Cosmic Brain Trust 10 point program The Cosmic Brain Trust is a group of creative people that network and collaborate on new ideas and projects that they enjoy and believe are of value to their communities. Here are main areas of activity: 1. Media The Cosmic Brain Trust has a long publishing history beginning with Cosmic Circus magazine (1979) and the prototype graphic novel, “Last American Novel” in 1985. Other products included the Universal Game and the multimedia graphic novel trilogy, Strangest story ever told. See the product list online @: Previews @: 2. Electric Church Jimi Hendrix founded the Electric Church in 1969. Jimi Hendrix is considered by many to be the greatest Rock guitarist in history. He was also a writer, poet, producer, visual artist, philosopher and shamanic visionary. His ideas were like seeds. Among those ideas was one that was close to his heart, the Electric Church. The Church is a movement, not a conventional organization or corporation. Jimi spoke of his desire to create music so powerful that it could elevate the consciousness and invoke a spiritual experience in the listener. Jimi studied all forms of music and reached out to great talents from various fields to produce multimedia presentations and projects. We actively seek to continue Jimi's vision with the creative exploration of classical, popular, tribal and world music as well as the latest technology in preparation for the envisioned transformation of humankind toward a better world. More info@: 3. Sanctuary The goal of this coalition is to acknowledge, inspire, counsel and motivate the presently marginal members of society. Historically, churches have provided sanctuary for those suffering from persecutions both physical and spiritual. Today the challenges facing our communities are monumental and many established institutions, both religious and secular, have not fully addressed the real needs of those at risk, especially our troubled youth. The Sanctuary programs are designed to nurture self-empowerment and a community spirit. Part of this process is to deprogram participants from institutionalized propaganda, misinformation and covert mind control tactics of corporations, government agencies and religious cults. This is also a Facebook (CBT) group created to provide information and links to free services, contacts and products that are alternatives to mainstream corporatism. Network link: 4.Time Banks The mission of Time Banks is to nurture and expand a movement that promotes equality and builds caring community economies through inclusive exchange of time and talent. Time banking is a pattern of reciprocal service exchange that uses units of time as currency. It is an example of an alternative monetary system. A time bank, also known as a service exchange, is a community that practices time banking. The unit of currency, always valued at an hour's worth of any person's labor, used by these groups has various names, but is generally known as a time dollar in the U.S. and a time credit in the U.K. Time banking is primarily used to provide and incentives rewards for work such as mentoring children, caring for the elderly, being neighborly—work usually done on a volunteer basis—which a pure market system devalues. Essentially, the "time" one spends providing these types of community services earns "time" that one can spend to receive services. Join @:
5. Democratic Taxation Grassroots referendum: This legislation specifies that all tax forms must include a list of government programs, along with the government proposed budget (by percentage). All taxpayers shall have the right to allocate their own tax money in the proportion they see fit. This provides the government clear guidelines for expenditures and increases the effectiveness of our democratic ideal. 6. Support the Occupy Movement Protest against social and economic inequality, high unemployment, greed, as well as corruption, and the undue influence of corporations- particularly that of the financial services sector. We are the 99%. See our ongoing videos on the Occupy movement and other events @: Occupy movement updates @: 7. Full Disclosure Support the referendum and demand for full disclosure of U.S. government cover-ups of assassinations, mind control experiments, black budgets (incl. underground bases), UFOs, CIA abuses and corporate conspiracies. The movement for full disclosure began with the assassination of President Kennedy and the resulting cover-up. 8. Universal Game The Universal Game bears some interesting similarities to the World Game, a concept first conceived by Buckminster Fuller in 1921. In the World Game we are onboard Spaceship Earth. The World Game requires global information public network access for it to work but was unavailable at the time of the original presentations. Information sources are brought into the “game room” which in the Universal Game is called “game paths” or time lines. One of the major differences between the World Game and the Universal Game is the conceptual scope parameters. The World Game is played with a world map or grid. The Universal Game is not limited to planetary systems science data. It is centered in consciousness both individual and universal. The thought processes of all life, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, provide the blueprint to create geophysical systems and events. The Universal Game is a blueprint for future possibilities and a key to entering that future by understanding the past. 9. Self health resource This is an online resource for alternative medicine, self-healing, mediation, regenerative fasting, and organic foods, superfoods. No antibiotics in food. No electroconvulsive therapy, routine circumcision, no forced fluoridation, GMOs or food irradiation. 10. Online Community Library and Exchange Rare and out of print books, DVDs and photos are available for view, trade, sale or auction. Cosmic Brain Trust @:
Strange news from another world Book two of the Strangest story ever told trilogy
In the center of our being is a vortex of space-time. We are the space between our thoughts. Within that space is the source called X.
The universal formula of X:
X=0+1 X: According to Huey P. Newton, founder of the Black Panther Party, X is death, the unknown factor. It also represents God, a concept that condenses as we gain knowledge. There will come a time, he insisted, when man’s knowledge will reveal the ultimate truth, expose the face of God and destroy the power of death. Thus X becomes zero as it was before the creation of the universe. 0: The universal mind resides in space, the point of unity between all objects. 1: from nothingness the original One thought became self-aware (love) and gave birth to itself (duality). Details@: