3 minute read
With 52 units, each suite includes air conditioning, kitchenette, private bath, and family accommodations. It’s within easy walking distance to the Consolidated Club, a fishing pier, marina, Navy Exchange and commissary.
Reservations are accepted for all eligible personnel on an as-received basis. Once a reservation is made, it is confirmed and you cannot be bumped. Military personnel being assigned to a South Texas base on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, or on Temporary Duty, can make reservations at any time. Other eligible personnel can made reservations either 60 days or 30 days in advance of arrival, depending on status.
Public Private Venture Homes

With the exception of the two Flag Officer housing units, all family housing at NAS Corpus Christi was privatized as part of the Navy’s South Texas Public Private Venture Project in February 2002.
e Navy Lodge at NAS Corpus Christi ere are now 262 on-base units for pay grades E-1 through 0-6. Included are 157 newly constructed two, three, fitness centers, bowling alley, Navy Exchange and Commissary, ball fields and playgrounds. e day-to-day management, maintenance, and operations of South Texas Military Family (PPV) Housing are the responsibility of the PPV Property Management/Owner Manager. Residents should contact the private management office when they have any maintenance requests or issues/ concerns regarding their occupancy in on-base housing.

Eligible service members with families who reside in on-base PPV Housing pay rent based on the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) which covers rent and utilities. BAH will later be adjusted by the PPV partner to include an “average” utility allowance. Residents will then become responsible for payment of their actual utility costs.
Eligibility/Application Process
e Navy Welcome Center maintains a referral list of military personnel wanting to live in on-base PPV Housing. Active-duty military with families have top priority, followed by active-duty reserve personnel with families. If excess housing exists, other categories of personnel will be eligible.
Basic eligibility for housing for active-duty personnel with families is defined as those service members with accompanying dependents. Accompanying dependents are considered to be those dependents that may be expected to reside with the sponsor for nine consecutive months or more each year. Dependents must also meet the definitions of dependents as identified in the DoD Financial Management Regulation, Vol. 7a. Questions regarding eligibility of dependents, with regards to housing, can be forwarded to the staff at the Navy Housing Welcome Center.
Applications for Housing consists of; (1) DD1746—Application for Assignment to Housing which has been completed and signed by the active-duty member; (2) a copy of the active-duty member’s original orders; and (3) Certification of Dependent document (examples of dependent certification documents include NAVPERS 1070/603 Record of Emergency Data/ Dependency Application (Page 2); a NAVCOMPT 3072 Dependency Action Status; or a DD1172 Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card (DEERS Enrollment).
Applications may be made at any time after receipt of PCS orders and up to 30 days after reporting to new permanent duty station Control date will normally be date of detachment from last PCS. Advance application will not affect the control date of application. To obtain entry on the list, applicants must confirm their application by contacting the Navy Housing office on their detaching date or no later than 30 days after reporting to the new Personnel Detachment.
If on-base Public Private Venture Housing is not available upon arrival, the service member and the accompanying family may request referral assistance for off-base community housing and remain on the waiting list for on-base housing. Provided that certain criteria is met, the applicant may be authorized a local move at government expense from private sector housing to on-base PPV housing. For details on eligibility, please contact the local Navy Housing Welcome Center Office.

Applications for on-base PPV housing may be submitted in person at the Navy Housing Welcome Center office (Building 3600), by fax to 361961-3629, or by mail to: Commanding Officer, Attn: Housing; 11001 Ave. D, Suite 101(Code 184), Corpus Christi, TX 78419-5021. E-mail application packages are also welcomed—contact the Navy Housing Welcome Center office for the appropriate e-mail address to forward documents.
Personal Property (Household Goods)
Bldg. 10 3rd Floor
Phone: (361) 961-3742
Email: corpuschristippty@navy.mil
Storage and delivered household good is arranged by the Personal Property Shipping Office located in Bldg. 10 on Ocean Drive, directly across from Hangar 42. Persons moving to South Texas are encouraged to contact this office by email or phone as soon as possible after arriving in the area to check the status on inbound household goods shipment. Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.