Hot Dog News Animal Welfare Society Celebrates Staff Milestones
Coastal Humane Society and Lincoln County Animal Shelter Adopt New Name
he Coastal Humane Society and Lincoln The Animal Welfare Society (AWS) is proud to announce the 20th anniversaries TCounty Animal Shelter announced the of staff members Bobbi Adkins, Shelter Manager, and Kim VanSickle, Lead Canine Training Instructor. Bobbi has had a lifelong love of all animals and, a er working in several other arenas, she found the right fit at the Animal Welfare Society. Bobbi began her career at AWS as an animal care technician on September 8, 1998. Today Bobbi serves as Shelter Manager, overseeing all facets of Animal Shelter and Adop on Center opera ons. Kim VanSickle, Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) started the AWS behavior and training department when she came on board on September 11, 1998. She has since built the program to include five cer fied trainers, over a dozen op ons for weekly group classes, behavior workshops, social hours and so much more. “AWS has come a long way over the past two decades,” says Abigail Smith, Execu ve Director. “Our growth and success in service to our community is in large part to the compassion and commitment of our longest serving staff, Kim and Bobbi. We are grateful for every extra mile each of them has gone for the animals we aim to help, and for the exper se and though ulness they bring to us every day.” To commemorate their longevity, Kim (le in a ached photo) and Bobbi (right) received personalized engraved pavers, which will be placed in prime loca ons in the entryway of the AWS Adop on Center.
change of their name to Midcoast Humane. The name change is the final integra ve step between Coastal Humane Society in Brunswick and Lincoln County Animal Shelter in Edgecomb, that officially merged in 2016. “This change comes a er months of careful listening and collabora on with our supporters, adopters, our volunteers, and many passionate animal advocates of our community – and there are a lot of them,” said Trendy Stanchfield, Execu ve Director of Midcoast Humane. Midcoast Humane made a conscious decision to drop the word “Society” from their new name. “We haven’t been a membership Director, Trendy Stanchfield organiza on for some me, and we feel that sheltering isn’t exclusive; animals are for everyone, and anyone can make a difference in the lives of shelter pets,” noted Stanchfield. The organiza on’s new logo features a dog and cat in the state of Maine. Midcoast Humane also has new social media handles (@midcoasthumane) and a new tagline: “Compassion. Connec on. Community.” Another development on the horizon: the shelter states that it is closely examining the limita ons of their current outdated facili es at Range Road and Pleasant Street in Brunswick, and Atlan c Highway in Edgecomb, and considering ways to be er serve the public and the animals of Midcoast Maine. Midcoast Humane invites all to learn more about their plans, which will be shared at its first annual Shelter-bra on on November 8. For details about Shelter-bra on, visit, or to learn more, contact Trendy Stanchfield at or call 449-1366.
See more Hot Dog News on page 15!
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Downeast Dog News
Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Cory Mosunic GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765
From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, This is my favorite issue because it is Adopt-a-Dog month, and we have ďŹ lled it with dogs that are looking for their forever homes. If you are looking to add a dog to your household, I hope that you might consider giving one of these precious pups a chance. I am going to keep my le er short, so I can share some photos with you. I recently received a message from one of our readers. “Good morning! Mr. McDuy o en oers one of his valuables to trade for a tasty dbit. Last night he knew that the Downeast Dog News would bring something special. Best regards to all our dog world friends, Cathy & Dick, New Harbor, Maineâ€? We love fun notes from our readers- be they two or four-legged! The other photos are from Wienerfest which was held on September 9th in Belfast. We had great weather and a huge turnout; approximately 700 people a ended! Wienerfest beneďŹ ts P.A.W.S. Adop on Center, so all of the animals are
Jenn from Downeast Dog News awards Ma (dachshund) with a medal a er a heat in the "Doxie Derby" P B E A /T R J
grateful to those who came out! I had the honor of handing out prizes to the winners of the Doxie Derby. Such a cute fes val! If you’ve never been, you should mark your calendars for next year, September 8th!
Next month, we announce the Best of the Best winners! Stay tuned . . . All the best, Jenn and Pepper
PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.
CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765
Jockey costume at Maine Wienerfest. P B E A /T R J
CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine. Downeast Dog News reader Duy was born on a farm just north of Augusta and celebrated his 13th birthday this past 4th of July!
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October 2018
Ghostbuster costume at Maine Wienerfest. P B B C .
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Table of Contents Hot Dog News ................. 2,15 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Eye Care ............................... 7 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Please Rescue Me! ............. 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Dogs for Adoption .................... ...................... 12,13,Back Cover Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15
I can’t believe it’s October! I do love the cooler nights, colorful leaves, and I can’t wait to go apple picking! I wrapped up the summer with a lot of readings and am always amazed by what your pups have to say. If you’re new to the column, I’m a psychic for people and pets. I can hear what your pet is thinking, feel what its body feels like and help you nego ate behaviors. The informa on I relay is not a replacement for licensed veterinary care or that of a dog trainer. The new format of this column seems to be ge ng posi ve feedback so I hope you enjoy some of the ques ons I received on my Sara Moore Enlightened Horizon Facebook page. Enjoy! Lynn S. asked about Jackson, a male black Labrador. “What is he trying to tell me when he just stares at me?” Actually, I think that he’s wai ng for you to talk! When I do a reading, I can feel what the animal is feeling and then it’s like I have a conversa on in my head with him. First be open to any thoughts that flow through your head when he’s staring at you. Then talk to him in your head and see what his reac on is. If that doesn’t work, try thinking of a toy or an object when he stares at you, and then ask him to go get it without talking out loud. If you’re relaxed and open to the dialog, he should get it on the first try! He loves that you’re his and that you give him space when he needs it, and you ask him for love and cuddles when you need it. Jean V. asked if Max, a husky shepherd mix, was abused before they got him. I hear a huge yes. I see him ed up to a truck, tree, or object and then “catching hell.” It wasn’t for anything he did, but the man who abused him would take out all of his anger and frustra on on Max. He
Finding the right dog Q. I am ready to get a dog but not sure how to go about it. I want to do it right. Any sugges ons?
A. Buying a pup is at least a decade commitment, so making the right decision for you and your family is paramount. Whether you purchase a pup from a shelter, rescue, Craig’s list, or a breeder, do your homework first. Start with your schedule and where you live. Can you take your dog to work with you? Do you work at home? Are there others in the household who can take some of the responsibility in raising a dog? If we start with where you live, an apartment or condo has restric ons that a private home may not have. Many high rise pups are small, and paper or li er trained. Some of the larger dogs can be apartment dogs, if they are quiet and their exercise needs are minimal. They also need to be healthy enough to manage stairs. Next, what is your life style? If you are sedentary, a dog with lower exercise requirements is indicated. Note that I said lower, not no exercise requirements. If you are ac ve or your family is ac ve, a more energe c dog would fit. This doesn’t mean your schedule is filled with kids’ sports, drama club, etc. I mean you do family ac vi es and a fur ball
Furry Words by Sara Moore
s ll feels like he has some PTSD, and he wants to tell you (and the readers) that not all wounds are physical. Some mes the emo onal trauma someone goes through is equally bad if not worse. You are doing a good job of giving him the opportunity to come out of his shell on his own terms. Sheila A. asked about Montana, her husky. “How is he? He was the first dog I got, and I now have a dozen rescues in his honor. I got a new pup this last week, Tala. She is also white and feels like an old soul to me. Any insight on her?” This is a two part ques on. First, Montana showed you how resilient you are and also provided security and protec on. Ul mately, you were in charge, and a er he alerted you to a noise, it was up to you to decide how to approach the situa on. He trusted you 100%. He is at peace and is a spirit animal for you now. Tala is like
Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman
would add to the joy of camping, hiking, walking the neighborhood, and other ac vi es. Another considera on is your desire to do dog sports with your new companion. Do you have the finances to have a dog? People forget or don’t know what it costs to take care of a dog. Call the veterinary hospital you plan taking your new companion for care and ask what an annual visit, vaccina ons, and rou ne tests will cost. Then go to your local pet shop and ask about recommended food, treats, and toys. Don’t forget the new kid needs to go to school to learn manners, and you learn how to communicate
Montana but with more freedom and playfulness in her soul. She is going to test you! Let her spread her wings a bit, but keep her in check and remember that YOU are the alpha dog. She needs you to be, because she likes boundaries and rules when it is all said and done. Michelle D. wants to know why Mason, a black lab, licks everyone constantly. This totally relates to your youngest daughter. She’s an empath who feels everything. Both she and Mason can feel people’s energy, and it’s not always comfortable. Mason is licking everyone to kind of get a feel for who he is. You and I use our eyes, ears, and dialog to do this. Your daughter just gets a feeling about someone without being able to put that reac on into words, and the dog licks the air around him and his skin to taste/feel the person.. This sounds funny, and I’m not an animal behaviorist, but when he thinks someone has too much energe c clu er around him, he tries to lick it off. I’m curious who he tends to lick the most and who he completely avoids! Jess D. wants to know about Noel, a lab terrier retriever mix. “She’s a very picky eater and not ea ng too much lately, so I would like to know what she likes to eat.” I love these ques ons! First thing I get is McDonald’s cheeseburgers, the second thing, hot dogs, and the third, yogurt in a container with a lot le in it. When I tell her she can ask for everything she wants but may only get what’s good for her, her answers include scrambled eggs or white rice and hamburger with steamed diced carrots. I’m trying to get her to name a dog food, but she’s being a bit stubborn! Kristy P. asks about Freddie (aka Fredricka) a blonde/tan Pomeranian. “How did she pass, and is she with my mom and her new puppy? Does she approve? My poor mom was heart
broken when Freddie passed.” When I ask how she passed, I get pain in the right temple area of my head. My insides actually feel ok. I think it was sudden and unexpected. That makes me smile because she is so proud that she never had to suffer. She never could have! She was too delicate for that! She does approve of the new puppy, but she’s asking your mom to allow herself to love her with all her heart. She will never feel neglected or jealous; she was here to give your mom uncondi onal love. It’s now me for your mom to feel joy and peace. Heather S. said that her dachshund Odie has been all over her now that she’s pregnant. Does he know about the baby and will he accept her? Oh my goodness I LOVE this! YES! He is so excited for the baby, but once she’s born he’ll leave you alone. Babies are the closest thing to heaven you can be around, and he’s absorbing all that beau ful, pure energy through your belly. Once she comes out and cries, he’ll be all set for a bit. LOL! I love these ques ons and am so happy to have a chance to answer them. Autumn is a great me to get out with your pups and not get distracted swa ng mosquitos, black flies, or wiping sweat from your brows. When you go for a walk, turn off your phone and actually BE in the moment with them. They’re pre y thrilled to have some me with you, and it’s a great opportunity for you to clear your mind as well. I’m looking forward to next month although that means snow isn’t far away. Did anyone else get excited at that?
effec vely. Depending on the dog, plan on at least a year in training. Now take all this informa on and figure out a budget. You may want to explore pet insurance too. Now you have collected all this informa on, where do you go from here? You may want to have a second hand dog. When you go online, talk to a local rescue, or a shelter, be sure to ask some very important ques ons before looking at the many pups wai ng to go home with you. Do you have a need for a dog that minimally sheds, doesn’t bark, a certain size? Remember there are no gene cally hypoallergenic dogs. The coat type and grooming needs will determine the allergic reac vity of that pup. What is the return policy if this turns into a bad match? Will they help you with behavior concerns when they arise? Will they help you financially with behavior and/ or medical issues when discovered? What is the me frame in which they would help you? Once you feel comfortable with the organiza on, go shopping with a member of the facility. Ask ques ons about personality, fears, and any other concerns that come to mind. If you are looking at puppies, ask if they know the mother and if you can meet her. Most breeders have the mother and some mes the father available. Breeders also have a contract that covers what
they guarantee and what me frame they cover. There is a lemon law in Maine; be sure you know your rights. What if you want to do dog sports? This adds another area to explore before purchasing your best friend. Be knowledgeable of the mental and physical requirements for the sports you are interested in. The most popular and demanding sport is agility. If you are playing already, have your instructor involved in your choice. Early spay/ neuter will change the angles of joints, and new research suggests there is an effect on behavior, such as fears and reac vity. There is specula on that puppies shipped north from the south are more reac ve toward people. These changes may impact your choice from ge ng a puppy from a place that does early spay/ neuter or a place that allows the pup to grow appropriately before surgery. Discuss these issues with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will do a physical and will point out any concerns that may impact the sport you want to do. They may be able to offer sugges ons to strengthen the puppy or dog, so injury would be less likely. There are many wonderful dogs and puppies looking for a home for the first or a second me. Do your homework so the pup you buy is going into a forever home.
Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who lives in Conway, NH. She is available for long distance readings or in her North Conway office. FMI or to book a reading go to
Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine 04330 www.mainehomeopah
Downeast Dog News
ADOPT from page 1 League of Greater Portland (ARLGP) in May of 2016. The five were part of a massive rescue of 250 dogs from the horrific dog meat trade in South Korea by the Humane Society Interna onal (HSI) as ARLGP is an emergency placement partner of the Humane Society of the United States. (ARLGP notes that while they’re dedicated to helping animals rescued from inhumane condi ons, their top priority is to homeless and displaced pets in Greater Portland and Maine.) The path each of the 5 dogs took was quite different. It took Victor almost a year before being moved to ARLGP’s adop on floor. He, like the other four rescues, didn’t know how to walk because he'd had been kept in a ny crate and needed training, enrichment, and socializa on to understand his new surroundings and environment. His personality charmed the staff and Jeana Roth, Director of Community Engagement at ARLGP, said he developed quite the fan club from visitors who frequented ARLGP just to say “hi” to him. Among those were Kim Getchell and her partner Brad Currie of Standish--they’d read his story on ARLGP’s website and were drawn to him. They’d lost a dog last year and wanted another pet to chum with their miniature Border Collie, Chloe. “I just fell in love with him,” said Kim on mee ng Victor. Since Victor was cau ous of people, the couple decided they’d do everything to make him comfortable with them. They stopped by ARLGP daily to interact with the Jindo. Kim also brought the meat-mo vated dog homemade dehydrated chicken. One day, she popped a piece in her mouth and offered it to him and to their surprise he accepted it. The couple believed he sensed their feelings--he began shadowing Kim around the play yard and allowed them to sit in his run and pet him. Kim knew that while they wanted to adopt
Victor during his stay at ARLGP
him because they loved him, “I think honestly he picked us.” The clincher was that he liked Chloe--they brought her in a few mes for a meet and greet. He went home with them early this year and while he’s going on 4, he’s s ll learning dog basics (the li le alpha flu all, Chloe, is helping on that front). And Victor, also nicknamed Bubba, is experiencing joy daily. When Kim and Brad come home from work--she’s in commercial banking and he works for the Small Business Administra on—they romp around the fenced-in-yard playing “monster”--chasing the dogs (much to both canine’s delight), chan ng, “We’re going to get you.”
Victor has also had a ball this summer--Kim and Brad take their fur kids along when they travel or have fun day trips. Victor loves boa ng with his new family on Lake Sebago and Long Lake. He’s also been camping to Campobello Island in Canada, where he warmed up to humans on the beaches and leaned in for human pats. They did have a frightening experience recently when their pest control rep le the fence gate open and Victor toured the neighborhood for an hour. The couple searched for him and upon arriving home, their boy was si ng on the front porch. “I guess he likes us,” said Kim with a laugh. “He knows his home.”
Kim and Brad are happy to be offering Victor a be er life. He’s con nuing to open up to them, and even though it’s been a slow process, Kim knows it’s worth it for her “majes c” Victor--as it is for all rescue or shelter animals. “Every being deserves a second chance. I think pets, or animals, don’t have a voice. To me, it’s be er to rescue a dog. They need love just as much as anything and I think some mes you build a be er bond with a rescue pet.” Follow Victor’s adventures on his FB page at facebook. com/Victor-Bubba-GetchellCurrie-1980696651951303/.
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October 2018
Do you have more than one dog in your house?
early 90 million dogs live in 60 million households in the US. 40% of dog owners own more than one dog.* That's a lot of dog energy! Having several dogs offers numerous benefits: camaraderie, play, learning from each other, social support, etc. Each is an individual with his own special personality, abilities, and interests. A mix of characters under one roof creates an active, dynamic household. At the same time, owning multiple dogs can also be challenging. It can be difficult to provide what each dog needs in terms of exercise, training, and quality of life. They easily learn bad stuff from each other, can bond to each other more than to their humans (particularly when siblings are adopted - don't do it!), and one dog often manages to demand/require more attention. Safety – ours and theirs! Obviously, our pets need to feel physically safe, but just as important is emo onal safety. Nobody likes
What's one more? Basic Training
potato, Mr. Potato risks ge ng harassed by the Energizer Bunny, and trouble can erupt. We need to keep them safe from each other… and themselves! This means diligent supervision, recognizing poten al problems before they happen and frequent separa on (cra ng, penning, ga ng, tethering). And training!
Tips by Diana Logan
to be bullied, feel like there's no way out of a situa on, or fear for his personal safety. When one dog is "Type A" and the other a couch
Training It is very difficult to train two dogs at once. Our observa on and ming of rewards need to be precise, so our dogs will know what they got rewarded for. Work each dog individually un l they each have some proficiency with each of the skills before you work with them together. Interrupt a LOT Training an interrupter cue can save the day, bring ac on to a happy halt, and give you a chance to refocus your dogs on something else. Prac ce interrup ng your dogs at various mes throughout the day when they aren’t distracted by anything. The sequence will be: interrupter word (something upbeat like "puppies!") followed by COOKIES!
Example: Say "puppies!!" in a very happy, excited way and run a short distance away from your dogs. When they come to you to find out what the excitement is about, give them each mul ple treats and praise. Repeat. As they get good at this, try interrup ng them when they are more engaged with something. If, at any me, any dog is not responding, work that dog separately. Safe Zone It’s essen al that each dog has a place to go where he will be undisturbed. When we got a new puppy, the couch became one of the safe zones because it was off-limits to the puppy. Your dogs will thank you for providing them with safe zones! Playing… is it really “play”? How can you tell if an interac on should be interrupted? How do you know for sure if play is mutual? What are the red flags to look out for? Check out my handy "Playing by the Rules" guidelines in the online version of this ar cle! *American Pet Products Associa on 2017-18 Na onal Pet Owners Survey
Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | | 207-252-9352
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Downeast Dog News
I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ Dear Bammy, There are the strangest things going on. I’m a West Highland Terrier, so I’m really brave; but I hardly dare go outdoors. First the hugest truck backed into my yard. It wasn’t just huge the long way, it grew upwards a er it was parked. Way up into the trees. Then a man climbed up it and chain-sawed off branches that came crashing down. I hid behind Mom! A smaller truck came, too, and lots of strange men
Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog
walked around in my yard. That truck sat there for hours rumbling and barooming and clanking, and once in a while, it let off a hiss that made me spin away as if I’d been hit in the face. I wanted to hide indoors, but Mom wanted to sit on the steps and watch, and of course, I had to stay to take care of her. When it was really loud, she held her hands over my ears. That made the men laugh. Not funny! When they were done with the big truck, they made a sort of fire hydrant, but not red, on the lawn. A hose
came out of it and made water like a brook run down the lawn. What in the world?? Thank goodness, they all went away before night. A few days later another truck came and brought a different machine that dug a huge long hole from the hydrant thing to my house. More strange men. Then one of the men went up and down my cellar stairs a lot carrying things and making noises where I couldn’t see. I’m really friendly, but that made my hair stand up, and I growled. As if that wasn’t enough, Dad got the longest green snake I ever saw. I wanted to smell it, but every me Dad moved it, I jumped back. Dad and Mom thought I was really funny, but I didn’t. The last thing – can you believe this?? Dad put a thing on the end of the snake in the garden. Of course I had to sniff what it was; and it blasted water in my face! I’m thinking about running away. Do you think I should? Wet Wes e Dear Wes e, No, Wes e. Running away would be so lonely and scary. They must care about you, or they would have just shut you in the house by yourself. I hope your Dad didn’t make the snake spit in your face on purpose. But don’t humans do the weirdest things?! They play with things that are not quite animals, but they move and make noise. I
don’t think I’ve ever seen a truck like the one at your house. That must have been terrifying. Boss has quite a few toys that make noise and move. One of the worst makes a lot of noise while she pushes a sort of snake thing a ached to it around on the floor. She goes all over the house with it, so there’s no place for me to hide. I’ve never seen one of their toys dig a big hole. Do you think they were trying to dig out a woodchuck? I bet you are a really good digger, Wes e. Don’t you wish you could dig such a big hole? When you are being cau ous about something like that snake, I recommend pretending that you are just playing. Jump around and bark. They are laughing anyway, so they might as well laugh with you as at you. Boss has a long green snake, too, and she puts things on the end of it that make rain. So far, it hasn’t made thunder. Some mes it hisses and spits before it rains, so I just stay out of the way when she plays with it. I hope they didn’t make it squirt in your face on purpose. But even if they did, don’t run away. I bet your humans love you, and It could be a lot worse somewhere else. Keep your tail up, Wes e! Bammy The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.
Does my pet need an eye doctor? One common ques on veterinarians hear from owners is: “How can I tell if my pet is having an eye problem?” Dr. Cory Mosunic, a veterinary ophthalmologist at Portland Veterinary Specialists, says she is o en asked this ques on. Many of the people that ask this ques on are shocked to know that animals suffer from many of the same ocular ailments that people do, such as glaucoma, cataracts, corneal ulcers, and re nal disease. One concern of pet owners is that they may miss signs that their pet can’t see or their pet may have ocular discomfort that they cannot recognize. Typically, owners are very in tune to their pet and o en the signs are noted because their pet’s behavior and ac vity changes. Here are some other signs that your pet may need to see a board cer fied ophthalmologist. • Is your pet hesitant to walk up and down stairs or jump on furniture? • Does your pet bump into objects or startle easily? • Is your pet more hesitant to navigate in dimly lit condi ons? • Does your pet avoid bright light or squint? • Is there drainage or discharge from the eyes? • Does your pet rub or squint its eyes? • Is there any swelling of the eyelids?
October 2018
• Does your pet’s eye have a cloudy or bulging appearance? • Is there redness on the surface or the white of the eye? Change in appearance or color of the eye could be a sign that the eye needs to be evaluated and should not be overlooked. Typically, the sooner the eye is evaluated, the be er chance to preserve vision and your pet’s overall health. Eye health can also be an indica on of your pet’s overall
systemic health. Some diseases that affect the whole body will first present with symptoms in the eye before showing symptoms in other areas of the body. The eye is very sensi ve and can react far earlier than the rest of the body. Diseases such as infec on, ck borne disease (Lyme disease), and cancers in the body can first present with inflamma on inside the eye. This is called uvei s. The eye typically has increased discharge, squin ng, redness, or a cloudy appearance. In cases of
uvei s, not only does your pet require a complete ophthalmic examina on and ocular treatment, but o en requires other diagnos c tests, such as blood work, to iden fy an underlying disease. If your pet seems to be having difficulty seeing, it could be due to a variety of reasons. Many ocular diseases that affect your pet’s vision are due to breed related gene c diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, or re na disease. Many of these diseases are able to be treated with either medica ons or surgery to restore vision. Even though your pet can’t read an eye chart, an ophthalmic examina on can be performed to determine how well your pet can see. Sophis cated instrumenta on has been developed to be used on animals in order to perform a complete ophthalmic examina on just as you would receive at your ophthalmologist. Similar to human ophthalmologists, Dr. Mosunic is able to surgically remove cataracts and perform laser re nal rea achment surgery. As your pet’s caregiver, you know your pet best. If you are no ng a change to your pet’s eyes or changes in its behavior, have its eyes examined by an ophthalmologist. Your quick ac on could save your pet’s vision or even its life. As the old adage goes, “The eyes are truly the windows to the soul.” Dr. Cory Mosunic, Portland Veterinary Specialists
Please Rescue Me! October is Adopt-A-Dog Month The Downeast Dog News, with the help of amazing sponsors and animal rescues, have filled this issue with many dogs just wai ng to find their forever homes. Perhaps your next furry family member is within these pages. Be sure and read through the en re issue. Please also go to our website to view more available dogs:
Is Adop ng A Rescue Dog Right for You? By Susan Spisak
o you think you’d like to find your own “Victor”? There are dogs in rescues and shelters who need a home, but before you rush into the process, consider a few things, especially if this is your first dog. (The worse thing is if you adopt and realize dog ownership isn’t right for you. What then? He’ll go back to that organiza on…a terrible, damaging cycle for any dog.) Owning a dog is a financial commitment. Ini al costs include the adop on fee, collar, leash, ID tag, bowls, a crate or bed, and training if necessary. Ongoing costs include food, monthly heartworm/flea preventa ves and regular grooming, unless you can do it yourself. And don’t forget ve ng--annual check-ups, vaccina ons, and medical emergencies. There’s
state licensing--if your pet has been altered, the Maine fee is $6 per year. (Shelters and rescues provide ini al vaccines and spay or neutering before adop on.) To give you a rough idea of totals, according to an ar cle on, basic annual expenses can exceed $1,500 for dogs (vetstreet. com/our-pet-experts/what-it-really-costs-toown-a-pet). Average veterinary care accounts for several hundred dollars of this, but you can find discount vaccina on clinics across the state-some offer free wellness checks. And many vets will sell flea/ ck and heartworm preventa ves on a monthly basis. Ok, so you’re certain you have the me, energy, and extra dollars for a dog. When you find an organiza on or a specific dog that piques your interest, set aside a me to either visit the facility and/or fill out an applica on. Detail your
residence and outdoor area, job or re rement situa on, immediate family and other live-ins, and any other companion animals you have. All these factors guide the adop on team in finding the best match for you. Even though you’ve outlined what you’re looking for on your applica on, be flexible. Don’t fall in love with a dog by its breed or picture on the Internet. An in-person mee ng may change percep ons. You may be a burly macho guy determined to adopt that black Lab you’ve seen online, but you may change your mind once you click with that heart-stealing ny white fluff ball. Be choosy when looking for a furry companion. By honestly evalua ng your personality, family and lifestyle, you’ll not only find the right dog that perfectly blends in and brings you happiness but gives him that second chance at a wonderful, safe life in a loving home.
Education • Rehabilitation • Guardianship • Adoption Dedicated 501(c)3 rescue working with shelters and dog owners of both Catahoula Leopard Dogs & Australian Cattle Dogs along the East Coast. 30 Clements Point Rd, Warren, ME 04864 207.273.1320 | 207.975.2909
Tall Tails Beagle g Rescue Westbrook
We are a small, volunteer run non-profit organization that works to find homes for Beagles, Beagle mixes and occasionally deserving pups of other breeds that are in need. We are dependant on those who share our mission and believe in what we do.
81 Pleasant Hill Road Freeport, Maine 04032
207-797-5392 shelter license: #F1211
4 yrs., American Bulldog Mix
3-4 yrs., Lab/ Shepherd Mix
6 mos., Lab/ Shepherd Mix
Would do best in a home that likes to goof around. Loving companion who loves nothing more than chasing a tennis ball! Just loves to play! Would make a wonderful hiking companion or jogging partner. Has done well with kids in the past, but needs to be the only animal in her home. Animal Refuge League, (207)854-9771
Sweet, gentle dog. Does well with other dogs and people, loves children but would do best with children 10+ as she appreciates the quiet. She has great manners & loves spending me with her people.
She is an adventurous and social pup that would make any family complete! If you're looking for a camping companion that also loves hiking and snuggling, then Lyner just may be your new best friend!
Submit applica on at:
5 mos.
2 yrs., Hound Mix
He gets along well with other puppies and likes to play but is not over the top ac ve. Not sure of Cargo’s mix but he sure is cute! Really no way to tell Cargo's adult size, but we figure he will be in the 25-35 pound range as an adult.
A sweet, shy, energe c, and happy dog. She likes dogs her size or a bit bigger and is okay with cats. Once she warms up to you, she will lay on the couch and take nap with you. Honey just needs a li le extra love and maybe a doggie friend to help her with her confidence. Honey is fostered in CT.
11 mos., Australian Shepherd/Beagle Mix
Loves walks and would be a great running partner. He is house trained and a wonderful, young playful dog. Good with dogs, no cats, older children due to energy level and size.
8 mos., Schnauzer// Cairn Terrier Mix
9 yrs., Pitbull Mix
4 yrs., Catahoula Bulldog Mix
Bonded paid that came from Puerto Rico. Must find a new home together. Very shy and will need lots of me and pa ence. Good with dogs, no children. They don't trust people enough to be touched yet, but will come around.
Loves to be with his humans, and would absolutely adore a home where his family is home more o en than not. He is energe c during play me but loves to se le down for a good snuggle too. Kane's new family should have some experience with strong dogs on leash. Not much history around other animals or children in a home environment.
Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392
Bangor Humane Society, (207)942-8902
Sweetest and most low maintenance dog his foster has had the pleasure of knowing. Content with a walk in the park or just cuddling on the couch. More mid around males. However, once he warms up to you he will follow you everywhere. Abe is simply an amazing dog! Email:
Saving lives, one shelter dog at a time Come and see us at Pumpkinfest - Columbus Day Weekend visit
October 8th – 13th
Discounted adoption fees all week! For more information visit: or
South Portland
Downeast Dog News
October 2018
Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer
Pet Dog / Performance Dog - What’s The Difference?
Some people are disappointed when they call us asking for pet classes, and we explain that’s not what we do; we train performance dogs. While a pet dog can be a performance dog and a performance dog should be a good pet dog, the real difference lies in what the owner wants. Most pet owners want a well mannered dog – no jumping, no barking, no pulling. Well behaved, but not crea ve. They do not want a dog who figures out how to open
the crate latch or how to climb out of an x-pen, or how to get the cookies you le on the counter. They do not want a dog who offers a lot of behaviors or who is a problem-solving dog. Pet owners want a dog that is easily trainable and, understandably, will fit into the family/household rou nes.
Performance dog owners want a dog that is confident and focused enough to work alone and at a distance from the handler; a dog that is “in the game” and will channel its energy into focus and be able to maintain focus through distrac ons. We want to tap into drives such as prey drive (chase and tug) to enhance retrieving or tracking or agility. We also want to create more pack drive where the dog is willing to work with us towards a goal and is not aloof or independent. In enhancing drives, we also want to develop impulse control and engagement with us. While we want to develop these natural drives that a dog has, we must also make sure the drives and behaviors are under control so that jumping up, barking, and chasing are on cue and not just obnoxious behaviors offered at random. Just because a dog exhibits certain behaviors that a person might consider drive (prey drive, chase, wild tugging, barking, jumping, and spinning), it does not make the dog a poten al good performance dog. The dog must also have the temperament that will enable the dog to learn how to use these basic drives. This is when the importance of training
and handler/dog rela onship comes in. Training a performance dog takes a great deal of pa ence, dedica on, and understanding and a sense of humor is a real plus. Along with health, temperament is one of the most important factors that breeders should consider. Your day to day life and what you are planning on doing with your dog should be discussed thoroughly when purchasing a puppy from a breeder. The temperament of the parents and the grandparents should be carefully considered, and ul mately, the breeder should be paramount in selec ng a puppy that will fit into your life. When rescuing a dog, you don’t have the opportunity to see genera ons of temperament, so careful observa on under a variety of condi ons is very important. A trial stay in your home is also very helpful. While behaviors can be changed, basic temperament cannot. It takes a great deal of me and work and dedica on to change behaviors. A dog with the wrong temperament in the wrong home essen ally ends up just being managed. Selec ng a dog is a commitment to its life me, so make sure you are clear about what you want.
Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing
Snowbirds! Are you planning your trip south for winter? Would you like to fly but have your vehicle and pets there too? Picklespuptransport LLC can drive your vehicle and pets for you — and come back in the Spring and bring them home while you can fly home without the driving!
Veterinary rehabilitation and hydrotherapy • Laser therapy • Acupuncture • Herbal therapy • Nutrition counseling
Monday through Saturday, by appointment only.
Please call for a quote.
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Swim all year round in our 13’ x 25’ indoor pool!
Located in Happy Tails Daycare at 119 Bishop St. Portland, ME
Picklespuptransport LLC John Pickles – 207-812-0052
Visit our website or call (207) 809-9505 for more information
Custom Pet Portraits by Meredith Reynells
Downeast Dog News
Barking - How Do I Get My Dog to Stop? Barking is very normal behavior for any dog, and to expect a dog to be silent is an unrealistic expectation. It is one of many forms of vocalization used by dogs to communicate with one another as well as with us and other living things. Barking is a complex behavior, meaning there are several reasons that your dog may bark. He may be barking to alert you that something or someone is approaching, to solicit a treat or attention, or to tell you that he needs to go to the bathroom. Sadly, many dogs bark because they have been left alone and are frustrated, bored, or anxious. Like any behavior, a dog barks because he finds the result of his barking to be rewarding. For example, your dog may repeatedly bark if he gets anxious or upset when strangers enter his territory; like the postal carrier delivering the daily mail. The dog barks, “Intruder!!!” “Go away!!!”, and eventually the postal carrier leaves, not because of your dog’s barking, but because he has completed his task. However, your dog does not realize that and may be celebrating because he has just driven away the invaders violating his territory. That is a huge reward! If this happens 5 to 6 times a week, as it could in the above example, your dog’s barking becomes a learned behavior, and it becomes even stronger and more likely to occur again. Behavior that works is repeated. Do NOT get into a barking contest with your dog. All too often we inadvertently contribute to our dog’s barking by yelling back at him. If your dog does not stop barking and
you shout louder, your dog gets more excited and will likely bark even more. This will rapidly become a vicious circle. Also, please understand that the phrase, “No Bark”, means nothing to your dog unless you have trained him to respond to a cue and then have rewarded him for his response. Punishing your dog for barking; yelling at him, throwing something at him, using a shake can or an anti-barking collar, or anything else that the dog may perceive as aversive, typically will not resolve the barking and will often make it worse. Aversives cause fear and anxiety, which are a common
to keep a chart of your dog’s barking so that you can better determine the cause. Things you will need to record are: the date, the time barking starts, the time barking stops, a description of what the bark sounds like, where your dog is located when the barking occurs, what the dog is doing (are they in motion?, what are they looking at?, what does their body language tell you?), and what you believe has triggered the dog’s barking. An entry might look like this:
cause of excessive barking in dogs. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and the Pet Professional Guild (PPG), all strongly recommend against the use of aversives for training or behavior modification. (FMI – http://bit. ly/RewardVSAversive). The US Food and Drug Administration is concerned enough about the use of shock collars for barking that they have issued the following policy statement: “ Dog collars which are activated by the noise of barking to produce an electric shock are considered as hazardous to the health of the animal.” (USFDA-Inspections, Compliance, Enforcement, and Criminal Investigations-CPG Sec. 655.300 Barking Dog Collar, issued 10/1/80, revised 8/2/87) [Emphasis added] As behaviorist Turid Rugaas so aptly noted above, before we can deal with a dog’s barking, we first need to understand why he is barking. In her book Barking: The Sound of A Language (FMI –, she recommends that the first step in getting your dog’s barking under control is
4/6/18 - 6:55 AM to 7:10 AM, Woof, quiet, woof, then escalates to continuous barking, Rex is at the front window and the front door. He is racing from the window to the door barking. His body posture is forward and stiff. He started barking as soon as the postal carrier’s vehicle stopped by my mailbox. He stopped as soon as the vehicle pulled away. Many people find it helpful to work with a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) in developing a behavior modification plan to reduce excessive barking. Barking is usually the result of an emotional response, so training the dog a new behavior will seldom be sufficient to resolve the barking unless we also help the dog to have a positive emotional response. Barking is complex and having a thorough understanding of normal and abnormal canine behaviors is often necessary to determine why the barking is reinforcing to the dog. (FMI – WhatIsPetBhxConsulting)
Barking is the way dogs express an emotion of some kind. In order to be able to reduce it, we need to know why the dog is barking. – Turid Rugaas, Barking: The Sound of a Language
Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop ( in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at Don also writes about pets at his blog: He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.
Portland Veterinary Specialists When your pet needs specialized care... Dr. Marta Agrodnia, DVM, DACVS
When your pet is in need of advanced diagnostics and treatments in a caring and professional environment, the team at Portland Veterinary Specialists will go the extra mile to provide the best care possible for you and your pet. Internal Medicine • Cancer Care • Surgery • Ophthalmology • Cardiology Acupuncture Integrative Medicine • Dermatology • Ultrasonagrapy Endoscopy • Radioactive Iodine Therapy • Laser Therapy
207 878 3121
| 739 Warren Avenue, Portland |
October 2018
2255 Congress Street, Portland, Maine 04102 739 Warren Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103 Phone: 207-780-0271 • Email:
Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765
8 yrs., American Shelter Dog
4 yrs., German Wirehaired Pointer
14 yrs., Chocolate Lab
She came to AWS as a stray needing lots of love and TLC. She was covered in fleas and had lost most of her hair. She’s received medical care and lots of loving from the staff and is now ready to find a new family of her own. She’d like to be the only dog in her home.
Wants an ac ve home that will keep him physically and mentally challenged. Loves swimming in the summer and skijoring in the winter. He enjoys playing fetch, and loves to hunt birds. While Max loves all the people he has ever met, he needs to be the ONLY pet in the home.
Animal Welfare Society, (207) 985-3244
Animal Welfare Society, (207) 985-3244
Sweet and friendly senior girl who is in good health. Comes with the calm maturity of an older dog. Unable to climb several stairs due to s ffness in her hips. Needs to be allowed out every few hours to po y. Has lived with children, others dogs and cats. She enjoys a nice walk, rides in the car, playing fetch and belly rubs! FMI:
Sponsored by: Amber Wright
Sponsored by: Scarborough Animal Hospital
Sponsored by: First Na onal Bank
In Memory of Fruitloop
29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412
16 Branches from Wiscasset to Calais (800) 564-3195 •
12 yrs., Shepherd Mix
Senior, Bullmas ff/ Lab
2 yrs., Shepherd Mix?
Paws is very bright and spunky for her age. She loves people and gets along with other dogs. She knows basic commands, loves a en on and loves to play!
100 lbs. of mellow. He prefers a laid back lifestyle but musters up some energy some mes to play a li le tug of war, chew a treat, and wade in the water to look for fish. Needs a cat free home but happy to share space with another dog. Toby is a snuggler.
45 lbs. Gorgeous stand-up ears and energy to spare! Well-mannered house guest. Loves other dogs and every human she has met. Will chase cats but has not been harmful to them. Loves belly rubs and going exploring on a long walk; we think she would be a great hiking buddy and possibly excel at doggy sports!
FMI: or email:
Sponsored by: Kompletely K-9 Dog Training and Rehab.
Sponsored by: Kompletely K-9 Dog Training and Rehab.
Sponsored by: Hello Doggie Daycare,
248 Choate Rd., Montville, (207) 322-5111
248 Choate Rd., Montville, (207) 322-5111
1311 Roosevelt Tr., Raymond, (207) 655-6521,
3 yrs., Beagle
4 yrs., Hound/ Shepherd Mix
5 mos., Mixed Breed
Sweet, very shy girl. Needs a home where she will get lots of pa ence and love. Ideal home would have another dog to boost her confidence & to play with, and a way to keep her secure when outside. Seems to get along with cats but young children might be too scary for her.
He is currently fostering in a home with many cats and was with other dogs before. He’d love a forever home with many toys and room to run around.
FMI: or email:
Pe te li le lady weighing about 30 lbs. Loves everyone she meets. Outgoing, fun and so well-behaved. Will chase outdoor cri ers and cats. Wonderful with other dogs. Doesn't bark or howl just to hear herself, but will join in if other dogs do. Doesn't mind flopping down for a long nap in the sun. FMI: or email:
Sponsored by: Hagge Hill Kennels
Sponsored by: Hagge Hill Kennels
Sponsored by: Samoset Resort
93 Dodge Rd., Edgecomb, (207) 882-6709 hagge
93 Dodge Rd., Edgecomb, (207) 882-6709 hagge
220 Warrenton St., Rockport, (207) 594-2511 or (800) 341-1650
2 yrs., Golden Retriever
8 yrs., Golden Retriever
3 yrs., Golden-At-Heart
Young, wiggly boy from Turkey. I’m a charmer, and you will fall in love with me as soon as you meet me! Friendliest boy you’ll ever meet, full of energy and happiness. I s ll have some manners to learn, but I’m working on it! I did really well with other dogs here, I’m a very tolerant good boy.
Rescued from Turkey. I am a very smart boy. Small case of doggie A.D.D. when it comes to tennis balls! Can’t wait to play fetch with my new family all the me! I do think I want to be the only dog in my new home. I just love my toys so much and I don’t really want to share with any pesky siblings!
Tennis balls are my favorite thing in the world! I’d be a good hiking buddy and I love to swim. Super smart! I know a few basic commands. I’ve been playful with the dogs I’ve met here. Not sure about cats yet.
Sponsored by: Samoset Resort
Sponsored by: Damarisco a Veterinary Clinic
Sponsored by: Two Salty Dogs Pet Ou i ers
220 Warrenton St., Rockport, (207) 594-2511 or (800) 341-1650
530 Main St., Damarisco a, (207) 563-3934 damarisco
22 McKown St., Boothbay Harbor, (207 )633-7387
Help us find a forever home! 12
Downeast Dog News
Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765
6 yrs.,Lab/ Retriever Mix
10 mos., Beagle/Jack Russell Mix
2 yrs., Lab Mix
Quiet and snuggly companion who likes outdoor adventures and other 4-legged pals. Kali has spent most of her life in the shelter, it's me she ďŹ nd a forever home!
A silly happy pup! Loves snuggling and going for walks. Great on the leash, loves to see the sights, and is always checking to make sure his foster mom is right beside him. Henry has lots of energy, and he loves to exercise! He loves LOVES other dogs he's met.
I’ve been through a lot in my short life. I’m s ll learning that the world isn’t a scary place so I like mee ng new people and dogs slowly. Looking for a pa ent, loving family. I love to play and am very aec onate. Given my large size and general excitement, I might not be the best for young children.
Submit applica on at:
P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702
Sponsored by: The Coastal Dog
Sponsored by: Boothbay Railway Village
Sponsored by: Bagel CafĂŠ
144 Middle Rd., Edgecomb, (207) 882-6700
586 Wiscasset Rd., Boothbay, (207) 633-4727
25 Mechanic St., Camden, (207) 236-2661
2 yrs., Lab Mix
4 yrs., Mixed Breed
Happy and playful and fantas c with both kids and other dogs. She is a friendly licker and wants nothing more than to be your loyal companion. Playing with a tennis ball or Frisbee is one of her favorite past mes but she also enjoys lounging on the couch and watching some TV.
He is back with us, due to no fault of his own, nor his very dedicated adopter. We have learned a lot during his me in a home (and so has he)! He IS able to live and get along with some dogs. He s ll needs a home with adults and possibly no ki es.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix
P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702
Kennebec Valley H.S., (207) 626-3491
Has an aďŹƒnity for people and a love of dogs! Fantas c personality; I'm outgoing, super sweet, and very loyal! I would make an excellent addi on to just about any household willing to have me. Spayed, current on vaccina ons, 4DX tested, and come with a free vet visit! Kennebec Valley H.S., (207) 626-3491
Sponsored by: Loyal Biscuit Co.
Sponsored by: Hello Doggie Daycare
Sponsored by: Hello Doggie Daycare
Bangor/Brewer (NEW), Belfast, Camden/Rockport, Rockland, & Waterville, (207) 594-5269,
1311 Roosevelt Tr., Raymond, (207) 655-6521,
1311 Roosevelt Tr., Raymond, (207) 655-6521,
10 yrs., American Pitbull Terrier Mix
2 yrs., Lab/Great Pyrenees Mix
13 yrs., Beagle
Wai ng on a loving family to take me home. I would do best in a home with older children (no kids under ten). I would also like to be the only pet in the home. Good on a leash, love treats, toys and playing games like Tag! My human friends say I am silly and goofy.
He is good with other dogs. Loves the water & walks well on a leash. Excellent listener and eager to please.
I have had a few homes in my life, but my current parents can no longer care for me. I am a bit over weight, but am star ng to work on that. I love my people and get along with other pets as long as they do not pester me.
Kennebec Valley H.S., (207) 626-3491
Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207)797-5392
Sponsored by: Maine Summer Dog
Sponsored by: The Narrows Tavern
Sponsored by: Sunray Animal Clinic
156 Payson Rd., Union, (207) 785-2090
15 Friendship St., Waldoboro, (207) 832-2210
73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick, (207) 725-6398
2 yrs., Catahoula Mix
2 yrs., Lab Mix
Bonds quickly with her humans. Likes to hang out with other people and dogs, but no cats. High energy outside and super lazy in the house. Very polite pup in almost every sense.
Rela vely small package of cuteness, a real sweetheart of a dog. Fine with other dogs and children, perhaps no toddlers. He does have some issues with his hind legs, we don’t know if it’s congenital or the result of an accident. It doesn’t seem to slow him down.
Adult, Boxer/Shepherd Mix
Pope Memorial H.S., (207) 594-2200
Hoping for an ac ve family to call her own. She can be a bit fearful of men at ďŹ rst. She sits and shakes paws, loves squeaky toys and car rides, and is very playful. Would do best in a home without cats, but she does get along with some other dogs.
Pope Memorial H.S., (207) 594-2200
Sponsored by: Barstow Farms Country Store
Sponsored by: Rising Sea Wellness & Medicinals
Sponsored by: Harbor Hounds
777 Main St. Waldoboro (207) 790-8091,
777 Main St. Waldoboro, (207) 790-8470,
311 Park St., Rockland, (207) 593-7913
B M . .
October 2018
October C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to the Somerset Humane Society. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, October 6 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be at our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on at 421 Wilson St. from 10am – 12pm for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to SPCA of Hancock County. No appointment necessary.; (207)907-2323
TEACUP AGILITY FUN RUNS Sunday, October 21 Lincolnville, 10AM – 12PM Join us for 2 hours of fun runs! Real Teacup Agility courses (small dogs only) will be set up. 2 minutes per run, train in components or run the en re course, your choice. Typically 4 runs per team. Wag It Training Center, 55 Calderwood Ln.; Gina (207)293-4784 Register online:
USING ESSENTIAL OILS Saturday, October 6 Bangor, 1PM FREE Seminar - Using Essen al Oils with Pets – Rachael Pelle er and Don Hanson will teach a endees how to use pure essen al oils to support their pet’s health and wellness. This class has been developed by a veterinarian and includes handouts on how to use oils safely with pets. Pre-registra on required: h ps:// GreenAcresKennelShop/events/
GROOMING SEMINAR Saturday, October 6, 10AM Tuesday, October 9, 6PM Bangor FREE Seminar - Grooming at Home - Keeping Your Pet at Their Best In Between Visits to the Spa – Taylor Bean, our Professional Pet Stylist, will review what you can do at home to keep your dog looking and feeling their best. She will discuss selec ng the best grooming tools and how to use them. She will also address the importance of helping your dog enjoy the grooming process. Pre-registra on required: h ps:// GreenAcresKennelShop/events/
PET ADOPTION EVENT/FUNDRAISER October 8-13 Bangor Join the Bangor Humane Society for an event made possible by the ASPCA and Subaru Loves Pets. Oct 8th-13th, M-F, 12PM - 6PM, Sat. 10AM – 6PM. Discounted adop on fees on ALL available pets ALL week long! All pets spayed/neutered, vaccinated, micro chipped and more. Fill the Forrester Shelter Dona on Drive at Quirk Subaru - Oct 2-13th.
DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at
CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.
Add your events TODAY on It's FREE, fast & easy!
AKC TD/TDX TRACKING TEST Drop off items at the Bangor Quirk Subaru loca on. Visit bangorhumane. org or for more event details.
clubs, judges, stewards and exhibitors with their dogs gain experience needed to compete in AKC licensed events. FMI:
Friday, October 12 Somerville, 9AM Mid Coast Kennel Club announces an AKC ACT Test at North Star Dog Training, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville. ACT 1 and ACT 2 tests will be offered for those who wish to compete for this AKC beginner level agility tle. Interested in entering or learning more about ACT? FMI: Call Kathy at (207)691-2332.
Saturday, October 13 Camden, 10AM – 11:30AM Kate Griffin, owner and cer fied swim coach of Waterbark Wellness in Camden, will be joining us at PAWS Animal Adop on Center, 123 John St., to talk about the benefits of canine aqua c fitness! Free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be available. (207)236-8702
Sunday, October 14 York, 8AM – 11AM Anne Andrle Agility World Team Medalist Returns! Your body language, especially your feet, do the bulk of communica ng to your dog in course naviga on. Lack of awareness of what your feet are saying to your dog creates mistakes like off course runs and confusion of the team. You and your dog will have the chance to prac ce all the right moves! It’s a Dog’s World, 3 White Birch Ln. FMI:; (207)363-0099
FOOTLOOSE! Saturday, October 13 Bangor, 1PM FREE Seminar - Ge ng the purffect photo without stressing your pet –Deb Bell from Bell's Furry Friends Photography will lead this discussion to share her pro ps for helping your pet focus on you and make crea ng images fun and stress-free. This seminar will briefly touch on pet body language as well. Par cipants will be rewarded with a special gi . Pre-registra on required: h ps:// GreenAcresKennelShop/events/
OCEAN COMMOTION 5K Saturday, October 13 Phippsburg, 8:15AM Marine Mammals of Maine’s 5k walk/Run. Loca on: Hermit Island. Check-in 8:15AM to 9:40AM. All proceeds from this event benefit marine mammal response and care. Dog-friendly event! FMI:
PVKC AKC MATCH Saturday, October 13 Bangor, 8AM – 4PM The Penobscot Valley Kennel Club Match will be held at the Bangor Waterfront. Off street parking is available nearby. $8 for first entry, $5 for addi onal entry of the same dog. Junior showman, as addi onal entry, is free. Registra ons are taken day of the event or download the registra on form and bring it the day of the event. For each dog entered, a separate form is required. This is an event where dog
BOX DRILLS: CROSSES & DISTANCE WORK Sunday, October 14 York, 12PM – 3PM Seminar with Anne Ardrle. Using obstacles with pre-set spacing helps handlers prac ce front and rear crosses without having to run long distances. Box drills teach mul ple handling techniques within similar layouts of equipment. Improve your handling skills by a ending this working seminar that has a focus on jumps and tunnels within a mul -box configura on. It’s a Dog’s World, 3 White Birch Ln. FMI: itsadogsworld. me; (207)363-0099
NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, October 20 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind
Sunday, October 21 Somerville, 7:30AM Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine is holding a TD/TDX Tracking Test with headquarters at North Star Dog Training, 252 Jones Rd., Somerville. If you are interested in learning about the exci ng sport of tracking with your dog, come and watch these dog/handler teams try for the ACK Tracking tles of TD and TDX. FMI: Call Kathy at (207)691-2332.
HOLIDAY PET PORTRAITS Saturday, October 27 Brewer, 10AM – 2PM Becky Lowe Photography will be in our Brewer Loyal Biscuit at 421 Wilson St. taking Holiday themed photos of your pups! These photos are for animals only. If you would like a shoot that includes family members, please contact beckylowephotography@ to schedule your own personal session. The cost is $35 per pet. A por on of all si ng fees donated to our annual Holiday fundraiser. To make an appointment, email: Walk-ins are welcome and will be accommodated as best as possible! (207)907-2323
OPEN HOUSE & S”POO”TACULAR EVENT Saturday, October 27 Auburn, 10AM – 2PM Open house, costume contest, goodie bags, prizes, candy - come and check us out and stop in and say hi! More details to come as me draws near!!! Taylor Brook Animal Hospital, 33 Mille Drive.
UPCOMING . . . HOLIDAY PET PORTRAITS Sunday, November 4 Bangor, 9AM – 3PM Sign up soon, fills up quickly! Holiday Pet Portraits with Debra Bell from Bell’s Furry Friends Photography – Get a jump start on the holidays by bringing your best pet friend in for their holiday photographs! Every 20-minute session costs $65 and includes a 5x7 gi print of your choice as well as a $10 dona on to the Furry Friends Food Bank. Come for a stressfree session, leave with a smile on your face. FMI: contact Deb Bell at (207)3562353 or
Downeast Dog News
Business Directory MIDCOAST
rip? nat Come home to a o g Goin Clean House & Happy Pets
Betty McBrien 701-8491
Wiscasset, Maine • 207-882-6128
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Little Dove Farm
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More Hot Dog News Posh Celebra ons Wins Silver Medal Independent Publisher Book Contest Properly Posh Pets™ is proud to announce
Agility Seminars with Anne Andrle, Agility World Team Medalist
Footloose! Lack of awareness of what your feet are saying to your dog causes confusion of the team. Attend this seminar and practice all the right moves.
Sun., Oct. 14, 8am – 11am
Box Drills Improve your handling skills for crosses and distance with multi-box conďŹ gurations.
Sun., Oct. 14, 2pm – 3pm
Upcoming Events Lingering, Channeling & Pooling Odor: NW1 & NW2/3 Sun., Nov. 18, Gail McCarthy
ley’s Munch ies i M 100% Grain Free Dog Treats Made Fresh to Order
Crafty Containers Sun., Dec. 9, Michele Ellertson For more event details please check out our Website.
All natural and fresh ingredients No preservatives
Training – Seminars – Daycare
(207) 363-0099
Order a batch today!
Email: or visit:
October 2018
that Posh Celebra ons has been awarded a silver medal by the 2018 Living Now Book Awards, an Independent Publisher book contest. The Living Now Book Awards were created 10 years ago by Independent Publisher and the Jenkins Group to bring increased recogni on to the year’s best lifestyle books and their creators. Posh Celebra ons is the ul mate party guidebook for planning sophis cated, whimsical themed par es to celebrate your pets. Posh Celebra ons includes a year of par es celebra ng pet birthdays and adop ons with themes ranging from the beach and a vineyard to Valen ne’s Day and Halloween. Original illustra ons add sparkle to the book, which includes over 90 pages of recipes, cocktails, decora ons, gi bag ideas, and more. Posh’s thoughts on fun and friendship are included in each chapter with “Posh Talkâ€? and a “Posh Proverb.â€? Properly Posh Pets™ is headquartered in Kennebunkport, Maine, and creates and sells posh party supplies and pet fashion, including a series of entertaining Posh Party Kits and party bandanas, bow es, and bows. “This award acknowledges the book’s focus on the importance of our furry family members in our lives today,â€? says author Susan Rogers. “My treasured pets have taught me how to celebrate life with love, laughter and friendship.â€? A por on of company proďŹ ts is donated to The Posh Fund at the Animal Welfare Society of Kennebunk to help animals in need of medical care. For more informa on, contact: Susan Rogers, susanrogers@, Phone: 202.492.3593,
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51st Annual Fall Foliage Festival October 6–8
1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841
Customer Appreciation SALE! SAT Oct. 6th thru SAT Oct. 13th FREE Seminars (pre-registration required) Keeping Your Pet At Their Best In Between Visits to the Groomer— SAT Oct 6th at 10 AM & TUE OCT 9th at 6 PM Using Essential Oils with Pets—SAT Oct 6th at 1 PM Cats—(*NOT* The Musical)—SAT Oct 13th at 10 AM Getting the purffect photo without stressing your pet —SAT Oct. 13th at 1 PM
Y for details on how to register
Railway Village
Holiday Pet Portraits with Debra Bell from Bell’s Furry Friends Photography—SUN Nov. 4th 9 AM to 4 PM
F ind mo re famil y - f ri e ndl y eve nts at Railway Vill age .o rg
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