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FOR SALE: NEW & USED MILK TANKS. We stock all sizes, makes, models. Special prices to co-op members, corporate & private farms. Contact us anytime day or night. Special on 2000 gal. Muellers for $13,900 & up. 2700 & 4000 gal. Muellers call for quote. 800-558-0112.
STRAW & DRY HAY (large & small bales). Feed Oats, Feed Barley and Corn Silage. Delivery Available. Call 989-723-1886 or 989-277-1414.
ALFALFA HAYLAGE (excellent & fair grades) & CORN SILAGE. Call 989-723-1886 or 989-277-1414.
NEW KATOLIGHT PTO GENERATOR, 60 KW, keep everyone warm and producing if there is a power outage. Call Brent at 248-770-5122.
HOOF TRIMMING - 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. Also doing fly control and cement grooving. Gibson Hoof Care (Tom) 989-239-6843.
SEED CORN - "Minnesota 13" Open Pollinated 85 Day Yellow Field Corn Seed. High Protein, High Yield, High Fat, Fast Drydown. Great Digestibility! 80,000 graded seeds $100.00 JanksSeeds.com 989-284-5052
PTO and Automatic Start Generators
1-800-248-8070 M-40 South Hamilton, MI 49419 www.hamiltondist.com
Fly Control
As the temperatures increase, so do the flies. The MMPA Farm Supply Store stocks two products members can purchase to use as tools in their fly management program: QuikStrike and Prozap LD-44Z.
Prozap LD-44Z
MMPA Farm Supply Store stocks Prozap LD-44Z farm insect fogger. The active ingredients in Prozap LD-44Z, Pyrethrins and Piperonyl Butoxide, repel and kill a host of insects. Prozap LD-44Z contains no CFC’s and may be used in milkrooms and livestock housing areas, if used according to label directions. Prozap LD-44Z is available in a 20-oz. aerosol can.
STOCK #: 5501 PRICE: $13.52/CAN
QuikStrike strips are a ready to use, self-contained product designed to be placed in fly foraging areas. The active ingredient, Nithiazine, kills flies seconds after they feed on Quikstrike. The flies are attracted to the sugar base matrix and a strong fly pheromone attractant. QuikStrike is effective only after flies ingest the active ingredient Nithiazine. Therefore, it needs to be placed in areas where flies actively feed. The best placement is 2-4 ft. above ground level in an area protected from children, animals, direct sunlight, wind and rain. QuikStrike strips are effective for six to eight weeks and are helpful in controlling flies in calf raising areas, milking barns and feed storages. QuikStrike is available in a box containing two strips per package.
STOCK#: 5503 PRICE: $16.86/PKG
1 Order online at www.mimilk.com/farm-supply-store
2 Call in your order:
Main Line: 989-317-8370
Toll Free: 877-367-6455
Orders (Novi): 800-572-5824 then dial 2
3 Fax in your order: 989-317-8372
These are SERVICE personnel only. Order your supplies through your hauler.
24-Hour Medical Emergency Hotline: 1-800-328-0026 Service Message Center: 1-800-392-3392 Service Representatives:
» Pat Mitchell – 517-403-0928 - 7273 N. Rollin Hwy., Addison, MI 49220 » Jason Wolfe – 540-553-5755 - 1890 Canter Drive, Riner, VA 24149