year, the the possibilities are endless if I see more celebrating holiday a scary movie possibilities celebrating this this holiday withwith a scary movie are endless but but if I see oneone more fluffy bunny I might screamin front of the TV, trick or treating in front of the TV, trick or treating withwith a a fluffy bunny I might screamandand not not fromfrom fear.fear sweet tooth toilet paper or hitting sweet tooth andand toilet paper or hitting the the Another costume tip all formy all creepy my creepy crawlie carpet forA-list an A-list party, Revolver red red carpet for an party, Revolver is is Another costume tip for crawlies thereDon’t neglect importance to make in style! herehere to make suresure you you do itdo initstyle! out out thereDon’t neglect the the importance of of accessorising. makeup cou accessorising. DarkDark makeup andand palepale skinskin could be the difference an average costume hope areas allexcited as excited as are we are be the Let’sLet’s hope you you are all as we difference fromfrom an average costume to to a great Accessorizing really create for this year’s Halloween celebrations. I can a great for this year’s Halloween celebrations. I can Accessorizing can can really create a a story to your Halloween character. hardly to the get the decorations of the story hardly waitwait to get decorations out out of the line line to your Halloween character. For For example, some pearls a ghost a scar plastic spiders at the atticattic andand flickflick the the plastic spiders at the kidskids example, some pearls on aon ghost or aor scar on on a pirate gives character depth history. when expect it. But do you a pirate when theythey leastleast expect it. But howhow do you gives the the character depth andand history. are allowed to have picking get the most of this holiday? answer You You get the most out out of this holiday? The The answer are allowed to have fun fun picking youryour costume, no one about jewels is simple in mind. my mind. costume, costume, is simple in my Get Get the the rightright costume, eveneven if noifone asksasks about the the jewels or the makeup, you’ve at least in the throw party spend it with throw the the rightright party andand spend it with the the or the makeup, you’ve at least put put in the thought to add to your costume. people! what’s going to shine thought rightright people! Not Not suresure what’s going to shine to add it toityour costume. under full moon year? let me under the the full moon this this year? WellWell let me provide some frightening idea’s. provide you you withwith some frightening idea’s. Everyone needs to have costume Everyone needs to have the the rightright costume if if are going to impress. pumpkin theythey are going to impress. CuteCute littlelittle pumpkin dresses are alright if that’s thing dresses are alright if that’s youryour thing but but the the of Halloween to have as much ideaidea of Halloween is toishave as much fun fun andand eatmuch as much candy as possible eat as candy as possible andand this this yearyear goout all out get into spirit whywhy not not go all andand get into the the truetrue spirit of the celebrations? If you want to have of the celebrations? If you want to have fun fun
TrickororTreat Treat?? Trick
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Complete without blood, spiders Complete without blood, spiders andand going to you let you all into a little secret I’m I’m going to let all into a little secret ghostly ghouls so make treat ghouls so make suresure youyou treat about to throw a great Halloween party. ghostly about howhow to throw a great Halloween party. yourself a nice scream or two year. yourself to atonice scream or two thisthis year. year, brave it and it out doors! ThisThis year, brave it and taketake it out doors! Sometimes Halloween parties Sometimes Halloween parties cancan feelfeel tootoo Now is the where I would usually Now thisthis is the partpart where I would usually if everyone wasn’t in costume safesafe thatthat if everyone wasn’t in costume it it some creator names to go youyou some creator names for for youyou to go would other house or club givegive would justjust feelfeel likelike anyany other house or club up but Halloween is always hardest up but Halloween is always thethe hardest party. Well year, away your guests looklook party. Well thisthis year, taketake away your guests to name creators. main problem being creators. MyMy main problem being comfort zones drop them in the middle to name comfort zones andand drop them in the middle anything anything cancan useuse anything andand turnturn anything intointo of nowhere under stars. Create yourself youyou of nowhere under thethe stars. Create yourself a Halloween costume. In the been costume. In the pastpast I’veI’ve been a fake grave or travel middle a fake grave yardyard or travel intointo thethe middle of of a Halloween vampires, fairies, dolls, been a ghost, fairies, dolls, I’veI’ve been a ghost, a a woods; even it in upan in abandoned an abandoned vampires, thethe woods; even set set it up pirate, a Grecian goddess, dressed up in a Grecian goddess, I’veI’ve dressed up in alleyway or subway station! There a sense pirate, alleyway or subway station! There is aissense costume more times than I can remember; costume more times than I can remember; of vulnerability comes with being outside. of vulnerability thatthat comes with being outside. I can’t myself! so much helphelp myself! It’s It’s so much fun!fun! Be Be If you want to the go the extra year, If you want to go extra milemile thisthis year, whywhyI can’t to dedicate some time if you to dedicate some time if you areare watch a few horror films leading up to suresure notnot watch a few horror films leading up to dressing up this searching dressing up this yearyear intointo searching for for thethe decorating your venue doup it like up like decorating your venue andand do it a a right costume Rushing it last minute costume for for Rushing it last minute scary films You’ll e sure to have your right scary films set.set. You’ll b e bsure to have your is definitely something should avoid. something youyou should avoid. guests screaming when person turnsis definitely guests screaming when thatthat oneone person turns Remember to creative be creative though, Remember to be though, looklook up uninvited with a REAL chainsaw. up uninvited with a a aREAL chainsaw. around with an open mind. around with an open mind. Don’t being year? Don’t Don’t feelfeel likelike being thethe hosthost thisthis year? Don’t Don’t worry guys, I haven’t forgotten worry guys, I haven’t forgotten you,you, if if worry, there plenty of A-list parties aroundDon’t worry, there areare plenty of A-list parties around you’re looking tip this halloween looking for for a tipa this halloween its its in Newark. yourself an invite thisthis yearyear in Newark. GetGet yourself an invite andandyou’re would to to betone to tone down your average to be down your average might even yourself in November’s would youyou might even findfind yourself in November’s costume. Don’t go for body suits Don’t go for thethe fullfull body suits andand edition of Revolver! heard celebrity costume. edition of Revolver! WeWe heard thatthat celebrity heads, show your faces Halloween. show your faces thisthis Halloween. couple Sadie J. Blue Giasone Donovan couple Sadie J. Blue andand Giasone Donovan areareheads, Make to bring your a wink suresure to bring your eyeseyes out,out, a wink hosting their annual Halloween party, hosting their firstfirst annual Halloween party, andandMake from a sexy vampire a grin from from a sexy vampire of aofgrin from a a if the A-listers aren’t there at the if the A-listers aren’t there theythey areare at the werewolf is pretty much guaranteed to get is pretty much guaranteed to get others going around all over town. Now others going around all over town. Now we we werewolf those lovely un dead ladies shaking in their lovely un dead ladies shaking in their don’t recommend party crashing don’t recommend party crashing butbut we we do do those boots. if any of you dressing upaas a boots. ButBut if any of you areare dressing up as recommend making most of this Halloween recommend making thethe most of this Halloween spider year; away from thisthis year; staystay away from me!me! as you Christmas, it only comes spider as you can.can. It’s It’s likelike Christmas, it only comes around once a year! Of course, if being around once a year! Of course, if being on aon a So there have a little guide in what’s youyou have it, ait,little guide in what’s carpet doesn’t make hairs on the backSo there redred carpet doesn’t make thethe hairs on the back what’s Halloween. I will andand what’s notnot thisthis Halloween. I will bid bid of your neck stand around your friendshothot of your neck stand up;up; askask around your friends farewell goget to get pumpkins farewell nownow as Ias goI to thethe pumpkins family if they’ve plans youyou andand family andand seesee if they’ve gotgot anyany plans from patch coffin of the from thethe patch andand thethe coffin outout of the in with. youyou cancan joinjoin in with. basement. Happy Halloween! basement. Happy Halloween! AndAnd maymay youyou to see one... to see the the nextnext one... Even if you don’t dressing upgoing or goinglivelive Even if you don’t feelfeel likelike dressing up or round there is nothing wrong outout thisthis yearyear round there is nothing wrong with curling up with ones in front with curling up with thethe lovelove ones in front of of tvwatch to watch a movie or escorting your thethe tv to a movie or escorting your around block with their bags kidskids around thethe block with their bags of of candy. remember no Halloween candy. JustJust remember no Halloween is is Photography Article by Sadie Photography and and Article by Sadie Gill Gill special thanks to models. WithWith special thanks to models.
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Politics Politics
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Meet MeetDemteri DemteriSokolov Sokolov IMVU IMVUCommunist CommunistParty Party
Newark Newark Magazine Magazine satsat down down in in anan exclusive exclusive interview interview with with Demetri Demetri Sokolov Sokolov to to find find outout allall about about thethe CP-IMVU CP-IMVU President. President. What What waswas youryour initalinital flame? flame? The The spark spark thatthat ignited ignited Well,Well, it certainly it certainly is anishonour an honour to meet to meet you you then.then. A A this this thriving thriving movement movement thatthat is CP-IMVU? is CP-IMVU? life spent life spent helping helping others, others, is a life is a worth life worth living, living, so so thank thank you you for being for being one one of the of good the good ones. ones. We know We know “I came “I came to this to this country country just just under under twenty-years twenty-years ago.ago. about about youryour job, job, youryour leisure. leisure. Could Could you you explain explain youryour When When I came I came here,here, I found I found a few a few things. things. First,First, I found I found home home life?life? Children? Children? Surely Surely you you can'tcan't fit afit woman a woman this this country country was was Capitalist. Capitalist. I found I found thatthat rich rich werewere into into thatthat hectic hectic lifestyle lifestyle of yours? of yours? getting getting ahead ahead and and poorpoor werewere falling falling behind behind and and nobody nobody was was doing doing anything anything to stop to stop this.this. When When the the “I did “I once. did once. She She dieddied in... in... late late '93, '93, maybe maybe earlyearly '94?'94? economic economic depression depression hit the hit country, the country, I found I found thatthat I have I have two two sons,sons, though; though; Mikhiel Mikhiel being being my eldest, my eldest, mostmost people people werewere keptkept undeducated undeducated by their by their leaders leaders and and Rundy Rundy yearyear younger. younger. BothBoth are off areinoffcollege in college in in enough enough thatthat theythey didn't didn't know know any better any better thanthan to to Russia, Russia, though, though, so I do so Inot do get not to getsee to them see them much. much. believe believe Capitalisim Capitalisim -which -which had had beenbeen the cause the cause of of I alsoI also havehave goddaughter. goddaughter. She She oftenoften helpshelps withwith me me theirtheir woeswoeswould would savesave them. them. And And so myself, so myself, withwith buisness. buisness. In fact, In fact, I do Inot do think not think I would I would manage manage Mr. Johathan Mr. Johathan Inizio, Inizio, Mr. Insidious Mr. Insidious Ancelotti, Ancelotti, Mr. Deigo Mr. Deigo to get to anywhere get anywhere nearnear as much as much as I have as I have donedone Bolivar, Bolivar, and and Mr. Aaron Mr. Aaron Radley Radley founded founded a small a small group group without without her.”her.” of Communists of Communists much much like Comrade like Comrade Marx's, Marx's, in anin an attempt attempt to spread to spread Communism.” Communism.” To wrap To wrap this this up contently, up contently, for those for those of our of readers our readers thatthat are seeking are seeking a place a place and and people people to help to help find find theirtheir Could Could you you elabroate elabroate as toaswhat to what communish communish is, and is, and voice. voice. Please Please tell them, tell them, howhow one one joinsjoins the CP-IMVU? the CP-IMVU? whatwhat voicevoice people people can can find find herehere at the at CP-party? the CP-party? “There “There is noisinitiation no initiation process process for the for party. the party. To join, To join, “Communism “Communism is the is belief the belief thatthat everyone everyone has to hasdoto do simply simply visit visit our webpage our webpage at at theirtheir fair share fair share of work. of work. ThatThat no person no person should should be be groups/group/TheCommunistParty groups/group/TheCommunistParty or call or us callatus at ableable to get to away get away withwith doing doing nothing nothing simply simply because because 973-555-2017” 973-555-2017” theythey could could pay pay theirtheir way way to the to top; the top; thatthat the tools the tools we need we need to work to work shouldn't shouldn't costcost us half us half or more or more of of Thank Thank you you veryvery much much for your for your timetime Mr Sokolov. Mr Sokolov. our earnings; our earnings; and and thatthat public public services, services, suchsuch as as education education should should be free. be free. DoneDone by the by people, the people, for for We very We very much much enjoyed enjoyed meeting meeting Demetri Demetri Sokolov Sokolov the people.” the people.” and and his communist his communist party. party. If you If you would would like more like more information information visit visit The The Communist Communist ClubClub and and ask for ask for So, Mr So,Sokolov. Mr Sokolov. Our Our readers readers wantwant to know to know about about Demetri Demetri Sokolov. Sokolov. We at WeNewark at Newark Magazine Magazine believe believe Would Would you you share share withwith us what us what you you enjoy enjoy thatthat is a great is a great cause cause and and a great a great assetasset to the to Newark the Newark spending spending youryour leisure leisure timetime doing? doing? Community. Community. “This“This IS my ISleisure my leisure time,time, Ma'am. Ma'am. Money Money never never sleeps, sleeps, and and so neither so neither can I.can Not I. Not to say to Isay do Inot do enjoy not enjoy this.this. I work I work on educating on educating the public, the public, and and on making on making the lthe l ives ives of allofbetter. all better. At end At end of day, of day, I findI find this this moremore rewarding rewarding thanthan anything anything else.” else.”
Written Written by Sarah by Sarah Hienz Hienz Photography Photographyby byDavid Sadie Merrick Gill WithWith Special Special thanks thanks to Demetri to Demetri Sokolov Sokolov
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Newark Police Schandal My question Ladies, and Gents'; What is going on with the police officers nowadays. I sat here and sat here, thinking 'What should I inform my fellow citizens of Newark about'. Then one of the secretaries hand me a huge yellow envelope. I opened it, seeing a CD I put it in my computer. It was a video recording of a cop, for certain reasons we cannot disclose his name, so he will be listed as 'Officer P'. My eyes widened in surprise when I watched it. Seeing Officer P tell Miss S, that he was investigating her, and the most surprising part, he offered that if she slept with him, all the law troubles would go away. Now I ask you, what is wrong with our cops in Newark, what makes then so horny? Miss S was on her daily routine, when Officer P confronted her and said "...just wanted to talk about a deal with you so if you want me to stop investigations and annoy and disturb.... you have to do something for me" Miss S asked "And what is it you want?" Officer P replied "Some fun with you?" Miss Scatching his drift replied "What... kind of fun are we talking about, Officer?" Officer P replied very pervertdly "What do you think...?". Now so I do not piss my editor off to much I'm going to stop with the quotes, Ms.S teased Officer P seeing if he was for real. She figured it out that he really was for real, but thankfully she did not have to resort to sleeping with the man, she told him off and told him to back off, and that she wasn't that kind of girl. You go girl! My thoughts; this man is a new type of sexual predator, he believes Ms.S would resort to sleeping with him to get rid of these legal problems, this man is preying on women in trouble, to use his leverage as a so-called 'Honorable Officer' of Newark, New Jersey to get a girl. Now I ask you Ladies and Gents' before I leave you; Is this the kind of so called 'men' you want protecting you, your children, your family, friends, and our treasured city streets? I know I don't.
Written by Ryan Hay Photography by David Merrick With special thanks to annoymous sources
Creator CreatorFeature Feature Creator Profile Creator Profile - Furniture, Clothing andand - Furniture, Clothing Rooms Rooms - Tier 3 creator - Tier 3 creator - Head of Inizio INC INC - Head of Inizio -
JohnInizio JohnInizio
“For“For the most part part when it came to supporting myself the most when it came to supporting myself I always made suresure to keep to my and and promise I always made to keep toword, my word, promise Thank you,you, Mr. Inizio, for taking the time out of Thank Mr. Inizio, for taking the time out of those whowho invested and and those promises havehave always those invested those promises always youryour busybusy schedule to talk withwith Revolver Magazine. schedule to talk Revolver Magazine. beenbeen met.”met.” We are to have you you withwith us today. We grateful are grateful to have us today. A man whowho keeps his word is usually a man worthy A man keeps his word is usually a man worthy “Very happy to betohere.” “Very happy be here.” of hisoffame and and fortune. But IBut would guess it can’t his fame fortune. I would guess it can’t always havehave beenbeen a smooth ride,ride, So how did you always a smooth So how did you So Mr. I would like to a little bit about So Inizio, Mr. Inizio, I would likelearn to learn a little bit about handle rejection, if there was was any,any, or bad publicity? handle rejection, if there or bad publicity? you,you, where werewere you you born,born, whatwhat was was youryour where childhood and and family life like? childhood family life like? “More thanthan likelylikely when it comes to my “More when it comes todeveloping, my developing, I develop for the of creating something I likeI to I develop for sake the sake of creating something like to ““I was bornborn July July the 19th, 19461946 in Tuscany, Italy.Italy. I I be proud ““I was the 19th, in Tuscany, of, not for sales or fame. If I’mIf I’m be proud of, terribly not terribly for sales or fame. migrated withwith Madre (mother) to New YorkYork City City in in criticized migrated Madre (mother) to New I recognize theythey are entitled to their ownown criticized I recognize are entitled to their 1947. I spent a lotaoflottime livingliving on my I lostI lost opinion, 1947. I spent of time onown; my own; so be it. Creating is subjective; you can’t opinion, so be it. Creating is subjective; you can’t contact withwith my mother you see. My first job was contact my mother you see. My first job was always do something that that everyone is going to like always do something everyone is going to like under the Caprelli Family Company fromfrom 1964-70 under the Caprelli Family Company 1964-70 and and wantwant to buy.” to buy.” when I wasI was 18. Then I wasI was adopted into into an Italianwhen 18. Then adopted an ItalianAmerican family. I went on toonwork for the American family. I went to work for Valenti the Valenti A lotAoflotbusinesses nowadays are very subjective I I of businesses nowadays are very subjective Corporation fromfrom 1974-1978 at the then Corporation 1974-1978 at age the of age28. ofI28. I then agree. But not all of them have become as successful agree. But not all of them have become as successful moved to Newark at the began my my moved to Newark at age the of age34ofand 34 and began as you have, howhow do you strive to betodifferent and and as you have, do you strive be different ownown legacy in 1980 of the Corporation.” legacy in 1980 of Inizio the Inizio Corporation.” appeal to customers? appeal to customers? So you’ve always beenbeen a man of business, can Ican ask,I ask,“I like So you’ve always a man of business, that that I go for different typestypes of of “I to likeconsider to consider I gotwo for two different when did creating first first interest you?you? when did creating interest audiences; those which would consider themselves audiences; those which would consider themselves to betothe stylestyle type,type, and and those of the be modern-urban the modern-urban those of the “Creating interested me around 2008-ish, but really “Creating interested me around 2008-ish, but really A-ListA-List class,class, which my product iconsicons actually which my product actually tooktook off around 2010.” off around 2010.” differentiate between” differentiate between” And And throughout thatthat time,time, howhow havehave you you beenbeen throughout supported? supported?
Now,Now, moving away fromfrom the business topictopic and and ontoonto moving away the business moremore personal questions; do you everever givegive yourself personal questions; do you yourself free free time,time, and and if so,ifwhat do you do and enjoy? so, what do you do and enjoy?
“I've“I've beenbeen supported by various partners. Firstly supported by various partners. Firstly fromfrom the Genovese Dynasty, thenthen Province the Genovese Dynasty, Province “I'll tell I findI find out since I never havehave any any “I'llyou tell when you when out since I never Corporation, Soviet Productions afterafter that,that, IMC IMC and and free free Corporation, Soviet Productions time.” time.” WhiteCorp havehave supported me in more recent times.” WhiteCorp supported me in more recent times.” You are busy manman Mr. Inizio; do you havehave a family You aare a busy Mr. Inizio; do you a family Where therethere any times you had to support yourself Where any times you had to support yourself life outside of your workwork thatthat helpshelps you you relaxrelax at the life outside of your at the and and if so,ifhow did you manage it? it? so, how did you manage end end of a of tiring day?day? a tiring
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