WELLNESS TIPS In this time of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we understand that this can be a stressful and an anxiety-provoking time for many. As a Reynolds family, it is important that we take care of ourselves and each other. Enclosed are wellness tips and resources to promote the holistic wellbeing of our community.
Be sure to obtain the most up-to-date information from credible sources. In the absence of information, it is easy to allow fear to take over. Educate yourself on the appropriate recommendations regarding disease prevention and self-care. And continually check the Reynolds website for COVID-19 updates and resources. • Center for Disease Control (CDC) • World Health Organization • Virginia Department of Health • Reynolds COVID-19 Website
CONNECT WITH OTHERS Build a support network. Discuss your concerns and feelings with trusted individuals. Engage in healthy relationships that reinforce positive coping mechanisms. Utilize technology to communicate with family, friends, classmates and professors, while continuing to practice social distancing (i.e. phone, email, text messaging, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc.).
TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY Try to eat well-balanced meals, exercise, stretch, and get plenty of sleep. People with preexisting health conditions should continue their prescribed treatment plans. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and risky behaviors that could be harmful. If you need assistance with access to healthy food or have concerns about health care coverage, visit the Finish Line Assist website to learn more about our food pantries and services to match you with additional care.
TAKE CARE OF YOUR MIND Limit your exposure to news outlets and take breaks from social media. Being inundated with information and images can easily become overwhelming. Take deep breaths, meditate, or pray to lift your spirits. People with preexisting mental health conditions should continue their prescribed treatment plans. Try to make time to relax and do light activities that you enjoy.
SEEK HELP WHEN NEEDED If you are showing physical symptoms of coronavirus or if your daily life activities are significantly impacted for several days or weeks due to mental distress, contact a healthcare provider. In the event of an emergency or if you feel like you want to harm yourself or others, call 911. • Recognizing Signs of Stress • SAMHSA’s National Helpline • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline • Crisis Text Line