Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas or concepts

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Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas or concepts, or new associations between known ideas and concepts, which usually produce original solutions. Creativity is synonymous with the "original thought", the "constructive imagination," the "divergent thinking" or "creative thinking". Creativity is a skill typical of human cognition, also present to some extent in some higher primates, and absent in algorithmic computation, for example. Creativity, like other brain abilities such as intelligence, memory, includes several intertwined mental processes are not completely deciphered by physiology. They referred to in the singular, to give greater simplicity to the explanation. For example, memory is a complex process involving short-term memory, long term memory and sensory memory The original thinking is a mental process that is born of the imagination. It is not known how mental strategies differ from conventional thinking and creative, but the quality of creativity can be assessed by the end result.

Creativity is also developed in many animal species, but it seems that the skill gap between two cerebral hemispheres is unique to humans. A major difficulty in assessing animal creativity, is that in most species, their brains are totally different from ours, being specialized in responding to stimuli and visual, olfactory, pressure and humidity own needs. We can only appreciate the creativity more easily, on differences in behavior between individuals in social animals, songs, courtship, nest building, and use of tools Creative personality The creative genius Charlie Chaplin, one of the founders of United Artists, with Jackie Coogan in The boy There are often a number of studies that compared with their less creative colleagues to creative individuals and selected based on their achievements and who include architects, scientists and writers. The difference between the relatively highly creative and not creative is not in the intelligence as it is measured in intelligence tests. The creative individual can, however, differentiate themselves in terms of personality traits. There are certainly many exceptions, but in general it has been found that the creative individual tends to be introverted, need long periods of solitude and seems to have little time for what he called banalities of everyday life and social relationships. Creative individuals tend to be highly intuitive and be more interested in the abstract meaning of the outside world for its sensory perception.

Creative individuals often display difficulty relating to other people and often avoid social contacts. Often they are shown inclination to consider that most normal people is short and trends dominate others, which set them apart from human relationships in a degree of equality.

Creative individuals also appear to be relatively free from prejudices and conventions, and do not particularly interested in what their peers or anyone think of them. They have little respect for the traditions and established rules and by the authority in relation to their field of activity, preferring to rely on their own judgment. Creative men often obtain higher scores on tests of "femininity", which indicates that they are more sensitive and more aware of themselves and more open to emotion and intuition than the average man of Western culture. A feature in them is the preference for complexity. Imagine that you have a new idea that anyone has ever seen or known and society just do not think they believe you need a creative individual to cope with what he did. You need to plan the strategy ... to get your idea is accepted and promoted, if economic investment required to throw to walk. Infect others may be the plan, maybe do teamwork with some more could be part of the plan, and so exhaust all possibilities. Between individuals of creative personality can be distinguished, roughly two distinct groups: the artistic and scientific. The basic features are the same in both, but in general, the artist is given to express their dissatisfaction in his life and in his work, the scientist. The informal artist is current, but unconventional scientist is relatively rare. Creative artists and scientists tend to be even more emotionally stable currents and when this does not happen people, the instability manifests itself as anxiety, depression, social apprehension or excitability, something like a full-blown neurosis. Among the artists and writers, genius gets confused and is associated often with madness; in this category of people demonstrated all too

often serious neurosis, addiction to drugs and alcohol and various forms of insanity. There is little relationship between creativity and intelligence quotient (IQ); It supports highly creative and have normal intelligence, or possess high intelligence and lack of creativity. ¿ How often have in common creative people?? An aquatic bird (origami).

wings shaking in a pond full of water lilies

Optical illusion: the square (slopes off) with the letter A is the same color as the letter B. • Self confidence • Value • Flexibility • High capacity of association • fineness of perception • Intuitive Capacity • Imagination • Critical capacity • Intellectual curiosity • affective features feel loved and protected • ease and freedom • Enthusiasm • Depth • Tenacity The key to enhance creativity, both personal and business areas can be summarized in four aspects:

1. The search for "element" is necessary: that aspect, subject, project internalized personal fulfillment, and allows the individual is perceived as "someone who will leave a mark" in his lifetime stage. 2. The passion and transverse component in the levels of emotional intelligence, is present in the process of search and selection of our "element". 3. Proof, work and control: creative processes are characterized by a high level of effort, planning, repetition and feedback. Normally, a wrongly been associated unequivocally with instant creativity and intended reach of very few "happy idea." 4. Risk extrapolated from the "comfort zone": creativity inherently involves courage, risk and daring. The analogy with the main characters and heroes of most tales or comic, is very important to identify the need to "get away from the routine and how comfortable" for enhancing cognitive and emotional connections creativity.

Blocks to creativity The creator of the development strategy of the Locks of Creativity is the US - Alvin L. Simberg. Humans possess a high degree of need for socializing, which influences their behavior, to the extent that most, all he wants is to play its role as a social subject. To achieve integration into society, with the necessary activities, it is essential a form to orient themselves, accept what is good and what is bad.

In the learning stage the person will cling to stereotypes, to solve their biological and social needs, assuming certain patterns and models, which serve as guidelines to meet those needs and oriented in the social environment. Normally, the individual must not seek anything out of those patterns much less create new ones, if not to be rejected. Thus the provided individual of those rules, norms and patterns of social interaction becomes a social personality, subject to all activities at the level of civilization of society, shaping his personality. Inventiveness can not be taught, but can be learned, breaking the routine life, that is, breaking with always doing the same, or perhaps simply to do more of the same. That means that the same individual who is seeking the imagination (or creative idea) is the one who must delve into his own mind and work in itself to develop their own thinking skills and personality. Blockages in principle, may be due to several circumstances: •

A deep expertise.

Extreme rationalism.

Shallow focus.

Lack of trust.

Reduced motivation.

Poor ability to listen.

Excessive respect for authority.

No critical thinking, no observer.

They can be of different nature: Emotional blocks: In general fear of ridicule or wrong, and is related to a negative self-criticism.

Perceptive locks: Sensing the world around us, we see a limited and narrow optics, not being able to observe what others, creative, seen clearly. Cultural blocks: Social norms train us to see and think in a certain way, which gives us a narrow view.

Creativity and intelligence We have studied the relationship between creativity and intelligence and has long advocated a correlation between the two, but not so for the following reasons: It seems more likely that creative individuals among people with a high IQ among people of low IQ, but not all subjects are creative intelligent were met.

A belief suggests lefties whose right cerebral hemisphere, usually more developed, they are more intelligent or creative than righthanders, although there are unresolved debate within the scientific community about how to relate intelligence to creativity. Some studies have shown that there is little correlation between left-handed and creativity-intelligence. Several examples can be seen in the left-handed article, famous lefties. Currently it is believed that creativity and intelligence are quite different mental capacities. Intelligence, which can be seen in traditional tests that assessed may be regarded as convergent thinking, the ability to follow guidelines accepted thought and provide correct solutions to a given problem. And it is said that most intelligence tests measure current on all the powers and activity of the left cerebral hemisphere. Creativity is measured by the results, because this is the way to see what is to be unique, as

others watch beautiful creations of color, shape and innovation that comes from being creative in everyday situations or troubleshooting. The skill gap between the two cerebral hemispheres seems to be exclusive feature of human beings.

Biology of Creativity Until a few years ago, it was thought that the brain had exclusive zones of operation until by means of imaging could be determined that when a function is performed, the brain acts similarly to a symphony orchestra interacting several areas together. Furthermore it was established that when a not specialized cerebral area is damaged, another area can realize a partial replacement of its functions.

There are many theories about how each cerebral hemisphere affects how a person thinks. A divided thinkers into two camps: simultaneous and sequential linear visual. According to this hypothesis, most skilled people (who use more than their left hemisphere) processes the way information "sequential linear" in which a scheme must complete its processing before they can start with the following.

Instead, he says the hypothesis, individuals whose right hemisphere is dominant, as in supposedly lefties and creative individuals process information with "visual simultaneity", way in which several schemes are processed simultaneously. An example to understand it is to imagine that there are thousand pop corn, one of which is colored pink. A "sequential linear" individual look one by one the pieces until finding the colored pink, while an individual "visual simultaneity" will extend all, visually look to all popcorn and see that one is pink. A side effect of these ways to process information is that individuals of left cerebral laterality need to complete one task before starting the next. Individuals right cerebral laterality, in contrast, comforts them to cross several tasks, so they have more skill. This makes them appear to the majority (lateral cerebral left) or not terminasen anything. Alternatively, individuals of "visual simultaneity" have excellent multitasking ability, which may be at the origin of the anecdotes that suggest they are more creative. Most people process information using the "analysis", which is the method to solve a problem decomposing in units and analyzing these one by one. In contrast, individuals of "visual simultaneity" and most lefties, process information using "synthesis" in which a problem as a whole, trying to use a method of relations to solve the problem is solved.

Finally, these ways of thinking are not an "all or nothing". The processing style operates as a continuum where some people are more "visually simultaneous" and others are "sequential linear". This can be explained better with computer science. A microprocessor can only process one piece of information at a time, regardless of how many tasks being performed. But a computer with several processors doing the same at the same speed is faster.

Since we do not know exactly how the human brain works, this hypothesis about different ways of processing information must be confirmed or ruled out by further research.

Studied by Neurobiology, the biological factors in their majority are due to heredity. Thus, mental maturation, followed by a pace set by the genes. It is very important the influence of environment, social and natural, affecting the individual.

The creativity can be seen as divergent thinking, and the ability to think in an original and innovative way, that is out of the accepted guidelines and manages to find different solutions to a problem, even changing the approach of the problem.

The so-called lateral or divergent thinking, today, is really very little is known with certainty and even more when compared with other fields of psychological research. It is known for example that the two brain hemispheres replica of one another, are involved in different kinds of activity. The most active in the righthanded left hemisphere specializes mainly in proceedings relating to induction, deduction and language, while the right hemisphere

gives us the powers of vision and visual memory, spatial sense, appreciation the shape and color and creativity. His way of preparing and processing the information other than the left hemisphere. It does not use the conventional mechanisms for analyzing the thoughts that uses the left hemisphere. It is an integrating hemisphere that conceives the situations and strategies of thought, of a total way. Center of the visual-spatial abilities nonverbal specializes in sensations, feelings and spatial skills, visual and audible and visual skills like music, it integrates various types of information (sounds, images, smells, feelings) and transmits them as a whole.

Are however many unexplained areas. The specific anatomical relations between the intellectual functions and groups of brain cells are still to be defined. The processes of short-term memory and long term memory, awareness of "self", the "subconscious", the "superego", the frontal lobe and personality, endorphins and other neurotransmitters, thought .. . for example, they are so complex that its operation may involve the whole brain and not just certain regions thereof. Research has shown that creative innovation requires "co-activation and communication between brain regions that most people are poorly connected." Very creative people tend to differentiate themselves from others in three points: they know very deeply that activity, are able to use divergent thinking through the frontal lobe, and can modulate

neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine in the frontal lobe. Thus, it appears that the frontal lobe is the most important part of creativity cortex. The study also emphasized the links between sleep, mood, addiction and depression, with creativity (see article Consciousness (Psychiatry)). Another study found that creativity is higher in the schizoid people that people with schizophrenia compared with other people. Divergent thinking is associated with bilateral activation of the prefrontal cortex, the schizoid seem to have increased activation of the right prefrontal cortex. This study established the hypothesis that these individuals have better access to the two hemispheres, which allows them to make new partnerships at a faster pace. Creativity has also been studied in relation to bipolar disorder. Characteristics It should be clarified that there is no stereotype of the individual creator, but all have certain similarities. Some of these similarities are outlined below: 1. They show a great intellectual curiosity. 2. discerned and observed differently. 3. They have in their minds extensive information that can combine, choose and extrapolate to solve problems.

4. Demonstrate empathy toward people and toward the divergent ideas. 5. Most can be introverted. 6. They are not aware of what others think about them and are fairly free from restrictions and conventional inhibitions. 7. They are not conformists in their ideas, but also anticonformist. They are rather, truly independent. Creative quantification The variables most frequently used to measure creativity are: Fluency: the ability to produce ideas and associations of ideas on a concept, object or situation. Flexibility is the ability to quickly adapt to new situations or unforeseen obstacles, going to our past experiences and adapting to the new environment. Originality: is the ability to see things differently and uniquely. Preparation: degree of finish. It is the capacity that makes it possible to build anything starting from a prior information. Sensitivity is the ability to grasp the problems, openness to the environment, the quality that focuses interest to people, things or situations external to the individual. Re-definition: the ability to understand ideas, concepts or objects differently than had been done before, taking advantage of them for completely new purposes. Abstraction refers to the ability to analyze the components of a project and understand the relationships between these components; ie extract details already developed a whole. Synthesis: the opposite of abstraction, is the ability to combine several components to reach all creative. It is, it is a process

based on the analysis of the elements of a problem is able to create new definitions conclusive fact of the matter studied. The detailed analysis describes, as creative synthesis concludes with explanations of the operation of a system or a problem. This is because the synthesis results in the redefinition to establish new relationships between parts of a system, regardless of the scope (social, political, labor. Communication, etc.).

Social media and creativity Postits creativity tools The various types of human societies limit or enhance the creativity of individuals and shape their identity (See persecution). Tradition and creativity are complementary parts of human ingenuity, based on imagination, which are reflected forming identity traits. Creativity comes from the fantasy and imagination, freeing conformity and convention, to fill the gaps that the logical mind can not fill, thoughts and ideas beyond reality, bringing the future every day. Innovation in business is achieved now paying close attention to research and development, or may be developed by mere modifications in practice of work, exchanges and combinations of professional experience and in many other ways. In any case, innovations are documented and protected by patents or other intellectual property scheme. In fact, the level of innovation of a region can be estimated with the number of patents generated. In the social and economic level there are similarities between creativity and innovation. While the first, according to the dictionary of the RAE is "the power to create or the ability to create" innovation is the result of an idea (new creative input) applied and have entered into the market. The difference between them is the potential profitability of the idea. As argued throughout the article, creativity is inherent to the human being.

Although you can promote and exercise, but innovation requires a practical application of this innovation management that ultimately ends up being the management of the creative idea novedosa.2 Innovation does not need to be technological. For example, although there was no technological novelty, when the restaurant chain McDonald's applied the concept of production line to create a restaurant could use workers with little experience to make

large amounts of food in a standard quality and very quickly inventing the fast food industry. S谩nchez Bur贸n identifies four building blocks for the development of creativity: The creative product, creative person, creative processes and environments for creatividad.3 Greene said that when you live in a situation where there is no diversity of resources, people become acutely aware of its limits, required to make the most of what they own, becoming inventivas.The creative economy is the set of sectors of the economy that focus on creativity. It includes the knowledge economy and cultural industry.

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