2 minute read
e Naval Air Station is located on the south side of Corpus Christi Bay, just before the causeway that crosses over to Padre Island. Drivers should follow Texas Highway 358/South Padre Island Drive to the NAS Drive exit (clearly marked with NAS-CCAD exit signs). e Main Gate is located one mile from the causeway bridge and is open 24 hours a day. (Ocean Drive provides a beautiful coastline ride from Corpus Christi to the base’s North Gate, but that gate is only open weekdays from 5 a.m. until 8:30 a.m., and 1:30 p.pm to 5 p.m.)
Limousine and taxi transportation, as well as city bus service, is available from the Corpus Christi International Airport to Naval Air Station Corpus Christi.
From the Corpus Christi Airport:
Go towards the Airport Exit on International Boulevard
Turn right on service road
Take the TX-44 ramp; merge on on TX-44
Take the TX-358 exit; merge on TX-358
Take the SOUTH PADRE ISLAND DR/ SPID exit (Look for NASCC-CCAD sign)
Continue on South Padre Island Drive/ SPID approximately 15 miles
Exit on NAS Drive; continue on NAS Dr to NASCC South Gate entrance
From Portland:
On US 181 travel toward Corpus Christi
Merge into IH 37
Follow the IH 37 signs until you see signs for NAS-CCAD/286
Continue on South Padre Island Drive/ SPID approximately 15 miles
Exit on NAS Drive; continue on NAS Dr to NASCC South Gate entrance
From San Antonio:
On IH 37 merge onto TX-58
Take the South Padre Island Drive/ SPID exit (Look for NASCC-CCAD sign)
Continue on South Padre Island Drive/ SPID approximately 15 miles
Exit on NAS Drive; continue on NAS Dr to NASCC South Gate entrance
Upon arriving on station, all Navy personnel assigned to the base (including student aviators) must sign in with the NAS Officer-of-the-Day office. is office is located in Building 2 and is manned 24 hours per day. All newcomers should then report to their joining command on the first work day after arrival to receive in-processing instructions.
Auto Registration and Vehicle Information
Everyone driving privately-owned automobiles aboard the station should proceed to the Security Department Pass and Tag Office, Building 1794 (adjacent to South Gate), to register their vehicle within five days after reporting aboard. Drivers must have a valid driver’s license, current automobile registration, and automobile liability insurance to file for registration.
Vehicles must also have an annual state inspection, if the state where the car is registered requires it. All vehicles manufactured after 1967 must be equipped with seat belts. Persons may register their vehicles from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Vehicle Registration Office.
Base Driving Privileges
Operating a private motor vehicle aboard the station is a privilege extended by the Commanding Officer and is not a right. Every driver operating a vehicle on station must observe all traffic regulations. Seat belt use is mandatory at all times while operating vehicles aboard the station. Speed limits are enforced by radar, and DWI laws are enforced.
Motorcyclists must attend the Department of Defense motorcycle safety course before being issued an on-base decal. Persons operating a vehicle that belongs to someone else must have written, notarized permission from the owner stating the operator may use the vehicle.
Pass and Tag
In addition to providing vehicle registration, the Pass and Tag Office, Building 1794, furnishes identification for civilian employees. Identification cards for both military personnel and their family members are issued by the Personnel Support Activity Detachment, Building 1730.
Everyone living on base must register all firearms with the Security Police Investigative Division. Boats, campers, and bicycles must be registered with the Pass and Tag office. All pets must have an annual rabies vaccination and be registered with the base Vet Clinic.
Navy Lodge
9604 Ocean Drive
Phone: (361) 939-6630 or 1-800-NAVY-INN e new Navy Lodge, overlooking Corpus Christi Bay, provides temporary quarters at NAS Corpus Christi for military personnel and their dependents, reservists, Department of Defense employees, and retired military personnel.