1 minute read

Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)

What is BOSS?

BOSS is a dynamic Department of Army Program that single Soldiers can join to enhance their Quality of Life, Contribute to Community Service and assist in the planning and execution of their own Recreation and Leisure activities. It is designed to be the collective voice for the single Soldier and supports and compliments the chain of command’s mission.


Who is BOSS?

Although the BOSS Program is focused on single Soldiers, it is open to Marines, Navy, Airman, Reserve, National Guard, Coast Guard, unaccompanied Service members, Foreign Service members, Department of Defense personnel, married personnel and any other guest; just about anyone can participate in this dynamic program.

BOSS Mission

To enhance the morale and welfare of single Soldiers, increase Soldier retention, and sustain combat readiness through planning and executing, community service events, recreation and leisure activities, and identifying quality of life issues for resolution.

Quality of Life

Quality of Life includes those issues that Soldiers can directly or indirectly in uence to enhance their morale, living environment, or personal growth and development. Issues raised during BOSS meetings will be directed to the appropriate command or sta agency for resolution on the installation. Army-wide issues are forwarded to the Army Family Action Plan Conference for possible DA resolution.

Recreation and Leisure

Fun activities are planned by the BOSS council working in conjunction with the MWR Advisor and the Garrison CSM. ese events are geared towards the desires of the single Soldiers on that installation.

Community Service

BOSS makes a di erence by volunteering in community projects and events. is is always voluntary in nature, and Soldiers nd this to be personally rewarding.

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