1 minute read
In the Beginning: The Book of John
(John 15:26-27[HCSB])
26 “When the Counselor comes, the One I will send to you from the Father the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father He will testify about Me. 27 You also will testify, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
Spirit of Truth
The Counselor is here!
In the Holy Spirit we are moved to testify about our relationship with Jesus. We may not always do it eloquently or without hesitation, but, take heart, it is not we who are testifying.
So, what is the Holy Spirit ,and what is Its true purpose in the absence of Jesus?
The Holy Spirit, also referred to as the Paraclete, means “counselor,” or parakletos in the Greek. This is a word unique to John’s Gospel. John, viewing the faith in retrospect, would have understood the true nature of how the Spirit worked in the lives of the disciples; and he would have used a characteristic word to describe Its true nature as one of Three Persons (Manifestations) of the Trinity.
The beauty of the Holy Spirit is that It lives within each believer. Though Jesus lived physically with His disciples, in His absence (and until His return), He left behind His Spirit, His gift from God which is literally God Himself. In this way Jesus manifests the true nature of the Father in every place a believer works, plays, witnesses and worships.
To entrust such as gift to us means that Jesus trusts us with Himself. It is an awesome responsibility, and one we should never take lightly! Jesus lived with us, died for us, and now He lives within the heart of each believer!
Lastly, a profound statement from Jesus as we close chapter 15: “You also will testify, because you have been with Me from the beginning.” True believers have never, ever, been without a Savior. Our faith is no accident. It is neither fate nor destiny.
All are called, but a believer has answered the call. That individual has said yes to Jesus and yes to life.