Hot Dog News Looking for Vendors/ Demonstrators/Rescues The Downeast Dog News has once again joined the Boothbay Railway Village in planning their June Rescue Event. Rescue Day at the Railway will be held on Saturday, June 8th. Last year we had a great turnout with many rescues, vendors, Flyball demonstra ons and more. If you would like to join us for this fun day please contact or 633-4727 for an informa on/registra on packet. We hope you will join us!
MVMC Becomes Maine's Only VECCS Cer fied Level 1 Hospital! MVMC is thrilled to announce our new cer fica on as a Veterinary Emergency and Cri cal Care Society (VECCS) Level I center. This achievement required the comple on of a grueling applica on process and recognizes hospitals that are providing gold standard pa ent care. The VECCS cer fica on program iden fies three levels (level I being the highest) based on facility opera ng hours, pa ent care, equipment, and personnel. As a VECCS level I hospital, MVMC had to exceed minimum standards, as well as provide the highestlevel diagnos cs, pa ent care and medicine at all mes. This cer fica on requires a facility to be open
idcoast Humane’s 14th Annual Save a Stray 5K & Fes val will be held at L.L.Bean in Freeport on Saturday, August 24 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Registra on for the 5K run and Onemile walk is now open, and for a limited me you can register at the Early Bird price of only $20.00! You can register at: The Save a Stray 5K & Fes val is a day of fun-filled events for the whole family (including the canine members!) to enjoy, while also suppor ng Midcoast Humane’s mission of making life be er for animals and people in our community.
to receive emergency pa ents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and have a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Cri cal Care (DACVECC) employed full me. An important part of this cer fica on leads to another exci ng announcement; Meghan E Vaught DVM, DACVECC joined the team as our new Emergency and Cri cal Care Department Medical Director and cri calist. Dr. Vaught plays a crucial role in suppor ng our hospital as a cer fied VECCS level I hospital. As a cri calist she specializes in trea ng our sickest pa ents and will head our emergency department.
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Downeast Dog News
Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Gail Mason
GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765
From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Once this issue comes out it will officially be spring! In a way it feels as though winter went by fairly quickly because I have barely touched my indoor projects, but there is s ll me. I will be very happy to be rid of the ice! That was tricky when taking Pepper outside especially not knowing where the turkeys might be. I was fortunate to only fall down twice and not suffer any serious injuries. I know a few people who were not so lucky. Speaking of the turkeys, I hope not to jinx myself by saying this, but I haven’t seen them in maybe a couple of weeks. They have certainly added to my spring yard clean up. Yuck! I’m hoping they will stay in the field or elsewhere once all of the ground is exposed. Pepper visited a new fun place in March. I took her to Water Bark Wellness for a couple of swims, so she could have fun and get some exercise. Winter is a li le tough especially because I’m not much of a winter person. She also hurt her foot a li le perhaps on the ice or crusty snow, so swimming was a gentle way to get in some exercise and as a Labrador one of her most favorite things to do. The look on her face was so worth it! We plan to make a couple more visits before we can hit the lake. What a great service to have available and what a fun job Kate has hanging out in a pool with dogs all day! This month is Pepper’s 5th birthday and her Cousin Dexter’s 3rd birthday! Dexter and Fam are moving back to Maine. Well it’s back to Maine for my brother and his girlfriend, but Dexter came from the South and has been living in Rhode Island recently, so it will be a li le new to him other than his visits. I bet he is going to like it especially because he will be close to his dog cousins so he will have regular buddies to play with! Be sure and protect your pets and yourself from the cks. We have had some warm days now, and with less
snow and ice covering the ground, they will start making their appearance. Also in April is Scoop the Poop week. The internet provides conflic ng informa on about which week it actually is, but regardless it’s me to clean up the mess le behind from winter. Happy scooping everyone! All the best, Jenn and Pepper
Happy Birthday Dexter and Pepper!
• Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.
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“Pe ng, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep medita on and almost as good for the soul as prayer.” ― Dean Koontz, False Memory
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April 2019
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Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or
Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Tick Article ............................. 7 Pawsitively Pet Care .......... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15
We’re heading to warmer days and no more snow! Hard to believe that because as I write this my yard is s ll buried under a few feet of it, but I know many dogs who can’t wait to run on bare ground again! In the mean me, here are some reader ques ons about their dogs. Just a reminder that a reading isn’t a replacement for licensed veterinary care. All medical insight is coming from a purely psychic perspec ve. Enjoy! Jen H. wants to know about her pup Bailey and his past. When I ask about it, I see lots of colors flashing by him. I think it was much more chao c than living with you, and he never really knew where he was supposed to be or what his role was in the household. He felt like an a erthought. He doesn’t seem to have any es to his past now, though, and he’d be pre y cked off if you treated him differently because of it. Sue O. had Harvey who is deceased. “Does he s ll visit my granddaughter?” Oh my goodness, yes. She looks so angelic when she’s sleeping! I feel like I’m looking at the original Gerber baby with the precious round face. Harvey is an old soul who had depth in his eyes. He reminds me of a great grandfather who has lived a very full life and simply enjoys being around his family. I’m curious if you knew your grandfather or your great grandfather on your father’s side. It’s like part of his spirit came back as Harvey, and he simply loved (and s ll loves) being around family! If you have blue orbs in any of your pictures, it’s him saying hello. Harvey’s so peaceful- I could sit with his energy all day! Lynn G. asked about Laddie her deceased Male English Se er. “I would like to know if he’s happy and why he le the fenced yard and why he didn’t leave the train tracks when the train came flying by.” These are never easy experiences to wrap our heads around, and I know the pain that comes from a
Xylitol Q. I have been told xylitol is toxic to dogs. Can you tell me about it?
Xylitol is a naturally occurring substance, which is a sugar alcohol used as a sugar subs tute. It is found in berries, plums, corn, oats, mushrooms, le uce, trees, and other fruits. Commercially, xylitol is extracted from corn fiber, trees such as birch and other hardwoods, and other vegetables. Although xylitol has been used for decades as a sugar subs tute, there has been an increase in popularity due to its low glycemic index and its dental plaque figh ng proper es. These proper es are appealing to diabe cs, low carbohydrate dieters, and den sts. You can find xylitol in all kinds of products from dental care products, over the counter medica ons, prescrip on drugs, candy, vitamins, processed foods, such as peanut bu er, jelly and jams, baked goods, low sugar puddings, and snacks. For people this is a pre y safe product. Some may experience a laxa ve effect when first inges ng this product. For dogs there is another story.
Furry Words by Sara Moore
sudden devasta ng loss. That being said, he was ready to go “home” to the other side. He came to you to make sure you were back on track. Laddie liked structure and rou ne. He got you back into one, and when that was accomplished, he felt that his job here was complete. I think he visits every now and then while you’re sleeping, but he’s spending the majority of his me in heaven wai ng for the day you reunite. Kendralee has Marley, and she’s wondering which family member she wants to live with. The choices are: Mom, Dad, Ben or Kendralee, Jon, Savannah or Noah. As soon as I started reading this, I heard Dad. When I ask why, it’s because he seems to have spring in his step right now, and she feels as though she’d make a great pal for him. Mom has too much on her plate. Ben is great to visit with but isn’t in dog owner mode at the moment. Same goes for you! Jon isn’t smooshy enough, and Savannah makes Marley want to snuggle up even on a warm day in the blankets and nest, but she’d get chunky. She needs more exercise
Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman
Xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs. A very small amount can result in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, and death. People and dogs control their blood sugar by insulin released from the pancreas. In humans xylitol doesn’t s mulate a release of insulin. When dogs ingest xylitol, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream
than that. And I feel like even if she’s with dad, she’d s ll get plenty of Noah me. “If I go back and forth between houses, I want my bed to go with me please!” Sue O. asked if she did the right thing for Tux who is on the other side. 100% and no regrets is what I just heard. I feel like I’m talking to an older marine who served with passion, awareness, and comple on. He says thank you for taking on the decision to help him cross. He knows it’s never easy but he’s grateful that you were confident enough to let him go. It was his me. Beth M. said, “My current dog, Wyeth, is an almost 2 year old Rough Collie. I'd love to know if he's happy being my one on one dog or if he'd like a Collie or Corgi fursibling.” I have a HUGE smile on my face right now! What a ridiculously happy dog! He’s showing me his gorgeous white teeth and his bu and his en re sexy body as he puts it! If he were a human, he’d be like most of Vince Vaughn’s characters. He is fine being the only one at the moment, but a Corgi would be his choice if you get a sibling. In his opinion, the Collie would be too insecure, which is why he picked a Corgi. He’s in this life for fun and play and the two of them are going to be hysterical together! Jane K. asks, “My dog Romi is 2 1/2. Why does he bark and lunge at some people when they come in the house but to others he is friendly and sweet? He is a rescue Maltese mix.” He is so red of people taking advantage of you! You have the ability to grit your teeth and get through anything, but you really don’t have to surround yourself with people who drain you energe cally. He is trying to show you the people that do that to you. Once you are aware of it, bubble yourself up energe callyyou can imagine light surrounding you, call in God, Angels, or whatever feels right for you- and then he shouldn’t have to be your emo onal bodyguard.
I asked him if he’d like a reward for his efforts, and I see twisty cinnamon treats. I think maybe from Taco Bell? I have no idea what they are, but they’re definitely people food! Make sure cinnamon is ok for him first! Julie L.’s dog Tesla was very trauma zed as a puppy. “Is she feeling safe with us?” I get a yes but that she’s s ll very aware of how quickly things can go downhill. She’s comparing it to living in the Midwest where there are tornadoes, then moving to the Northeast where they don’t happen o en, but if the sky grows dark, it is a trigger. When I ask what would make her feel more secure, I hear a white noise machine and lots and lots of snuggles. She is the absolute perfect dog for you. Julie, you are very grounded, and that’s why people want to be near you. Try to ground Tesla by imagining her feet solidly on the earth, and she should be more confident. Lynne D. wants to know if Roxi is experiencing any stomach or gastric issues? If so, how can she help her? Ugh. As soon as I read this, my upper belly feels funky and hot. I hear yes to stomach, not to gastric issues. She’s asking for probio cs to balance her gut bacteria. Those are her words, so ask a vet if that makes sense. She’s very sensi ve to any changes in diet or medica on, and she needs some help to get back to feeling 100%. Before I go, I want to thank all of you for submi ng ques ons and for your referrals. Not long ago I’d be ramping up for spring and summer events where I’d spend my days on the road, but now I can’t with my son’s sports schedule. I’m s ll available for office and long distance readings though! FMI or to schedule, please go to and visit the Online Booking page.
triggering a potent release of insulin from the pancreas. This results in a drama c drop in blood sugar causing hypoglycemia that can be life threatening. Hypoglycemia can occur within 10 to 60 minutes a er inges on. The dose of xylitol that can make a dog sick is about 50 mg per pound. This dose would result in hypoglycemia. The more the dog ingests, the greater the risk of liver failure. Dogs ea ng gum is the number one cause of toxicity seen by poison control. The amount of xylitol found in gum varies. Some brands have a small amount, and it could take 9 pieces of gum to cause a 45 pound dog to develop severe hypoglycemia while it would take 45 pieces to cause liver failure. In other common brands, there is 1 gram of xylitol per piece of gum. This means only 2 pieces of gum will result in severe hypoglycemia, and only 10 pieces will cause liver failure. The symptoms to watch out for are vomi ng, weakness, lack of coordina on or difficulty standing, depression or lethargy, tremors, seizures, and coma. What to do if your dog ingests anything with xylitol? Have your dog
seen immediately by a veterinarian. Do not induce vomi ng because your dog could already be hypoglycemic. If possible bring the package of the product consumed. The veterinarian will do blood tests to assess if your dog is hypoglycemic, has low potassium, or is in liver failure. She will start treatment with IV fluids, dextrose, liver protectants, and other suppor ve treatment. Your dog will need to be hospitalized to monitor blood sugar and liver func on. If caught soon enough, the prognosis is good. If liver func on is compromised, the prognosis is worse, and if the dog is in a coma, the prognosis is poor. Not all product labels list xylitol as an ingredient. If a label states only, “ar ficial sweetener”, presume it contains xylitol. There is no an dote for xylitol poisoning, so if you are using xylitol containing products, be sure to keep them completely away from your dog. Remember Fido is smart and resourceful.
Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings. Visit her website at
Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine www.mainehomeopah
Downeast Dog News
FRIENDS from page 1 Retriever named Moxie--who helps as a canine friend and role model. Eventually, a specialist determined the li le guy required an amputa on. The pup she ini ally nicknamed “Tiny Tim� had the surgery and is adjus ng to and blooming in his “new normal,� thanks to his perseverance and a plucky a tude that he has in common with Christy.
FIGHTING FOR SURVIVAL Christy’s comeback story is inspira onal. This US Army vet’s life went sideways in 2006 while serving in Asia as a Sergeant in the Military Police. She was trauma cally injured and forced to re re. She was plagued with seizures and serious mobility issues, lost parts of her memory and two ďŹ ngers, and relied on leg braces to walk. Doctors told this accomplished high school and college athlete that she’d never be independent again‌ never ride a bike, run, play sports, even bathe herself, and she was advised to apply for a service dog. This Lewiston veteran underwent years of physical and speech therapy and revisited many years of her school educa on. With ďŹ erce determina on, a strong support system and that ever-loyal canine friend Moxie, she rebounded and redeďŹ ned herself. She explored her love of athle cs and began par cipa ng in adap ve sports. She played with the USA Warriors Ice Hockey, then co-founded and is captain of the New England Warriors Sled Hockey. She a ended a sled hockey camp, and as a result, plays for the US Women’s Sled Hockey Team. She was named as the USA Hockey’s Disabled Athlete of the Year in 2013. She went on to show o Track and Field skills at the 2016 US Paralympics’ Team Trials. (She shared she’s currently 5th in shot put and 11th in discus--in the world.) Christy also par cipated in the 2017 Department of Defense Warrior Games in Chicago with Team Army--and the pre y
Therapy Dog in Training, Lucky Tim. C : R A
Moxie led the parade of athletes into Soldier Field for opening ceremonies. In 2018, she and her US Women’s Sled Hockey teammates celebrated their second gold medal win (the ďŹ rst was in 2014) at the IPC Ice Sledge Hockey Interna onal Women’s Cup. Tired of dealing with leg braces (and a wheelchair when pain was excrucia ng) and having a weakened body that made her feel “like a piece of crap,â€? she welcomed an alterna ve three years+ ago. Now a double amputee with eight sets of prosthe c legs for various ac vi es, “they have dierent ankle components if you will,â€? she has greater freedom. (She added that they’ve eased winter issues--Maine’s icy and snowy seasons aren’t chair-friendly.) To stay ďŹ t and con nually challenge herself, she runs 5k’s monthly--and Moxie loves them. “We started registering her as well so that she’d have her own bib, so people wouldn’t freak that there was a dog on the course.â€? For fun, the duo that’s been together about 9 years surfs, paddleboards, kayaks, and snowboards. Her courageous story has been widely covered by the media,
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touching hearts worldwide. She and Moxie grace ads (Disable American Veterans) on billboards and bus stop shelters, garnering support for vets. She’s a sought a er local and na onal speaker--she recently spoke at the Na onal Security Agency in DC. In honor of Veteran’s Day, she was treated to a full “amazing� makeover on the Rachel Ray Show last fall--and Moxie was a hit, too. (Rachel hooked Christy up with prosthe c legs for high heels--complete with cool shoes. Here’s a link to the makeover, www. Grab Kleenex.)
LUCKY TIM “I met him shortly after he was born,� she said of the Varney’s pup born last December. A veterinarian originally cast the deformed foot to straighten it out. “It turned out later it was still horribly deformed,� she explained. The pup was missing most of his wrist bones and had a deformed elbow--the best solution would be to remove the front leg to the shoulder. Meanwhile, over in the town of Leeds, the kids of Leeds Central School were interested in service dogs after seeing a photo of President Bush’s service dog, Sully. That coupled with Christy’s speech on the powers of service dogs and meeting her Moxie sparked an idea--the kids wanted to raise monies for a service dog through the Maine-based non-profit, K9’s on the Front Line, for a local
veteran. (Principal Danielle Harris said they’ve raised about $1750.) Knowing that the adorably fearless pup would be terrific for students who needed a morale boost, Christy approached Leeds Central School leaders about the possibility of taking on her charge permanently after he completes all training and passes necessary tests, which may take a year. “They jumped all over it,â€? said Christy. The kids embraced the idea that the dog would be in-house daily and had a contest to name him--he’s now Lucky Tim. Once the superintendent and board approve of Lucky Tim-Principal Harris believes it’ll take several months for the busy superintendent to explore, but she has a “gut feelingâ€? it’ll be approved, she will become his owner and handler. Lucky Tim will spend his days in classrooms comforting and alleviating anxiety and when the bell rings, he’ll head home with her-where he’ll also be doted on by her husband Mike, son Thomas, and dog Zoey. (If Lucky Tim isn’t approved at Leeds, Christy will find another area school that will benefit from his presence.) Lucky Tim’s leg amputation (and hernia repair) was financed thanks to Christy’s GoFundMe efforts, “Little Guy, Big Mission.â€? VetriScienceÂŽ Laboratories, an animal health supplement company, became aware of the pup and granted $10,000 for the surgery. All other monies raised will offset his formal training, medical insurance, and future needs so that he can be donated without financial burden. Christy said Lucky Tim was “completely full of itâ€? the day a er surgery, which was trouble for her as he was to be quiet. “By day seven, I’ll be up a creek,â€? she laughed. It sounds like he’s adjus ng to being three-legged and will move forward doing good works like his raiser and her four-legged protector. While the pup is s ll under her wing, she will con nue to visit the school with Moxie and Lucky Tim, deligh ng the students and sta.
GOLDEN LOVE Christy knows ďŹ rst-hand how a service and/or therapy dog can reduce stress, bring compassion and become a best friend like Moxie. “We’re
See FRIENDS on page 14
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April 2019
Mud Puppies!
Basic Training Tips
Prepare yourself… and your dog… for Mud Season!
ud Season: the price we pay for living in Maine! It can be challenging to keep floors clean when dirty paws are coming through the door mul ple mes a day. Luckily, there are many op ons to help get us through this messy me of year. Have a plan and prepare your pup sufficiently. You will need lots of dress rehearsals before he is ready for prime me! You may have to have him on leash for these exercises, but if he struggles a lot, you'll need to go really slowly. Handling Posi ve handling is key. Cleaning off paws, or any part of your dog's body, needn't be a struggle if you are super generous with the treats. Simultaneously feed and handle your dog for very short sessions at a me to get him happy about it. In the beginning, handle just a few seconds, pause and repeat. I use a refillable food tube (Coghlan's Squeeze Tube) filled with canned dog food for this purpose. About Face! If you don't want your muddy dog to race inside and plant his signature everywhere, you can train him to immediately turn towards the closed door as soon as he comes in. It's easy! Put him on leash outside, show him the yummy treats you have, then invite him to come inside. Hold ght! The instant he comes through the door, close it, face the door
by Diana Logan
and feed him the treats with your hand held against the closed door. Repeat. [You can also use this strategy with the car door to keep your dog from instantly bol ng away the moment you let him out.] Keep a leash a ached to the door handle (you might have to loop it around the handle on the other side of the door to keep it secure) to provide a handy tethering point. With one par cularly over-exuberant adolescent guest dog whose impulse
control le a lot to be desired, I spread peanut bu er on the inside of the door to keep her busy so I could clean her off. "Cookies in the Shower!" Our bathroom happens to be right inside the front door: a very lucky accident. We can send our dog directly to the shower stall for cleaning. We play "cookies in the shower!" and will some mes feed him meals there to ensure it remains a happy place. To teach it ini ally, I asked him to stay, then I tossed treats into the shower stall, then released him with the cue "shower!" You can play a similar game with your dog - choose a convenient spot where you'd like him to be for cleaning off and name it something fun. Prac ce many, many mes when you don't actually need him to be there. You can also use his favorite toys. Not Too Cold! Most pups do not like having frigid water sprayed on them; it's just not comfortable. When you are habitua ng your dog to being bathed, be nice and use warm water. If you are outside, you can use pails of warm tap water. Wash Cloth vs Running Water A wash cloth is some mes easier for a dog to accept than running water. Get the wash cloth really wet, then give your pup a massage with it while simultaneously feeding him. If you want to use soap, get the wash cloth soapy and rub the already wet areas of his body with it. "Perch" Train your pup to love to put his front feet up on a low stool or other similar object. The dog is sta onary, his body nicely stretched out and it's easier to see and reach him. We have perches near each doorway and also in the bathroom. Astro
is very good about perching in the shower so I can bathe him. We all love perch! Rinse that Dirty Face of Yours! The most effec ve way to clean a dirty face is by rinsing it. You can actually teach your dog to do it himself! With a shower hose inside or a garden hose outside, "plant" some super yummy meat treats under the spray of the hose, held low and sta onary. The spray should be like a trickle at first - super easy for your dog to nose into and find the treats. Gradually adjust the se ng, the angle and the height so that your dog is making the choice to put his head into the stream of water. He can become self-cleaning! Kiddie Pool When the weather turns warm, we sta on a kiddie pool not far from the door. A quick scavenger hunt for treats, a bit of splashing around and those muddy paws are rinsed and ready for toweling off. The Right Brush It's really hard to remove wet mud from doggie paws unless you rinse them. However, I have had some success using a small horse brush to remove dirt – it works much be er than a towel. Cool Gizmo I've yet to test this clever product called the “Paw Plunger." It's like an oversized coffee mug into which you plunge an individual dog paw, like a mini, private bath for each paw. Whatever you decide to do, prepare in advance and give your dog the skills he needs so that you can live as mud-free as possible. Experiment with the above strategies now, so those muddy paws can get a proper cleaning with minimal effort on your part!
Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | | 207-252-9352
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Downeast Dog News
I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ Dear Bammy, I don’t think my human knows how much I love her, and sometimes I don’t know if she loves me at all. I’m a Golden Retriever, so I’m tall enough to push my head under her elbow to lick her hand and remind her how much I love her. When I do that, sometimes she pets me and says she loves me. But sometimes she
Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog
splashes coffee on me and looks at me with hard eyes and growls. It’s even worse in the kitchen. She must like me lying right in front of the stove because she drops bits of food for me. Sometimes she trips over me. Once when she stepped on me, I yelped and jumped up. She yelped too and dropped a whole dish of people-food for me to eat. But then she got really aggressive and
chased me out of the kitchen. Why, Bammy? When she pours coffee on me and growls or sends me away, it breaks my heart. I can’t help pressing against her, looking up with all my love and grief in my eyes. Then she orders me away again, so I lie down with a moan, facing away from her with my head on my paws. If she would just let me lick her face to tell her I’m so sorry… When she is nice, it’s wonderful! She hugs me and kisses the top of my head, and we go on lots of walks and rides in the car. She even asks me to lie on the sofa with her watching that box with live people and things in its window. Then why is she so mean other mes? Can you help me, Bammy? Golden Lovey Dear Lovey, You are breaking MY heart! But I know what you are talking about because my best dog-friend is a retriever. She took care of me when I was a ny puppy missing my mother. She stays with me when her humans are away. I love her so much that I some mes howl when she leaves. But she can be a pest! When she wants a en on, she doesn’t no ce if I’m chewing a bone or having a nap. She walks around and around me and licks me and s cks her nose in my ear. I
turn away from her and look hard at my bone to ask her to go away. Then she tries even harder to get my a en on. We never quarrel, even about bones. I get up and walk away. With my bone, of course. I think it may be hard for retrievers to understand other animals’ talk. Try to no ce what Mom is doing. If she has her back to you and is paying a lot of a en on to something else, she is saying that she doesn’t want cuddles. When she is playing with food in the kitchen, it’s as if she’s chewing her bone. She doesn’t want to pet you. Of course she s ll loves you! But there are mes for snuggles and other mes for food. Listen to what your Mom says when she drops food on the floor. Boss does that some mes. I always think she means to feed me, so I rush in to eat. Some mes she yaps, “Leave it!” and I back off and beg. Other mes, she may even call me to eat up something on the floor. Like a broken egg. YUM! Don’t worry about her loving you. I’m sure they would howl if we went away. Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.
TICKS! ICK! IT’S NOT JUST LYME DISEASE ANYMORE… Ticks are more than just creepy li le pests. They can spread numerous diseases to people and pets. The ck popula on is on the rise, and that includes here in the northeast. Most owners are aware of the danger of Lyme disease. But did you know that cks can carry other diseases? Worse yet, they can transmit more than one disease at a me. These “vector-borne” diseases can be slow or rapid in onset and can produce a variety of symptoms. The more you know, the be er you can protect your best buddies. EHRLICHIA are a type of bacteria that a ack and live within the white blood cells of the humans and animals. In the U.S., EHRLICHIOSIS is spread by the brown dog ck, though it is not yet known how long that a ck needs to be a ached to the host in order to transmit the disease. The onset of illness is about 1-3 weeks a er the ck bite. During this first phase of illness, a dog may become listless, febrile, and off food. Your veterinarian may discover that your dog has swollen lymph nodes, a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia), and anemia. The good news is that most dogs recover rapidly with an bio cs (typically doxycycline or minocycline). If le untreated, some dogs develop a chronic form of the disease which includes kidney disease, ocular disease, and lifethreatening bleeding. ANAPLASMOSIS or “dog ck fever” is found throughout the U.S. and can pose a serious health risk. It is transmi ed by deer cks that require only a 24-hour a achment for disease transmission. The symptoms can be vague or severe and include fever, loss of appe te, lethargy, s ffness, vomi ng, diarrhea, and even seizures.
April 2019
Blood tests may show increased or decreased white blood cell count, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. ANAPLASMOSIS luckily responds to treatment with doxycycline, but pa ents may need hospitaliza on and suppor ve care such as intravenous fluids, pain-relievers, and an eme cs. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER (RMSF) is caused by an intracellular Ricke sial organism transmi ed by the Rocky Mountain wood ck, the American dog ck, and the brown dog ck. Despite its geographical reference, this disease can occur in the northeast. Transmission me by the ck is 5-20 hours, and the onset of illness is 2-14 days a er the bite. Symptoms of the disease can occur in any organ of the dog’s body as the organism a acks small blood vessels. The result may be fever, lethargy, loss of appe te, enlarged lymph nodes, lameness, cough, swelling of the limbs (edema), bruising or necrosis of the skin, and hemorrhage (especially nosebleeds). About 1/3 of dogs will also exhibit neurological signs including incoordina on, spinal pain, dullness, or seizures. Most, but not all pa ents with RMSF respond to doxycycline, minocycline, chloramphenicol, or enrofloxacin. Affected dogs usually benefit from hospitaliza on, intravenous fluids, an bio cs, an eme cs, and pain control. Blood transfusions can be life-saving in severely affected pa ents. BABESIOSIS is the result of Babesia organisms transmi ed to dogs and people by the American dog ck and the brown dog ck a er a 2-3-day host a achment. It can also be spread by dog bites and to pups during gesta on. Young dogs, especially Pit Bull terriers, are at increased risk for this infec on.
The organism invades red blood cells and causes their destruc on. The massive red blood cell destruc on by the immune system results in a severe, secondary inflammatory reac on. Common symptoms include lethargy, weakness, anemia, jaundice, red urine,
and pale gums/skin. This illness is life-threatening in its fulminate form. Intensive veterinary care, which can provide blood transfusions, suppor ve medica ons, and injectable drugs such as imidocarb or atovaquone may be required. As you can see, vector-borne illnesses can be mild to lifethreatening. Moreover, symptoms can overlap, which can make diagnosis difficult. Severe illness caused by any of these organisms must be dis nguished from other systemic infec ons, toxici es, and certain cancers (such as leukemia). Your veterinarian has access to advanced diagnos c tes ng such as serum an body screens and “polymerase chain reac on “or PCR assays which can detect the actual nucleic acids of the organisms in the pa ent’s bloodstream. Since the test results are not available immediately, many veterinarians will treat the pa ent empirically with doxycycline while results are pending. This is a safe and prudent therapeu c plan. When clinical signs are severe, suppor ve therapy is key to controlling pa ent hydra on, pain, hemorrhage, inflamma on, and vomi ng. As well, the likelihood and speed of pa ent recovery can be greatly enhanced. Your veterinarian can help you choose which methods of ck control may be most effec ve for your pet to fight these ny monsters. Using such methods, along with performing a daily “ ck check” and keeping your lawn/dog yards mown short, can reduce your dog’s risk of contrac ng serious infec ons. Dr. Gail Mason, DACVIM Portland Veterinary Specialists
Pawsitively Pet Care From me to me, there are
207-865-4279 • 81 Pleasant Hill Rd., Freeport, ME 04032
Daycare, Boarding and Grooming with Love, Care & More! Spacious indoor/outdoor pens Professional grooming services Individual care and playgroups
Over 1/2 acre of outdoor play areas Flexible pick up and drop off hours Please come for a free tour!
situa ons that may require us to seek an outside pet care provider be it a vaca on or just someone to look a er your pets or take them for a walk while we are at work. Regardless of the reason, we certainly want to find the right person(s) to look a er our beloved furry friends. Choosing someone to look a er man’s best friend is not a task that should be taken lightly. Just because someone bears the tle doesn’t necessarily mean he is qualified to look a er your pet. You can always start with a recommenda on from someone you trust, such as a family member or your veterinarian, but do your research and figure out who is the best fit for you and your dog. Do you want to leave him at home where it is familiar, or would you like to leave him at a boarding facility where he might have more supervision? Here are few helpful ps to consider when looking for a pet si er or boarding facility. We hope you will consider speaking with one of our adver sers when/if you have the need to leave Rover in someone else’s care.
Happy Pets Stay Here.
• Can they provide proof of insurance and are they bonded? • What training have they completed, if any? • Do they have a backup if they become ill while caring for your dog? • Will they walk your dog and have play me? • Do they have a contract lis ng fees and services? • Will they stay at your home with your pet? • References? • Have them meet your dog to see how they interact with them. Is your dog comfortable with them?
BOARDING FACILITY: • Does the facility look and smell clean? • Is there sufficient ven la on and light? • What temperature do they maintain? • Does the staff seem knowledgeable and caring? • Are pets required to be current on their vaccina ons, including the vaccine for canine kennel cough (Bordetella)? • Does each dog have his own adequately sized kennel? • Is there an indoor-outdoor run or schedule for exercise? • Are res ng boards and bedding provided to allow dogs to rest off the concrete floor? • What veterinary services are available? • Are other services available such as grooming, training, bathing? • How are rates calculated?
207-763-4444 • 579 Alford Lake Road Hope, ME 04847
(207) 882-6709 Debbie Sandmaier 93 Dodge Road Edgecomb, ME 04556
PET SITTERS: Open Monday - Saturday 7:00AM to 6:00PM Sunday 7:00AM to 9:00AM and 5:00PM to 8:00PM
Regardless if your dog is being cared for at home or at a facility, be certain and make your reserva ons early, especially during holidays. If your dog takes meds or is on a special diet, be sure and leave explicit instruc ons and make sure the meds and food are well stocked. Leave a list of phone numbers including your vet’s, how you can be reached while you are away, and perhaps the number of a local friend or family member. If you are dropping him off, hand him over to the staff, say goodbye and leave. A drawn out, emo onal goodbye can be upse ng for your dog.
LIKE US ON Fax: (207) 882-6747 Lic. # F344
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ACADIA WOODS KENNEL We offer: overnight and day boarding – indoor/outdoor runs - grooming – pet supplies Centrally located on Mount Desert at 31 Gretas Lane, Bar Harbor (207)288-9766
Downeast Dog News
Pet Sitting Services
Reasonable rates Excellent references
Betty McBrien
Hoof ‘n Woof
April 2019
Paws Wings & Things Boarding Doggie Daycare
Grooming Retail & More!!
24 Kindred Spirit Way•Bucksport, k ME (207)902-1165 •
Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer
New Agility Trials Coming to Maine 2019 will be an exci ng year for agility fans in Maine. Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine will be hos ng 2 three day AKC Agility trials in Maine at Pineland Farms in New Gloucester. This is a significant increase in AKC agility opportuni es available to people and their dogs right here in Maine. The first 3-day event will be in May on May 10, 11, and 12 and the second 3-day event will occur in September on September 27, 28, and 29. Up un l now, the only AKC agility event in Maine was held by The Collie Club of Maine in June in
Scarborough. Now, people of Maine will have 6 more AKC trials available to them. Thank you Mid Coast Kennel Club for all your hard work to make this happen! The purpose of AKC agility trials is to afford owners the opportunity to demonstrate a dog’s physical
ability/soundness and willingness to work with its handler under a variety of condi ons. The program begins with basic entry level agility and progresses to more complex levels that require dogs to demonstrate higher levels of training and interac on with their handlers. Agility trials are spor ng events and all par cipants should be guided by the principles of good sportsmanship both in and outside the trial course. The rules for performance of agility put the dog’s mental, physical well-being, and safety as their first priority. Handlers can be excused by the judge at any me for inappropriate ac ons including con nuous and conspicuous leading of the dog through the course; harsh commands; in mida on, or correc ons. Dogs that are unresponsive, stop working, or are out of control can be excused. If you have never seen AKC agility, come and enjoy watching the level of performance that trained dogs and handlers can achieve. If you are considering entering, please make sure you read and understand the rules and how a trial is run so that you can make the most out of your experience and enjoy yourself and
your dog. Rules and regula ons are available at There are many different classes that are offered each day at all levels from Novice to Masters, and there is a preferred division that allows dogs to jump at a lower height to expand opportuni es to more dogs. The two basic tling classes are Standard and Jumpers with Weaves. The Standard course involves jumps, table, A-frame, dog walk, seesaw, and tunnel(s). The Jumpers with Weaves course differs in that dogs are not slowed down by the careful performance required by the contact obstacles in the Standard course. This course demonstrates a dog’s speed and jumping ability and its working rela onship with its handler. The FAST class is an addi onal tling class to demonstrate strategic accuracy, speed, and distance handling. The Time 2 Beat class is another tling class with emphasis on speed and accuracy. The Premier class is designed to challenge teams to nego ate varied approach angles, spacing of obstacles, and obstacle discrimina on. So – as you can see, AKC agility has a lot to offer. Hope to see you in May!
Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. She has recently become an AKC Tracking Judge. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing
Planning a vacation? Planning for summer trips and visits? Wehelp canby help by boarding We can boarding your your four-legged friends! four-legged friends!
Boarding Doggie Daycare Grooming
Book your dog’s stay today at Midcoast Maine’s Hotel for Hounds!
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Available in Men’s and Ladies sizes in Light Blue.
Net profits will be donated to the Rescue of the Month. Contact Jenn for available sizes: • (207) 706-6765
Downeast Dog News
Going to the Dog Park – Is It a Good Idea for You and Your Dog? A trip to the dog park can be a joyous excursion for many dogs, but that is not always the case. A successful visit to a dog park depends on four things: you, your dog, the dog park, and the culture of the dog park. Things You Need Before You Visit the Dog Park – A relationship with your dog built upon trust and acceptance. A dog that has been adequately and appropriately socialized and habituated to the world in which they live. Thorough knowledge of your dog’s likes and dislikes. A commitment that you will immediately leave the dog park if your dog exhibits fearful or aggressive behavior towards any dog or person. A basic understanding of canine behavior, body language, and emotions which you have used to successfully train your dog using pain-free, force-free, and fear-free methods. An ability to quickly and successfully call your dog away from another dog during play if it becomes necessary. An understanding that your role at the dog park is to monitor your dog for appropriate interactions and to intervene as necessary. Acceptance of full responsibility for you and your dog’s actions at the dog park. Things Your Dog Needs Before You Visit the Dog Park — A relationship with you built upon trust and acceptance. A non-reactive and non-fearful temperament. A genuine pleasure in interacting with
almost all dogs. An ability to play appropriately with other dogs so that all participants are having fun. A thorough examination by your veterinarian including all recommended vaccinations and neutering. Regular checks by you to verify they are free of parasites such as fleas, ticks, and worms. Training to a level where they respond reliably to your cues for behaviors such as sit, come, and leave it. Things to Verify About A Dog Park Before You Visit —
There are posted rules and a mechanism for reporting violators. Minimally, rules should ban shock, choke, and prong collars, food, treats, toys, smoking and vaping, alcoholic beverages, and distractions such as mobile phones. A doublegated entrance. Fencing of an adequate height in good repair. Sufficient acreage for the number of dogs and people present. A separate area for smaller dogs. All necessary supplies to safely dispose of dog feces. Regular maintenance of vegetation within the park and on both sides of the fencing to deter ticks and other parasites. Dog Park Culture- Things to Verify About Other Visitors to the Dog Park — Everyone is following the posted rules. All present are actively supervising their dogs and monitoring all dog to dog interactions. That means socialization between people is a secondary priority, and no one is enraptured or distracted by a mobile phone. Ideally, there is one adult person for every dog. No dog is bullying, intimidating, or reactive towards any dog or person at the dog park. No person is intimidating people or dogs. If you follow the four guidelines I have listed above, you and your dog have a high probability of having a great time at the dog park. However, if anything about a visit to the dog park becomes stressful, leave immediately. Sadly, while most dogs have a great time at dog parks, every year some dogs have
a traumatizing experience during a visit. Dogs have even been killed at the dog park. What if you want to take your dog to the dog park and either you, the dog, or perhaps neither of you is ready? That depends on what you need to do to get ready. If you have a dog that you do not know well yet, take the time to get to know him. If your dog is not well trained or you do not know much about canine behavior, training, or body language, seek out the services of a professional, accredited dog trainer that is committed to painfree, force-free, and fear-free training. [FMI - How to Choose a Dog Trainer – HowToChooseADogTrainer] If you have a dog that is a bully or fearful or reactive and aggressive in any way, seek help from a credentialed Certified Dog Behavior Consultant. [FMI - Help! My Dog is Aggressive, Reactive, Fearful, Anxious, etc. – What do I do? –] If you would like to learn more about how to prepare yourself and your dog for the dog park and what to look for at the dog park, I invite you to my presentation: Dog Parks – Dog Behavior & Body Language. This seminar is being offered twice in May at the P.A.W.S. Animal Adoption Center in Camden, ME on Saturday, May 11th at 10 AM and at Green Acres Kennel Shop in Bangor, ME on Sunday, May 19th at 3 PM. You can get more details on the seminar, including how to register, at –]
Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop ( in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at Don also writes about pets at his blog: He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.
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April 2019
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of the
RESCUE OF THE MONTH: THE ANIMAL ORPHANAGE Caring for Greater Old Town and Orono’s Stray Animals By Susan Spisak Back in the day, a group of like-minded individuals got together to start this no-kill 501 (c) 3 shelter. The town’s powers-that-be agreed to turn over a small one room building to the newbies, and over the 29 years, animal-lovers have grown the facility in not only size but in its ability to serve and save more animals. This non-profit is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors--ten individuals who give it everything. They’re assisted by a staff of three, and Animal Orphanage is lucky to partner with several area veterinarians. Shelter Manager Erick Chambers said they average about 400 animals annually--from cats and dogs to bunnies and pocket pets. They used to see more dogs, but now primarily take in cats. “Fortunately, most of our dogs are boomerangs,” he chuckled. In other words, loose dogs that land in their care but are quickly reunited with their
owners. He admi ed to staying late more than a few nights so worried owners could pick up their lost dogs. When a dog comes to their shelter--be it an abandoned or stray from one of their contracted towns, they scan for a microchip and worm and treat for fleas. The dog goes on a “hold” status for ten days. If he is not claimed a er that me, they arrange for spay/neutering and shots and place him up for adop on. They offer Barn Buddies--adoptable outdoor cats for $15. “They’re not necessarily cuddly,” Chambers explained. But they’ll like a barn’s shelter and keep cri ers away in exchange for a place to slumber. They ask that you provide yearround food, water, and that roof over their head. They have two available now that they’d like to place. Chambers is proud of the fact that he’s repainted rooms, replaced washers, dryers, and sinks. To con nue to remodel, update, and insure
the facility is sani zed and rou nely cleaned down to prevent respiratory infec ons, they need financial support. They rely on fundraisers to keep them going. Because they have zero state or federal funding, they’re grateful for all dona ons, memberships, memorial gi s, trusts, and will dona ons. Speaking of funding, they are looking for volunteer grant writers to aid them in their endeavors. There is a need for fosters as “Ki en Season” is upon them. Volunteers for cleaning the facility would be a welcome addi on. The Animal Orphanage has a 5K Run & Walk Race on Sunday, April 28. It’s open to all ages and leashed dogs may par cipate--but if you bring your pet, you’ll run at the end of the pack. Admission is $15 per person or $30 for a family of 5. The race starts and ends at the Old Town-Orono YMCA at 472 S llwater Avenue. Visit facebook. com/pg/AnimalOrphanageMaine/posts/?ref=page_ internal and click on the “Run” post to sign up.
CHASE, 10 YRS., PITBULL He's very good with men and knows several commands well. He does tend to resource guard with women and children. We recommend him only to an experienced bully breed owner who will invest me in training him and caring for him. For inquiries call (207) 827-8777
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HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • (207) 453-7387
Downeast Dog News
Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765
4 1/2 yrs., Foxhound/Lab Mix
9 yrs., Catahoula Leopard Mix
10 yrs., Lab
Zsa Zsa is currently living in a boarding facility and she gets along great with dogs of all sizes and personali es. She does well with the sta there, but needs slow introduc ons to strangers. She is very loving, but doesn’t love cats!
This unique looking girl is looking for her forever home. She has had a tough few years. She absolutely loves other dogs, is great on a leash, and is very well behaved. She is scared with new people, but warms up to them. She would love a quiet home with a fenced yard and no small children.
FMI: h p://
FMI: h p://
Sponsored by
I am the sweetest girl in the world. My ideal home would be someone who has lots of snuggles to give. I need to go to an adult only home or one with children 13+ who are calm. Need to be only pet. My adop on fee has been sponsored. Midcoast Humane, (207) 449-1366
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
First Na onal Bank
Scarborough Animal Hospital
Sunray Animal Clinic
16 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais 1-800-564-3195 • theďŹ
29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412
73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398
9 yrs., Mixed Breed
10 yrs., Mixed Breed
7 yrs., Pitbull Mix
Zoe is an absolute doll, and at 10 years old, we are hoping she spends as li le me here in the shelter as possible. She would be most successful in a home without pets! Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207) 626-3491
This sweetheart loves to snuggle. A Dog-to-Dog visit will be required if there are other dogs in the home. No cats. Yaba has been diagnosed with mast cell tumors. Due to this we will require that her new family has a veterinary rela onship established prior to adop ng.
I am a love bug! Looking for a home with older kids 12+. I would need to have a meet and greet with any poten al new dog housemates. I would love my new family to con nue to work with me on my basic manners training, and learning to walk loose on a leash. Midcoast Humane, (207) 449-1366
Sponsored by
Hello Doggie Daycare 1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond • (207) 655-6521
Bangor Humane Society, (207) 942-8902
6 yrs., Lab Mix
1 yr., Beagle
2-3 yrs., Beagle
She has a love of naps and snuggles. This cu e loves her toys and snacks. We recommend no dogs and good judgement with cats. May become protec ve of her family or home. She will do best with slow and posi ve introduc ons with all new people.
Loves people and children, Sweet and playful, Snuggly, Walks well on leash. Needs to be the only dog, Gets car sick. Has some separa on/ conďŹ nement anxiety from being bounced around, so he will need an adopter who is willing to work with him.
He was treated for heartworms, and is now healthy and ready for a new home. His foster mom says that he loves to cuddle in bed and run around the yard with his ball. He gets along well with other dogs and children. He has good house manners and walks well on a leash.
Bangor Humane Society, (207) 942-8902
Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392
Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392
13 14 yrs. American Bulldog
13 yrs., Bull Terrier
He has some old-age ailments – pain in his back legs, par al deafness, diminished vision. But, he LOVES to cuddle on the couch and play with toys. Needs a slow introduc on to other pets, spends me with his foster family’s other dogs and cat, and does well with a respec ul child.
Sweet and easy to have around. Loves to ride in a car. She has some medical issues which are under control, but she needs medica ons and special food for the rest of her life. She is a special girl and needs a special adopter. Would like to be the only pet in a household.
Senior, American Staordshire Terrier Mix
FMI: h p:// inder.html
FMI: h p:// inder.html
James has had a tough life and is looking to relax and enjoy his senior years. He is sweet, loving and loyal once he trusts his people. Will consider living with another dog or cats on a case-by-case basis. No children. FMI: h p:// inder.html
Help us find a forever home! B
M .
April 2019
April C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC
Saturday, April 6 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, April 6 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be at our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on at 421 Wilson St. from 10am – 12pm for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to SPCA of Hancock County. No appointment necessary.; (207)660-9200 x7
PAUSE FOR PETS CRAFT & VENDOR FAIR Sunday, April 7 Lewiston, 10AM – 3PM Come shop with local crafters and vendors offering a wide variety of products and services. 50/50 and raffles to benefit The Greater Androscoggin Humane Society. We will be collecting donations of cleaning
DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at
CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.
supplies, pet food, litter and other items for the shelter. The event will be held at the Ramada Inn in Lewiston. FMI: (207)783-2311 or
HAIRY PAWTER: A DOGWARTS EXPERIENCE Saturday, April 13 Rockland, 6PM - 8PM Join us for a magical evening at the Rockland Loyal Biscuit Co. Dogwarts School of Witchcra and Wizardry! 408 Main St., Rockland. This is an a er-hours, special event and space is limited! Tickets are $25 per dog and available for sale at all 5 Loyal Biscuit Co. loca ons! Only 20 ckets available, enroll your dog today!
NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, April 13 Camden, 10AM – 12PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Taxes Plus located next to the Camden Dog Park in the old Camden/Rockport Animal Shelter at 146 Camden St., Camden and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.
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Saturday, April 13 Union, 1PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Union Agway located on 2179 Heald Highway in
Union and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue
TDAA TEACUP DOG AGILITY TRIAL Sunday, April 14 Lincolnville, 9AM – 4PM We are a Maine Agility venue focusing on Teacup Agility. The Teacup Dogs Agility Associa on provides a compe ve venue for dogs of small stature without regard to breed or pedigree. To register your dog:
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, April 20 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Charley's Strays, a no-kill animal refuge in Clinton, Maine. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7
PARTY FOR THE PUPS Sunday, April 27 Old Orchard Beach, 7PM – 11PM A benefit for Almost Home Rescue held at Dunegrass Golf Club in OOB. There will be a silent auc on, music, a 50/50 raffle, appe zers, desserts and a cash bar! Get your ckets at
Sunday, April 28 Waterville, 5PM – 7PM Join us at our Waterville Loyal Biscuit for our first Amateur Cat Show! We are currently accep ng applica ons for anybody that has a cat they would like to showcase and win the tle of "Best in Show"! Due to space we are limited in the number of par cipants. If you are interested in par cipa ng please email Applica ons must be submi ed no later than Saturday, April 20. Humane Society Waterville Area will have a few cats available for adop on during the event. Admission to this event is open to the public and free of charge. But, we ask that you please consider making a small dona on to the shelter as an admi ance "fee".
5K PET RUN/WALK Sunday, April 28 Old Town, 10:30AM – 1PM This 5k Run/Walk race is to benefit The Animal Orphanage, a no kill shelter for stray and abandoned animals, located in Old Town. The race is open to all ages and abili es including well behaved pets. We would love for all to come out and support this great cause. Bring your pets, kids, parents and grandparents. There will be t-shirts to the first 150 individual fee registrants. Pets are welcome but op onal, and must be on a leash and will start at the back of runners unless racing. Old Town-Orono YMCA, 472 S llwater Ave, Old Town. Registra on ends April 26 at 11:59PM.
RECURRING FURRY TAILS STORY & ADVENTURE HOUR Thursdays, April 4, 11, 25 Kennebunk, 10AM – 11AM Join us Thursdays (when school is in session*), in the Humane Educa on Room at the Animal Welfare Society on Holland Road, West Kennebunk, where preschoolers are invited to discover the exci ng world of animals with: Stories, Play me, Cra s, Songs, Movement and Animal Time. The event is free to a end, though dona ons are appreciated. *Furry Tales follows the RSU 21 school calendar. We will not hold Furry Tales during school breaks, on holidays, or on snow days.
FRIENDS from page 5 amazing together, perfectly bonded. I know her expressions; she’s like a nonverbal family member.” She said without this Golden, she would have given up on her life a long me ago. She admi ed to having plenty of dark thoughts, but ul mately knew Moxie would be lost and depressed without her--it’s her job to watch over Christy. Moxie brings physical balance and stability; she can turn on lights and carry items for her. She will nudge or pull Christy gently to the ground in the event of a seizure--and can run to a neighbor’s for help. When Christy had a land line,
Moxie would dial and bark into their special phone. “Dispatch at 9-1-1 knew if a dog called, it was for me.” This lifesaving Golden is going to be 11 soon, and Christy indicated there will come a me when she’ll have to re re her, but she won’t replace her. “She wouldn’t understand.” Instead, she’s going to teach Moxie to be a couch potato. For now, Christy’s concentra ng on Lucky Tim and training for and par cipa ng in trials to accomplish her next goal--the 2020 Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo. “With Moxie by my side, I’ve got the will to pursue it.”
Downeast Dog News
Business Directory MIDCOAST
Reach New Customers! Adver se Here
g Goin
Betty McBrien 701-8491 • Loving pet caregiver in your home within a 30 mile radius of Camden • Professional housekeeper • Farm animal care also available
BANGOR/DOWNEAST Ambassador Assistance K9s International, LLC Working dogs changing livesÂŽ
Dog-Partner Training Programs At Your Home & Online Distance
• Service & Assistance Dogs • Therapy Dogs • Emotional Support Dogs • Family Companion Dogs
Wags Daycare for Dogs on the Countryside
Little Dove Farm
Daycare & Boarding One Acre Fenced in Field Safety Sprinkler System
New Location in Manchester!
Psychic for People & Pets
(Near Augusta)
Dog-Partner Relationship-Building Using Science-Based Dog Learning Theory Force-Free, Positive Reinforcement (R+) Dog Behavior Evaluation & ModiďŹ cation Training
trip? Come home to a on a Clean House & Happy Pets
Communicate with your pets, living or deceased with Sara Moore. Long distance sessions available! • 207-626-9247 Find Us on Facebook! As heard on 94.9 and Magic 104.5
Pause for Pets Fair Pause for Pets fairs began in 2012 and are held twice a year, in April and November. The last event, held in November 2018 raised more than $3,500 for the shelter. Proceeds will be directed to the Animal Medical Fund which assists with costs of life saving treatments and surgeries for animals in the care of GAHS. Voulnteers and sta from the shelter will be on hand to discuss its programs, services and volunteer opportuni es. In addi on, a team from Androscoggin County’s Emergency Response Team will be there oering informa on on emergency preparedness for your pets. Please see calendar lis ng on pg. 14 for more info.
MARSHMALLOW 2 yrs., Pit Bull Mix from Louisiana She is Spayed and up to date on her shots. Marshie is a high energy girl who would do well in an adult only home. A fenced in yard would be wonderful. She gets along with other big dogs, but chases ki es and small dogs. Marshmallow is a real sweetheart. Please call Emma's Angels Rescue in North Berwick Maine at 207-6765599 to set up a meet and greet with this stunning girl.
April 2019
ME License #F251
U Boarding & Daycare U Dog Grooming U Dog Training Classes U Behavior Counseling U Wholesome Pet Foods U Quality Pet Supplies
Your pet’s home away from home 1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841
Upcoming Events Help! My Dog is Aggressive, Reactive, Fearful, Anxious, etc. seminar •
SUN, April 14th—11:50 AM—Green Acres Kennel Shop— Bangor, ME, pre-registration required.
Dog Parks – Dog Behavior & Body Language – What You Need to Know seminar •
SAT, May 11th—10 AM—P.A.W.S. Animal Adoption Center in Camden, ME
SUN, May 19th—3 PM at Green Acres Kennel Shop— Bangor, ME, pre-registration required.
Hello, Doggie!
“Where Every Dog’s A Star!”
BOARDING AND DAYCARE Cage-Free Staffed 24/7 10:1 Dog to staff ratio 30 Total capacity Personalized Care for every dog
*All dogs new to the facility must pass their audition and spend at least one full day with us before their stay.
TRAINING Group & Private Classes AKC STAR Puppy Class
every Saturday at 9am open enrollment Trainer Chris Ford, ABCDT, AKC CGC and S.T.A.R. Puppy Evaluator
FMI or to register GREAT SELECTION, GREAT PRICES AND A HELPFUL STAFF. WE HAVE IT ALL! Huge ion of t c e l e S d cat dog an ! foods
Bring your dog to check out our huge selection of dog treats and toys!
Acana Blue Buffalo Blue Seal Bravo Canidae Earthborn EnTrust Eukanuba Friskies Fromm Health Extension Iams Max Merrick Natural Balance Nutrisource Nutro Orijen Pedigree Pro Pac Pro Plan Purina Science Diet Solid Gold Stella & Chewy’s Taste of the Wild Triumph Wellness Weruva Whiskas & More !
Ames Supply 447 Bath Road/US Rt1, Wiscasset Mon.- Fri. 7:00 - 5:30 • Sat. 7:00 - 5:00 • Closed Sun.
1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond, Maine 04071