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s part of MWR, Military & Family Readiness/ Military and Family Readiness (MFR) equips people with the skills and support they need to face the challenges of military life (today as well as tomorrow). eir motto is “Selfhelp, Service, and Stability” and this de nes the activities and services o ered by MFR. All active-duty, U.S. Army Reservists and National Guard Service members on active duty exceeding 30 days, DA civilians, retirees and family members are eligible to use these services o ered by MFR.

MFR is a worldwide organization composed of hard working and caring individuals. Some of these individuals are civilian personnel who direct MFR activities, while others are volunteers who support sta and assist with various community service projects. When you join the Military and Family Readiness Volunteer family, you become a valuable asset to soldiers, their families and the agency sta .


e volunteer program provides an opportunity for you to gain experience in a professional atmosphere. We will assist you in nding a volunteer position that allows you to use your speci c talents and interests.

Army Emergency Relief

2414 Stanley Road, Bldg 131 (210)221-1612

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 730 a.m.- 12 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

A er duty hours contact the American Red Cross at (210) 224-5151

Army Emergency Relief is the Army’s own emergency nancial assistance organization and is dedicated to “Helping the Army Take Care of Its Own.”

Armed Forces Action Plan

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797 (210)221-2336/2705

Hours of Operation e Armed Forces Action Plan (AFAP) is a program designed to ensure that the wellbeing of soldiers and families in the Army keep pace with the changing times. AFAP gathers input from the people of the Army and Army leadership. AFAP is a way for Soldiers and families to say what is working and what is not, as well as to provide possible solutions for areas of concern.

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Armed Forces Team Building

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797 Phone: (210) 221-2336/2705

Hours of Operation e Armed Forces Team Building (AFTB) program at Fort Sam Houston is fortunate to have an active volunteer sta of 12 master trainers and 11 instructors. Fort Sam is the home of the Army Medic, the Army Medical Department (AMEDDC&S) Center and School, San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC), and the Fi h U.S. Army Headquarters. With a large number of medical soldiers and their families and an everrotating number of soldier students and their families, the AFTB program runs a little di erently than at other installations.

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

AFTB encourages new spouses, family members, soldiers and DA civilians to nd out about Army life. Family member classes are o ered in levels I, II, and III on a quarterly basis. ese classes are open to soldiers (active and reserve), civilian employees and their family members.

Army Volunteer Corps

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797

Phone: (210) 221-0918/2705

Military and Family Readiness is the home to the Army Volunteer Corps, which is the center of volunteer recruitment, referral, recognition and advocacy e orts for Fort Sam. Volunteers are needed in a wide variety of positions throughout the installation. rough volunteer service, individuals can learn or enhance skills, get to know the community and meet new people, build their resumes, and more. Volunteers are asked to register through the Volunteer Management Information System, or VMIS, which can be accessed through ARMY OneSource. By doing this, volunteers can record and track their hours, which are then veri ed by their volunteer supervisor. is is a great tool for tracking your volunteerism. You can use the information on resumes, in job interviews, and as a part of nomination packages for volunteer awards.

Financial Readiness

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797

Phone: (210) 221-2380/2705

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 7:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m.

Consumer A airs and Financial Assistance (CAFA) o ers basic education on nancial matters. Individual nancial counseling is also available by appointment. Courses include: checkbook management, credit management, debt reduction, investment thri savings plans, and the introduction to personal nancial management (mandatory for soldiers new to the Army).]

Employment Readiness

33060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797 Phone: (210) 221-2705

Hours of Operation e Employment Readiness Program helps patrons improve essential skills needed to secure employment in a competitive job market. Services include job counseling, local employer information, job bank, resume writing assistance, education information, Military Spouse Preference, and so much more!

Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closed 1st & 3rd ursday from 1:00-4:30 p.m.

Classes are o ered in-person and online covering Your Pathways To Employment, Interviewing Skills, Resume Writing – general and federal formats – and LinkedIn 101.To ensure each client’s needs are continuously met the Employment Readiness Program is available for one-on-one appointments to assist in creating cover letters, updating resumes to t job announcements, certi cation/re-licensure planning, and the translation of skills to meet your employment goals.

Exceptional Family Member Program

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797 Phone: (210) 221-2705

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is mandatory for active-duty personnel who have family members with exceptional medical, psychological, developmental, or educational needs. e aim of the program is to assist in assigning active duty members to an area where their exceptional family member’s special needs can be addressed. e Installation Exceptional Family Member Program o ers: community resource information, assistance with Exception to Policy for priority housing, assists families with enrollment into EFMP, client advocacy, early intervention referrals, relocation assistance, service coordination for Individualized Education Plans, respite care services, health education workshops, child activities and a community special needs resource team.

Family Life Program

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797

Phone: (210) 221-0349/ 2705

Hours of Operation e Family Life Program (FLP) o ers a variety of services to assist service members and families in their knowledge, skills, and abilities to anticipate and meet the challenges throughout the various stages of the family life cycle. Supporting the Readiness mission of JBSA, the FLP also assists in many ways to provide extra support during separations. Today’s military family (which includes active duty military members, Guard, Reserve, DoD civilians, retirees, and family members of active duty) are supported by a team of professionals working together to support the mission of all the United States Military Services. Family life resilience and self-enhancement skills are addressed through this education based program. Emphasis is placed on providing the skills and knowledge you need to help cope with challenges and make sound life choices.

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Mobilization & Deployment

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797

Phone: (210) 221-2705 (Army, Air Force)

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Deployment is never easy and it o en takes a toll on both the Soldier and the family. e Mobilization & Deployment Program and stability and support operations provide support services during disaster events and all phases of deployment to eligible family members at, or as near to, their hometown or home installation as possible. e Family and Soldier Readiness System addresses the state of preparedness of the Army Family through proactive education and support programs that promote resiliency and enhance wellbeing. e MFR Mobilization & Deployment Program ensures that all Soldiers and Civilians returning from deployment or redeploying from other operations are provided support in personal reconstruction, family reunion, and personal readiness.

Soldier and Family Readiness is inextricably linked to Mission Readiness. Because of the high value the Army places on both military and personal readiness, programs like Operation READY (Resources for Educating About Deployment and You) have been initiated. e Fort Sam Houston Mobilization and Deployment O ce maintains a library of Operation READY materials, as well as o ering workshops and brie ngs on all of the Operation READY training modules. All Operation READY materials can be found in the Mobilizations and Deployment O ce in the Military Family Readiness Center or can be viewed or downloaded from the ARMY MFR website www.fortsammwr.com.operations provide support services during disaster events and all phases of deployment to eligible family members at, or as near to, their hometown or home installation as possible. e Family and Soldier Readiness System addresses the state of preparedness of the Army Family through proactive education and support programs that promote resiliency and enhance wellbeing. e MFR Mobilization & Deployment Program ensures that all Soldiers and Civilians returning from deployment or redeploying from other operations are provided support in personal reconstruction, family reunion, and personal readiness.

Soldier and Family Readiness is inextricably linked to Mission Readiness. Because of the high value the Army places on both military and personal readiness, programs like Operation READY (Resources for Educating About Deployment and You) have been initiated. e Fort Sam Houston Mobilization and Deployment O ce maintains a library of Operation READY materials, as well as o ering workshops and brie ngs on all of the Operation READY training modules. All Operation READY materials can be found in the Mobilizations and Deployment O ce in the Military Family Readiness Center or can be viewed or downloaded from the ARMY MFR website www.fortsammwr.com.

Relocation Readiness

3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797 Phone: (210) 221-9698 e Relocation Readiness Program is a congressionally mandated program designed to eliminate or diminish the personal and family stress that military families experience with a permanent change of station by providing assistance, counseling, education and training throughout all phases of the relocation process. is program is the rst point of contact for relocation information and assistance. You can get up-to-date information about your new base and community before you move. Learn how to prepare for your move and get help in planning your moving cost, check out the job market and learn new skills to reduce the stress of moving. e following programs and events can be found through the Relocation Assistance Program:

Spouse Information Fair

is program helps integrate Military Spouses quickly and e ciently into the community. e Fair provides information and face to face contact giving the spouse an opportunity to ask questions with a real person concerning the services that are o ered here on Fort Sam Houston. e Spouse Information Fair takes place on the second ursday of each month 9:00 AM until 12:00PM. Children are allowed and the layout is stroller friendly.

San Antonio Field O ce of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service

Got questions about immigration? Need assistance with the forms? We can help! We are o ering a monthly orientation to assist Soldiers and Family members. An Immigration and Naturalization Service representative will answer question about Immigration and Citizenship.

Plan My Move

is is an automated system that provides Soldiers and Family members with extensive updated information about Army, Air Force, Marine, and Navy installations worldwide prior to departure. e information consists of housing, child care, medical facilities, etc. and can be found online at www.militaryhomefront. dod.mil. Instructions: Go to “Troops & Families” then go to “moving” and click on “Installation Overview.” Once you select the installation, click on “Print Booklet.” If you are unable to print, the o ce can either print the information for you or download the information to a CD.

Newcomers’ Brie ng

is program is designed to integrate new service members into the community. It provides information about vital services that are o ered here on Joint Base San Antonio Fort Sam Houston. e Newcomers Brie ng takes place at 8:00 AM at Building 2797 Stanley Road. It is mandatory for all new arrivals to Fort Sam Houston. e Army and Navy personnel will take place on the rst Friday of each month and the Army and Air Force will attend on the third Friday of each Month.

Trails and Tales of Fort Sam Houston Tour

You’ll experience ghost haunts to high tech centers as we drive by and visit historic post sites. For DoD card holders only. For additional information, call (210) 221-2418.

Lending Closet

Hours: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

e Closet provides temporary loans of household items to incoming and departing Permanent party personnel ( rst priority), Students (second priority) and TDY, Retirees and Civilians (third priority) assigned to the area. List of items: High Chairs, Cribs, Strollers, Pots and Pan, Dishes, Silverware, Co eepots, Baking Dishes, Iron, Ironing Boards, Toaster, Futon, Vacuum Cleaner, Table and Chairs. ere is a 30-day time limit on borrowed items.

Sponsorship Training

Sponsorship Training is conducted quarterly for designated sponsors at Army Community Service or at the unit upon request. e sponsor receives a guide with step-by-step instructions on how to assist their assigned service member and family.

Overseas Orientations

Overseas orientations are o ered monthly and targeted according to destination such as Korea, Germany, Japan, Hawaii, Italy and Belgium. Topics include entitlements, reimbursements, household goods shipments, recognizing and dealing with the emotional stress of relocation, Command and Non-command Sponsored tours, Employment, and Education. If you want to learn the culture, language and special concerns of the area.

Warrior & Family Support Center (WFSC)

3628 Rawley E. Chamber Rd.

Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

Phone: (210) 916-8219 e Warrior & Family Support Center (WFSC) o ers a comfortable environment for injured soldiers and their families to relax and socialize during the soldier’s medical rehabilitation. As the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) continues, injured Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen are transported to major medical facilities located on military installations. e facility itself includes a central reception area, computer and meeting area with internet access, and a recreation/entertainment area. e WFSC also serves as a resource center for information and referral services.

BAMC physicians recognize the need for family members to be directly involved in the rehabilitation of their service members. A vital part of a patient’s recovery is to have a familiar environment where they can feel comfortable.

NON-MWR Community Services

Health Care - Bene ciary Counseling Assistance Coordinators Health

Bene ts/Tricare

3851 Roger Brooke Drive

Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

Phone: (210) 916-1876

San Antonio Military Medical Center Building 3600

Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

Phone: (210) 916-4141

Dental Clinics - Budget Dental Clinic

2981 Garden Avenue, Building 1268

Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

Phone: (210) 808-3735

Rhodes Dental Clinic

1967 Stanley Road, Building 2375

Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

Phone: (210) 295-4095

Veterinary Treatment Facility


2332 Harney Road, Building 2635

Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234

Phone: (210) 808-6104 e Fort Sam Houston Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) is located in Building 2635 on Harney Road behind the Harlequin Dinner eater. ey are open for over the counter sales and appointment scheduling from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. e clinic is closed on or about the last working day of every month for inventory. Sick calls and vaccination services are conducted by appointment and available Monday through Friday.

Vaccinations and routine preventive medicine procedures are performed on healthy pets by veterinary technicians. If your pet needs to be seen for something other than routine vaccinations or procedures, please make sure your appointment is with a veterinarian rather than a technician.

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