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touch from any Internet connection is easy and secure. For non-urgent needs, patients may begin communicating securely with their MHPT and possibly save themselves an office visit by simply signing up for Relay Health at: www.relayhealth.com. e Command also posts regular updates on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nhccc.
NHCCC healthcare offers a wide range of services including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Aviation Medicine, Dental, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Radiology*, Wellness Services, Physical erapy, Mental Health, Optometry*, Immunizations, Audi ology*, Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation Program, Preventive Medicine, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene. (* Resource Sharing Agreement with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs).
In addition to Ambulatory Health Care services, the core facility has a Behavioral Health Care Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP). Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi maintains Joint Commission Ambulatory Health Care, Behavioral Health Care, College of American Pathologists, Food and Drug Administration, and Ameri can College of Radiology accreditation.
e Command is an active participant in the TRICARE program, and there are over 12,654 TRICARE Prime beneficiaries enrolled at the core facility and branch clinics. On a typical day at the core facility, there are 234 medical visits, 30 dental visits, 836 pharmacy prescriptions filled, 21 radiology exams and 314 laboratory tests.
For New Staff
Congratulations on joining Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi (NH CCC). is facility is dedicated to ensuring that you have a productive and enjoyable tour in South Texas. e health care system directly supports the aviation training and mine warfare communities as well as a significant Army and Coast e Command is centrally located on NAS Corpus Christi; and, as the tallest building, serves as a significant landmark. e staff is active socially and is involved in many activities. ere are many fine beaches, parks and recreational activities within a short distance. You will find NH CCC, NAS Corpus Christi and the city of Corpus Christi delightful places to work, play and live.

Guard presence at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi.
Customers come from varied back grounds and present wonderful challenges. e facility has been a successful partner in TRICARE since November 1995. As the sole naval presence in Region Six, it has a unique opportunity to partner with sister services to make TRICARE effective and efficient. Please be sure to visit the TRI CARE Center here at the command soon after you report on board.
Reporting Aboard
Military personnel upon arrival should report to the Front Desk and have the Petty Officer of the Watch or the Chief of the Day stamp/endorse your orders. en, proceed to Manpower on the second deck to start the check-in process. If you report to the health clinic after 2000 you will be required to report back the next day to have them stamp your orders. You will then be required to report to Manpower at 0800 to start checking-in. e check-in process is a 3-day process that your assigned sponsor will assist you with. You will need your Service record, medical record, and dental record with you.
Civil service personnel should report to the Human Resource Office (HRO) on the second deck of the health clinic. Be sure to also report to the Manpower office to start your check-in.
Fleet and Family Support Center
e Fleet and Family Support Center is located on the 5th floor of the Naval Health Clinic.
e Navy realizes that there is a direct relationship between a member's ability to successfully accomplish a mission and the quality of life which his or her family experiences. erefore, the Fleet and Family Sup port Center stands ready to assist you in any way possible to promote a positive family environment.
To help with your adjustment, the Relo cation Assistance Program is designed to provide a support system of information and services upon your arrival. We offer a myriad of services, including loan closet items while you are waiting the arrival of your household goods, spouse employment assistance, family counseling, and information and referrals to help you with any and all of your needs.
If you have not already done so, we encourage you to visit your nearest Fleet and Family Support Center and request a copy of the Standard Installation Topic Exchange Service (SITES) booklet for NAS Corpus Christi.
It will provide you with the most current information for NAS Corpus Christi and the surrounding communities. is organization is located at the NAS Health Clinic, 4th deck, and can be reached at DSN: 861-3722.
Military Spouse Preference
Military spouse preference is preference in employment for civilian positions and assistance in locating employment opportunities with the Department of Defense (DoD) in the same commuting area of the sponsor's duty station. "Preference" is priority in the selection process for military spouses when they are being considered along with others. It applies only when the spouse is among the best-qualified candidates and is prior or currently civil service. "Preference" does not mean that positions are created or made available especially for spouses, or that spouses, have any special appointing authority or a guarantee that a job will be available. e Fleet and Family Support Center at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi can provide you assistance with development of job search skills, referrals for employment and similar matters. For more information, call (361) 961-2372 or come by the 5th floor of the Health Clinic between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:00 pm.
Spouse preference is applied in several different ways, depending on how a position is being filled, its location, and whether you have "status" (meaning civil service status). "Status" applicants include current career/ career-conditional employees, reinstatement eligible, and prior overseas family member appointables.
If you are the spouse of an active duty Armed Forces member, you are entitled, upon PCS relocation to the sponsor's duty station, to spouse employment preference.
Virtually all DoD civilian positions at GS-15 (and equivalent) and below, worldwide, with certain exceptions, including intelligence-related positions and mandatory mobility positions.
Note—Preference also applies to non-appropriated funds (NAP) positions (e.g., jobs in clubs, messes, recreational facilities, etc.) at UA08 and below. is fact sheet does not provide information about procedures for NAP employment. Interested spouses should contact NAP activities (Bldg. 39) or call (361) 961-3187 directly for specific information.
Preference applies up to 30 days prior to sponsor's reporting date to the new duty station and throughout the tour at that duty station. In foreign areas, spouses don't receive preference until they actually arrive at the overseas location. Activities are not required to grant preference if you are within six months of the next PCS move.
Generally, spouses with preference must be selected ahead of non-spouses when both are being considered. However, because of the many options in the filling of positions, exceptions can sometimes apply. As examples, selections of displaced employees, overseas returnees, certain internal employees and hiring in some special programs may take precedence over military spouses. Also, preference does not apply when it would result in displacement of a current employee or when positions are filled below the full performance level (except for positions formerly covered by the PACE).
Any Civilian Personnel Office can provide you information about specific vacancy, procedures for applying for positions, preference procedures, and the like. Ask to speak with the Military Spouse Preference Coordinator or Priority Place Program Coordinator.