Raffle Winners Recieve $10k The Coastal Humane Society in Brunswick received an anonymous dona on of $10k which they used as a raffle that resulted in raising $30k for the shelter! Lucky cket #172 that was purchased by Joe and Buff y Quinn was drawn at the Coastal Humane Society’s Black Cat Ball on October 28th. Congratula ons to Joe and Buff y as well as Coastal Humane Society!
Hot Dog News Wag Wagon Donates Truckload of Supplies to AWS In honor of Adopt A Shelter Dog month, the Wag Wagon Pet Services collected a truckload of supplies to donate to the Animal Welfare Society in Kennebunk. The dona on included 1,600 pounds of dog and cat food as well as other items such as li er, treats and toys. The Wag Wagon provides pet si ng and dog walking services in the Ki ery and York area as well as Portsmouth, NH.
Don’t forget to license your dog. All license renewals are due by January 31, 2018. If you are licensing a wolf hybrid, service/search or rescue dog or obtaining a kennel license please contact your municipal office. Some towns allow you to renew or obtain a new license online. Go to maine.gov/dogs to view the list of towns.
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Downeast Dog News
Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-230-0260 ext. 6 jenn@downeastdognews.com
From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Well, it’s the holiday season and I can’t believe it but we are finishing up another year. I feel like it was just summer! I am really not a winter person but I am looking forward to a break from the cks! I know that is a subject that I have beaten to death now but they were so horrible this Fall and one finally got me November 1st, so close to the finish line! I called the doctor’s office and so far have seen no symptoms. I don’t think it was a ached for long so that will hopefully rule out Lyme! I’m sad to report that our Dog News family has suffered a loss. Wendi’s beloved Remi le us at the end of October. He brought much happiness to her home and her life. For those of us who have
experienced the loss of a pet we can surely empathize. To many of us they are family. I recently shared an ar cle on our Facebook page from petMD that talks about how losing a pet can hurt more than losing a rela ve or a friend and the reasons why. It made a lot of sense to me. I hope when Remi gets to the Rainbow Bridge he loses his fear of larger dogs because I know a couple of fun gals he could hang out with! Whether you celebrate this me of year or not, Pepper and I wish you and your families the very best as we gear up for 2018. Thank you to everyone who reads and supports our paper! We’ll catch up with you next year. All the best, Jenn & Pepper
Westleigh’s Big Shot Remington
OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.
CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 266 Meadow St. Rockport, ME 04856 Phone: 207-230-0260 ext. 6 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com
CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.
2007 - 2017
You no longer greet me, As I walk through the door. You’re not there to make me smile, To make me laugh anymore. Life seems quiet without you, You were far more than a pet. You were a family member, a friend, A loving soul I’ll never forget. It will take time to heal, For the silence to go away. I still listen for you, And miss you every day. You were such a great companion, Constant, loyal and true. My heart will always wear, The paw print left by you. ~Author Unknown
SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.
SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2017 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.
“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not. A thing is disposable. A dog is not. A thing doesn't have a heart. A dog's heart is bigger than any "thing" you can ever own.” ― Elizabeth Parker, Paw Prints in the Sand
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10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.
Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color
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DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.
Contact Jenn Rich (207) 230-0260 ext. 6 or jenn@downeastdognews.com
December 2017
Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Happy Howl-idays! ............. 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15
It is the holiday time of year again, which means I get to do readings for pets and ask them what they want from Santa. You’d be surprised how many dogs actually feel like they deserve their own stocking and how specific they are with their requests. Some want food treats, others want stuffy toys, others request clothing, and then there are the ones who want the glamorous life and ask for fancy “necklaces” or collars. Seriously? I can’t make this stuff up. Years ago, I thought it was ridiculous to dress a dog up like a human, but there are so many dogs who think it’s just the most fantastic thing ever! In the spirit of giving, I’m going to give you some tips on how you can do what I do. I used to think that all psychics saw dead people everywhere, but thank goodness that is not the case. To do a reading, I close my eyes and get a movie in my head that appears the same way you see a memory. It’s there, but not in a tangible sense. I see it and then I get flashes of images that may have relevance to me that help me decode what the animal or person is trying to relay. I also feel what the animal or person is or was feeling. For example, I did a reading for a dog whose owner wanted to know how the dog was feeling. Years ago, I fell in hockey and broke my tailbone. I saw the image of me falling (yes, I was all by myself
Apple Cider Vinegar Q. I take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day. Should my dog be ge ng it too?
Vinegar has been used for thousands of years for a myriad of tasks. Vinegar is made by fermenting wine, beer, ale, grains, and fruits. Making it in the traditional way takes a very long time. Now the time is shortened by modern methods. Apple cider vinegar is used for cooking. Some popular brands, such as Bragg, Spectrum, Eden Organics, Solana Gold Organics, and Dynamic Health, are made from organic apples that are crushed to make cider, then aged in wooden barrels. These brands are raw, unfiltered, not distilled. They are cloudy and have a fibrous substance that looks like cobwebs. This is called the “mother,” which consists of pectin and apple residue. The mother contains enzymes the distilled vinegars do not. The USDA considers all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and bioflavonoids, to be absent in ACV except for potassium. ACV does help the health of you and your dog by enhancing digestion. When taken with food, the acetic acid in the ACV aids in the
Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com
in the middle of a game when I caught an edge and landed on my butt) and then I felt the ache in my own tailbone area that the dog was experiencing. It reminded me of how years later I needed a muscle relaxer for something, and it was the first time my pain disappeared. I relayed this memory/image to the owner, and she validated the dog had an injury or something going on with its lower back to the left of where his tail attached. She said that they’d tried everything else but nothing worked, so she was going to talk to the doctor to see if a muscle relaxer could help. I did
Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman
absorption of nutrients. Vinegar has an important antiseptic property which helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and viruses in the digestive track but doesn’t disrupt the good bacteria. Other research shows vinegar to be a better disinfectant than soap to kill harmful bacteria and viruses on food. Using a 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water kills 98% of the bacteria. Another study showed using vinegar and hydrogen peroxide kills the most bacteria in raw meat, vegetables, cutting boards, and other kitchen utensils. You can mist with either the vinegar or peroxide, and then
remind her that vets have medical knowledge, and I’m only going on what the dog has to say, so the vet always trumps psychic insight! Here's the best piece of advice I can give you: turn off your ego. I have had a dog ask for a plain black harness, size medium, that will be located on the end rack of such and such a store. Then he goes one step further and tells me it’ll only cost $15.99. You know what? More often than not, it is right there, in that size and for that price. WHAT? How does that work? I have no idea. Quite frankly, it does, so I put my ego aside and just relay some of the craziest stuff you can imagine. Other dogs are very specific in the patterns and colors they want on their collar. They have opinions on plastic vs. aluminum buckles, choke collars vs. webbing vs. ribbon on webbing, and martingale or traditional. Another great way to get answers is to learn how to ask effective yes/ no questions. I use my eyes as a yes/no meter. My right eye is yes, and it sort of squeezes a bit on the yes answer. My left side is no. My right side is also for female/ mom/grandmother and left is male/dad/grandfather. You can also close your eyes and use your body for a pendulum. If you lean forward or feel like you’re getting pulled forward, that can be a yes. Backwards can be no. Make up your own system! All that really matters is if it works for you.
A pendulum is also a great way to ask yes and no questions. I encourage you to do some research on dowsing and using a pendulum first, though. You need to put a time stamp on the question and sometimes be specific. Is my dog going to die? Yes, of course it is. Is my dog going to die within the next 6 months? Yes/no. Does my dog want a stocking? I’m guessing you’ll get a yes on this. If you get a no, ask other questions. If not a stocking, does he want ice cream? Booties? A fancy dog treat? A blanket? If you’ve had a reading from me, just know that as I’m talking to you, my brain is playing a mad game of 20 questions in the background to get more specific answers. I hope you take the time to try some of these tools! Be open to whatever happens and feel free to ask me if you have any questions. Your dog may have more to say than you realize! If all else fails, you can schedule a reading that can be done over the phone or in my office in North Conway, NH. You can learn more at ww.enlightenedhorizons.com.
follow up with the other. Do not mix them together, use them separately. If you are concerned about bacterial contaminants when using raw meat, this procedure is very beneficial. With our canine companions, vinegar can be used topically, but test it first unless you are going to wash it off. In some dogs, the vinegar is irritating. If there is redness, dilute the vinegar and try again. If redness continues, then rinse and discontinue. For skin irritations, cuts, sores, and hot spots, use ACV on the spot straight or dilute it. You can combine the ACV with healing herbs such as calendula, St. John’s wort, or comfrey. As an insect repellent, plain vinegar or herbs with ACV repels fleas and mosquitoes. Spray the coat avoiding the eyes, nose, and mouth. With light or white dogs, ACV can stain the coat, so use distilled vinegar. Vinegar is used to remove pet odors, especially puppy pee spots. Use 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water poured on the spot and then blot dry. If Fido rolls in something nasty or gets sprayed by a skunk, try using a mixture of 1 freshly opened quart of 3% peroxide with ¼ cup baking soda and 1 teaspoon dish soap. Wear gloves and avoid eyes, mouth, and nose. Cover the whole dog and then rinse with water and follow with vinegar if any smell is left.
To reduce body odor, use 1 cup vinegar to 2 to 4 cups water. To reduce dandruff, massage full strength ACV into the coat before shampooing. For itchy feet due to contact allergy, soak the feet in full or diluted ACV. Apply ACV to sore muscles with a sponge or cotton. This is also good for bruises, sore paws, and other discomforts. Is a daily dose of ACV good for your dog? Unless your dog is allergic to apples, Fido should not have a problem. You will see in about a month if it is making a difference. Commonly reported benefits include improvements in skin and coat condition, a reduction of itching and scratching, elimination of tear stains on the face, fewer urine brown spots on the lawn, increased mobility, reduction of flea population, and overall better health. The range of ACV in water is 1 to 3 teaspoons per 50 pounds. If you plan to put ACV in your dog’s water, be sure to put a bowl of pure water down too. You don’t want Fido to decrease his water intake because he doesn’t like or doesn’t want ACV all the time.
Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets, has an office in North Conway, NH but is also available for phone readings and private events. FMI go to enlightenedhorizons.com, email enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com or call (603)662-2046.
Judith K. Herman DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, ME www.mainehomeopathicvet.com
Downeast Dog News
JAX from page 1 Jeana Roth, Director of Community Engagement at ARLGP, said they were happy to be one of the Maine rescues to help All Sato post-hurricanes. “They’re foster-based…these families can barely take care of themselves let alone a pet.” But ARLGP is not new to rehoming dogs from ASR--they’ve taken hundreds of rescues from them for a few years now.
HOW MAINE MISSION BEGAN Years ago, Massachuse s resident Twig Mowa , co-founder and secretary of ASR, a foster-based rescue dedicated to reducing the numbers of abandoned, neglected, and owner relinquished dogs in Puerto Rico, reached out to ARLGP to see if there was interest in a partnership. They couldn’t do it then, but three years ago ARLGP knocked on ASR’s proverbial door. This lifesaving partnership bloomed and is especially vital in light of this year’s horrific hurricanes. Why did she contact this rescue in Maine? “I love Portland,” replied Mowa . She was born in the city and raised in Buxton. And as a volunteer with ASR, she felt ARLGP could help her organiza on rehome their needy dogs. (ASR doesn’t adopt out the dogs, rather they transfer them to the mainland and rely on shelters across the country to rehome their satos.) She explained that their mandate is to help as many Puerto Rican fosters, rescues, and individual rescuers as possible. They also partner with the Humane Society of Puerto Rico. Mowa said they “love [ARLGP] to pieces.” She’s especially apprecia ve because they o en take the special needs and older dogs, and she added that they’ve been an amazing partner. She acknowledged other Maine rescues such as Coastal Humane Society who followed suit and is grateful to them. Roth agreed that their partnership is terrific, “It’s pre y important work.”
Photo of Jax with his new family
She explained that Puerto Rican shelters have a 99% euthanasia rate, while ARLGP has a 99% placement rate. “It’s the polar opposite of sheltering and animal care.” She said they’re proud to work with ASR to rehome these pets in greater Portland and across the state. They have so many lifesaving success stories, preand post-hurricanes. Both Roth and Mowa talked about li le Yuko who now is living the dream here in Maine.
MEET YUKO, AKA JAX He was rescued by ASR with his young siblings from a remote area of Puerto Rico in early 2017. The dogs were placed in a foster home, so they could receive much needed medical care, a en on, and love. But Yuko’s foster mom no ced that he wasn’t as bubbly as the other dogs, so when his siblings eventually flew to shelter partners, li le Yuko had to stay behind. You see, upon vet examina on, it was discovered that this special boy had a birth defect in his heart, and
without surgery, he probably wouldn’t survive. A GoFundMe page was set up and thanks to ASR supporters, the necessary $5,000 was raised. Roth indicated that most of those dona ons came from the mainland, which she said speaks volumes to ASR’s reach. Yuko had the surgery in Puerto Rico, and once healthy, he flew to the states and was picked up by ARLGP volunteers. His story was covered by a local TV sta on, and Tony Christensen of Portland saw the piece. He felt that pup looked like their dog, Bailey, another ASR sato that they had adopted from ARLGP in February of 2017. He told his wife Denielle about Yuko, and they decided to go have a peek. They weren’t planning on adop ng a second dog, but love, caring, and fate stepped in. They were told by a volunteer that a few families had visited him, but all were concerned about his medical history. “I got so worried. I got so worried that no one
would adopt him,” explained Denielle. They had been told that Yuko was very shy, but they decided to test the waters and introduced him to their dog. Well that shy theory proved incorrect, at least in the case of Yuko with Bailey--they hit it off instantly. “To me, that meant it was meant to be,” said Denielle. They adopted the Border Collie mix and changed his name to Jax because it means “God has been gracious.” That kind of says it all. The Christensens now have a full house. In addi on to their children, 13-year-old Aiden and 10-year-old twins Ava and Cole, they have the two social, family-friendly dogs. She added that it’s a good thing she has the three kids for exercising the dogs. Bailey and Jax are very ac ve and require about four walks daily, with the first one in the morning being a few miles long. Denielle laughed and added that she’s not allowed near ARLGP--her family is afraid she’ll bring another dog home. For the Christensens, life is good. Denielle works for a media firm in Portland and Tony owns an environmental company. The trustworthy dogs pal around ‘ l the kids get back from school, which is fine with the dogs--Jax, aka “the li le one,” adores Bailey, aka “the big one,” and follows her everywhere, and Jax se led in just fine ‘cause Bailey showed him all the ropes of being a family dog. As far as his health, he’ll live a normal life although he does need medica on daily and has to check in with a veterinarian cardiologist regularly. Mowa said dogs will con nue to come to shelters in Maine, and there’s such a need for rehoming them especially in light of the situa on in Puerto Rico, but she’s extremely pleased with the support of the Maine shelters helping these animals. She added, “Maine adopters are so great. They’re so good to the dogs.”
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December 2017
Recipe for Successful Dog Training Deliberate and Purposeful Practice
I confess: I am a dog training geek. I think about training challenges, solutions, and strategies all the time. I love practicing and improving my skills with a variety of dogs and wholly enjoy seeing their skills improve as a result. I frequently find correlations between dog training and day-to-day living. Everything seems to end up being interconnected in some way. I am a fan of “Freakonomics” podcasts and was excited to notice that there were many intriguing parallels between dog training and the podcast titled, “How to Become Great at Just About Anything.” Anders Ericsson, research psychologist and author, says this about human skills: “we’ve gotten so much better primarily because we’ve learned how to learn. …there’s no magic bullet. Improvement comes only with practice — lots and lots and lots of practice.” It’s more straight forward when the learner is human, understands, and is motivated to learn something specific, but it’s another animal when there’s, well, another
Basic Training Tips by Diana Logan
animal involved in the process. This is all rather obvious, but it gets more interesting. Achieving success in any area of study requires several things:
1. Learning how to learn The learner needs to understand the game of learning. How will our dog know for sure when she’s done something “right”? How will we know when she has grasped the concept? Is she excited about learning? 2. Deliberate Practice “Deliberate practice requires the involvement of a teacher who has had experience helping individuals reach high levels of performance.” To be effective, we need input from someone with experience. When it comes to dog training, it seems that humans, for whatever reason, make the assumption that we are capable of effectively training our dogs absent of concise information on exactly how to do so. It’s also surprising how much dogs can learn despite it. If we aren’t sure how to train our dog something, then the dog will certainly be unsure, too. When we assume we know everything and no longer seek information, input or feedback, we can't grow or improve our skills. 3. The teacher must have the appropriate skill set to teach the desired skill “It is a teachable ability, if you know how to teach it.” Students will frequently say, “You make it look so easy!” Dog trainers don’t have any super powers, and I doubt many
of us were born with special dog training abilities. As with any skill, it is through many repetitions over a long period of time that we gain the experience and skills necessary to make something seem easy. The same holds true for our dogs; they need to repeat a behavior over and over and over again in order for it to become fluent. 4. Purposeful Practice Practicing isn’t just about repetitions, but rather about its quality and nature. Purposeful practice means defining a goal behavior and creating a training activity that will allow you to improve that behavior or a small component of it. Training becomes intentional and planned. Whether we are talking about learning to play the piano or teaching our dog how to take a bow, strategizing the learning process will result in a higher level of success. Speaking of taking a bow, I invite you to take a look at a 27 second video of me teaching a young puppy to do just that. Please read the accompanying descrip on, so you will be able to appreciate the connec on between this ar cle and the video. You can find the video on YouTube. Search “PupStart,” “Goose,” and “bow.” https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=hGQFa07OJxs
Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352
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Downeast Dog News
I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Native American people. We were designed by natural selection to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without humans. My greatgrandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural instincts and abilities of wild dogs. My human and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I call my human, tongue in cheek, Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd notions as most humans, so I can relate to other dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your questions! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd. Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@tidewater.net My friend Eddie from New York City e-mailed me: Hi Bammy, I’m wri ng to tell you wonderful news! My whole family went on a hun ng trip to Maine. We o en have a difficult me ge ng our human companions interested in hun ng with us as a pack, but I experienced it and I have to tell you it was wonderful fun.
Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog
When we got to the house I could smell lots of mice and I zeroed in on a dresser. My sister Lulu was right there with me. I barked and barked, but the humans were busy doing things with the beds and stove and refrigerator. Finally, I got their attention. They moved the dresser out from the wall, and Lulu and I raced in behind it. Then they started opening the drawers. I was dancing in circles and jumping up, I was so excited. They opened a drawer and pulled out a big long
case they called a "chess set" and put it on the floor. It was full of mice! Before they could do anything I caught them all and shook them and flung them around the room. The humans were so proud of me. My sister Lulu had one in her mouth that I had already killed. She's not quite as fast as me. It was a great night for all of us. After that the humans didn't seem interested in more hunting, but Lulu and I went all around the house and into the woods. We found many more mice than I ever find in summer. I guess that's why they call it "hunting season." I hope you're having happy hunting, Your friend "from away," Eddie (Thanks to Susan L. Roberts, MDiv, OTR/L, Eddie’s Personal Assistant and Typist.) Dear Eddie, What a wonderful hun ng story! I haven’t had any luck hun ng lately, but Boss and I are trapping. When I hear the mousetrap upstairs snap, I run to the stairs barking. Boss lets me go up and I proudly bring down our latest trophy. If they aren’t quite dead, I take care of that for her, too. She doesn’t like to kill things. My big news is the huge storm we had. When the power flickers, there’s a man with a loud voice
hiding up by the telephone. Boss calls him “Just-the-answeringmachine;” but he isn’t answering anything I can hear. And where is he hiding? I can’t smell him. When he talks, Pookah, my pack-mate, and I worry about thunder, but it was just howling wind. Before it got light, things were crashing outdoors, and a big truck booming and chainsaws. Pook was so scared she woke Boss by trying to crawl in bed with her. We all got up while it was dark, and Boss lighted candles and walked around with a flashlight as if we were outdoors. For six days the house was dim in the evening and smelled of candles. Boss fussed with pails of water and the woodstove and the refrigerator and freezer. She brought a very noisy engine thing like a wheelbarrow into the yard and dragged extension cords through the house. You know it takes a lot to scare me, but I had to keep close tabs on Boss because I could tell she was worried. When the lights came on again, Boss bounced round making happy noises. That scared Pookah again, but of course I knew Boss was happy, so I danced, too. Come back to Maine soon, Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.
For those who like to bake during the holidays, here is a treat for the pups on your list. PEANUT BUTTER PUMPKIN TREATS Ingredients: • 1 cup pumpkin puree • 2 eggs • 1/2 cup oats (op onal if your dog is on a grain free diet, sub an extra 1/4 cup grain free flour) • 3 cups whole wheat flour, brown rice flour, or gluten free flour • 3 tablespoons of all natural peanut bu er (NO xylitol) • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (op onal)
Direc ons: 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. In small bowl, s r together the flour, oats, and cinnamon. 3. In a separate large bowl, whisk together the eggs, pumpkin and peanut bu er un l combined. S r wet ingredients into dry. 4. Pour onto a floured surface and roll dough out to 1/2 thick. Cut out using cookie cu er. 5. The dough will be a li le s cky, a dus ng of flour for your hands and the rolling pin will help! Bake for 30 to 35 minutes un l golden brown. 6. Place on cooling racks and let cool thoroughly. They will harden as they cool. Source: mybakingaddic on.com
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Happy Howl-idays! Happy Howl-idays from Downeast Dog News! Do you have pets or pet owners on your holiday shopping list? Need someone to look a er your pup while you are away or perhaps want to take a trip and bring him with you? adver sers Please consider one of our adver sers.
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Downeast Dog News
December 2017
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Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer
Tracking Opportuni es in Maine W hile indoor scent work is popular with many people and fun for dogs, if you have never had the opportunity to track in a real situa on with your dog, you don’t know how much you are missing. Just a few weeks ago at the end of October, the Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine put on a wonderful 2-day tracking event. On Saturday, there were 4 TDU (Tracking Dog Urban) tests in Augusta and 5 TD (Tracking Dog) tests in the Somerville area. On Sunday, there were 3 TDX (Tracking
Dog Excellent) tests in Somerville. Six dogs earned tles right here in Maine – three TD and three TDX. Tracking is an excellent sport to watch and Mid Coast Kennel Club makes spectator par cipa on a high priority. The spectators called the “gallery” in tracking tests – are allowed to follow along the en re track and watch the ac on. There is a person in charge of the
gallery, and this person takes cues from the judges as to when the gallery can advance so as not to distract the dog. It is exci ng to watch the dog solve various scent problems along the track and also an excellent way to learn more about tracking. The TD (Tracking Dog) test takes place in a big field with basically uniform cover; the terrain can be hilly. The TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) test takes place in a rural area. It can involve changes in cover, corn fields, woods, road crossing, small streams, and rugged terrain, but this is not all tracking has to offer. The TDU (Tracking Dog Urban) test takes place in business parks, schools and college campuses. The test must be designed so any handler and dog can nego ate the test. The test can involve stairs. In this test, the handler must be 10 feet behind the dog on lead. The track starts on a vegetated surface. A small flag indicates the start with a scent ar cle le by the tracklayer and a 30-yard flag indicates direc on of the track. The team of dog and handler must follow the path the tracklayer walked and find an intermediate ar cle dropped by the person and an ar cle at the end of the track. The track must be 400 – 450 yards long and
10% – 30% of the track must cross non-vegetated surfaces such as sidewalks, small parking lots, roads, etc. It can go up ramps or stairs, along buildings, and must have 3 to 5 turns. The dog and handler work as a team. You may talk to your dog, rescent your dog, take a break and water your dog – the dog must follow the track and find the ar cles that were dropped. The handler must understand the dog’s indica on of track or loss of track and encourage and help accordingly. TDU is considered an entry level test. If you obtain a TDU, you are eligible for a much more difficult test – a VST. Here, dogs track again in an urban se ng, but must nego ate turns on pavement, find 3 ar cles on the track, and go a distance of 600-800 yards with 4 to 7 turns. This track is 3-5 hours old (a TDU is 30 minutes to 2 hours old). Dogs in both these urban tests work in real life situa ons where they must nego ate traffic, parking lots, construc on, people, children, playgrounds, and other real distrac ons that may occur in an urban se ng. These tests are real, exci ng, and challenging and take place in actual real life environment – they require an excellent rela onship based on teamwork, understanding, and pa ence. Get real - get tracking!
Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 90 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.
Portland Veterinary Specialists When your pet needs specialized care...
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Downeast Dog News
Gi Ideas for Dog Lovers T he holiday gi -giving season is upon us, and for many of us, that means ďŹ nding that special something for our friends with dogs. I believe that one of the best gi s we can give is knowledge, so here are my recommenda ons for three books and one DVD that are perfect gi s for dog lovers everywhere. A Kids' Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! by Niki Tudge –If your family includes children and a dog, if you have children that spend me around friends and family members that have a dog, or if you have a dog that spends any me around children, you, your children, and your dog will beneďŹ t from your reading A Kids' Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog!. The goal of this new book from author Niki Tudge and Doggone Safe is to provide a resource that anyone can use to teach children how to be safe around dogs by teaching them how to “speak dog.â€? As a dog training instructor that teaches both adults and children how to train their dogs, we make teaching canine body language part of our classes. What I have learned over the past 22 years is that before taking a dog training class, even most adults are not aware of most aspects of “speaking dog,â€? which is why I believe this book will be of value to both children and adults. A Kids' Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! is wri en to be used as an interac ve resource and uses cartoons and photographs to illustrate body language dogs use to signal when they are happy, afraid, and angry. By teaching children and adults how to read and respond to these signs, the book helps keep people and dogs safe. The world is full of children and dogs, and it is essen al that we teach them how to interact safely. A Kids' Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! combined with a parent or teacher does just that. I give this book ďŹ ve paws! Hope for Someday by Vincent Ewald, illustrated by Tom Leigh – Wri en by Ark Execu ve Director, Vincent Ewald, and illustrated by
Ark Board President, Tom Leigh, Hope for Someday is a beau ful picture book for children. It is the perfect book for teaching children that pets experience the same emo ons as people. By learning that our pets share these feelings, it is hoped that our children will learn the importance of compassion for all living things. The book is the core of The Ark Animal Shelters PippY (Posi vely Inspiring Pet Programs for Youths) program, and all proceeds from the sale of the book directly support that project. My last two selec ons are a DVD and a book which address pet nutri on. This is such an important topic and one where the world is ďŹ lled with a great deal of misinforma on such as the adver sements we see on TV. The documentary ďŹ lm Pet Fooled – A Look Inside A Ques onable Industry by director Kohl Harrington examines the megalithic corporate en es that produce and market the vast majority of what we feed our pets. What Harrington shows us is not
always pre y nor healthy for our pets. Two of the veterinarians that appear in the film, Dr. Barbara Royal and Dr. Karen Becker explain what our pets need to eat to be healthy, and what you need to look for in a food if you desire optimum health for your pets. You can watch Pet Fooled at http://www.petfooled. com/ and on Netflix or purchase it at the Apple iTunes store. I ďŹ rst heard Dr. Richard Pa on speak about pet nutri on at a conference in the fall of 2015. I was so impressed with the depth of his knowledge and his ability to speak in terms that the average pet
owner could understand that I invited him to speak in Bangor six months later. His book Ruined by Excess, Perfected by Lack addresses two of the most significant health crises facing our pets, obesity and poor nutrition. If you want to learn how to feed your pet for optimal health, I encourage you to read this book. I was so impressed by the quality and importance of the informa on in Pet Fooled and Ruined by Excess, Perfected by Lack that I provided many veterinarians in the area with copies as a gi . No ma er which of the holidays you celebrate this me of year have a very joyous season!
Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor. He is a Bach Founda on Registered Animal Prac oner (BFRAP), Cer ďŹ ed Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), Associate Cer ďŹ ed Cat Behavior Consultant (ACCBC) and a Cer ďŹ ed Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). He produces and co- hosts a weekly radio show and podcast, The Woof Meow Show heard on The Pulse AM620 WZON and streamed at h p://www.wzonradio.com/ every Saturday at 9 AM. A list of upcoming shows and podcasts of past shows can be found at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.
Maine Pet Pantries If you ďŹ nd yourself in tough mes and struggling to feed your pets there are people out there that can help you! The following is a list of some of the pet food pantries available in Maine. Each pantry may provide dierent products and/ or services. Please check with the individual pantries for more info. or if you would like to make a dona on. If you run a pet food pantry and would like to be added to our list
December 2017
for the future please contact jenn@ downeastdognews.com.
ANIMEALS FOR SENIORS Spectrum Genera ons runs an AniMeal program in conjunc on with the Meals on Wheels program for seniors. Bath, Belfast, Brunswick, Muskie Center in Waterville, Skowhegan, Hallowell and Damarisco a. FMI: Lynda Johnson, 207-626-7777 or ljohnson@spectrumgenera ons.org.
ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY Greater Androscoggin Humane Society 55 Strawberry Ave, Lewiston 783-2311 Every Tuesday, 9 – 11 a.m.
AROOSTOOK COUNTY Houlton Humane Society 263 Callaghan Road, Houlton 532-2862 Tues – Sat, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Call ahead for pet pantry assistance. Southern Aroostook Food Pantry 434 Callaghan Road, Houlton 538-6404 Every other week, Thurs & Fri, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
See PANTRIES on page 12
of the
MIRACLE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG RESCUE OF MAINE Successfully Rescues, Fosters & Rehomes Shepherds By Susan Spisak
When I rang up Tuesdi Woodworth, she wasn’t in her office--she’s the CFO for Front Street Shipyard in Belfast—instead, she was in route to a vet with an owner surrendered German Shepherd. She offered to call me back, and when she did, she told me all about her endeavor that she’s so passionate about, Miracle German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Maine and the road she traveled prior to ini a ng this 501(c) 3 foster-based non-profit in March of 2017. She’s a lifelong fan of the breed, and when she lost her own Shepherd about five years ago, she searched the web for a new dog. Long story short, regional search efforts proved fruitless, but she found a Shepherd now named King in a Los Angeles shelter. With the help of a California rescue (and countless other hoops jumped through), he was transported to Maine to add joy to her life. Naviga ng the world of Facebook, reading countless cross posts, and seeing the number of German Shepherds si ng in high-kill shelters in southern California got her thinking. Soon Woodworth and like-minded folks that she met on her adop on journey “started making a plan” and founded Miracle GSD Network in 2012. This “informal” organization isn’t a rescue. Rather they navigate the “really complicated” California shelter system for their highlyscrutinized, approved rescues who want Shepherds for adopters in their own area. Miracle GSD Network coordinates efforts and counts on volunteers in rescues and shelters “on the ground” to pull these lucky dogs, assist with behavioral testing, get them fully-vetted and into a foster home, and arrange transport, and they the raise most of the funds to do it. Through their efforts, they’ve saved about 950 Shepherds from untimely deaths, and they’ve expanded their operations to save dogs from high-kill shelters in other states.
6 yrs., German Shepherd
1.5 yrs., German Shepherds
Cindy is playful and sweet. She is good with dogs AND ki es! We won't know much more about her un l she arrives (Nov.).
A bonded pair of li er mates. We will only be adop ng them out together. They are gentle, sweet dogs. Good with children, and other dogs!
If you would like to be considered for Cindy or Lester and Be y, please fill out our online applica on. Applicants should expect to have their vet references checked. www.miraclegsdmaine.org/adop on-applica on
Woodworth knew Maine and the region needed a German Shepherd rescue, and with the ming finally right for her, Miracle German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Maine was born. And yes, they’re one of the selected rescues that is a proud partner of Miracle GSD Network--so many of their dogs come from those California high-kill shelters (or other states that they now serve). They also accept owner relinquished dogs as space permits. Each dog that comes into the program is carefully evaluated and then placed into foster care. They’re choosy about who can adopt one of their dogs--Woodworth says this breed requires an owner who understands their disposi on and
traits. “They’re wonderful dogs,” she says, adding they’re great family dogs, incredibly intelligent, loyal, athle c, and very sensi ve, but they can be high energy, may become bossy, and need lots of exercise. Interested in adop ng a dog from Miracle German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Maine? Fill out an app, expect a vet check, phone interview, and home visit. Once you pass those steps, there will be meet and greets with dogs that best fit your lifestyle. Visit h ps://www.miraclegsdmaine.org/ for an applica on and info on volunteering and fostering. Dona ons are always welcome.
Sponsored by
HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • 207-453-7387 www.yourhometownvet.com
PANTRIES from page 11 CUMBERLAND COUNTY Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland 217 Landing Road, Westbrook 854-9771 Tues: 1 - 3 p.m. and Sun: 1 - 4 p.m. Camp Bow Wow 49 Blueberry Road, Portland 207-541-9247 M-F: 6:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sat: 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sun: 7:30 -10 a.m. and 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Call ahead to check what’s available
Town of Standish Animal Control 175 Northeast Rd, Standish 642-4343 Sat. 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Call to check supply levels Steep Falls Library 1128 Pequawket Trl, Steep Falls 675-3132 Mon. & Tues. 9:30 a.m. -7:30 p.m., Wed. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Coastal Humane Society 30 Range Road, Brunswick 725-5051 Sun., Mon., Tues. & Thurs 12 - 4 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 12 - 6 p.m. Call ahead to see if pantry is stocked
HANCOCK Bar Harbor Food Pantry 36 Mount Desert St in the YMCA basement. 288-3375 First four Tuesdays, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and following Thursdays 4 - 6 p.m. Call ahead to see if stocked. Hardy’s Friends Non-profit organiza on, helps pet owners in need in the towns of Gouldsboro and Winter Harbor. Provides dog and cat food, li er, basic flea and ck protec on and veterinary assistance. FMI: susanburke58@hardysfriends.com or 963-7444
See PANTRIES on page 15
Downeast Dog News
Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 230-0260 x6
10-12 yrs., Jack Russell Terrier Mix
6 yrs., Lab Mix
15 weeks, Pit Bull
Princess does well with other dogs, cats and rabbits. She would be a sweet lap companion and would love a quiet home where she is well loved.
Very high energy. Needs a home with someone very ac ve and pa ent as he has some anxiety. Best in a home with no dogs or small children. Loves to swim and play fetch!
Lovable and playful! Currently working on housebreaking. Spayed and up to date on age appropriate vaccines.
FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net
FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net
Contact: ambercreswell.ark@ gmail.com
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Sponsored by
First Na onal Bank
Scarborough Animal Hospital
Sunray Animal Clinic
16 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais 1-800-564-3195 • theďŹ rst.com
29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412 scarboroughanimalhospital.com
73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398 sunrayvet.com
15 weeks, Pit Bull
10 yrs., Hound/Lab
Senior, Chihuahua
Lovable and sweet cuddler.
Happy guy who loves people and does well with dogs & cats. Energe c and goofy. Would do great in an ac ve adult household.
A gentle senior who was abandoned outside a Maine shelter, so we don’t know her history. She is looking for a loving re rement home.
Contact: ambercreswell.ark@ gmail.com
FMI: olddogsnewdigs.com
3 yrs., Terrier/ Schnauzer
4 yrs., Bichon/Poodle Mix
Likely a mix of many breeds. Nugget is a happy, energe c, playful pup that gets along great with other dogs and people. Needs an ac ve household that can give her the exercise she needs. Contact Puppy Love, puppyloveme.org
FMI: olddogsnewdigs. com
TOBY 6yrs., Beagle/ Hound Mix
Aec onate, loves adults and children, is indierent to cats, and likes to play with other dogs a er proper introduc ons. MUST have exercise and play me preferably with another dog. Louie is NOT A LAP DOG!!
Abused at a young age, so he can be shy around new people. He is a sweet boy who loves to play with other dogs and sit in your lap once he gets to know you. Looking for a quiet family with no children and another dog.
Contact Puppy Love, puppyloveme.org
Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392
6 yrs., Hound Mix
4 yrs., Catahoula Leopard Mix
1 yr., Shepherd Mix
Super sweet guy once he se les in and gets comfortable. Once he opens up you'll surely fall for him! Ac ve guy, needs a daily walk, jog, bike ride, or hike. Good boy in the house. Can be an escape ar st but exercise will help and training.
This li le man is looking for a home with an experienced dog owner who understands how important it is to take him to training before he grows into a big, strong dog. Odin needs a kid and dog free home.
Contact Catahoula Rescue of New England, SLN2310@yahoo.com
Available at PAWS in Camden (207)236-8702
Her owner became disabled and unable to care for her. Friendly, playful girl who enjoys playing ball and loves people. Well trained with good house manners. Good with children and cats, would prefer to be an only dog. Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392
Help us find a forever home! B
M .
December 2017
December C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com
Friday, December 1 Camden-Rockport, 6PM-9PM As part of the Christmas by the Sea celebra on, our Camden-Rockport Loyal Biscuit will be open late Dec. 1st with discounts increasing as the night goes on. Our Self-Serve Dog Wash will be closed during the sale. Discount does not apply towards food or the self-serve dog wash. loyalbiscuit.com, 207-660-9200x7
Saturday, December 9 Camden, 4:30PM Please join P.A.W.S. on December 9th for the official "Tree Ligh ng Ceremony" at 4:30pm. On this evening we will light the tree out in front of our shelter. We will also have hot cocoa, cookies, a guest appearance for photo op's and more! pawsadop on.org
PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Saturday, December 2 Camden, 10 AM – 11 AM When a beloved pet dies it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of your sorrow. Join others who share your feelings and understand your loss. Every first Saturday of the month, Ginny Ford will hold a Pet Loss Group in the P.A.W.S. Community Room at PAWS Animal Adop on Center, 123 John St., Camden. Feel free to bring along a picture, leash, poem, or other items that remind you of your pet. FMI: pawsadop on.org; info@ pawsadop on.org; 207-236-8702
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, December 2 Camden-Rockport, 10AM – 12PM Rockland, 1PM – 3PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Loyal Biscuit Camden-Rockport loca on on US Rte 1 in Camden from 10am – Noon and our Rockland loca on at 408 Main St. from 1pm – 3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; 207660-9200 x7
JOY TO THE VILLE Saturday, December 2 Waterville, 10AM – 8PM Downtown Waterville will be in full swing with "Joy to the Ville" this holiday season. To join in on the celebration, bring your pup into the Waterville Loyal Biscuit on Sat, December 2nd, where we will be serving up FREE pet friendly
DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar
CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.
Add your events TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!
holiday egg nog! And while you're waiting in line to visit Santa, the store will also be offering 15% off all toys, treats, chews, and beds all day long! This is a great opportunity to stock up on treats and fill your pet's stocking with Christmas goodies! loyalbiscuit. com, 207-660-9200x7
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Saturday, December 2 Portland, 10AM – 2PM Don’t miss our annual Holiday Open House event at the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland’s Arthur P. Girard Adop on Center. Shop for your trees, wreaths, kissing balls and holiday greens. We’ll also have a variety of hand-cra ed gi s (kni ed wear, po ery and more!) for the humans on your list, as well as a large quan ty of pet gi baskets for your four-legged family members. Bring in a donation of pet food or toys and help us fill our pantry shelves for the winter months. All proceeds support the ARLGP. arlgp.org
BOOK SIGNING JEN BLOOD Saturday, December 9 Rockland, 10AM – 2PM Join us at our Rockland Loyal Biscuit as we host local Maine author Jen Blood! Jen Blood is the USA Todaybestselling author of the Erin Solomon Mysteries and the Flint K-9 Search and Rescue Mysteries. Maya Picks a Puppy is her first children's book. It tells the story of a young girl intent on ge ng her first puppy, only to find her heart captured by an older dog at the local humane society. The book has been beau fully illustrated by the late Thomas Block. loyalbiscuit.com, 207660-9200x7
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, December 9 Belfast, 10AM – 12PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Loyal Biscuit Belfast loca on on 1 Belmont Ave. for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; 207-660-9200 x7
ALES FOR TAILS Wednesday, December 6 Warren, 4PM – 6PM Join us for a pint or two at Simplicity Brewing, 2473 Camden Rd. (Rte. 90) next to Frantz Furniture and help PAWS raise some $$ too! Well behaved dogs welcome. h ps://www.facebook.com/ simplicitybrewingco/
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Saturday, December 9 Brewer, 10AM – 5PM Join the Brewer Loyal Biscuit for their very first Holiday Open House! To join in on the celebra on, bring your pup in for a FREE pet friendly Holiday Egg Nog and goodies for you to enjoy as well while you shop! For ONE day only, we will be offering 15% off all toys, treats, chews, and beds all day long! This is a great opportunity to stock up on treats and fill your pet's stocking with Christmas goodies! loyalbiscuit.com, 207-660-9200x7
JINGLE & MINGLE Saturday, December 9 West Kennebunk, 11AM – 2PM Jingle + Mingle at AWS’ annual Holiday Open House, held at the adop on center in West Kennebunk. Fun for the whole family with pet photos with Santa, holiday tunes, stocking stuffers and raffles, seasonal treats, fes ve cra s for kids and much more! Feel free to bring a gi for the animals from our holiday wish list: h p://animalwelfaresociety.org/ support-us/wish-list/
PHOTOS WITH SANTA Saturday, December 9 & 16 Portland, 1PM – 4PM Tis’ the season! Bring your pet to pose with Santa at the Maine Mall PETCO on Saturday, December 9th or Saturday, December 16th between 1-4pm. Cost is just $9.95 (includes a take-home photo) and all funds raised are donated directly to the ARLGP. arlgp.org
Saturday, December 9 Camden, 10AM – 11:30 AM Anne e MacNair will be joining us to talk about America's VetDogs program! Anne e is the Puppy Advisor for a new program at the Maine State Prison in Warren. MSP is the first prison in Maine to have joined the America's VetDogs program and currently has 4 puppies being raised and trained by inmates who are Veterans themselves. pawsadop on.org
ALL PAWS FORWARD Sunday, December 10 Freeport, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Annual brunch and silent auc on hosted by Lincoln County Animal Shelter and Coastal Humane Society. Mix and mingle over gourmet food and enjoy fes ve live music, Silent Auc on and a presenta on on the future of animal sheltering with special Guest Speaker Susan Bri of the ASPCA. We'll celebrate our accomplishments in 2017 and look forward to the year ahead. PLUS, get some holiday shopping done, too - all proceeds of silent auc on and this event will benefit our animals. Tickets are $30 per person. coastalhumanesociety.org
POOCH PARADE Thursday, December 14 Kennebunkport, 11AM Pooch Parade begins at Consolidated School – 25 School St, Kennebunkport. Deck yourself and your pooch out in holiday a re for the 4th Annual Christmas Prelude Pooch Parade. Adoptable dogs and volunteers from the Animal Welfare Society will stroll from the Consolidated School on School Street to Union Street. The motorized L.L. Bean Boot and Slugger from the Sea Dogs will lead the way. A er you strut your furry stuff, you can enjoy some hot cocoa and do some holiday shopping. animalwelfaresociety.org
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, December 16 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Humane Society Waterville Area. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; 207660-9200 x7
Downeast Dog News
Business Directory MIDCOAST
• Full service veterinary care from the heart. • Voted best Veterinary Clinic in Bangor 7 years running. • Now accepting new patients.
Mark Hanks, DVM Chris Barry, DVM 857 River Road Orrington, ME (207)825-8989 www.kindredvet.com
CENTRAL MAINE Full service grooming spa and self service dog wash Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat 8:30-7:00PM 46 Bay St Suite 2, Winslow 872-2100
PANTRIES from page 12 Deer Isle-Island Food Pantry Island Community Center-lower level 6 Memorial Lane, Stonington Kathy 348-6181 Thursdays (with the excep on of the occasional fi h Thursday), 5:30 - 7 p.m. SPCA Hancock County 141 Bar Harbor Rd., Trenton 667-8088 Wed - Sun 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
KENNEBEC COUNTY Amy Buxton Pet Pantry South Parish UCC 9 Church St, Augusta 622-0552 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month 8 - 9 a.m. Apr. – Sept., 9 - 10 a.m. Oct. – Mar.
KNOX COUNTY Penobscot Pet Pantry American Legion Corner of John & Pearl, Camden 763-4291 First Thursday of the month 1 p.m. Applica on form required.
December 2017
Lincoln County Animal Shelter 27 Atlan c Highway, Edgecomb 882-9677 Every day except Wed. & Sun. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Call ahead for pet food pantry assistance.
Waldo County ty Pet Food Panty VFW 34 Field Street, et, Belfast 3rd Saturday of every month, open at 12:30 0 p.m. In case of emergency ergency 322-3237
No Bowl Empty ty Pet Food Pantry 200 Cape Rd, Hollis Center 233-2793 By appointment. ent. Please call ahead. ead.
YORK COUNTY Furry Friends Food Bank Available through the Eastern Area Agency on Aging in Washington, Penobscot, Hancock and Piscataquis Counties. Services for low income seniors and their companion animals. People must be enrolled with EAAA. Call 941-2865 or 800-432-7812.
The Corner ner Cupboard Sanford Unitarian ian Universalist Church 5 Lebanon St.,, Sanford 324-3191 Open the third d Saturday of every month, 10 a.m. m. – 2 p.m.
Bangor Humane Society 693 Mount Hope Ave, Bangor 942-8902 12 - 6 p.m. M-F, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat Mostly dog and cat food/li er; supplies vary, call first.
U Boarding & Daycare U Dog & Cat Grooming U Dog Training Classes U Behavior Counseling U Wholesome Pet Foods U Quality Pet Supplies
ME License #F251
Your pet’s home away from home 1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com
Please Help Area Seniors Feed Their Pets Donate to the Eastern Area Agency on Aging Furry Friends Food Bank
FMI: www.greenacres-donate.com
Voted: Best Kennel, Best Pet Store, Best Dog Trainer & Best Pet Groomer GREAT SELECTION, GREAT PRICES AND A HELPFUL STAFF. WE HAVE IT ALL! n Huge selectiot a c d n of dog a foods!
Nutro Pro Pac Candidae Iams
Blue Seal By Nature Fromm Wysong Innova Solid Gold
Pedigree Purina Pro Plan Science Diet Taste of the Wild Eukanuba
Merrick Max Triumph Whiskas Friskies
U.S. Route 1, Wiscasset Mon.-Fri. 7:00 - 5:30 Sat. 7:00 - 5:00 Closed Sun.
Bring your dog to check out our great supply of pet foods and toys!
At Bear Brook Kennels your pet will receive quality, personalized care, customized to your specifications. All dogs have spacious indoor/outdoor areas as well as walks and supervised playtime by request. Your cats will enjoy a multilevel room in our light and airy cattery, or reserve our hideaway suite. Pocket pets are welcome.
BEAR BROOK KENNELS 19 Bennett Road, Brewer, ME 04412 tel 207-989-7979 fax 207-989-6927 e-mail info@bearbrookkennel.com