SAA Pasirkaliki Youth Activity Center
SPA 6 Bandung Design Polytechnic
SPA 5 Ujungan Performing Arts Theatre
Naung 2020
LDS 2021 Archevent 2022
Other/Intern Works
Architecture DesignPasirkaliki Youth Center
Academic Project - SAA
Year: 2021
Function: Youth Center
Location: Pasirkaliki, Bandung
Mentor: Yenny Gunawan S.T., M.A.
Youth activity center is a building that operates as a place for teenagers to meet each other, have activities, develop and channel their interests and talents. The users themselves are teenagers who are in the GenZ and the GenAplha. Based on the character of the space needed by GenZ and GenAlpha, the design of the function of this Youth Center implements a space that is functionally, sized, and has boundaries that can adapt according to their needs with smart building technology.
Software : Revit, Lumion, Enscape, Photoshop
The Mass Transformation is based on the needs of the basics space program, with the amount adjusted to the needs and capacity of the space plus services. Furthermore, the masses are appointed and pulled up according to the space requirements needed by each program. The ground floor part of the mass is subtracted to open a larger public area and blend with pedestrians
Looking at the urban context as well, the space on the ground floor is maximized for the function of the public area. In addition, the interior spaces are also integrated with the public areas on the site. Then minimize vehicles in the front area by placing the entrance and exit of the building on the side of Jl. Dr. Radjiman. it also avoids traffic jams that can occur when placed on Jl. Pasirkaliki. The concept of inside-out space on the land scaping and ground floor gives the impression of high connectivity coupled with the presence of a skatepark, community compound and staircase area in an integrated building.
The concept of Flexibility is applied to three aspects of space, the first is that in the scope of the space, an adjustable divider is used to pro vide freedom and choice of space use in terms of size and privacy. In the interior, a semi-free plan is applied with modular furniture that can adapt to the needs of space users. In function, some spaces have multifunctional properties, such as in sports fields, there is retractable seating which can be used as a performance space/stage.
The concept of space, emphasize the concept of flexibility. The first is that an adjustable/fold ing divider is applied to the spaces where the dimensions and the number of users can be adjusted according to needs, such as reading areas, classrooms, and co-working spaces.
01 Reading Area Visualization Communal Area Visualization Gymnasium Visualization Gymnasium Acsonometric Architecture DesignPasirkaliki Youth Center
Furthermore, the gymnasium can be used as a multisport field (basketball, futsal, volleyball, badminton) and also a jogging track with a maximum number of 22 users. Besides that, it can also be converted into a performance stage using retractable seating and a retractable stage with an audience capacity of 200 people.
For the facade concept applying an adaptive facade, this is seen from the flexible inner space function so that it can be adjusted to the level of public and privacy. It can also be adaptive to sunlight. This is due to the longitudinal orientation of the building facing east and west. The gymnasium mass uses a kinetic facade that can be adjusted to the level of privacy and the entry of sunlight. The use of this kinetic facade is also to show the dynamics of the building
ArchitectureDesign Polytechnic
Academic Project - SPA 6
Year: 2021
Function: Polytechnic
Location: Jl. Wastu Kencana, Bandung
Mentor: Ir Joy Hanjoyo
“Polytechnic” accommodates three different study programs but within the same scope of design. Where in their studies, students are taught engineering practices in the design thinking process and also how to design some thing in answering a problem, especially about buildings correctly. The design of this poly technic takes the keyword “Intransition” where the polytechnic that is designed is expected to be a transitional link between the surrounding community and the polytechnic and also for prospective designers to become designers who can design well.
Software : Revit, Enscape, Photoshop
Empathising: Understanding the human needs involved.
(Lobby, Area komunal, Exhibition, Kantin)
Defining: Re-framing and defining the problem in human-centric ways.
(Perpustakaan, Auditorium, Laboratorium, TU & Ruang direktur)
Ideating: Creating many ideas in ideation sessions.
(Studio & kelas)
Prototyping: Adopting a hands-on approach in prototyping.
Testing: Developing a prototype/solution to the prob lem
(Pin-up Area, Ruang Dosen)
The Design Studio in this design is located on the tower. The distance between the columns in the studio room is adjusted based on space requirements in order to maximize its use. The Studio Room is made as inclusive as possible by paying attention to the level of privacy as well. The ceiling of the room is made with a metal lattice that is patterned across diagonals to emphasize the inclusiveness of the room and a more dynamic design expression. Building Explodes Acsonometric Design Studio Visualization Design Studio Acsonometric
The main thing that distinguishes “Polytechnics” from “Universities” is the existence of a Design Lab and Design Workshop. In this design there is an integrated design lab and workshop from woodworking, iron, paint, and building physics workshops. The workshop space has two floors, the middle of which is united by a void. In this void there is a crane which is useful to facilitate the movement and transfer of goods on the first floor and to the second floor. The ceiling in the workshop room is exposed to make it easier to move tools that require space above the ceiling. The walls of the workshop are made using ice glass so as not to interfere with activities in the workshop, but still provide maximum lighting.
Academic Project - SPA 5
Year: 2020
Function: Theatre
Location: Bekasi
Mentor: Alvin Fernandez S.T., M.T.
Responding to Social and Cultural Problems, namely the absence of a function. To handle/ educate the community regarding Awareness of the environment and local culture, a Theater function was created specifically for Performing Arts which can support the appreciation and re-cultivation of Bekasi City Culture.
Software : Sketchup, AutoCAD, Vray, Enscape, Photoshop
The basic form takes the form of a diamond with a 60-degree grid as an attitude towards an asymmetrical tread and also to achieve a sharp shape according to the idea of the building.
The left and right sides are subtracted to form a ramp that connects the ground floor, upper floor, to the roof. This ramp creates open circulation, green spaces and public spaces
The mass is raised and creates a basic diamond shape, The rise is quite high and sharp at the front corners in response to the nodes.
Subtraction on the front side that produces a sharp shape to emphasize the stand out concept of the building
Applying the concept of Interconnected Space, the existence of connections and integration between theater rooms (main), supporting spaces, public spaces, and green open spaces creates a relationship/dialogue between visitors or users. In addition, the Place Making Concept is also applied by create a public space in the middle/between the building and the node as a plaza that can be a binder or connection between the building and the site. Finally, this design addresses the tread on the corner of the street, the building is made to stand out or stand out which can also represent the character of the City of Bekasi, namely the City of Patriot or the City of Jawara.
Architecture DesignGaleri Rempah dan Pangan Ternate
Architecture Competition - LDS UNS
Year: 2021
Function: Tourism Center
Location: Ternate
Status: Entry
Ternate’s treasure trove of spices and culinary arts is then worth it to be echoed through the Spice Gallery and Ternate Food. The gallery itself is a place that serves to show off and com municate objects to the wider community. In contrast to other functional typologies, galleries are also used as a place to sell objects that thing. The Ternate Spice and Food Gallery accommodates two main functions: 1. Cultural and Historical Information Center North Malu ku Spices on the ground floor and; 2. Gallery Ternate Food Showcase on the 1st floor.
Software :
Revit, Enscape, CorelDraw
Team: Bunga Cinde Lamria Christopher Kent
Architecture DesignSekalaNiskala
Architecture Competition - ACSENT
Year: 2022
Function: Tourism Center
Location: Bali
Status: Entry
“Sekala and Niskala” or “The Seen and the Un seen”, is a principle that society upholds Bali in their daily life. This belief teaches about a bal anced life and integrated, but the only way that humans can see the abstract world is through art. Therefore the building it has a function and mass which is divided into scale and niskala, and its basic shape resembles a drop of water as a unifying agent the two worlds, “The Seen and the Unseen”. This water is a means which is very important in Balinese culture where water is used for various worldly and spiritual things.
Software : Revit, Enscape, Photoshop
Team: Bunga Cinde Lamria
Year: 2021
Function: Rumah
Location: Bandung
Status: Entry
Due to the limited land available, houses are built close together so that problems arise in spaces that can cause health problems. It is also necessary to design a house that is respon sive to the context of a pandemic that causes a phenomenon of shifting in the function of the activity space in residential areas due to re strictions on activities outside the home. In the context of settlements in urban villages, the con cept of designing a modular, safe, healthy, and comfortable growing house at an affordable cost can be developed to support sustainable development.
Software : Revit, Enscape, CorelDraw
Team: Bunga Cinde Lamria Christopher Kent
Studio Apta
Year: 2021
Function: Restaurant
Location: Bandung
Status: Proposal
This project is design proposal for redesign of the Bandungshe Melkcentrale (BMC) restaurant. This building is a colonial building that was built around 1920. This restaurant produces pasteurized milk until today. The concept in the refurbishment of this building is to provide an atmosphere like the colonial era using Dutch colonial-style building elements and furniture. The redesign of this building is not only in the restaurant section but also in the bakery section which has added a Co-working area, as well as a tourism center.
Software : Sketchup, AutoCad, Enscape, Photoshop
Team: Alvin Jonatan Christopher Kent Eistein Benedito Giordano Clement Michael Steven L. Rayza Gaharza
The atmosphere of the restaurant is made as close as possible as in the colonial era, this building is used by the Dutch to gather while drinking milk.
The Tourism center room is made in a colonial style by using wood rattan material as a wall covering.
CAREDs Emergency Shelter Installation
Dengung Jemari Kecil FAP 2019 Design Website Onlline Exhibition MAMASA 2020 Arsitektur Hijau
Blender 2d Texture Explore Photography
Under Graduate Architecture and Design Portfolio
Year: 2021
Mentor: Yenny Gunawan S.T., M.A. Dr. Giosia Pele Widjaja S.T., M.T. Wulani Enggar Sari S.T., M.A.
EMERGENCY SHELTER ResearchCAREDs Emergency ShelterThe follow-up study “Evaluation of CAREDs SEB18,017 Disaster Evacuation Shelter Proto type Design Based on Constructability Trials” is a SEB18,017 design development research that uses a pop-up concept to the construc tion feasibility stage. The development that has been carried out uses a 1:2 scale mockup so that there are still details that need to be devel oped to a 1:1 scale. The problems that arise are related to the structural connection system and material selection. In addition, the design development has not been tested in terms of adaptability regarding packability and fabricat ed material systems.
Emergency shelter is a temporary shelter for handling post-natural disasters. Emergency shelter is important to be prepared and provid ed for victims who need a place to stay after their homes are damaged due to natural di sasters that occured. Emergency shelter design must be able to provide a safe, healthy and private environment for disaster victims. In addi tion, the design of emergency shelters must also be able to be easily prepared by users in a fairly short amount of time, have an easy yet effec tive packaging, and efficient mobility to places where disasters occur.
Dengung Jemari Kecil is an installation project from the 2019 Parahyangan Architecture Festival (FAP 2019). This installation is a collaboration of all Parahyangan Architecture Students year 2018. With the theme of “children space”, this installation is an abstraction of the condition of the existing children’s space especially in the city of Bandung. This installation is modular and uses a wooden frame that is designed and produces a composition. Measuring 30m x 6m, this installation consists of 30 2m x 2m modules.
Year: 2019
Job: Design Team
The Mamasa Lima Banua Virtual Exhibition is a projects from Arsitektur Hijau which aims to showcase the results of the Arsitektur Hijau expedition to Mamasa Village in Sulawesi. This Virtual Exhibition uses the Website showcase exhibition materials. The contents of this exhibition are an explanation of the expedition’s journey, history and socio-culture of Mamasa Village, and typology and tectonics of the house of Mamasa Village called Banua. The exhibition media on the website uses 360 simulation displays, animations, and illustrations.