Portofolio Social Media Specialist Reza Septian

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Septian Social Media Specialist/ Novely Young

Hi, I am Reza Septian Social Media Specalist I've been working as a freelance social media specialist since 2020. I've been working as a freelance social media specialist since 2020. thingking out of the box. Strategic and innovative with a passion for driving brand awareness and product performance


COLLEGE Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta Political Science (2021)

Work Background Social Media Specialist Job Description - Manage daily Post on Instagram - preparing and scheduling updates, sharing relevant content, keeping in touch with fans and followers, encouraging conversation, and answering to customer inquiries - content editing - writing caption - manage instagram with facebook creator studio

I've worked with


Sample Work (Instagram Grid)

Sample Work (Instagram Stories)

Services Offered Branding & Cretive i can help you creating your brand and translating it into creatives

Social media & Community Management Manage Creating Content and Strategies for your social media account to help you grow

Digital Marketin creating quality content to make it easier for users or audiences to get information about the products or services offered

Email Rezaseptian12@gmail.com


Mobile 08975948743

Our Location Kota Tangerang, Banten, 15145

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