1 minute read
The downward spiral
If you were asked, “Do you believe in Jesus? Do you know Him?” How would you respond? In the safety of church it would undoubtedly be a resounding “Yes, I love Jesus!” However, if you were in Iraq or Afghanistan, you might think twice before you answered. We are all motivated by personal survival; Peter, without thinking, was saving his own hide. We know that he was immediately convicted in his heart by the Holy Spirit, but it did not deter him from 2 more identical transgressions. I can hear him cursing himself for his weakness. It is hard to overcome our hesitation because of fear.
How long does it take us to get things right? For me it took the best part of 30 years to say “no” to drugs and alcohol; and even today I am far from perfect. Far from perfect …
Contrast that to Jesus, our Savior. He quickly speaks up and challenges His accusers: 23 “If I have spoken wrongly, give evidence about the wrong; but if rightly, why do you hit Me?” And, as we know, there are severe consequences. In following Jesus we will probably behave like we always have for awhile, but in time, there is reason to believe that we will respond more like Jesus, and … less like our old selves
When, and if, we stand up for our belief in Jesus Christ, do not be surprised if our bravado is met with skepticism or outright contempt. There is good reason why our faith is treated with disbelief. We are like disciples of old who are more likely to desert our Lord than to support Him. We are not that different than our predecessors, Peter, Judas and Thomas.