2018 March Downeast Dog News

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Hot Dog News

Basic Training Tips


Dogs for Adoption

Calendar of Events


See SHEDS on page 5

served as a great reason to get fresh air, exercise, and spend quality time with his dog. That attitude hasn’t changed as the years have gone by. As an adult, Chase said he was shed hunting before the Internet was born and likens it to a

12 & 13


Healthy & Happy, Vet Special


after school. He stumbled on his first “shed,” a “dropped” deer antler. He realized that because the males grow rowing up, Colin Chase liked and shed their antlers annually, there hiking through Maine’s woods were more out there, especially with his Shepherd mix--in fact, he preferred that to playing with friends in bedding and feeding areas and near their travel routes. While this knowledge fueled his desire to search for these gems, it really

By Susan Spisak

Shed Hunting Adventures

Volume 13 • Issue 3 • March 2018

Ruger with a collection of sheds from the North Maine Woods.



Hot Dog News New Executive Director of Coastal Humane Society

Dog Behavior, Body Language & Dog Parks

We are pleased to welcome

Do you wonder what your dog is thinking? Or feeling?

Or trying to communicate to you and/or other dogs and people? Wonder how you can help your dog have a positive experience at a dog park? Humans must interpret their dog’s communications by their body language such as posture, ear set, facial expressions and more. Proper understanding and positive training will strengthen the human-dog relationship. Help in answering the above questions, and many more, will be included in a community presentation by Don Hanson, noted certified dog behavior consultant and Downeast Dog News columnist, on Sunday, April 8, 2:00 pm. The informative program entitled “Dog Behavior, Body Language & Dog Parks” will take place in the Abbott Room of the Belfast Free Library. Sponsored by Friends of Belfast Parks this free event is part of the 10th birthday celebration of the Belfast Dog Park. FMI: Email friendsofbelfastparks@roadrunner.com; phone 207-338-1704

Trendy Stanchfield as the new Executive Director of Coastal Humane Society and Lincoln County Animal Shelter! Trendy comes to us from northern Minnesota, where she spent 14 years working as the Regional Director for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the Minneapolis area. She moved to Maine six years ago, joining Goodwill Northern New England as their Senior Director of Mission Investment. In her work for nonprofits throughout her career, Trendy has helped create programming, raise funds to support mission services, and develop teams across multicampus organizations. Want to catch up? She'd love to meet you! Email her at tstanchfield@ coastalhumanesociety.org or call her at 449-1366 extension 4.

Trendy Stanchfield

See more Hot Dog News on page 15! • Salt water pool with a gently sloping ramp just for dogs

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Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com


From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, I wish I had something exciting to report this month. I know Pepper wishes the same because she is so bored with me. I am more of a fair weather adventurer. Every year I kid myself into thinking I will get out and hike or snowshoe and it doesn’t happen. Of course this winter has been quite the variety of weather and temps. We are still making trips to the dog park and playing “ball” and games in the house, and somehow the house is still standing and nothing is broken. She will be pleased this weekend because we will be spending a few days with one of her dog friends while his people are away. For the most part, Pepper and I are together the majority of the time. I often think a video montage of our life and the weird conversations I have with her, the little songs that I make up and sing to her, and just the funny things that we do would be quite entertaining. If you follow our Facebook page, I recently posted a question about the nicknames that we give to our dogs. Thank you to everyone that shared with us. I enjoyed all of the photos and the names were great. It’s good to know I am not alone. I got that idea from the radio one morning. They went down a list of questions or facts about things that we dog or pet people do. One of them was have one more nicknames for our pet that may be used more often than their real name. Some of Pepper’s names are Goose (like silly goose), Goosey, Pepper Doodle, Pepper Doodle Do and so on. One of the other questions was about making up songs or changing the lyrics to already existing songs and including your dog in them. It was as if that questionnaire was designed for me. I get that from my mother. Have a great March and keep an eye out on the temperature. If it gets warm enough, those pesky ticks will resurface. Take care, Jenn and Pepper


• Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.


Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com


Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.


Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

Looking for Vendors/ Demonstrators/Rescues The Downeast Dog News has once again joined the Boothbay Railway Village in planning their June Rescue Event. Rescue Day at the Railway will be held on Sunday, June 3rd. Last year we had a great turnout with many rescues, vendors, Flyball demonstrations and more. If you would like to join us for this fun day please contact Margaret@railwayvillage.org or 6334727 for an information/registration packet. We hope you will join us!

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” ― Anatole France


Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2018 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

March 2018

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Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts


10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.


Advertising deadline is the 20th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News . ..................... 2 Furry Words .......................... 4 Ask the Vet............................. 4 Basic Training Tips . ............... 6 Ask Bammy............................. 7 Vet Special.......................... 8,9 Performance Dog Training.....10 Words, Woofs & Meows . .... 11 Rescue of the Month.............12 Dogs for Adoption................ 13 Calendar of Events . ............. 14 Business Directory ............... 15


For this edition of Furry Words, I

have a personal story to share with you. My mom died suddenly in 2001, and not long after, my dad started dating a woman named Fran. Apparently, a lot of people thought I should dislike her simply because she wasn’t my mom. Well, that’s not how I roll. I met her, I liked her, and because she was the polar opposite of my mother, it was even easier! Fran had a huge black horse that I got to ride, and three years later, she adopted a tan colored Mastiff named Gracie. I am going to tell you about how Gracie evolved into one of the sweetest dogs I’ve known. Gracie came from a rescue and had questionable manners and was unsure of people; huge and contrary to her name, she was quite ungraceful. I smile as I say that, but even Fran and my dad would agree! My son was only 4 years old at the time, and I had the dog safety talk with him for most of our two and a half hour drive leading to our first introduction. In theory, I did everything right. We had no idea how Gracie would respond to us newcomers, but Fran was familiar with the breed and is a super vigilant dog owner. We agreed that she would take the lead, and Zachary and I would be very respectful of whatever happened. Our plan was for Z and me to get to dad’s, settle in, and then have Gracie and Fran show up. That way she wouldn’t feel the need to defend her territory, and the meeting would


Essential Oils

. I use essential oils all the time for me. Can I use them on my dog?

Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

be on neutral ground. This worked out great. She came in still on leash and gave us a good once over. If we moved quickly, she jumped, and because she was so huge and wet (Mastiffs are drooly!), my son really didn’t want much to do with her. She felt the same until he got up to get a glass of water. She was instantly on high alert, and his quick movement made her want to chase. I got the feeling that this could lead to something disastrous, but my child thought it was funny. The more I told him to WALK, not run, he suddenly needed to keep getting up and testing me. Since the dog had better manners than my son, the dog got

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman


Very good question! Essential oils are very popular right now. Everywhere you turn someone is selling them, having workshops, webinars, and suggestions. They are very powerful and work wonders with people when used correctly. The question is how safe are they for dogs? Cats are another concern but not for this article. Let’s start with what are essential oils. These oils comprise of a minute part of plants. The purpose of these oils in the plant is for protection, communication, and reproduction. To make a few drops of essential oil, several pounds of plant must be distilled, expressed or extracted. For an example, to make 1 ounce of peppermint oil it takes 16 pounds of peppermint leaves. Another way to look at it, one drop of a plant’s essential oil is


more than 75 times stronger than the herbal equivalent. You can see why essential oils are powerful medicines. When the plants are steam distilled, the essential oils are collected on top and a water soluble part called hydrosol is in the water below. The hydrosol contains a trace amount of essential oil. Essential oils should never be used internally in a dog,

to relax on the floor, and my Zachary was given stern orders to say on the couch. When my boy went to bed and Gracie was sprawled on the floor, I laid down next to her in front of the television. She seemed so peaceful that for a second, I forgot that she was still unpredictable. All was good until I put my arm over her side, and she made a chaotic movement combined with springing up, lunging, and standing all at the same time. Her awkwardness was the only thing that worked to my advantage, and I had just enough time to stand up just as Fran grabbed her collar. Sigh. I was one of those parents who didn’t listen to what they had preached to their child. I assure you I never made that mistake again, and I never will! Fast forward 7 years. Gracie had grown into a spectacular (and still drooly) dog. She had personality, spunk, and you could see joy in her face. She had actually learned to smile and had become a gentle giant. On our visit this summer, I actually had to work to keep her from hauling her huge body on to the couch in an attempt to snuggle! We shared a lot of “remember when” stories every time we visited, but Fran and my dad had done a spectacular job helping her become a wonderful companion for both of them. Gracie was living the dream and had found the perfect family. Well, Gracie died a month ago. It was the first big death my dad has had to process since my mom

died, and I know it brought up many emotions that he may not have even realized were buried deep in his subconscious. This is the beauty of animals. They teach us something; they give us an opportunity to heal. When an animal dies, it is one of the hardest things for us to go through. Everyone understands the sadness. When I told my now twelve year old son, he was sad, and as we prepare for an upcoming visit, we both agree it just won’t be the same without Gracie. The day after she passed, my dad called me to ask me how Gracie was doing on the other side. WHAT? My dad, who is a believer (but not really), asked me to check in with her just to make sure she was ok and had made it safely to the other side. Turns out the dog was loving having her mobility back and was running and showing me how free she felt when she was back as pure spirit. She said she’d be letting them both know she was around, but thanked them for letting her go. It was a teary conversation with my dad, but I think that they both knew they had done the right thing. I feel blessed to have known this gentle giant and will continue to check in with her anytime they ask. Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets, has an office in North Conway, NH but is also available for phone readings and private events. FMI go to enlightenedhorizons.com, email enlightenedhorizons@gmail. com or call (603)662-2046.

accept under the guidance of a knowledgeable herbalist. Undiluted essential oils taken internally have been reported to cause gastric irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, mucosal burns, and liver failure. Some of the essential oils applied topically can also cause problems. Even adding it to drinking water is unsafe since the oils float on top of the water. I have had several cases where the guardians applied Tea Tree oil undiluted on hot spots and skin irritations because it has very good antibacterial properties. In one case, the dog ingested a mixture of olive oil and Tea Tree oil. All these dogs became temporarily paralyzed. The paralysis lasted from two to twenty-four hours. In one case, the dog developed liver failure. If you want to use Essential oils, use them topically and diluted. When I use essential oils, I dilute them one drop of essential oil to one tablespoon of carrier oil. Some herbalists use up to three to six drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil. Common carrier oils are olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil. Be sure you know where your essential oils are coming from. They should be pure, unadulterated,

organic or unsprayed oils from a reputable producer. Using essential oils on collars and bandanas as flea and tick repellents are relatively safe. If you do this be sure to know about the essential oils you are using and check your dog’s skin for irritation. If you see any symptoms from skin irritation to vomiting, diarrhea, or staggering, remove the bandana immediately. You may need to bathe your dog to get the oil off with Dawn dish soap. If the symptoms persist, take your dog to your veterinarian. For emotional issues, I have used lavender oil or peppermint oil for calming and reducing stress. I use one drop of essential oil to one tablespoon of carrier oil. I may put it between the pads or on the inside of the ears. Remember that essential oils are powerful medicines and to use them properly, you need to consult a knowledgeable herbalist or therapist. Judith K. Herman DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, ME www.mainehomeopathicvet.com

Downeast Dog News

SHEDS from page 1 treasure hunt--each antler is unique and a piece of art. He always had a dog in tow as a companion, and they’d hit the woods in the spring because moose and deer shed their antlers in the winter months--it’s a painless, natural process that occurs when their testosterone levels fall after rutting season, causing a weakening of the tissue and bone at the antler base, and they simply drop off. They’re easier to find once the snow melts--but some shed buffs do brave the winter to search for them. He prefers to head into northern Maine and search for the much larger (and much heavier) moose antlers rather than looking for deer sheds in the southern part of the state. “Finding a deer antler is like finding a needle in the haystack.” While he had luck finding sheds on his own, he wanted to cover the woods efficiently. He’d read about shed dog trainer Jerry Carlson and thought, “You know, what if I train a dog to find these things?” He found a small Rat Terrier puppy named Lakota that fit the bill. He had a great nose and could sniff out naturally shed antlers that carry scents. (While humans have roughly six million olfactory or sense of smell receptors, a dog has over 220 million--a great asset for shed hunting.) He trained Lakota, and he accompanied Chase on his outings until he was 8-months-old. Then the little dog decided squirrel chasing was more his thing. After Lakota retired and became just a family pet,--Chase is married, has three children and (now has) four dogs--he looked for a breed that could really be helpful in his pursuits. He decided on a Lab. “I should have done that from the beginning…they retrieve,” he said with a smile in his voice. Chase searched for a breeder he was comfortable with and in 2008 he adopted a

Colin Chase and Ruger

yellow Lab, named him Ruger (pronounced Roo-ger), and got busy training him. “There’s really no magic formula to training a dog to find a shed,” said Chase. “I kept it simple and consistent, used the same commands, and I did it every day.” After Ruger learned basic obedience commands, he taught him to retrieve a ball. Then he introduced him to the sight and smell of antlers and used commands like “fetch” or “find the shed.” He’d throw antlers or hide fresh sheds in the woods around his property in the town of Gray and

command Ruger to find. He also capitalized on the winds,--it must be in his face--and he relied on Mother Nature’s tool to carry the scent of the antlers to his buddy. If Ruger retrieved, he’d get a treat--usually pieces of chicken chopped up just for rewarding. He’d also hide antlers around the house for indoor fetching--and still does. “Labs are natural, and they want to please. They’re big happy dogs,” Chase said. Now trained and ready for his “first official shed hunt,” Chase and the

11-month-old “laid-back” Ruger traveled north to the logging woods to search for the larger, heavier scented moose antlers. That trip proved that the Lab was a hunter--Ruger scored 14 sheds. “I knew he was going to be amazing.” He’s had many subsequent “banner” days. “It’s about the dog and his ability to do a job. And a dog with a job is a happy dog. To me, that’s key.” Because Chase’s free time is limited,--by day he works in the telecommunications/fiber optics industry, is a well-respected fine art landscape and wildlife photographer and is a licensed AKC Beagle Field Trial Judge--they go moose shed hunting a week at a time to make the most of the outing. They’ve stayed in lodges or cabins, but Chase prefers to rough it in remote areas. Is Ruger a good camper? “Absolutely,” Chase laughed. “He loves it.” He has blankets from an army surplus store for the Lab to sleep on--and wool blankets to cover him if necessary. An old oversized military sleeping bag is Chase’s bed, and Ruger usually ends up in it with him. “He keeps me warm…he’s a cuddle bug.” When daybreak comes and Ruger begins searching, he stays within Chase’s sight when he’s on the hunt. He’s methodical and uses his nose, and when he gets the scent of an antler, he takes off and alerts his master to its location. During a weeklong trip, Ruger would find upwards of 80 to 100 antlers. He didn’t sell them for a long time, but because of the quantity Ruger would find, he began wholesaling them to his best friend’s dog chew company, mainemooseantlers.com, while keeping his favorite sheds for his personal collection.

See SHEDS on page 7

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March 2018


Confession: I am a treat snob

You should be too!

I am a lazy trainer. I want a happy,

enthusiastic learner, quick results, efficient repetitions, and a fit, healthy, and engaged student. I want the dog to be clear about why she is being rewarded. I know that if I want to see progress, there have to be numerous repetitions. I am aware that my own mechanics (observation, timing, reaching for the treat, handling and delivering the treat, etc.) has to be excellent so that the process is fun, rewarding, and clear for both the dog and human. To get results, I need to pay well. Treats are “canine cash;" we get what we pay for! Humans get paid in money, but we then trade that money in for food (and other things). For dogs, we can skip the money part and pay them directly with delicious calories. Of course, there are other rewards, but for the purpose of this article, the focus is on food which we all need in order to survive. Due to my many needs described in the first paragraph, I am a serious treat snob, and I have a list of criteria that treats must meet. Treats must be: 1. Heartily coveted by my student. I want the dog to think, “WOW! I need some of THAT!” 2. Meaty (pieces of, or

Basic Training Tips

by Diana Logan

containing, real meat): feed the carnivore in your dog! 3. Tiny (1/4” to 3/8”) to allow for many repetitions before the dog gets full. At my puppy day school, each puppy gets about 200 treats

per day or the equivalent of ½ cup. 4. Easy to break into smaller pieces. 5. Soft (more quickly consumed in their entirety; hard, biscuit-like treats take longer to eat, can crumble and leave a distracting mess on the floor). 6. Smelly if possible. 7. Easy to handle (timing is important; we lose training moments when we have to fumble). 8. Tossable (we sometimes toss treats away to reset the dog, so he can start another repetition). 9. Healthy (few ingredients beyond meat). 10. Not too pricey. That’s quite a list of requirements, isn’t it? I will now share with you some tips on how your treats can meet all of those criteria. Between PupStart, my puppy day school, and all the other training I do, I spend about 20-30 hours per week actively training 20-30 individual dogs. Each dog has her own “currency hierarchy,” so we have to tune into that and adjust our rewards appropriately so that we can maintain the “wow!” factor. If your dog isn’t showing enthusiasm for the game, it’s time to try a higher value reward.


1. “Marinated Kibble” (4 cups high quality, grain-free kibble soaked in ¾ cup real meat broth; see my website for the full recipe). This is a super economical way to make treats. Great for training at

home, but may not maintain "wow" for long. 2. “Chicken treats” (2.5 cups/1.25# ground chicken mixed with one raw egg, spread evenly on parchment paper covered jellyroll pan; bake at 425 for 35 minutes, cut with pizza cutter). Yum! 3. Beef or chicken pieces. Freeze the meat first, then thaw just to the point when it’s easy to cut into tiny pieces. Boil the pieces and drain. Beef tends to light up a dog’s face! Oh, don’t forget to use the broth to marinate some more kibble.


1. Coachies 2. Plato Small Bites 3. Ziwi Peak (very pricey but can turn on even the pickiest of eaters) This is not at all an exhaustive list. I’m always on the look-out for other treats/snacks that fit my criteria, and I welcome ideas on what you’ve found that your dogs go gaga over! Baklava. That would be my reward of choice at this moment. How about you? Here are some video examples of training for specific behaviors where the dog exhibits enthusiasm and understanding for the behavior being trained: Reverse Front: Diana and Astro https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=MxUvOH_Q0_g Teaching Izzy to step on the Easy Button: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=RPjoBpcfVdk Teaching Nika to back up at heel: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=X6aVmHp9PsE

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connection Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that

long ago owned Native American people. We were designed by natural selection to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without humans. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural instincts and abilities of wild dogs. My human and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I call my human, tongue in cheek, Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd notions as most humans, so I can relate to other dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your questions! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd. Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ tidewater.net This is a letter to my pen-pal Eddie Jack Russell Terrier. Dear Eddie, I haven’t heard from you for a while. I hope city life in the winter isn’t too boring. There’s always a lot going on around here.

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

You might say it’s always hunting season. It’s not easy, but I am usually able to coax Boss out for a daily walk. The snow hasn’t been too bad this winter. You know, as a southern gentleman, it’s not my favorite thing. My pack-mate Pookah loves it. Can you imagine lying down in cold snow, rolling onto your back and squirming around? I roll on things that smell

good, but snow just smells cold. What’s the point? Yesterday I went hunting. I smelled mouse and dashed to the composted manure pile. I kept pulling pieces of tarp off the pile, but I couldn’t get back fast enough to catch the mouse. I often give up on chasing mice, but when I can actually see one …! Eventually, I caught it. Boss didn’t seem to be impressed and even grumbled about my tearing the tarp. She usually likes me to catch mice. Why not this time? I made another catch that Boss likes a lot. She named it “Antler;” and I love it so much that I learned its name in one day! We were walking in the snow in a wonderful place where there are lots of wild smells. Sometimes I give a partridge or rabbit a little run, but I can’t catch those, so it’s just the principle of the thing. This trophy is not really an animal, but it smells like one. I smelled a deer under the snow, so I dug it up. It smells like a deer, but it just looks like a stick with branches, and it’s harder and heavier than any stick could be. Really hard to pick up and carry. I didn’t dare put it down where someone else might get it. I started home without waiting for

Boss. She kept calling me, and she sounded so worried that I went back to show her what I had. She said I was good, so I ran home and put Antler on the doorstep where I thought it would be safe. Then I went back to walk with Boss and make sure she got home okay. She got all lovey, but what did she expect? Of course, I wouldn’t leave her alone out in the woods! She doesn’t usually let me keep my trophies, but she let me bring this one right in on the rug, and sometimes she even plays with it herself. I haven’t seen her chew on it, but she holds it in her paws and looks at it. Well, Eddie, write me when you have time. How’s your new cave? Have you kept the raccoons away from the dumpster? Barked at any unusual traffic lately? I’d love to know how you and your two and four footed packmates are getting along. Keep on barking, Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

SHEDS from page 5 Chase recalled a trip when he and that best friend, Rich, went on a shed expedition with their dogs. Ruger was 3 and Rich’s dog, Turtle, was 6-months-old (Turtle is Ruger’s brother from another litter). They hit an unseasonable snowfall, but it was expected that temps would warm up for shed hunting. Chase took Ruger out in the snow for the heck of it. The remarkable Lab led him to his largest moose antler find ever--it was buried under the snow, and he scented it from over 300 yards away (a football field is 120 yards). For Chase, shed hunting is about the bonding experience with his dog. When the season is done, that connection is still there. “Even in the summer, when we’re working in the garden, [Ruger] knows what we did. I love that.” Chase indicated that he may take him hunting this spring, but he’s not going to push the now 10-year-old Lab. “I’m kind of leaving it up to him…if he wants to go, great. If he’s tired, you know what, ‘you don’t have to do it anymore, bud…you’ve done it.’” Of course, that doesn’t mean that this dog-lover will give up this hobby that he’s so passionate about. He’s training Ruger’s grandson, the “smart and loving” 2-year-old Canon, so he can take over his grandpa’s role when he retires. “Really the story to me is the interaction between the human and the dog, being in the woods… and sharing that one-on-one experience that no one else sees.” Watch this National Geographic video that captures a moose shedding an antler at youtube.com/watch?v=pKCgWwWk1KY. To see Colin Chase’s stunning photograpy, visit Appleton Images at facebook.com/appletonimages.

March 2018



Prevention is the Best Medicine!

There are no guarantees that your pets will stay healthy

and disease free. Before taking on the responsibility of pet ownership, please be sure that you are willing and capable to take on the financial obligations needed to keep your pet healthy. It is important to take your dog in for a checkup at least once a year. Since our dogs can’t talk, it is difficult to know if they are sick. Sometimes there are signs, but some things may go unnoticed. They are good at compensating and may hide their discomfort. A visit with your veterinarian can gain valuable insights into your pet’s health. With puppies, the initial exams are important and having blood work done to establish baseline values will help determine what is normal for your pup. If they detect any changes in subsequent visits, having those baseline values can help with early disease detection. Older pets may require more frequent visits and tests. In the last 20+ years, the world of veterinary medicine has seen many technological advances adopting many procedures and methods from human medical practice. • Ultrasounds can be used to examine organs and do not require anesthesia. They are also less expensive than an MRI. • Laparoscopy is a less invasive procedure that can help diagnose a condition or allow veterinarians to perform

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abdominal or joint surgeries with minimal dissection. • Laser therapy has been available for many years; however, its use for alleviating pain and accelerating healing is a more recent development. • Dental hygiene is something being mentioned quite often nowadays. Just like in humans, periodontal disease permits bacteria to enter the bloodstream which can have negative effects on the heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, etc. This is something you can prevent with regular dental cleanings at the vet’s office, daily brushing, and dental treats. Something that is not a new topic but is always worth repeating is flea and tick prevention. Especially here in Maine, we are seeing an increase in these pests, and Lyme Disease is no longer the only concern. Please talk to your vet about the prevention options available. If you have any concerns about your pet and are uncertain if the pet needs to see the vet, give them a call. It is better to be safe than sorry, and the vet can help you determine if your pet needs treatment. Some things may be non-life threatening such as a broken toenail or an ear infection but are still painful to your dog and best to be treated sooner than later. Remember: prevention is your first defense at keeping your pet healthy and is often a fraction of the cost of treating health issues that may have otherwise been avoided or caught early.

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March 2018



Kennebunk 6


Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Stress and Our Dogs

Tfocus oday there is more and more on how stress affects our

health. These same concepts also apply to our dogs. We, as humans, can use stress reduction techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and other relaxation techniques. For our pets, there are many products on the market ranging from drugs to aromatherapy to videos they can watch while we are gone, but there is more we can do. In order to help our pets with stress, we need to look at what might be causing stress. Stress has been defined as any event that requires the organism to adapt or change. The more adaptive or resilient

the organism is, the better it can handle stress. Through our training and guidance of our dogs through their daily lives, we are looking to achieve a state of mental, physical, and emotional balance. An animal’s potential for wellness depends upon how well he can respond to stress at any given time. An animal that cannot respond well to stressors loses his emotional,

physical, and mental balance and can endanger his wellness. Animals must have ample time to recover after responding to a stressful challenge. If stress is too prolonged, they lose more energy than they can recoup. This can lead to cell or tissue damage, a build up of free radicals and other by-products, and the animal will be weaker the next time he has to cope with stress. Prolonged and persistent chronic stress can be expressed through behavior issues, gastrointestinal disturbances, weight loss, problems with other organs or glands, and inflammatory responses which can further damage health. So – how can we help our dogs? Insecurity about place in the pack or family is a primal source of anxiety. I believe that clarity and consistency in training and life situations are the foundation to reducing stress in our dogs. Overstimulation is another factor we should try and control. In a natural state, dogs spend a great deal of time sleeping or resting. When they engage in activity, even an enjoyable activity such as agility, a run in the woods, play – stress levels increase to meet the needs of the activity, and dogs should have time to rest and recover. Consistency – knowing

what is required and expected in life – helps them feel more secure and can help lower stress. Some people confuse stress and drive. Frantic behavior is NOT drive. Drive requires focus that can be channeled. Out of control behavior is NOT drive. A dog that is frantic cannot learn. If their basic life needs are met – water, food, shelter – nothing can stress a dog more than inconsistent demands, lack of structure, and therefore lack of a feeling of safety. An owner must realize that a stressed animal cannot learn and must work to reduce stress through clarity in training and expectations to help the dog become available to find a structure in life that will work for him. Want to learn more about stress and your dog? Come to the April meeting of the Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine on Thursday, April 12, at the Thompson Community Center, 51 S Union Rd, Union, Maine. A panel will be discussing stress and taking questions – the presentation will be from 5:30 until 6:30, followed by the MCKC monthly meeting. A small donation to the Mid Coast Kennel Club is suggested. For more information, call Kathy at 207-691-2332.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker titles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with questions, suggestions and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

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Downeast Dog News


In the past two months, I have been

addressing Brambell’s Five Freedoms and how they provide a valuable reference point for assessing a dog’s quality of life. So far we have examined the first two of Brambell’s Five Freedoms; Freedom from Hunger and Thirst and Freedom from Discomfort. This month I will address Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease. In many ways Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease is directly related to last month’s topic Freedom from Discomfort as pain, injury and disease are often the cause of extreme discomfort.



Regular and as-needed veterinary care goes a long way toward meeting this freedom, but breeding also plays a huge role, as well as how we respond when a dog is injured or ill. Mental disease needs to be considered along with the physical illness. • Are you familiar with how your dog expresses discomfort so that you recognize when your dog is in pain? – Dogs can be very stoic about hiding their pain. Signs of pain may include agitation, anti-social and aggressive behavior, changes in eating, drinking, and bathroom habits, non-typical vocalization, excessive self-grooming, panting and non-typical breathing patterns, trembling, difficulty moving, changes in posture, restlessness, and anxiety. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the many subtle

photo credit: debra bell

signals our dogs use to indicate that they are under stress or anxious. Just because a dog is not reacting does not mean he is free of pain. (FMI – http://bit.ly/DogsSignsofFear) • Is your dog a working dog or do they compete in dog sports? Dogs that are more physically active have a higher probability of injury than the average pet. Appropriate physical training, just like that for an athlete, may be beneficial. Also, if the dog is injured, having adequate time off from work and sports to recover can be critical. Depending on the injury, retirement from the activity may be the best

decision. Working and competing can negatively affect mental health just as much as it can cause physical problems. • Are your dog’s pain and injury being adequately addressed? Sadly, I remember a time when dogs were not given pain medication because it was believed they did not need it. However, today we also need to ask ourselves, are painkillers enough? Physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and acupuncture can be very helpful in alleviating pain in people as well as pets and should be considered. • Does your dog see his veterinarian for regular wellness exams? – Dogs are subject to chronic diseases such as anxiety, arthritis, cognitive dysfunction, diabetes, kidney disease, obesity, periodontal disease, and more. Early diagnosis and treatment of disease help prevent pain and discomfort. Every dog should see his veterinarian at least once a year for a wellness exam, and as he ages, this may need to be more frequent. Behavior and mental health should be discussed at every exam. • Is your dog obese? Just as with humans, fifty percent or more of the dogs in the US are overweight. A dog that is obese is more subject to injury, pain, and disease. If your dog is a little chubby or profoundly corpulent, please see your veterinarian and learn how you can address this issue. Your dog will thank you. • What is our responsibility when breeding pets? Some dogs, because of their breed standard, are intentionally bred for physical characteristics that often affect their ability to breathe, to move, and even to give birth naturally. How does this benefit the pet? Would it not be more appropriate to breed to eliminate these exaggerated physical deformities that affect soundness and health? Would it not better for dogs if people looking for a pet avoided these breeds? • Are you doing all that you can to prevent and avoid genetic

disorders? Most purebred dogs are susceptible to one or more genetic disorders. Are breeders doing everything that should be done to eliminate these diseases and create healthier pets? When a person is considering what breed to get, should he avoid breeds prone to genetic disorders? • Are you as concerned about your dog’s mental and emotional health as you are about his physical health? Animals can experience mental disease and disorders (anxieties, phobias, dementia, etc.) just like humans. How do we reconcile that the treatments of behavioral issues are often not considered as necessary as physical disorders? Is it appropriate to breed a dog for behavioral traits that might be regarded as an asset for a dog who works or competes, but might negatively affect that dog’s ability to thrive as a companion dog? • Do you use tools and methods for training, management and the care of your dog that are designed to work by causing pain and discomfort? – Aversives (shock collar, choke collar, prong collar, leash corrections, etc. ) are used to physically or emotionally punish a dog. Dogs that are trained in this manner are unlikely to be happy and have a much greater probability of becoming aggressive. (FMI – http:// bit.ly/RewardVSAversive) Next month, we will examine the Freedom to Express Normal Behavior. To read previous articles in this series, visit the Downeast Dog News website at https://downeastdognews. villagesoup.com/ or visit Don’s blog at https://www.words-woofs-meows. com Helping Your Dog Thrive – Brambell’s Five Freedoms – Part 1, Freedom from Hunger and Thirst – http://bit.ly/Brambell-Hunger-Thirst Helping Your Dog Thrive – Brambell’s Five Freedoms – Part 2, Freedom from Discomfort – http:// bit.ly/Brambell-Discomfort

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor. He is a Bach Foundation Registered Animal Practitioner (BFRAP), Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), Associate Certified Cat Behavior Consultant (ACCBC) and a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). He produces and co- hosts a weekly radio show and podcast, The Woof Meow Show heard on The Pulse AM620 WZON and streamed at http://www.wzonradio.com/ every Saturday at 9 AM. A list of upcoming shows and podcasts of past shows can be found at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is committed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.

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March 2018



of the


KENNEBEC VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY Protecting & Placing Animals in Forever Homes

By Susan Spisak

The Kennebec Valley Humane Society (KVHS) has

roots dating back to 1927 when a group of animal lovers established the Augusta Humane Society, the predecessor to KVHS. In 1961, they built a facility on Pet Haven Lane in Augusta--an apt road name for the shelter--and two wings were added in later years, necessary because they also serve as an animal control facility for stray, abandoned, and owner-surrendered animals for over 20 communities. Jamie MacDonnell, the Development Director for KVHS, said they are committed to the pets in their area. KVHS provides shelter, food, and medical services to local animals in need, and their goal is find them their forever homes. In 2017, they found adopters for over 1500 animals, and 341 of those were dogs. They also reunited 207 stray animals with their owners. For animals requiring extensive medical care, expensive surgeries, or behavioral therapy,

compassionate Society Board Director Christopher D. Walters donated monies to KVHS to establish The Christopher D. Walters Second Chances Fund. MacDonnell said the Second Chances Fund is lifesaving and life-changing for those animals in need and shared that Parker the cat was hit by a car, needed emergency treatment, and thanks to this fund, is alive and well. KVHS is dedicated to community outreach as well. Their staff makes regular visits to nursing homes, usually with a dog, to cheer residents. They also make school, civic and church group presentations, again with dogs, to educate on the importance of animal respect and welfare, and they encourage educational facility tours. A few of MacDonnell’s favorite success stories include Dasey-Mae, a Pomeranian who he fostered and adopted. She’s now a healthy 14-year-old, but when she came to KVHS, she was in bad shape. An owner surrender, she was neglected and depressed, had overgrown nails, was hairless from the neck down, and had scabs covering her body. A month on antibiotics and she was on the mend.

Now this friendly, playful, and beautiful gal hits most fundraising events with her dad. Digger, a black Lab/Shepard mix, is also now living the good life. His new dad reported to MacDonnell that “[Digger’s] just a big goofball.” But that took months of work because Digger was surrendered from an abusive household and was scared of humans. With a lot of patience and trust on the part of shelter staff and volunteers, Digger’s a happy boy today. If you’re interested in adopting a dog, know that all their dogs are spayed/neutered, have shots, are dewormed, and receive a free health exam with a participating veterinarian of your choice. Visit pethavenlane.org for their adoption policies, as well as general info on KVHS. As their Development Director, MacDonnell invites the public to participate in their 25th Annual Mutt Strut and 5K on May 26th at the Kennebec River Rail Trail. Along with the 5K walk and run, they’ll have vendors, food, and activities--and it’s a dog friendly event, too. Please contact him at development@pethavenlane.org with questions.


2 yrs., Retriever/Labrador/ Hound Mix

In search of a loving, stable family after having recently returned to the shelter. Has a zest for life that makes everyone around her smile! She would fare well in a home without pets but has plenty of love to give to children and adults. Kennebec Valley Humane Society FMI: pethavenlane.org

COREY AND TOPANGA This adorable bonded pair is in search of a forever home, together. Need a home without young children. They have a combined adoption fee of $200 and are already spayed/neutered and vaccinated. Will you help these two get out of the shelter and into loving laps?


3.5 yrs., Mix

He has a heart of gold and an incredible personality. He's cautious about new folks, but doesn't take long to decide if you're his friend. Would make a fantastic family dog, best with older children. Would like to be the only dog in the home, and is loyal and loving to his people.

Kennebec Valley Humane Society FMI: pethavenlane.org

Kennebec Valley Humane Society FMI: pethavenlane.org

Sponsored by

HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • 207-453-7387 www.yourhometownvet.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com.

See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




2 yrs., Australian Cattle Dog Mix

6 yrs., Beagle/ Hound Mix

2 yrs., Beagle Mix

Contact Catahoula Rescue of New England: SLN2310@yahoo.com

Abused at a young age, so he can be shy around new people. He is a sweet boy who loves to play with other dogs and sit in your lap once he gets to know you. Looking for a quiet family with no children and another dog.

Very shy little boy looking for a new home with lots of love and patience. Sweet boy with no aggression, will need time to get used to people and trust them. Would like a home with a fenced in yard and another dog to set a good example.

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392

Great dog with soulful eyes. Loves to give kisses and is always up for a full body scratch or a long walk; even a nice afternoon nap! Only weakness, he is protective of his food. This is something we are working on.

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First National Bank

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9 yrs., Shepherd/ Pyrenees Mix

Dodge loves dogs & is fine with cats. He is timid with people, but very sweet. He will need time and patience to trust you, but then will be your best friend. Loves walks and a routine. FMI: http://almosthomerescue.net


FMI: www.fetchinghope.com


We think he may be part lab too, because Rowdy LOVES to swim and fetch tennis balls! Good with cats & dogs. He is nervous in some situations, so would like a home in a rural area, without children. He’s an active guy!

Don't let his name fool you, he is one goofy and playful guy! He is very adventurous, enjoys spending time outdoors and loves water. Wes has lived in the shelter for several years now and it is time he finds the forever home.

FMI: http://almosthomerescue.net

FMI: www.fetchinghope.com

A relatively small package of cuteness, this chatty black dog has some issues with his back legs. They don't hold him back from getting around though, and he is a happy guy who loves attention. Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207)594-2200


1.5 yrs., Australian Cattle Dog/Hound Mix

9 yrs., Toy Fox Terrier

Her soft eyes will melt your heart in no time. Tia loves attention & will follow around the house & yard to just be your pal. She loves her toys & will entertain herself! Loves to snuggle under the blankets with you & will happily snore away. Contact Catahoula Rescue of New England: SLN2310@yahoo.com

WES CRAVEN 4 yrs., Lab/Mix

2 yrs., Lab Mix

He is very social with dogs and humans, but no cats please. He loves to play and squeaky toys are his favorite. Willis settles down well in the home and is super snuggly too!

73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398 sunrayvet.com

5 yrs., Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle


2 yrs., Mastiff Mix

Sponsored by

Sunray Animal Clinic

Betty is a little nervous/shy, but warms up quickly. She is good with other dogs. She is making a lot of progress with socialization in a foster home. She needs a kind and patient person to adore her! FMI: http://www.olddogsnewdigs.com


Adult Boxer/ Shepherd

She is hoping for an active family to call her own. She can be a bit fearful of men at first, but with time can adjust to them. We think she would do best in a home without cats. Pope Memorial Humane Society, (207)594-2200


11 & 8 yrs., Boykin Spaniel

Mama and Louis are a bonded pair in search of a home together. They are super sweet and like to snuggle. Louis, who is part dachshund, is Mama’s seeing eye dog. FMI: http://www.olddogsnewdigs.com

Help us find a forever home!

Become a sponsor and help raise money for a Maine rescue. jenn@downeastdognews.com

March 2018


March C lendar

To submit or get more information on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUP

Saturday, March 3 Belfast, 10 AM – 11 AM Every first Saturday of the month, Ginny Ford will hold a Pet Loss Group at the Belfast Free Library, 106 High St., Belfast. Feel free to bring along a picture, leash, poem, or other items that remind you of your pet. FMI: pawsadoption.org; (207)236-8702


Saturday, March 3 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Loyal Biscuit Rockland location at 408 Main St. from 12pm – 3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7


Sunday, March 4 Topsham, 11AM – 2PM Join Tall Tails Beagle Rescue at Petco, 131 Topsham Fair Mall Rd, to meet some adoptable Beagles and Beagle mixes! Come learn about our rescue and how you can help by fostering, adopting, or donating. talltailsbeaglerescue.org; (207)797-5392


Thursday, March 8 Union, 5:30PM - 6:30PM Thompson Community Center, 51 South Union Road, Union. Want to help Midcoast Kennel Club at our April 14-15 obedience/rally show at Mt. Ararat High School? We will show you what you need to do to be a ring steward - great fun - and you get to watch obedience and rally up close! It's easy - come and learn and be a part of this wonderful show. FMI: Kathy (207)691-2332


when your dog is becoming stressed or excited, nervous, or just bored. Learn appropriate dog greetings and play. Gardiner High School, 40 West Hill Rd., Gardiner. Registration fee is $15. To register: msad11. maineadulted.org. FMI: 582-3774.


Saturday, March 10 Camden/Rockport, 10AM-12PM Belfast, 1PM-3PM Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be at our Camden/Rockport location on U.S. Rte 1, Rockport from 10am – 12pm and our Belfast location on 1 Belmont Ave. from 1pm-3pm for our next nail clipping clinics. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Catahoula Rescue of New England. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; 207660-9200 x7


Saturday, March 10 Camden, 10AM – 11:30AM Held at P.A.W.S. at 123 John St., Camden. Learn some basic nosework that you can do with your dog, instructed by Annette from Oh My Dog! Take the skills you learn during this class demonstration and apply them at home. It is a great bonding activity, builds confidence for your dog and most importantly is FUN for you both! (207)236-8702


Saturday, March 17 Somerville, 10AM – 1PM Held at North Star Dog Training, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville. Jumping and Obstacle Commitment for all levels. FMI and to register: Kathy (207)691-2332 or kduhnoksi@ myfairpoint.net


Thursday, March 8 Gardiner, 6PM - 8PM Learn how you can communicate better with your pup. Learning your dog’s language will help you know

Saturday, March 17 Bangor, 10AM – 12PM Held at Green Acres Kennel Shop, 1653 Union St., Bangor. Learn how to use pure essential oils to support your pet’s health and wellness.


ley’s Munch ies i M

Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar

100% Grain Free Dog Treats Made Fresh to Order

This FREE class was developed by a veterinarian. As a bonus, each attendee will make an essential oil spray to take home to ease anxiety. Seating is limited. To reserve your spot call (207)945-6841 or complete the online registration form at http:// bit.ly/GAKS_MAR18_SEM_REG


Saturday, March 17 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville location on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to the Somerset Humane Society. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; 207-660-9200 x7


Saturday, March 17 Bangor, 1PM – 2:30PM Why Shock Collars Can be Harmful to Our Dogs – Free Seminar. Held at Green Acres Kennel Shop, 1653 Union St., Bangor. Don Hanson will discuss electronic shock collars and why they are a dangerous choice for training, managing, or containing a dog. Seating is limited. To reserve your spot call (207)9456841 or complete the online registration form at http://bit.ly/ GAKS_MAR18_SEM_REG


Monday, March 26 Standish, 6PM – 7PM Standish Town Hall, 175 Northeast Rd. Join us for an informal meeting with the Parks and Rec. and Public Works Directors to setup committees and plan for Town Council Meeting in May/June. Please support the Dog Park to establish a fencedin, off-leash dog park. Join Facebook's Standish Community Dog Park Interest Group. Standish. mainedogpark@gmail.com


Tuesday, March 27 West Gardiner, 6PM – 7PM Held at the West Gardiner Rod and Gun Club, 297 Collins Mills Rd. Join John Palange in this sixweek class which will focus on socialization skills. Age limit for

puppies is up to seven months. Small dogs over seven months and under 20 lbs. are also welcome. Registration fee is $50. To register: msad11.maineadulted.org. FMI: (207)582-3774.


Tuesday, March 27 West Gardiner, 7PM – 9PM Held at the West Gardiner Rod and Gun Club, 297 Collins Mills Rd. In this six-week basic obedience class, work on teaching your dog to walk without pulling on a leash, heel, sit, down, stay, and come, in a friendly and relaxed way. Dogs should be six months or older. Registration fee is $99. To register: msad11.maineadulted.org. FMI: (207)582-3774.


Tuesday, March 27 Bangor, 7PM – 8:30PM Why Shock Collars Can be Harmful to Our Dogs – Free Seminar. Held at Green Acres Kennel Shop, 1653 Union St., Bangor. Don Hanson will discuss electronic shock collars and why they are a dangerous choice for training, managing, or containing a dog. Seating is limited. To reserve your spot call (207)9456841 or complete the online registration form at http://bit.ly/ GAKS_MAR18_SEM_REG


Saturday, March 31 Portland, 12PM – 2PM Join Tall Tails Beagle Rescue at Planet Dog, 211 Marginal Way, Portland to meet some adoptable Beagles and Beagle mixes! Come learn about our rescue and how you can help by fostering, adopting, or donating. talltailsbeaglerescue.org; (207)797-5392


Sundays, March 4, 18, 25 Brewer, 1PM – 2PM Join Loyal Biscuit’s Brewer location, 421 Wilson St. for a Puppy Play Day every Sunday throughout the colder winter months. Open to puppies 6 months or younger, and weigh less than 25lbs! A participation and waiver form will be required for you to sign. No charge. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)6609200 x7


Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

Add your events TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!


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Downeast Dog News

Business Directory MIDCOAST

CENTRAL MAINE Events and Community Outreach Coordinator - Pope Memorial Humane Society - Seeking an outgoing, energetic candidate with positive,

can-do attitude for full time community outreach and fundraising for busy animal shelter. Ability to organize and manage diverse activities, set priorities & deadlines. Must have strong administrative, computer and social media skills. Opportunity to be creative. Enjoys interacting with the public, providing excellent customer service and is comfortable with public speaking. Able to work a variety of shifts and days, including weekends, and evenings. Valid Maine driver's license and vehicle a must. Physical capacity to lift up to 50 pounds as required. Send resume to PMHS POB 1294, Rockland, ME 04841 director@hskcme.org

More Hot Dog News

Toby Best Children's Book in 2017

TOBY, a children’s book written by Maine author/illustrator Hazel

Mitchell, features a poodle rescued by state seizure in Houlton, ME. The book has been awarded the Maxwell Medal for Best Children’s Book 2017 and nominated for best series of illustrations by The Dog Writer’s Association of America (www.dwaa.org) in their annual dog writing awards. TOBY is published by Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA. Originally from England where she attended art college, Mitchell moved to the USA in 2000. She works from her studio near Belfast, Maine and has written and illustrated 20 books for children. Find out more about Toby at http:// hazelmitchell.com/toby Award Details https://dogwriters. org/2017-nominees/

March 2018


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Your pet’s home away from home 1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com

Upcoming Seminars Saturday, March 17th—Green Acres • Using Essential Oils with Pets–10AM Why Shock Collars Can Be Harmful to Our Dogs–1PM

Tuesday, March 27th—Green Acres

Why Shock Collars Can Be Harmful to Our Dogs–7PM

Sunday, April 8th—Belfast Public Library •

Dog Behavior, Body Language & Dog Parks –2PM Go to http://bit.ly/GAKS_MAR18-SEM-INFO for details

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