2018 August Downeast Dog News

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Hot Dog News Pet Photographer named one of Bangor's Best for the fi h year Debra Bell, owner Green Acres Kennel Shop has been voted the Bangor Regions Best Kennel for the seventeenth consecu ve year in a survey conducted by Market Surveys of America and the GKM Independent Survey Company. Green Acres was also voted the Bangor Regions Best Pet Store for the twel h year in a row, the Best Dog Trainer for the seventh consecu ve year, and the Best Pet Groomer for the sixth year in a row. When asked about Green Acres con nued recogni on as being the best of the best in four pet care categories, co-owner Don Hanson stated: “Once again we are honored to be chosen for these awards because they represent the confidence and loyalty of the best clients in the world. However, Paula and I also know that we would not be receiving these awards if it were not for the compassion and commitment to quality service of our wonderful staff; Amya, Ashley, Brenda, Cris na, Haley, Kate, Kim, Lamont, Lauren, Lindsay, Nicole, Peggy, Sarah, and Taylor. Thank you for making The Green Acres Team the best of the best. ”

of Bell’s Furry Friends Photography located at 890 Coldbrook Road in Hermon, was named Bangor’s Best Pet Photographer by Market Surveys of America. This is the fi h year Bell’s Furry Friends Photography has been honored with this dis nc on. “I’m honored again to receive this dis nc on,” Bell said. “One of the best parts of this award is that it’s the members of the public who vote that make this happen. It’s always nice to know that people are happy with the work I’ve done with, and for, pets and their people.”

Animal Welfare Society earns highest ranking from Charity Navigator F

or the sixth year in a row, the Animal Welfare Society (AWS) has earned a 4-star ranking from Charity Navigator, the leading independent evaluator of non-profits. AWS’ ranking, the highest possible, is based on fiscal responsibility, transparency and accountability. “A aining a 4-star ra ng verifies that Animal Welfare Society exceeds industry standards and outperforms most chari es in your area of work,”


Market Surveys of America is a survey company independent of any newspaper or magazine publica on. Their “Best of the Best” winners are determined by tallied public ballots taken throughout each specific region, and by their website (h p://www.bestofsurveys.com). This year over 57,000 votes were registered in the greater Bangor region.

See more Hot Dog News on page 3!


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Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes April Guille GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

PRESIDENT Wendi Smith PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, Well the Dog Days of Summer have arrived! We certainly have seen some hot and humid days, and I feel so fortunate that Pepper and I have our family’s camp so close by to cool down. The Fourth of July was the ho est I can remember in a long me and our en re family was in the lake at one point. My sister’s puppy, Phoebe started swimming by watching and following her buddy Pepper. She absolutely loves her, and they just recently had their first “real” play me where they were loose together for a couple of hours. Phoebe is growing so quickly and will very likely one day be bigger than Pep. We also had a visit from Dexter, my brother’s dog who lives in Rhode

Island. He had not seen us since our vaca on at the camp on Alamoosook in June. He was very excited to be reunited with Pepper; she’s quite the popular gal, and he got to meet Phoebe as well. As I men oned last month, it will be a three dog Christmas for us, so this was a good test run and insight into what we might expect. Aside from the heat, we have also had some really beau ful days that help remind me why we live through the cold and the snow that the Maine winters have to offer. We hope you are enjoying your summer and find the me to get out to enjoy the beau ful weather! All the best, Jenn and Pepper

Thank you for voting for us for Best Maine Pet Friendly Lodging 4 years in a row!

Hot Dog News Loyal Biscuit Co. Business Partner of the Year On July 11th the Loyal Biscuit was awarded the tle of Business Partner of the Year at the P.A.W.S. Adop on Heroes Gala. In the past 4 years alone Loyal Biscuit has raised $75k in cash dona ons through fundraisers such

Maine's destination for the BEST in: Healthy Food & Treats Fun Toys Cool Collars Self-Serve Dog Wash

See NEAL on page 5

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SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2018 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

August 2018

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Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

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Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Foreign Bodies ..................... 7 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Pet Portraits ...................... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


People are always amazed that I can actually communicate with animals, and they're always curious as to what their pet would say to them. Last month I had so much fun answering ques ons that I'm doing it again for August. I hope you enjoy the answers! Suzie K. asked, “Why does my dog keep taking my child’s stuffies and burying them in the garden?!” The first thing I get is the dog is your child’s mama, meaning grandmother. And she hates that she’s ge ng older, and she wants to preserve the memories on the land on which she was raised. It’s kind of like making a me capsule, and when she’s grown up and moved on, someone else will find them and the stories of “what could have been” will be shared. She is a bit embarrassed that you asked this ques on and that she got busted. She really did think she was ge ng away with it! Cheryl K. asked, “Why has Mei been ac ng strangely and not coming in the house to relax other than to sleep? She would always chill in the house...now, she hides in the garden...I have to go out with a flashlight at night to bring her in.” It’s funny, when you ask me that I get a feeling of being a bit trapped in your house and needing to get out and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

SUGAR! Q. My friend warned me about frozen dog treats because they are loaded with sugar. Is this true?


Just like our processed food we need to read labels when purchasing snacks and food for our companions. Dogs can become addicted to sugar just like we can. This is why some dogs will eat only one brand of dog food, or won’t touch the be er homemade diets and raw diets. So, why is sugar in dog food and treats? Dogs enjoy sweet food since they have taste buds that are a racted to sweets. They also can become addicted to sugar. When dogs consume sugar, a chemical reac on happens in the brain causing a release of dopamine. This chemical makes you or your dog feel good. Just like any chemical addic on, inges on of more sugar is needed to get the same good feelings. This reac on is not lost on dog food companies. Their job is to have Mom buy their food over another brand. Food and treat companies are marke ng to the guardian. How


Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

Some mes a home can be cozy and safe, but at other mes, it can be a reminder of all that we have to do to maintain it or the monumental effort it takes to raise children. It’s me for you to get outside and relax! You’ve made it! Now when you go into the house, let it be a reminder of all that you’ve accomplished. Nakia C asked, “Why does Oscar con nue to be brilliantly handsome

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman

o en do I hear, “Buster loves brand x and won’t eat anything else,” or “FiFi won’t eat the homemade diet so I went back to brand y which she loves.” When we train our dogs, we rate treats from highest to lowest value. O en the high value treat has sugar in it. Today we have an epidemic of

and easily the most incredible guy ever??” I had to include this one because when I read her ques on, he was more than happy to answer. He feels like he needs to be that way to be worthy of being in your light. He adores you and admits that he’s a bit scruffy these days. Does he have brown around his mouth? If so, he’d like that cleaned up please! Lindsay L asked, “How can we best help Birdie through the loss of her brother Neely? She’s having a tough me.” I actually think she’s doing be er than you realize. She is giving you both me to grieve and heal, but once she feels it’s appropriate, I think you’re going to see a side of her that’s been tucked away for a long me. She really wants to be playful and silly, but Neely was a larger than life dog in a small dog body who needed to be in the spotlight. I think by the me this issue comes out, you’ll see that she’s already shi ed. She hates mushy carrots. What?! She threw that out there, so if you feed them to her, she hates them. Lol! Leah K asked, “Why does our beagle Henry bark at my husband? Only at night and only in the house?” Your husband LOVES you and the family, but work takes all of his concentra on when he’s at

the office, and he gets barked at when he’s shi ing to family mode. Henry is doing his best to dust him off energe cally by barking and shi ing the vibra on around him. I am laughing as I type this because I can see your husband coming home, taking his shoes off outside, kind of shaking out his arms and consciously releasing any stress or thoughts of work at the door, and then coming in all the while with Henry watching him intently to see if he “got it all.” Give it a try, and let me know what happens! And finally, Beth B. asked if Wyllie would prefer a brother or sister. Brother! Loud and clear! If you’re ge ng a puppy, I’m all for puppy snuggles in my office! Thank you to those who allowed me to read their dogs for this edi on of “Furry Words”. I hope you have a fabulous summer, and if you’d like more informa on or a long reading, go to www. enlightenedhorizons.com.

obesity, joint pain, and diabetes in our dogs. The biggest cause is over indulging our companions with snacks and food that are high in carbohydrates. Sugar is part of the carbohydrate percentage of these foods. Become avid label readers. The first thing you will no ce in the breakdown of the food is that the percentage of carbohydrates is missing. This is because the company doesn’t want it to be obvious how high the percentage is. When you add up the listed ingredients, you will see the number is not 100%. When you add up the total number of percentages and subtract it from 100, you will have the percentage of carbohydrates in that food per dry ma er. Dry ma er is the standard used to compare foods. All it means is the water was taken out. Besides making the food and treats taste be er, food and snack companies add sugar to make the food more palatable and hide tastes the dog would normally avoid. Sugars will mask the taste of chemicals, fillers, less stellar ingredients, and other addi ves. Sugar can be listed in different ways. Sugar usually means cane sugar, but

other sugars you will see are corn syrup, fructose, sucrose, caramel, and other forms of sugar. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that comes from fruits and berries, and it can be made synthe cally. Beet pulp is a by-product from sugar beets. Molasses and honey have much healthier proper es. Be aware they are sugars and need to be eaten cau ously. Sugar is not bad. It adds easy accessible energy for ac ve dogs. The problem comes when the sugar added is too much. In a natural environment, the diet available to a dog has about 8 to 10 percent carbohydrate and only a ny amount of that is sugar, unless Buster raids a bee hive. When buying treats for your companion, read the labels and become familiar with the different words that mean sugar. The best treats are in your refrigerator such as carrots, which are high in sugar, cheese, meats, and green beans.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings, workshops and fundraisers. Go to www.enlightenedhorizons.com FMI and to schedule a reading. email enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com or call (603)662-2046.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine 04330 www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

SWIMMING from page 1 Her path to WBW emerged while caring for the family’s beloved Lab named Sophie a decade ago. The senior and arthritic girl was in great discomfort, so Griffin took her to a canine physical therapist in Portland. She was told that warm water swimming could increase the Lab’s range of motion and relieve pain and pressure on joints. Thanks in part to Sophie, Kate developed a passion for canine aquatic fitness. In fact, Sophie’s spirit is with all the furry swimmers at WBW--her picture proudly hangs at the facility. Griffin will be the first to tell you that WBW isn’t a physical therapy rehab center and that she’s not a physical therapist. What she offers are by-appointment-only canine swim sessions in the 3’ deep saltwater pool that fit a variety of needs. There are lessons for dogs of all ages, including puppies such as Goldies and li ermates Bailey and Sadie (which helps wear them out). She schools dogs to build water confidence and swim smarts like Goldens Brex and his sister, River, who go boa ng with their owners, or those like Jessie whose family has their own pool. (She stresses to boat and pool owners that their dogs should wear vests and that they fit properly, and willingly educates them.) She offers fitness swims so dogs can burn energy and “get their wiggles out.” For those that need slimming, the water exercise will burn calories. There are also mobility sessions for dogs who’ll benefit from exercise in the nonweight bearing environment. She measures her client accomplishments in a variety of ways. When an owner tells her

that his dog “goes bananas” when told he’s going swimming or gets so excited and is “carrying on” en route to WBW, or she hears a dog barking in glee outside her facility, “In my mind, that’s a success.” There are dogs that greet her like she’s her very best friend--now that thrills her. Just watching any clients romp and have fun is a triumph. There are older and often arthritic dogs like Katie, a 16 ½ year old Lab mix and onetime dock diver, who comes every two weeks and benefits from the warm saltwater and non-jarring activity. It improves her mobility and muscle strength, and her mom told Griffin that for days after her swims, she’s perky. “For me, that’s a huge success.” Some dogs like Moxie arrive so amped up, they don’t wait for their

vests--they run down the pool ramp and jump in. And there’s one dog, Riley, who has especially touched her. He was cleared after knee surgery to use the pool to strengthen his muscles, but after turning his nose up at swimming, Riley learned to love the sport and started retrieving water toys. “That makes my heart swell," said Griffin. She also is in awe of the blind, deaf Catahoula named Galaxy, who has hind-end troubles. She said Galaxy’s mom is “awesome” and realized these swims would not only help him but are safe and healthy for her pet. Originally standoffish, Galaxy slowly checked out the place in his own way and eventually bloomed. “He walks around the place like he can see.” She added that he’s become a “total love bug.” His bro Milo has

his turn at a session once Galaxy is done, and has taken to water “like a fish.” (Griffin indicated these two are “doing a little number” at Rockland’s 2018 World Championship Boatyard Dog® Trials in August.) Recently, she added a neat thing--a swim session for a shelter dog. Ted, a handsome black guy from P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on Center in Camden was the inaugural lucky man. The roughly 10-year-old had a blast, and so did she. “I had fun watching him have fun.” Her goal is to give an adoptable rescue the chance to shine in another se ng with the hopes of him finding a forever home. She’ll post pics and/or a video of the pet on her FB page. (Check Ted out at WBW’s FB page, link below.) Her venture is growing. She has lots of local folks and lots of regulars. She added that word on WBW is getting out there, even people from Bangor and Augusta are bringing their dogs to her. And she couldn’t be more pleased, because for Griffin, a day in the water with dogs is a good day. “This is what I’m meant to do.” Still she has a vision for a larger pool at some point, but for now things are going just fine. “I’m so happy. I feel this is totally my purpose.” Griffin has had extensive aquatic training, is certified in canine CPR & first aid, and she’s a member of the Association of Canine Water Therapy. WBW provides lifejackets, flotation aids, toys, treats, towels, blow dryers, and water temps can be adjusted per need. For more info on WBW, including hours, rates, policies, and frequently asked questions, visit waterbarkwellness. com/. For pictures and videos of client swims, see facebook.com/ waterbarkwellness.

have benefited rescues throughout the state as well the Maine POM Project.

Other winners included Jacob Pendleton for Outstanding Youth Volunteer and Marty Martens who

received the Margaret Morey Life me Achievement Award for her many years of service to the organiza on.

Riley and Kate in WBW pool.


NEAL from page 3 as Pints for Paws, Nail Clipping Clinics, Holiday events and more as well as 30,000 pounds of food. Dona ons

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August 2018


Some Summer Fun!

See how you and your friends do with this li le test. Hey, you might learn something, too! Each ques on has 1-3 correct responses. See the end of the column for answers. 1. What’s the “Sensi ve Period?” a. Time of day when your dog jumps when touched. b. Age at which a puppy’s brain is par cularly recep ve to learning about the world and acquiring important social and coping skills (3-14 weeks of age) c. The one-hour period of me the dog spends pou ng a er being disciplined by the cat 2. What is “Supers ous Behavior”? a. When a dog walks around at night pretending to be a werewolf b. Uninten onally-rewarded behaviors the dog thinks he has to do in order to get the reward c. When your dog avoids black cats under ladders 3. Can more than one dad be involved in the concep on of a li er of puppies? a. yes b. no 4. How long have dogs been domes cated? a. 1,000 to 5,000 years b. 10,000 years, give or take a few thousand c. Between 15 and 30,000 years 5. What is “capturing”? a. Finally securing your dog a er he’s been eluding you for hours. b. Rewarding a behavior naturally offered by the dog c. When the dog pirate boards the ship and takes all the bones. 6. Are dogs predators? a. No b. Duh, YES! c. What's a predator? 7. What is an “alpha”? a. [Human]: being a *!*~!!` jerk by

Test your knowledge! Basic Training

Tips by Diana Logan

trying to exert physical or emo onal power and control over another being, just ‘cause… b. The breeding pair in a pack of wolves c. The boss 8. Are dogs “pack animals?” a. Yes b. No 9. What’s “flooding”? a. Intense exposure to a s mulus typically feared by the dog b. Overwhelming your dog with treats c. Giving your dog a bath when he doesn’t want one 10. What’s “Learned Helplessness?” a. When a dog refuses to go somewhere b. How the US Congress operates c. A situa on with a history of repeated painful or unpleasant

associa ons from which the dog knows she is unable to escape or avoid. This results in the dog shu ng down, going immobile, freezing, etc. Some mes confused with “submission.” 11. What’s a “Marker”? a. A sound or other clear signal that tells the dog what he did at that moment will be rewarded. b. A dog that likes to urinate on things to prove he’s the boss c. A specific marking on a dog 12. Approximately how many dogs are there in the world? a. 500 million b. 700 million c. One billion 13. Of those, about how many are pets? a. 90% b. 25% c. 60% 14. How can you “poison” a cue? a. repeatedly use the cue without delivering relevant rewards - to the point where there’s no longer a response. b. Say “bad dog” whenever you ask your dog to do something c. Use distasteful language when you cue your dog 15. What’s the best descrip on of “socializa on”? a. mee ng people b. mee ng dogs c. the exposure to novelty 16. What’s “Back-Chaining”? a. Tying your dog up by fastening a chain to his harness b. Training a behavior by rewarding the last part of the behavior chain first, then working back towards the first part of the behavior chain c. A back massage using a small, so chain. 17. What’s the “Premack Principle”? a. You must eat your veggies before you can have dessert. (A highly probability behavior will strengthen a low-probability behavior.)

b. Before Mack arrives on the scene. When he leaves, it’s the “a ermack.” c. If you do something many mes in a row, you will get be er at it. 18. What’s “Learning Theory”? a. Learning what to do to be your dog’s boss b. Whatever you want, you should have! c. The general explana on of how sen ent beings learn, based on science and evidence-based research. 19. What’s the opposite of “posi ve reinforcement”? a. “undecided reinforcement” b. “nega ve reinforcement” c. “posi ve punishment” 20. What drives behavior? a. The chauffeur b. Consequence c. The command 21. What’s “Classical condi oning”? a. Pairing two unrelated s muli b. Ge ng your dog accustomed to Mozart c. A special doggie shampoo 22. What’s an “Ex nc on Burst”? a. The temporary strengthening of an undesirable behavior as it is being eliminated b. When a puppy has a case of sudden zooms, then spontaneously takes a nap c. It happens when a species thought to be ex nct comes back 23. What’s an example(s) of a common “Environmental Reinforcer”? a. Pursuit of a squirrel b. Examining the latest Pee-mail c. A wonderful smell Answers: 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c [research con nues!], 5b, 6a [while dogs exhibit some predatory behaviors, they are primarily scavengers], 7ab, 8b [wolves are pack animals; dogs are not], 9a, 10c, 11a, 12c, 13b [and “pets” doesn’t mean “owned” or in a home], 14a, 15c [mee ng people and dogs is just a drop in the bucket of socializa on], 16b, 17a, 18c, 19c, 20b, 21a, 22a, 23abc

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without humans. My greatgrandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and abili es of wild dogs. My human and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I call my human, tongue in cheek, Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd. Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net Dear Friends, Don't you wish we could smell each other while I write and you read? Then we would know so much about each other. I could tell if you were feeling friendly or not and even what you had for breakfast. I'm male. Are you male or female? It

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

doesn't make a lot of difference to me anymore, but I used to get pre y excited when I met a female, and I hoped we could get to be good friends – or more than friends. And I was always a li le s ff when I met a male, thinking he might like to be top dog even though clearly, I was top dog. I s ll like bitches be er, but

I like to play with any friendly dog, so it doesn't ma er so much once I know I am not going to be a acked. Having a good nose can be frustra ng. A dog food kibble some mes runs under the refrigerator. By the me I have finished my meal, I've o en forgo en that. Weeks later, I happen to smell it, but it’s way in under where I can't reach. I can some mes fuss Boss into ge ng her long s ck and flashlight and fetching it out for me, but some mes she is grumpy about it, so I have to wait a long me. The best smelling things are food and animals. We all know about food smells. Mmm-mmm! Boss doesn't feed me in the kitchen – not on purpose anyway, but once in a while something gets away from her. Then it's a contest. I try to get it before she can say, “LEAVE IT.” But if she wins, it's okay because I back away and then she gives me good things to eat and tells me how wonderful I am. We don't o en go for a walk in town, and when we do, it's on the aggrava ng leash. There are so may strange human smells that I just ignore them and concentrate on other dogs and the occasional rodent. Every post and bush and hydrant has half an hour's worth of

news, but Boss only lets me sniff a few seconds. I guess I should be grateful when she does. Some mes she just keeps me walking. When we go for a walk in the woods, there are so many smells that I just run and run trying not to miss anything. A few mes in my life I smelled something wild and wonderful that I couldn’t figure out. It just drove me crazy! Has anyone else had this happen? The smell is up in the air, so I can't make any sense about where it is coming from. And it is so intense, and so exci ng that I run back and forth and 'round and 'round as fast as I can over blowdowns and through brush. Boss keeps jumping in front of me, and maybe she is calling, but I can't hear because of that SMELL! When I get red and slow down a li le, Boss snags me as I race by. I hope that someday I will find out what fills the woods with that irresis ble smell. Whatever can it be? Please write to me if you have any guesses. Smell with passion, Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.


Foreign Bodies Unfortunately, most people know a pet that has eaten something it shouldn't have. These objects, termed "foreign bodies" by the veterinary medical world, can wreak havoc in a pet's gastrointes nal tract. While some objects are small enough they can pass through with li le to no damage, larger objects, objects with sharp edges, and linear objects (such as threads or ribbons) can cause life threatening problems for our pets. Food normally passes through the esophagus into the stomach. A er par al diges on, the food will move into the small intes ne for further diges on and absorp on. The colon, or large intes ne, allows for reabsorp on of water and is the last step before stool exits via the rectum. In addi on to food, fluids in the form of water, saliva, stomach acid, bile, and pancrea c diges ve enzymes move through the gastrointes nal tract. All parts of the GI tract are move to assist in the passage of food. Foreign material becomes an issue

August 2018

when it blocks or par ally blocks the passage of food and fluids in the gastrointes nal tract or causes a hole in the GI tract, allowing the leakage of contents and bacteria into the abdominal cavity. The most common signs owners will see are vomi ng, lethargy, and lack of an appe te. Vomi ng can range from mild to severe, depending on the loca on of the obstruc on. Blockage effec vely stops the forward movement of the intes nal contents, causing dila on, spasms, pain and eventually the complete cessa on of movement in the GI tract. Par al obstruc ons can be tricky to diagnose because the vomi ng may be intermi ent, and some food gets by the obstruc on. These pets will o en lose a significant amount of weight as me progresses. While many of the foreign body offenders are dogs, cats can also get into mischief and especially like to go a er string. Objects like this are termed linear foreign bodies and cause an issue when one end becomes fixed in place, either because

they are too long or they become stuck on something. The intes nes con nue to move and bunch up on the string, much like an elas c in a hair scrunchie. As the intes nes move back and forth, they cut themselves on the string and mul ple holes form in the intes nes. Any perfora on in the GI tract will lead to sep c peritoni s from the leakage of fluid and bacteria. A perfora on is a surgical emergency and will result in death without prompt treatment. Many foreign bodies are not visible on radiographs (X-rays) but a pa ern can be seen in the intes nes that raise suspicion for an obstruc on. Ultrasound can be very helpful in seeing a foreign body and the obstruc on it causes, but ultrasound is not foolproof. However the saying goes it is be er to have a nega ve surgical exploratory (in which case we can take surgical biopsies and look at all the organs for the source of the vomi ng) than a posi ve necropsy, meaning a foreign body is found a er the pet has died from complica ons.

If the foreign body cannot pass on its own and is located in the stomach, endoscopy may allow for its removal without surgery. An endoscope has a small camera on the long end of a flexible tube. Small tools, such as graspers or a small net, can be passed through the endoscope and trap the foreign body, allowing its removal. If an object is too slippery, heavy, or dangerous to remove back up the esophagus, or if it is already entering into the small intes ne, surgery is the next step. Some objects can stay in the stomach for months. Corn cobs are a common offender. Dogs should never be allowed to chew on corn cobs. While highly appe zing, they eventually break down into smaller pieces, passing into the intes nes and causing a complete obstruc on. Please always men on to your regular veterinarian if you are suspicious your pet ate something it shouldn't have. April Guille, DVM, DACVS Portland Veterinary Specialists


Pet Portraits By Deb Bell, Bell's Furry Friends Photography


here’s nothing be er than a beau ful portrait of your pet. It can make you smile when you’re sad and laugh when you remember the playful an cs of your beloved furry, feathered or scaly friend. But why solicit the services of a professional ar st when you have your own camera or cell phone? Because o en, an ar st’s eye and touch can give you a different perspec ve of your pet. And just like kids, some mes our pets behave be er for someone who isn’t in their everyday life.

As a photographer, I delight in crea ng images my clients will adore and turn to even when their pet is no longer with them. But it’s for a very personal reason that I recommend each pet owner consider using the services of a professional ar st to create a personal work of art. In January of 2017, our dear greyhound Laura passed away. The heartbreak and pain were real, but when we would look at images that we took of her — being silly, naughty, loving and beautiful — our hearts healed a little more. I am grateful for the images created both by me as well as several other talented Maine

artists. They decorate our home and make us smile. For pet lovers who view their cri ers as dear family members, it only makes sense to create art of — and including — their pets. From photographs to pain ngs and drawings to myriad other ar s c mediums, the sky’s the limit for how to memorialize and decorate your home. Here are some ps for ve ng your pet ar st: 1. Ask about their approach and what to expect. A big part of a successful collabora on is to make sure you understand the ar st’s approach and what

you should expect in the crea on process. And ask to see comparable samples and speak with past clients to see what their experience was like. 2. Tell your ar st about your pet. Most ar sts will ask you ques ons about your pet, so don’t worry about oversharing. A er all, the job is to capture your pet’s essence, so knowing what they’re like and your own preferences makes crea ng custom art simple. 3. Share where you plan to display your art. For many ar sts, despite their medium, knowing where the art is going to be displayed is crucial. Art that is going

to be displayed large on a wall is different than art that is being turned into a special keepsake album. If your ar st hasn’t already asked these ques ons, expect to be asked. 4. Prepare your pet if they’re being photographed or videoed or if your artist wants to see them in action. A fresh grooming or brush out is always a great idea. If your pet has oodles of excess energy, go for a walk a couple of hours before the session. Set aside some special treats and make the event fun. Don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Instead, look forward to the interaction

with your artist and delight in the final product. Maine is full of talented ar sts who are just wai ng to help you and your pet. And you’ll be glad you did. Deb Bell is a professional pet photographer located in Hermon, Maine and is owned by a greyhound named Buddy and a Maine Coon Cat named Olivia. Her business, Bell’s Furry Friends Photography has been named Bangor’s Best Pet Photographer for the fi h year. Learn more at bffpetphotos.com.

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Downeast Dog News

August 2018


Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Variable Surface Tracking Test – Right Here in Maine

On August 5, 2018 at Colby College in Waterville, ME, Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine will put on a Variable Surface Tracking Test. The test begins at 5:00 a.m. – yes, that’s right – a.m! Track layers and judges have been out since 2:00 a.m. to put in tracks for those who are exhibiting. As you can imagine, it takes quite a dedicated and enthusiastic team of judges, track layers and other test officials as well as drivers for judges and track layers and hospitality people and dedicated exhibitors who travel from many parts of the United States for this test.

A Variable Surface Tracking Test (VST) is the most difficult of all the tracking tests. If you pass a VST and have achieved a TD or a TDU or a TDX, your dog has earned the title Champion Tracker. According to AKC, The Variable Surface Tracking test (VST) is a test of credibility, verifying the dog’s ability to recognize and follow human scent while adap ng to changing scen ng condi ons. The test is to be as prac cal as possible

while demonstra ng the dog’s willingness and ability to follow a specific scent given to the dog at the start of the test. The training and condi oning of the dog must be designed to develop the inner drive, mo va on, and determina on necessary for the dog to work with intensity and perseverance. The dog must show ability to work on a non-vegetated surface. Tracking is a true team sport. The handler, to be successful, must have a deep understanding of his dog’s motivation and commitment to the job. The handler must be able to not only read his dog, but to be able to communicate with his dog to accomplish the goal. In VST, this team effort becomes even more critical due to the difficult nature of the test. Dogs have a very keen sense of smell. 100,000 mes stronger than humans! AKC Tracking is a canine sport that demonstrates a dog’s natural ability to recognize and follow a scent and is the founda on of canine search and rescue work. Unlike obedience and rally trials where dogs respond to the handler’s commands, in tracking, the dog is completely in charge, for only he knows how to use his nose to find and follow the track. For many, the greatest pleasure of tracking is the hours spent outside training and interac ng with their

dogs. The tracking community is known for its camaraderie, and they all share in the excitement of a “pass” and the disappointment of a “fail.” Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine has done a great service to the tracking community by providing more tracking opportunities right here in Maine. This year they are hosting 2 TD, TDX tests, one in the spring and one in the fall; 1 TDU test on July 29 and 1 VST test on August 5. Next year (2019) they will offer an additional VST test in August. If you are interested in attending a test or learning to track with your dog, contact Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine – call Kathy at 207-691-2332 for more information. The tracking rela onship with your dog is all about trust and crea ng a problem solving rela onship based on careful observa on and understanding what our dog is telling us. The end result of this kind of work is the development of a profound understanding that develops between dog and handler as you progress through tracking prac ce. If you are interested in tracking, don’t miss the opportunities provided by Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine. Hope to see you at dawn on August 5!

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

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Help! My Dog Gets Distracted (And Some mes Wild and Crazy!!!) in Public When we put our dogs into new situa ons, they o en divert their a en on away from us and toward anything and everything but us. Some mes they even get a li le over-enthusias c or what some people consider CRAZY. One example of this is the dog in a training class that is more a en ve to the instructor than the person they live with 24/7. Students o en a ribute this to a mys cal ability only found in dog trainers, but it comes down to something much simpler. The dog trainer, provided he is reward-based and pleasant, is also o en more interes ng than you merely because he is novel and dierent. Remember, living with you 24/7 leads to a sense of familiarity which can cause, no oense intended, boredom (yawn!). I understand why you want your dog to learn self-control, especially in public situa ons. To get focused, undistractable behavior you need ďŹ rst need to understand why you may not be able to hold your dog's a en on. Your dog is young and well socialized. - Remember when you were young and carefree? Every new thing you experienced was exci ng and an excuse to have some fun. Young dogs can be much the same way, especially if you did a good job socializing and habitua ng them so that they are not fearful. Pat yourself on the back and let your dog enjoy the moment


Muppy being wild and crazy. :

because you will be sad the day he loses that enthusiasm. Your dog is insufficiently trained for the situation in which he has been placed. If you have attended a dog training class,

will be able to maintain focus in distrac ng environments. FMI - h p://bit.ly/GAKS-A en on Your dog ďŹ nds interac ons with others more rewarding than you. If your dog is going through the mo ons with you and would rather be with anyone but you, you need to stop training and focus en rely on restoring your rela onship. Years ago one of my employees kicked me out of a class because Gus and I were just going through the mo ons. We were working, but neither of us was having fun. It was the best advice I could have received. Do NOT delay, ďŹ nd a dog trainer who can help you and your dog rediscover the fun in one another! FMI - h p://bit.ly/ HowToChooseADogTrainer Your dog is fearful and stressed. Not everyone can tell when a dog is stressed or afraid. In some cases, a dog might shut down and freeze doing nothing at all, and other mes he might be bouncing around ac ng crazy. I believe everyone should be aware of how a dog expresses his or her emo onal state through body language. FMI h p://bit.ly/DogsSignsofFear Reinforce the bond you have with your dog on a regular basis, train him with rewards and fun to respond in the environments that he will experience, keep him out of stressful situa ons and be pa ent. Do these things and your dog will focus on you.

hopefully, you have learned that dogs do not generalize well. In fact, if you teach your dog the sit behavior to pure perfection, but only train your dog in your kitchen, your dog may be clueless if you cue him to sit in the living room or at a park filled with novel distractions. Dogs need to learn a behavior in a wide variety of environments and situations before you can expect them to respond to a cue in almost any situation. I am not just talking about teaching your dog in various spaces but also around a wide variety of distractions. Also, recognize you need to do this in small increments. Just because your dog will sit in front of one motionless child that he knows does not mean he will sit in front of seven children he does not know that are running around erratically while giggling. Your dog has not learned the beneďŹ t of focusing on you. One of the ďŹ rst and most important behaviors we teach in our classes is the A en on or Look behavior. A en on is all about teaching your dog that focusing on you is one of the most rewarding things that he can do. Training your dog to pay a en on to you is fundamental to teaching him anything else. A great Look behavior eases teaching both Leave It and Heeling. If you do it right, increasing diďŹƒculty and distrac ons in ny increments, you

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.








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August 2018

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of the


RESCUE OF THE MONTH: MAINE GREYHOUND PLACEMENT SERVICE Finding Loving Homes for Re red Racing Greyhounds By Susan Spisak For 25 years, the Maine Greyhound Placement Service (MGPS) has been dedicated to finding terrific homes for re red racing Greyhounds in Maine and beyond. MGPS was co-founded by Sco Bruns and Mary Towle because they both had adopted a Greyhound and fell in love with the breed. That passion led to volunteering at a Greyhound shelter, and they eventually established their own adop on kennel in Bridgton. Wanting to help more retired Greyhounds, in 2003 they relocated to a larger facility in Augusta that accommodates 60 dogs. I talked with President and Executive Director Bruns on this rescue that he oversees with the help of a board and many volunteers. He loves what he’s doing after all these years--he said with a laugh, “If I wasn’t satisfied, I wouldn’t be doing it…It’s our 25th year.” He added that interestingly enough, many people who are adopting from them today grew up with a MGPS dog in the family home. “It’s multi-generational now.”

Most of their dogs come from racing tracks in Florida and Alabama--their industry connec ons want their animals adopted into good homes, and MGPS is happy to oblige. Through their work, they’ve rehomed over 4,000 Greyhounds. Their efforts haven’t gone unno ced. In 2016, they received the Greyhound Adop on Program of Year or GAPY. (The GAPY is awarded to two organiza ons annually by the American Greyhound Council, one on the East Coast and one on the West Coast.) Kennel manager Dawn Curtis said they’ve received puppies who’ve had medical needs and couldn’t race. Late last year they took in Lily, a now 9-month-old pup who needed a hind leg amputation--it was done successfully, and she was adopted. And early this year they brought in a puppy named Luna--she was diagnosed with a bone disorder that kept her from a career. She’s now 7-months-old and was adopted by Curtis. MGPS is not just a large adoption facility--they also have an onsite, fully serviceable veterinary clinic aka The Greyhound Clinic. Bruns indicated that in addition to caring for their dogs awaiting



BGR S Spielberg "BERGER" is a handsome, young red male re red from Florida.

WW's Lost Girl "WANIKA" is a friendly black female re red from Florida a er a successful career. Please consider sponsoring Wanika while awai ng adop on.

adoption, they offer reasonably priced services for other shelters’ dogs and low-cost spay/ neuters (dogs and cats) to the public. And they have boarding services for Greyhounds--he said people will drive for hours to have their pets cared for safely while they’re on vacation. Not sure about the Greyhound breed? They’re sweet, social, quiet, clean, gentle, and generally an indoor pet. They’re good-natured, intelligent dogs who adapt well. They get along fine with children and other pets and are hypoallergenic and non-barkers. Adopters often note that they seem grateful and reward them with neverending affection. They do need to be on a “nonretractable” leash when outdoors, should never be tied outside, and require a coat in cooler weather as well as a bi-annual check-ups. Cur s gave a huge shout out to their board members and added, “We are run completely by volunteers so a huge thanks to everyone for their great care of the Greyhounds. If interested in volunteering, contact her at 207-557-3166. For more on MGPS, visit greyhoundplacement.com/.

WIGGLES, ADULT, GREYHOUND Wiggleit Alilbit "Wiggles"is a sweet white brindle female re red from Florida.

Call for more informa on Tuesday through Saturday 8-5 @ 207-626-2893.

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HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • 207-453-7387 www.yourhometownvet.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




3-4 yrs., Lab/Shepherd Mix

1.5 yrs., Ro weiler mix

4 yrs., Beagle/Bulldog

Sweet, gentle dog. Does well with other dogs and people, she loves children but would do best with children 10+ as she appreciates the quiet. She has great manners & loves spending me with her people.

Intelligent, playful, curious and goofy! I do need a home with no pets or children to be comfortable and successful. I know several commands. Energy level that would best be matched with an ac ve adopter! Swimming is one of my favorite ac vi es.

Smart, energe c, quick learner. LOVES squeaky toys and to run and play. Because of his bulldog nature, can be protec ve of his space. Needs me to get to know people. Jasper will ourish in a home with an experienced, loving owner.

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207)626-3491

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392

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Scarborough Animal Hospital

Sunray Animal Clinic

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73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398 sunrayvet.com




2-3 yrs., Chihuahua mix

10-12 yrs., Mixed breed

4 yrs., Catahoula/ Bulldog mix

Not a fan of big dogs, but he gets along well with the smaller dogs and puppies in his exercise yard and is not a bully. He has not been tested with cats, and has not been around children (that we know of.)

Very happy girl! Very sweet & loves to be with people. She is living peacefully with 2 dogs and a cat, and has also been ďŹ ne around chickens. She pa ently accepts pets from children. Her ac vity level is very good. Charlie has a very warm presence.

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

FMI: olddogsnewdigs.com

Sweetest and most low maintenance dog his foster has had the pleasure of knowing. Content with a walk in the park or just cuddling on the couch. More mid around males. However, once he warms up to you he will follow you everywhere. Abe is simply an amazing dog! Email: catahoularescuene@gmail.com




14 weeks, Hound mix

Senior, Boxer/ Bullmas  mix

5 yrs., Yorkie

From South Carolina. He loves to play and loves all dogs he meets.


Very sweet dog who seems to have had a hard life. Very pa ent and loving and will bond well to people. Seems to par cularly adore men. She would probably be ďŹ ne with dog-savvy cats. FMI: olddogsnewdigs.com

He is NOT a calm lap dog, and is very busy and energe c. He is a sweet, friendly li le fella that needs a good amount of exercise. Remy lost 12 teeth during his dental but s ll has teeth and can eat dry food. Puppyloveme.org




12 weeks, Hound/lab mix

10 yrs., Beagle/Hound mix

He is a happy goofy puppy, but can be a bit shy at ďŹ rst.

You would never guess her age, given her spunky personality! Sweet and easy going with just the right amount of energy. Dixie was surrendered to us when her family could no longer care for her. Great with kids. She gets along well with cats, but would like a home where she can be the only dog.

An older gentleman who loves to go ďŹ shing.


Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207)797-5392

P.A.W.S. Adop on, (207)236-8702

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


August 2018


August C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)907-2323 x4

ALES FOR TAILS Thursday, August 2 Warren, 4PM – 7PM Come enjoy some great beer while suppor ng a good cause! Snacks will be provided by Simplicity Brewing Co & Supplies, 2473 Camden Rd. A por on of the proceeds will be donated to P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on Center. Outdoor sea ng is available. Friendly dogs welcome!

INTRO TO TEACUP AGILITY Sunday, August 19 Lincolnville, 10AM – 1PM Do you have a small dog? Would you like to do agility but are not sure you could run the distance in big venues? Is your small dog doing agility now but you would like to add another fun game to your repertoire? Do you want to try a challenging venue for your ny breed? Then Teacup Agility is for you! Wag It Training Center, 55 Calderwood Ln. doggiedecipher. com/207teacup; (207)293-4784

BARBELLS FOR BEACON Saturday, August 4 Rockport, 9AM – 11AM Stone Coast Wellness is holding its 5th annual Barbells for Beacon fundraiser to raise money for the Beacon Fund at PAWS Animal Adop on Center. The Beacon Fund helps shelter animals receive surgical procedures. This FAMILY FRIENDLY, FREE event will include: A workout (beginner friendly op ons!), Pick your prize raffle, Bake sale (human & K9), 250m rowing race w/cash prize! FMI: stonecoastwellness@gmail.com.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 4 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be at our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on at 421 Wilson St. from 10am – 12pm for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to SPCA of Hancock County. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)907-2323 x4

DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar

CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

Add your events TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!



Saturday, August 4 Belfast, 10 AM – 11 AM Every first Saturday of the month, Ginny Ford will hold a Pet Loss Group at the Belfast Free Library, 106 High St., Belfast. Feel free to bring along a picture, leash, poem, or other items that remind you of your pet. FMI: pawsadop on.org; (207)236-8702

Sunday, August 12 Rockland, 10:15 AM Annual event during the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show at the Harbor and Buoy Park (Park Drive). Pre-selected dogs compete in justfor-fun events that include obstacle courses, boat boarding trials and more! Procession of canine compe tors begins at 10:15 on the show grounds and the official trials will begin at 10:30 a.m. on the waterfront. Admission to the trials is included in the price of a show cket. Visit: maineboats.com/boatshow

DOG DAYS OF BRIDGTON Saturday, August 4 Bridgton, 1PM – 4PM Don't miss Bridgton's first dog event! Held at Community Center Grounds, 15 Depot St. There will be games, discussions on dog health, vendors, dog adop on organiza ons. An overall fun day for dog lovers! All dogs MUST be leashed and waste must be picked up.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 11 Camden/Rockport, 10AM-12PM Belfast, 1PM-3PM Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Camden/ Rockport loca on on U.S. Rte 1, Rockport from 10am – 12pm and our Belfast loca on on 1 Belmont Ave. from 1pm-3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)907-2323 x4

MID COAST KENNEL CLUB CONFORMATION SHOW Saturday & Sunday, September 1&2 7AM – 7PM Held at the Union Fairgrounds, Union 175 Fairgrounds Ln.

AKC SPECIAL EVENTS Saturday, September 1st only 10AM – 3PM

AKC CGC TEST $15 Sponsored by the AKC, the CGC is a cer fica on that officially recognizes sewfetchdogcollars.etsy.com sewfetchdogcollars@gmail.com


NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 18 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to the Somerset Humane Society. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)907-2323 x4

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, August 18 Rockland, 12 PM – 3 PM Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Loyal Biscuit Rockland loca on at 408 Main St. from 12pm – 3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and

that your dog has met and passed the criteria set forth by the AKC for this tle.

AKC TRICK TEST EVALUATIONS Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Performer $15 Each Level

AKC MY DOG CAN DO THAT! $15 to try both Agility and Rally/$10 Agility only/$10 Rally only You and your dog can try AKC Agility and Rally with the help of a professional trainer – it’s fun and

SAVE A STRAY 5K Saturday, August 25 Freeport, 8AM – 2PM Join Coastal Humane Society and Lincoln County Animal Shelter at LL Bean for the 13th Annual Save a Stray 5K & Fes val! Take part in the 5K run or onemile walk with your friends, family, (even your dog!). It's a day of fun for the whole family! All proceeds from registra ons for our 5K (or Walk) go directly to ensuring that our animals receive the medical care they need and the chance at the new beginning they deserve. To register online, visit h ps://www.raceentry.com/races/ save-a-stray-5k/2018/register. Registra on is $25 un l August 22; $30 on race day

ALES FOR TAILS Saturday, August 25 Portland, 2PM – 5PM Held at Thompson’s Point, Portland. This dog-friendly beer fes val has tails wagging every year! This annual sell-out event features breweries from across the state pouring their hand-cra ed ales to support pets in need. arlgp.org

PET ROCK IN THE PARK Sunday, August 26 Portland, 11AM – 4PM Join Portland Veterinary Specialists at Deering Oaks Park for our annual Pet Rock in the Park. This dog-friendly event features LIVE music, animal demonstra ons, food vendors, pet products, service vendors, animal shelters and rescue organiza ons. To benefit the Animal Cancer Founda on.

easy! Dogs must be at least 6 months old and on a regular 4-6 foot leash (no flexi/retractable leads)

ENTER YOUR DOG IN ONE OR ALL OF THESE SPECIAL EVENTS! Events will be held in an area separate from the show rings. To register call Kathy at 207-691-2332 or e-mail kduhnoski@myfairpoint.net

Downeast Dog News

Business Directory MIDCOAST

g Goin

trip? Come home to a on a Clean House & Happy Pets


Betty McBrien 701-8491

Wiscasset, Maine • 207-882-6128 redseatsmaine.com


Little Dove Farm


• Loving pet caregiver in your home within a 30 mile radius of Camden • Professional housekeeper • Farm animal care also available



Reach New Customers! Adver se Here

AWS from page 2 writes Michael Thatcher, President and CEO of Charity Navigator. “Only 6% of chari es we evaluate have received at least 6 consecu ve 4-star evalua ons, indica ng Animal Welfare Society outperforms most other chari es in America. This excep onal designa on from Charity Navigator sets Animal Welfare Society apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness.� AWS joins only 24 other chari es

in the state of Maine in the coveted 4-star category in 2018. In addi on, AWS is one of only ďŹ ve Maine chari es to earn the designa on 6 years in a row, joining other wellregarded and well-respected nonproďŹ ts such as Preble Street and the Jackson Laboratory. To learn more about Charity Navigator’s ranking system or to see AWS’ full report, please visit www. charitynavigator.org.

D D Downeast Dog News is looking for a delivery driver for approx. 44 stops from Falmouth to Kennebunk. Paid posi on or willing to trade for adver sing. Must have own car, current license, registra on and insurance. Job is once a month. Please contact Jenn @ 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

P -T S

Downeast Dog News is looking for a part- me salesperson. Sales experience is perferred. Looking for someone who is friendly, professional and organized. Commission only posi on. Please contact Jenn @ 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

August 2018



N Meeting the R boarding and grooming needs for your dogs, cats and other pets.

Your pet’s home away from home

If the road is calling, go ahead and go.

1653 Union St., Bangor - 207945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com

Let us help make the time away from your pet worry free. The staff at Bear Brook Kennel is committed to helping ease the anxiety of separation for both you and your pet.

Please welcome Taylor Bean to the Green Acres Kennel Shop team. Taylor is our new Professional Pet Stylist and is here to groom your dogs on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Call us at 945-6841 to book an appointment. Voted the Bangor Regions: Best Kennel, Best Pet Store, Best Dog Trainer & Best Pet Groomer


ME License #F251



U Boarding & Daycare U Dog Grooming U Dog Training Classes U Behavior Counseling U Wholesome Pet Foods U Quality Pet Supplies

Your pet will receive quality care from the kennel attendants, groomer and receptionists. All services will be customized to your specifications. Your pet is our guest. When boarding, a reservation should be made, preferably a week or more in advance. If you should have an emergency or urgent situation, we will do our best to accommodate you. For reservations call 207-989-7979.

19 Bennett Road, Brewer, ME 04412 tel 207-989-7979 fax 207-989-6927 e-mail: info@bearbrookkennel.com

GREAT SELECTION, GREAT PRICES AND A HELPFUL STAFF. WE HAVE IT ALL! Huge ion of t c e l e S d cat dog an ! foods

Bring your dog to check out our huge selection of dog treats and toys!

Acana Blue Buffalo Blue Seal Bravo Canidae Earthborn EnTrust Eukanuba Friskies Fromm Health Extension Iams Max Merrick Natural Balance Nutrisource Nutro Orijen Pedigree Pro Pac Pro Plan Purina Science Diet Solid Gold Stella & Chewy’s Taste of the Wild Triumph Wellness Weruva Whiskas & More !

Ames Supply 447 Bath Road/US Rt1, Wiscasset Mon.- Fri. 7:00 - 5:30 • Sat. 7:00 - 5:00 • Closed Sun.


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