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Additional Services
Among the services offered through seminars, workshops, and one-on-one counseling is information on all aspects of new career development including how to write resumes, survive job interviews, conduct a planned job search, and other job related information. In addition, provides vital information on veteran's benefits and entitlements, educational benefits, and help available from community based resources.
Military personnel and their spouses are encouraged to begin their respective transition process 180 days prior to their scheduled separation or retirement date. Plans should be made at this time to attend a scheduled seminar prior to leaving active duty. Seminars are transition springboards that should pro vide sufficient information and guidance to assist the service member in making intelligent and meaningful decisions prior to entering the civilian world.
Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP)—is a new term to describe the Spouse Employment Assistance Program. It is designed to ease the significant problems some spouses may have in finding employment. Typical activities include counseling and job search, resume writing, Federal Resume preparations, career transitions, interviewing and career planning, and referrals to potential employers.
Ombudsman Support— is program provides training, support, and information and referral programs that contribute to the effectiveness of the Navy Family Ombudsman Program and personal well being of ombudsmen. Included are basic, advanced, and ongoing training. Support is provided via the Ombudsman Program Coordinator and other staff who can serve as consultants to discuss interventions and approaches with family issues.
Sponsor Training - A self-training program accessible on the Internet. is training will introduce you to the Navy Sponsor Program. It is designed to help facilitate the relocation of Navy servicemembers and their families. e primary goal is to ease difficulty and reduce the apprehensions normally associated with a Permanent Charge of Station move.
Base Indoctrination - Provides an indoctrination program which familiarizes personnel reporting aboard with the mission, organization, regulations, opportunities, facilities, and services at Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas and the surrounding community.
Legal Assistance
Bldg. 3
Phone: (361) 961-3531
Regional Legal Service Office SE, Branch Office Corpus Christi, provides a variety of legal services for eligible active duty personnel and their dependents and, as resources permit, eligible retired personnel and their dependents, who live in South Texas.

Services include, but are not limited to, preparation of wills, powers of attorney, landlord tenant law, notary work and legal advice on domestic relations issues. Call (361) 961-3531 for an appointment.
Office Hours are:
Mon- ur 8-4
Friday 8-12
Medical Support
(Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi) 10651 E Street, Bldg. H-100, Phone: (361) 961-6000

Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi (NHCCC) is a multifaceted patient centered ambulatory care facility dedicated to providing first-rate care to persons entitled to healthcare according to Department of Defense (DOD) eligibility criteria. NHCC consists of the core facility located in Corpus Christi, Texas and two Naval Branch Health Clinics, located in Kingsville and Forth Worth, Texas.
Primary Care is the largest focus, with illness intervention requiring hospitalization provided through external resource sharing agreements.
Beneficiaries in our system have a Primary Care Manager as a central point of outpatient services including: Family Practice, Internal Medicine, General Practice, Pediatrics, Preventive and Occupational Health, Aviation Medicine, Physical erapy, Wellness Services, Mental Health, Optometry, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Radiology and Immunizations. Specialty clinics include: General Surgery, orthopedics, and Podiatry.
In addition to its Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation, the Corpus Christi facility has a Behavioral Health Care Accreditation for our Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP). The College of American Pathologies certifies the laboratories. All accreditation standards have been met.
On February 17, 2005, Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi successfully completed a weeklong combined survey and inspection by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organi- zations (JCAHO) and the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Inspector General. e Corpus Christi facility is comprised of 367 personnel that include 39 officers, 169 enlisted, 91 civil service, 37 contractors, and 21 reservists. e health clinic is an active participant in the TRICARE program, and there are more than 18, 000 enrolled TRICARE Prime beneficiaries who account for 120, 000 annual encounters. e health clinic’s mission is to be recognized leader in global force health protection. Our vision is joint medical readiness and high quality economical healthcare.
Navy Exchange
Bldg. 1744
Phone: (361) 961-2166 e Navy Exchange is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.mp. Eligible patrons can shop for a variety of items ranging from clothing, household products and jewelry to garden products, seasonal items, and much more. e Citco Service Station is located at the NEX Mini Mart, Building 1290, and is open seven days a week. Gas sales, a quick mart and Budget Truck Rental are available at the station. To reach the
A Navy Exhange Uniform Shop is located near the Navy Exchange and operates the same hours. A complete mail order service is available for hardto-find uniform items. For assistance, call (361) 961-3105, extension 28.
A Barber Shop and Beauty Shop are also located in Building 1744 and are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; and from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. Services for both shops are available to military personnel and their dependents. For appointments, call the barbershop at (361) 961-7032 and the beauty shop at (361) 961-7981.