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On the Water
From its earliest days, the sea has defined the Blue Hill Peninsula and neighboring islands as a center for boat building, coastal trading, sailing, fishing and recreation. The Peninsula’s many harbors and inlets are busy with lobster boats, recreational powerboats, sailboats of all sizes and types, as well as other small craft including kayaks and row boats.
PUBLIC LANDINGS: Blue Hill: Public Wharf downtown, high tide access only (no permit) Blue Hill Harbormaster: Dennis Robertson (207) 374-5561 Brooksville Harbormaster: Debrae Bishop, (207) 664-4885 Brooklin Landings: The Town of Brooklin maintains three public landings. Call the Town Office for more information (207) 359-8394. Castine Kayak Adventures in Castine: offers kayak tours daily and nightly bioluminescent/ stargazing night paddles, intermediate, overnight and international tours, as well as a range of clinics, including beginner to advanced courses, roll clinics and sea kayak guide training. Kayak and bike rentals also available. (207) 866-3506
Castine town dock on-duty cell phone:
(207) 266-7711 or Channels 09 & 16. Dock attendant on-duty daily 8 AM -5 PM from July 1 - Labor Day East Blue Hill: East Blue Hill Village Improvement Association Boat Ramp (permit required): www.eastbluehillmaine.org Sedgwick and Brooksville: share a public fresh water landing at Walker’s Pond, off of Rte 15/175 (on Cooper Farm Rd.) in Sedgwick. South Blue Hill: Public Wharf, all tides access (no permit)
The Kollegewidgwok Sailing Education
Association (KSEA): a non-profit sailing school serving Blue Hill and the surrounding region. (207) 374-5505 or kycbluehill.com. Nichols Day Camp: a summer camp on Walker’s Pond offering swimming, sailing, canoeing for children ages 5 to 15. office (207) 374-5862 or the June-Aug camp office (207) 359-4900 The Activity Shop in Blue Hill: rent recreational kayaks (single and tandem), canoes, paddleboards and bikes. Equipment delivery at no charge. (207) 374-3600
Blue Hill Heritage Trust, Maine Coast Heritage Trust and Island Heritage Trust:
have several public water access points across the peninsula and on Deer Isle.
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries &
Discovery Wharf: 13 Atlantic Ave. Stonington, ME 04681 (207)367-2708 Free education center located on the working Stonington waterfront.
Wooden Boat School: Internationally acclaimed school for building and sailing wooden boats. Located in Brooklin, Maine www.thewoodenboatschool.com
Isle au Haut Boat: Ferry Service to Isle au Haut & Boat Tours, located in Stonington www.isleauhaut.com