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FALL 1963


oAcross the Desk I am reminded of the popular song "Little Things Mean A Lot" when I think of our accident perfor mance this year. Our record is not

good, and for the most part it is

Carl 6. Hogberg

because of those "little things." A little bump, considered just a trou blesome thing, ended the Calcite Plant's all-time national quarry safe ty record of 3,634,588 man-hours. A little slip at Moler, a twist of a ladder at Bradley, and a jump from the tailgate of a truck at Hillsville all cost us disabling injuries. While these injuries arc comparatively minor, ask the injured employees and their families how minor they are. A week or two off the job is not too good for either the employee or the Division.

Little things are the key to our goal to zero accidents. Little things like lashing a ladder securely into

place, taking time to lift properly, using the right tool, going the long

safe way instead of the short dan gerous way, wearing hard hats, hardtoe shoes and safety glasses — these are the keys. It is when these keys are ignored — when they are too much trouble —


that the "little"

injuries happen and the "big" num ber of safe days come tumbling down.

Shown is a "bird's-eye view of the Calcite Quarry, winner for the third year in a row of the quarrying indus

There is another slant on these

"little" accidents. They are like mild heart attacks. We are thankful they

try's prized "Sentinels of Safety" trophy.

were no more serious, but it would

Of course, it is not the facilities of our

be very unwise not to heed the

Plant that have won the award but

warning. The next time could be

rather the people working there. To rec ognize this fact, miniature trophies like

different. So, when an accident hap pens, our foremen and safety people

that above were awarded to all Calcite

have instructions to find out all


they can about it to help us make

sure that it will never happen again. Making the same mistake twice is

just plain inexcusable. This is our responsibility, but you have one too. It is your responsibility to report every injury, no matter how slight.

A cut finger today could be a lost finger tomorrow, either because of delayed treatment or ignoring the warning of an unsafe practice. If management doesn't learn of minor injuries it cannot take action to pre vent them from becoming more serious.

Finally, it is your responsibility to cooperate during the investiga tion of every accident, minor or otherwise. You should not only an swer the questions asked of you. But we also want you to volunteer

your ideas as to why it happened and what can be done to prevent

its happening again. It's not a coin cidence that many injuries are fol lowed by previously missing job safety breakdowns. Here again you are asked how to prevent injuries

by recognizing hazards on the job and then how to remove them, or at

least make them less likely to cause injury. Accident-free operations, you see,

are everybody's concern. We are all working for this goal together. With the fine cooperation that is a byword at Michigan Limestone, I'm sure we can complete the year without another disabling injury.

i£Us?. /^yt^^j.

ML Screenings is published by Michigan Limestone, a Division of United States Steel Corporation. H. C. Farrell, editor, Publication Office, 800 Northland Towers, P.O. Box 5010, Detroit 35, Michigan.

Nothing that appears herein may be reprinted without special permission.

Lewis Irvin, mill and dock superintendent, accepts Sentinels of Safety Trophy from Robert VanEvera, editor American Mining Congress Jour nal. Calcite Plant manager Donald T. VanZandt could not be present due to illness and asked Mr. Irvin to be present for the ceremonies.


Calcite Plant Wins Safety Award Calcite employees again won the Sentinels of Safety award spon sored by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and the American Mining Congress. The award was given for operating 910,881 man-hours for the year 1962 without a disabling work accident. This is the third consecutive year and the ninth time Cal cite has won in 35 years of continuous competition. The significance of this award was pointed up in the remarks of Forrest Moyer, chief of the accident analysis branch of the U.S. Bureau of Mines.

gan Limestone, was present to give his personal congratulations to plant management and employees. "This is a great day, recognizing the way in which the Calcite Plant has upheld the highest traditions of safety of Michigan Lime stone Division and United States Steel

Corporation. I am deeply proud of your performance and I hope you will keep it up," he said. Mr. Hogberg read letters of congratu lations to the Calcite management and

employees from L. B. Worthington, president of U.S. Steel Corporation; J.

"There are approximately 5,000 quarries in the United States. Four

C. Gray, U.S. Steel vice president - raw

hundred and seventy-eight of these, the leaders in safety and efficiency, entered the competition for the Sentinels of Safety Trophy. The Calcite quarry is the winner for 1962, a truly significant accomplishment in the field of safety." Carl G. Hogberg, president of Michi

president - production. L. S. Campbell, vice president of the Division, added his congratulations and read other messages of congratula tions. He then introduced Mr. Moyer for the presentation of the awards.

materials; and E. H. Gott, executive


Claude Powers, long time Calcite employee, receives miniature trophy from L. Irvin.



Eight Calcite employees were honored in the presentation of Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association Certificates of Honor for working 40 years without a disabl ing injury. The Safety Association is named for the first director of the U.S. Bureau of Mines.

Those given this award were: Hugo Bredow, Otto Bruning, Fred Heythaler, John Link and Simon Smolinski, all

Calcite locomotive engineers; Stephan Smolinski, shovel operator; Alfred Wenzel, auto mechanic; and Edward Green, heating plant tender. Following presentation of Holmes awards by Mr. Moyer, Mr. Campbell presented another guest from Washing ton, D. C, Robert VanEvera, editor of

the American Mining Congress Jour nal.

Mr. VanEvera presented the Sentinels of Safety flag to N. W. Haselhuhn, safety director for the Northern District. He also presented the famed Sentinels of Safety Trophy, the bronze figure of a woman and child, symbolizing a mother and child awaiting the safe return from work of the husband and father. Accep tance of the trophy was made by Lewis M. Irvin, mill and dock superintendent, on behalf of the Calcite management and employees.

1962 Sentinels of Safety flag proudly displayed by Norman Haselhuhn, safety director, Stanley Wozniak, safety inspector and Robert VanEvera, editor., American Mining Congress Journal.

Each Calcite employee has received a Certificate of Accomplishment and a miniature of the Sentinels of Safety fig ure. A symbolic presentation of the miniature figure was made by Mr. Irvin to Claude Powers, locomotive operator, and a Calcite employee since 1917.

Recipients of 40-year J. A. Holmes certificates observed by Norman Haselhuhn and Forrest Moyer, Bureau of Mines official. From left to right award winners-. Hugo Bredow, Fred Heythaler, Edward Green, Simon Smolinski, Otto Bruning, John Link and Stephan Smolinski.



Seat Belts Do Save Lives WHEN






Captain Parrilla fastens life saving seat belt.

through an experience looks you straight in the eye and says, "I'm confident that I wouldn't be here today if it hadn't been for that seat belt," you just have to believe him. It all started like this. Captain Joe Parrilla, manager of the Bradley Trans

portation Line, was headed back to Rog

"This is the worst part," said Captain Parrilla, "you know the car is going someplace, but you can't do anything about it but sit there and watch it hap

ers City from Detroit early this year

pen. Things don't seem to be happening

when the snows were still around to

very fast, but all of a sudden it's over.

make driving hazardous at times. "I always follow the safety rules and make certain that I use the safety equip ment," said Captain Parrilla, "since the safety experts — men who really know about these things — make the rules and provide the equipment for my own self-protection. They were certainly right this time. When that car started to roll over, the thought flashed through my mind that I had the seat belt on." It was about nine o'clock in the morn

ing when Captain Parrilla approached the overpass just south of Bridgeport on US-23. The four-lane expressway had been completely clear and Captain Par rilla had had no trouble.

"I couldn't see the top of the over pass, so I slowed down suspecting ice.

"The car continued to turn until it

was headed back the way I had come. The slide also brought the car up against

"I told him that the seat belt was fas

tened, and he said, Oh, that explains it. You probably wouldn't be here if you hadn't had it on.'," said Captain Parrilla. "You can say that while I believed in seat belts before, anybody is going to have a hard time just getting me to get into a car that doesn't have seat belts

the snowbank on the left side of the

after that experience," ended Captain

road. The three-foot high snowbank left by the snowplow was just high enough


and the momentum of the car was still

effectiveness of seat belts. In this case

fast enough to make the car tip over on

there isn't much doubt that a life was

its right side. "When the car reached the roll point

saved. Investigations by private and national public organizations have point ed to the value of seat belts for quite a few years. For example, Cornell University has studied actual crashes and proved that scat belts do save lives by keeping you

and started over, I just hung on and watched the snow and the sky change places and listened to the metal rumble,"

said Captain Parrilla. "Then I was right side up, sitting in the dividing strip between the dual lanes. I had a bump on my head, my hands on the wheel, and that wonderful seat belt still holding me in the seat.

I must have been going 45 miles per hour by the time I reached the point

wasn't a straight side panel anywhere.

near the top where I could see what was

The roof was wrinkled, and the wind

on the road. The ice was there, but I was too close to use the brakes," said Captain Parrilla.

shield and the back glass were gone.

"As soon as I hit the ice I had to

had my seat belt on.

"The car wasn't smashed, but there

The roof had been pushed down but

it popped back up," said Captain Par rilla.

"The State Trooper who investigated

This is a firsthand





account of the

traffic accident

deaths are caused when persons arcthrown from the car, according to Cor nell studies and the National Safety Council.

Seat belts also reduce the extent of

the injuries occurring from auto acci dents by keeping you firmly in the seat. Most major injuries are caused from the drivers and passengers being bounced around inside the car like a ping-pong ball in a clothes dryer or being thrown

forget about the brakes anyway — you just don't use brakes on ice. The next thing I knew the car started to slow spin

the accident didn't believe me at first

out of the car.

when I said I was in the car when it

counterclockwise. I tried to steer out of

rolled. Then he went down to look over

the skid, but that didn't work at all.

the remains and came back to ask if I

Seat belts can save lives. They can re duce the extent of injuries. Do you have and use seat belts in your car?


savings — make possible our business and every one of our jobs! 2. PROFIT . . . Gives You More Lei

sure To Enjoy Life Americans don't work as long or as hard as other people in the world. We





IN our competitive business system, no single word suffers more mis understanding and abuse than the word profit. Yet the making of profit has sparked our entire business system, provided al most every job in our economy, and stimulated the growth and prosperity, not only of our Company and business system but our nation as well. Profit is a hard worker — profit has many jobs to do. In periods of inflation profit has the task of making up the deficiency in depreciation to preserve the enterprise. Under present Federal Tax Laws, depreciation must be based on the number of dollars originally paid —often many years ago — for tools of production. But when inflation comes and the buying power of the dollar de-




have no corner on brains either. We

clines, the depreciation amount becomes less and less adequate to cover cost of equipment that must be purchased so the enterprise can merely "stay even." Profit has a big job if the enterprise has some lean years, too. Profit must repay the money the business must borrow to remain alive.

Profit must do many other things — like providing for research and develop ment, paying the shareholders of the business for having risked their savings to buy the tools of production, to pro vide dollars for expansion of the en terprise, etc. But, let's get back to What Profit Does For You. Profit works for your benefit — and here's how.

1. PROFIT . . . Provides Your Job, Tools and Plant

A job is the basic unit of our busi

ness system. A business is a group of jobs. Yet every single job — whether in the factory, office or field — depends on somebody's investing money in the machines, tools, and buildings, to create the job. This money we call "capital." Initially, the capital in a business comes from savings which are invested in the company. The owners of these savings we call shareholders.

If profits are not realized, the jobs and the companies which offer them eventually disappear. Growth of a com

pany requires confidence by sharehold ers.





dence? Largely, the expectation that they will receive a return for the use and risk limi m

i i i i 11 i i -h i i i i i i . 0 1946





As corporate profits decrease, the unem* ployment trend increases, according to this chart prepared by American Iron and Steel Institute from data by the U.S. Departments of Labor and Commerce. Unemployment is

shown as a percentage of the civilian labor force, profits as a percentage of total sales.

of their savings. Newspaper accounts of a steel com pany's investment in a new steel plant

in the Chicago area would indicate in vestment of well over $75,000 for each

individual employee. At this rate, very few of us could buy our own tools to set ourselves up in business, even for our own job. Yet shareholders — by hundreds of them pooling together their

simply produce more for our way of life. Tools give us this production. Not only have tools given us more goods at lower prices, but they have taken the drudgery and human toil out of most work — whether in the kitchen, the factory or the quarry.

Today, 99 per cent of the energy used in America is mechanical. In 1850, an

employee worked three 70-hour weeks to produce as much as the average American employee today produces in one 40-hour week.

The tools that profit helps us buy give us all more leisure ... and at the end

of the working day leave us ready and able to enjoy the added leisure made possible by the tools. 3. PROFIT . . . Helps Raise Our Stan dard Of Living The way to get things done, accord ing to the Communists, is to let the state control and direct production. Let the government tell you what to pro duce; in what color, shape and size. Customer preference is strictly second ary — if considered at all. The record, however, shows that with

1/16 of the world's population, America today produces about half the world's goods. And these are more evenly and fairly distributed among all classes of our people than in any other country. And think of the quantity and variety you can buy! Profit stimulates the growth of our standard of living. In our business econ

omy, a company has to produce to meet customer needs and preferences. Compe tition demands we keep on improving our products to meet customers' current and growing needs. As more goods are produced, our stan dard of living improves. The quest for profit keeps the cycle going. Since it takes capital (invested in plant, tools, supplies, etc.) to make the goods,.the more capital and goods that are available to everyone, the higher our standard of living.

4. PROFIT . . . Provides Opportunity and Future Jobs

What would have happened to us in America today with almost 190 million people if we had the same productive capacity we had 100 years ago with only 34 million people? Millions of us would be suffering — from malnutrition, exposure, disease, and mass unemployment. We don't have this situation in Amer

ica today because we keep producing to meet the needs of our growing popu lation. With three million more persons

added every year, we've got to keep pro ducing to provide not only the goods but more jobs too. Every year billions of dollars must be invested in finding ways to do things better and to create improved products. Profit provides us with the money to do this as well as the money needed to buy the new tools and equipment. Thus, new jobs result throughout our entire nation al economy. And the incentive which stimulates this cycle is profit! 5. PROFIT . . .





Our profit system has not only given us the highest standard of living in the world but has also made us the strongest nation.






"Without American production, the war would have been lost!"

Basic to our philosophy as a free peo ple is individual freedom — to be able to do something because we want to do it for our own personal reward or satisfaction.




we're free to quit our jobs for better ones (to realize more profit for our

"One Small Voice Can Move or Save a Nation Highlights of Mr. Hogberg's Speech at Michigan Tech Annual Banquet The ability to communicate effect ively and the desire and the ability to be creative were cited as "most im

portant" requirements for the graduate engineer's success by Carl G. Hogberg, president of Michigan Limestone Div ision of United States Steel Corporation, when he addressed the annual banquet of the Michigan Tech Chapter of the National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi in February. Mr. Hogberg also challenged his listeners to extend their talent and in

fluence when they leave school beyond the confines of their profession into the world of civic responsibilities. Speaking of the need to communicate effectively, he said that technical com petence is not enough. "To be a useful member of society, your professional knowledge must be transformed into productive or creative work. "You will soon find — if you do not already know — that this requires a great deal more than technical com petence. It takes the ability to communi cate effectively, which I would rank as

the foremost single requirement for an individual's success in any enterprise, private or public. "A second most important require ment for the graduate engineer," said

Mr. Hogberg, "is desire and the ability

selves). We're free to start our own

to be creative, and all that this word im

business (from our savings, or from loans from banks, with repayment to come from our profit).

plies in the highest professional sense. "You must be willing to work hard,

We still have all the personal free doms — to say, think, write, and move about as we like. And we're free to buy what we want to.

Former President Eisenhower said it well: "When shallow critics denounce

the profit motive in our system of free enterprise, they ignore the fact that it is an economic support of every human right we possess, and that without it, all rights would soon disappear."


but not just as a plodding draftsman, complete with green eyeshade and plas tic sleeve protectors," said Mr. Hogberg, "you should be the technologist and scientist in the laboratory, the pilot plant, the production unit and even in the library: probing, discussing, quest ioning, trying, discarding, directing, or ganizing, reorganizing, inspiring, lead ing, and, most important, thinking and creating all the while." Mr. Hogberg then spoke of the need

for engineers to take an active interest in civic responsibilities. "Engineers," he said, "are all too frequently introverts by nature, shying away from politics and economics."

He said they tend to become inactive or disinterested in such subjects as free enterprise, government spending, taxes, and national debt.

"Our nation," he emphasized, "can ill afford disinterest in these vital areas

by such highly qualified individuals who usually possess such incisive and logical analytical capabilities." Mr. Hogberg expressed alarm over the widespread attack on the profit in centive basis of the free enterprise sys tem. He went on to liken the function

of profits in the economy to the action of catalysts in the laboratory. "You know that to make some re

actions proceed effectively and in the proper direction a catalyst is required. "Similarly," hesaid, "profitspaydividends to investors, encouraging thrift through prospect of reward; profits provide en couragement to venture capital, yielding funds for new or expanding enterprise, thereby creating jobs; profits promote individual as well as corporate initiative, resulting in improved efficiency; and, most important, profits engender an economic discipline that abhors waste, automatically eliminates the lazy and

the unproductive, and promotes a sturdy and true economic morality rather than a fuzzy, unrealistic system born of in

experience, ignorance, or prejudice. "If you believe, as I do, in some of these unchanging, simple, economic truths, please don't hide your intellect ual light under a bushel when you are

in a position to dispel the darkness of ignorance or imperfect knowledge. "One should never underestimate the

power of a single small voice. Multi plied, you could move — and save — a nation," Mr. Hogberg concluded.

40-YEAR GROUP — Seated left to right, Leo Smolinski, Simon Smolinski, Earl P. Tulgetski, Sr., Alfred J. Wenzel, Stephan Smolinski, Stanley J. Centala and John Link. Standing — L. W. Haselhuhn, William Hornbacher, Alfred F. Peltz, Otto Bruning, Hugo E. Bredow, Charles C. Derry and Harry L. Fleming. Not pictured are Fred Heythaler, Russell A. Lamb, Henry G. Smith and Gilbert C. Kempe.

MLD Employees Win Safe Service Awards seventy-six employees from Calcite, ^Hk X

» V


^^^ "i

Bradley and Cedarville received awards from Carl G. Hogberg, president of the Michigan Limestone Division, at a dinner honoring safe-service records ranging from 25 to 45 years.

All Calcite employees were cited by the National Safety Council for their outstanding saftey record when the Council's highest award, the Award of Honor, was presented by Mr. Campbell to Don VanZandt, Calcite Plant man

ager, for having worked over three million, three hundred thousand manhours v/ithout a lost-time injury - a new

world's record for quarries.

35-YEAR GROUP-Left to right, Fred Cicero, Albert Elowski, Louis Smolinski, Gisela Platz and Leo Mulka. Not pictured are Donald Langridge and Louis Mulka.

25-YEAR GROUP —Seated left to right, Elmer Grulke, Herbert Haselhuhn, Carl F. Hopp, Emil

Pauly, John Hoeft, Louis Hornbacher, Leon Ruell. Standing I. to r., Patrick E. Kerr, Sr., John J. Myers, Elmer C. McCutcheon, Donald McLennan, Charles Tober, Earl J. Nagel, Wm. R. Pauly.

45-YEAR GROUP - Left to right, Claude Powers and Theodore Pardeike. Not pictured is Howard Warwick.

25-YEAR GROUP - Seated left to right, Lowrence R. Bannon, Elmer H. Brege, Otto Maerz, Herbert Friedrich, Joseph T. Smith, Alfred C. Brege and John Dietlin. Standing, Harvey Elowsky,

Harry 0. Cicero, Leopold Mulka, Leon Dietlin, Alvin L. Gager, John W. Claus, John J. Gregory.

25-YEAR GROUP — Seated left to right, Wilbert R. Radtke, Dewayne S. Sheffer, Loren Rick,

George W. Mintz, manager Eastern District, receives 40-year service award from Division president Carl G. Hogberg.

Paul Ristow, Andrea G. Santini and Carl J. Schaedig. Standing left to right, Leo Promo, Roy Strieker, Ernest Tulgetske, Erhardt Bruder, Thomas T. Kuznicki, Sr., Norman Stott. Not pictur ed are Edgar G. Newhouse, Jr., Kenneth Piechan, Howard Soper, Wilfred Schleben, James Cook, Florian Modrzynski and Eugene Jones.

Erhardt Grambau, newly appointed dock foreman, visually inspects limestone as shuttle loads it into vessel hold.


Calcite Quality Improvement Another Step Toward A Better Product ANOTHER step has been added at Calcite to insure that the lime

stone delivered to the customer is exactly what he has ordered. Bob Mundt, long time dock office supervisor, has been ap

in name only. With Bob Mundt, the four represent a total of 85 years ex perience in product quality and ship ments. A foreman is assigned to each shift. He has a dock office clerk to

pointed senior dock foreman. He heads up three new members of management

assist him in his duties and is, there

whose duties primarily are to check the stone being loaded into vessels at the loading dock.

specting the quality of the stone being

The new foremen, Erhardt Grambau,

pect that the stone being loaded does not conform to customer specifications,

Carl Leow, and Roy Strieker, arc "new" 10

fore, able to devote full time to in loaded into the vessel holds.

Should the dock foreman even sus

he has the authority to immediately stop the loading if necessary, and take steps to make adjustments in the loading pro cedure. In this way action is taken before the stone is on its way to the customer, and the boat load of limestone is made to conform to the customer's

requirements. In making adjustments while the

stone is being loaded, the foreman may, for example, notify the loading crew to draw stone from a different part of

Bob Mundt, senior dock foreman, checks

newly installed flux dock indicators which

measure the flow of limestone being loaded into waiting vessels.

a stockpile. He may adjust the flow of stone being sized over the final screens to further insure any off-size stone being rejected. The first check by the dock foreman is made when, he receives the loading orders. He checks the quality and size stone requested against the "Customer

Requirements Book". This is a book kept at the dock office in which is re corded the product each customer nor

mally requires in his order. Minimum and maximum sizes of stone, as well as the chemical limitations, are all re

corded. If the shipping order calls for limestone contrary to these specifications, the dock foreman immediately reports this fact to the mill and dock super intendent, Mr. L. M. Irvin, to determine the proper requirements. An additional aid to the dock foreman is the installation of dock indicators.

This is new equipment which gives a direct continuous reading of the rate at which the stone is being loaded at each shuttle into the boat. This allows

a better control of the blending of various limestone products into one

cargo and gives the dock foreman exact information as to the proper quality and the amount of stone being loaded. In cases of cargoes where the size requirements are particularly severe, the dock foreman in addition to visually in

specting the stone as it passes into the vessel hold may require periodic sam pling for physical testing. The greatest advantage to our cus tomers which has

resulted from this

change at our Calcite loading dock is having a person always on hand at the final point in our stone preparation who has the equipment and the knowledge to make a final check of the stone and

the authority to make sure it is exactly what the customer requires. We believe it gives our delivered stone that some

thing "extra" needed in satisfying our customers.

Erhardt Grambau shovels a sample of stone off loading belt for chemical analysis.


' •/






Hasey's Hut Promotes Safety HASEY'S Hut is a unique safety display just inside the gate at

child, are usually the main props. The models can be dressed as either male or

date, no real deer have moved in on

the Calcite quarry. The twelve by seven foot building was erected in 1959 by Northern Dis

female so that there can be a family, two men at work or any other com bination of people necessary. Other items needed for a display are rounded up from home, other em ployees or local merchants, according to

one of the hunting scenes.

trict safety director Norm Haselhuhn and assistant Stan




life-sized safety messages could be brought to the attention of employees and visitors.

The safety scenes are either topical or seasonal, featuring typical events at home, at work or at play. As an added bit of showmanship, the building is illuminated at night. Three manikins, two adult and one 12

Norm. "We try to be as realistic as

possible," said Norm, "so most employ ees can picture himself or his family in the scene and be reminded to be care ful."

Norm tells of the time that the dis

play must have been very realistic be cause they found a young rabbit in the

scene resting on the artificial grass. To

The displays are changed often enough to keep it interesting, but kept up long enough to be effective. Ideas are gathered from any and all sources, but most of the thoughts for the safety scenes stem from Norm and Stan.

The building is complete with a can vas curtain which is used in bad weather

or when the display is being changed. Otherwise the display is open for all to see and is a very attractive addition to the Calcite safety program.


Personnel Changes THREE changes in the management of





plants and an appointment to the De troit headquarters office are now in effect. Donald T. VanZandt, Calcite plant

manager since 1957, is now in the De troit headquarters office as Technological Coordinator for the Division.

William R. Ransom, Jr., Cedarville

plant manager since 1960, replaced Van Zandt as Calcite plant manager, and Donn F. Widmayer, assistant plant man

ivities. Mr. and Mrs. VanZandt have

four children, Jacquelyn, 16. Nancy, 14, Carol, 11, and Brent, 8. Mr. Ransom, a native of Pontiac,

Michigan, is an engineering graduate of Michigan State University and has been with Michigan Limestone since 1953- He has worked successively as an engineer, assistant quarry superintend ent and quarry engineer, and assistant to the district manager of the Northern District before going to Cedarville.

Donald T. VanZandt

Church. He continued actively in civic

ager at Cedarville, was named Cedarville

Mr. Ransom has taken an active role

plant manager. Robert L. Landis, former assistant to

in community activities at Cedarville and currently is serving as president of the Chamber of Commerce, president of

of the Chamber of Commerce and cur

the Alvin A. Hossack Memorial Com

committee. He attends the First Union

the Northern District manager, is now at Cedarville as assistant plant manager.

affairs at Cedarville as an active member

rently is a member of the publicity

mittee, and secretary of the First Union


gan, Colorado, and a graduate of the


University of California, joined the Div ision as an engineer in 1947. Prior to

Ransom have three children, William,

Widmayer have three children, Mary, 15. Kaye, 12, Donna, 10. Mr. Landis is a native of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, and is an engineering graduate of Carnegie Institute of Tech nology. He came to the Division's East ern District in 1956 as plant engineer

Mr. VanZandt, a native of Fort Mor

that he had been employed by the Brad ley Mining Company in California and Alaska.

After joining the Division at Cal cite, he was promoted to drilling and blasting foreman in August, 1951; he became assistant plant manager in Jan uary, 1956; and moved up to plant man ager in 1957. As a resident of Rogers City Mr. Van Zandt has been active in community af fairs, serving as a scoutmaster, as an el der in Westminster Presbyterian Church, and unofficially in many other civic actWilliam R. Ransom

of Cedarville.




III. 15, Christopher, 11, and Scott, 9. Mr. Widmayer. a native of Detroit and an engineering graduate of Mich igan State University, joined the Div ision in 1951 as an engineer at the Cal

of Cedarville. Mr.

and Mrs.

cite Plant where he worked in various

and later moved to the Detroit head

engineering capacities and as mill and dock superintendent until he went to Cedarville in 1961 as assistant plant In Rogers City Mr. Widmayer was

quarters office before going to Rogers City as assistant to the Northern Dis trict manager. Mr. Landis is president of the North eastern Michigan Engineer's Society and

a member of the Lions Club and served

served in a number of civic affairs in

a term as president of the group. He also was a trustee and president of the board of the Westminster Presbyterian

Rogers City. Mr. and Mrs. Landis have three children, Jeffrey, 7, Matthew, 5, and Jonathan, 4.

Donn F. Widmayer

Robert L. Landis


Calcite Employee Wins Award

Sensible Shoppers Save Food Money By Using Approved Practices Some family expenses come and go, but one that stays forever is the cost of buying food. Home economists say from about onefifth to one-fourth of the family income is spent on food and the homemaker with the best shopping sense gets the most for her money. It's wise to remember that nutrition

doesn't necessarily increase with food costs; low budger meals can be just as healthful as expensive ones. ONE OF THE best ways to control the outgo of food money is by making a complete shopping list before going to the store. Then, watch for specials

and avoid impulse buying. If you want to be a wise shopper you'll do some label-reading and prac tice a little arithmetic, too, while you're surveying the shelves at your super market.

Royden Schefke, recipient of largest Employee Suggestion Plant award to date, contemplates ways to spend $222.40.

And do you follow these few guides to economical buying? MANY FOODS cost less per pound when purchased in the large size. But they're a better buy only if your family can use the quantity and store the large size. Foods locally in season cost less than "imported" foods. Fresh foods some

THE notion that the Employee Sug

from this inlet near the floor, coating

gestion Program pays off only the big, complicated ideas that require much thought and effort has been proven false by Royden H. Schefke. Mr. Schefke.

electrical equipment within the machine as it passed through to the outlet. After a period of time this caused premature failure of the rectifier and costly repairs. Now, by merely reversing the fan motor, the air is drawn in from the top of the machine and is relatively free

Pre-cooked "convenience" foods may cost more because you're paying for the built-in sen-ice. The family milk bill

from dust and dirt. Result: the rectifiers

can be cut with the use of dried skim

are now lasting several times longer.

milk. And brown shell eggs are often less expensive than white, but they are just as nutritious. Prices vary between types of packs for canned goods. For example, fruits canned in "light" syrup cost less than fruits packed in "heavy"

Calcite Plant welder, received a check for S222.40 for an idea seemingly so simple

and obvious that one might wonder why somebody had not thought of it long ago. However, this simple idea has re sulted in savings to the Division and the largest award made at any of the plants to date under the Suggestion

This idea, so valuable to Mr. Schefke,

can be useful to all of us. It proves that there are real cost-saving ideas all around

times cost less than canned or frozen

foods. EXTRAS, such as jelly and pick les, add cost but little food value to a meal.

Program. Mr. Schefke's idea was to change the

us if we are only able to see them. By questioning every method, every piece

direction of air which is used to cool the

P & H welding units. As originally de signed, the air was drawn in from an opening in the machine near the floor

of equipment, and every way we do our jobs — even the most simple — better ways appear. If Mr. Schefke had been content to accept the old familiar way,

and exhausted near the top. Much dust

he would never have received that award

go the farthest. And maybe these few pointers will help you to be a better

and dirt was drawn into the machine





It's the shopper with the best buying sense who makes her dollars and cents


Robert F. Crittendon, Pioneer Radio

Manager, Retires After Forty Years Robert F. Crittendon, one of the pioneers in Great Lakes marine radio commun

ications, retired March 31 after 40 years

of service as manager of Central Radio

For approximately two years he did experimental work during his spare time from electrical duties. Early in 1922 the station was built and in May of that

Telegraph Company.

year it was licensed and began oper

He began his radio career in 1917 when he joined the Navy. He served as

ations with Mr. Crittendon as manager. J. N. Suliot, Northern District man

a code instructor at the Great Lakes

ager, succeeds Mr. Crittendon as man ager of Central Radio, and Frank E. Sager, a Central Radio operator since 1941, has been named supervisor of operations.

Naval Training Station and later was sent to the naval radio station at Alpena.

He ended his Navy Service in 1919 and joined Central Radio in 1920.

Robert F. Crittendon





293 S. Fourth St. Rogers City, Mich.

Box 95, Boyers, Pa.

Eau Claire, Butler Co., Pa.



491 S. Second St. Rogers City, Mich.

JESSE F. GEHRKEN 5-2-1/4W. Cherry St, Mahoningtown, Pa.

P. O. Box 27, Clintonville, Pa. MICHAEL R. KELLER

Boyers, Butler Co., Pa. BUFFALO



377 N. Sixth St. Rogers City, Mich. ARTHUR A. PAULL

Star Route, Long Lake Alpena, Mich.


45 Lowellville Rd, Struthers, Ohio


LEON H. RATHBUN, SR. 610 Porterville Rd. East Aurora, N. Y.

555 S. First St, Rogers City, Mich.


R. F. D. #1, Box 221, Rogers City, Mich.



446 S. First St. Rogers City, Mich.

260 W. Ontario St, Rogers City, Mich.



Box 246, Hillsville, Pa.




Box 124, Halltown, W. Va.

294 N. First St. Rogers City, Mich.


H. J. GANSKE Rte. #1, Box 327 Rogers City, Mich.


Box 133, Hillsville, Pa.



535 W. Friedrich St. Rogers City, Mich. HERMAN J. KARSTEN 240 Huron Ave. Rogers City, Mich.

R. D. #2, Lowellville, Ohio




R. D. #1, Box 57, Edinburg, Pa.

410 S. Charles St, Charles Town, W. Va.

207 Larke Ave. Rogers City, Mich.


Box 4, Hilliards, Pa.


406 N.MildredSt, CharlesTown, W.Va. CLAYTON J. FRYE Millville, W. Va. CHARLES E. KEITER

P. O. Box 406, Charles Town, W. Va.


Steel for the Home.., ROCKVILLE, MD. - The Fifth NAHB Research House opened this Spring, built on a new all-weather steel foundation and featuring a number of other newly-devel

oped steel building components. It emphasizes the home building industry's urgent search for products that reduce costs and raise the quality of new homes. The new steel foundation system was developed by United States Steel as a

cooperative research project with the NAHB Research Institute. It is essentially a post and beam arrangement with steel perimeter beams and interior joists fastened to legs extending below the frost line and anchored in cement pads. The only ex cavation required is drilling post holes, a job done easily even in midwinter.

Studies show it is likely the foundation system can be produced and installed at a lower price than other foundations, according to U. S. Steel.

^The foundation was first introduced by U. S. Steel at the NAHB Home Builders Show in Chicago last December. This exhibit and reports of the development carried by home building trade journals have brought a flood of inquiries from builders. The system has undergone further refinement since then and is being readied for field testing by builders in various sections of the country, U. S. Steel said.

In keeping with the trend toward greater use of factory-built components which reduce on-site assembly costs yet permit design flexibility, the current Re search -House contains several other products developed by U. S. Steel in its con tinuing development work in the home building field.

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Michigan Limestone /ijqยง\ United States Steel Corporation Division of \~jr

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