Reynaers Aluminium - Smart Buildings - Training in a box components '21

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Training in the box ‘21 Components

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Product info 1. Ekey 2. Fuhr

5-10 5-7 8-10


Components overview 1. Ekey 1. Home FS Arte laser Reynaers 2. Fingerprint scanner Integra BT + RFID + 2 cards mounting frame 3. Keypad panel + ekey home keypad Integra 4. Control panel multi DRM 4 relay 5. Control panel micro 1 relay 6. Control panel micro + Bluetooth 1 relay 7. Module mini – SE CP 2. Fuhr 1. Control unit for rail autotronic 2. Electronic control autotronic 3. 3-point lock 4. Cable passage 5. Detachable cable transfer with PSU 3. E-cabinet 1. Transformer cabinet 12V-3A 2. Cabinet with cables 3. Cable for push button

11-29 11-19 11-12 13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20 21 22-29 22-23 24-25 26-27 28 29 30-32 30 31 32

Further information




1. Fast search ekey


Control panel micro 1 relay


Control panel micro + BT 1 relay

Module mini – SE CP


Control panel multi DRM 4 Relay



Autotronic 834

Electronic control Autotronic

Control unit for Rail Autotronic



2. Product info 2.1 ekey Training in the box includes 2 finger scanners (Arte build in with Bluetooth and Integra surface mounted with Bluetooth) and 1 keypad build in. Each scanner or keypad has a controller to store safely the fingers or number combinations. The scanner or keypad cannot be tempered to unlock. The control unit contains a relay output to unlock.

!!! Prevent the control unit from being accessible from outside as it can unlock the door.

The finger scanner or keypad has 5 possible integrations. This determines the cabling to the lock and the control unit.

!!! Arte finger scanner can only be placed in a profile; frame or sash.


Overview of ekey controllers (= control units) included into training in the box per access control element:


1 relay 061.8446.--





1 relay 061.8446.--


1 Relay, 1 digital output 061.8475.--

No Bluetooth, up to 4 relays and 4 scanners & time function

!!! In Reynaers product range there is one more DIN rail mounted control unit with article number: 0618447 with 1 relay, 1 digital input. With this control unit you can only operate a single registration unit (finger scanner or keypad). This control unit can be used for Integra with RFID or keypad, but not with arte and not with Bluetooth version of Integra. For Integra version with Bluetooth please use controller 061.8475 (DIN rail mounting).


ekey devices can work with 12VDC same as is also needed for Fuhr devices. But they also can work with 24VDC; this will ease the installation with a sliding motor or other 24VDC appliances; e.g. chain drives, electric locks, blinds motors. Using the mobile App – ekey home app - on your smartphone simplifies the teaching-in of fingers and eases the management of the users. Also unlocking of the door is possible. The app is only working when you are in reach of the Bluetooth of the controller. This is typically around the door. It is not possible to control the lock from internet! Download the app by the following link: ekey home app - Apps on Google Play

!!! The app is only for Arte or Integra finger scanners with Bluetooth. Not for keypad. General hints for achieving a good-quality fingerprint: • • • • •

The index, middle, and ring fingers work best F2-F3-F4 & F7-F8-F9. The thumb F5-F6 and little finger F1-F0 supply fingerprints that are difficult to analyze. In the case of fingers that are frequently wet, store the images with wet fingers. Children's fingerprints work from approx. 5 years of age Recommended finger numbering:

Each Access Control installation can be connected to extra potential free NO (normally open) contacts; example: (video) doorbell, push button, smart home installation...

!!! There is no need for additional Fuhr control unit to install an additional potential free contact.


2.2 Fuhr Electric Fuhr locks are connectable to an external Access Control. The correct choice of the electric Fuhr lock depends on door type and the desired security level. Access Control and electric Fuhr locks are working on 12VDC. These can be connected to the same 12VDC power supply. 12VDC power supply units (PSU) with 2A max current have enough power to support both applications. Please note there is one power supply unit needed per lock. !!! The Fuhr control unit is only needed for installation of: automatic door opener, permanently open function and alarm system feedback from the door; time clocks and time delay units.

The alarm feedback is based on the alignment of the magnets that are in the receiver of the locking points. Locking points in a door are the shoot bolts of the lock. The alarm feedback is not based on the locking point’s position. At the moment 2 electromagnetic lock types from Fuhr are supported: • Autotronic 834 • Multitronic 881GL

The lock included in the training in the box is autotronic 834 lock. With regards to electrical connectivity, both lock types work the same way and have the same electrical terminal and interfaces. There are 2 separate control units for both locks. The usability is different between both lock types. Autotronic 834 electric locks are closing without the use of electricity. Once the door is in closed position, triggered by the aligned magnets, the locking points will automatically (mechanically) engage. The lock is RC2 approved by Reynaers. Unlocking the door is electrical. An electric pulse signal will withdraw the locking points. Multitronic 881 GL electric locks are using electricity for locking and unlocking. The aligned magnets will trigger locking the door, unlocking is with an electric pulse identical as the Autotronic locks.

!!! Motorized locking is taking some time. The door needs to stay aligned to close. On the other hand, the Multitronic is more secure locking: RC3 certified. !!! Multitronic is only available in panic version. This means that the door always can be opened from the inside via the handle, even without electricity.


For practice purposes please follow the training videos or create your own simulations via Access Control selection tool. Hereby few hints: My door is… 1) Normal Focus on option with e-cabinet Focus on detachable cable passage Choice of correct controller per access control element 2) Pivot door Focus on mounting of the control element in the wall rather than frame or door Focus on spring loaded contacts for cable passage 3) Sliding door Focus on e-cabinet Focus on controller choice Focus on button


E-cabinet… 1. I chose one: Just follow the preselected items on the installation guide 2. I do not have enough space to install Reynaers preselected e-cabinets: identify the needed power supply, controller for the lock if needed and controller for the access control element and follow the electrical connection guides


3. Components overview 3.1 ekey 3.1.1 ekey home FS Arte laser Reynaers

Part number: 061.8423 - SY Function: designed for opening house doors, apartment doors, and garage doors in homes and businesses. Description: the finger scanner detects the fingerprint by means of a line sensor and subsequently processes it. It compares the result with that of the biometric information saved from the reference fingerprint image and opens the door in the event of a match. The finger scanner only works correctly and reliably with the front phalanx print. Swipe your finger steadily and evenly over the sensor in the correct position. Connect me to (*): • CONTROL PANEL MICRO + BLEUTOOTH 1 RELAY (061.8446. --); • 3-POINT LOCK 843 autotronic (061.8563.ZC) • Power supply (061.8414) • e-cabinet (062.8245)


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

Connect with: • AA cable 3.5 m Arte (061.8425.–) • 062.8617 Split Cable Arte 8 pos. x 0.4m Mounting options: build in sash or frame Link to data sheet: Operating_instructions_ekey_home_CP_mini_micro_en_web_ID203_3004.pdf

!!! The ekey home app can be used in conjunction with the Bluetooth finger scanner only. The Bluetooth is located in the controller, so do not hide the controller in the basement but close to the cable passage.


3.1.2 Fingerprint scanner Integra BT + RFID + 2 Cards + Mounting frame Integra

Part number: 061.8440 061.8459-SY Function: designed for opening house doors, apartment doors, and garage doors in homes and businesses. Description: the finger scanner detects the fingerprint by means of a line sensor and subsequently processes it. It compares the result with that of the biometric information extracted from the reference fingerprint image and opens the door in the event of a match. The finger scanner only works correctly and reliably with the front phalanx print. Swipe your finger steadily and evenly over the sensor in the correct position. The models with RFID functionality detect and identify RFID transponders. Connect me to (*): • Control panel micro 1 relay (061.8445. -) • MODULE MINI – SE CP (061.8475) • 3-POINT LOCK 843 autotronic (061.8563.ZC) • Power supply (061.8414) • E-cabinet (062.8245)


Connect with: • Cable A 3,5 m (061.8432.--)

Link to data sheet: Operating_instructions_ekey_home_CP_WM_IN_en_web_ID171_3001.pdf 13

*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

3.1.3 ekey keypad panel + ekey home keypad Integra

Part number: 061.8427 - SY 061.8426 Function: designed for opening house doors, apartment doors, and garage doors in homes and businesses. Description: The code pad captures the user code by means of the capacitive keypad. The user code opens the door. The code pad compares what has been entered with the stored reference codes. The code pad can handle user codes containing 4 to 8 digits. The digits in the user code cannot all be the same; at least one of them must be different. There are 2 types of pin code: The admin code for configuring the system and the user code for opening doors. If the code is entered incorrectly 3 times, there will be a 1-minute lock. If the code is then entered incorrectly a further 3 times, there will be a 15- minute lock. There will be a 15-minute lock each time the code is entered incorrectly after that. Connect me to (*): • Control panel micro 1 relay (061.8445. -) • CONTROL PANEL MULTI DRM 4 RELAY (061.8448.-- ) • MODULE MINI – SE CP (061.8475) • 3-POINT LOCK 843 autotronic (061.8563.ZC) • E-cabinet (062.8245) • Power supply (061.8414)




*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

Connect with (*): • Cable A 3,5 m (061.8432.--) • 062.8616 Split Cable Integra BT/ Keypad 8 pos. x 0.4m Link to data sheet: Operating_instructions_ekey_home_CP_mini_micro_en_web_ID203_3004.pdf !!! The code pad switches back to normal mode after 10 seconds if nothing has been pressed. When this happens, any inputs or changes that are attempted will be rejected. Multiple wrong attempts will set a back-off timer to prevent trial and error. Only waiting or a reset will clear the timer.


3.1.4 ekey control panel multi DRM 4 relay

Part number: 061.8448 Function: The control panel works with any ekey home registration unit. You can operate up to 4 registration units per control panel. The control panel is the actuator of the system. The control panel switches up to 4 relays and makes 4 digital inputs available. No Bluetooth! Description: The system is comprised of between one and four registration units and a control panel. The biometric access control system detects the characteristics (minutiae) of the fingerprint contours, compares them to the biometric information saved from the reference fingerprint image, and opens the door in the event of a match. One variant allows the user to be identified and the door opened by means of an RFID transponder. The mental access control system detects the user codes which are entered, compares them to the stored reference user codes, and opens the door in the event of a match. It is possible to operate several doors with 1 reader or other external electrical contacts. To do this, a Multi-control unit with the possibility of up to 4 relays must be used. Up to 4 scanners can be connected. The Multi-control unit also offers the possibility to create access for certain periods of time. Mounting type: Mounted in distributor box, DIN-rail mounted Connect me to (*): • Integra • Integra+RFID • keypad


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

Connect with: 061.8477 EXTENSION CABLE INTEGRA/KEYPAD - CONTROLLER 4pos. x 0.14 mm² length: 8m Link to data sheet: Operating_instructions_ekey_multi_CP_DRM_4_en_web_ID190_3005.pdf !!! Multi-unit is only possible with INTEGRA(+RFID) and Keypad. Not on BT versions. !!! Selecting multi-unit control unit in the decision matrix has to be done only 1 for up to 4 readers and 4 locks. !!! Network: If you connect more than one registration unit to the ekey multi CP DRM 4, this creates a network. Pay attention to the network topology and terminations.


3.1.5 ekey control panel micro 1 relay

Part number: 061.8445 Function: The control panel is the actuator of the system. The control panel switches one relay and makes a digital input available for the models with one relay. Is preselected for Integra / Integra+RFID and keypad. Description: This product is an access control system with a biometric or mental identification feature (finger scan or pin code). The system is comprised of a registration unit and control panel. It is available in various models and component combinations. The biometric access control system detects the characteristics (minutiae) of the fingerprint contours, compares them to the biometric information saved from the reference fingerprint image, and opens the door in the event of a match.. The non-physical access control system detects the pin codes which are entered, compares them to the stored reference codes, and opens the door in the event of a match. The system is primarily designed for opening house doors, apartment doors, and garage doors in homes and businesses. Mounting type: integration in doors Connect me to (*): • Integra • Integra+RFID • keypad


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

Connect with: Cable A 3,5m (061.8432.—) Link to data sheet: Operating_instructions_ekey_home_CP_mini_micro_en_web_ID203_3004.pdf

!!! Keypad is configured via the keypad itself. Integra has to be a Bluetooth version in order to teach-in the fingers and manage the scanner. The Bluetooth module is in the scanner, so the app can be used around the door. Since the Bluetooth is in the scanner the controller can be safely placed in the electric cabinet!


3.1.6 ekey control panel micro + Bluetooth 1 Relay

Part number: 061.8446 Function: The ekey home CP micro plus control panel works with the ekey home finger scanner arte. You can only operate 1 finger scanner per control panel. The control panel is the actuator of the system. The control panel switches a relay and makes a digital input available. Description: This product is an access control system with a biometric identification feature (finger scan). The system is comprised of between one registration unit and a control panel. The biometric access control system detects the characteristics (minutiae) of the fingerprint contours, compares them to the biometric information saved from the reference fingerprint image, and opens the door in the event of a match. The system is primarily designed for opening house doors, apartment doors, and garage doors in homes and businesses. To ensure proper use, the ekey system must be installed in accordance with the mounting instructions and the wiring diagram. Mounting type: integration in doors Connect me to (*): • Fingerscanner Arte

Connect with: • Cable A 3,5m (061.8432.—) • 062.8617 Split Cable Arte 8 pos. x 0.4m Link to data sheet: Operating_instructions_ekey_home_CP_micro_plus_en_web_ID251_3014.pdf


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

3.1.7 ekey Module mini – SE CP

Part number: 061.8475 Function: The control panel is the actuator of the system. The control panel switches one or two relays and makes a digital input available for the models with one relay. The model with two relays does not have a digital input. Description: This product is an access control system with a biometric or mental identification feature (finger scan or user code). The system is comprised of registration unit and a control panel. The biometric access control system detects the characteristics (minutiae) of the fingerprint contours, compares them to the biometric information saved from the reference fingerprint image, and opens the door in the event of a match. The mental access control system detects the user codes which are entered, compares them to the stored reference user codes, and opens the door in the event of a match. The system is primarily designed for opening house doors, apartment doors, and garage doors in homes and businesses. To ensure proper use, the ekey system must be installed in accordance with the mounting instructions and the wiring diagram. Mounting type: Mounting DIN rails Connect me to (*): • Integra • Integra + RFID • Integra + RFID + Bluetooth • Keypad

Connect with: • 061.8477 EXTENSION CABLE INTEGRA/KEYPAD - CONTROLLER 4pos. x 0.14 mm² length: 8m Link to data sheet: Operating_instructions_ekey_home_CP_mini_micro_en_web_ID203_3004.pdf 21

*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

3.2 Fuhr 3.2.1 Control unit for rail autotronic

Part number: 061.8326 Function: day-latch function: will pull-in all locking points but not the day latch; permanently open function: will pull-in all locking points and the day latch; door is completely free (push to open & closing via door-restrictor/closer). .

Description: The Fuhr control unit is only needed for installation of: automatic door opener, permanently open function (day-open) and alarm system feedback from the door. No RF integration is available for din rail version used in e-cabinet. The additional inputs make it easy to connect multiple potential free contacts (buttons) in addition. Mounting type: DIN rail Connect me to (*): • 3-point lock autotronic 843 (061.8563.ZC) • Power supply


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

Connect with: • 062.8613 Fuhr Lock Cable 6 Wires 8pos. x 4m • 062.8615 Split Cable Fuhr Controller 8 pos. x 0.7m Link to data sheet: Fuhr_down_QSG_834_DE-GB.pdf

!!! Control unit for rail multitronic: 061.8327


3.2.2 Electronic control autotronic

Part number: 061.8316 Function: day-latch function: will pull-in all locking points but not the day latch; permanently open function (day-open): will pull-in all locking points and the day latch; door is completely free (push to open & closing via door-restrictor/closer); Pre-wired 3core. RF included. .

Description: The Fuhr control unit is only needed for installation of: automatic door opener, permanently open function and alarm system feedback from the door. With RF integration. Mounting type: Build-in Connect me to (*): • 3-point lock autotronic 843 (EX. 061.8563.ZC) • Power supply


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

Connect with: • 062.8613 Fuhr Lock Cable 6 Wires 8pos. x 4m • 062.8615 Split Cable Fuhr Controller 8 pos. x 0.7m Link to data sheet: Fuhr_down_QSG_834_DE-GB.pdf


3.2.3 3-point lock

Part number: EX. 061.8563.ZC Function: Upon closing the door, two latches extend automatically and become robust latching deadbolts with 20 mm protrusion. It is opened from the inside by operating the lever-handle, and from the outside via the profile cylinder key. In addition, a remote opening function is possible via the intercom system. The door can also be opened via the FUHR radio-controlled access control modules or any other access control system. .

Description: Autotronic 834 electric locks are closing without the use of electricity. Once the door is in closed position, triggered by the aligned magnets, the locking points will automatically (mechanically) engage. The lock is RC2 approved by Reynaers Aluminium. Unlock the door is electrical. An electric pulse signal will withdraw the locking points. Mounting type: Build-in Connect me to (*): • Detachable Cable Transfer with PSU (061.8414) • E-cabinet (062.8245) • Electronic control autotronic • Control unit for rail autotronic


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

Connect with: • 062.8613 Fuhr Lock Cable 6 Wires 8pos. x 4m • 062.8615 Split Cable Fuhr Controller 8 pos. x 0.7m Link to data sheet: Fuhr_down_QSG_834_DE-GB.pdf


3.2.4 Cable passage

Part number: 061.8310 Function: To be used for Pivot doors with Fuhr electronic autotronic lock 834 Fuhr controller buildin (061.8316). Description: Profile related tappet contacts Cable connector (length 4000 mm) with preassembled multi-functional jack. Contact surface Cable connector (length 250 mm) preassembled. Check catalogue for more information. Mounting type: Build-in Connect me to (*): • Fuhr controller build-in (061.8316) • Electronic control autotronic

Connect with: • 061.8329.07 Fuhr wireless passage extension cable • 061.8314.04 Fuhr wireless passage split cable Fuhr PSU and button Link to data sheet: Fuhr_down_Montage834_GB.pdf Reynaers references for cable passages: 061.8310 = for a standard flush door 061.8410 = for a standard rebated door (or window door) 061.8411 = for a pivot door 28

*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

3.2.5 Detachable cable transfer with PSU

Part number: 061.8414 Function: is used in with power in door frame and with electric cabinet Description: Detachable cable transfer reduces further the need of an electrician and increases the reliability: no disconnecting of connectors to pass wires through aluminium or fixed passage; no disconnecting wires for easy installation; no disconnecting for maintenance on the door leaf; reduces risk on damaging wires or contacts during fabrication or installation or maintenance; Guaranteed operation on in door leaf powered electronics; 8 wires transfer for all functions of indoor leaf products. Mounting type: Build-in Connect me to (*): • E-cabinet (062.8245) • 3-point lock 843 autotronic (EX.061.8563.ZC)

Connect with: • 061.8329.07 Fuhr wireless passage extension cable • 061.8314.04 Fuhr wireless passage split cable Fuhr PSU and button Link to data sheet: Fuhr_down_Montage834_GB.pdf !!! For Access Control in the sash, we recommend always a permanent (detachable) cable passage. This prevents power interruption of the finger scanner or keypad. For the electric locks this is also recommended, it deliver a more reliable operation. With the detachable cable transfer you have the ease of installation of a wireless, spring loaded contact but the operational guarantees of a fixed cable passage.

!!! Pivot doors can only handle wireless, spring-loaded, contacts, as cable passage. The access 29 control devices are preferable installed on or in the frame or wall.

*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

3.3 E-cabinets 3.3.1 Transformer cabinet 12V-3A

Part number: 062.8245 Function: for Fuhr electric locks & eKey finger scanners or keypads & eOpeners Description: Contains +12VDC & 3A, Battery backup, 1x 1,3Ah; with options to integrate: Fuhr controllers, ekey controllers up to3 locks in parallel. Only a power outlet is needed to complete the installation on site. The e-cabinet has as a standard a battery included to prevent malfunctions during power interruptions. This guarantees always a good operation. The pre-wired cabinet makes connecting without electrician and testing safe and easy. By integrating, everything in the electric cabinet makes the installation clean and secure With the electric cabinet use Fuhr control unit without RF. Autotronic controls: 061.8326.--or Multitronic: 061.8327.-- If RF is still desired, use the RF module, RF-061.8311.--on the lock itself. Mounting type: DIN rail Connect me to (*): power outlet Connect me with: see cables description below Link to datasheet: check through article website: ArticlePdfPath (


*: Please note this document is limited to components used in the training in the box!

3.3.2 Cabinet with cables

Cables included: • 062.8613 Fuhr Lock Cable 6 Wires 8pos. x 4m • 062.8614 Detachable Cable Transfer with PSU • 062.8615 Split Cable Fuhr Controller 8 pos. x 0.7m • 062.8616 Split Cable Integra BT/ Keypad 8 pos. x 0.4m • 062.8617 Split Cable Arte 8 pos. x 0.4m • 061.8329.07- Fuhr wireless passage extension cable 8m, 3 core • 061.8474 CABLE BM PLUS 8meter • 061.8473 CABLE BM 1meter • 061.8314 CONNECTING CABLE • 061.8477 EXTENSION CABLE INTEGRA/KEYPAD - CONTROLLER 4pos. x 0.14 mm² length: 8m

Function: to connect all elements of the training in the box; and few spare cables; ekey control panels micro and micro plus are to be find in this cabinet as well. Description: Cable type A: Finger scanner or keypad to control panel (= control unit) Cable type B: control panel to control panel to power supply and/or additional pulse input (switch or relay) – not needed for electric cabinet control units Cable type C: control panel to Fuhr lock or other input device, sliding motor… Each finger scanner or keypad is connected to its own control panel or control unit except of Multiunit: this is a shared electric cabinet control unit. Scanner connection is using cable type-A. Connecting the scanner directly to a control panel in an electric cabinet: SE-mini 061.8475.-- or single-CP 061.8447.-- or multi-CP 061.8448.-- requires wires to be screwed in to terminals. It might be needed to cut the cable to connect to the control terminals. The control panel needs power; all control units in or around the frame/sash have a dedicated cable type B. For all control units in the electric cabinet, power and other function wires are not foreseen from Reynaers; please contact electrician for correct handling. From the control panels a cable with 8wires will make connectivity to other systems easier. !!! Some cables are foreseen with a plug. When connecting to an external control unit, you might need to remove the plug and direct connect to the control unit with screw terminals. !!! All wires that are passing a frame or vent are advised to be protected with a synthetic plug 061.8312.04. For cables with a wide pre-fixed plug, we advise to drill a larger hole to pass the plug without disconnecting the wires. Cables are foreseen with dedicated connectors in 31 order to prevent wrong connectivity.

3.3.3 Cable for push button

Part number: 062.8219 Function: control element on the inside. Description: button is possible for every configuration and is a way to control the door or access control element from the inside or connect it to the smart home, domotica or smart building system. This is also your link from our access control solutions to smart home apps. On electrical schemes you will obtain via access control selection tool, even you didn’t predefine a button, it will be included in a scheme as an option.


4. Further information Customer portal: • • •

Access control selection Tool Training videos Opening Doors (F1) catalogue

Reynaers website: !!! Electric wiring diagrams and installation instruction videos for Access Control and electric Fuhr locks are on the customer portal under training section. !!! Fuhr electric locks and Access Control (ekey) articles are selectable in ReynaPro. Millings in ReynaPro for cable passages are not taking into account the position of hinges. You might need to shift them up and down to make the necessary room.


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